public override void Start() { var cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>(); var graphics = GetSubsystem<Graphics>(); var ui = GetSubsystem<UI>(); graphics.SetWindowIcon(cache.Get<Image>("Textures/AtomicIcon48.png")); graphics.WindowTitle = "Atomic Game Engine Feature Example"; // Subscribe to Esc key: SubscribeToEvent<KeyDownEvent>(e => { if (e.Key == Constants.KEY_ESCAPE) BackToSelector(); }); // Say Hello var layout = new UILayout(); layout.Rect = UIView.Rect; layout.LayoutPosition = UI_LAYOUT_POSITION.UI_LAYOUT_POSITION_CENTER; layout.LayoutDistributionPosition = UI_LAYOUT_DISTRIBUTION_POSITION.UI_LAYOUT_DISTRIBUTION_POSITION_CENTER; var fontDesc = new UIFontDescription(); fontDesc.Id = "Vera"; fontDesc.Size = 24; var label = new UITextField(); label.FontDescription = fontDesc; label.Text = "Hello World, from the Atomic Game Engine"; layout.AddChild(label); UIView.AddChild(layout); }
public SampleHotbar(CheatSheet mod) { this.mod = mod; //parentHotbar = mod.hotbar; buttonView = new UIView(); Visible = false; // Button images bSampleButton = new UIImage(TextureAssets.Item[ItemID.Paintbrush].Value); // Button tooltips bSampleButton.Tooltip = "Sample Tooltip"; // Button EventHandlers bSampleButton.onLeftClick += bSampleButton_onLeftClick; bSampleButton.onRightClick += (s, e) => { // Sample handling }; // Register mousedown onMouseDown += (s, e) => { if (!Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface && !mod.hotbar.MouseInside && !mod.hotbar.button.MouseInside) { mouseDown = true; Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface = true; } }; onMouseUp += (s, e) => { justMouseDown = true; mouseDown = false; /*startTileX = -1; startTileY = -1;*/ }; // ButtonView buttonView.AddChild(bSampleButton); Width = 200f; Height = 55f; buttonView.Height = Height; Anchor = AnchorPosition.Top; AddChild(buttonView); Position = new Vector2(Hotbar.xPosition, hiddenPosition); CenterXAxisToParentCenter(); float num = spacing; for (int i = 0; i < buttonView.children.Count; i++) { buttonView.children[i].Anchor = AnchorPosition.Left; buttonView.children[i].Position = new Vector2(num, 0f); buttonView.children[i].CenterYAxisToParentCenter(); buttonView.children[i].Visible = true; buttonView.children[i].ForegroundColor = buttonUnselectedColor; num += buttonView.children[i].Width + spacing; } Resize(); }
public static void ViewCode(String filename, UIWidget layoutParent) { var cache = GetSubsystem <ResourceCache> (); UIWindow window = new UIWindow(); window.SetSettings(UI_WINDOW_SETTINGS.UI_WINDOW_SETTINGS_DEFAULT); window.SetText("Code Viewer"); window.Load("Scenes/view_code.ui.txt"); File filex = cache.GetFile(filename); string textx = filex.ReadText(); filex.Close(); UIWidget coder = window.GetWidget("viewCodeText"); coder.SetText(textx); window.ResizeToFitContent(); myuivew.AddChild(window); window.Center(); UIWidget someok = window.GetWidget("viewCodeOK"); someok.SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent> (someok, ev => { if (ev.Type == UI_EVENT_TYPE.UI_EVENT_TYPE_CLICK) { UIWindow mywindow = (UIWindow)FindTheWindowParent(ev.Target); if (!mywindow.Equals(null)) { mywindow.Close(); } } }); }
public override void Start() { view = new UIView() { X = 0, Y = 0 }; fontDescription = new UIFontDescription() { Size = 22, Id = "Anonymous Pro" }; layout = new UILayout() { Axis = UI_AXIS.UI_AXIS_Y, Rect = view.Rect, LayoutPosition = UI_LAYOUT_POSITION.UI_LAYOUT_POSITION_CENTER }; view.AddChild(layout); CreateSceneLoadButton("Clear"); CreateSceneLoadButton("Empty"); CreateSceneLoadButton("Scene"); // Setup debug hud to display metrics GetSubsystem <UI>().ShowDebugHud(true); GetSubsystem <UI>().SetDebugHudProfileMode(DebugHudProfileMode.DEBUG_HUD_PROFILE_METRICS); }
// Recalculate buttons. void ServiceAddedOrRemoved(HEROsModService modifiedService) { // Clear existing icons in the Hotbar _iconView.RemoveAllChildren(); // For each service, add its icon to the hotbar float xPos = Spacing; for (int i = 0; i < HEROsMod.ServiceController.Services.Count; i++) { HEROsModService service = HEROsMod.ServiceController.Services[i]; if (service.HotbarIcon == null || !service.HasPermissionToUse) { continue; } if (service.IsHotbar) { service.Hotbar.buttonView.RemoveAllChildren(); service.Hotbar.test(); } if (service.IsInHotbar /* && service.HotbarParent.buttonView != null*/) { //ErrorLogger.Log("adding " + service.Name); //ErrorLogger.Log("adding 1" + service.HotbarParent.ChildCount); //ErrorLogger.Log("adding 3" + service.HotbarParent.buttonView.ChildCount); UIImage icon = HEROsMod.ServiceController.Services[i].HotbarIcon; //icon.Anchor = AnchorPosition.Left; //icon.X = xPos; //icon.Y = 0; //xPos += icon.Width + Spacing; service.HotbarParent.buttonView.AddChild(icon); //_iconView.AddChild(icon); //icon.CenterYAxisToParentCenter(); service.HotbarParent.test(); //ModUtils.DebugText("added " + service.Name); } else { UIImage icon = HEROsMod.ServiceController.Services[i].HotbarIcon; icon.Anchor = AnchorPosition.Left; icon.X = xPos; icon.Y = 0; xPos += icon.Width + Spacing; _iconView.AddChild(icon); icon.CenterYAxisToParentCenter(); } } if (_iconView.ChildCount > 0) { this.Width = _iconView.GetLastChild().X + _iconView.GetLastChild().Width + Spacing; _iconView.Width = this.Width; } collapseButton.CenterXAxisToParentCenter(); collapseArrow.Position = collapseButton.Position; }
private void PopulateSortView() { if (DefaultSorts == null) { DefaultSorts = new Sort[] { new Sort(new UIImage(HEROsMod.instance.GetTexture("Images/sortItemID")) { Tooltip = HeroText("SortName.ItemID") }, (x, y) => x.type.CompareTo(y.type)), new Sort(new UIImage(HEROsMod.instance.GetTexture("Images/sortValue")) { Tooltip = HeroText("SortName.Value") }, (x, y) => x.value.CompareTo(y.value)), new Sort(new UIImage(HEROsMod.instance.GetTexture("Images/sortAZ")) { Tooltip = HeroText("SortName.Alphabetical") }, (x, y) => x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)), }; } List <Sort> sorts = DefaultSorts.ToList(); if (SelectedCategory != null) { if (SelectedCategory.ParentCategory != null) { foreach (var item in SelectedCategory.ParentCategory.Sorts) { sorts.Add(item); } } foreach (var item in SelectedCategory.Sorts) { sorts.Add(item); } } AvailableSorts = sorts.ToArray(); _sortView.RemoveAllChildren(); _sortView.X = _spacer.X + _spacer.Width; float xPos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < AvailableSorts.Length; i++) { UIImage button = AvailableSorts[i].button; button.Width = 20; int x = i / 1; int y = i % 1; button.X = Spacing + x * (button.Width + Spacing); button.Y = Spacing + y * (button.Height + Spacing); xPos = button.X + button.Width + Spacing; _sortView.AddChild(button); } _sortView.Width = xPos; }
private void PopulateFilterView() { if (Filters == null) { Filters = new Filter[] { new Filter(new UIImage(HEROsMod.instance.GetTexture("Images/filterMod")) { Tooltip = HeroText("FilterName.ModFilter") }, x => x.modItem != null), }; } //Category[] categories = Categories; //if (SelectedCategory != null) //{ // categories = SelectedCategory.SubCategories.ToArray(); // if (categories.Length == 0) return; //} _filterView.RemoveAllChildren(); float xPos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Filters.Length; i++) { Filter f = Filters[i]; UIImage button = Filters[i].button; if (f.enabled) { button.ForegroundColor = Color.White; } else { button.ForegroundColor = Color.Gray; } //button.Tag = categories[i]; //button.AutoSize = false; button.Width = 20; int x = i / 1; int y = i % 1; button.X = Spacing + x * (button.Width + Spacing); button.Y = Spacing + y * (button.Height + Spacing); //button.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { // f.enabled = !f.enabled; // Main.NewText(f.button.Tooltip + " " + f.enabled); //}; //button.onLeftClick += (s, e) => Main.NewText(((UIImage)s).Tooltip); xPos = button.X + button.Width + Spacing; _filterView.AddChild(button); } _filterView.Width = xPos; _spacer.X = _filterView.X + _filterView.Width; }
