private static void InitializeSearch(object view, UITableViewSource source) { var searchbarAttribute = view.GetType().GetCustomAttribute <SearchbarAttribute>(); var searchbar = source as ISearchBar; if (searchbarAttribute != null && searchbar != null) { searchbar.SearchPlaceholder = searchbarAttribute.Placeholder; searchbar.IncrementalSearch = searchbarAttribute.IncrementalSearch; searchbar.EnableSearch = searchbarAttribute.ShowImmediately; searchbar.IsSearchbarHidden = !searchbarAttribute.ShowImmediately; var methods = GetMethods(view); foreach (var method in methods) { var attribute = method.GetCustomAttribute <SearchbarAttribute>(); if (attribute != null) { searchbar.SearchPlaceholder = attribute.Placeholder; searchbar.IncrementalSearch = attribute.IncrementalSearch; searchbar.EnableSearch = attribute.ShowImmediately; searchbar.IsSearchbarHidden = !attribute.ShowImmediately; searchbar.SearchCommand = new SearchCommand(view, method as MethodInfo); break; } ; } } }
public UITableViewSource Parse(DialogViewController controller, object view, MemberInfo member) { UITableViewSource source = null; if (view != null) { view = GetActualView(view); controller.RootView = view; controller.ToolbarButtons = CheckForToolbarItems(view); controller.NavbarButtons = CheckForNavbarItems(view); if (member != null) { using (var memberData = new MemberData(view, member)) { source = ParseList(controller, memberData, null); } } if (source == null) { source = ParseView(controller, view); } InitializeSearch(view, source); } return(source); }
private EventHandler GetTextFieldEditingChangedHandler() { if (_textFieldEditingChangedHandler == null) { _textFieldEditingChangedHandler = delegate { _selectedIndex = -1; _autoCompleteTableView.Hidden = false; _matchedElements = _elements.Where(elem => elem.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(_textField.Text.ToLowerInvariant())).ToList(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_textField.Text)) { _autoCompleteTableView.Hidden = true; } else { _autoCompleteTableView.Hidden |= _matchedElements.Count == 0; } _autoCompleteTableViewSource = new AutoCompleteTableViewSource(_matchedElements, SelectedElement); _autoCompleteTableView.Source = _autoCompleteTableViewSource; _autoCompleteTableView.ReloadData(); } } ; return(_textFieldEditingChangedHandler); } }
public void InitializeRunsControllerFields(UITableViewSource sessionSource, Profiles profileRow) { //pass in profile CurrentProfile = profileRow; //create source for ran images row RanImagesSource = new TableSourceRanImages(); //images table view controller set up imageTableViewController = new ImagesTableViewController(RanImagesSource); imageTableViewController.View.Hidden = true; imagesTableviewNavController = new UINavigationController(imageTableViewController); imagesTableviewNavController.View.BackgroundColor = AppColors.LIGHT_TEAL; imagesTableviewNavController.NavigationBar.TitleTextAttributes = new UIStringAttributes() { ForegroundColor = UIColor.White }; imagesTableviewNavController.NavigationBar.BarTintColor = AppColors.DARK_GRAY; //source assignments SessionSource = (TableSourceSessions)sessionSource; ranSessions = new RunsTableViewController(CurrentProfile); //add delegate to the session source SessionSource.SessionRowToController += GetRowClickedFromSessionSource; SessionSource.HideTable += ShowImagesTableHandler; navigationController = new UINavigationController(ranSessions); navigationController.NavigationBar.BarTintColor = AppColors.DARK_GRAY; //navigationController.NavigationBar.TitleTextAttributes = new UIStringAttributes() { Font = UIFont.FromName("Arial", 12f)}; runsSplitViewController = new RunsSplitViewController(ranSessions, navigationController, imagesTableviewNavController); runsSplitViewController.View.Hidden = true; navigationController.NavigationItem.Title.StringSize(UIFont.FromName("Arial", 20f)); }
//UITableViewSource originalSource; protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <ListView> e) { base.OnElementChanged(e); UITableViewSource originalSource = (UIKit.UITableViewSource)Control.Source; Control.Source = new MyLVSource(originalSource, e.NewElement); }
public void setFieldsAndInitialize(UITableViewSource sessionSource, Profiles profileRow, MainTabBarController tab) { SessionSource = (TableSourceSessions)sessionSource; tabBar = tab; InitializeRunsControllerFields(SessionSource, profileRow); InitializeMasterControllerFields(); ViewControllers = new UIViewController[] { masterNavigationController, runsSplitViewController }; }
