コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// resets the start value to the current. useful for when the sprite has moved/scaled/changed and you still want to use the same UIAnimation
    /// </summary>
    public void restartStartToCurrent()
        switch (_aniProperty)
        case UIAnimationProperty.Position:
            start = sprite.localPosition;

        case UIAnimationProperty.Scale:
            start = sprite.scale;

        case UIAnimationProperty.EulerAngles:
            start = sprite.eulerAngles;

        case UIAnimationProperty.Alpha:
            Color currentColor = sprite.color;
            startFloat = currentColor.a;

        case UIAnimationProperty.Color:
            startColor = sprite.color;

        case UIAnimationProperty.TextScale:
            UITextInstance txt = (UITextInstance)sprite;
            startFloat = txt.textScale;
コード例 #2
ファイル: TextManager.cs プロジェクト: reissgrant/UIToolkit
    void Start()
        // setup our text instance which will parse our .fnt file and allow us to
        var text = new UIText( "prototype", "prototype.png" );

        // spawn new text instances showing off the relative positioning features by placing one text instance in each corner
        var x = UIRelative.xPercentFrom( UIxAnchor.Left, 0f );
        var y = UIRelative.yPercentFrom( UIyAnchor.Top, 0f );
        text1 = text.addTextInstance( "hello man.  I have a line\nbreak", x, y );

        var textSize = text.sizeForText( "testing small bitmap fonts", 0.3f );
        x = UIRelative.xPercentFrom( UIxAnchor.Left, 0f );
        y = UIRelative.yPercentFrom( UIyAnchor.Bottom, 0f, textSize.y );
        text2 = text.addTextInstance( "testing small bitmap fonts", x, y, 0.3f );

        textSize = text.sizeForText( "with only\n1 draw call\nfor everything", 0.5f );
        x = UIRelative.xPercentFrom( UIxAnchor.Right, 0f, textSize.x );
        y = UIRelative.yPercentFrom( UIyAnchor.Top, 0f );
        text3 = text.addTextInstance( "with only\n1 draw call\nfor everything", x, y, 0.5f, 5, Color.yellow );

        textSize = text.sizeForText( "kudos" );
        x = UIRelative.xPercentFrom( UIxAnchor.Right, 0f, textSize.x );
        y = UIRelative.yPercentFrom( UIyAnchor.Bottom, 0f, textSize.y );
        text4 = text.addTextInstance( "kudos", x, y );

        textSize = text.sizeForText( "Be sure to try this with\niPhone and iPad resolutions" );
        var center = UIRelative.center( textSize.x, textSize.y );
        text.addTextInstance( "Be sure to try this with\niPhone and iPad resolutions", center.x, center.y, 1f, 4, Color.red );

        StartCoroutine( waitThenRemoveText() );
コード例 #3
    public static void textPositionInWrapper(UITextInstance text)
        int textOffset = 4;

        hd(ref textOffset);
        text.pixelsFromTopLeft(textOffset, textOffset);
コード例 #4
 protected void recurseAndClipChildren(UIObject child)
     foreach (Transform t in child.client.transform)
         UIElement uie = t.GetComponent <UIElement>();
         if (uie != null)
             UIObject o = t.GetComponent <UIElement>().UIObject;
             if (o != null)
                 UISprite s = o as UISprite;
                 if (s != null)
                     UITextInstance ti = o as UITextInstance;
                     if (ti != null)
                         // Special handeling for text
                         foreach (UISprite glyph in ti.textSprites)
コード例 #5
    // HACK: Gabo
    /// <summary>
    /// Gabo Edit
    /// Removes all the children from the container and from it's manager.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void removeAllChildren()
        for (int i = _uiTextChildren.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            UITextInstance child = _uiTextChildren[i];
            child.parentUIObject = null;

            //Debug.Log("Clearing Text");
        for (int i = _uiChildren.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            UISprite child = _uiChildren[i];
            child.parentUIObject = null;
        for (int i = _children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            UISprite child = _children[i];
            child.parentUIObject = null;
コード例 #6
    private void createStartScreen()
        int buttonsBottomOffset = 130;

        // Single Player Button
        UIButton singlePlayerButton = UIButton.create(uiTools, "dieButtonLarge.png", "dieButtonLargeDown.png", 0, 0, 10);

        singlePlayerButton.pixelsFromBottomLeft(buttonsBottomOffset, 13);

        UITextInstance singlePlayerText = graph20.addTextInstance("Single\nPlayer", 0, 0);

        singlePlayerText.parentUIObject = singlePlayerButton;
        singlePlayerText.pixelsFromTopRight(45, 24);

        // Multi Player Button
        UIButton multiPlayerButton = UIButton.create(uiTools, "dieButtonLarge.png", "dieButtonLargeDown.png", 0, 0, 10);

        multiPlayerButton.pixelsFromBottomRight(buttonsBottomOffset, 50);

        UITextInstance multiPlayerText = graph20.addTextInstance("Multi\nPlayer", 0, 0);

        multiPlayerText.parentUIObject = multiPlayerButton;
        multiPlayerText.pixelsFromTopRight(45, 24);

        // How To Play Button
        UIButton howToPlayButton = UIButton.create(uiTools, "howToPlayButton.png", "howToPlayButton.png", 0, 0, 10);

        howToPlayButton.pixelsFromBottomLeft(0, 5);

        // Stats Button
        UIButton statsButton = UIButton.create(uiTools, "statsButton.png", "statsButton.png", 0, 0, 10);

        statsButton.pixelsFromBottomRight(-10, 0);

        // Current Games
        UISprite currentGamesBG = uiTools.addSprite("currentGamesBG.png", 0, 0, 15);


        // Current Games Scroller
        currentGamesLayout = new UIScrollableHorizontalLayout(10);
        currentGamesLayout.setSize(Screen.width, GUIUtils.hdReturn(90));

        currentGamesLayout.parentUIObject = currentGamesBG;

