コード例 #1
        private string GetRoundInfoToString(UInt64Value roundNumber)
                var result = "";

                foreach (var bpInfo in this[roundNumber].BlockProducers)
                    result += bpInfo.Key + ":\n";
                    result += "IsEBP:\t\t" + bpInfo.Value.IsEBP + "\n";
                    result += "Order:\t\t" + bpInfo.Value.Order + "\n";
                    result += "Time Slot:\t" + bpInfo.Value.TimeSlot.ToDateTime().ToLocalTime().ToString("u") + "\n";
                    result += "Signature:\t" + bpInfo.Value.Signature?.Value.ToByteArray().ToHex().RemoveHexPrefix() +
                    result += "Out Value:\t" + bpInfo.Value.OutValue?.Value.ToByteArray().ToHex().RemoveHexPrefix() +
                    result += "In Value:\t" + bpInfo.Value.InValue?.Value.ToByteArray().ToHex().RemoveHexPrefix() +

                return(result + "\n");
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger?.Error(e, $"Failed to get dpos info of round {roundNumber.Value}");
コード例 #2
        public bool Transfer(Address from, Address to, UInt64Value qty)
            Console.WriteLine("From: " + from.DumpHex());
            Console.WriteLine("To: " + to.DumpHex());

            // This is for testing batched transaction sequence
            TransactionStartTimes.SetValue(Api.GetTransaction().GetHash(), Now());
            var fromBal = Balances.GetValue(from);

            Console.WriteLine("Old From Balance: " + fromBal);

            var toBal = Balances.GetValue(to);

            Console.WriteLine("Old To Balance: " + toBal);

            Console.WriteLine("Assertion: " + (fromBal >= qty.Value));
            Api.Assert(fromBal >= qty.Value, $"Insufficient balance, {qty.Value} is required but there is only {fromBal}.");

            var newFromBal = fromBal - qty.Value;
            var newToBal   = toBal + qty.Value;

            Console.WriteLine("New From Balance: " + newFromBal);
            Console.WriteLine("New To Balance: " + newToBal);
            Balances.SetValue(from, newFromBal);
            Balances.SetValue(to, newToBal);

            // This is for testing batched transaction sequence
            TransactionEndTimes.SetValue(Api.GetTransaction().GetHash(), Now());
コード例 #3
ファイル: SideChainContract.cs プロジェクト: wyk125/AElf
        public void WriteParentChainBlockInfo(ParentChainBlockInfo parentChainBlockInfo)
            ulong parentChainHeight = parentChainBlockInfo.Height;
            var   currentHeight     = _currentParentChainHeight.GetValue();
            var   target            = currentHeight != 0 ? currentHeight + 1: GlobalConfig.GenesisBlockHeight;

            Api.Assert(target == parentChainHeight,
                       $"Parent chain block info at height {target} is needed, not {parentChainHeight}");
            Console.WriteLine("ParentChainBlockInfo.Height is correct.");

            var key = new UInt64Value {
                Value = parentChainHeight

            Api.Assert(_parentChainBlockInfo.GetValue(key) == null,
                       $"Already written parent chain block info at height {parentChainHeight}");
            Console.WriteLine("Writing ParentChainBlockInfo..");
            foreach (var _ in parentChainBlockInfo.IndexedBlockInfo)
                BindParentChainHeight(_.Key, parentChainHeight);
                AddIndexedTxRootMerklePathInParentChain(_.Key, _.Value);
            _parentChainBlockInfo.SetValueAsync(key, parentChainBlockInfo).Wait();

            // only for debug
            Console.WriteLine($"WriteParentChainBlockInfo success at {parentChainHeight}");
コード例 #4
        private async Task SetDPoSInformationOfNextRound(Round nextRoundInfo, StringValue nextExtraBlockProducer)
            //Update Current Round Number.
            await UpdateCurrentRoundNumber();

            var newRoundNumber = new UInt64Value {
                Value = CurrentRoundNumber

            //Update ExtraBlockProducer.
            await SetExtraBlockProducerOfSpecificRound(newRoundNumber, nextExtraBlockProducer);

            //Update RoundInfo.
            nextRoundInfo.BlockProducers.First(info => info.Key == nextExtraBlockProducer.Value).Value.IsEBP = true;

            //Update DPoSInfo.
            await SetDPoSInfoToMap(newRoundNumber, nextRoundInfo);

