コード例 #1
ファイル: rvTree.cs プロジェクト: RomVault/RVWorld
        private void SetupTree(RvFile pTree, string pTreeBranches)
            int nodeDepth = pTreeBranches.Length - 1;

            int nodeHeight = 16;

            if (pTree.Tree.TreeExpanded && pTree.DirDatCount > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < pTree.DirDatCount; i++)
                    if (!pTree.DirDat(i).AutoAddedDirectory)
                        nodeHeight += 12;

            UiTree uTree = new UiTree();

            pTree.Tree.UiObject = uTree;

            uTree.TreeBranches = pTreeBranches;

            uTree.RTree    = new Rectangle(0, _yPos, 1 + nodeDepth * 18, nodeHeight);
            uTree.RExpand  = new Rectangle(5 + nodeDepth * 18, _yPos + 4, 9, 9);
            uTree.RChecked = new Rectangle(20 + nodeDepth * 18, _yPos + 2, 13, 13);
            uTree.RIcon    = new Rectangle(35 + nodeDepth * 18, _yPos, 16, 16);
            uTree.RText    = new Rectangle(51 + nodeDepth * 18, _yPos, 500, nodeHeight);

            pTreeBranches = pTreeBranches.Replace("├", "│");
            pTreeBranches = pTreeBranches.Replace("└", " ");

            _yPos = _yPos + nodeHeight;

            bool found = false;
            int  last  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < pTree.ChildCount; i++)
                RvFile dir = pTree.Child(i);
                if (!dir.IsDir)

                if (dir.Tree == null)

                found = true;
                if (pTree.Tree.TreeExpanded)
                    last = i;

            if (!found && pTree.DirDatCount <= 1)
                uTree.RExpand = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);

            if (pTree.Tree.TreeExpanded && found)
                uTree.TreeBranches += "┐";

            for (int i = 0; i < pTree.ChildCount; i++)
                RvFile dir = pTree.Child(i);
                if (!dir.IsDir)

                if (dir.Tree == null)

                if (!pTree.Tree.TreeExpanded)

                if (i != last)
                    SetupTree(pTree.Child(i), pTreeBranches + "├");
                    SetupTree(pTree.Child(i), pTreeBranches + "└");
コード例 #2
ファイル: rvTree.cs プロジェクト: RomVault/RVWorld
        private void PaintTree(RvFile pTree, Graphics g, Rectangle t)
            UiTree uTree = (UiTree)pTree.Tree.UiObject;

            int y = uTree.RTree.Top - _vScroll;

            if (uTree.RTree.IntersectsWith(t))
                Pen p = new Pen(Brushes.Gray, 1)
                    DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot

                string lTree = uTree.TreeBranches;
                for (int j = 0; j < lTree.Length; j++)
                    int    x     = j * 18 - _hScroll;
                    string cTree = lTree.Substring(j, 1);
                    switch (cTree)
                    case "│":
                        g.DrawLine(p, x + 9, y, x + 9, y + uTree.RTree.Height);

                    case "├":
                        g.DrawLine(p, x + 9, y, x + 9, y + uTree.RTree.Height);
                        g.DrawLine(p, x + 9, y + 8, x + 27, y + 8);

                    case "└":
                        g.DrawLine(p, x + 9, y, x + 9, y + 8);
                        g.DrawLine(p, x + 9, y + 8, x + 27, y + 8);

                    case "┐":
                        g.DrawLine(p, x + 9, y + 8, x + 9, y + uTree.RTree.Height);

            if (!uTree.RExpand.IsEmpty)
                if (uTree.RExpand.IntersectsWith(t))
                    g.DrawImage(pTree.Tree.TreeExpanded ? rvImages.ExpandBoxMinus : rvImages.ExpandBoxPlus, RSub(uTree.RExpand, _hScroll, _vScroll));

            if (uTree.RChecked.IntersectsWith(t))
                switch (pTree.Tree.Checked)
                case RvTreeRow.TreeSelect.Locked:
                    g.DrawImage(rvImages.TickBoxLocked, RSub(uTree.RChecked, _hScroll, _vScroll));

                case RvTreeRow.TreeSelect.UnSelected:
                    g.DrawImage(rvImages.TickBoxUnTicked, RSub(uTree.RChecked, _hScroll, _vScroll));

                case RvTreeRow.TreeSelect.Selected:
                    g.DrawImage(rvImages.TickBoxTicked, RSub(uTree.RChecked, _hScroll, _vScroll));

            if (uTree.RIcon.IntersectsWith(t))
                int icon = 2;
                if (pTree.DirStatus.HasInToSort())
                    icon = 4;
                else if (!pTree.DirStatus.HasCorrect() && pTree.DirStatus.HasMissing())
                    icon = 1;
                else if (!pTree.DirStatus.HasMissing())
                    icon = 3;