        // TODO: Add temp games

        // Parent everything to the startScreenParent
        UIObject[] objects = { singlePlayerButton, singlePlayerText, multiPlayerButton, multiPlayerText, howToPlayButton, statsButton, currentGamesBG, currentGamesLayout };
        foreach (UIObject item in objects)
            item.parentUIObject = startScreenParent;

        // Move the panel off screen
        startScreenParent.positionFromTopLeft(0, 1);
コード例 #7
ファイル: TextManager.cs プロジェクト: jools-adams/UIToolkit
	void Start()
		// setup our text instance which will parse our .fnt file and allow us to
		var text = new UIText( "prototype", "prototype.png" );

		// spawn new text instances showing off the relative positioning features by placing one text instance in each corner
		// Uses default color, scale, alignment, and depth.
		text1 = text.addTextInstance( "hello man.  I have a line\nbreak.", 0, 0 );
        text1.pixelsFromTopLeft( 0, 0 );

		text2 = text.addTextInstance( "testing small bitmap fonts", 0, 0, 0.3f );
        text2.pixelsFromBottomLeft( 25, 0 );
		// Centering using alignment modes.
		text3 = text.addTextInstance( "with only\n1 draw call\nfor everything", 0, 0, 0.5f, 5, Color.yellow, UITextAlignMode.Right, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Top );
        text3.positionFromTopLeft( 0.5f, 0.2f );

		// High Ascii forcing crash demo. To test this, 
		// Disable "Set Low ASCII Forcing Mode" in the TextManager inspector and see the crash.
		// Not as handy if you don't need to paste in large amounts of text from word.
		text.forceLowAscii = setLowAsciiForcingMode;

		text4 = text.addTextInstance( highAsciiString, 0, 0, 0.4f, 1, Color.white, UITextAlignMode.Right, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Bottom );
        text4.positionFromBottomRight( 0f, 0f );
		// Centering using text size calculation offset and per-char color
		var centeredText = "Be sure to try this with\niPhone and iPad resolutions";
		var colors = new List<Color>();
		for( var i = 0; i < centeredText.Length; i++ )
			colors.Add( Color.Lerp( Color.white, Color.magenta, (float)i / centeredText.Length ) );
		text5 = text.addTextInstance( centeredText, 0, 0, 1f, 4, colors.ToArray(), UITextAlignMode.Left, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle );
        text5.positionFromLeft( -0.1f, 0f );
		// Now center on right side.
		text6 = text.addTextInstance( "Vert-Centering on right side", 0, 0, 0.5f, 1, Color.white, UITextAlignMode.Right, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle );
        text6.positionFromTopRight( 0.3f, 0f );
		var wrapText = new UIText( "prototype", "prototype.png" );
		wrapText.wrapMode = UITextLineWrapMode.MinimumLength;
		wrapText.lineWrapWidth = 100.0f;
		textWrap1 = wrapText.addTextInstance( "Testing line wrap width with small words in multiple resolutions.\n\nAnd manual L/B.", 0, 0, 0.3f, 1, Color.white, UITextAlignMode.Left, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Bottom );
        textWrap1.positionFromBottomLeft( 0.1f, 0.1f );
		wrapText.lineWrapWidth = 100.0f;
		wrapText.wrapMode = UITextLineWrapMode.AlwaysHyphenate;
		textWrap2 = wrapText.addTextInstance( "This should be hyphenated. Check baseline - tytyt", 0, 0, 0.5f, 1, Color.green, UITextAlignMode.Center, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Bottom );
        textWrap2.positionFromBottom( 0f );
		StartCoroutine( modifyTextInstances() );
コード例 #8
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     UIText fnt = new UIText("Pourquoi64", "Pourquoi64.png");
     text = fnt.addTextInstance("The quick brown fox", 20, 20);
     text2 = fnt.addTextInstance("jumps over the lazy dog", 20, 60, 0.75f);
コード例 #9
    public UITextInstance addTextInstance(string text, float xPos, float yPos, float scale, int depth, Color color)
        var textInstance = new UITextInstance(this, text, xPos, yPos, scale, depth, color);

        textInstance.textIndex = drawText(text, xPos, yPos, scale, depth, color);

コード例 #10
ファイル: Timer.cs プロジェクト: broadfire0016/STE
 public void Start()
     timeText        = new UIText(textButtonManager, "VogueCyrBold_60_ffffff", "VogueCyrBold_60_ffffff.png");
     timetext1       = timeText.addTextInstance(string.Format("{0} : 30", minutes), 0, 0);
     timetext1.color = Color.black;
     timetext1.positionFromCenter(-0.38f, 0f);
     InvokeRepeating("countDown", 1, 1);
コード例 #11
ファイル: DrawFPS.cs プロジェクト: chenyunxiong/CustomGames
    void Start()
        timeleft = updateInterval;

        var text = UIHelper.getText();

        fpsText = text.addTextInstance("FPS", 135, 16);
コード例 #12
    void createStatsPanel()
        finalScoreBox = UI.firstToolkit.addSprite("finalScoreBox.png", 0, 0);

        string finalScore = "score: " + gameManager.scorePoints.ToString();

        finalScoreText = textManager.addTextInstance(finalScore, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.5f);
        finalScoreText.parentUIObject = finalScoreBox;
        finalScoreText.positionFromTopLeft(0.02f, 0.02f);

        string totalESCatched = "total ES catched: " + gameManager.totalESCatched.ToString();

        totalESCatchedText = textManager.addTextInstance(totalESCatched, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        totalESCatchedText.parentUIObject = finalScoreText;
        totalESCatchedText.positionFromTopLeft(1.01f, 0.0f);

        string totalESMissed = "total ES missed: " + gameManager.totalESMissed.ToString();

        totalESMissedText = textManager.addTextInstance(totalESMissed, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        totalESMissedText.parentUIObject = totalESCatchedText;
        totalESMissedText.positionFromTopLeft(1.01f, 0.0f);