void InitWindow() { var layout = new UILayout(); layout.Axis = UI_AXIS.UI_AXIS_Y; var checkBox = new UICheckBox(); checkBox.Id = "Checkbox"; layout.AddChild(checkBox); var button = new UIButton(); button.Text = "Button"; button.Id = "Button"; layout.AddChild(button); var edit = new UIEditField(); layout.AddChild(edit); edit.Id = "EditField"; window = new UIWindow(); window.Settings = UI_WINDOW_SETTINGS.UI_WINDOW_SETTINGS_TITLEBAR | UI_WINDOW_SETTINGS.UI_WINDOW_SETTINGS_CLOSE_BUTTON; window.Text = "Hello Atomic GUI!"; window.AddChild(layout); window.ResizeToFitContent(); UIView.AddChild(window); window.Center(); SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent>(window, e => { if (e.Type == UI_EVENT_TYPE.UI_EVENT_TYPE_CLICK) { var target = e.Target; if (target != null) { window.Text = $"Hello: {target.Id}"; } } }); SubscribeToEvent <WidgetDeletedEvent>(window, e => { BackToSelector(); }); }
public TestHotbarWindow() { this.buttonView = new UIView(); base.Visible = false; bStampTiles = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.Paintbrush]); bEyeDropper = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.EmptyDropper]); bFlipHorizontal = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.PadThai]); bFlipVertical = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.Safe]); bToggleTransparentSelection = new UIImage(Main.buffTexture[BuffID.Invisibility]); bStampTiles.Tooltip = " Paint Tiles"; bEyeDropper.Tooltip = " Eye Dropper"; bFlipHorizontal.Tooltip = " Flip Horizontal"; bFlipVertical.Tooltip = " Flip Vertical"; bToggleTransparentSelection.Tooltip = " Toggle Transparent Selection: On"; buttonView.AddChild(bStampTiles); buttonView.AddChild(bEyeDropper); buttonView.AddChild(bFlipHorizontal); buttonView.AddChild(bFlipVertical); buttonView.AddChild(bToggleTransparentSelection); base.Width = 200f; base.Height = 55f; this.buttonView.Height = base.Height; base.Anchor = AnchorPosition.Top; this.AddChild(this.buttonView); base.Position = new Vector2(Position.X, this.hiddenPosition); base.CenterXAxisToParentCenter(); float num = this.spacing; for (int i = 0; i < this.buttonView.children.Count; i++) { this.buttonView.children[i].Anchor = AnchorPosition.Left; this.buttonView.children[i].Position = new Vector2(num, 0f); this.buttonView.children[i].CenterYAxisToParentCenter(); this.buttonView.children[i].Visible = true; this.buttonView.children[i].ForegroundColor = buttonUnselectedColor; num += this.buttonView.children[i].Width + this.spacing; } this.Resize(); }
public SampleSelector() { sampleRef = null; var rootLayout = new UILayout(); rootLayout.Axis = UI_AXIS.UI_AXIS_Y; rootLayout.Rect = UIView.Rect; UIView.AddChild(rootLayout); SubscribeToEvent <KeyDownEvent>(e => { if (e.Key == Constants.KEY_ESCAPE) { GetSubsystem <Engine>().Exit(); } }); #if ATOMIC_DESKTOP || ATOMIC_MOBILE var sampleTypes = typeof(Sample).Assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Sample)) && t != typeof(Sample)).ToArray(); foreach (var sample in sampleTypes) { var button = new UIButton(); button.Text = sample.Name; button.SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent>(button, e => { // We're only interested in clicks if (e.Type != UI_EVENT_TYPE.UI_EVENT_TYPE_CLICK) { return; } // set the event as handled, as the UI is about to go away e.Handled = true; // Goodbye UI UIView.RemoveChild(rootLayout); sampleRef = (Sample)Activator.CreateInstance(sample); sampleRef.Start(); UnsubscribeFromEvent <KeyDownEvent>(); }); rootLayout.AddChild(button); } #endif }
public override void Start() { Scene scene = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Player>().LoadScene("Scenes/Scene.scene"); Vector <Camera> cameras = new Vector <Camera>(); scene.GetComponents(cameras, true); Graphics graphics = GetSubsystem <Graphics>(); Renderer renderer = GetSubsystem <Renderer>(); int numCameras = cameras.Count; views = new UIView[numCameras]; renderer.SetNumViewports((uint)numCameras); int viewportWidth = graphics.Width / numCameras; for (int i = 0; i < numCameras; ++i) { Viewport viewport = new Viewport(scene, cameras[i]); viewport.Rect = new IntRect( i * viewportWidth, 0, (i + 1) * viewportWidth, graphics.Height); renderer.SetViewport((uint)i, viewport); UIView view = new UIView(); UILayout layout = new UILayout() { // See for a layout cheatsheet: // Specifies which y position widgets in a AXIS_X layout should have, or which x position widgets in a AXIS_Y layout should have. LayoutPosition = UI_LAYOUT_POSITION.UI_LAYOUT_POSITION_RIGHT_BOTTOM, // Specifies how widgets should be moved horizontally in a AXIS_X layout(or vertically in a AXIS_Y layout) if there is extra space available. LayoutDistributionPosition = UI_LAYOUT_DISTRIBUTION_POSITION.UI_LAYOUT_DISTRIBUTION_POSITION_RIGHT_BOTTOM, Rect = viewport.Rect }; layout.AddChild(new UITextField() { FontDescription = fontDescription, Text = cameras[i].Node.Name }); view.AddChild(layout); views[i] = view; } }
private void PopulateSortView() { List <Sort> sorts = DefaultSorts.ToList(); if (SelectedCategory != null) { if (SelectedCategory.ParentCategory != null) { foreach (var item in SelectedCategory.ParentCategory.Sorts) { sorts.Add(item); } } foreach (var item in SelectedCategory.Sorts) { sorts.Add(item); } } AvailableSorts = sorts.ToArray(); _sortView.RemoveAllChildren(); _sortView.X = _spacer.X + _spacer.Width; float xPos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < AvailableSorts.Length; i++) { UIImage button = AvailableSorts[i].button; button.Width = 20; int x = i / 1; int y = i % 1; button.X = Spacing + x * (button.Width + Spacing); button.Y = Spacing + y * (button.Height + Spacing); xPos = button.X + button.Width + Spacing; _sortView.AddChild(button); } _sortView.Width = xPos; }
public Hotbar(CheatSheet mod) { this.mod = mod; this.buttonView = new UIView(); // this.timeWindow = new TimeControlWindow(); // this.npcSpawnWindow = new NPCSpawnerWindow(); // this.weatherWindow = new WeatherControlWindow(); // this.timeWindow.Visible = false; // this.npcSpawnWindow.Visible = false; // this.weatherWindow.Visible = false; // this.AddChild(this.timeWindow); // this.AddChild(this.npcSpawnWindow); // this.AddChild(this.weatherWindow); Hotbar.loginTexture = mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.login"); // UIView.GetEmbeddedTexture("Images.login.png"); Hotbar.logoutTexture = mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.logout"); //UIView.GetEmbeddedTexture("Images.logout.png"); // this.bLogin = new UIImage(Hotbar.loginTexture); // bLogin = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.login")); base.Visible = false; base.UpdateWhenOutOfBounds = true; // Hotbar.groupWindow = new GroupManagementWindow(); this.button = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.CollapseBar.CollapseButtonHorizontal")); //new UIImage(UIView.GetEmbeddedTexture("Images.CollapseBar.CollapseButtonHorizontal.png")); this.button.UpdateWhenOutOfBounds = true; this.arrow = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.CollapseBar.CollapseArrowHorizontal")); //new