            //Update First Place.
            await SetFirstPlaceOfSpecificRound(newRoundNumber,
                                               new StringValue { Value = nextRoundInfo.BlockProducers.First().Key });

            //Update Extra Block Time Slot.
            await SetExtraBlockMiningTimeSlotOfSpecificRound(GetTimestampWithOffset(
                                                                 nextRoundInfo.BlockProducers.Last().Value.TimeSlot, Interval));

            ConsoleWriteLine(nameof(Update), $"Sync dpos info of round {CurrentRoundNumber} succeed.");
コード例 #5
        public override UInt64Value Fibonacci(UInt64Value input)
            var result = CalculateFibonacci(input.Value);

            return(new UInt64Value {
                Value = result
コード例 #6
 public Round GetCurrentRoundInfo(UInt64Value currentRoundNumber = null)
     if (currentRoundNumber == null)
         currentRoundNumber = CurrentRoundNumber;
     return(currentRoundNumber.Value != 0 ? this[currentRoundNumber] : null);
コード例 #7
        // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBeMadeStatic.Local
        private UInt64Value RoundNumberMinusOne(UInt64Value currentCount)
            var current = currentCount.Value;

            return(new UInt64Value {
                Value = current
コード例 #8
ファイル: SideChainContract.cs プロジェクト: wyk125/AElf
        private void AddIndexedTxRootMerklePathInParentChain(ulong height, MerklePath path)
            var key = new UInt64Value {
                Value = height

            Api.Assert(_txRootMerklePathInParentChain.GetValue(key) == null,
                       $"Merkle path already bound at height {height}.");
//            _txRootMerklePathInParentChain[key] = path;
            _txRootMerklePathInParentChain.SetValueAsync(key, path).Wait();
            Console.WriteLine("Path: {0}", path.Path[0].DumpHex());
コード例 #9
        private async Task PublishInValue(UInt64Value roundNumber, StringValue accountAddress, Hash inValue)
            var info = await GetBPInfoOfSpecificRound(accountAddress, roundNumber);

            info.InValue = inValue;

            var roundInfo = await _dPoSInfoMap.GetValueAsync(roundNumber);

            roundInfo.BlockProducers[accountAddress.Value] = info;

            await _dPoSInfoMap.SetValueAsync(roundNumber, roundInfo);
コード例 #10
ファイル: SideChainContract.cs プロジェクト: wyk125/AElf
        private void BindParentChainHeight(ulong childHeight, ulong parentHeight)
            var key = new UInt64Value {
                Value = childHeight

            Api.Assert(_childHeightToParentChainHeight.GetValue(key) == null,
                       $"Already bound at height {childHeight} with parent chain");
//            _childHeightToParentChainHeight[key] = new UInt64Value {Value = parentHeight};
            _childHeightToParentChainHeight.SetValueAsync(key, new UInt64Value {
                Value = parentHeight
コード例 #11
ファイル: SideChainContract.cs プロジェクト: wyk125/AElf
        public bool VerifyTransaction(Hash tx, MerklePath path, ulong parentChainHeight)
            var key = new UInt64Value {
                Value = parentChainHeight

            Api.Assert(_parentChainBlockInfo.GetValue(key) != null,
                       $"Parent chain block at height {parentChainHeight} is not recorded.");
            var rootCalculated = path.ComputeRootWith(tx);
            var parentRoot     = _parentChainBlockInfo.GetValue(key)?.Root?.SideChainTransactionsRoot;

            //Api.Assert((parentRoot??Hash.Zero).Equals(rootCalculated), "Transaction verification Failed");
            return((parentRoot ?? Hash.Zero).Equals(rootCalculated));
コード例 #12
    public void NullableWrapper_Root_UInt64_WriteAsStrings(bool writeInt64sAsStrings, string expectedJson)
        var v = new UInt64Value {
            Value = 2

        var settings = new GrpcJsonSettings {
            WriteInt64sAsStrings = writeInt64sAsStrings
        var jsonSerializerOptions = CreateSerializerOptions(settings, TypeRegistry.Empty);
        var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(v, jsonSerializerOptions);

