コード例 #1
         * @Method: UnApprovedList_ItemUpdating
         * @Params: object sender, ListViewDeleteEventArgs e
         * @Return: void
         * @Description: This method will be activated on the click of Approve
         * venue button. It will pick the VenueID and update the database
         * accordingly
        protected void UnApprovedList_ItemUpdating(object sender, ListViewUpdateEventArgs e)
            string query = null;

            venueID = UnApprovedList.SelectedDataKey.Value.ToString();

            query = "update Venues set IsApproved=1 where VenueID ='" +
                    venueID + "'";

            string result = dbCommander.UpdateRecord(query);

            //If update is successful
            if (result == "1")
                //Closing database connection

                //Turn the list into default
                UnApprovedList.SelectedIndex = -1;

                //Showing success message
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "Alert",
                                                    "alert('Venue approved successfully');", true);
コード例 #2
  * @Method: UnApprovedList_ItemEditing
  * @Params: object sender, ListViewEditEventArgs e
  * @Return: void
  * @Description: This method will be activated on the click of delete button.
  * The index of the selected item (to be deleted) will be assigned for delete,
  * and the value of that index will be saved in a global variable to be used
  * later in another method for editing
 protected void UnApprovedList_ItemEditing(object sender, ListViewEditEventArgs e)
     UnApprovedList.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;
     //This variable will be used to create edit request
     editIndex = UnApprovedList.EditIndex;
コード例 #3
        protected void UnApprovedList_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Configuring Data Source for the ListView
            string        connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[dbCommander.sourceString].ConnectionString;
            string        query            = "SELECT * FROM Venues INNER JOIN	Customers ON Venues.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID WHERE Venues.IsApproved = 0";
            SqlDataSource source           = new SqlDataSource(connectionString, query);

            UnApprovedList.DataSource = source;
コード例 #4
         * @Method: UnApprovedList_ItemDeleting
         * @Params: object sender, ListViewDeleteEventArgs e
         * @Return: void
         * @Description: This method will be activated on the click of delete venue button.
         * This method will be activated on the click of delete venue button.
         * The selected VenueID will be assigned to a delete query, and database
         * will be updated accordingly
        protected void UnApprovedList_ItemDeleting(object sender, ListViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            UnApprovedList.SelectedIndex = editIndex;
            string id = UnApprovedList.SelectedDataKey.Value.ToString();

                //Delete the images folder
                string        path      = Server.MapPath("/Content/Images/") + id;
                DirectoryInfo directory = Directory.CreateDirectory(path);

                string query = "delete from Venues where VenueID='" + id + "'";

                string result = dbCommander.UpdateRecord(query);

                //If update is successful
                if (result == "1")
                    //Closing database connection

                    //Turn the list into default
                    UnApprovedList.EditIndex     = -1;
                    UnApprovedList.SelectedIndex = -1;

                    //Showing success message
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "Alert",
                                                        "alert('Venue deleted successfully');", true);
            catch (SqlException)
                //If the user is not inserted, show that there was an error with the database
                //Showing success message
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "Alert",
                                                    "alert('Database error, please check your provided data to be correct');", true);
コード例 #5
  * @Method: CancelDeleteButton_Click
  * @Params: object sender, EventArgs e
  * @Return: void
  * @Description: This method will be activated on the click of Cancel delete button.
  * The edit index will be reset and the ListView will be refreshed
 protected void CancelDeleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     UnApprovedList.EditIndex = -1;
コード例 #6
  * @Method: UnApprovedList_SelectedIndexChanging
  * @Params: object sender, ListViewSelectEventArgs e
  * @Return: void
  * @Description: This method will be activated on the click of Approve or Edit buttons.
  * The respective item index will be assigned as selected. The ListView will be
  * refreshed after selection
 protected void UnApprovedList_SelectedIndexChanging(object sender, ListViewSelectEventArgs e)
     UnApprovedList.SelectedIndex = e.NewSelectedIndex;