        string totalESSpawned = "total ES spawned: " + gameManager.totalESSpawned.ToString();

        totalESSpawnedText = textManager.addTextInstance(totalESSpawned, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        totalESSpawnedText.parentUIObject = totalESMissedText;
        totalESSpawnedText.positionFromTopLeft(1.01f, 0.0f);

        string totalGameTime = "game time: " + gameManager.totalGameTime.ToString();

        totalGameTimeText = textManager.addTextInstance(totalGameTime, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        totalGameTimeText.parentUIObject = totalESSpawnedText;
        totalGameTimeText.positionFromTopLeft(1.01f, 0.0f);

        string totalCombo = "combos number: " + gameManager.totalCombo.ToString();

        totalComboText = textManager.addTextInstance(totalCombo, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        totalComboText.parentUIObject = totalGameTimeText;
        totalComboText.positionFromTopLeft(1.01f, 0.0f);

        string totalEvolutions = "evolution level: " + gameManager.totalEvolutions.ToString();

        totalEvolutionsText = textManager.addTextInstance(totalEvolutions, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        totalEvolutionsText.parentUIObject = totalComboText;
        totalEvolutionsText.positionFromTopLeft(1.01f, 0.0f);

        leaderboardButton                = UIButton.create("leaderboard.png", "leaderboard.png", 0, 0);
        leaderboardButton.onTouchUp     += onTouchLeaderboardButton;;
        leaderboardButton.parentUIObject = finalScoreBox;
        leaderboardButton.positionFromBottomRight(0.01f, 0.01f);

        homeButton                = UIButton.create("home.png", "home.png", 0, 0);
        homeButton.onTouchUp     += onTouchHomeButton;
        homeButton.parentUIObject = finalScoreBox;
        homeButton.positionFromBottomLeft(0.01f, 0.01f);
コード例 #13
    void createSplashScreen()
        splashScreenButton            = UIButton.create("splash.png", "splash.png", 0, 0);
        splashScreenButton.onTouchUp += onTouchSplashScreen;

        splashText = textManager.addTextInstance("Tap to continue...", 0, 0);
コード例 #14
ファイル: UITKTimer.cs プロジェクト: alex-shestakov/ld25_game
    void Start()
        toolkitText = toolkitAssets.getLabelText();

        labelTimer = toolkitText.addTextInstance("0:00.0", 0, 0, 1f, 15);
        labelTimer.positionFromTopLeft(0.03f, 0.5f);

        //remove this if you will send restart level message
        // onRestartLevel();
コード例 #15
    public void updateColorForTextInstance(ref UITextInstance textInstance)
        // how many sprites are we updated?
        int length = _textSprites[textInstance.textIndex].Length;

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            _textSprites[textInstance.textIndex][i].color = textInstance.color;
コード例 #16
ファイル: HUD.cs プロジェクト: chenyunxiong/CustomGames
    void DrawScore()
        var x = Screen.width / 2 - 10;

        scoreButton = spriteManager.addSprite("button_score.png", x, 0);

        scoreXPos = x + 62;
        scoreText = text.addTextInstance(LevelHandler.instance.score.ToString(), scoreXPos, scoreYPos, defaultTextScale, 1, Colors.HighlightText);
        scoreText.autoRefreshPositionOnScaling = false;
コード例 #17
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()
            uiToolkit = GetComponent <UIToolkit>();

            fnt                    = new UIText(uiToolkit, fontName, fontName + ".png");
            text                   = fnt.addTextInstance("", 0, 0, fontScale, 3);
            text.alignMode         = UITextAlignMode.Center;
            text.verticalAlignMode = UITextVerticalAlignMode.Bottom;
コード例 #18
ファイル: UIText.cs プロジェクト: yonder/UIToolkit
	public UITextInstance addTextInstance( string text, float xPos, float yPos, float scale, int depth, Color[] colors, UITextAlignMode alignMode, UITextVerticalAlignMode verticalAlignMode )
		if( forceLowAscii )
			forceLowAsciiString( ref text );
		var textInstance = new UITextInstance( this, text, xPos, yPos, scale, depth, colors, alignMode, verticalAlignMode );
        textInstance.parent = _manager.transform;
        drawText(textInstance, textInstance.xPos, textInstance.yPos, textInstance.textScale, textInstance.depth, colors, textInstance.alignMode, textInstance.verticalAlignMode);
		return textInstance;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Score.cs プロジェクト: broadfire0016/STE
 void Start()
     //Initialize Score
     scoreText        = new UIText(textButtonManager, "VogueCyrBold_60_ffffff", "VogueCyrBold_60_ffffff.png");
     scoretext1       = scoreText.addTextInstance(string.Format("{0}", score), 0, 0);
     scoretext1.color = Color.black;
     scoretext2       = scoreText.addTextInstance(string.Format("{0}", TargetScore), 0, 0);
     scoretext2.color = Color.black;
     scoretext1.positionFromTopLeft(0.1f, 0.18f);         //display for score
     scoretext2.positionFromTopLeft(0.1f, 0.78f);
コード例 #20
ファイル: UITKText.cs プロジェクト: alex-shestakov/ld25_game
    void Start()
        toolkitText = toolkitAssets.getLabelText();

        label = toolkitText.addTextInstance(initialText, 0, 0, fontScale, 15);
        label.positionFromTopLeft(posFromTop, posFromLeft);
        if (initiallyHidden)
            label.hidden = true;
コード例 #21
ファイル: HUD.cs プロジェクト: chenyunxiong/CustomGames
    void DrawTimer()
        var x = Screen.width / 2 - 180;

        timerButton = spriteManager.addSprite("button_time.png", x, 0);

        x                  += 62;
        timerText           = text.addTextInstance(LevelHandler.instance.formattedTimer, x, scoreYPos);
        timerText.textScale = defaultTextScale;
//       timer.alignMode = UITextAlignMode.Center;
コード例 #22
	void Start()
		// setup our text instance which will parse our .fnt file and allow us to
		var text = new UIText( "prototype", "prototype.png" );
		text.alignMode = UITextAlignMode.Center;
		// add a text instance that we will animate later
		text1 = text.addTextInstance( "hello man.  I have a line\nbreak.", Screen.width / 2, 0 );
		text2 = text.addTextInstance( _counter.ToString(), Screen.width, 35, 1, 5, Color.black, UITextAlignMode.Right, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle );
		StartCoroutine( modifyTextInstance() );
コード例 #23
    void Start()
        // setup our text instance which will parse our .fnt file and allow us to
        var text = new UIText("prototype", "prototype.png");

        text.alignMode = UITextAlignMode.Center;

