private void btConnect_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { connection.Close(); string oldConnectionString = connection.ConnectionString; try { connection.ConnectionString = BuildConnectString(); config.sourceOptions.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("sourceType", "Base de datos")); config.sourceOptions.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("connectionString", connection.ConnectionString)); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; connection.Open(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; connection.Close(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } catch (Exception exception) { if (oldConnectionString != String.Empty) { connection.ConnectionString = oldConnectionString; } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; retries--; if (retries == 0) { DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; } MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public void TestConnection() { //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConnectionInformation.DatabaseName)) // throw new DatabaseException("The database name cannot be empty."); uniConnection.Open(); uniConnection.Close(); }
//SELECT OPERATIONS - ProductCategoriesForm.cs public List <Category> LoadProductCategories() { List <Category> categories = new List <Category>(); string sql = "SELECT code, description FROM product_categories ORDER BY code"; using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); UniCommand command = new UniCommand(sql, con); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { using (UniDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { Category category = new Category(); category.code = dr.GetString(ProductCategoriesConstants.Code); category.description = dr.GetString(ProductCategoriesConstants.Description); category.IsNewRecord = false; categories.Add(category); } } } con.Close(); } return(categories); }
public static string[] GetMySQLDatabases(ConnectionStringHelper helper) { string serverName = helper.ServerName; string userName = helper.UserName; string password = helper.Password; bool trustedConnection = helper.UseIntegratedSecurity; UniConnection conn; //if (trustedConnection) // conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=MySQL;host=server;user=root;password=root;database=myDB", serverName)); //else //conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=MySQL;host={0};user={1};password={2};database=myDB", serverName, userName, password)); conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=MySQL;direct=true;host={0};user={1};password={2};", serverName, userName, password)); List <string> databaseNames = new List <string>(); try { conn.Open(); DataTable table1 = conn.GetSchema("Databases"); foreach (DataRow row in table1.Rows) { string dbName = row[0].ToString(); databaseNames.Add(dbName); } } finally { conn.Close(); } return(databaseNames.ToArray()); }
public static string[] GetFirebirdDatabases(ConnectionStringHelper helper) { string serverName = helper.ServerName; string userName = helper.UserName; string password = helper.Password; int port = helper.Port; bool trustedConnection = helper.UseIntegratedSecurity; UniConnection conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=Firebird;direct=true;Server={0};User={1};Password={2};Port={3};", serverName, userName, password, port)); List <string> databaseNames = new List <string>(); try { conn.Open(); DataTable table1 = conn.GetSchema("Databases"); foreach (DataRow row in table1.Rows) { string dbName = row[0].ToString(); databaseNames.Add(dbName); } } finally { conn.Close(); } return(databaseNames.ToArray()); }
public static string[] GetPostgreSQLDatabases(ConnectionStringHelper helper) { string serverName = helper.ServerName; string userName = helper.UserName; string password = helper.Password; bool trustedConnection = helper.UseIntegratedSecurity; int port = helper.Port; UniConnection conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=PostgreSQL;host={0};port={1};user={2};password={3};initial schema=Public;", serverName, port, userName, password)); List<string> databaseNames = new List<string>(); try { conn.Open(); using (UniCommand sqlCommand = new UniCommand(@" SELECT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_database where not datistemplate ORDER BY datname ", conn)) { using (UniDataReader dr = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) databaseNames.Add(dr.GetString(0)); } } } finally { conn.Close(); } return databaseNames.ToArray(); }
public void UpdateCustomersCSV(Customer customer) { using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { using (UniCommand command = new UniCommand("UPDATE customers SET name = :name, address_line_1 = :address_line_1, address_line_2 = :address_line_2, address_line_3 = :address_line_3, address_line_4 = :address_line_4, address_postcode = :address_postcode WHERE account = :account", con)) { command.Parameters.Add("account", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = customer.account; command.Parameters.Add("name", UniDbType.VarChar).Value =; command.Parameters.Add("address_line_1", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = customer.address_line_1; command.Parameters.Add("address_line_2", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = customer.address_line_2; command.Parameters.Add("address_line_3", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = customer.address_line_3; command.Parameters.Add("address_line_4", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = customer.address_line_4; command.Parameters.Add("address_postcode", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = customer.address_postcode; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Not open..."); } con.Close(); } }
