コード例 #1
 private static void AfterMainMenu_AddModCount(UIStateMainMenu __instance)
     try {
         var revision = typeof(UIStateMainMenu).GetProperty("_buildRevisionModule", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)?.GetValue(__instance) as UIModuleBuildRevision;
         var list     = Api("mod_list", null) as IEnumerable <string>;
         if (revision == null || list == null)
         Info("Adding to main menu version string");
         var loader_ver = new Regex("(?:\\.0){1,2}$").Replace(Api("version", "loader").ToString(), "");
         revision.BuildRevisionNumber.text += $", Modnix {loader_ver}, {list.Count()} mods.";
     } catch (Exception ex) { Error(ex); }
コード例 #2
        private static volatile MethodBase DebugConsoleAdder; // DebugConsole method to call.

        // Save a copy of the main menu, and get mod method through reflection.
        private static void Postfix(UIStateMainMenu __instance)
            try {
                var asm = Mod.Api?.Invoke("assembly", "Sheepy.DebugConsole") as Assembly;
                if (asm == null)
                    return;            // Abort if mod is not found.  e.g. When using PPML.
                MainMenu = __instance;
                // Vanilla reflection :
                // DebugConsoleAdder = asm.GetType( "Sheepy.PhoenixPt.DebugConsole.Mod" ).GetMethod( "AfterMainMenu_AddModCount", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static );
                // Harmony reflection helper :
                DebugConsoleAdder = AccessTools.Method(asm.GetType("Sheepy.PhoenixPt.DebugConsole.Mod"), "AfterMainMenu_AddModCount");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // Log error to Modnix.  Modnix will highlight mods with runtime error to help debug.
                Mod.Api?.Invoke("log error", ex); // "error" specifier is unnecessary, but makes our intention clear.
                // Duplicate exceptions will be ignored, when it is logged as the solo parameter.