public void SetIcon(UITextureAtlas atlas, string sprite) { Icon.atlas = atlas ?? TextureHelper.InGameAtlas; Icon.normalBgSprite = sprite; Icon.hoveredBgSprite = sprite; Icon.pressedBgSprite = sprite; }
public void CreateWarningItem(UIComponent parent, string name, int index, UITextureAtlas atlas) { try { Name = name; _panel = UIUtils.CreatePanel(parent, name); _panel.anchor = UIAnchorStyle.Top | UIAnchorStyle.Left; _panel.height = 30f; _panel.width = 180f; _panel.relativePosition = new Vector3(25f + (180f * (index % 4)), 75f + (30f * (index / 4))); _sprite = UIUtils.CreateSprite(_panel, "WarningSprite", "BuildingEventSad"); _sprite.atlas = atlas; _sprite.size = new Vector2(25f, 25f); _sprite.relativePosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f); _count = UIUtils.CreateLabel(_panel, "WarningCount", "0"); _count.relativePosition = new Vector3(30f, 4.5f); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("[Watch It!] WarningItem:CreateWarningItem -> Exception: " + e.Message); } }
public static UITextureAtlas CreateTextureAtlas(string textureFile, string atlasName, Material baseMaterial, int spriteWidth, int spriteHeight, string[] spriteNames) { Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(spriteWidth * spriteNames.Length, spriteHeight, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); texture2D.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Stream manifestResourceStream = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("RoundaboutBuilder.Resources." + textureFile); byte[] array = new byte[manifestResourceStream.Length]; manifestResourceStream.Read(array, 0, array.Length); texture2D.LoadImage(array); texture2D.Apply(true, true); UITextureAtlas uitextureAtlas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <UITextureAtlas>(); Material material = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <Material>(baseMaterial); material.mainTexture = texture2D; uitextureAtlas.material = material; = atlasName; int num2; for (int i = 0; i < spriteNames.Length; i = num2) { float num = 1f / (float)spriteNames.Length; UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo spriteInfo = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo { name = spriteNames[i], texture = texture2D, region = new Rect((float)i * num, 0f, num, 1f) }; uitextureAtlas.AddSprite(spriteInfo); num2 = i + 1; } return(uitextureAtlas); }
UITextureAtlas CreateMyAtlas(string AtlasName, Material BaseMat, string[] sPritesNames) { var size = 1024; Texture2D atlasTex = new Texture2D(size, size, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); Texture2D[] textures = new Texture2D[sPritesNames.Length]; Rect[] rects = new Rect[sPritesNames.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < sPritesNames.Length; i++) { textures[i] = ResourceLoader.loadTexture(0, 0, sPritesNames[i] + ".png"); } rects = atlasTex.PackTextures(textures, 2, size); UITextureAtlas atlas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <UITextureAtlas>(); Material material = Material.Instantiate(BaseMat); material.mainTexture = atlasTex; atlas.material = material; = AtlasName; for (int i = 0; i < sPritesNames.Length; i++) { var spriteInfo = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo() { name = sPritesNames[i], texture = atlasTex, region = rects[i] }; atlas.AddSprite(spriteInfo); } return(atlas); }
UITextureAtlas CreateAtlas(string atlasName, string[] spriteNames, Texture2D[] spriteTextures) { Texture2D atlasTex = new Texture2D(1024, 1024, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); Texture2D[] textures = spriteTextures; Rect[] rects = new Rect[1]; rects = atlasTex.PackTextures(textures, 2, 1024); UITextureAtlas atlas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <UITextureAtlas>(); Material material = (Material)Material.Instantiate(UIView.GetAView().defaultAtlas.material); material.mainTexture = atlasTex; atlas.material = material; = atlasName; for (int i = 0; i < rects.Length; i++) { if (spriteNames[i] != null && textures[i] != null) { UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo spriteInfo = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo() { name = spriteNames[i], texture = textures[i], region = rects[i] }; atlas.AddSprite(spriteInfo); } } return(atlas); }
public StatesButton(UIComponent component, int spriteWidth, int spriteHeight, int spriteCountHorizontal, string icons_atlas, string name, string[] tooltips) { msb = component.AddUIComponent <UIMultiStateButton> (); UITextureAtlas atlas = CreateTextureAtlas(icons_atlas, name, msb.atlas.material, spriteWidth, spriteHeight, spriteCountHorizontal); = name; msb.atlas = atlas; for (int i = 0; i < spriteCountHorizontal; i++) { msb.backgroundSprites[i].normal = name + "_" + i; if (i < spriteCountHorizontal - 1) { msb.backgroundSprites.AddState(); msb.foregroundSprites.AddState(); } } msb.tooltip = tooltips[0]; if (tooltips.Length == spriteCountHorizontal) { msb.eventActiveStateIndexChanged += (component2, value) => { msb.tooltip = tooltips[value]; }; } msb.width = spriteWidth; msb.height = spriteHeight; }