public static string[] GetFirebirdDatabases(ConnectionStringHelper helper) { string serverName = helper.ServerName; string userName = helper.UserName; string password = helper.Password; int port = helper.Port; bool trustedConnection = helper.UseIntegratedSecurity; UniConnection conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=Firebird;direct=true;Server={0};User={1};Password={2};Port={3};", serverName, userName, password, port)); List<string> databaseNames = new List<string>(); try { conn.Open(); DataTable table1 = conn.GetSchema("Databases"); foreach (DataRow row in table1.Rows) { string dbName = row[0].ToString(); databaseNames.Add(dbName); } } finally { conn.Close(); } return databaseNames.ToArray(); }
public void CreateProductSelection(int customerid, int productid) { using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { using (UniCommand command = new UniCommand("INSERT into customer_products(customer_id, product_id) VALUES (:customer_id, :product_id) returning id", con)) { //INSERT OPERATION BELOW.. command.Parameters.Add("customer_id", UniDbType.Int).Value = customerid; command.Parameters.Add("product_id", UniDbType.Int).Value = productid; command.ExecuteScalar(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Not open..."); } con.Close(); } }
//INSERT OPERATIONS - ProductForm.cs public void InsertProduct(Product product) { using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); using (UniCommand command = new UniCommand("INSERT into products(code, description, height, width, depth, colour, image, category) VALUES (:code, :description, :height, :width, :depth, :colour, :image, :category) returning id", con)) { ImageConversion images = new ImageConversion(); //INSERT OPERATION BELOW.. command.Parameters.Add("code", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = product.code; command.Parameters.Add("description", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = product.description; command.Parameters.Add("height", UniDbType.Int).Value = product.height; command.Parameters.Add("width", UniDbType.Int).Value = product.width; command.Parameters.Add("depth", UniDbType.Int).Value = product.depth; command.Parameters.Add("colour", UniDbType.Int).Value = product.colour.ToArgb(); command.Parameters.Add("image", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = images.ImageToBase64(product.image); //passing base64 string in command.Parameters.Add("category", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = product.category; int newProductID = (int)command.ExecuteScalar(); } con.Close(); } }
//UPDATE OPERATIONS - ProductCategoriesForm.cs public void UpdateProductCategory(Category category, string old_code) { using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { using (UniCommand command = new UniCommand("UPDATE product_categories SET code = :code, description = :description WHERE code = :pcode", con)) { command.Parameters.Add("code", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = category.code; command.Parameters.Add("description", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = category.description; command.Parameters.Add("pcode", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = old_code; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Not open..."); } con.Close(); } }
//INSERT OPERATIONS - CustomerForm.cs public void InsertCustomer(Customer customer) { using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { using (UniCommand command = new UniCommand("INSERT into customers(account, name, address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3, address_line_4, address_postcode) VALUES (:account, :name, :address_line_1, :address_line_2, :address_line_3, :address_line_4, :address_postcode) returning id", con)) { //INSERT OPERATION BELOW.. command.Parameters.Add("account", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = customer.account; command.Parameters.Add("name", UniDbType.VarChar).Value =; command.Parameters.Add("address_line_1", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = customer.address_line_1; command.Parameters.Add("address_line_2", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = customer.address_line_2; command.Parameters.Add("address_line_3", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = customer.address_line_3; command.Parameters.Add("address_line_4", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = customer.address_line_4; command.Parameters.Add("address_postcode", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = customer.address_postcode; int newCustomerID = (int)command.ExecuteScalar(); } } con.Close(); } }
public static string[] GetMySQLDatabases(ConnectionStringHelper helper) { string serverName = helper.ServerName; string userName = helper.UserName; string password = helper.Password; bool trustedConnection = helper.UseIntegratedSecurity; UniConnection conn; //if (trustedConnection) // conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=MySQL;host=server;user=root;password=root;database=myDB", serverName)); //else //conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=MySQL;host={0};user={1};password={2};database=myDB", serverName, userName, password)); conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=MySQL;direct=true;host={0};user={1};password={2};", serverName, userName, password)); List<string> databaseNames = new List<string>(); try { conn.Open(); DataTable table1 = conn.GetSchema("Databases"); foreach (DataRow row in table1.Rows) { string dbName = row[0].ToString(); databaseNames.Add(dbName); } } finally { conn.Close(); } return databaseNames.ToArray(); }
