コード例 #1
        public void BakeIntoMesh(DocumentInstance document, UndoMultiAction undoMultiAction)
            var mesh = Parent as Component_Mesh;

            if (mesh != null)
                bool meshWasEnabled = mesh.Enabled;
                    //disable mesh
                    mesh.Enabled = false;

                    //convert mesh geometries
                    bool needUndoForNextActions = true;
                    ConvertProceduralMeshGeometries(document, mesh, needUndoForNextActions ? undoMultiAction : null, ref needUndoForNextActions);

                    var undoMultiAction2 = needUndoForNextActions ? undoMultiAction : null;
                    OnBakeIntoMesh(document, undoMultiAction2);
                    BakeIntoMeshEvent?.Invoke(this, document, undoMultiAction2);
                    //enable mesh
                    mesh.Enabled = meshWasEnabled;
コード例 #2
        protected override void OnBakeIntoMesh(DocumentInstance document, UndoMultiAction undoMultiAction)
            base.OnBakeIntoMesh(document, undoMultiAction);

            var mesh       = (Component_Mesh)Parent;
            var geometries = mesh.GetComponents <Component_MeshGeometry>();
            int aa         = 0;

            foreach (var geometry in geometries)
                var positions = geometry.VerticesExtractChannel <Vector3F>(VertexElementSemantic.Position);
                if (positions != null)
                    aa = aa + 1;
                    if (DataN == 0 || DataN == aa)
                        var vertexStructure = geometry.VertexStructure.Value;
                        vertexStructure.GetInfo(out var vertexSize, out _);

                        var oldValue    = geometry.Vertices;
                        var vertices    = geometry.Vertices.Value;
                        var vertexCount = vertices.Length / vertexSize;

                        var newPositions = new Vector3F[positions.Length];
                        for (int n = 0; n < positions.Length; n++)
                            ProcessVertex(aa, ref positions[n], out newPositions[n]);

                        var newVertices = (byte[])vertices.Clone();
                        if (geometry.VerticesWriteChannel(VertexElementSemantic.Position, newPositions, newVertices))
                            //update property
                            geometry.Vertices = newVertices;

                            if (undoMultiAction != null)
                                var property   = (Metadata.Property)geometry.MetadataGetMemberBySignature("property:Vertices");
                                var undoAction = new UndoActionPropertiesChange(new UndoActionPropertiesChange.Item(geometry, property, oldValue));
コード例 #3

        public virtual void UpdateAlignment(UndoMultiAction undoMultiAction)
            var random = new Random();

            var groupOfObjects = Parent as Component_GroupOfObjects;

            if (groupOfObjects != null)
                //var surface = Surface.Value;
                //if( surface != null )

                var indexes = GetObjectsOfElement();
                var scene   = groupOfObjects.FindParent <Component_Scene>();

                var newObjects = groupOfObjects.ObjectsGetData(indexes);

                for (int n = 0; n < indexes.Count; n++)
                    var     index = indexes[n];
                    ref var obj   = ref newObjects[n];

                    double positionZ = 0;

                    obj.UniqueIdentifier = 0;
                    if (AutoAlign && scene != null)
                        var r = Component_Scene_Utility.CalculateObjectPositionZ(scene, groupOfObjects, obj.Position.Z, obj.Position.ToVector2());
                        if (r.found)
                            obj.Position.Z = r.positionZ + positionZ;
                    //obj.Rotation = rotation;
                    //obj.Scale = scale;

                //delete and undo to delete
                undoMultiAction.AddAction(new Component_GroupOfObjects_Editor.UndoActionCreateDelete(groupOfObjects, indexes.ToArray(), false, true));

                //add new data
                var newIndexes = groupOfObjects.ObjectsAdd(newObjects);
                undoMultiAction.AddAction(new Component_GroupOfObjects_Editor.UndoActionCreateDelete(groupOfObjects, newIndexes, true, false));