public static UIButton CreateButton(UIComponent parent, Vector2 size, string text = "", string tooltip = "", string foregroundSprite = "", string backgroundSprite = "ButtonSmall", bool isFocusable = false, UITextureAtlas atlas = null, RectOffset padding = null, float textScale = 1.0f) { var button = parent.AddUIComponent <UIButton>(); button.size = size; button.text = text; button.tooltip = tooltip; button.textPadding = padding ?? new RectOffset(8, 8, 8, 5); button.disabledTextColor = new Color32(128, 128, 128, 255); button.normalBgSprite = backgroundSprite; button.hoveredBgSprite = string.Concat(backgroundSprite, "Hovered"); button.pressedBgSprite = string.Concat(backgroundSprite, "Pressed"); button.disabledBgSprite = string.Concat(backgroundSprite, "Disabled"); button.focusedBgSprite = string.Concat(backgroundSprite, isFocusable ? "Focused" : ""); button.normalFgSprite = foregroundSprite; button.hoveredFgSprite = string.Concat(foregroundSprite, "Hovered"); button.pressedFgSprite = string.Concat(foregroundSprite, "Pressed"); button.disabledFgSprite = string.Concat(foregroundSprite, "Disabled"); button.focusedFgSprite = string.Concat(foregroundSprite, isFocusable ? "Focused" : ""); button.atlas = atlas ?? UISprites.DefaultAtlas; button.textScale = textScale; button.foregroundSpriteMode = UIForegroundSpriteMode.Stretch; return(button); }
public static UITextureAtlas CreateTextureAtlas( string textureFile, string atlasName, Material baseMaterial, int spriteWidth, int spriteHeight, string[] spriteNames) { Logger.Debug("Processing, textureFile: " + textureFile + ", atlasName: " + atlasName + ", width: " + (object)spriteWidth + ", height: " + (object)spriteHeight + ", baseMaterial" + (object)baseMaterial); int width = spriteWidth * spriteNames.Length; int height = spriteHeight; Texture2D texture = UIUtils.createTexture(textureFile, width, height); UITextureAtlas instance = (UITextureAtlas)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <UITextureAtlas>(); Material material = (Material)Object.Instantiate <Material>((M0)baseMaterial); material.set_mainTexture((Texture)texture); instance.set_material(material); ((Object)instance).set_name(atlasName); for (int index = 0; index < spriteNames.Length; ++index) { float num = 1f / (float)spriteNames.Length; UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo spriteInfo1 = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo(); spriteInfo1.set_name(spriteNames[index]); spriteInfo1.set_texture(texture); spriteInfo1.set_region(new Rect((float)index * num, 0.0f, num, 1f)); UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo spriteInfo2 = spriteInfo1; instance.AddSprite(spriteInfo2); } return(instance); }
public static bool SetThumbnails(string name, SpriteTextureInfo info, UITextureAtlas atlas, string[] states = null) { if (atlas == null || atlas.texture == null) return false; Texture2D atlasTex = atlas.texture; float atlasWidth = atlasTex.width; float atlasHeight = atlasTex.height; float rectWidth = info.width / atlasWidth; float rectHeight = info.height / atlasHeight; int x = info.startX; int y = info.startY; if (states == null) states = new string[] { "" }; for (int i = 0; i < states.Length; i++, x += info.width) { if (x < 0 || x + info.width > atlasWidth || y < 0 || y > atlasHeight) continue; Texture2D spriteTex = new Texture2D(info.width, info.height); spriteTex.SetPixels(atlasTex.GetPixels(x, y, info.width, info.height)); UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo sprite = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo() { name = name + states[i], region = new Rect(x / atlasWidth, y / atlasHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight), texture = spriteTex }; atlas.AddSprite(sprite); } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Loads a four-sprite texture atlas from a given .png file. /// </summary> /// <param name="atlasName">Atlas name (".png" will be appended fto make the filename)</param> /// <returns>New texture atlas</returns> internal static UITextureAtlas LoadSpriteAtlas(string atlasName) { // Create new texture atlas for button. UITextureAtlas newAtlas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <UITextureAtlas>(); = atlasName; newAtlas.material = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <Material>(UIView.GetAView().defaultAtlas.material); // Load texture from file. Texture2D newTexture = LoadTexture(atlasName + ".png"); newAtlas.material.mainTexture = newTexture; // Setup sprites. string[] spriteNames = new string[] { "disabled", "normal", "pressed", "hovered" }; int numSprites = spriteNames.Length; float spriteWidth = 1f / spriteNames.Length; // Iterate through each sprite (counter increment is in region setup). for (int i = 0; i < numSprites; ++i) { UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo sprite = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo { name = spriteNames[i], texture = newTexture, // Sprite regions are horizontally arranged, evenly spaced. region = new Rect(i * spriteWidth, 0f, spriteWidth, 1f) }; newAtlas.AddSprite(sprite); } return(newAtlas); }
private UITextureAtlas LoadResources() { try { if (_textureAtlas == null) { string[] spriteNames = new string[] { "buttondown", "buttonleft", "buttonresizecompressed", "buttonresizeexpanded", "buttonright", "buttonup", "hover" }; _textureAtlas = ResourceLoader.CreateTextureAtlas("ResizeItAtlas", spriteNames, "ResizeIt.Icons."); } return(_textureAtlas); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("[Resize It!] ModManager:LoadResources -> Exception: " + e.Message); return(null); } }