public WrapperSource(UITableViewSource original, UITableView tableView, Int32 minRowHeight = -1) { this.original = original; this._MinRowHeight = minRowHeight; if (this._TableView == null) { this._TableView = new WeakReference(tableView); } }
public AutoCompleteTextField(UIViewController viewController, UITextField textView, List <string> elements) { try { this.viewController = viewController; this.textField = textView; this.selectedIndex = -1; this.elements = elements; //this.matchedElements = this.elements.Where(e => e.ToLower().Contains(this.textField.Text.ToLower())).ToList(); this.matchedElements = elements; int Count = matchedElements.Count; this.autoCompleteTableView = new UITableView(new CoreGraphics.CGRect(this.textField.Frame.X, this.textField.Frame.Y + this.textField.Frame.Height + 10, this.textField.Frame.Width, Count * 35)); // branch locator text field layout if (this.textField.Tag == 1032) { this.autoCompleteTableView = new UITableView(new CoreGraphics.CGRect(this.textField.Frame.X, this.textField.Frame.Y + this.textField.Frame.Height + 80, this.textField.Frame.Width, Count * 35)); } this.autoCompleteTableViewSource = new AutoCompleteTableViewSource(this.elements, this.SelectedElement, this.textField); this.autoCompleteTableView.Source = this.autoCompleteTableViewSource; this.autoCompleteTableView.ReloadData(); this.autoCompleteTableView.ScrollEnabled = true; this.autoCompleteTableView.Hidden = false; this.autoCompleteTableView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; //this.autoCompleteTableView.Alpha = 0.8f; // branch locator text field layout //if (this.textField.Tag == 1032) //{ // this.autoCompleteTableView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black; // this.autoCompleteTableView.Alpha = 0.8f; //} this.viewController.View.AddSubview(this.autoCompleteTableView); this.viewController.View.BringSubviewToFront(this.autoCompleteTableView); textField.EditingChanged -= this.GetTextFieldEditingChangedHandler(); textField.EditingChanged += this.GetTextFieldEditingChangedHandler(); this.autoCompleteTableView.AllowsSelection = true; } catch (Exception ex) { string str = ex.Message; Console.WriteLine("== AutoCompleteTextField Exception=== {0}", str); } }
public RunsTableViewController(Profiles profileRow) { table = new UITableView(); table.BackgroundColor = AppColors.LIGHT_TEAL; List <Session> sessionsByID = new DatabaseContext <Session>().GetQuery("SELECT * FROM Session WHERE ParentProfileID = ?", profileRow.ID.ToString()); source = new TableSourceSessions(sessionsByID); Title = ""; View = table; table.Source = source; }
//======================================================================================================================================== // PUBLIC OVERRIDES //======================================================================================================================================== public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); _tableView = new UITableView(); _source = new TableViewSource(); this._tableView.RowHeight = UITableView.AutomaticDimension; this._tableView.EstimatedRowHeight = 176; _tableView.Source = _source; this.Add(_tableView); }
protected override void Dismiss() { DismissControls(); UITableViewSource source = _view.Source; if (source != null) { _view.Source = null; source.Dispose(); } }
//======================================================================================================================================== // PUBLIC OVERRIDES //======================================================================================================================================== public override void ViewDidLoad () { base.ViewDidLoad (); _tableView = new UITableView (); _source = new TableViewSource (); this._tableView.RowHeight = UITableView.AutomaticDimension; this._tableView.EstimatedRowHeight = 176; _tableView.Source = _source; this.Add (_tableView); }
public DialogView(RectangleF frame, UITableViewStyle style, RootElement root) : base(frame) { tableView = MakeTableView(new RectangleF(0, 0, frame.Width, frame.Height), style); //tableView.BackgroundView.Alpha = 0.0f; tableView.AutosizesSubviews = true; BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear; source = new Source(this); tableView.Source = source; AddSubview(tableView); Root = root; }
public DialogView(RectangleF frame, UITableViewStyle style, RootElement root) : base(frame) { tableView = MakeTableView (new RectangleF (0, 0, frame.Width, frame.Height), style); tableView.BackgroundView.Alpha = 0.0f; tableView.AutosizesSubviews = true; BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear; source = new Source (this); tableView.Source = source; AddSubview (tableView); Root = root; }