UIImage(UIView.GetEmbeddedTexture("Images.CollapseBar.CollapseArrowHorizontal.png")); // bToggleEnemies = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.npcIcon")); // bToggleBlockReach = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[407]); // bFlyCamera = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[493]); // bRevealMap = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.canIcon"));// Hotbar.mapTexture); // bWaypoints = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.waypointIcon")); // bGroupManager = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.manageGroups")); // bOnlinePlayers = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.connectedPlayers")); // bTime = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.sunIcon")); // bWeatherWindow = new UIImage(Main.npcHeadTexture[2]);// WeatherControlWindow.rainTexture); // bBackupWorld = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.UIKit.saveIcon")); // bCTFSettings = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.CTF.redFlag")); // Main.instance.LoadNPC(NPCID.KingSlime); bToggleItemBrowser = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.WorkBench]); bToggleNPCBrowser = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.npcIcon")); bToggleClearMenu = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.TrashCan]); bToggleRecipeBrowser = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.CookingPot]); bToggleExtendedCheat = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.CellPhone]); bTogglePaintTools = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.Paintbrush]); bCycleExtraAccessorySlots = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.DemonHeart]); bVacuum = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("UI/Images.bVacuum")); bToggleNPCButcherer = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.Skull]); bToggleQuickTeleport = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.WoodenDoor]); //bToggleEventManager = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.PirateMap]); this.arrow.UpdateWhenOutOfBounds = true; this.button.Anchor = AnchorPosition.Top; this.arrow.Anchor = AnchorPosition.Top; this.arrow.SpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.FlipVertically; this.AddChild(this.button); this.AddChild(this.arrow); this.button.Position = new Vector2(0f, -this.button.Height); this.button.CenterXAxisToParentCenter(); //Do i need this? this.button.X -= 40; this.arrow.Position = this.button.Position; this.arrow.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.button_onLeftClick); // this.bBackupWorld.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bBackupWorld_onLeftClick); // this.bToggleBlockReach.Tooltip = "Toggle Block Reach"; // this.bToggleEnemies.Tooltip = "Toggle Enemy Spawns"; // this.bFlyCamera.Tooltip = "Toggle Fly Cam"; // this.bRevealMap.Tooltip = "Reveal Map"; // this.bWaypoints.Tooltip = "Open Waypoints Window"; // this.bGroupManager.Tooltip = "Open Group Management"; // this.bOnlinePlayers.Tooltip = "View Connected Players"; // this.bTime.Tooltip = "Set Time"; // this.bWeatherWindow.Tooltip = "Control Rain"; // this.bLogin.Tooltip = "Login"; // this.bCTFSettings.Tooltip = "Capture the Flag Settings"; // this.bBackupWorld.Tooltip = "Backup World"; this.bToggleItemBrowser.Tooltip = CSText("ShowItemBrowser"); this.bToggleClearMenu.Tooltip = CSText("ShowClearMenu"); this.bToggleNPCBrowser.Tooltip = CSText("ShowNPCBrowser"); bToggleRecipeBrowser.Tooltip = CSText("ShowRecipeBrowser"); bToggleExtendedCheat.Tooltip = CSText("ShowModExtensionCheats"); bTogglePaintTools.Tooltip = CSText("ShowPaintTools"); bCycleExtraAccessorySlots.Tooltip = CSText("ExtraAccessorySlots") + ": ?"; bVacuum.Tooltip = CSText("VacuumItems"); bToggleNPCButcherer.Tooltip = CSText("ShowNPCButcherer"); bToggleQuickTeleport.Tooltip = CSText("ShowQuickWaypoints"); // bToggleEventManager.Tooltip = "Show Event Manager"; // this.bToggleBlockReach.Opacity = Hotbar.disabledOpacity; // this.bFlyCamera.Opacity = Hotbar.disabledOpacity; // this.bToggleEnemies.Opacity = Hotbar.disabledOpacity; // this.bToggleBlockReach.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bToggleBlockReach_onLeftClick); // this.bFlyCamera.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bFlyCamera_onLeftClick); // this.bToggleEnemies.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bToggleEnemies_onLeftClick); // this.bRevealMap.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bRevealMap_onLeftClick); // this.bWaypoints.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bWaypoints_onLeftClick); // this.bGroupManager.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bGroupManager_onLeftClick); // this.bOnlinePlayers.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bOnlinePlayers_onLeftClick); // this.bCTFSettings.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bCTFSettings_onLeftClick); // this.bLogin.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bLogin_onLeftClick); // this.bTime.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bTime_onLeftClick); // this.bWeatherWindow.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bWeatherWindow_onLeftClick); this.bToggleItemBrowser.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bToggleItemBrowser_onLeftClick); this.bToggleClearMenu.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bClearItems_onLeftClick); this.bToggleClearMenu.onRightClick += (s, e) => { QuickClearHotbar.HandleQuickClear(); }; this.bToggleNPCBrowser.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bToggleNPCBrowser_onLeftClick); this.bToggleRecipeBrowser.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bToggleRecipeBrowser_onLeftClick); this.bToggleExtendedCheat.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bToggleExtendedCheat_onLeftClick); this.bTogglePaintTools.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bTogglePaintTools_onLeftClick); this.bCycleExtraAccessorySlots.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { CheatSheetPlayer cheatSheetPlayer = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <CheatSheetPlayer>(); cheatSheetPlayer.numberExtraAccessoriesEnabled = (cheatSheetPlayer.numberExtraAccessoriesEnabled + 1) % (CheatSheetPlayer.MaxExtraAccessories + 1); bCycleExtraAccessorySlots.Tooltip = CSText("ExtraAccessorySlots") + ": " + cheatSheetPlayer.numberExtraAccessoriesEnabled; }; this.bCycleExtraAccessorySlots.onRightClick += (s, e) => { CheatSheetPlayer cheatSheetPlayer = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <CheatSheetPlayer>(); cheatSheetPlayer.numberExtraAccessoriesEnabled = cheatSheetPlayer.numberExtraAccessoriesEnabled == 0 ? 0 : (cheatSheetPlayer.numberExtraAccessoriesEnabled - 1) % (CheatSheetPlayer.MaxExtraAccessories + 1); bCycleExtraAccessorySlots.Tooltip = CSText("ExtraAccessorySlots") + ": " + cheatSheetPlayer.numberExtraAccessoriesEnabled; }; this.bVacuum.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bVacuum_onLeftClick); this.bToggleNPCButcherer.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bButcher_onLeftClick); this.bToggleNPCButcherer.onRightClick += (s, e) => { NPCButchererHotbar.HandleButcher(); }; this.bToggleQuickTeleport.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bToggleQuickTeleport_onLeftClick); this.bToggleQuickTeleport.onRightClick += (s, e) => { //QuickTeleportHotbar.TeleportPlayer(Main.LocalPlayer, new Vector2(Main.spawnTileX, Main.spawnTileY), true); QuickTeleportHotbar.HandleTeleport(); }; // this.bToggleEventManager.