        Assert.Equal(expectedJson, json);
コード例 #13
        private async Task PublishOutValueAndSignature(UInt64Value roundNumber, StringValue accountAddress,
                                                       Hash outValue, Hash signature)
            var info = await GetBPInfoOfSpecificRound(accountAddress, roundNumber);

            info.OutValue = outValue;
            if (roundNumber.Value > 1)
                info.Signature = signature;
            var roundInfo = await _dPoSInfoMap.GetValueAsync(roundNumber);

            roundInfo.BlockProducers[accountAddress.Value] = info;

            await _dPoSInfoMap.SetValueAsync(roundNumber, roundInfo);
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the serialized protobuf data to human friendly representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public byte[] ToFriendlyBytes()
            switch (Type)
            case Types.RetType.Bool:
                var boolval = new BoolValue();

            case Types.RetType.Int32:
                var sint32Val = new SInt32Value();

            case Types.RetType.Uint32:
                var uint32Val = new UInt32Value();

            case Types.RetType.Int64:
                var sint64Val = new SInt64Value();

            case Types.RetType.Uint64:
                var uint64Val = new UInt64Value();

            case Types.RetType.String:
                var stringVal = new StringValue();

            case Types.RetType.Bytes:
                var bytesVal = new BytesValue();

            case Types.RetType.PbMessage:
            case Types.RetType.UserType:
                // Both are treated as bytes

            return(new byte[0]);
コード例 #15
 private Round this[UInt64Value roundNumber]
             var bytes = GetBytes <Round>(Hash.FromMessage(roundNumber), GlobalConfig.AElfDPoSInformationString);
             var round = Round.Parser.ParseFrom(bytes);
         catch (Exception e)
                           $"Failed to get Round information of provided round number. - {roundNumber.Value}\n");
コード例 #16
        public void CanGetMarshallerForWellKnownType()
            var marshaller   = _sut.GetMarshaller <UInt64Value>();
            var encodedValue = new UInt64Value
                Value = ulong.MaxValue
            UInt64Value decodedValue;

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                marshaller.Encode(encodedValue, stream);
                stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                decodedValue = marshaller.Decode(stream);
コード例 #17
 public bool Initialize(Address account, UInt64Value qty)
     Console.WriteLine($"Initialize {account.DumpHex()} to {qty.Value}");
     Balances.SetValue(account, qty.Value);
コード例 #18
        public void OpenXmlSimpleTypeConverterTest()
            // 1. Base64BinaryValue
            Base64BinaryValue base64 = new Base64BinaryValue();

            base64 = "AA3322";
            Assert.True(base64 == "AA3322");
            Assert.Equal("AA3322", base64.Value);
            base64 = Base64BinaryValue.FromString("1234");
            Assert.Equal("1234", base64.ToString());
            Assert.Equal("1234", Base64BinaryValue.ToString(base64));

            // 2. BooleanValue
            BooleanValue booleanValue = new BooleanValue();

            booleanValue = true;
            booleanValue = BooleanValue.FromBoolean(false);

            // 3. ByteValue
            ByteValue byteValue = new ByteValue();
            byte      bt        = 1;

            byteValue = bt;
            Assert.True(bt == byteValue);
            Assert.Equal(bt, byteValue.Value);
            bt        = 2;
            byteValue = ByteValue.FromByte(bt);
            Assert.Equal(bt, ByteValue.ToByte(byteValue));

            // 4. DateTimeValue
            DateTimeValue dtValue = new DateTimeValue();
            DateTime      dt      = DateTime.Now;

            dtValue = dt;
            Assert.True(dt == dtValue);
            dt      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
            dtValue = DateTimeValue.FromDateTime(dt);
            Assert.Equal(dt, dtValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(dt, DateTimeValue.ToDateTime(dt));

            // 5. DecimalValue
            DecimalValue decimalValue = new DecimalValue();
            decimal      dcm          = 10;

            decimalValue = dcm;
            Assert.True(dcm == decimalValue);
            decimalValue = DecimalValue.FromDecimal(20);
            Assert.Equal(20, decimalValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(20, DecimalValue.ToDecimal(decimalValue));

            // 6. DoubleValue
            DoubleValue doubleValue = new DoubleValue();
            double      dbl         = 1.1;

            doubleValue = dbl;
            Assert.True(dbl == doubleValue);
            doubleValue = DoubleValue.FromDouble(2.2);
            Assert.Equal(2.2, doubleValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(2.2, DoubleValue.ToDouble(doubleValue));

            // 7. HexBinaryValue
            HexBinaryValue hexBinaryValue = new HexBinaryValue();
            string         hex            = "0X99CCFF";

            hexBinaryValue = hex;
            Assert.True(hex == hexBinaryValue);
            hex            = "111111";
            hexBinaryValue = HexBinaryValue.FromString(hex);
            Assert.Equal(hex, hexBinaryValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(hex, HexBinaryValue.ToString(hexBinaryValue));