        // add a text instance that we will animate later
        text1 = text.addTextInstance("hello man.  I have a line\nbreak.", Screen.width / 2, 0);
        text2 = text.addTextInstance(_counter.ToString(), Screen.width, 35, 1, 5, Color.black, UITextAlignMode.Right, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle);

コード例 #24
    void Start()
        text = UIHelper.getText();

        var x = Screen.width / 2 + 100;
        var y = Screen.height / 2 - 210;

        comboText = text.addTextInstance("X", x, y);
        comboText.alignMode         = UITextAlignMode.Center;
        comboText.verticalAlignMode = UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle;
        comboText.hidden            = true;
        comboText.textScale         = 2;
コード例 #25
    public static void setTextWrap(UITextInstance text, float lineWrapWidth)
        text._parentText.wrapMode      = UITextLineWrapMode.MinimumLength;
        text._parentText.lineWrapWidth = lineWrapWidth;

        // Re-adding the text to itself, to work around a bug.
        // TODO: See if there is a better way to do this. Also the wrapping is not working 100% well
        // some lines are being wrapped early. This could be because we are getting the text from a string instead
        // of a file. Something that I encountered with my arabic text testing.
        string content = text.text;

        text.text = content;
コード例 #26
    public static bool textNeedsWrap(UITextInstance text, UIObject fitter, int sideOffset)
        float fitterWidth = fitter.width * fitter.scale.x;

        // If the text is smaller then we're done.
        if (text.width < fitterWidth - sideOffset)
コード例 #27
    void createLoadingScreen()
        //rgbMasterText = infoTextManager.addTextInstance("Bacca is now the RGB master!!!", 0, 0);

        loadingText = textManager.addTextInstance("Loading...", 0, 0);
        //loadingText.positionFromBottomRight(0.01f, 0.01f);

        //istanzio la evo che ruota per l'effetto caricamento
        GameObject loadingObj = Instantiate(loadingEffect, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        loadingObj.transform.parent   = transform.parent;       //lo metto figlio dell'oggetto da distruggere al caricamento
        loadingObj.transform.position = new Vector3(4.5f, 0.15f, 0);
コード例 #28
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //cameraController = (GameCamera) GameCamera.GetComponent(typeof(GameCamera));
        cameraController = GameCamera.GetComponent <GameCamera>();

        // create some text
        ScoreboardText         = new UIText("Trebuchet14", "Trebuchet14.png");
        ScoreboardTextInstance = ScoreboardText.addTextInstance("Initial Setup", 0f, 0f, 1f, 0);

        // todo set gametype based on menu choice
        //GameType = GameTypes.Single;
        State = States.Null;

        SetupGame(LoadingGame, GameType);
コード例 #29
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        var scaleFactor = ScaleFactor.GetScaleFactor();

        scoreText             = new UIText(textManager, "VogueCyrBold_60_ffffff", "VogueCyrBold_60_ffffff.png");
        scoretext1            = scoreText.addTextInstance(string.Format("{0}", Main.getScore()), 0, 0);
        scoretext1.color      = Color.black;
        scoretext1.textScale /= scaleFactor * 0.4f;

        if (Application.loadedLevelName != "gameOver")
            scoretext2 = scoreText.addTextInstance(string.Format("{0}", Main.getTargetScore()), 0, 0);
            scoretext2.positionFromCenter(0.17f, 0.0f);
            scoretext2.color = Color.black;
        scoretext1.positionFromCenter(0.0f, 0.0f);
コード例 #30
ファイル: UIMainMenuOLD.cs プロジェクト: bacca87/rgb
    private IEnumerator createCreditsMenu()
        Debug.Log("Create OptionsMenu");
        currentPage = PageOLD.Credits;
        if (creditsText == null)
            creditsTextManager = new UIText("font", "font.png");
            creditsText        = creditsTextManager.addTextInstance("Credits, Mamba pro Bacca gay everyday \n nigger nigger nigger", 0, 0);
        yield return(null);

        // Posizioni

        // Animazione
        creditsText.positionFrom(1.0f, new Vector3(-Screen.width, creditsText.position.y, creditsText.position.z), Easing.Quartic.easeIn);
コード例 #31
    public static void fitTextHorizontally(UITextInstance text, int sideOffset, UIObject fitter)
        float fitterWidth = fitter.width * fitter.scale.x;

        // If the text is smaller then we're done.
        if (!textNeedsWrap(text, fitter, sideOffset))

        // Border space is so the text doesn't end at the edge of the containing object.
        int borderSpace = 5;

        hd(ref borderSpace);

        setTextWrap(text, fitterWidth - borderSpace);
コード例 #32
ファイル: TextManager.cs プロジェクト: ddasin/UIToolkit
    void Start()
        // setup our text instance which will parse our .fnt file and allow us to
        var text = new UIText( "prototype", "prototype.png" );