private async void textField_EditingChanged(object sender, EventArgs args) { await base.ExecuteMethodAsync("textField_EditingChanged", async delegate() { string search = this.textField.Text; this.selectedIndex = -1; CGPoint position = targetView.ConvertPointFromView(new CoreGraphics.CGPoint(0, 0), textField); this.autoCompleteTableView.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, position.Y + this.textField.Frame.Height, targetView.Frame.Width, targetView.Frame.Height - position.Y - this.textField.Frame.Height); this.autoCompleteTableView.Hidden = false; this.matchedElements = await findElements(search); if (this.matchedElements.Count == 0) { this.matchedElements.Add(this.GetEmptySearchItemMethod(search)); } this.autoCompleteTableViewSource = new AutoCompleteTableViewSource <TItem>(this.matchedElements, this.OnSelectedElement, this.GetItemNameMethod); this.autoCompleteTableView.Source = this.autoCompleteTableViewSource; this.autoCompleteTableView.ReloadData(); }); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None; backgroundView = new UIView(View.Frame); backgroundView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; View.AddSubview(backgroundView); searchBar = new UISearchBar(); searchBar.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; searchBar.ReturnKeyType = UIReturnKeyType.Done; View.AddSubview(searchBar); AddSearchBarConstraints(); searchBar.BecomeFirstResponder(); // TODO - add 'powered by google' attribution image before resultsTable googleAttribution = new UIImageView(); googleAttribution.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("powered_by_google_on_white"); googleAttribution.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; googleAttribution.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit; View.AddSubview(googleAttribution); AddAttributionConstraints(); resultsTable = new UITableView(); tableSource = new ResultsTableSource(); resultsTable.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; resultsTable.Source = tableSource; ((ResultsTableSource)resultsTable.Source).apiKey = apiKey; ((ResultsTableSource)resultsTable.Source).RowItemSelected += OnPlaceSelection; View.AddSubview(resultsTable); AddResultsTableConstraints(); searchBar.TextChanged += SearchInputChanged; resultsTable.Hidden = true; NavigationItem.SetLeftBarButtonItem( new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Stop, (sender, args) => { DismissViewController(true, null); }), true); }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { base.Dispose(disposing); if (tableView != null) { tableView.Dispose(); tableView = null; } if (source != null) { source.Dispose(); source = null; } if (root != null) { root.Dispose(); root = null; } }
public AutoCompleteTextField(UIViewController viewController, UITextField textView, List <string> elements, Action selected) { _selected = selected; _viewController = viewController; _textField = textView; _selectedIndex = -1; _elements = elements; _matchedElements = _elements .Where(e => e.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(_textField.Text.ToLowerInvariant())).ToList(); _autoCompleteTableView = new UITableView(new CGRect(0, _textField.Frame.Y, _viewController.View.Frame.Width, _viewController.View.Frame.Height / 2 - _textField.Frame.Y - _textField.Frame.Height)); _autoCompleteTableViewSource = new AutoCompleteTableViewSource(_matchedElements, SelectedElement); _autoCompleteTableView.ReloadData(); _autoCompleteTableView.ScrollEnabled = true; _autoCompleteTableView.Hidden = true; _viewController.View.AddSubview(_autoCompleteTableView); _textField.EditingChanged -= GetTextFieldEditingChangedHandler(); _textField.EditingChanged += GetTextFieldEditingChangedHandler(); }
private EventHandler GetTextFieldEditingChangedHandler() { if (this.elements != null) { if ((this.textFieldEditingChangedHandler == null && this.textField.Text.Length > 2) && this.elements.Count > 0) { this.textFieldEditingChangedHandler = delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.selectedIndex = -1; this.autoCompleteTableView.Hidden = false; //this.matchedElements = this.elements.Where(elem => elem.ToLower().Contains(this.textField.Text.ToLower())).ToList(); this.matchedElements = this.elements; this.autoCompleteTableViewSource = new AutoCompleteTableViewSource(this.matchedElements, this.SelectedElement, this.textField); this.autoCompleteTableView.Source = this.autoCompleteTableViewSource; int Count = matchedElements.Count; this.autoCompleteTableView.Frame = new CGRect(this.autoCompleteTableView.Frame.X, this.autoCompleteTableView.Frame.Y, this.autoCompleteTableView.Frame.Size.Width, Count * 35); this.autoCompleteTableView.ReloadData(); }; } } return(this.textFieldEditingChangedHandler); }