public void Start() { try { _textureAtlas = LoadResources(); _controlPanelValidToolbarButtonNames = new List <string>() { "RoadsPanel", "ZoningPanel", "DistrictPanel", "ElectricityPanel", "WaterAndSewagePanel", "GarbagePanel", "HealthcarePanel", "FireDepartmentPanel", "PolicePanel", "EducationPanel", "PublicTransportPanel", "BeautificationPanel", "MonumentsPanel", "WondersPanel", "LandscapingPanel", "ResourcePanel", "WaterPanel", "SurfacePanel", "PloppableBuildingPanel", "FindItGroupPanel" }; ModConfig.Instance.ScalingExpanded = ModConfig.Instance.ScalingExpanded > 0.5f ? ModConfig.Instance.ScalingExpanded : 1f; ModConfig.Instance.RowsExpanded = ModConfig.Instance.RowsExpanded > 0 ? ModConfig.Instance.RowsExpanded : 3; ModConfig.Instance.ColumnsExpanded = ModConfig.Instance.ColumnsExpanded > 0 ? ModConfig.Instance.ColumnsExpanded : 7; ModConfig.Instance.OpacityExpanded = ModConfig.Instance.OpacityExpanded > 0f ? ModConfig.Instance.OpacityExpanded : 1f; ModConfig.Instance.ScalingCompressed = ModConfig.Instance.ScalingCompressed > 0.5f ? ModConfig.Instance.ScalingCompressed : 1f; ModConfig.Instance.RowsCompressed = ModConfig.Instance.RowsCompressed > 0 ? ModConfig.Instance.RowsCompressed : 1; ModConfig.Instance.ColumnsCompressed = ModConfig.Instance.ColumnsCompressed > 0 ? ModConfig.Instance.ColumnsCompressed : 7; ModConfig.Instance.OpacityCompressed = ModConfig.Instance.OpacityCompressed > 0f ? ModConfig.Instance.OpacityCompressed : 1f; CreateControlPanel(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("[Resize It!] ModManager:Start -> Exception: " + e.Message); } }
private void Uninstall() { if (NetworkSkinPanelController.Instance != null) { NetworkSkinPanelController.Instance.EventToolStateChanged -= OnNetToolStateChanged; if (skinControllerGameObject != null) { Destroy(skinControllerGameObject); skinControllerGameObject = null; } } if (PersistenceService.Instance != null) { if (persistenceServiceGameObject != null) { Destroy(persistenceServiceGameObject); persistenceServiceGameObject = null; } } if (panel != null && panel.gameObject != null) { Destroy(panel.gameObject); panel = null; } defaultAtlas = null; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new atlas. /// </summary> public static UITextureAtlas CreateTextureAtlas(string atlasName, Texture2D [] textures) { const int maxSize = 2048; Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(maxSize, maxSize, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); Rect[] regions = texture2D.PackTextures(textures, 2, maxSize); Material material = Object.Instantiate <Material>(UIView.GetAView().defaultAtlas.material); material.mainTexture = texture2D; UITextureAtlas textureAtlas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <UITextureAtlas>(); textureAtlas.material = material; = atlasName; for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++) { UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo item = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo { name = textures[i].name, texture = textures[i], region = regions[i], }; textureAtlas.AddSprite(item); } return(textureAtlas); }
public static UITextureAtlas CreateTextureAtlas(Texture2D texture2D, string atlasName, string[] spriteNames) { UITextureAtlas atlas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <UITextureAtlas>(); Assert(atlas, "uitextureAtlas"); Material material = Object.Instantiate <Material>(UIView.GetAView().defaultAtlas.material); Assert(material, "material"); material.mainTexture = texture2D.TryMakeReadable(); atlas.material = material; = atlasName; int n = spriteNames.Length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { float num = 1f / (float)spriteNames.Length; UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo spriteInfo = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo { name = spriteNames[i], texture = texture2D, region = new Rect(i * num, 0f, num, 1f) }; atlas.AddSprite(spriteInfo); } return(atlas); }
private void Awake() { try { if (_tsBar == null) { _tsBar = GameObject.Find("TSBar").GetComponent <UISlicedSprite>(); } if (_bulldozerUndergroundToggle == null) { _bulldozerUndergroundToggle = GameObject.Find("BulldozerUndergroundToggle").GetComponent <UIMultiStateButton>(); } if (_happiness == null) { _happiness = GameObject.Find("Happiness").GetComponent <UISprite>(); } _textureAtlas = LoadResources(); CreateUI(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("[Bulldoze It!] Bulldozer:Awake -> Exception: " + e.Message); } }
public static UITextureAtlas CreateAtlas(string atlasName, string[] spriteNames, Texture2D[] sprites) { UITextureAtlas textureAtlas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <UITextureAtlas>(); Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(0, 0, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); int maxSize = 4096; Rect[] regions = texture2D.PackTextures(sprites, 4, maxSize); Shader shader = Shader.Find("UI/Default UI Shader"); Material material = new Material(shader); material.mainTexture = texture2D; textureAtlas.material = material; = atlasName; for (int i = 0; i < spriteNames.Length; i++) { UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo item = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo { name = spriteNames[i], texture = sprites[i], region = regions[i], }; textureAtlas.AddSprite(item); } return(textureAtlas); }
