private void UpdateButtons() { UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { ShowMapButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }); }
private void DiffBaseline(TestModel model) { string path = model.Path; model.Baseline = FindBaseline(path); string newBaseLine = System.IO.Path.Combine(model.Path, settings.ErrorLogName); string oldBaseLine = System.IO.Path.Combine(model.Baseline, settings.BaselineName); if (File.Exists(newBaseLine) && !File.Exists(oldBaseLine)) { MessageBox.Show(this, model.Path + "\n\nThis test baseline cannot be fixed because it was not supposed to pass.", "Unexpected Baseline", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); FailedTestList.SelectedIndex++; return; } else if (!File.Exists(newBaseLine) && File.Exists(oldBaseLine)) { MessageBox.Show(this, model.Path + "\n\nThis test baseline cannot be fixed because the test couldn't run.", "Missing Baseline", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); FailedTestList.SelectedIndex++; return; } Task.Run(() => { string args = string.Format("\"{0}\" \"{1}\"", newBaseLine, oldBaseLine); Process windiff = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(settings.WindiffPath, args)); windiff.WaitForExit(); UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { PromptUser(model); }); }); }
void Backup(bool shutdown) { ConsoleTextBox.Document.Blocks.Clear(); this._errors = new ErrorLog(); this.cancel = new CancellationTokenSource(); Task.Run(() => { try { backup.Run(this._log, this._errors, cancel); } catch (Exception ex) { backup.Error = ex.Message; backup.Running = false; backup.Complete = true; this._log.WriteLine(ex.Message); } if (shutdown) { backup.Shutdown(); UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(ShowCancelShutdown); } UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(OnBackupComplete); }); }
private async Task LoadJSonFile(string file) { try { UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { SystemConsole.Show(); }); AppendMessage("Loading " + file); ShowStatus("Loading " + file); JSonDataLog data = new JSonDataLog(); await data.Load(file, progress); //logs.Add(data); ShowSchema(); LoadFlights(data); } catch (Exception ex) { AppendMessage("### Error loading json file: " + ex.Message); } ShowStatus("Done Loading " + file); UpdateButtons(); }
private async Task LoadMavlinkFile(string file) { try { UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { SystemConsole.Show(); }); AppendMessage("Loading " + file); ShowStatus("Loading " + file); MavlinkLog data = new MavlinkLog(); await data.Load(file, progress); logs.Add(data); ShowSchema(); Debug.WriteLine(data.StartTime.ToString()); LoadFlights(data); // remember successfully loaded log file. Settings settings = await((App)App.Current).LoadSettings(); settings.LastLogFile = file; await settings.SaveAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { AppendMessage("### Error loading log: " + ex.Message); } ShowStatus("Done Loading " + file); UpdateButtons(); }
bool HandleUnhandledException(object exceptionObject) { Exception ex = exceptionObject as Exception; string message = null; string details = null; if (ex == null && exceptionObject != null) { message = exceptionObject.GetType().FullName; details = exceptionObject.ToString(); } else { message = ex.Message; details = ex.ToString(); } try { UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { MessageBoxEx.Show(message, "Unhandled Exception", details, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); }); return(true); } catch (Exception) { // hmmm, if we can't show the dialog then perhaps this is some sort of stack overflow. // save the details to a file, terminate the process and } return(false); }
private void ShowSchema() { UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { LogItemSchema schema = null; // todo: compute combined schema for selected logs, but for now just show the first one. if (this.currentFlightLog != null) { schema = currentFlightLog.Schema; } else if (this.logs.Count > 0) { schema = this.logs[0].Schema; } if (schema == null || schema.ChildItems == null || schema.ChildItems.Count == 0) { CategoryList.ItemsSource = null; } else { // todo: compute combined schema for selected logs, but for now just show the first one. List <LogItemSchema> list = new List <Model.LogItemSchema>(schema.ChildItems); list.Sort((a, b) => { return(string.Compare(a.Name, b.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); }); CategoryList.ItemsSource = list; } }); }
private void ShowStatus(string message) { UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { StatusText.Text = message; }); }
private void LoadFlights(IDataLog data) { UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { // add flights Flight entireLog = new Flight() { Name = "Log " + logs.Count, StartTime = data.StartTime, Duration = data.Duration }; allFlights.Add(entireLog); foreach (var flight in data.GetFlights()) { flight.Name = "Flight " + allFlights.Count; allFlights.Add(flight); AppendMessage("Motor started at {0} and ran for {1} ", flight.StartTime, flight.Duration); } if (myMap.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { ShowMap(); } }); }
private void FiterEventTextChanged(string filter) { if (FilterValueChanged != null) { UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { this.FilterValueChanged(this, filter); }); } }