            // 8. Int16
            Int16Value int16Value = new Int16Value();
            short      int16      = 16;

            int16Value = int16;
            Assert.True(int16 == int16Value);
            int16      = 17;
            int16Value = Int16Value.FromInt16(int16);
            Assert.Equal(int16, int16Value.Value);
            Assert.Equal(int16, Int16Value.ToInt16(int16Value));

            // 9. Int32
            Int32Value int32Value = new Int32Value();
            int        int32      = 32;

            int32Value = int32;
            Assert.True(int32 == int32Value);
            int32      = 33;
            int32Value = Int32Value.FromInt32(int32);
            Assert.Equal(int32, int32Value.Value);
            Assert.Equal(int32, Int32Value.ToInt32(int32Value));

            // 10. Int64
            Int64Value int64Value = new Int64Value();
            long       int64      = 64;

            int64Value = int64;
            Assert.True(int64 == int64Value);
            int64      = 17;
            int64Value = Int64Value.FromInt64(int64);
            Assert.Equal(int64, int64Value.Value);
            Assert.Equal(int64, Int64Value.ToInt64(int64Value));

            // 11. IntegerValue
            IntegerValue integerValue = new IntegerValue();
            int          integer      = 64;

            integerValue = integer;
            Assert.True(integer == integerValue);
            integer      = 17;
            integerValue = IntegerValue.FromInt64(integer);
            Assert.Equal(integer, integerValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(integer, IntegerValue.ToInt64(integerValue));

            // 12. OnOffValue
            OnOffValue onOffValue = new OnOffValue();

            onOffValue = true;
            onOffValue = OnOffValue.FromBoolean(false);

            // 13. SByteValue
            SByteValue sbyteValue = new SByteValue();
            sbyte      sbt        = sbyte.MaxValue;

            sbyteValue = sbt;
            Assert.True(sbt == sbyteValue);
            sbt        = sbyte.MinValue;
            sbyteValue = SByteValue.FromSByte(sbt);
            Assert.Equal(sbt, sbyteValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(sbt, SByteValue.ToSByte(sbt));

            // 14. SingleValue
            SingleValue singleValue = new SingleValue();
            float       single      = float.MaxValue;

            singleValue = single;
            Assert.True(single == singleValue);
            single      = float.NaN;
            singleValue = SingleValue.FromSingle(single);
            Assert.Equal(single, singleValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(single, SingleValue.ToSingle(singleValue));

            // 15. StringValue
            StringValue stringValue = new StringValue();
            string      str         = "Ethan";

            stringValue = str;
            Assert.True(str == stringValue);
            str         = "Yin";
            stringValue = StringValue.FromString(str);
            Assert.Equal(str, stringValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(str, stringValue.ToString());
            Assert.Equal(str, StringValue.ToString(stringValue));

            // 16. TrueFalseBlankValue
            TrueFalseBlankValue tfbValue = new TrueFalseBlankValue();

            tfbValue = true;
            tfbValue = TrueFalseBlankValue.FromBoolean(false);

            // 17. TrueFalseValue
            TrueFalseValue tfValue = new TrueFalseValue();

            tfValue = true;
            tfValue = TrueFalseValue.FromBoolean(false);

            // 18. UInt16Value
            UInt16Value uint16Value = new UInt16Value();
            ushort      uint16      = ushort.MaxValue;

            uint16Value = uint16;
            Assert.True(uint16 == uint16Value);
            uint16      = ushort.MinValue;
            uint16Value = UInt16Value.FromUInt16(uint16);
            Assert.Equal(uint16, uint16Value.Value);
            Assert.Equal(uint16, UInt16Value.ToUInt16(uint16Value));

            // 19. UInt32Value
            UInt32Value uint32Value = new UInt32Value();
            uint        uint32      = uint.MaxValue;

            uint32Value = uint32;
            Assert.True(uint32 == uint32Value);
            uint32      = uint.MinValue;
            uint32Value = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(uint32);
            Assert.Equal(uint32, uint32Value.Value);
            Assert.Equal(uint32, UInt32Value.ToUInt32(uint32Value));