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bToggleEventManager_onLeftClick); // this.buttonView.AddChild(this.bToggleBlockReach); // this.buttonView.AddChild(this.bFlyCamera); // this.buttonView.AddChild(this.bToggleEnemies); // this.buttonView.AddChild(this.bRevealMap); // this.buttonView.AddChild(this.bWaypoints); // this.buttonView.AddChild(this.bTime); // this.buttonView.AddChild(this.bWeatherWindow); // this.buttonView.AddChild(this.bGroupManager); // this.buttonView.AddChild(this.bOnlinePlayers); // this.buttonView.AddChild(this.bCTFSettings); // this.buttonView.AddChild(this.bLogin); // this.buttonView.AddChild(this.bBackupWorld); buttonView.AddChild(bToggleItemBrowser); buttonView.AddChild(bToggleNPCBrowser); buttonView.AddChild(bToggleRecipeBrowser); buttonView.AddChild(bToggleExtendedCheat); buttonView.AddChild(bToggleClearMenu); buttonView.AddChild(bTogglePaintTools); buttonView.AddChild(bCycleExtraAccessorySlots); buttonView.AddChild(bVacuum); buttonView.AddChild(bToggleNPCButcherer); buttonView.AddChild(bToggleQuickTeleport); // buttonView.AddChild(bToggleEventManager); buttonView.AddChild(SpawnRateMultiplier.GetButton(mod)); buttonView.AddChild(MinionSlotBooster.GetButton(mod)); buttonView.AddChild(LightHack.GetButton(mod)); buttonView.AddChild(GodMode.GetButton(mod)); // buttonView.AddChild(FullBright.GetButton(mod)); // buttonView.AddChild(BossDowner.GetButton(mod)); buttonView.AddChild(ConfigurationTool.GetButton(mod)); base.Width = 200f; base.Height = 55f; this.buttonView.Height = base.Height; base.Anchor = AnchorPosition.Top; this.AddChild(this.buttonView); base.Position = new Vector2(Hotbar.xPosition, this.hiddenPosition); base.CenterXAxisToParentCenter(); float num = this.spacing; for (int i = 0; i < this.buttonView.children.Count; i++) { this.buttonView.children[i].Anchor = AnchorPosition.Left; this.buttonView.children[i].Position = new Vector2(num, 0f); this.buttonView.children[i].CenterYAxisToParentCenter(); this.buttonView.children[i].Visible = true; this.buttonView.children[i].ForegroundColor = buttonUnselectedColor; num += this.buttonView.children[i].Width + this.spacing; } // Hotbar.groupWindow.Visible = false; // MasterView.gameScreen.AddChild(Hotbar.groupWindow); ChangedConfiguration(); //this.Resize(); return; }
public QuickClearHotbar(CheatSheet mod) { this.mod = mod; //parentHotbar = mod.hotbar; buttonView = new UIView(); Visible = false; Main.instance.LoadItem(ItemID.WoodenSword); Main.instance.LoadItem(ItemID.WoodenArrow); // Button images bItems = new UIImage(TextureAssets.Item[ItemID.WoodenSword].Value); bProjectiles = new UIImage(TextureAssets.Item[ItemID.WoodenArrow].Value); bBuffs = new UIImage(TextureAssets.Buff[BuffID.Honey].Value); bDebuffs = new UIImage(TextureAssets.Buff[BuffID.Poisoned].Value); // Button tooltips bItems.Tooltip = CSText("ClearDroppedItems"); bProjectiles.Tooltip = CSText("ClearProjectiles"); bBuffs.Tooltip = CSText("ClearBuffs"); bDebuffs.Tooltip = CSText("ClearDebuffs"); // Button EventHandlers bItems.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleQuickClear(); }; bProjectiles.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleQuickClear(1); }; bBuffs.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleQuickClear(2); }; bDebuffs.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleQuickClear(3); }; // Register mousedown onMouseDown += (s, e) => { if (!Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface && !mod.hotbar.MouseInside && !mod.hotbar.button.MouseInside) { mouseDown = true; Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface = true; } }; onMouseUp += (s, e) => { justMouseDown = true; mouseDown = false; /*startTileX = -1; startTileY = -1;*/ }; // ButtonView buttonView.AddChild(bItems); buttonView.AddChild(bProjectiles); buttonView.AddChild(bBuffs); buttonView.AddChild(bDebuffs); Width = 200f; Height = 55f; buttonView.Height = Height; Anchor = AnchorPosition.Top; AddChild(buttonView); Position = new Vector2(Hotbar.xPosition, hiddenPosition); CenterXAxisToParentCenter(); float num = spacing; for (int i = 0; i < buttonView.children.Count; i++) { buttonView.children[i].Anchor = AnchorPosition.Left; buttonView.children[i].Position = new Vector2(num, 0f); buttonView.children[i].CenterYAxisToParentCenter(); buttonView.children[i].Visible = true; buttonView.children[i].ForegroundColor = buttonUnselectedColor; num += buttonView.children[i].Width + spacing; } Resize(); }
public QuickTeleportHotbar(CheatSheet mod) { this.mod = mod; //parentHotbar = mod.hotbar; this.buttonView = new UIView(); base.Visible = false; //base.UpdateWhenOutOfBounds = true; bDungeon = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.DungeonDoor]); bSpawn = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.WoodenDoor]); bHell = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.ObsidianDoor]); bTemple = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.LihzahrdDoor]); bRandom = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.SpookyDoor]); bDungeon.Tooltip = "Dungeon"; bSpawn.Tooltip = "Spawnpoint"; bHell.Tooltip = "Hell"; bTemple.Tooltip = "Temple"; bRandom.Tooltip = "Random"; bDungeon.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleTeleport(); }; bSpawn.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleTeleport(1); }; bHell.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleTeleport(2); }; bTemple.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleTeleport(3); }; bRandom.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleTeleport(4); }; onMouseDown += (s, e) => { if (!Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface && !mod.hotbar.MouseInside && !mod.hotbar.button.MouseInside) { mouseDown = true; Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface = true; } }; onMouseUp += (s, e) => { justMouseDown = true; mouseDown = false; /*startTileX = -1; startTileY = -1;*/ }; //UpdateWhenOutOfBounds = true; buttonView.AddChild(bDungeon); buttonView.AddChild(bSpawn); buttonView.AddChild(bHell); buttonView.AddChild(bTemple); buttonView.AddChild(bRandom); base.Width = 200f; base.Height = 55f; this.buttonView.Height = base.Height; base.Anchor = AnchorPosition.Top; this.AddChild(this.buttonView); base.Position = new Vector2(Hotbar.xPosition, this.hiddenPosition); base.CenterXAxisToParentCenter(); float num = this.spacing; for (int i = 0; i < this.buttonView.children.Count; i++) { this.buttonView.children[i].Anchor = AnchorPosition.Left; this.buttonView.children[i].Position = new Vector2(num, 0f); this.buttonView.children[i].CenterYAxisToParentCenter(); this.buttonView.children[i].Visible = true; this.buttonView.children[i].ForegroundColor = buttonUnselectedColor; num += this.buttonView.children[i].Width + this.spacing; } this.Resize(); }
