コード例 #1
ファイル: ControllerCSV.cs プロジェクト: smeagol75/DinoTem
        public string exportTeam(Controller controller)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < Form1._Form1.teamsBox.Items.Count; i++)
                Team temp = controller.leggiSquadra(i);
                sb.Append(temp.getId() + ";");
                string decode = Unidecoder.Unidecode(temp.getEnglish());
                sb.Append(decode + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getShortSquadra() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getHasLicensedPlayers() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getLicensedTeam() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getNational() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getFakeTeam() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getLicensedCoach() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getHasAnthem() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getAnthemStandingAngle() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getAnthemPlayersSinging() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getAnthemStandingStyle() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getUnknown6() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getNotPlayableLeague() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getCountry() + ";");
コード例 #2
        public static bool IsLike(this string source, string query, StringComparison comp)
            var result = query.Split(' ').All(x =>
                var index = source.IndexOf(x, comp);
                if (index > -1)
                    return(index == 0 || char.IsSeparator(source[index - 1]) || !char.IsLetterOrDigit(source[index - 1]));


            source = Unidecoder.Unidecode(source);
            return(result || query.Split(' ').All(x =>
                var index = source.IndexOf(x, comp);
                if (index > -1)
                    return index == 0 || char.IsSeparator(source[index - 1]) || !char.IsLetterOrDigit(source[index - 1]);

                return false;
コード例 #3
        public void ShouldUnidecodeCharacterCorrectly(
            string input,
            string expectation)
            var decoded = Unidecoder.Decode(input);

            Assert.Equal(expectation, decoded);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Main.cs プロジェクト: sergeybe/geoloader
        private string GetRegionFileName(string fileName)
            var spacePos = fileName.IndexOf(" ");

            if (spacePos != -1)
                fileName = fileName.Substring(0, spacePos);
                fileName = fileName.TrimEnd(',');
            return(Unidecoder.Unidecode(fileName) + ".gpx");
コード例 #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            Unidecoder.DecodeData(new List <string> {
                "Test", "some.txt"
                                  new ConsoleWriter(),
                                  new UnidecoderCustomSpeaker(new ConsoleReader(), new ConsoleWriter()));

コード例 #6
 internal static string Decode(
     this string input)
コード例 #7
 private void title_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
     buildName.Content = Unidecoder.Unidecode(title.Text.ToLower().Replace(' ', '-').Replace(':', '-').Replace(';', '-'));
コード例 #8
        // Comparison Processes

        private List <int> CompareLists(Excel.Worksheet sheet1, Excel.Worksheet sheet2, string[] sheet1Columns, string[] sheet2Columns, bool sheet1HeaderRow, bool sheet2HeaderRow, bool ignoreCaps, bool ignoreSpecialChars)
            List <int> sheetIndices = new List <int>();

            //Gets the range and columns in the worksheet that are used. Range will be used to loop, and col to keep data intact
            var sheet1NumOfCols = sheet1.UsedRange.Columns.Count;
            var sheet1NumOfRows = sheet1.UsedRange.Rows.Count;

            var sheet2NumOfCols = sheet2.UsedRange.Columns.Count;
            var sheet2NumOfRows = sheet2.UsedRange.Rows.Count;

            // Compare each row in sheet1 to every row in sheet2. If a match is found, save the current row's index
            for (int i = (!sheet1HeaderRow) ? 1 : 2; i <= sheet1NumOfRows; i++)
                StringBuilder sheet1RowString = new StringBuilder();
                bool          matchFound      = false;

                // Create the comparison string for the current row in sheet 1
                foreach (string column in sheet1Columns)
                    // Add each cells' contents to the string
                    Range cell = sheet1.get_Range(column + i.ToString()); //sheet1.Cells[i, j] as Range;

                    if (cell.Value != null)
                        string value = Convert.ToString(cell.Value);

                        if (ignoreSpecialChars) // @"\s+"
                            value = Regex.Replace(value, "[^0-9a-zA-Z]", "");

                        sheet1RowString.Append(value + ",");
                sheet1RowString.Replace(" ", "");

                // Compare the row in the base sheet with every row in the compare sheet
                for (int k = (!sheet2HeaderRow) ? 1 : 2; k <= sheet2NumOfRows; k++)
                    StringBuilder sheet2RowString = new StringBuilder();