            // 20. UInt64Value
            UInt64Value uint64Value = new UInt64Value();
            ulong       uint64      = ulong.MaxValue;

            uint64Value = uint64;
            Assert.True(uint64 == uint64Value);
            uint64      = ulong.MinValue;
            uint64Value = UInt64Value.FromUInt64(uint64);
            Assert.Equal(uint64, uint64Value.Value);
            Assert.Equal(uint64, UInt64Value.ToUInt64(uint64Value));
コード例 #19
 private async Task SetFirstPlaceOfSpecificRound(UInt64Value roundNumber, AElfDPoSInformation info)
     await _firstPlaceMap.SetValueAsync(roundNumber,
                                        new StringValue { Value = info.GetRoundInfo(roundNumber.Value).BlockProducers.First().Key });
コード例 #20
 private async Task SetFirstPlaceOfSpecificRound(UInt64Value roundNumber, StringValue accountAddress)
     await _firstPlaceMap.SetValueAsync(roundNumber, accountAddress);
コード例 #21
        private async Task SetDPoSInfoToMap(UInt64Value roundNumber, Round roundInfo)
            await _dPoSInfoMap.SetValueAsync(roundNumber, roundInfo);

            await _roundHashMap.SetValueAsync(roundNumber, new Int64Value { Value = roundInfo.RoundId });
コード例 #22
 private async Task SetExtraBlockProducerOfSpecificRound(UInt64Value roundNumber, AElfDPoSInformation info)
     await _eBPMap.SetValueAsync(roundNumber,
コード例 #23
 public UInt64ValueTests()
     SmallValue1 = new UInt64Value(10UL);
     SmallValue2 = new UInt64Value(10UL);
     LargeValue  = new UInt64Value(20UL);
コード例 #24
        public void OpenXmlSimpleTypeConverterTest()
            // 1. Base64BinaryValue
            Base64BinaryValue base64 = new Base64BinaryValue();
            base64 = "AA3322";
            Assert.True("AA3322" == base64);
            Assert.Equal("AA3322", base64.Value);
            base64 = Base64BinaryValue.FromString("1234");
            Assert.Equal("1234", base64.ToString());
            Assert.Equal("1234", Base64BinaryValue.ToString(base64));

            // 2. BooleanValue
            BooleanValue booleanValue = new BooleanValue();
            booleanValue = true;
            booleanValue = BooleanValue.FromBoolean(false);
            Assert.Equal(false, BooleanValue.ToBoolean(booleanValue));

            // 3. ByteValue
            ByteValue byteValue = new ByteValue();
            Byte bt = 1;
            byteValue = bt;
            Assert.True(bt == byteValue);
            Assert.Equal(bt, byteValue.Value);
            bt = 2;
            byteValue = ByteValue.FromByte(bt);
            Assert.Equal(bt, ByteValue.ToByte(byteValue));

            // 4. DateTimeValue
            DateTimeValue dtValue = new DateTimeValue();
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
            dtValue = dt;
            Assert.True(dt == dtValue);
            dt = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
            dtValue = DateTimeValue.FromDateTime(dt);
            Assert.Equal(dt, dtValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(dt, DateTimeValue.ToDateTime(dt));

            // 5. DecimalValue
            DecimalValue decimalValue = new DecimalValue();
            decimal dcm = 10;
            decimalValue = dcm;
            Assert.True(dcm == decimalValue);
            decimalValue = DecimalValue.FromDecimal(20);
            Assert.Equal(20, decimalValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(20, DecimalValue.ToDecimal(decimalValue));

            // 6. DoubleValue
            DoubleValue doubleValue = new DoubleValue();
            double dbl = 1.1;
            doubleValue = dbl;
            Assert.True(dbl == doubleValue);
            doubleValue = DoubleValue.FromDouble(2.2);
            Assert.Equal(2.2, doubleValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(2.2, DoubleValue.ToDouble(doubleValue));

            // 7. HexBinaryValue
            HexBinaryValue hexBinaryValue = new HexBinaryValue();
            string hex = "0X99CCFF";
            hexBinaryValue = hex;
            Assert.True(hex == hexBinaryValue);
            hex = "111111";
            hexBinaryValue = HexBinaryValue.FromString(hex);
            Assert.Equal(hex, hexBinaryValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(hex, HexBinaryValue.ToString(hexBinaryValue));

            // 8. Int16
            Int16Value int16Value = new Int16Value();
            Int16 int16 = 16;
            int16Value = int16;
            Assert.True(int16 == int16Value);
            int16 = 17;
            int16Value = Int16Value.FromInt16(int16);
            Assert.Equal(int16, int16Value.Value);
            Assert.Equal(int16, Int16Value.ToInt16(int16Value));