public override void ViewDidLoad () { base.ViewDidLoad (); tableView = new UITableView (); helper = new TableViewHelper (tableView); var s0r0 = buildCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S0R0", "Tap to hide/show Date Selector"); var s0r1 = buildDateCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S0R1"); var s1r0 = buildCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S1R0", "Tap to fill 3rd Section"); var s2r0 = buildCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S2R0", "3rd Section - Row 0", "Tap to Delete"); var s2r1 = buildCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S2R1", "3rd Section - Row 1", "Tap to Delete"); var s2r2 = buildCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S2R2", "3rd Section - Row 2", "Tap to Delete"); var s3r0 = buildCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S3R0", "This one doesn't do anything"); helper.addCell (0, s0r0, "S0R0"); helper.addCell (0, s0r1, "S0R1"); helper.addCell (1, s1r0, "S1R0"); helper.addCell (2, s2r0, "S2R0"); helper.addCell (2, s2r1, "S2R1"); helper.addCell (2, s2r2, "S2R2"); helper.addCell (3, s3r0, "S3R0"); helper.hideCell ("S0R1"); helper.hideCell ("S1R0"); source = new TableViewSource (helper); tableView.Source = source; this.Add (tableView); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); tableView = new UITableView(); helper = new TableViewHelper(tableView); var s0r0 = buildCell(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S0R0", "Tap to hide/show Date Selector"); var s0r1 = buildDateCell(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S0R1"); var s1r0 = buildCell(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S1R0", "Tap to fill 3rd Section"); var s2r0 = buildCell(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S2R0", "3rd Section - Row 0", "Tap to Delete"); var s2r1 = buildCell(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S2R1", "3rd Section - Row 1", "Tap to Delete"); var s2r2 = buildCell(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S2R2", "3rd Section - Row 2", "Tap to Delete"); var s3r0 = buildCell(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "S3R0", "This one doesn't do anything"); helper.addCell(0, s0r0, "S0R0"); helper.addCell(0, s0r1, "S0R1"); helper.addCell(1, s1r0, "S1R0"); helper.addCell(2, s2r0, "S2R0"); helper.addCell(2, s2r1, "S2R1"); helper.addCell(2, s2r2, "S2R2"); helper.addCell(3, s3r0, "S3R0"); helper.hideCell("S0R1"); helper.hideCell("S1R0"); source = new TableViewSource(helper); tableView.Source = source; this.Add(tableView); }
public void RenderChoiceSelectionChanged(int selectedIndex) { // This function modifies the UI parameter controls depending on which stretch // renderer is chosen by the user when clicking the table view // Get the user choice for the raster stretch render UITableViewSource myUITableViewSource = _myRenderChoiceType.Source; TableSource myTableSource = (TableSource)myUITableViewSource; string myRendererTypeChoice = myTableSource.TableItems[selectedIndex]; switch (myRendererTypeChoice) { case "Min Max": // This section displays/resets the user choice options for MinMaxStretchParameters // Make sure all the GUI items are visible _Label_Parameter1.Hidden = false; _Label_Parameter2.Hidden = false; _Input_Parameter1.Hidden = false; _Input_Parameter2.Hidden = false; // Define what values/options the user sees _Label_Parameter1.Text = "Minimum value (0 - 255):"; _Label_Parameter2.Text = "Maximum value (0 - 255):"; _Input_Parameter1.Text = "10"; _Input_Parameter2.Text = "150"; break; case "Percent Clip": // This section displays/resets the user choice options for PercentClipStretchParameters // Make sure all the GUI items are visible _Label_Parameter1.Hidden = false; _Label_Parameter2.Hidden = false; _Input_Parameter1.Hidden = false; _Input_Parameter2.Hidden = false; // Define what values/options the user sees _Label_Parameter1.Text = "Minimum (0 - 100):"; _Label_Parameter2.Text = "Maximum (0 - 100)"; _Input_Parameter1.Text = "0"; _Input_Parameter2.Text = "50"; break; case "Standard Deviation": // This section displays/resets the user choice options for StandardDeviationStretchParameters // Make sure that only the necessary GUI items are visible _Label_Parameter1.Hidden = false; _Label_Parameter2.Hidden = true; _Input_Parameter1.Hidden = false; _Input_Parameter2.Hidden = true; // Define what values/options the user sees _Label_Parameter1.Text = "Factor (.25 to 4):"; _Input_Parameter1.Text = "0.5"; break; } }