public List <string> LoadCategoryComboBox() { List <string> categories = new List <string>(); categories.Add(""); string sql = "SELECT code FROM product_categories ORDER BY code"; using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); UniCommand command = new UniCommand(sql, con); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { using (UniDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { categories.Add(dr.GetString("code")); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Not open..."); } con.Close(); return(categories); } }
public void UpdateProductsCSV(Product product) { using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { using (UniCommand command = new UniCommand("UPDATE products SET description = :description, height = :height, width = :width, depth = :depth, colour = :colour, image = :image, category = :category WHERE code = :code", con)) { ImageConversion images = new ImageConversion(); command.Parameters.Add("code", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = product.code; command.Parameters.Add("description", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = product.description; command.Parameters.Add("height", UniDbType.Int).Value = product.height; command.Parameters.Add("width", UniDbType.Int).Value = product.width; command.Parameters.Add("depth", UniDbType.Int).Value = product.depth; command.Parameters.Add("colour", UniDbType.Int).Value = product.colour.ToArgb(); command.Parameters.Add("image", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = images.ImageToBase64(product.image); //passing base64 string in command.Parameters.Add("category", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = product.category; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } con.Close(); } }
public bool IsExistingCategoryCode(string code) { string sql = "SELECT code FROM product_categories WHERE code = :code"; using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); UniCommand command = new UniCommand(sql, con); command.Parameters.Add("code", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = code; using (UniDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (dr.Read()) { con.Close(); return(true); } con.Close(); return(false); } } }
public bool IsExistingCustomerAccount(string account) { string sql = "SELECT account FROM customers WHERE account = :account"; using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); UniCommand command = new UniCommand(sql, con); command.Parameters.Add("account", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = account; using (UniDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (dr.Read()) { con.Close(); return(true); } con.Close(); return(false); } } }
//INSERT OPERATIONS - ProductCategoriesForm.cs public void InsertProductCategory(Category category) { using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); using (UniCommand command = new UniCommand("INSERT into product_categories(code, description) VALUES (:code, :description)", con)) { //INSERT OPERATION BELOW.. command.Parameters.Add("code", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = category.code; command.Parameters.Add("description", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = category.description; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } con.Close(); } }
public void DeleteCustomer(Customer customer) { using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { UniCommand command = new UniCommand("DELETE FROM customers WHERE id = :customerid", con); command.Parameters.Add("customerid", UniDbType.Int).Value =; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Not open..."); } con.Close(); } }
//SELECT OPERATIONS - CustomerForm.cs public List <Customer> LoadCustomers() { List <Customer> customers = new List <Customer>(); string sql = "SELECT id, account, name, address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3, address_line_4, address_postcode FROM customers ORDER BY id"; using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); UniCommand command = new UniCommand(sql, con); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { using (UniDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { Customer customer = new Customer(); = dr.GetInt32(CustomerConstants.CustomerId); customer.account = dr.GetString(CustomerConstants.Account); = dr.GetString(CustomerConstants.Name); customer.address_line_1 = dr.GetString(CustomerConstants.AddressLine1); customer.address_line_2 = dr.GetString(CustomerConstants.AddressLine2); customer.address_line_3 = dr.GetString(CustomerConstants.AddressLine3); customer.address_line_4 = dr.GetString(CustomerConstants.AddressLine4); customer.address_postcode = dr.GetString(CustomerConstants.AddressPostcode); customers.Add(customer); } } } con.Close(); } return(customers); }
public static string[] GetPostgreSQLSchemas(ConnectionStringHelper helper) { string serverName = helper.ServerName; string userName = helper.UserName; string password = helper.Password; bool trustedConnection = helper.UseIntegratedSecurity; int port = helper.Port; string database = helper.DatabaseName; UniConnection conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=PostgreSQL;host={0};port={1};user={2};password={3};initial schema=Public;database={4};", serverName, port, userName, password, database)); List <string> databaseNames = new List <string>(); try { conn.Open(); using (UniCommand sqlCommand = new UniCommand(@" SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name not like 'pg_catalog%' and schema_name not like 'pg_toast%' and schema_name not like 'pg_temp%' and schema_name not like 'information_schema'", conn)) { using (UniDataReader dr = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { databaseNames.Add(dr.GetString(0)); } } } } finally { conn.Close(); } return(databaseNames.ToArray()); }
