static void Main(string[] args) { Ukraine.Kiev kiev = new Ukraine.Kiev(); kiev.Set_get_kiev = 2967000; kiev.Show_population_Kiev(); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------"); France.Paris paris = new France.Paris(); paris.Set_get_Paris = 2148000; paris.Show_population_Paris(); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------"); USA.Washington washington = new USA.Washington(); washington.Set_get_Washington = 705749; Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("\tComparison of the population of the three capitals of the world\n"); if (kiev.Set_get_kiev > paris.Set_get_Paris && kiev.Set_get_kiev > washington.Set_get_Washington) { Console.WriteLine("The population of Kiev is the largest of the three capitals"); } else if (paris.Set_get_Paris > kiev.Set_get_kiev && paris.Set_get_Paris > washington.Set_get_Washington) { Console.WriteLine("The population of Paris is the largest of the three capitals"); } else if (washington.Set_get_Washington > kiev.Set_get_kiev && washington.Set_get_Washington > paris.Set_get_Paris) { Console.WriteLine("The population of Washington is the largest of the three capitals"); } Console.WriteLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Town one = new Rusian.Moscow(); Town second = new Ukraine.Kiev(); Town thert = new USA.NewYork(); Comparison.ComparisonPopulation(one, second, thert); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Ukraine.Kiev ob1 = new Ukraine.Kiev(2884000); Russia.Moscow ob2 = new Russia.Moscow(11920000); Belarus.Minsk ob3 = new Belarus.Minsk(1975000); Console.WriteLine("The population of Kiev is {0} inhabitants.\n", ob1.Population); Console.WriteLine("The population of Moscow is {0} inhabitants.\n", ob2.Population); Console.WriteLine("The population of Minsk is {0} inhabitants.\n", ob3.Population); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Ukraine.Kiev ob1 = new Ukraine.Kiev(2850000); USA.NewYork ob2 = new USA.NewYork(8400000); Japan.Tokio ob3 = new Japan.Tokio(12800000); Console.WriteLine("The population of Kiev is {0} inhabitants.\n", ob1.Population); Console.WriteLine("The population of NewYork is {0} inhabitants.\n", ob2.Population); Console.WriteLine("The population of Tokio is {0} inhabitants.\n", ob3.Population); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main() { Franse.Paris parise = new Franse.Paris(); Ukraine.Kiev kiev = new Ukraine.Kiev(); Poland.Varshava varshava = new Poland.Varshava(); if (parise.population > kiev.population && parise.population > varshava.population) { Console.WriteLine("Parise population the most"); } else if (kiev.population > parise.population && kiev.population > varshava.population) { Console.WriteLine("Kiev population the most"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Varshava population the most"); } }