public PaintToolsHotbar(CheatSheet mod) { this.mod = mod; //parentHotbar = mod.hotbar; this.buttonView = new UIView(); base.Visible = false; //base.UpdateWhenOutOfBounds = true; // bDecreaseBrushSize = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.CopperShortsword]); // bIncreaseBrushSize = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.CrossNecklace]); bStampTiles = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.Paintbrush]); bEyeDropper = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.EmptyDropper]); bFlipHorizontal = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("CustomUI/Horizontal")); bFlipVertical = new UIImage(mod.GetTexture("CustomUI/Vertical")); bToggleTransparentSelection = new UIImage(Main.buffTexture[BuffID.Invisibility]); // this.bIncreaseBrushSize.Tooltip = " Increase Brush Size"; // this.bDecreaseBrushSize.Tooltip = " Decrease Brush Size"; bStampTiles.Tooltip = " Paint Tiles"; bEyeDropper.Tooltip = " Eye Dropper"; bFlipHorizontal.Tooltip = " Flip Horizontal"; bFlipVertical.Tooltip = " Flip Vertical"; bToggleTransparentSelection.Tooltip = " Toggle Transparent Selection: Off"; // this.bIncreaseBrushSize.onLeftClick += (s, e) => brushSize = Math.Min(10, brushSize + 1); // this.bDecreaseBrushSize.onLeftClick += (s, e) => brushSize = Math.Max(1, brushSize - 1); bStampTiles.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bTogglePaintTiles_onLeftClick); bEyeDropper.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bToggleEyeDropper_onLeftClick); bFlipVertical.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { for (int i = 0; i < StampTiles.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < StampTiles.GetLength(1) / 2; j++) { Utils.Swap(ref StampTiles[i, j], ref StampTiles[i, StampTiles.GetLength(1) - 1 - j]); } } if (stampInfo != null) { stampInfo.bFlipVertical = !stampInfo.bFlipVertical; } }; bFlipHorizontal.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { for (int j = 0; j < StampTiles.GetLength(1); j++) { for (int i = 0; i < StampTiles.GetLength(0) / 2; i++) { Utils.Swap(ref StampTiles[i, j], ref StampTiles[StampTiles.GetLength(0) - 1 - i, j]); } } if (stampInfo != null) { stampInfo.bFlipHorizontal = !stampInfo.bFlipHorizontal; } }; bToggleTransparentSelection.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { TransparentSelectionEnabled = !TransparentSelectionEnabled; bToggleTransparentSelection.Tooltip = TransparentSelectionEnabled ? " Toggle Transparent Selection: On" : " Toggle Transparent Selection: Off"; }; onMouseDown += (s, e) => { if (!Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface && !mod.hotbar.MouseInside && !mod.hotbar.button.MouseInside && !UIView.MouseRightButton) { leftMouseDown = true; Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface = true; } }; onMouseUp += (s, e) => { if (!Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface && !mod.hotbar.MouseInside && !mod.hotbar.button.MouseInside && (!UIView.MousePrevRightButton || (UIView.MousePrevLeftButton && !UIView.MouseLeftButton))) { justLeftMouseDown = true; leftMouseDown = false; /*startTileX = -1; startTileY = -1;*/ } }; //UpdateWhenOutOfBounds = true; // buttonView.AddChild(bDecreaseBrushSize); // buttonView.AddChild(bIncreaseBrushSize); buttonView.AddChild(bStampTiles); buttonView.AddChild(bEyeDropper); buttonView.AddChild(bFlipHorizontal); buttonView.AddChild(bFlipVertical); buttonView.AddChild(bToggleTransparentSelection); base.Width = 200f; base.Height = 55f; this.buttonView.Height = base.Height; base.Anchor = AnchorPosition.Top; this.AddChild(this.buttonView); base.Position = new Vector2(Hotbar.xPosition, this.hiddenPosition); base.CenterXAxisToParentCenter(); float num = this.spacing; for (int i = 0; i < this.buttonView.children.Count; i++) { this.buttonView.children[i].Anchor = AnchorPosition.Left; this.buttonView.children[i].Position = new Vector2(num, 0f); this.buttonView.children[i].CenterYAxisToParentCenter(); this.buttonView.children[i].Visible = true; this.buttonView.children[i].ForegroundColor = buttonUnselectedColor; num += this.buttonView.children[i].Width + this.spacing; } this.Resize(); }
public PaintToolsUI(CheatSheet mod) { categories.Clear(); this.view = new PaintToolsView(); this.mod = mod; this.CanMove = true; base.Width = this.view.Width + this.spacing * 2f; base.Height = 35f + this.view.Height + this.spacing * 2f; this.view.Position = new Vector2(this.spacing, 55f); this.AddChild(this.view); Texture2D texture = mod.GetTexture("UI/closeButton"); UIImage uIImage = new UIImage(texture); uIImage.Anchor = AnchorPosition.TopRight; uIImage.Position = new Vector2(base.Width - this.spacing, this.spacing); uIImage.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bClose_onLeftClick); this.AddChild(uIImage); var snaptexture = mod.GetTexture("UI/Snap"); btnSnap = new UIImageListButton( (new ImageList(mod.GetTexture("UI/Snap"), 28, 28)).listTexture, new List <object>() { SnapType.TopLeft, SnapType.TopCenter, SnapType.TopRight, SnapType.LeftCenter, SnapType.Center, SnapType.RightCenter, SnapType.BottomLeft, SnapType.BottomCenter, SnapType.BottomRight, }, new List <string>() { CSText("SnapTopLeft"), CSText("SnapTopCenter"), CSText("SnapTopRight"), CSText("SnapLeftCenter"), CSText("SnapCenter"), CSText("SnapRightCenter"), CSText("SnapBottomLeft"), CSText("SnapBottomCenter"), CSText("SnapBottomRight"), }, 4); btnSnap.onLeftClick += (a, b) => btnSnap.NextIamge(); btnSnap.onRightClick += (a, b) => btnSnap.PrevIamge(); btnSnap.Position = new Vector2(this.spacing, this.spacing); this.AddChild(btnSnap); var position = btnSnap.Position; uIImage = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.TrashCan]); position = position.Offset(btnSnap.Width + this.spacing, 0); uIImage.Position = position; uIImage.onLeftClick += (a, b) => view.RemoveSelectedItem(); uIImage.Tooltip = CSText("DeleteSelection"); this.AddChild(uIImage); uIImage = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.AlphabetStatueI]); position = position.Offset(uIImage.Width + this.spacing, 0); uIImage.Position = position; uIImage.onLeftClick += (a, b) => PaintToolsEx.Import(this.view); uIImage.Tooltip = CSText("ImportData"); this.AddChild(uIImage); uIImage = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.AlphabetStatueE]); position = position.Offset(uIImage.Width + this.spacing, 0); uIImage.Position = position; uIImage.onLeftClick += (a, b) => PaintToolsEx.Export(this.view); uIImage.Tooltip = CSText("ExportData"); this.AddChild(uIImage); uIImage = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.AlphabetStatueW]); position = position.Offset(uIImage.Width + this.spacing, 0); uIImage.Position = position; uIImage.onLeftClick += (a, b) => PaintToolsEx.OnlineImport(this.view); uIImage.Tooltip = "Load Online Schematics Database"; this.AddChild(uIImage); infoPanel = new UIView(); position = position.Offset(uIImage.Width + this.spacing, 0); infoPanel.Position = position; infoPanel.Y = 6; infoPanel.Width = 210; infoPanel.Height = 44; infoPanel.ForegroundColor = Color.Thistle; AddChild(infoPanel); infoMessage = new UILabel("Message Here"); infoMessage.Scale = 0.35f; infoMessage.Position = new Vector2(30, 10); infoPanel.AddChild(infoMessage); upVoteButton = new UIImage(CheatSheet.instance.GetTexture("UI/VoteUp")); upVoteButton.Position = new Vector2(0, 0); upVoteButton.onLeftClick += (a, b) => Vote(true); upVoteButton.Tooltip = "Vote Up"; infoPanel.AddChild(upVoteButton); downVoteButton = new UIImage(CheatSheet.instance.GetTexture("UI/VoteDown")); downVoteButton.Position = new Vector2(0, 24); downVoteButton.onLeftClick += (a, b) => Vote(false); downVoteButton.Tooltip = "Vote Down"; infoPanel.AddChild(downVoteButton); infoPanel.Visible = false; submitPanel = new UIView(); submitPanel.Position = position; submitPanel.Y = 6; submitPanel.Width = 210; submitPanel.Height = 44; AddChild(submitPanel); submitLabel = new UILabel("Submit Name:"); submitLabel.Scale = 0.35f; submitLabel.Position = new Vector2(0, 0); submitPanel.AddChild(submitLabel); submitInput = new UITextbox(); submitInput.Position = new Vector2(0, 20); submitInput.Width = 200; submitPanel.AddChild(submitInput); submitButton = new UIImage(Terraria.Graphics.TextureManager.Load("Images/UI/ButtonCloudActive")); submitButton.Position = new Vector2(178, -2); submitButton.onLeftClick += (a, b) => Submit(); submitButton.Tooltip = "Submit to Schematics Browser"; submitPanel.AddChild(submitButton); submitPanel.Visible = false; }