public ScrollDelegate(Forms9Patch.EnhancedListView element, UITableViewSource source) : base() { Element = element; Source = source; }
private static void InitializeSearch(object view, UITableViewSource source) { var searchbarAttribute = view.GetType().GetCustomAttribute<SearchbarAttribute>(); var searchbar = source as ISearchBar; if (searchbarAttribute != null && searchbar != null) { searchbar.SearchPlaceholder = searchbarAttribute.Placeholder; searchbar.IncrementalSearch = searchbarAttribute.IncrementalSearch; searchbar.EnableSearch = searchbarAttribute.ShowImmediately; searchbar.IsSearchbarHidden = !searchbarAttribute.ShowImmediately; var methods = GetMethods(view); foreach (var method in methods) { var attribute = method.GetCustomAttribute<SearchbarAttribute>(); if (attribute != null) { searchbar.SearchPlaceholder = attribute.Placeholder; searchbar.IncrementalSearch = attribute.IncrementalSearch; searchbar.EnableSearch = attribute.ShowImmediately; searchbar.IsSearchbarHidden = !attribute.ShowImmediately; searchbar.SearchCommand = new SearchCommand(view, method as MethodInfo); break; }; } } }
public MyLVSource(UITableViewSource origSource, ListView myListV) { originalSource = origSource; myListView = myListV; }
public ScrollDelegate(EnhancedListView element, UITableViewSource source) { Element = element; Source = source; }
private void OnUpdateRendererClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Define the RasterLayer that will be used to display in the map RasterLayer rasterLayer_ForDisplayInMap; // Define the ColorRamp that will be used by the BlendRenderer ColorRamp myColorRamp; // Get the user choice for the ColorRamps UITableViewSource myUITableViewSource_ColorRamp = _ColorRamps.Source; TableSource myTableSource_ColorRamp = (TableSource)myUITableViewSource_ColorRamp; string myColorRampChoice; if (myTableSource_ColorRamp.SelectedValue == null) { // If the user does not click on a choice in the table but just clicks the // button, the selected value will be null so use the initial ColorRamp option myColorRampChoice = "Elevation"; } else { // The user clicked on an option in the table and thus the selected value // will contain a valid choice myColorRampChoice = myTableSource_ColorRamp.SelectedValue; } // Based on ColorRamp type chosen by the user, create a different // RasterLayer and define the appropriate ColorRamp option if (myColorRampChoice == "None") { // The user chose not to use a specific ColorRamp, therefore // need to create a RasterLayer based on general imagery (ie. Shasta.tif) // for display in the map and use null for the ColorRamp as one of the // parameters in the BlendRenderer constructor // Load the raster file using a path on disk Raster raster_Imagery = new Raster(GetRasterPath_Imagery()); // Create the raster layer from the raster rasterLayer_ForDisplayInMap = new RasterLayer(raster_Imagery); // Set up the ColorRamp as being null myColorRamp = null; } else { // The user chose a specific ColorRamp (options: are Elevation, DemScreen, DemLight), // therefore create a RasterLayer based on an imagery with elevation // (ie. Shasta_Elevation.tif) for display in the map. Also create a ColorRamp // based on the user choice, translated into an Enumeration, as one of the parameters // in the BlendRenderer constructor // Load the raster file using a path on disk Raster raster_Elevation = new Raster(GetRasterPath_Elevation()); // Create the raster layer from the raster rasterLayer_ForDisplayInMap = new RasterLayer(raster_Elevation); // Create a ColorRamp based on the user choice, translated into an Enumeration PresetColorRampType myPresetColorRampType = (PresetColorRampType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PresetColorRampType), myColorRampChoice); myColorRamp = ColorRamp.Create(myPresetColorRampType, 256); } // Define the parameters used by the BlendRenderer constructor Raster raster_ForMakingBlendRenderer = new Raster(GetRasterPath_Elevation()); IEnumerable <double> myOutputMinValues = new List <double> { 9 }; IEnumerable <double> myOutputMaxValues = new List <double> { 255 }; IEnumerable <double> mySourceMinValues = new List <double>(); IEnumerable <double> mySourceMaxValues = new List <double>(); IEnumerable <double> myNoDataValues = new List <double>(); IEnumerable <double> myGammas = new List <double>(); // Get the user choice for the SlopeType UITableViewSource myUITableViewSource_SlopeType = _SlopeTypes.Source; TableSource myTableSource_SlopeType = (TableSource)myUITableViewSource_SlopeType; string mySlopeTypeChoice; if (myTableSource_SlopeType.SelectedValue == null) { // If the user does not click on a choice in the table but just clicks the // button, the selected value will be null so use the initial SlopeType option mySlopeTypeChoice = "Degree"; } else { // The user clicked on an option in the table and thus the selected value // will contain a valid choice mySlopeTypeChoice = myTableSource_SlopeType.SelectedValue; } SlopeType mySlopeType = (SlopeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlopeType), mySlopeTypeChoice); BlendRenderer myBlendRenderer = new BlendRenderer( raster_ForMakingBlendRenderer, // elevationRaster - Raster based on a elevation source myOutputMinValues, // outputMinValues - Output stretch values, one for each band myOutputMaxValues, // outputMaxValues - Output stretch values, one for each band mySourceMinValues, // sourceMinValues - Input stretch values, one for each band mySourceMaxValues, // sourceMaxValues - Input stretch values, one for each band myNoDataValues, // noDataValues - NoData values, one for each band myGammas, // gammas - Gamma adjustment myColorRamp, // colorRamp - ColorRamp object to use, could be null _Altitude_Slider.Value, // altitude - Altitude angle of the light source _Azimuth_Slider.Value, // azimuth - Azimuth angle of the light source, measured clockwise from north 1, // zfactor - Factor to convert z unit to x,y units, default is 1 mySlopeType, // slopeType - Slope Type 1, // pixelSizeFactor - Pixel size factor, default is 1 1, // pixelSizePower - Pixel size power value, default is 1 8); // outputBitDepth - Output bit depth, default is 8-bi // Set the RasterLayer.Renderer to be the BlendRenderer rasterLayer_ForDisplayInMap.Renderer = myBlendRenderer; // Set the new base map to be the RasterLayer with the BlendRenderer applied _myMapView.Map.Basemap = new Basemap(rasterLayer_ForDisplayInMap); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
public ListSortableTableSource(UITableViewSource source, ListView element) { _originalSource = source; _formsElement = element; }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { base.Dispose (disposing); if (tableView != null) { tableView.Dispose (); tableView = null; } if (source != null) { source.Dispose (); source = null; } if (root != null) { root.Dispose (); root = null; } }
public MCListViewSource(UITableViewSource formsSource, Action<CGPoint> onStartScrolling, Action<CGPoint> onScrolled, Action onStopScrolling ) { _formsSource = formsSource; _onStartScrolling = onStartScrolling; _onScrolled = onScrolled; _onStopScrolling = onStopScrolling; }
public CustomDatasource(UITableViewSource underlyingTableSource) { this.underlyingTableSource = underlyingTableSource; }
private EventHandler GetTextFieldEditingChangedHandler() { if (this.textFieldEditingChangedHandler == null) { this.textFieldEditingChangedHandler = delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.selectedIndex = -1; this.autoCompleteTableView.Hidden = false; this.matchedElements = this.elements.Where (elem => elem.ToLower ().Contains (this.textField.Text.ToLower ())).ToList (); this.autoCompleteTableViewSource = new AutoCompleteTableViewSource (this.matchedElements, this.SelectedElement); this.autoCompleteTableView.Source = this.autoCompleteTableViewSource; this.autoCompleteTableView.ReloadData (); }; } return this.textFieldEditingChangedHandler; }
private void OnUpdateRendererClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { // This function acquires the user selection of the stretch renderer from the table view // along with the parameters specified, then a stretch renderer is created and applied to // the raster layer // Get the user choice for the raster stretch render UITableViewSource myUITableViewSource = _myRenderChoiceType.Source; TableSource myTableSource = (TableSource)myUITableViewSource; string myRendererTypeChoice; if (myTableSource.SelectedValue == null) { // If the user does not click on a choice in the table but just clicks the // button, the selected value will be null so use the initial // stretch renderer option myRendererTypeChoice = "Min Max"; } else { // The user clicked on an option in the table and thus the selected value // will contain a valid choice myRendererTypeChoice = myTableSource.SelectedValue; } // Create an IEnumerable from an empty list of doubles for the gamma values in the stretch render IEnumerable <double> myGammaValues = new List <double>(); // Create