//DELETE OPERATIONS - ProductForm.cs public void DeleteProduct(Product product) { using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { using (UniCommand command = new UniCommand("DELETE FROM products WHERE id = :id", con)) { command.Parameters.Add("id", UniDbType.VarChar).Value =; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Not open..."); } con.Close(); } }
//DELETE OPERATIONS - CustomerForm.cs public void RemoveProductSelection(int customerID, int productID) { using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { UniCommand command = new UniCommand("DELETE FROM customer_products WHERE customer_products.customer_id = :customerID AND customer_products.product_id = :productID", con); command.Parameters.Add("customerID", UniDbType.Int).Value = customerID; command.Parameters.Add("productID", UniDbType.Int).Value = productID; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Not open..."); } con.Close(); } }
//SELECT OPERATIONS - ProductForm.cs public List <Product> LoadProducts() { List <Product> products = new List <Product>(); string sql = "SELECT id, code, description, height, width, depth, colour, image, category FROM products ORDER BY id"; using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); UniCommand command = new UniCommand(sql, con); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { using (UniDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { Product product = new Product(); ImageConversion images = new ImageConversion(); = dr.GetInt32(ProductConstants.ProductId); product.code = dr.GetString(ProductConstants.Code); product.description = dr.GetString(ProductConstants.Description); product.height = dr.GetInt32(ProductConstants.Height); product.width = dr.GetInt32(ProductConstants.Width); product.depth = dr.GetInt32(ProductConstants.Depth); product.colour = Color.FromArgb(dr.GetInt32(ProductConstants.Colour)); product.image = images.Base64ToImage(dr.GetString(ProductConstants.Image)); product.category = dr.GetString(ProductConstants.Category); products.Add(product); } } } con.Close(); } return(products); }
public static string[] GetOracleDatabases(ConnectionStringHelper helper) { string serverName = helper.ServerName; string userName = helper.UserName; string password = helper.Password; bool trustedConnection = helper.UseIntegratedSecurity; int port = helper.Port; UniConnection conn; //if (trustedConnection) // conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=Oracle;host=server;user=root;password=root;database=myDB", serverName)); //else //conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=Oracle;host={0};user={1};password={2};database=myDB", serverName, userName, password)); conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=Oracle;Direct=true;data source={0};user={1};password={2};port={3};", serverName, userName, password, port)); List <string> databaseNames = new List <string>(); try { conn.Open(); using (UniCommand sqlCommand = new UniCommand("SELECT DISTINCT OWNER FROM all_tables ORDER BY OWNER", conn)) { using (UniDataReader dr = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { databaseNames.Add(dr.GetString(0)); } } } } finally { conn.Close(); } return(databaseNames.ToArray()); }
private void ConfigTabControl_Selected(object sender, TabControlEventArgs e) { SourceComboBox.Text = config.sourceOptions?.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == "sourceType").Value; if (ConfigTabControl.SelectedIndex == 1) //Preview Tab Selected { PreviewDataGridView.DataSource = null; if (config.sourceOptions?.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == "sourceType").Value == "Base de datos") { var query = queryTextBox.Text; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { try { connection = new UniConnection(config.sourceOptions?.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == "connectionString").Value); connection.Open(); UniCommand cmd = new UniCommand(query, connection); UniDataAdapter uniDataAdapter = new UniDataAdapter(cmd); DataSet dataSet = new DataSet("PreviewTable"); uniDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "PreviewTable"); PreviewDataGridView.DataSource = dataSet.Tables["PreviewTable"]; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Ocurrió un error al ejecutar la consulta. Descripción del error: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } } if (config.sourceOptions?.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == "sourceType").Value == "Ficheros Excel") { MessageBox.Show("Opción en desarrollo.", "Mensaje", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); ConfigTabControl.SelectedTab = QueryTabPage; } } }
//DELETE OPERATIONS - ProductCategoriesForm.cs public void DeleteProductCategory(Category category) { using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { using (UniCommand command = new UniCommand("DELETE FROM product_categories WHERE code = :code", con)) { //INSERT OPERATION BELOW.. command.Parameters.Add("code", UniDbType.VarChar).Value = category.code; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Not open..."); } con.Close(); } }
