public void StopAnimatings() { _ai.StopAnimating(); _alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); _alert.Hidden = true; _ai.HidesWhenStopped = true; }
public void RefreshTable(UIAlertView loading = null) { if (NetworkAvailable()) { _parser.UpdatePublications(publications => InvokeOnMainThread(() => { TableView.Source = new PublicationsViewSource(publications, NavigationController); TableView.ReloadData(); if (loading != null) { loading.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); } }), state => InvokeOnMainThread(() => { var alert = new UIAlertView("Error".t(), "ErrorMessage".t(), null, "Ok", null); //alert.Clicked += (sender, e) => UIApplication.SharedApplication.PerformSelector(new Selector("terminateWithSuccess"), null, 0f); alert.Show(); })); } else { var publications = _parser.Publications; TableView.Source = new PublicationsViewSource(publications, NavigationController); TableView.ReloadData(); if (loading != null) { loading.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); } } RefreshControl.EndRefreshing(); }
public void dispose() { // dismiss with button clicked so if invoked on another thread we don't die for some reason myAlert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); myAlert.Dispose(); myAlert = null; }
async Task<bool> SignIn() { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> (); var alert = new UIAlertView ("Please sign in", "", null, "Cancel", "Ok"); alert.AlertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyle.SecureTextInput; var tb = alert.GetTextField(0); tb.ShouldReturn = (t)=>{ alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(1,true); signIn(tcs,tb.Text); return true; }; alert.Clicked += async (object sender, UIButtonEventArgs e) => { if(e.ButtonIndex == 0) { tcs.TrySetResult(false); alert.Dispose(); return; } var id = tb.Text; signIn(tcs,id); }; alert.Show (); return await tcs.Task; }
private async void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs ea) { var waitingOverlay = new WaitingOverlay(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds, "Saving..."); View.Add(waitingOverlay); Bindings.UpdateSourceForLastView(); this.Model.ApplyEdit(); try { //this.Model.GetBrokenRules(); this.Model = await this.Model.SaveAsync(); var alert = new UIAlertView(); alert.Message = "Saved..."; alert.AddButton("Close"); alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, false); alert.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { var alert = new UIAlertView(); alert.Message = string.Format("the following error has occurred: {0}", ex.Message); alert.AddButton("Close"); alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, false); alert.Show(); } finally { InitializeBindings(this.Model); waitingOverlay.Hide(); } }
private async void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs ea) { var waitingOverlay = new WaitingOverlay(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds, "Deleting..."); View.Add(waitingOverlay); try { this.Model.Delete(); this.Model.ApplyEdit(); var returnModel = await this.Model.SaveAsync(); InitializeBindings(returnModel); } catch (Exception ex) { var alert = new UIAlertView(); alert.Message = string.Format("the following error has occurred: {0}", ex.Message); alert.AddButton("Close"); alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, false); alert.Show(); } finally { waitingOverlay.Hide(); } }
public static void ShowProgressDialog(string title, string message, Action action) { UIAlertView dialog = new UIAlertView(title, message, null, null); dialog.Show(); _indicatorViewLeftCorner.Hidden = false; action(); dialog.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); }
partial void SaveItem(UIBarButtonItem sender) { var name = nameField.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { var alert = new UIAlertView("Error", "Name can not be empty", null, "Dismiss", null); alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, false); alert.Show(); return; } var client = FHSyncClient.GetInstance(); if (Item == null) { client.Create(RootViewController.DatasetId, new ShoppingItem(name)); } else { Item.Name = name; client.Update(RootViewController.DatasetId, Item); } Navigate(); }
public static void ShowProgressDialog(string title, string message, Action action, Action finalize) { UIAlertView dialog = new UIAlertView(title, message, null, null); dialog.Show(); _indicatorViewLeftCorner.Hidden = false; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { // Run the given Async task action(); // Run the completion handler on the UI thread and remove the spinner using (var pool = new NSAutoreleasePool()) { try { pool.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { dialog.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); _indicatorViewLeftCorner.Hidden = true; finalize(); }); } catch (Exception ex) { Insights.Report(ex); } } }); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); _client = new TwitterClient(); var loading = new UIAlertView("Downloading Tweets", "Please wait...", null, null, null); loading.Show(); var indicator = new UIActivityIndicatorView(UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.WhiteLarge); indicator.Center = new System.Drawing.PointF(loading.Bounds.Width / 2, loading.Bounds.Size.Height - 40); indicator.StartAnimating(); loading.AddSubview (indicator); _client.GetTweetsForUser ("OReillyMedia", tweets => { InvokeOnMainThread(() => { TableView.Source = new TwitterTableViewSource(tweets); TableView.ReloadData(); loading.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex (0, true); }); }); _client.MentionReceived += (object sender, MentionEventArgs args) => { InvokeOnMainThread(() => new UIAlertView("Mention Received", args.Tweet.Text, null, "Ok", null).Show()); }; }