private static UITextureAtlas PackTextures(string atlasName, IntVector2 atlasSizeHint, List<Texture2D> loadedTextures, List<string> loadedSpriteNames) { Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D( width: atlasSizeHint.x, height: atlasSizeHint.y, format: TextureFormat.ARGB32, mipmap: false); Rect[] regions = texture2D.PackTextures( textures: loadedTextures.ToArray(), padding: 2, maximumAtlasSize: Math.Max(atlasSizeHint.x, atlasSizeHint.y)); // Now using loaded and packed textures, create the atlas with sprites UITextureAtlas newAtlas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<UITextureAtlas>(); var uiView = UIView.GetAView(); Material material = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(uiView.defaultAtlas.material); material.mainTexture = texture2D; newAtlas.material = material; = atlasName; for (int i = 0; i < loadedTextures.Count; i++) { var item = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo { name = loadedSpriteNames[i], texture = loadedTextures[i], region = regions[i], }; newAtlas.AddSprite(item); } return newAtlas; }
public void GetAtlas(string atlasName, out UITextureAtlas result) { if (!LocalAtlases.TryGetValue(atlasName ?? string.Empty, out result) && ulong.TryParse(atlasName ?? string.Empty, out ulong workshopId)) { AssetAtlases.TryGetValue(workshopId, out result); } }
public static void AddTexturesToAtlas(UITextureAtlas atlas, Texture2D[] newTextures) { Texture2D[] textures = new Texture2D[atlas.count + newTextures.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < atlas.count; i++) { Texture2D texture2D = atlas.sprites[i].texture; texture2D = texture2D.TryMakeReadable(); textures[i] = texture2D; textures[i].name = atlas.sprites[i].name; } for (int i = 0; i < newTextures.Length; i++) { textures[atlas.count + i] = newTextures[i]; } Rect[] regions = atlas.texture.PackTextures(textures, atlas.padding, 4096, false); atlas.sprites.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++) { UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo spriteInfo = atlas[textures[i].name]; atlas.sprites.Add(new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo { texture = textures[i], name = textures[i].name, border = spriteInfo?.border ?? new RectOffset(), region = regions[i], }); } atlas.RebuildIndexes(); }
public static UITextureAtlas GetIconsAtlas() { Texture2D[] textures = { UIToolOptionPanel.instance.atlas["OptionBase"].texture, UIToolOptionPanel.instance.atlas["OptionBaseHovered"].texture, UIToolOptionPanel.instance.atlas["OptionBasePressed"].texture, UIToolOptionPanel.instance.atlas["OptionBaseDisabled"].texture, UIToolOptionPanel.instance.atlas["OptionBaseFocused"].texture }; string[] spriteNames = new string[] { "NFExpand", "NFExpandHover", "NFCollapse", "NFCollapseHover" }; UITextureAtlas loadedAtlas = ResourceLoader.CreateTextureAtlas("MoveIt_NFBtn", spriteNames, "MoveIt.Icons."); ResourceLoader.AddTexturesInAtlas(loadedAtlas, textures); return(loadedAtlas); }
UITextureAtlas CreateTextureAtlas(string textureFile, string atlasName, Material baseMaterial, int spriteWidth, int spriteHeight, string[] spriteNames) { Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(spriteWidth * spriteNames.Length, spriteHeight, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); tex.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; { // LoadTexture tex.LoadImage(ResourceLoader.loadResourceData(textureFile)); tex.Apply(true, true); } UITextureAtlas atlas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <UITextureAtlas>(); { // Setup atlas Material material = (Material)Material.Instantiate(baseMaterial); material.mainTexture = tex; atlas.material = material; = atlasName; } // Add sprites for (int i = 0; i < spriteNames.Length; ++i) { float uw = 1.0f / spriteNames.Length; var spriteInfo = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo() { name = spriteNames[i], texture = tex, region = new Rect(i * uw, 0, uw, 1), }; atlas.AddSprite(spriteInfo); } return(atlas); }
public static UITextureAtlas CreateAtlas(Texture2D[] sprites) { UITextureAtlas atlas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <UITextureAtlas>(); atlas.material = new Material(GetUIAtlasShader()); Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(0, 0); Rect[] rects = texture.PackTextures(sprites, 0); for (int i = 0; i < rects.Length; ++i) { Texture2D sprite = sprites[i]; Rect rect = rects[i]; UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo spriteInfo = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo(); =; spriteInfo.texture = sprite; spriteInfo.region = rect; spriteInfo.border = new RectOffset(); atlas.AddSprite(spriteInfo); } atlas.material.mainTexture = texture; return(atlas); }
public static UITextureAtlas CreateAtlas(string[] names) { Texture2D[] sprites = ResourceUtils.Load <Texture2D>(names); UITextureAtlas atlas = new UITextureAtlas(); atlas.material = new Material(ResourceUtils.GetUIAtlasShader()); Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(0, 0); Rect[] rects = texture.PackTextures(sprites, 0); for (int i = 0; i < rects.Length; ++i) { Texture2D sprite = sprites[i]; Rect rect = rects[i]; UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo spriteInfo = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo(); =; spriteInfo.texture = sprite; spriteInfo.region = rect; spriteInfo.border = new RectOffset(); atlas.AddSprite(spriteInfo); } atlas.material.mainTexture = texture; return(atlas); }