            // 9. Int32
            Int32Value int32Value = new Int32Value();
            Int32 int32 = 32;
            int32Value = int32;
            Assert.True(int32 == int32Value);
            int32 = 33;
            int32Value = Int32Value.FromInt32(int32);
            Assert.Equal(int32, int32Value.Value);
            Assert.Equal(int32, Int32Value.ToInt32(int32Value));

            // 10. Int64
            Int64Value int64Value = new Int64Value();
            Int64 int64 = 64;
            int64Value = int64;
            Assert.True(int64 == int64Value);
            int64 = 17;
            int64Value = Int64Value.FromInt64(int64);
            Assert.Equal(int64, int64Value.Value);
            Assert.Equal(int64, Int64Value.ToInt64(int64Value));

            // 11. IntegerValue
            IntegerValue integerValue = new IntegerValue();
            int integer = 64;
            integerValue = integer;
            Assert.True(integer == integerValue);
            integer = 17;
            integerValue = IntegerValue.FromInt64(integer);
            Assert.Equal(integer, integerValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(integer, IntegerValue.ToInt64(integerValue));

            // 12. OnOffValue
            OnOffValue onOffValue = new OnOffValue();
            onOffValue = true;
            onOffValue = OnOffValue.FromBoolean(false);
            Assert.Equal(false, onOffValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(false, OnOffValue.ToBoolean(onOffValue));

            // 13. SByteValue
            SByteValue sbyteValue = new SByteValue();
            SByte sbt = SByte.MaxValue;
            sbyteValue = sbt;
            Assert.True(sbt == sbyteValue);
            sbt = SByte.MinValue;
            sbyteValue = SByteValue.FromSByte(sbt);
            Assert.Equal(sbt, sbyteValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(sbt, SByteValue.ToSByte(sbt));

            // 14. SingleValue
            SingleValue singleValue = new SingleValue();
            Single single = Single.MaxValue;
            singleValue = single;
            Assert.True(single == singleValue);
            single = Single.NaN;
            singleValue = SingleValue.FromSingle(single);
            Assert.Equal(single, singleValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(single, SingleValue.ToSingle(singleValue));

            // 15. StringValue
            StringValue stringValue = new StringValue();
            String str = "Ethan";
            stringValue = str;
            Assert.True(str == stringValue);
            str = "Yin";
            stringValue = StringValue.FromString(str);
            Assert.Equal(str, stringValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(str, stringValue.ToString());
            Assert.Equal(str, StringValue.ToString(stringValue));

            // 16. TrueFalseBlankValue
            TrueFalseBlankValue tfbValue = new TrueFalseBlankValue();
            tfbValue = true;
            tfbValue = TrueFalseBlankValue.FromBoolean(false);
            Assert.Equal(false, tfbValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(false, TrueFalseBlankValue.ToBoolean(tfbValue));

            // 17. TrueFalseValue
            TrueFalseValue tfValue = new TrueFalseValue();
            tfValue = true;
            tfValue = TrueFalseValue.FromBoolean(false);
            Assert.Equal(false, tfValue.Value);
            Assert.Equal(false, TrueFalseValue.ToBoolean(tfValue));

            // 18. UInt16Value
            UInt16Value uint16Value = new UInt16Value();
            UInt16 uint16 = UInt16.MaxValue;
            uint16Value = uint16;
            Assert.True(uint16 == uint16Value);
            uint16 = UInt16.MinValue;
            uint16Value = UInt16Value.FromUInt16(uint16);
            Assert.Equal(uint16, uint16Value.Value);
            Assert.Equal(uint16, UInt16Value.ToUInt16(uint16Value));

            // 19. UInt32Value
            UInt32Value uint32Value = new UInt32Value();
            UInt32 uint32 = UInt32.MaxValue;
            uint32Value = uint32;
            Assert.True(uint32 == uint32Value);
            uint32 = UInt32.MinValue;
            uint32Value = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(uint32);
            Assert.Equal(uint32, uint32Value.Value);
            Assert.Equal(uint32, UInt32Value.ToUInt32(uint32Value));