public Task <string> PromptTextBox(string title, string message, string defaultValue, string okTitle) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <string>(); var alert = new UIAlertView(); alert.Title = title; alert.Message = message; alert.AlertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyle.PlainTextInput; var cancelButton = alert.AddButton("Cancel".t()); var okButton = alert.AddButton(okTitle); alert.CancelButtonIndex = cancelButton; alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(cancelButton, true); alert.GetTextField(0).Text = defaultValue; alert.Clicked += (s, e) => { if (e.ButtonIndex == okButton) { tcs.SetResult(alert.GetTextField(0).Text); } else { tcs.SetCanceled(); } }; alert.Show(); return(tcs.Task); }
public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated) { base.ViewWillAppear(animated); Title = PlayerOption == PlayerOption.Stream ? "Stream " : "Stream & Save"; playPauseButton.TitleLabel.Text = "Pause"; timeLabel.Text = string.Empty; // Create a shared intance session & check var session = AVAudioSession.SharedInstance(); if (session == null) { var alert = new UIAlertView("Playback error", "Unable to playback stream", null, "Cancel"); alert.Show(); alert.Clicked += (object sender, UIButtonEventArgs e) => alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); } else { StartPlayback(); IsPlaying = true; // Set up the session for playback category NSError error; session.SetCategory(new NSString("AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback"), AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions.DefaultToSpeaker, out error); session.OverrideOutputAudioPort(AVAudioSessionPortOverride.Speaker, out error); } }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); _client = new TwitterClient(); var loading = new UIAlertView("Downloading Tweets", "Please wait...", null, null, null); loading.Show(); var indicator = new UIActivityIndicatorView(UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.WhiteLarge); indicator.Center = new System.Drawing.PointF(loading.Bounds.Width / 2, loading.Bounds.Size.Height - 40); indicator.StartAnimating(); loading.AddSubview(indicator); _client.GetTweetsForUser("OReillyMedia", tweets => { InvokeOnMainThread(() => { TableView.Source = new TwitterTableViewSource(tweets); TableView.ReloadData(); loading.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); }); }); _client.MentionReceived += (object sender, MentionEventArgs args) => { InvokeOnMainThread(() => new UIAlertView("Mention Received", args.Tweet.Text, null, "Ok", null).Show()); }; }
public static void ShowProgressDialog(string title, string message, Action action, Action finalize) { UIAlertView dialog = new UIAlertView(title, message, null, null); dialog.Show(); _indicatorViewLeftCorner.Hidden = false; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { // Run the given Async task action(); // Run the completion handler on the UI thread and remove the spinner using (var pool = new NSAutoreleasePool()) { try { pool.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { dialog.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); _indicatorViewLeftCorner.Hidden = true; finalize(); }); } catch (Exception ex){ Insights.Report(ex); } } }); }
public void RemoveAllAlerts() { if (_currentAlert != null) { _currentAlert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(_currentAlert.CancelButtonIndex, false); } }
async Task <bool> SignIn() { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> (); var alert = new UIAlertView("Please sign in", "", null, "Cancel", "Ok"); alert.AlertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyle.SecureTextInput; var tb = alert.GetTextField(0); tb.ShouldReturn = (t) => { alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(1, true); signIn(tcs, tb.Text); return(true); }; alert.Clicked += async(object sender, UIButtonEventArgs e) => { if (e.ButtonIndex == 0) { tcs.TrySetResult(false); alert.Dispose(); return; } var id = tb.Text; signIn(tcs, id); }; alert.Show(); return(await tcs.Task); }
private static void PlatformCancel(int?result) { tcs.SetResult(result); UIApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); }); }
public void Dispose() { alertController?.Dispose(); alertView?.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alertView.CancelButtonIndex, true); alertView?.Dispose(); tcs?.TrySetCanceled(); tcs = null; }
public void InviteDidCancel(Twilio.Conversations.TwilioConversationsClient conversationsClient, Twilio.Conversations.IncomingInvite invite) { if (alertView != null) { alertView.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alertView.CancelButtonIndex, true); incomingInvite = null; } }