private static void HandleUilayoutEvent(WidgetEvent ev) { UIWidget widget = (UIWidget)ev.Target; if (widget.Equals(null)) { return; } if (ev.Type == UI_EVENT_TYPE.UI_EVENT_TYPE_CLICK) { if (widget.GetId() == "go_layout_config") // its LAYOUT-O-MATIC time. { AtomicMain.AppLog("UILayout action : " + widget.GetId() + " was pressed, its LAYOUT-O-MATIC time"); UIView someview = widget.GetView(); UIWindow window = new UIWindow(); window.SetSettings(UI_WINDOW_SETTINGS.UI_WINDOW_SETTINGS_DEFAULT); window.SetText("LAYOUT-O-MATIC(tm)"); window.Load("Scenes/view_layout.ui.txt"); window.ResizeToFitContent(); someview.AddChild(window); UIWidget okbutt = window.GetWidget("ok"); okbutt.SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent> (okbutt, HandleUilayoutEvent); var lox = new AtomicEngine.Vector <AtomicEngine.UIWidget>(); window.SearchWidgetClass("TBRadioButton", lox); for (var ii = 0; ii < lox.Size; ii++) { lox[ii].SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent> (lox [ii], HandleUilayoutEvent); } } if (widget.GetId() == "ok") { UIWindow mywindow = (UIWindow)AtomicMain.FindTheWindowParent(widget); if (!mywindow.Equals(null)) { mywindow.Close(); } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_ax") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(0, 'X'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_ay") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(0, 'Y'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_sza") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(1, 'A'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_szg") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(1, 'G'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_szp") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(1, 'P'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_posc") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(2, 'C'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_posg") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(2, 'G'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_posl") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(2, 'L'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_posr") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(2, 'R'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_dista") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(3, 'A'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_distg") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(3, 'G'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_distp") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(3, 'P'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_dpc") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(4, 'C'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_dpl") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(4, 'L'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } if (widget.GetId() == "set_dpr") { UILayout targetl = (UILayout)widget.FindWidget("target_layout"); // who to operate on. UIRadioButton setla = (UIRadioButton)widget; // who we are if (!targetl.Equals(null) && !setla.Equals(null)) { if (setla.GetValue() == 1) { ReplaceChar(4, 'R'); targetl.SetLayoutConfig(layoutomaticstr); } } } } }
public QuickClearHotbar(CheatSheet mod) { this.mod = mod; //parentHotbar = mod.hotbar; this.buttonView = new UIView(); base.Visible = false; // Button images bItems = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.WoodenSword]); bProjectiles = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.WoodenArrow]); bBuffs = new UIImage(Main.buffTexture[BuffID.Honey]); bDebuffs = new UIImage(Main.buffTexture[BuffID.Poisoned]); // Button tooltips bItems.Tooltip = "Clear dropped items"; bProjectiles.Tooltip = "Clear projectiles"; bBuffs.Tooltip = "Clear buffs"; bDebuffs.Tooltip = "Clear debuffs"; // Button EventHandlers bItems.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleQuickClear(); }; bProjectiles.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleQuickClear(1); }; bBuffs.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleQuickClear(2); }; bDebuffs.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleQuickClear(3); }; // Register mousedown onMouseDown += (s, e) => { if (!Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface && !mod.hotbar.MouseInside && !mod.hotbar.button.MouseInside) { mouseDown = true; Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface = true; } }; onMouseUp += (s, e) => { justMouseDown = true; mouseDown = false; /*startTileX = -1; startTileY = -1;*/ }; // ButtonView buttonView.AddChild(bItems); buttonView.AddChild(bProjectiles); buttonView.AddChild(bBuffs); buttonView.AddChild(bDebuffs); base.Width = 200f; base.Height = 55f; this.buttonView.Height = base.Height; base.Anchor = AnchorPosition.Top; this.AddChild(this.buttonView); base.Position = new Vector2(Hotbar.xPosition, this.hiddenPosition); base.CenterXAxisToParentCenter(); float num = this.spacing; for (int i = 0; i < this.buttonView.children.Count; i++) { this.buttonView.children[i].Anchor = AnchorPosition.Left; this.buttonView.children[i].Position = new Vector2(num, 0f); this.buttonView.children[i].CenterYAxisToParentCenter(); this.buttonView.children[i].Visible = true; this.buttonView.children[i].ForegroundColor = buttonUnselectedColor; num += this.buttonView.children[i].Width + this.spacing; } this.Resize(); }
void CreateUI() { var cache = GetSubsystem <ResourceCache>(); var layout = new UILayout() { Axis = UI_AXIS.UI_AXIS_Y }; layout.Rect = UIView.Rect; UIView.AddChild(layout); // Create a scene which will not be actually rendered, but is used to hold SoundSource components while they play sounds scene = new Scene(); // Create buttons for playing back sounds foreach (var item in sounds) { var button = new UIButton(); layout.AddChild(button); button.Text = item.Key; button.SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent>(button, e => { if (e.Type == UI_EVENT_TYPE.UI_EVENT_TYPE_CLICK) { // Get the sound resource Sound sound = cache.Get <Sound>(item.Value); if (sound != null) { // Create a scene node with a SoundSource component for playing the sound. The SoundSource component plays // non-positional audio, so its 3D position in the scene does not matter. For positional sounds the // SoundSource3D component would be used instead Node soundNode = scene.CreateChild("Sound"); SoundSource soundSource = soundNode.CreateComponent <SoundSource>(); soundSource.Play(sound); // In case we also play music, set the sound volume below maximum so that we don't clip the output soundSource.Gain = 0.75f; // Set the sound component to automatically remove its scene node from the scene when the sound is done playing } } }); } // Create buttons for playing/stopping music var playMusicButton = new UIButton(); layout.AddChild(playMusicButton); playMusicButton.Text = "Play Music"; playMusicButton.SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent> (playMusicButton, e => { if (e.Type != UI_EVENT_TYPE.UI_EVENT_TYPE_CLICK) { return; } if (scene.GetChild("Music", false) != null) { return; } var music = cache.Get <Sound>("Music/StoryTime.ogg"); music.Looped = true; Node musicNode = scene.CreateChild("Music"); SoundSource musicSource = musicNode.CreateComponent <SoundSource> (); // Set the sound type to music so that master volume control works correctly musicSource.SetSoundType("Music"); musicSource.Play(music); }); var audio = GetSubsystem <Audio>(); // FIXME: Removing the music node is not stopping music var stopMusicButton = new UIButton(); layout.AddChild(stopMusicButton); stopMusicButton.Text = "Stop Music"; stopMusicButton.SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent>(stopMusicButton, e => { if (e.Type != UI_EVENT_TYPE.UI_EVENT_TYPE_CLICK) { return; } scene.RemoveChild(scene.GetChild("Music", false)); }); // Effect Volume Slider var slider = new UISlider(); layout.AddChild(slider); slider.SetLimits(0, 1); slider.Text = "Sound Volume"; slider.SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent>(slider, e => { if (e.Type != UI_EVENT_TYPE.UI_EVENT_TYPE_CHANGED) { return; } Log.Info($"Setting Effects to {slider.Value}"); audio.SetMasterGain("Effect", slider.Value); }); // Music Volume Slider var slider2 = new UISlider(); layout.AddChild(slider2); slider2.SetLimits(0, 1); slider2.Text = "Music Volume"; slider2.SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent>(slider2, e => { if (e.Type != UI_EVENT_TYPE.UI_EVENT_TYPE_CHANGED) { return; } Log.Info($"Setting Music to {slider2.Value}"); audio.SetMasterGain("Music", slider2.Value); }); }
public override void Start() { AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Player> ().LoadScene("Scenes/Scene.scene"); var ui = GetSubsystem <UI> (); ui.AddFont("Textures/BrokenGlass.ttf", "BrokenGlass"); // add a gooder font ui.LoadSkin("Textures/desktop.tb.txt"); // load in the app skin ResourceCache cache = GetSubsystem <ResourceCache> (); Graphics graphics = GetSubsystem <Graphics> (); graphics.SetWindowTitle("PeriodicApp"); Image icon = cache.GetResource <Image> ("Textures/AtomicLogo32.png"); graphics.SetWindowIcon(icon); myuivew = new UIView(); mylayout = new UILayout(); // make the host widget for all visible ui mylayout.SetId("UIPeriodicTable"); // tag it, like a big game scientist mylayout.SetRect(myuivew.GetRect()); //size it to fill the screen area mylayout.SetLayoutConfig("YAGAC"); //all-in-one setting mylayout.SetSkinBg("background_solid"); // make it look gooder mylayout.Load("Scenes/main_layout.ui.txt"); // load the main layout myuivew.AddChild(mylayout); // And make it show up. UITabContainer maintb = (UITabContainer)mylayout.GetWidget("maintabs"); UITabContainer acttb = (UITabContainer)mylayout.GetWidget("primarytabs"); UITabContainer semitb = (UITabContainer)mylayout.GetWidget("moretabs"); UITabContainer viewtb = (UITabContainer)mylayout.GetWidget("supporttabs"); UITabContainer supporttb = (UITabContainer)mylayout.GetWidget("atomictabs"); supporttb.SetCurrentPage(0); viewtb.SetCurrentPage(0); semitb.SetCurrentPage(0); acttb.SetCurrentPage(0); maintb.SetCurrentPage(0); // do this or else the tab contents look like crap! mylog = (UITextField)mylayout.GetWidget("LogText"); UIWidget ea = mylayout.GetWidget("exitapp"); var cota = new code_table(); cota.Setup(mylayout); var cobg = new code_uibargraph(); cobg.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuibargraph")); var cobu = new code_uibutton(); cobu.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuibutton")); var cocb = new code_uicheckbox(); cocb.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuicheckbox")); var cocl = new code_uiclicklabel(); cocl.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiclicklabel")); var coch = new code_uicolorwheel(); coch.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuicolorwheel")); var cocw = new code_uicolorwidget(); cocw.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuicolorwidget")); var coco = new code_uicontainer(); coco.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuicontainer")); var coef = new code_uieditfield(); coef.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuieditfield")); var cofw = new code_uifinderwindow(); cofw.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuifinderwindow")); var cofd = new code_uifontdescription(); cofd.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuifontdescription")); var coiw = new code_uiimagewidget(); coiw.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiimagewidget")); var cois = new code_uiinlineselect(); cois.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiinlineselect")); var colo = new code_uilayout(); colo.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuilayout")); var colp = new code_uilayoutparams(); colp.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuilayoutparams")); var comi = new code_uimenuitem(); comi.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuimenuitem")); var comw = new code_uimenuwindow(); comw.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuimenuwindow")); var come = new code_uimessagewindow(); come.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuimessagewindow")); var copw = new code_uipromptwindow(); copw.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuipromptwindow")); var copd = new code_uipulldownmenu(); copd.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuipulldownmenu")); var corb = new code_uiradiobutton(); corb.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiradiobutton")); var cosv = new code_uisceneview(); cosv.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuisceneview")); var cosb = new code_uiscrollbar(); cosb.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiscrollbar")); var cosc = new code_uiscrollcontainer(); cosc.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiscrollcontainer")); var cose = new code_uisection(); cose.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuisection")); var cosd = new code_uiselectdropdown(); cosd.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiselectdropdown")); var cosi = new code_uiselectitem(); cosi.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiselectitem")); var cosl = new code_uiselectlist(); cosl.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiselectlist")); var cosp = new code_uiseparator(); cosp.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiseparator")); var cosk = new code_uiskinimage(); cosk.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiskinimage")); var cosa = new code_uislider(); cosa.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuislider")); var cotc = new code_uitabcontainer(); cotc.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuitabcontainer")); var cotf = new code_uitextfield(); cotf.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuitextfield")); var cotw = new code_uitexturewidget(); cotw.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuitexturewidget")); var cowd = new code_uiwidget(); cowd.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiwidget")); var cowi = new code_uiwindow(); cowi.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiwindow")); SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent> (ea, ev => { if (ev.Type == UI_EVENT_TYPE.UI_EVENT_TYPE_CLICK) { GetSubsystem <Engine> ().Exit(); } }); SubscribeToEvent <KeyDownEvent> (e => { if (e.Key == Constants.KEY_ESCAPE) { GetSubsystem <Engine> ().Exit(); } }); }