                Bitmap bm;
                if (pTree.Dat == null && pTree.DirDatCount == 0) // Directory above DAT's in Tree
                    bm = rvImages.GetBitmap("DirectoryTree" + icon);
                else if (pTree.Dat == null && pTree.DirDatCount >= 1) // Directory that contains DAT's
                    bm = rvImages.GetBitmap("Tree" + icon);
                else if (pTree.Dat != null && pTree.DirDatCount == 0) // Directories made by a DAT
                    bm = rvImages.GetBitmap("Tree" + icon);
                    ReportError.SendAndShow("Unknown Tree settings in DisplayTree.");
                    bm = null;

                if (bm != null)
                    g.DrawImage(bm, RSub(uTree.RIcon, _hScroll, _vScroll));

            Rectangle recBackGround = new Rectangle(uTree.RText.X, uTree.RText.Y, Width - uTree.RText.X + _hScroll, uTree.RText.Height);

            if (recBackGround.IntersectsWith(t))
                string        thistxt;
                List <string> datList = null;
                string        subtxt  = "( Have:" + pTree.DirStatus.CountCorrect() + " \\ Missing: " + pTree.DirStatus.CountMissing() + " )";

                if (pTree.Dat == null && pTree.DirDatCount == 0) // Directory above DAT's in Tree
                    thistxt = pTree.Name;
                else if (pTree.Dat == null && pTree.DirDatCount == 1) // Directory that contains DAT's
                    thistxt = pTree.Name + ": " + pTree.DirDat(0).GetData(RvDat.DatData.Description);
                else if (pTree.Dat == null && pTree.DirDatCount > 1) // Directory above DAT's in Tree
                    thistxt = pTree.Name;
                    if (pTree.Tree.TreeExpanded)
                        datList = new List <string>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < pTree.DirDatCount; i++)
                            if (!pTree.DirDat(i).AutoAddedDirectory)
                                string title = pTree.DirDat(i).GetData(RvDat.DatData.Description);
                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title))
                                    title = pTree.DirDat(i).GetData(RvDat.DatData.DatName);

                // pTree.Parent.DirDatCount>1: This should probably be a test like parent contains Dat
                else if (pTree.Dat != null && pTree.Dat.AutoAddedDirectory && pTree.Parent.DirDatCount > 1)
                    thistxt = pTree.Name + ": ";
                else if (pTree.Dat != null && pTree.DirDatCount == 0) // Directories made by a DAT
                    thistxt = pTree.Name;
                    ReportError.SendAndShow("Unknown Tree settings in DisplayTree.");
                    thistxt = "";

                if (pTree.IsInToSort)
                    subtxt = "";
                if (pTree.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.PrimaryToSort | FileStatus.CacheToSort))
                    thistxt += " (Primary)";
                else if (pTree.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.PrimaryToSort))
                    thistxt += " (Primary)";
                else if (pTree.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.CacheToSort))
                    thistxt += " (Cache)";

                Brush textBrush;
                if (Selected != null && pTree.TreeFullName == Selected.TreeFullName)
                    g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(51, 153, 255)), RSub(recBackGround, _hScroll, _vScroll));
                    textBrush = Brushes.Wheat;
                    textBrush = Brushes.Black;

                thistxt += " " + subtxt;
                g.DrawString(thistxt, tFont, textBrush, uTree.RText.Left - _hScroll, uTree.RText.Top + 1 - _vScroll);

                if (datList != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < datList.Count; i++)
                        g.DrawString(datList[i], tFont1, textBrush,
                                     ((UiTree)pTree.Tree.UiObject).RText.Left + 20 - _hScroll,
                                     ((UiTree)pTree.Tree.UiObject).RText.Top + 14 + i * 12 - _vScroll);

            if (!pTree.Tree.TreeExpanded)

            for (int i = 0; i < pTree.ChildCount; i++)
                RvFile tDir = pTree.Child(i);
                if (tDir.IsDir && tDir.Tree?.UiObject != null)
                    PaintTree(tDir, g, t);