public async override void DisplayToast(MessageDisplayParams messageParams, bool quick) { var alert = new UIAlertView(string.Empty, messageParams.Message, null, null, null); alert.Show(); await Task.Delay(quick ? ShortToastDuration : LongToastDuration); alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); }
public void StopListening() { pocketSphinxController.StopListening(); UIApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { _questionAlert?.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); }); }
protected void StopActivityAnimation() { if (activityAlert != null) { activityAlert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); activityAlert = null; } }
/*public override void ReceivedRemoteNotification(UIApplication application, NSDictionary userInfo) * { * ProcessNotification(userInfo, false); * }*/ void ProcessNotification(NSDictionary options, bool fromFinishedLaunching, UIApplicationState appState) { // Check to see if the dictionary has the aps key. This is the notification payload you would have sent if (null != options && options.ContainsKey(new NSString("aps"))) { //Get the aps dictionary NSDictionary aps = options.ObjectForKey(new NSString("aps")) as NSDictionary; string alert = string.Empty; //Extract the alert text //NOTE: If you're using the simple alert by just specifying " aps:{alert:"alert msg here"} " //this will work fine. But if you're using a complex alert with Localization keys, etc., //your "alert" object from the aps dictionary will be another NSDictionary... Basically the //json gets dumped right into a NSDictionary, so keep that in mind if (aps.ContainsKey(new NSString("alert"))) { alert = (aps [new NSString("alert")] as NSString).ToString(); int tripid = -1; if (aps.ContainsKey(new NSString("tripid"))) { tripid = (aps [new NSString("tripid")] as NSNumber).IntValue; } //If this came from the ReceivedRemoteNotification while the app was running, // we of course need to manually process things like the sound, badge, and alert. if (!fromFinishedLaunching) { //Manually show an alert if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alert)) { if (NotificationAlertView != null) { NotificationAlertView.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, false); } GAI.SharedInstance.DefaultTracker.Send(GAIDictionaryBuilder.CreateEvent("app_action", "notifications", "alert", null).Build()); NotificationAlertView = new UIAlertView("Notification", alert, null, "OK", null); NotificationAlertView.Show(); } } } if (aps.ContainsKey(new NSString("content-available"))) { GAI.SharedInstance.DefaultTracker.Send(GAIDictionaryBuilder.CreateEvent("app_action", "notifications", "content-available", null).Build()); //TODO get list of times to send location //backgroundTaskId = UIApplication.SharedApplication.BeginBackgroundTask( () => {}); DurationToSendLocation_Sec = (aps [new NSString("content-available")] as NSNumber).IntValue; //NSTimer locationTimer = NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (60), delegate { MonitorLocation(appState); //}); } } }
private void DownloadCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) { UIApplication.SharedApplication.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { UIApplication.SharedApplication.NetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = false; mAlert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); if (e.Error != null) { DisplayError("Warning", "The rss feed could not be downloaded: " + e.Error.Message); } else { try { //clear the selected items this.GridView.ClearSelectedItems(); //Clear the rows mDatasource.ClearRows(); mDatasource.Apps.Clear(); foreach (var v in RssParser.Parse(e.Result)) { mDatasource.Apps.Add(v); } mAlert = new UIAlertView("Fetching Icons...", "", null, null, null); mAlert.Show(); UIApplication.SharedApplication.NetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = true; Task.Run(() => { foreach (var anApp in mDatasource.Apps) { byte[] data = null; using (var c = new GzipWebClient()) { data = c.DownloadData(anApp.ImageUrl); } anApp.Image = UIImage.LoadFromData(NSData.FromArray(data)); } }).ContinueWith(prevTask => { mAlert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); UIApplication.SharedApplication.NetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = false; GridView.ReloadData(); }, CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); } catch { DisplayError("Warning", "Malformed Xml was found in the Rss Feed."); } } }); }
public async void showRecordingToast(string recordingMessage) { UIAlertView messageBox = new UIAlertView(recordingMessage, null, null, null); messageBox.Show(); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); messageBox.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); }
public static void ShowAlert(string title, string message) { var alert = new UIAlertView { Title = title, Message = message }; alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.AddButton("Ok"), true); alert.Show(); }
public static void HideBlockingProgressDialog() { if (blockingDialog != null) { blockingDialog.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); blockingDialog = null; } _indicatorViewLeftCorner.Hidden = true; }