        // spawn new text instances showing off the relative positioning features by placing one text instance in each corner
        var x = UIRelative.xPercentFrom( UIxAnchor.Left, 0f );
        var y = UIRelative.yPercentFrom( UIyAnchor.Top, 0f );
        text1 = text.addTextInstance( "hello man.  I have a line\nbreak", x, y );

        var textSize = text.sizeForText( "testing small bitmap fonts", 0.3f );
        x = UIRelative.xPercentFrom( UIxAnchor.Left, 0f );
        y = UIRelative.yPercentFrom( UIyAnchor.Bottom, 0f, textSize.y );
        text2 = text.addTextInstance( "testing small bitmap fonts", x, y, 0.3f );

        textSize = text.sizeForText( "with only\n1 draw call\nfor everything", 0.5f );
        x = UIRelative.xPercentFrom( UIxAnchor.Right, 0f, textSize.x );
        y = UIRelative.yPercentFrom( UIyAnchor.Top, 0f );
        text3 = text.addTextInstance( "with only\n1 draw call\nfor everything", x, y, 0.5f, 5, Color.yellow );

        textSize = text.sizeForText( "kudos" );
        x = UIRelative.xPercentFrom( UIxAnchor.Right, 0f, textSize.x );
        y = UIRelative.yPercentFrom( UIyAnchor.Bottom, 0f, textSize.y );
        text4 = text.addTextInstance( "kudos", x, y );

        textSize = text.sizeForText( "Be sure to try this with\niPhone and iPad resolutions" );
        var center = UIRelative.center( textSize.x, textSize.y );
        text.addTextInstance( "Be sure to try this with\niPhone and iPad resolutions", center.x, center.y, 1f, 4, Color.red );

        x = UIRelative.xPercentFrom( UIxAnchor.Left, 0f );
        y = UIRelative.yPercentFrom( UIyAnchor.Bottom, 0f, textSize.y * 3 );
        var wrapText = new UIText( "prototype", "prototype.png");
        wrapText.wrapMode = UITextLineWrapMode.MinimumLength;
        wrapText.lineWrapWidth = 200.0f;
        textWrap1 = wrapText.addTextInstance( "Testing line wrap width with small words in multiple resolutions.", x, y, 0.3f);
        wrapText.lineWrapWidth = 100.0f;
        wrapText.wrapMode = UITextLineWrapMode.AlwaysHyphenate;
        x = UIRelative.xPercentFrom( UIxAnchor.Right, 0f, 200.0f );
        y = UIRelative.yPercentFrom( UIyAnchor.Bottom, 0f, textSize.y * 3 );
        textWrap2 = wrapText.addTextInstance( "This should be hyphenated.", x, y, 0.5f );

        StartCoroutine( waitThenRemoveText() );
コード例 #33
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        var scaleFactor = ScaleFactor.GetScaleFactor();
        //high score
        var CloseBtn = UIButton.create(highscoreManager, "back_normal2.png", "back_active2.png", 0, 0);

        CloseBtn.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets(30);
        CloseBtn.onTouchUpInside        += sender => Application.LoadLevel("AGAIN");
        CloseBtn.touchDownSound          = audioplay.getSoundClip();
        CloseBtn.positionFromCenter(0.18f, 0.05f);
        CloseBtn.setSize(CloseBtn.width / scaleFactor * 1f, CloseBtn.height / scaleFactor * 1f);

        highScore                = Main.getHighScore();
        highScoreText            = new UIText(textManager, "VogueCyrBold_60_ffffff", "VogueCyrBold_60_ffffff.png");
        highscoretext            = highScoreText.addTextInstance(string.Format("{0}", highScore), 0, 0);
        highscoretext.textScale /= scaleFactor * 0.4f;
        highscoretext.positionFromCenter(-0.03f, 0.01f);
        highscoretext.color = Color.black;
コード例 #34
    public static void addTextToScrollable(UIScrollableVerticalLayout layout, UITextInstance text, UIToolkit uiTools)
        UISprite textWrapper;
        bool     wrapperAlreadyAdded = false;

        setTextLayoutWrap(layout, text);

        if (layout.TextWrapper == null)
            textWrapper        = createTextWrapper(uiTools, text, layout);
            layout.TextWrapper = textWrapper;
            textWrapper         = layout.TextWrapper;
            wrapperAlreadyAdded = true;

            if (textWrapper.userData != null)
                Debug.Log("textWrapper has userData. NEED TO DELETE IT?");
                // TODO: Need to add some checking here for safety.
                UITextInstance oldText = (UITextInstance)textWrapper.userData;
                if (oldText != text)
                    Debug.Log("Removing the old text from the textWrapper.userData by unparenting it");
                    oldText.parentUIObject = null;
                    textWrapper.userData   = null;
                textWrapperScale(layout, textWrapper, text);

                text.parentUIObject  = textWrapper;
                textWrapper.userData = text;


        if (!wrapperAlreadyAdded)
コード例 #35
    public static void addTextToScrollable( UIScrollableVerticalLayout layout, UITextInstance text, UIToolkit uiTools )
        UISprite textWrapper;
        bool wrapperAlreadyAdded = false;

        setTextLayoutWrap( layout, text );

        if( layout.TextWrapper == null )
            textWrapper = createTextWrapper( uiTools, text, layout );
            layout.TextWrapper = textWrapper;
            textWrapper = layout.TextWrapper;
            wrapperAlreadyAdded = true;

            if( textWrapper.userData != null )
                Debug.Log( "textWrapper has userData. NEED TO DELETE IT?" );
                // TODO: Need to add some checking here for safety.
                UITextInstance oldText = (UITextInstance)textWrapper.userData;
                if( oldText != text )
                    Debug.Log( "Removing the old text from the textWrapper.userData by unparenting it" );
                    oldText.parentUIObject = null;
                    textWrapper.userData = null;
                textWrapperScale( layout, textWrapper, text );

                text.parentUIObject = textWrapper;
                textWrapper.userData = text;

                textPositionInWrapper( text );

        if( !wrapperAlreadyAdded )
            layout.addChild( textWrapper );
コード例 #36
    public static UISprite createTextWrapper(UIToolkit uiTools, UITextInstance text, UIAbstractContainer layout)
        // Get the right wrapping for the text
        setTextLayoutWrap(layout, text);

        // Create the wrapper and scale it
        // TODO: Check if empty.png exists if not then throw a clear error.
        UISprite textWrapper = uiTools.addSprite("empty.png", 0, 0);

        textWrapperScale(layout, textWrapper, text);