public static UITextureAtlas CreateTextureAtlas(string textureFile, string atlasName, int spriteWidth, int spriteHeight, string[] spriteNames, RectOffset border = null, int space = 0) { Texture2D texture2D = LoadTextureFromAssembly(textureFile, spriteWidth * spriteNames.Length + space * (spriteNames.Length + 1), spriteHeight + 2 * space); UITextureAtlas uitextureAtlas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <UITextureAtlas>(); Material material = Object.Instantiate(UIView.GetAView().defaultAtlas.material); material.mainTexture = texture2D; uitextureAtlas.material = material; = atlasName; var heightRatio = spriteHeight / (float)texture2D.height; var widthRatio = spriteWidth / (float)texture2D.width; var spaceHeightRatio = space / (float)texture2D.height; var spaceWidthRatio = space / (float)texture2D.width; for (int i = 0; i < spriteNames.Length; i += 1) { UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo spriteInfo = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo { name = spriteNames[i], texture = texture2D, region = new Rect(i * widthRatio + (i + 1) * spaceWidthRatio, spaceHeightRatio, widthRatio, heightRatio), border = border ?? new RectOffset() }; uitextureAtlas.AddSprite(spriteInfo); } return(uitextureAtlas); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new sprite using the size of the image inside the atlas. /// </summary> /// <param name="dimensions">The location and size of the sprite within the atlas (in pixels).</param> /// <param name="spriteName">The name of the sprite to create</param> /// <param name="atlasName">The name of the atlas to add the sprite to.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool AddSpriteToAtlas(Rect dimensions, string spriteName, string atlasName) { bool returnValue = false; if (m_atlasStore.ContainsKey(atlasName)) { UITextureAtlas foundAtlas = m_atlasStore[atlasName]; Texture2D atlasTexture = foundAtlas.texture; Vector2 atlasSize = new Vector2(atlasTexture.width, atlasTexture.height); Rect relativeLocation = new Rect(new Vector2(dimensions.position.x / atlasSize.x, dimensions.position.y / atlasSize.y), new Vector2(dimensions.width / atlasSize.x, dimensions.height / atlasSize.y)); Texture2D spriteTexture = new Texture2D((int)Math.Round(dimensions.width), (int)Math.Round(dimensions.height)); spriteTexture.SetPixels(atlasTexture.GetPixels((int)dimensions.position.x, (int)dimensions.position.y, (int)dimensions.width, (int)dimensions.height)); UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo createdSprite = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo() { name = spriteName, region = relativeLocation, texture = spriteTexture }; foundAtlas.AddSprite(createdSprite); returnValue = true; } return(returnValue); }
private UITextureAtlas GetIconsAtlas() { Texture2D[] textures = { atlas["OptionBase"].texture, atlas["OptionBaseHovered"].texture, atlas["OptionBasePressed"].texture, atlas["OptionBaseDisabled"].texture, atlas["OptionBaseFocused"].texture }; string[] spriteNames = new string[] { "AlignHeight", "Copy", "Bulldoze", "Group", "Save", "Save_disabled", "Load", "Grid", "GridFocused" }; UITextureAtlas loadedAtlas = ResourceLoader.CreateTextureAtlas("MoveIt_Icons", spriteNames, "MoveIt.Icons."); ResourceLoader.AddTexturesInAtlas(loadedAtlas, textures); return(loadedAtlas); }
public static UILabel CreateLabelSpriteImage(UIComponent parent, UITextureAtlas atlas_a) { UILabel label = (UILabel)parent.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); label.atlas = atlas_a; label.canFocus = false; return(label); }
private void InitAtlases() { if (m_IconAtlas == null) { CSLMusicMod.Log("Creating icon atlases ..."); m_IconAtlas = TextureHelper.CreateDefaultIconAtlas(); } }
void Awake() { this.m_strip = GetComponentInChildren <UITabstrip>(); this.m_strip.relativePosition = new Vector3(13, -25); this.m_strip.startSelectedIndex = 0; this.m_atlas = UIUtils.LoadThumbnailsTextureAtlas("UIThumbnails"); UIUtils.SetThumbnails("TabBg", sm_thumbnailCoords["TabBackgrounds"], this.m_atlas, sm_thumbnailStates); this.m_objectIndex = 0; }
void Awake() { this.m_strip = GetComponentInChildren<UITabstrip>(); this.m_strip.relativePosition = new Vector3(13, -25); this.m_strip.startSelectedIndex = 0; this.m_atlas = UIUtils.LoadThumbnailsTextureAtlas("UIThumbnails"); UIUtils.SetThumbnails("TabBg", sm_thumbnailCoords["TabBackgrounds"], this.m_atlas, sm_thumbnailStates); this.m_objectIndex = 0; }
internal UITextureAtlas GetIconsAtlas() { Texture2D[] textures = { atlas["OptionBase"].texture, atlas["OptionBaseHovered"].texture, atlas["OptionBasePressed"].texture, atlas["OptionBaseDisabled"].texture, atlas["OptionBaseFocused"].texture, atlas["OptionsDropboxListbox"].texture, atlas["OptionsDropboxListboxHovered"].texture, atlas["OptionsDropboxListboxFocused"].texture }; string[] spriteNames = new string[] { "MoreTools", "AlignIndividual", "AlignIndividualActive", "AlignGroup", "AlignGroupActive", "AlignRandom", "AlignSlope", "AlignSlopeA", "AlignSlopeB", "AlignHeight", "AlignLine", "AlignMirror", "AlignTerrainHeight", "MoveTo", "MoveToActive", "ConvertToPO", "EyeDropper", "Copy", "Bulldoze", "ResetObject", "MenuHeight", "MenuOthers", "MenuRotate", "Save", "Save_disabled", "Load", "Grid", "GridFocused", "PO", "POFocused", "SubmenuBG", "SubmenuSeparator" }; UITextureAtlas loadedAtlas = ResourceLoader.CreateTextureAtlas("MoveIt_Icons", spriteNames, "MoveIt.Icons."); ResourceLoader.AddTexturesInAtlas(loadedAtlas, textures); return(loadedAtlas); }