public EventManagerHotbar(CheatSheet mod) { this.mod = mod; //parentHotbar = mod.hotbar; this.buttonView = new UIView(); base.Visible = false; // Button images bGoblinInvasion = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.GoblinBattleStandard]); bBloodmoon = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.PiggyBank]); bSlimerain = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.RoyalGel]); bFrostlegion = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.SnowGlobe]); bSolarEclipse = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.SolarTablet]); bPirateInvasion = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.PirateMap]); bPumpkinMoon = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.PumpkinMoonMedallion]); bFrostMoon = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.NaughtyPresent]); bMartianMadness = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.MartianSaucerTrophy]); bStopEvents = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.AlphabetStatueX]); // Button tooltips bGoblinInvasion.Tooltip = "Summon a Goblin Invasion"; bBloodmoon.Tooltip = "Start a bloodmoon"; bSlimerain.Tooltip = "Start a slimerain"; bFrostlegion.Tooltip = "Summon a Frost Legion"; bSolarEclipse.Tooltip = "Start a solar eclipse"; bPirateInvasion.Tooltip = "Summon a Pirate Invasion"; bPumpkinMoon.Tooltip = "Start a pumpkin moon"; bFrostMoon.Tooltip = "Start a frost moon"; bMartianMadness.Tooltip = "Start a martian madness"; bStopEvents.Tooltip = "Stop all events"; // Button EventHandlers bGoblinInvasion.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bGoblinInvasion_onLeftClick); bBloodmoon.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bBloodmoon_onLeftClick); bSlimerain.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bSlimerain_onLeftClick); bFrostlegion.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bFrostlegion_onLeftClick); bSolarEclipse.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bSolarEclipse_onLeftClick); bPirateInvasion.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bPirateInvasion_onLeftClick); bPumpkinMoon.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bPumpkinMoon_onLeftClick); bFrostMoon.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bFrostMoon_onLeftClick); bMartianMadness.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bMartianMadness_onLeftClick); bStopEvents.onLeftClick += new EventHandler(this.bStopEvents_onLeftClick); // Register mousedown onMouseDown += (s, e) => { if (!Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface && !mod.hotbar.MouseInside && !mod.hotbar.button.MouseInside) { mouseDown = true; Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface = true; } }; onMouseUp += (s, e) => { justMouseDown = true; mouseDown = false; /*startTileX = -1; startTileY = -1;*/ }; // ButtonView buttonView.AddChild(bGoblinInvasion); buttonView.AddChild(bBloodmoon); buttonView.AddChild(bSlimerain); buttonView.AddChild(bFrostlegion); buttonView.AddChild(bSolarEclipse); buttonView.AddChild(bPirateInvasion); buttonView.AddChild(bPumpkinMoon); buttonView.AddChild(bFrostMoon); buttonView.AddChild(bMartianMadness); buttonView.AddChild(bStopEvents); base.Width = 200f; base.Height = 55f; this.buttonView.Height = base.Height; base.Anchor = AnchorPosition.Top; this.AddChild(this.buttonView); base.Position = new Vector2(Hotbar.xPosition, this.hiddenPosition); base.CenterXAxisToParentCenter(); float num = this.spacing; for (int i = 0; i < this.buttonView.children.Count; i++) { this.buttonView.children[i].Anchor = AnchorPosition.Left; this.buttonView.children[i].Position = new Vector2(num, 0f); this.buttonView.children[i].CenterYAxisToParentCenter(); this.buttonView.children[i].Visible = true; this.buttonView.children[i].ForegroundColor = buttonUnselectedColor; num += this.buttonView.children[i].Width + this.spacing; } this.Resize(); }
public NPCButchererHotbar(CheatSheet mod) { this.mod = mod; //parentHotbar = mod.hotbar; this.buttonView = new UIView(); base.Visible = false; // Button images bButcherHostiles = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.DemonHeart]); bButcherBoth = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.CrimsonHeart]); bButcherTownNPCs = new UIImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.Heart]); // Button tooltips bButcherHostiles.Tooltip = "Butcher hostile NPCs"; bButcherBoth.Tooltip = "Butcher hostile and friendly NPCs"; bButcherTownNPCs.Tooltip = "Butcher friendly NPCs"; // Button EventHandlers bButcherHostiles.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleButcher(0); }; bButcherBoth.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleButcher(1); }; bButcherTownNPCs.onLeftClick += (s, e) => { HandleButcher(2); }; // Register mousedown onMouseDown += (s, e) => { if (!Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface && !mod.hotbar.MouseInside && !mod.hotbar.button.MouseInside) { mouseDown = true; Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface = true; } }; onMouseUp += (s, e) => { justMouseDown = true; mouseDown = false; /*startTileX = -1; startTileY = -1;*/ }; // ButtonView buttonView.AddChild(bButcherHostiles); buttonView.AddChild(bButcherBoth); buttonView.AddChild(bButcherTownNPCs); base.Width = 200f; base.Height = 55f; this.buttonView.Height = base.Height; base.Anchor = AnchorPosition.Top; this.AddChild(this.buttonView); base.Position = new Vector2(Hotbar.xPosition, this.hiddenPosition); base.CenterXAxisToParentCenter(); float num = this.spacing; for (int i = 0; i < this.buttonView.children.Count; i++) { this.buttonView.children[i].Anchor = AnchorPosition.Left; this.buttonView.children[i].Position = new Vector2(num, 0f); this.buttonView.children[i].CenterYAxisToParentCenter(); this.buttonView.children[i].Visible = true; this.buttonView.children[i].ForegroundColor = buttonUnselectedColor; num += this.buttonView.children[i].Width + this.spacing; } this.Resize(); }
private static void HandleUiwindowEvent(WidgetEvent ev) { UIWidget widget = (UIWidget)ev.Target; if (widget.Equals(null)) { return; } if (ev.Type == UI_EVENT_TYPE.UI_EVENT_TYPE_CLICK) { if (widget.GetId() == "uiwindowcode") { AtomicMain.AppLog("UIWindow support : " + widget.GetId() + " was pressed "); AtomicMain.ViewCode("Components/code_uiwindow.cs", widget.GetParent()); } if (widget.GetId() == "uiwindowlayout") { AtomicMain.AppLog("UIWindow support : " + widget.GetId() + " was pressed "); AtomicMain.ViewCode("Scenes/layout_uiwindow.ui.txt", widget.GetParent()); } if (widget.GetId() == "windowdemo") { AtomicMain.AppLog("UIWindow action : " + widget.GetId() + " was pressed "); UIView someview = widget.GetView(); UIWindow window = new UIWindow(); window.SetSettings(UI_WINDOW_SETTINGS.UI_WINDOW_SETTINGS_DEFAULT); window.SetText("UIWindow demo (a login dialog)"); window.Load("Scenes/login_dialog.ui.txt"); window.ResizeToFitContent(); someview.AddChild(window); window.Center(); UIWidget login = window.GetWidget("login"); login.SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent> (login, HandleUiwindowEvent); UIWidget cancel = window.GetWidget("cancel"); cancel.SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent> (cancel, HandleUiwindowEvent); } if (widget.GetId() == "login") { AtomicMain.AppLog("UIWindow action : " + widget.GetId() + " was pressed "); UIWindow mywindow = (UIWindow)AtomicMain.FindTheWindowParent(widget); if (!mywindow.Equals(null)) { mywindow.Close(); } } if (widget.GetId() == "cancel") { AtomicMain.AppLog("UIWindow action : " + widget.GetId() + " was pressed "); UIWindow mywindow = (UIWindow)AtomicMain.FindTheWindowParent(widget); if (!mywindow.Equals(null)) { mywindow.Close(); } } if (widget.GetId() == "windowdemo1") { AtomicMain.AppLog("UIWindow action : " + widget.GetId() + " was pressed "); UIView someview = widget.GetView(); UIWindow window = new UIWindow(); window.SetSettings(UI_WINDOW_SETTINGS.UI_WINDOW_SETTINGS_DEFAULT); window.SetText("UIWindow demo (a table)"); window.Load("Scenes/sheet.ui.txt"); window.ResizeToFitContent(); someview.AddChild(window); window.Center(); } } }