        // Make the text a child of the wrapper
        text.parentUIObject  = textWrapper;
        textWrapper.userData = text;


        // Return the wrapper
コード例 #37
    private void createLandingScreen()
        stadiumBG = uiTools.addSprite("stadiumBG.png", 0, 0, 20);

        UISprite titleSprite = uiTools.addSprite("title.png", 0, 0, 20);


        int buttonsBottomOffset = 130;

        // Start Button
        UIButton startButton = UIButton.create(uiTools, "dieButtonLarge.png", "dieButtonLargeDown.png", 0, 0, 10);

        startButton.pixelsFromBottomLeft(buttonsBottomOffset, 13);

        UITextInstance startText = graph26.addTextInstance(" START ", 0, 0);

        startText.parentUIObject = startButton;
        startText.pixelsFromTopRight(52, 0);

        // Options Button
        UIButton optionsButton = UIButton.create(uiTools, "dieButtonLarge.png", "dieButtonLargeDown.png", 0, 0, 10);

        optionsButton.pixelsFromBottomRight(buttonsBottomOffset, 50);

        UITextInstance optionsText = graph20.addTextInstance("OPTIONS", 0, 0);

        optionsText.parentUIObject = optionsButton;
        optionsText.pixelsFromTopRight(56, 5);

        // Parent everything to the landingParent for moving
        UIObject[] objects = { titleSprite, startButton, startText, optionsButton, optionsText };
        foreach (UIObject item in objects)
            item.parentUIObject = landingParent;

        // Set button actions
        startButton.onTouchUpInside += (sender) => showStartScreen();
コード例 #38
    public static void centerText(UITextInstance txt, int pixelOffset, int buttonOffset)
        float parentHeight = txt.parentUIObject.height * txt.parentUIObject.scale.y;
        float height       = txt.height;

        float parentWidth = txt.parentUIObject.width * txt.parentUIObject.scale.x;
        float width       = txt.width;

        hd(ref pixelOffset);
        hd(ref buttonOffset);

        if (pixelOffset == 0 && buttonOffset == 0)
            /* Commenting this out. It is not centering correctly for some reason
             * txt.verticalAlignMode = UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle;
             * txt.positionCenter();
            txt.verticalAlignMode = UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle;
            int offsetTop = (int)(parentHeight / 2) - (int)(height / 2);
            if (offsetTop < 0)
                offsetTop *= -1;
            txt.pixelsFromTop(offsetTop, 0);
            txt.verticalAlignMode = UITextVerticalAlignMode.Top;
            int offsetTop = (int)((parentHeight - height) / 2) - pixelOffset;

            if (offsetTop < 0)
                offsetTop *= -1;

            txt.pixelsFromTopLeft(offsetTop, (int)((parentWidth - width) / 2) + buttonOffset);
コード例 #39
    public static void centerText( UITextInstance txt, int pixelOffset, int buttonOffset )
        float parentHeight = txt.parentUIObject.height * txt.parentUIObject.scale.y;
        float height = txt.height;

        float parentWidth = txt.parentUIObject.width * txt.parentUIObject.scale.x;
        float width = txt.width;

        hd( ref pixelOffset );
        hd( ref buttonOffset );

        if (pixelOffset == 0 && buttonOffset == 0)
            /* Commenting this out. It is not centering correctly for some reason
            txt.verticalAlignMode = UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle;
            txt.verticalAlignMode = UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle;
            int offsetTop = (int)(parentHeight/2) - (int)(height/2);
            if( offsetTop < 0 )
                offsetTop *= -1;
            txt.pixelsFromTop( offsetTop, 0 );
            txt.verticalAlignMode = UITextVerticalAlignMode.Top;
            int offsetTop = (int)(( parentHeight - height )/2) - pixelOffset;

            if( offsetTop < 0 )
                offsetTop *= -1;

            txt.pixelsFromTopLeft( offsetTop, (int)((parentWidth - width)/2) + buttonOffset );
コード例 #40
ファイル: UIText.cs プロジェクト: kpro1999/UIToolkit
 public void setHiddenForTextInstance( ref UITextInstance textInstance, bool value )
     if (textInstance.textIndex < _textSprites.Count)
         int length = _textSprites[textInstance.textIndex].Length;
         for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
             _textSprites[textInstance.textIndex][i].hidden = value;
コード例 #41
ファイル: UIText.cs プロジェクト: kpro1999/UIToolkit
    public void updateColorForTextInstance( ref UITextInstance textInstance )
        // how many sprites are we updated?
        int length = _textSprites[textInstance.textIndex].Length;

        // we either make all the letters the same color or each letter a different color
        if( textInstance.colors.Length == 1 )
            for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
                _textSprites[textInstance.textIndex][i].color = textInstance.colors[0];
            for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
                _textSprites[textInstance.textIndex][i].color = textInstance.colors[i];
コード例 #42
 public static void centerText(UITextInstance txt)
     centerText( txt, 0, 0 );
コード例 #43
ファイル: UIText.cs プロジェクト: kpro1999/UIToolkit
    public UITextInstance addTextInstance( string text, float xPos, float yPos, float scale, int depth, Color[] colors, UITextAlignMode alignMode, UITextVerticalAlignMode verticalAlignMode )
        if( forceLowAscii )
            forceLowAsciiString( ref text );

        var textInstance = new UITextInstance( this, text, xPos, yPos, scale, depth, colors, alignMode, verticalAlignMode );
        textInstance.textIndex = drawText( text, xPos, yPos, scale, depth, colors, textInstance.alignMode, textInstance.verticalAlignMode );

        return textInstance;
コード例 #44
ファイル: UIText.cs プロジェクト: TaintedLemon/UIToolkit
 public void updateText( ref UITextInstance textInstance )
     // kill the current text then draw some new text
     deleteText( textInstance.textIndex );
     textInstance.textIndex = drawText( textInstance.text, textInstance.xPos, textInstance.yPos, textInstance.scale, textInstance.depth, textInstance.color );
コード例 #45
    public static bool textNeedsWrap( UITextInstance text, UIObject fitter, int sideOffset )
        float fitterWidth = fitter.width * fitter.scale.x;