private async Task LoadMavlinkFile(string file) { try { UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { SystemConsole.Show(); }); AppendMessage("Loading " + file); ShowStatus("Loading " + file); MavlinkLog data = new MavlinkLog(); await data.Load(file, progress); logs.Add(data); ShowSchema(); Debug.WriteLine(data.StartTime.ToString()); UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { foreach (var flight in data.GetFlights()) { flight.Name = "Flight " + allFlights.Count; allFlights.Add(flight); AppendMessage("Motor started at {0} and ran for {1} ", flight.StartTime, flight.Duration); } if (myMap.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { ShowMap(); } foreach (var text in data.GetStatusMessages()) { SystemConsole.Write(text + "\n"); } ShowTotalFlightTime(); }); // remember successfully loaded log file. Settings settings = await((App)App.Current).LoadSettings(); settings.LastLogFile = file; await settings.SaveAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { AppendMessage("### Error loading log: " + ex.Message); } ShowStatus("Done Loading " + file); UpdateButtons(); }
private async Task LoadBinaryFile(string file) { try { UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { SystemConsole.Show(); }); AppendMessage("Loading " + file); ShowStatus("Loading " + file); Px4DataLog data = new Px4DataLog(); await data.Load(file, progress); logs.Add(data); ShowSchema(); UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { // add flights Flight entireLog = new Flight() { Name = "Log " + logs.Count, StartTime = data.StartTime, Duration = data.Duration }; allFlights.Add(entireLog); foreach (var flight in data.GetFlights()) { flight.Name = "Flight " + allFlights.Count; allFlights.Add(flight); AppendMessage("Motor started at {0} and ran for {1} ", flight.StartTime, flight.Duration); } if (myMap.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { ShowMap(); } ShowTotalFlightTime(); }); // remember successfully loaded log file. Settings settings = await((App)App.Current).LoadSettings(); settings.LastLogFile = file; await settings.SaveAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { AppendMessage("### Error loading log: " + ex.Message); } ShowStatus("Done Loading " + file); UpdateButtons(); }
private void OpenAudioFile(string fileName) { this.isRecording = true; string wavFile = null; this.samples = new List <float>(); if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLowerInvariant() == ".wav") { wavFile = fileName; } else { // then we'll load the audio and convert it to a wav file. wavFile = GetNextWavFileName(); } try { this.recording = new AudioRecording(fileName, wavFile, (s, sample) => { // handle PCM data on background thread UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(new Action(() => { if (sample.Error != null) { ShowStatus(sample.Error); StopRecording(); } else { if (this.isRecording) { CollectSamples(sample); } if (sample.Closed) { StopRecording(); } else { this.recording.ReadNextFrame(); } } })); }); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowStatus(ex.Message); } SetButtonState(); }
private void AppendMessage(string message, params object[] args) { UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { if (args == null || args.Length == 0) { SystemConsole.Write(message + "\n"); } else { SystemConsole.Write(string.Format(message, args) + "\n"); } }); }
private void OnFlightSelected(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { if (myMap.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { ShowMap(); } else { // todo: show sensor data pruned to this flight time... foreach (LogItemSchema item in CategoryList.SelectedItems) { if (item.ChildItems == null || item.ChildItems.Count == 0) { GraphItem(item); } } } }); }
void OnDispatcherUnhandledException(object sender, DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { if (handlingException) { e.Handled = false; } else { handlingException = true; UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(new Action(() => { try { e.Handled = HandleUnhandledException(e.Exception); } catch (Exception) { } handlingException = false; })); } }
private void FetchNextHole(mavlink_log_data_t?downloaded) { bool next = false; if (downloaded == null) { next = true; } else { holeCount += downloaded.Value.count; if (holeCount == hole.Item2) { // done!, get the next one. next = true; } } if (next && holes.Count > 0) { holeCount = 0; hole = holes[0]; holes.RemoveAt(0); Debug.WriteLine("Filling hole at {0}, size {1}", hole.Item1, hole.Item2); RequestLogData(, hole.Item1, hole.Item2); if (!verifying) { verifying = true; UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { DownloadStatus.Text = "verifying..."; }); } } else { // we should be done, the CheckDone will fine out for sure after we resort the data and check for holes again... } }
private void OnMessageReceived(object sender, MavLinkMessage e) { if (e.MsgId == MAVLINK_MSG_ID.LOG_ENTRY) { if (e.TypedPayload is mavlink_log_entry_t) { List <LogEntryModel> list = new List <LogEntryModel>(); mavlink_log_entry_t entry = (mavlink_log_entry_t)e.TypedPayload; UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { logList.Add(new LogEntryModel(entry)); delayedActions.CancelDelayedAction("GetList"); }); } } else if (e.MsgId == MAVLINK_MSG_ID.LOG_DATA) { if (e.TypedPayload is mavlink_log_data_t) { var logdata = (mavlink_log_data_t)e.TypedPayload; if ( == { lock (data) { lastChunkTime = Environment.TickCount; totalDownloaded += logdata.count; data.Add(logdata); } if (holes.Count > 0) { FetchNextHole(logdata); } } } } }