a color ramp for the stretch renderer ColorRamp myColorRamp = ColorRamp.Create(PresetColorRampType.DemLight, 1000); // Create the place holder for the stretch renderer StretchRenderer myStretchRenderer = null; switch (myRendererTypeChoice) { case "Min Max": // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a MinMaxStretchParameters // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that accurate min/max stretch values are used // Create an IEnumerable from a list of double min stretch value doubles IEnumerable <double> myMinValues = new List <double> { Convert.ToDouble(_Input_Parameter1.Text) }; // Create an IEnumerable from a list of double max stretch value doubles IEnumerable <double> myMaxValues = new List <double> { Convert.ToDouble(_Input_Parameter2.Text) }; // Create a new MinMaxStretchParameters based on the user choice for min and max stretch values MinMaxStretchParameters myMinMaxStretchParameters = new MinMaxStretchParameters(myMinValues, myMaxValues); // Create the stretch renderer based on the user defined min/max stretch values, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp myStretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(myMinMaxStretchParameters, myGammaValues, true, myColorRamp); break; case "Percent Clip": // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a PercentClipStretchParameters // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that accurate min/max percent clip values are used // Create a new PercentClipStretchParameters based on the user choice for min and max percent clip values PercentClipStretchParameters myPercentClipStretchParameters = new PercentClipStretchParameters(Convert.ToDouble(_Input_Parameter1.Text), Convert.ToDouble(_Input_Parameter2.Text)); // Create the percent clip renderer based on the user defined min/max percent clip values, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp myStretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(myPercentClipStretchParameters, myGammaValues, true, myColorRamp); break; case "Standard Deviation": // This section creates a stretch renderer based on a StandardDeviationStretchParameters // TODO: Add you own logic to ensure that an accurate standard deviation value is used // Create a new StandardDeviationStretchParameters based on the user choice for standard deviation value StandardDeviationStretchParameters myStandardDeviationStretchParameters = new StandardDeviationStretchParameters(Convert.ToDouble(_Input_Parameter1.Text)); // Create the standard deviation renderer based on the user defined standard deviation value, empty gamma values, statistic estimates, and a predefined color ramp myStretchRenderer = new StretchRenderer(myStandardDeviationStretchParameters, myGammaValues, true, myColorRamp); break; } // Get the existing raster layer in the map RasterLayer myRasterLayer = (RasterLayer)_myMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0]; // Apply the stretch renderer to the raster layer myRasterLayer.Renderer = myStretchRenderer; }
public WrapperSource(UITableViewSource original) { this.original = original; }
public ListViewTableViewDelegate(CustomListViewRenderer renderer) { _element = renderer.Element; _source = renderer.Control.Source; }
public AutoCompleteTextField(UIViewController viewController, UITextField textView, List<string> elements) { this.viewController = viewController; this.textField = textView; this.selectedIndex = -1; this.elements = elements; this.matchedElements = this.elements.Where (e => e.ToLower ().Contains (this.textField.Text.ToLower ())).ToList (); this.autoCompleteTableView = new UITableView (new CoreGraphics.CGRect (0, this.textField.Frame.Y + this.textField.Frame.Height, this.viewController.View.Frame.Width, this.viewController.View.Frame.Height - this.textField.Frame.Y - this.textField.Frame.Height)); this.autoCompleteTableViewSource = new AutoCompleteTableViewSource (this.matchedElements, this.SelectedElement); this.autoCompleteTableView.ReloadData (); this.autoCompleteTableView.ScrollEnabled = true; this.autoCompleteTableView.Hidden = true; this.viewController.View.AddSubview (this.autoCompleteTableView); this.textField.EditingChanged -= this.GetTextFieldEditingChangedHandler (); this.textField.EditingChanged += this.GetTextFieldEditingChangedHandler (); }
public ListViewDataSourceWrapper(UITableViewSource underlyingTableSource) { this._underlyingTableSource = underlyingTableSource; }
public void ReloadSessionTableData(TableSourceSessions sessions) { source = (TableSourceSessions)sessions; table.Source = source; table.ReloadData(); }