public static UIButton SpawnSubEntry(UITabstrip strip, string name, string localeID, string unlockText, string spriteBase, bool enabled, UIComponent m_OptionsBar, UITextureAtlas m_DefaultInfoTooltipAtlas) { if (strip.Find<UIButton>(name) != null) { return null; } Type type1 = Util.FindType(name + "Group" + "Panel"); if (type1 != null && !type1.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GeneratedGroupPanel))) type1 = (Type)null; if (type1 == null) return (UIButton)null; UIButton button; GameObject asGameObject1 = UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject(kMainToolbarButtonTemplate); GameObject asGameObject2 = UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject(kScrollableSubPanelTemplate); UITabstrip uiTabstrip = strip; string name1 = name; GameObject strip1 = asGameObject1; GameObject page = asGameObject2; Type[] typeArray = new Type[1]; int index = 0; Type type2 = type1; typeArray[index] = type2; button = uiTabstrip.AddTab(name1, strip1, page, typeArray) as UIButton; button.isEnabled = enabled; button.gameObject.GetComponent<TutorialUITag>().tutorialTag = name; GeneratedGroupPanel generatedGroupPanel = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(type1) as GeneratedGroupPanel; if ((Object)generatedGroupPanel != (Object)null) { generatedGroupPanel.component.isInteractive = true; generatedGroupPanel.m_OptionsBar = m_OptionsBar; generatedGroupPanel.m_DefaultInfoTooltipAtlas = m_DefaultInfoTooltipAtlas; if (enabled) generatedGroupPanel.RefreshPanel(); } button.normalBgSprite = GetBackgroundSprite(button, spriteBase, name, "Normal"); button.focusedBgSprite = GetBackgroundSprite(button, spriteBase, name, "Focused"); button.hoveredBgSprite = GetBackgroundSprite(button, spriteBase, name, "Hovered"); button.pressedBgSprite = GetBackgroundSprite(button, spriteBase, name, "Pressed"); button.disabledBgSprite = GetBackgroundSprite(button, spriteBase, name, "Disabled"); string str = spriteBase + name; button.normalFgSprite = str; button.focusedFgSprite = str + "Focused"; button.hoveredFgSprite = str + "Hovered"; button.pressedFgSprite = str + "Pressed"; button.disabledFgSprite = str + "Disabled"; if (unlockText != null) button.tooltip = Locale.Get(localeID, name) + " - " + unlockText; else button.tooltip = Locale.Get(localeID, name); return button; }
private void Awake() { this.m_atlas = UIUtils.LoadThumbnailsTextureAtlas("UIThumbnails"); this.m_scrollablePanel = GetComponentInChildren<UIScrollablePanel>(); this.m_scrollablePanel.autoLayoutStart = LayoutStart.TopLeft; UIScrollbar scrollbar = this.GetComponentInChildren<UIScrollbar>(); if (scrollbar != null) scrollbar.incrementAmount = 109; this.m_objectIndex = m_selectedIndex = 0; this.m_panelType = Panel.Unset; }
public override void Start() { base.Start(); this.size = new Vector2(432, 25); this.relativePosition = new Vector2(13, -25); = "SubBuildingsTabstrip"; this.startSelectedIndex = 0; this.padding = new RectOffset(0, 3, 0, 0); ingame = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<UITextureAtlas>().FirstOrDefault(a => == "Ingame"); thumbnails = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<UITextureAtlas>().FirstOrDefault(a => == "Thumbnails"); }
public void LoadAtlasIcons() { string[] sPritesNames = { "FavoriteCimsButton", "FavoriteCimsButtonHovered", "FavoriteCimsButtonPressed", "FavoriteCimsButtonFocused", "icon_fav_subscribed", "icon_fav_unsubscribed" }; FavCimsAtlas = CreateMyAtlas ("FavCimsAtlas", UIView.GetAView ().defaultAtlas.material, sPritesNames); }
public static UITextureAtlas GetQuartzAtlas() { if (_atlas == null) { var atlasPacker = new AtlasPacker(); atlasPacker.AddSprite("QuartzIcon", GetTextureResource("QuartzIcon.png")); atlasPacker.AddSprite("QuartzIconHover", GetTextureResource("QuartzIconHover.png")); atlasPacker.AddSprite("QuartzIconPressed", GetTextureResource("QuartzIconPressed.png")); atlasPacker.AddSprite("DefaultPanelBackground", GetTextureResource("DefaultPanelBackground.png")); _atlas = atlasPacker.GenerateAtlas("QuartzIconsAtlas"); } return _atlas; }
public static void CopySprite(string originalName, string newName, UITextureAtlas destAtlas) { try { var spriteInfo = UIView.GetAView().defaultAtlas[originalName]; destAtlas.AddSprite(new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo { border = spriteInfo.border, name = newName, region = spriteInfo.region, texture = spriteInfo.texture }); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } }
public void LoadResources() { string[] spriteNames = { "TerrainLevel", "TerrainLevelDisabled", "TerrainLevelFocused", "TerrainLevelHovered", "TerrainLevelPressed", "TerrainShift", "TerrainShiftDisabled", "TerrainShiftFocused", "TerrainShiftHovered", "TerrainShiftPressed", "TerrainSlope", "TerrainSlopeDisabled", "TerrainSlopeFocused", "TerrainSlopeHovered", "TerrainSlopePressed", "TerrainSoften", "TerrainSoftenDisabled", "TerrainSoftenFocused", "TerrainSoftenHovered", "TerrainSoftenPressed", "ToolbarIconTerrain", "ToolbarIconTerrainDisabled", "ToolbarIconTerrainFocused", "ToolbarIconTerrainHovered", "ToolbarIconTerrainPressed", "ToolbarIconGroup6Focused", "ToolbarIconGroup6Hovered", "ToolbarIconGroup6Pressed", "ResourceSand", "ResourceSandDisabled", "ResourceSandFocused", "ResourceSandHovered", "ResourceSandPressed", "TerrainDitch", "TerrainDitchFocused", "TerrainDitchPressed", }; terraform_atlas = CreateTextureAtlas("TerraformUI", UIView.GetAView().defaultAtlas.material, spriteNames, "TerraformTool.icon."); }
/** * Method sourced from SamsamTSs Airport Roads mod for Cities Skylines * Adds array of Texture2D objects to a UITextureAtlas * **/ private static void AddTexturesInAtlas(UITextureAtlas atlas, Texture2D[] newTextures) { Texture2D[] textures = new Texture2D[atlas.count + newTextures.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < atlas.count; i++) { // Locked textures workaround Texture2D texture2D = atlas.sprites[i].texture; RenderTexture renderTexture = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(texture2D.width, texture2D.height, 0); Graphics.Blit(texture2D, renderTexture); RenderTexture active =; texture2D = new Texture2D(renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height); = renderTexture; texture2D.ReadPixels(new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)renderTexture.width, (float)renderTexture.height), 0, 0); texture2D.Apply(); = active; RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(renderTexture); textures[i] = texture2D; textures[i].name = atlas.sprites[i].name; } for (int i = 0; i < newTextures.Length; i++) textures[atlas.count + i] = newTextures[i]; Rect[] regions = atlas.texture.PackTextures(textures, atlas.padding, 4096, false); atlas.sprites.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++) { UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo spriteInfo = atlas[textures[i].name]; atlas.sprites.Add(new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo { texture = textures[i], name = textures[i].name, border = (spriteInfo != null) ? spriteInfo.border : new RectOffset(), region = regions[i] }); } atlas.RebuildIndexes(); }
public static UITextureAtlas CreateAtlas(Texture2D[] sprites) { UITextureAtlas atlas = new UITextureAtlas(); atlas.material = new Material(GetUIAtlasShader()); Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(0, 0); Rect[] rects = texture.PackTextures(sprites, 0); for (int i = 0; i < rects.Length; ++i) { Texture2D sprite = sprites[i]; Rect rect = rects[i]; UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo spriteInfo = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo(); =; spriteInfo.texture = sprite; spriteInfo.region = rect; spriteInfo.border = new RectOffset(); atlas.AddSprite(spriteInfo); } atlas.material.mainTexture = texture; return atlas; }
private void SetDefaultSettingsForButton(UIButton button, UITextureAtlas atlas) { = "ChangeRoadHeightButton"; button.atlas = atlas; button.size = new Vector2(spriteWidth, spriteHeight); button.normalBgSprite = SpriteName.ButtonBackground.ToString(); button.disabledBgSprite = SpriteName.ButtonBackground.ToString(); button.hoveredBgSprite = SpriteName.ButtonBackgroundHovered.ToString(); button.pressedBgSprite = SpriteName.ButtonBackgroundPressed.ToString(); button.focusedBgSprite = SpriteName.ButtonBackgroundPressed.ToString(); button.playAudioEvents = true; }
private void InitAtlases() { if (_atlas == null) { Debug.Log("[CSLMusicMod] Creating icon atlases ..."); _atlas = TextureHelper.CreateAtlas("Icons.png", "CSLMusicModUI", UIView.Find<UITabstrip>("ToolMode").atlas.material, 31, 31, new string[] { "OptionBase", "OptionBaseDisabled", "OptionBaseFocused", "OptionBaseHovered", "OptionBasePressed", "Music", "Next", "Previous", "Shuffle", "SortAscending", "SortDescending", "Search", "Clear" }); } }
private static Rect CopySpriteToAtlas(UITextureAtlas atlas, int x, int y, string name, Texture2D texture) { var atlasTexture = atlas.material.mainTexture as Texture2D; for (int _x = 0; _x < texture.width; _x++) { for (int _y = 0; _y < texture.height; _y++) { if (atlasTexture != null) atlasTexture.SetPixel(x + _x, y + _y, texture.GetPixel(_x, _y)); } } if (atlasTexture != null) { float u = (float)x / atlasTexture.width; float v = (float)y / atlasTexture.height; float s = (float)(texture.width) / atlasTexture.width; float t = (float)(texture.height) / atlasTexture.height; var sprite = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo {region = new Rect(u, v, s, t), name = name, texture = texture}; atlas.AddSprite(sprite); return sprite.region; } return new Rect(); }
public SpriteNotFoundException(string spriteName, UITextureAtlas atlas) { _spriteNameInternal = spriteName; _atlasInternal = atlas; }