コード例 #4
        static void ConvertProceduralMeshGeometries(DocumentInstance document, Component_Mesh mesh, UndoMultiAction undoMultiAction, ref bool needUndoForNextActions)
            //needUndoForNextActions = true;

            var meshGeometries = mesh.GetComponents <Component_MeshGeometry>();

            if (meshGeometries.Any(g => g is Component_MeshGeometry_Procedural))
                bool hasOrdinary = meshGeometries.Any(g => !(g is Component_MeshGeometry_Procedural));
                if (!hasOrdinary)
                    needUndoForNextActions = false;                     //??? Если были и обычные geometry и procedural? Как правильно needUndoForNextActions? Пока так: undo не нужен только если все procedural
                //!!!!right? !needUndoForNextActions
                if (undoMultiAction != null && !needUndoForNextActions)
                    //add structure update to undo
                    var property = (Metadata.Property)mesh.MetadataGetMemberBySignature("property:" + nameof(Component_Mesh.Structure));
                    undoMultiAction.AddAction(new UndoActionPropertiesChange(new UndoActionPropertiesChange.Item(mesh, property, mesh.Structure?.Clone())));

                for (int i = 0; i < meshGeometries.Length; i++)
                    var meshGeometry = meshGeometries[i];

                    //convert to usual Component_MeshGeometry
                    if (meshGeometry is Component_MeshGeometry_Procedural meshGeometryProcedural)
                        VertexElement[]               vertexStructure = null;
                        byte[]                        vertices        = null;
                        int[]                         indices         = null;
                        Component_Material            material        = null;
                        Component_Mesh.StructureClass structure       = null;
                        meshGeometryProcedural.GetProceduralGeneratedData(ref vertexStructure, ref vertices, ref indices, ref material, ref structure);

                        var insertIndex = meshGeometryProcedural.Parent.Components.IndexOf(meshGeometryProcedural);

                        var meshGeometryNew = mesh.CreateComponent <Component_MeshGeometry>(insertIndex);
                        meshGeometryNew.Name            = meshGeometry.Name;
                        meshGeometryNew.VertexStructure = vertexStructure;
                        meshGeometryNew.Vertices        = vertices;
                        meshGeometryNew.Indices         = indices;

                        meshGeometryNew.Material = meshGeometryProcedural.Material;

                        //concut structures. If the geometry is procedural it is not in a structure yet.
                        mesh.Structure = Component_Mesh.StructureClass.Concat(mesh.Structure, structure, i);

                        //delete old mesh geometry
                        if (undoMultiAction != null)
                            undoMultiAction.AddAction(new UndoActionComponentCreateDelete(document, new Component[] { meshGeometry }, create: false));

                        //add created geometry to undo
                        if (undoMultiAction != null)
                            undoMultiAction.AddAction(new UndoActionComponentCreateDelete(document, new Component[] { meshGeometryNew }, create: true));
コード例 #5
 protected virtual void OnBakeIntoMesh(DocumentInstance document, UndoMultiAction undoMultiAction)
コード例 #6
        protected override void OnBakeIntoMesh(DocumentInstance document, UndoMultiAction undoMultiAction)
            base.OnBakeIntoMesh(document, undoMultiAction);

            var mesh       = (Component_Mesh)Parent;
            var geometries = mesh.GetComponents <Component_MeshGeometry>();

            var bounds = Bounds.Cleared;
                foreach (var geometry in geometries)
                    var positions = geometry.VerticesExtractChannel <Vector3F>(VertexElementSemantic.Position);
                    if (positions != null)
                        foreach (var p in positions)
                //bounds.Expand( ExtendBounds );

            var tiles = Tiles.Value;

            foreach (var geometry in geometries)
                var positions = geometry.VerticesExtractChannel <Vector3F>(VertexElementSemantic.Position);
                var normals   = geometry.VerticesExtractChannel <Vector3F>(VertexElementSemantic.Normal);
                if (positions != null && normals != null)
                    var vertexStructure = geometry.VertexStructure.Value;
                    vertexStructure.GetInfo(out var vertexSize, out _);

                    var oldValue    = geometry.Vertices;
                    var vertices    = geometry.Vertices.Value;
                    var vertexCount = vertices.Length / vertexSize;

                    var newTexCoords = new Vector2F[vertexCount];
                    for (int n = 0; n < vertexCount; n++)
                        ProcessVertex(ref tiles, ref bounds, ref positions[n], ref normals[n], out newTexCoords[n]);

                    var newVertices = (byte[])vertices.Clone();
                    if (geometry.VerticesWriteChannel(VertexElementSemantic.TextureCoordinate0, newTexCoords, newVertices))
                        //update property
                        geometry.Vertices = newVertices;

                        if (undoMultiAction != null)
                            var property   = (Metadata.Property)geometry.MetadataGetMemberBySignature("property:Vertices");
                            var undoAction = new UndoActionPropertiesChange(new UndoActionPropertiesChange.Item(geometry, property, oldValue));