private void OnRecord(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.samples = new List <float>(); this.isRecording = true; string filename = GetNextWavFileName(); try { this.recording = this.selectedDevice.StartRecording(filename, (s, sample) => { // handle PCM data on background thread // UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(new Action(() => { if (this.isRecording) { CollectSamples(sample); } if (sample.Error != null) { ShowStatus(sample.Error); } else if (!sample.Closed) { // keep pumping no matter what so we don't get any buffering on next recording. this.recording.ReadNextFrame(); } })); }); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowStatus(ex.Message); } SetButtonState(); }
private void CheckDone() { if (checking) { return; } checking = true; try { bool foundHole = false; uint pos = 0; var holes = new List <Tuple <uint, uint> >(); lock (data) { // sort packets in order of ofs. data.Sort((a, b) => { return((int)a.ofs - (int)b.ofs); }); foreach (var e in data.ToArray()) { if (e.ofs < pos) { // duplicate? data.Remove(e); } else if (e.ofs != pos) { // we have a hole!! foundHole = true; holes.Add(new Tuple <uint, uint>(pos, e.ofs - pos)); pos = e.ofs + e.count; } else { pos += e.count; } } } if (!foundHole) { if (selectedEntry.size <= totalDownloaded) { // ok, we're done! Debug.WriteLine("Log is complete!"); if (!complete) { complete = true; UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { StopProgress(); OnSaveLog(); }); } } } else { this.holes = holes; FetchNextHole(null); } } finally { checking = false; } }
private void OnMavlinkMessageReceived(object sender, MavLinkMessage e) { if (currentFlightLog != null && !pauseRecording) { currentFlightLog.AddMessage(e); } switch (e.MsgId) { case MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.ATTITUDE_QUATERNION: { var payload = (MAVLink.mavlink_attitude_quaternion_t)e.TypedPayload; var q = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Quaternion(payload.q1, payload.q2, payload.q3, payload.q4); UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { //ModelViewer.ModelAttitude = initialAttitude * q; }); break; } case MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.ATTITUDE: { var payload = (MAVLink.mavlink_attitude_t)e.TypedPayload; Quaternion y = new Quaternion(new Vector3D(0, 0, 1), -payload.yaw * 180 / Math.PI); Quaternion x = new Quaternion(new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), payload.pitch * 180 / Math.PI); Quaternion z = new Quaternion(new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), payload.roll * 180 / Math.PI); UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { ModelViewer.ModelAttitude = initialAttitude * (y * x * z); }); break; } case MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.HIL_STATE_QUATERNION: { var payload = (MAVLink.mavlink_hil_state_quaternion_t)e.TypedPayload; Quaternion q = new Quaternion(payload.attitude_quaternion[0], payload.attitude_quaternion[1], payload.attitude_quaternion[2], payload.attitude_quaternion[3]); UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { ModelViewer.ModelAttitude = initialAttitude * q; }); break; } case MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.GLOBAL_POSITION_INT: { var payload = (MAVLink.mavlink_global_position_int_t)e.TypedPayload; UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { MapLocation((double) / 1e7, (double)payload.lon / 1e7); }); break; } case MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.SERIAL_CONTROL: { var ctrl = (MAVLink.mavlink_serial_control_t)e.TypedPayload; if (ctrl.count > 0) { string text = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(, 0, ctrl.count); UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { SystemConsole.Write(text); }); } break; } case MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.DATA_TRANSMISSION_HANDSHAKE: if (showImageStream) { var p = (MAVLink.mavlink_data_transmission_handshake_t)e.TypedPayload; incoming_image.size = p.size; incoming_image.packets = p.packets; incoming_image.payload = p.payload; incoming_image.quality = p.jpg_quality; incoming_image.type = p.type; incoming_image.width = p.width; incoming_image.height = p.height; incoming_image.start = Environment.TickCount; incoming_image.packetsArrived = 0; = new byte[incoming_image.size]; } break; case MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.ENCAPSULATED_DATA: if (showImageStream) { var img = (MAVLink.mavlink_encapsulated_data_t)e.TypedPayload; int seq = img.seqnr; uint pos = (uint)seq * (uint)incoming_image.payload; // Check if we have a valid transaction if (incoming_image.packets == 0 || incoming_image.size == 0) { // not expecting an image? incoming_image.packetsArrived = 0; break; } uint available = (uint)incoming_image.payload; if (pos + available > incoming_image.size) { available = incoming_image.size - pos; } Array.Copy(, 0,, pos, available); progress.ShowProgress(0, incoming_image.size, pos + available); ++incoming_image.packetsArrived; //Debug.WriteLine("packet {0} of {1}, position {2} of {3}", incoming_image.packetsArrived, incoming_image.packets, // pos + available, incoming_image.size); // emit signal if all packets arrived if (pos + available >= incoming_image.size) { // Restart state machine incoming_image.packets = 0; incoming_image.packetsArrived = 0; byte[] saved =; = null; UiDispatcher.RunOnUIThread(() => { progress.ShowProgress(0, 0, 0); ShowImage(saved); }); } } break; } }