public static UITextureAtlas LoadThumbnails() { if (s_thumbnailAtlas != null) { return s_thumbnailAtlas; } var thumbnailAtlas = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<UITextureAtlas>(); thumbnailAtlas.padding = 0; = "AdditionnalSubBar"; var shader = Shader.Find("UI/Default UI Shader"); if (shader != null) thumbnailAtlas.material = new Material(shader); const string PATH = @"Menus\Textures\AdditionnalSubBar.png"; const string BASE = "SubBarButtonBase"; const string ROADS_SMALL_HV_SUBBAR = "SubBar" + AdditionnalMenus.ROADS_SMALL_HV; var versions = new[] { "", "Disabled", "Focused", "Hovered", "Pressed" }; var texture = AssetManager.instance.GetTexture(PATH); texture.FixTransparency(); thumbnailAtlas.material.mainTexture = texture; var x = 1; var y = 1; const int TEXTURE_W = 292; const int TEXTURE_H = 50; // Base ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const int BASE_ICON_W = 58; const int BASE_ICON_H = 25; foreach (var t in versions) { var sprite = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo { name = string.Format(BASE + "{0}", t), region = new Rect( (float)(x) / TEXTURE_W, (float)(y) / TEXTURE_H, (float)(BASE_ICON_W) / TEXTURE_W, (float)(BASE_ICON_H) / TEXTURE_H), texture = new Texture2D(BASE_ICON_W, BASE_ICON_H, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false) }; thumbnailAtlas.AddSprite(sprite); x += BASE_ICON_W; } x = 1; y += BASE_ICON_H + 1; // RoadsSmallHV ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const int ICON_W = 32; const int ICON_H = 22; foreach (var t in versions) { var sprite = new UITextureAtlas.SpriteInfo { name = string.Format(ROADS_SMALL_HV_SUBBAR + "{0}", t), region = new Rect( (float)(x) / TEXTURE_W, (float)(y) / TEXTURE_H, (float)(ICON_W) / TEXTURE_W, (float)(ICON_H) / TEXTURE_H), texture = new Texture2D(ICON_W, ICON_H, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false) }; thumbnailAtlas.AddSprite(sprite); x += ICON_W; } s_thumbnailAtlas = thumbnailAtlas; return s_thumbnailAtlas; }
protected UIButton SpawnEntry(string name, string tooltip, string thumbnail, UITextureAtlas atlas, bool enabled, bool grouped) { if (atlas == null) { atlas = this.m_atlas; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbnail) || atlas[thumbnail] == null) { thumbnail = "ThumbnailBuildingDefault"; } return this.CreateButton(name, tooltip, name, -1, atlas, null, enabled, grouped); }
protected UIButton CreateButton(string name, string tooltip, string baseIconName, int index, UITextureAtlas atlas, UIComponent tooltipBox, bool enabled, bool grouped) { UIButton btn; if (this.m_scrollablePanel.childCount > this.m_objectIndex) { btn = (this.m_scrollablePanel.components[this.m_objectIndex] as UIButton); } else { GameObject asGameObject = UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject(RoadCustomizerPanel.kItemTemplate); btn = (this.m_scrollablePanel.AttachUIComponent(asGameObject) as UIButton); btn.eventClick += OnClick; } btn.gameObject.GetComponent<TutorialUITag>().tutorialTag = name; btn.text = string.Empty; = name; btn.tooltipAnchor = UITooltipAnchor.Anchored; btn.tabStrip = true; btn.horizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center; btn.verticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle; btn.pivot = UIPivotPoint.TopCenter; if (atlas != null) { btn.atlas = atlas; switch (m_panelType) { case Panel.VehicleRestrictions: SetVehicleButtonsThumbnails(btn); break; case Panel.SpeedRestrictions: UIUtils.SetThumbnails("SpeedSignBackground", sm_thumbnailCoords["SpeedSignBackground"], atlas, sm_speedThumbnailStates); SetSpeedButtonsThumbnails(btn); break; default: break; } } if (index != -1) { btn.zOrder = index; } btn.verticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Bottom; btn.foregroundSpriteMode = UIForegroundSpriteMode.Fill; UIComponent uIComponent = (btn.childCount <= 0) ? null : btn.components[0]; if (uIComponent != null) { uIComponent.isVisible = false; } btn.isEnabled = enabled; btn.state = UIButton.ButtonState.Disabled; btn.tooltip = tooltip; btn.tooltipBox = tooltipBox; = grouped ? this.m_scrollablePanel : null; this.m_objectIndex++; return btn; }
private void Init() { if (loaded) { Debug.Print("Already Loaded"); return; } loaded = false; this.m_buttonAtlas = TextureLoader.CreateTextureAtlas("ToolbarIconSearchAtlas", spriteNames, "BuildingSearch.Source.Images."); //Debug.Print (typeof(SearchGroupPanel).Name); //Debug.Print (System.Type.GetType (typeof(ZoningPanel).Name)); //DestroyOld(UISearchBox.NAME); //DestroyOld("UISearchButton"); DestroyOld("SearchDefaultPanel"); DestroyOld("SearchPanel"); DestroyOld("Search"); //DestroyOld("FindContainer"); MainToolbar toolbar = ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar; UITabstrip tabstrip = (UITabstrip)toolbar.component; UITabContainer tabcontainer = tabstrip.tabContainer; //return; UIButton button = this.SpawnSubEntry(toolbar, tabstrip, "Search", "MAIN_TOOL", "Unlock", "ToolbarIcon", true); button.atlas = m_buttonAtlas; button.normalFgSprite = "ToolbarIconSearch"; button.focusedFgSprite = button.normalFgSprite + "Focused"; button.hoveredFgSprite = button.normalFgSprite + "Hovered"; button.pressedFgSprite = button.normalFgSprite + "Pressed"; button.disabledFgSprite = button.normalFgSprite + "Disabled"; Debug.Print("Successfully added button"); var searchPanel = tabcontainer.Find<UIPanel>("SearchPanel").Find<UITabContainer>("GTSContainer").Find<UIPanel>("SearchDefaultPanel").GetComponent<SearchPanel>(); Debug.Print(searchPanel, typeof(SearchPanel), searchPanel.Equals(typeof(SearchPanel)), searchPanel.Equals(typeof(GeneratedScrollPanel))); Debug.Print(typeof(SearchPanel) == Type.GetType("SearchPanel")); UISearchBox.CreateUISearch(searchPanel); //UISearchBox.CreateUISearch(searchPanel); }