            // 20. UInt64Value
            UInt64Value uint64Value = new UInt64Value();
            UInt64 uint64 = UInt64.MaxValue;
            uint64Value = uint64;
            Assert.True(uint64 == uint64Value);
            uint64 = UInt64.MinValue;
            uint64Value = UInt64Value.FromUInt64(uint64);
            Assert.Equal(uint64, uint64Value.Value);
            Assert.Equal(uint64, UInt64Value.ToUInt64(uint64Value));
コード例 #25
        /// <inheritdoc />
        /// <summary>
        /// 1. Set block producers / miners;
        /// 2. Set current round number to 1;
        /// 3. Set mining interval;
        /// 4. Set first place of round 1 and 2 using AElfDPoSInformation;
        /// 5. Set DPoS information of first round to map;
        /// 6. Set EBP of round 1 and 2;
        /// 7. Set Extra Block mining time slot of current round (actually round 1).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">
        /// 3 args:
        /// [0] Miners
        /// [1] AElfDPoSInformation
        /// [2] SInt32Value
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task Initialize(List <byte[]> args)
            if (args.Count != 4)

            var round1 = new UInt64Value {
                Value = 1
            var round2 = new UInt64Value {
                Value = 2
            Miners miners;
            AElfDPoSInformation dPoSInfo;
            SInt32Value         miningInterval;

                miners         = Miners.Parser.ParseFrom(args[0]);
                dPoSInfo       = AElfDPoSInformation.Parser.ParseFrom(args[1]);
                miningInterval = SInt32Value.Parser.ParseFrom(args[2]);
                LogLevel       = Int32Value.Parser.ParseFrom(args[3]).Value;
            catch (Exception e)
                ConsoleWriteLine(nameof(Initialize), "Failed to parse from byte array.", e);

            // 1. Set block producers;
                await InitializeBlockProducer(miners);
            catch (Exception e)
                ConsoleWriteLine(nameof(Initialize), "Failed to set block producers.", e);

            // 2. Set current round number to 1;
                await UpdateCurrentRoundNumber(1);
            catch (Exception e)
                ConsoleWriteLine(nameof(Initialize), "Failed to update current round number.", e);

            // 3. Set mining interval;
                await SetMiningInterval(miningInterval);
            catch (Exception e)
                ConsoleWriteLine(nameof(Initialize), "Failed to set mining interval.", e);

            // 4. Set first place of round 1 and 2 using DPoSInfo;
                await SetFirstPlaceOfSpecificRound(round1, dPoSInfo);
                await SetFirstPlaceOfSpecificRound(round2, dPoSInfo);
            catch (Exception e)
                ConsoleWriteLine(nameof(Initialize), "Failed to set first place.", e);

            // 5. Set DPoS information of first round to map;
                await SetDPoSInfoToMap(round1, dPoSInfo.Rounds[0]);
                await SetDPoSInfoToMap(round2, dPoSInfo.Rounds[1]);
            catch (Exception e)
                ConsoleWriteLine(nameof(Initialize), "Failed to set DPoS information of first round to map.", e);

            // 6. Set EBP of round 1 and 2;
                await SetExtraBlockProducerOfSpecificRound(round1, dPoSInfo);
                await SetExtraBlockProducerOfSpecificRound(round2, dPoSInfo);
            catch (Exception e)
                ConsoleWriteLine(nameof(Initialize), "Failed to set Extra Block Producer.", e);

            // 7. Set Extra Block mining time slot of current round (actually round 1);
                await SetExtraBlockMiningTimeSlotOfSpecificRound(round1, dPoSInfo);
            catch (Exception e)
                ConsoleWriteLine(nameof(Initialize), "Failed to set Extra Block mining timeslot.", e);
コード例 #26
 private async Task <BlockProducer> GetBPInfoOfSpecificRound(StringValue accountAddress, UInt64Value roundNumber)
     return((await _dPoSInfoMap.GetValueAsync(roundNumber)).BlockProducers[accountAddress.Value]);
コード例 #27
 private async Task SetExtraBlockProducerOfSpecificRound(UInt64Value roundNumber, StringValue extraBlockProducer)
     await _eBPMap.SetValueAsync(roundNumber, extraBlockProducer);
コード例 #28
 private async Task SetExtraBlockMiningTimeSlotOfSpecificRound(UInt64Value roundNumber, AElfDPoSInformation info)
     var lastMinerTimeSlot = info.GetLastBlockProducerTimeSlotOfSpecificRound(roundNumber.Value);
     var timeSlot          = GetTimestampWithOffset(lastMinerTimeSlot, Interval);
     await _timeForProducingExtraBlockField.SetAsync(timeSlot);