                    // Create the comparison string for the row in sheet 2
                    foreach (string column in sheet2Columns)
                        // Add each cells' contents to the string
                        Range cell = sheet2.get_Range(column + k.ToString());

                        if (cell.Value != null)
                            string value = Convert.ToString(cell.Value);

                            if (ignoreSpecialChars)
                                value = Regex.Replace(value, "[^0-9a-zA-Z]", "");

                            sheet2RowString.Append(value + ",");
                    sheet2RowString.Replace(" ", "");

                    string sheet1Row = sheet1RowString.ToString();
                    string sheet2Row = sheet2RowString.ToString();

                    bool romanize = true;

                    if (ignoreCaps)
                        sheet1Row = sheet1Row.ToLower();
                        sheet2Row = sheet2Row.ToLower();

                    if (romanize)
                        sheet1Row = Unidecoder.Unidecode(sheet1Row);
                        sheet2Row = Unidecoder.Unidecode(sheet2Row);

                    // Compare the two rows and see if they are the same
                    if (sheet1Row == sheet2Row)
                        matchFound = true;

                // If a similar entry was not found in the other list, add it to the list
                if (!matchFound)

コード例 #9
ファイル: ControllerCSV.cs プロジェクト: smeagol75/DinoTem
        public string exportPlayer(Controller controller)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("starPlayerIndicator;Running_arm_mov;Dribling_arm_mov;Corner_kick;FORM;Position;Free_kick;Playing_Style;Pinpoint_Crossing;Sombrero;Runing_Hutching;SS;unk2;RWF;LMF;RB;LWF;CF;CB;Dribling_hutching;AMF;Weak_foot_acc;RMF;Injury_res;CMF;COM_Speeding Bullet;Scotch_Move;GK_long;Long_Throw;Scissors_Feint;Track Back;Super-sub;Rabona;Acrobatic_Finishing;Stronger_Foot;Knuckle_Shot;First-time_Shot;COM_Incisive_Run;Stronger_Hand;Hidden_Player;");
            for (int i = 0; i < Form1._Form1.playersBox.Items.Count; i++)
                Player temp = controller.leggiGiocatore(i);
                sb.Append(temp.getId() + ";");
                string decode = Unidecoder.Unidecode(temp.getName());
                sb.Append(decode + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getShirtName() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getWeight() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getHeight() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getNational() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getNational2() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getEarlyCross() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getDefense() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getClearing() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getLowPass() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getPlaceKick() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getGoalCelebrate() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getLb() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getCoverage() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getCathing() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getJump() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getHeader() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getBallControll() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getGk() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getGoalkeeping() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getReflexes() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getFinishing() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getBallWinning() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getSpeed() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getPenaltyKick() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getKickingPower() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getDribbling() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getExplosiveP() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getStamina() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getSwerve() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getPlayingAttitude() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getAge() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getLoftedPass() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getPhysical() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getBodyControl() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getAttack() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getWcUsage() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getDmf() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getStarPlayerIndicator() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getRunningArm() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getDriblingArm() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getCornerKick() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getForm() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getPosition() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getFreeKick() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getPlayingStyle() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getPinCrossing() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getSombrero() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getRunningH() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getSs() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getUnk2() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getRwf() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getLmf() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getRb() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getLwf() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getCf() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getCb() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getDriblingH() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getAmf() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getWeakFootAcc() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getRmf() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getInjuryRes() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getCmf() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getSpeedingBullet() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getSchotMove() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getGkLong() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getLongThrow() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getScissorFeint() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getTrackBack() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getSuperSub() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getRabona() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getAcrobatingFinishing() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getStrongerFoot() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getKnucleShot() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getFirstTimeShot() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getComIncisiveRun() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getStrongerHand() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getHiddenPlayer() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getLongRange() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getOneTouchPass() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getHellTick() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getUnk4() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getManMarking() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getLegendGoldenBall() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getMarseilleTurn() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getHeading() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getOutsideCurler() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getCaptaincy() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getMalicia() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getLowPuntTrajectory() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getComTrickster() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getLowLoftedPass() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getFightingSpirit() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getFlipFlap() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getWeightnessPass() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getUnk6() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getUnk7() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getUnk8() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getComMazingRun() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getAcrobatingClear() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getComBallExpert() + ";");
                sb.Append(temp.getCutBehind() + ";");