        // If the text is smaller then we're done.
        if( text.width < fitterWidth - sideOffset )
            return false;
            return true;
コード例 #46
	public void updateText( UITextInstance textInstance )
		// if our textInstance has a localScale of anything other than (1, 1, z), the child sprites generated here will have a weird local scale as well.
		// so, lets reset our text instance to (1, 1, z) and then restore the previous local scale after drawText
		Vector3 originalScale = textInstance.localScale;
		bool scaleChanged = false;
		if (originalScale.x != 1f || originalScale.y != 1f) {
			textInstance.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, originalScale.z);
			scaleChanged = true;
		// kill the current text then draw some new text
		drawText( textInstance, textInstance.xPos, textInstance.yPos, textInstance.textScale, textInstance.depth, textInstance.colors, textInstance.alignMode, textInstance.verticalAlignMode );
		// now restore the originalScale scale
		if (scaleChanged) {
			textInstance.localScale = originalScale;
コード例 #47
ファイル: UIText.cs プロジェクト: TaintedLemon/UIToolkit
    public UITextInstance addTextInstance( string text, float xPos, float yPos, float scale, int depth, Color color )
        var textInstance = new UITextInstance( this, text, xPos, yPos, scale, depth, color );
        textInstance.textIndex = drawText( text, xPos, yPos, scale, depth, color );

        return textInstance;
コード例 #48
ファイル: UIText.cs プロジェクト: jomoho/UIToolkit
	public void updateText( UITextInstance textInstance )
		// kill the current text then draw some new text
		drawText( textInstance, textInstance.xPos, textInstance.yPos, textInstance.textScale, textInstance.depth, textInstance.colors, textInstance.alignMode, textInstance.verticalAlignMode );
コード例 #49
	/// <summary>
	/// Draw text on screen, create each quad and send it to the manager
	/// </summary>
	private void drawText( UITextInstance textInstance, float xPos, float yPos, float scale, int depth, Color[] color, UITextAlignMode instanceAlignMode, UITextVerticalAlignMode instanceVerticalAlignMode )
        // Start by resetting textInstance position
        textInstance.position = Vector3.zero;
        bool hidden = textInstance.hidden;
		float dx = 0;
		float dy = 0;
		float offsetY;
		int fontLineSkip = 0;
		int charId = 0;

		// Perform word wrapping ahead of sprite allocation!
		var text = textInstance.text;
		text = wrapText( text, scale );
		int lineStartChar = 0;
		int lineEndChar = 0;
		float totalHeight = ( _fontDetails[ASCII_LINEHEIGHT_REFERENCE].h * scale * lineSpacing );
		for( var i = 0; i < text.Length; i++ )
	    	charId = System.Convert.ToInt32( text[i] );
			if( charId == ASCII_NEWLINE )
				// calculate the size to center text on Y axis, based on its scale
				// 77 is the "M" char usually big enough to get a proper spaced
				// lineskip, use any other char if you want
				fontLineSkip += (int)( _fontDetails[ASCII_LINEHEIGHT_REFERENCE].h * scale * lineSpacing );
				totalHeight += (int)( _fontDetails[ASCII_LINEHEIGHT_REFERENCE].h * scale * lineSpacing );
				alignLine( textInstance.textSprites, lineStartChar, lineEndChar, dx, instanceAlignMode );
				lineStartChar = i + 1;
				dx = 0;
				// calculate the size to center text on Y axis, based on its scale
				offsetY = _fontDetails[charId].offsety * scale;
				dy = offsetY + fontLineSkip;
			// Extend end of line
			lineEndChar = i;

			// add quads for each char
			// Use curpos instead of i to compensate for line wrapping hyphenation
			// reuse a UISprite if we have one. if we don't, we need to set it's parent and add it to the textInstance's list
			var currentTextSprite = textInstance.textSpriteAtIndex( i );
			var addingNewTextSprite = currentTextSprite == null;
			currentTextSprite = configureSpriteForCharId( currentTextSprite, charId, dx, dy, scale, 0 );
			if( addingNewTextSprite )
				currentTextSprite.color = color.Length == 1 ? color[0] : color[i];
				currentTextSprite.parentUIObject = textInstance;
				textInstance.textSprites.Add( currentTextSprite );

            // Ensure the sprite is hidden if the textInstance is
            currentTextSprite.hidden = hidden;
			// See below @NOTE re: offsetx vs. xadvance bugfix.
			// advance the position to draw the next letter
			dx += _fontDetails[charId].xadvance * scale;
		alignLine( textInstance.textSprites, lineStartChar, lineEndChar, dx, instanceAlignMode );
		verticalAlignText( textInstance.textSprites, totalHeight, _fontDetails[ASCII_LINEHEIGHT_REFERENCE].offsety * scale * lineSpacing, instanceVerticalAlignMode );

        // Re-position textInstance
        textInstance.position = new Vector3(xPos, yPos, depth);
コード例 #50
    void Start()
        m_ui = GameObject.Find("UIToolkit-Score").GetComponent<UIToolkit>();
        m_uiText = GameObject.Find("UIToolkit-Scoretext").GetComponent<UIToolkit>();

        //--- Fond sombre
        //m_mask = m_ui.addSprite("selected_background.png", 0, 0);
        //m_mask.position = new Vector3(-1, -1, -5f);
        //m_mask.setSize(Screen.width + 1, -Screen.height + 1);
        //m_mask.hidden = true;

