コード例 #1
    // Update Input Fields
    public void UpdateFields()
        if (aUIInputRows == null)

        for (int i = 0; i < aUIInputRows.Length; i++)
            UIInputRow row = aUIInputRows[i];
            row.UpdateRow(aElementMaps[row.PrimaryActionID], aAltElementMaps[row.SecondaryActionID], bUnassigned);
コード例 #2
    // Opens the Assignment Window
    private void OpenAssignmentWindow(int fieldID)
        if (bActive || bUnassigned)

        goPreAssignPanelSelection = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject;

        bAssignWindowOpen = true;
        bActive           = true;
        UIMenuManager.bOverrideCancelFunction = true;
        currentActiveMapper = this;

        // Get the current input field and check if it needs to be replaced
        currentUIInputRow = aUIInputRows[fieldID];
コード例 #3
    // Initialize Input Fields
    public void InitializeFields()
        aUIInputRows = new UIInputRow[aInputActionsData.aInputActions.Length];

        // Loop through each field and assign each field's text
        for (int i = 0; i < aUIInputRows.Length; i++)
            InputAction inputData = aInputActionsData.aInputActions[i];

            ActionElementMap map    = null;
            ActionElementMap altMap = null;
            int mapID    = -1;
            int altMapID = -1;

            if (!bUnassigned)
                map    = GetActionMap(inputData, false, out mapID);
                altMap = GetActionMap(inputData, true, out altMapID);

            int index = i;

            UIInputRow row = Instantiate(goInputRowPrefab, rtInputRowParent).GetComponent <UIInputRow>();
            row.InitializeRow(inputData.sName, map, altMap, mapID, altMapID, controlType, buttonImageData, bUnassigned);
            row.primaryButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { OpenWindowForPrimary(index); });
            row.secondaryButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { OpenWindowForSecondary(index); });

            aUIInputRows[i] = row;

        // Loop through and add navigation
        for (int j = 0; j < aUIInputRows.Length; j++)
            Navigation primNav = new Navigation();
            Navigation secNav  = new Navigation();

            primNav.mode = Navigation.Mode.Explicit;
            secNav.mode  = Navigation.Mode.Explicit;

            if (j != 0)
                primNav.selectOnUp = aUIInputRows[j - 1].primaryButton;
                secNav.selectOnUp  = aUIInputRows[j - 1].secondaryButton;

            if (j != aUIInputRows.Length - 1)
                primNav.selectOnDown = aUIInputRows[j + 1].primaryButton;
                secNav.selectOnDown  = aUIInputRows[j + 1].secondaryButton;
                primNav.selectOnDown = downSelectable;
                secNav.selectOnDown  = downSelectable;

            primNav.selectOnRight = aUIInputRows[j].secondaryButton;
            secNav.selectOnLeft   = aUIInputRows[j].primaryButton;

            aUIInputRows[j].primaryButton.navigation   = primNav;
            aUIInputRows[j].secondaryButton.navigation = secNav;

        Navigation nav = downSelectable.navigation;

        nav.selectOnUp            = aUIInputRows.Last().primaryButton;
        downSelectable.navigation = nav;