public static string[] GetPostgreSQLDatabases(ConnectionStringHelper helper) { string serverName = helper.ServerName; string userName = helper.UserName; string password = helper.Password; bool trustedConnection = helper.UseIntegratedSecurity; int port = helper.Port; UniConnection conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=PostgreSQL;host={0};port={1};user={2};password={3};initial schema=Public;", serverName, port, userName, password)); List <string> databaseNames = new List <string>(); try { conn.Open(); using (UniCommand sqlCommand = new UniCommand(@" SELECT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_database where not datistemplate ORDER BY datname ", conn)) { using (UniDataReader dr = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { databaseNames.Add(dr.GetString(0)); } } } } finally { conn.Close(); } return(databaseNames.ToArray()); }
//SELECT OPERATIONS - ProductSelectionForm.cs public List <Product> LoadCustomerProducts() { List <Product> products = new List <Product>(); string sql = "SELECT id, code, description, height, width, depth FROM products ORDER BY id"; using (UniConnection con = DatabaseConnection.MakeConnection()) { con.Open(); UniCommand command = new UniCommand(sql, con); if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { using (UniDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { Product product = new Product(); = dr.GetInt32(ProductConstants.ProductId); product.code = dr.GetString(ProductConstants.Code); product.description = dr.GetString(ProductConstants.Description); product.height = dr.GetInt32(ProductConstants.Height); product.width = dr.GetInt32(ProductConstants.Width); product.depth = dr.GetInt32(ProductConstants.Depth); products.Add(product); } } } con.Close(); return(products); } }
public static string[] GetOracleDatabases(ConnectionStringHelper helper) { string serverName = helper.ServerName; string userName = helper.UserName; string password = helper.Password; bool trustedConnection = helper.UseIntegratedSecurity; int port = helper.Port; UniConnection conn; //if (trustedConnection) // conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=Oracle;host=server;user=root;password=root;database=myDB", serverName)); //else //conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=Oracle;host={0};user={1};password={2};database=myDB", serverName, userName, password)); conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=Oracle;Direct=true;data source={0};user={1};password={2};port={3};", serverName, userName, password, port)); List<string> databaseNames = new List<string>(); try { conn.Open(); using (UniCommand sqlCommand = new UniCommand("SELECT DISTINCT OWNER FROM all_tables ORDER BY OWNER", conn)) { using (UniDataReader dr = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) databaseNames.Add(dr.GetString(0)); } } } finally { conn.Close(); } return databaseNames.ToArray(); }
private async Task <bool> DatabaseProcess() { var connectionString = config.sourceOptions?.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == "connectionString").Value; var query = config.sourceOptions?.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == "query").Value; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionString) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query)) { Logger.ErrorFormat("Database params from config is invalid."); return(false); } UniConnection connection = new UniConnection(connectionString); try { connection.Open(); UniCommand cmd = new UniCommand(query, connection); UniDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dataReader.HasRows) { while (dataReader.Read()) { List <DataInfoField> dataInfoFields = new List <DataInfoField>(); var dataId = string.Empty; for (int j = 0; j < dataReader.FieldCount; j++) { DataInfoField dataInfoField = new DataInfoField(); var columnName = dataReader.GetName(j); if (columnName == columnId) { dataId = dataReader.GetValue(j).ToString(); } else { dataInfoField.fieldname = columnName; dataInfoField.value = dataReader.GetValue(j).ToString(); dataInfoField.type = ""; dataInfoFields.Add(dataInfoField); } } DataInfo dataInfoItem = new DataInfo(); dataInfoItem.dataInfoFields = dataInfoFields; if (!historyStorage.Exits(dataId)) { if (await StartProcess(dataInfoItem, processId, communityId, config.initWF, config.superAdmin, dataId)) { historyStorage.InsertItem(dataId, 0, 1); } else { historyStorage.InsertItem(dataId, 1, 0); } } else { var faildAttems = historyStorage.IsFailed(dataId); if (faildAttems > 0 && faildAttems < maxAttemps) { // retry and updateElement if (await StartProcess(dataInfoItem, processId, communityId, config.initWF, config.superAdmin, dataId)) { historyStorage.UpdateItem(dataId, faildAttems, 1); } else { historyStorage.UpdateItem(dataId, faildAttems + 1, 0); } } } } } else { Logger.InfoFormat("Empty query result."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.ErrorFormat("Unexpected error. Description: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } return(true); }
public static string[] GetPostgreSQLSchemas(ConnectionStringHelper helper) { string serverName = helper.ServerName; string userName = helper.UserName; string password = helper.Password; bool trustedConnection = helper.UseIntegratedSecurity; int port = helper.Port; string database = helper.DatabaseName; UniConnection conn = new UniConnection(string.Format("Provider=PostgreSQL;host={0};port={1};user={2};password={3};initial schema=Public;database={4};", serverName, port, userName, password, database)); List<string> databaseNames = new List<string>(); try { conn.Open(); using (UniCommand sqlCommand = new UniCommand(@" SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name not like 'pg_catalog%' and schema_name not like 'pg_toast%' and schema_name not like 'pg_temp%' and schema_name not like 'information_schema'", conn)) { using (UniDataReader dr = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) databaseNames.Add(dr.GetString(0)); } } } finally { conn.Close(); } return databaseNames.ToArray(); }