        //--- Texte de score
        UIText text = new UIText(m_uiText, "prototype", "prototype.png");

        if (IsTop)
            _txtScore = text.addTextInstance("$0", 0.1f * Screen.width, -Screen.height * 0.41f, -0.8f, -6, Color.yellow, UITextAlignMode.Center, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Top);
            _txtScoreTotal = text.addTextInstance("Total\r\n\r\n$0", 0.305f * Screen.width, -Screen.height * 0.36f, -0.5f, -6, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f), UITextAlignMode.Left, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Bottom);
            _txtScore = text.addTextInstance("$0", 0.395f * Screen.width, -Screen.height * 0.084f, 0.8f, -6, Color.yellow, UITextAlignMode.Center, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Bottom);
            _txtScoreTotal = text.addTextInstance("Total\r\n\r\n$0", 0.2f * Screen.width, -Screen.height * 0.14f, 0.5f, -6, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f), UITextAlignMode.Left, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Bottom);

        _txtScore.hidden = true;
        _txtScoreTotal.hidden = true;
コード例 #51
ファイル: UIText.cs プロジェクト: reissgrant/UIToolkit
 public UISprite[] returnTextSprite( ref UITextInstance textInstance)
     return _textSprites[textInstance.textIndex];
コード例 #52
    public static void fitTextHorizontally( UITextInstance text, int sideOffset, UIObject fitter )
        float fitterWidth = fitter.width * fitter.scale.x;

        // If the text is smaller then we're done.
        if( !textNeedsWrap( text, fitter, sideOffset ) )

        // Border space is so the text doesn't end at the edge of the containing object.
        int borderSpace = 5;
        hd( ref borderSpace );

        setTextWrap( text, fitterWidth - borderSpace );
コード例 #53
 public static void setTextLayoutWrap( UIAbstractContainer layout, UITextInstance text )
     setTextWrap( text, layout.width - layout.edgeInsets.right );
コード例 #54
 public static void textWrapperScale( UIAbstractContainer layout, UISprite textWrapper, UITextInstance text )
     Vector2 textDimensions = text._parentText.sizeForText( text.text );
     textWrapper.scale = (new Vector3(layout.width / 5, textDimensions.y / 5, 1));
コード例 #55
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        stage = GameObject.Find( "Floor").GetComponent<Stage>();
        GameObject objUser = GameObject.Find( "User");
        statusUser = objUser.GetComponent<StatusUser>();
        motionUser = objUser.GetComponent<MotionUser>();
        attackUser = objUser.GetComponent<AttackUser>();
        motionCamera = Camera.mainCamera.GetComponent<MotionCamera>();

        // Se calcula la relación entre la resolución virtual de referencia y la resolución actual de pantalla
        fRatioX = Screen.width * 1.0f / iWidthScreen;
        fRatioY = Screen.height * 1.0f / iHeightScreen;

        // Se crea la barra de energía y se inicializan los parámetros relacionados.
        barUserEnergy = UIStateSprite.create( "Energy.png", 0, 0);
        barUserEnergy.hidden = false;
        barGunEnergy = UIStateSprite.create( "Level.png", 0, 0);
        barGunEnergy.hidden = false;
        textKilled = new UIText( "prototype", "prototype.png");
        textEnemies = new UIText( "prototype", "prototype.png");
        textRecord = new UIText( "prototype", "prototype.png");
        textEnemiesInstance = textEnemies.addTextInstance( "Enemigos: 0", iXTextEnemies * fRatioX, iYTextEnemies * fRatioY, 0.8f, 1, Color.green);
        textKilledInstance = textKilled.addTextInstance( "Asesinatos: 0", iXTextKilled * fRatioX, iYTextKilled * fRatioY, 0.8f, 1, Color.red);
        textRecordInstance = textRecord.addTextInstance( "Record: " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Record", 0),
                                                         iXTextRecord * fRatioX, iYTextRecord * fRatioY, 0.8f, 1, Color.black);
        buttonPersp = UIButton.create( "emptyUp.png", "emptyDown.png", 0, 0);
        buttonPersp.hidden = false;
        textPersp = new UIText( "prototype", "prototype.png");
        textPerspInstance = textPersp.addTextInstance( motionCamera.strCameraPersp, iXTextPersp * fRatioX, iYTextPersp * fRatioY, 0.9f, 1, Color.blue);
コード例 #56
 public static void centerText(UITextInstance txt, int pixelOffset)
     centerText( txt, pixelOffset, 0 );
コード例 #57
ファイル: UIText.cs プロジェクト: TaintedLemon/UIToolkit
    public void updateColorForTextInstance( ref UITextInstance textInstance )
        // how many sprites are we updated?
        int length = _textSprites[textInstance.textIndex].Length;

        for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
            _textSprites[textInstance.textIndex][i].color = textInstance.color;
コード例 #58
    public static void setTextWrap( UITextInstance text, float lineWrapWidth )
        text._parentText.wrapMode = UITextLineWrapMode.MinimumLength;
        text._parentText.lineWrapWidth = lineWrapWidth;

        // Re-adding the text to itself, to work around a bug.
        // TODO: See if there is a better way to do this. Also the wrapping is not working 100% well
        // some lines are being wrapped early. This could be because we are getting the text from a string instead
        // of a file. Something that I encountered with my arabic text testing.
        string content = text.text;
        text.text = content;
コード例 #59
 public static void textPositionInWrapper(UITextInstance text)
     int textOffset = 4;
     hd( ref textOffset );
     text.pixelsFromTopLeft( textOffset, textOffset );
コード例 #60
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //cameraController = (GameCamera) GameCamera.GetComponent(typeof(GameCamera));
        cameraController = GameCamera.GetComponent<GameCamera>();

        // create some text
        ScoreboardText = new UIText( "Trebuchet14", "Trebuchet14.png" );
        ScoreboardTextInstance = ScoreboardText.addTextInstance( "Initial Setup", 0f, 0f, 1f, 0 );
        ScoreboardTextInstance.positionFromTop( 0.05f );

        // todo set gametype based on menu choice
        //GameType = GameTypes.Single;
        State = States.Null;

        SetupGame( LoadingGame, GameType );