private void CancelAlert() { if (_Alert == null) { return; } Utilities.Dispatch(() => _Alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(-1, true)); }
private static void PlatformCancel(string result) { if (!tcs.Task.IsCompleted) { tcs.SetResult(result); } UIApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); }); }
public static void ShowAlert(string title, string message, Action dismissed = null) { var alert = new UIAlertView { Title = title, Message = message }; alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.AddButton("Ok".t()), true); if (dismissed != null) { alert.Dismissed += (sender, e) => dismissed(); } alert.Show(); }
public void CheckResult(IList<string> matches) { var answer = MappingService.DetectAnswer(matches); _error.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); if (answer != AnswerType.Unknown) { TextToSpeechService.Speak($"Your answer is {answer.ToString()}", false).ConfigureAwait(false); _recognitionTask.TrySetResult(answer == AnswerType.Positive); } else AskQuestionMethod(Question); }
public static void Show(string message, int timeout) { var timer = new System.Timers.Timer (timeout); var alert = new UIAlertView{ Message = message }; timer.Elapsed += delegate { timer.Stop (); alert.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex (0, animated:true); }); }; alert.Show (); timer.Start (); }
public void Confirm(string title, string text, Action<int> callback, string button1 = "Отмена", string button2 = "ОК") { UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView(title, text, null, NSBundle.MainBundle.LocalizedString (button1, button1), NSBundle.MainBundle.LocalizedString (button2, button2)); alert.Show (); alert.Clicked += (sender, buttonArgs) => { if(buttonArgs.ButtonIndex == 0) { alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, false); } callback.Invoke((int)(buttonArgs.ButtonIndex)); }; }
void prepareAudioUnit() { // Updated for deprecated AudioSession var session = AVAudioSession.SharedInstance(); NSError error; if (session == null) { var alert = new UIAlertView("Session error", "Unable to create audio session", null, "Cancel"); alert.Show(); alert.Clicked += delegate { alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); return; }; } session.SetActive(true); session.SetCategory(AVAudioSessionCategory.PlayAndRecord); session.SetPreferredIOBufferDuration(0.005, out error); // Getting AudioComponent Remote output _audioComponent = AudioComponent.FindComponent(AudioTypeOutput.Remote); // creating an audio unit instance _audioUnit = new AudioUnit(_audioComponent); // turning on microphone _audioUnit.SetEnableIO(true, AudioUnitScopeType.Input, 1 // Remote Input ); // setting audio format _audioUnit.SetAudioFormat(_dstFormat, AudioUnitScopeType.Input, 0 // Remote Output ); var format = AudioStreamBasicDescription.CreateLinearPCM(_sampleRate, bitsPerChannel: 32); format.FormatFlags = AudioStreamBasicDescription.AudioFormatFlagsNativeFloat; _audioUnit.SetAudioFormat(format, AudioUnitScopeType.Output, 1); // setting callback method _audioUnit.SetRenderCallback(_audioUnit_RenderCallback, AudioUnitScopeType.Global); _audioUnit.Initialize(); _audioUnit.Start(); }
public async override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); if (Initialized) { return; } Initialized = true; this.View = new MainView(); // create binding manager Bindings = new BindingManager(this.View); ((MainView)this.View).btnSave.TouchUpInside += SaveButton_Click; ((MainView)this.View).btnCancel.TouchUpInside += CancelButton_Click; ((MainView)this.View).btnMarkForDelete.TouchUpInside += DeleteButton_Click; ((MainView)this.View).txtName.ShouldReturn += (textField) => { textField.ResignFirstResponder(); return(true); }; var waitingOverlay = new WaitingOverlay(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds, "Loading..."); View.Add(waitingOverlay); try { this.Model = await CustomerEdit.GetCustomerEditAsync(1); InitializeBindings(this.Model); } catch (Exception ex) { var alert = new UIAlertView(); alert.Message = string.Format("the following error has occurred: {0}", ex.Message); alert.AddButton("Close"); alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, false); alert.Show(); } finally { waitingOverlay.Hide(); } }
public static void Hide() { if (alert != null) { try { alert.Dismissed -= HandleDismissed; alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); alert = null; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteLineDebugging("eBriefingViewController - LoadingView: {0}", ex.ToString()); } } }
public async override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); if (Initialized) return; Initialized = true; this.View = new MainView(); // create binding manager Bindings = new BindingManager(this.View); ((MainView)this.View).btnSave.TouchUpInside += SaveButton_Click; ((MainView)this.View).btnCancel.TouchUpInside += CancelButton_Click; ((MainView)this.View).btnMarkForDelete.TouchUpInside += DeleteButton_Click; ((MainView)this.View).txtName.ShouldReturn += (textField) => { textField.ResignFirstResponder(); return true; }; var waitingOverlay = new WaitingOverlay(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds, "Loading..."); View.Add(waitingOverlay); try { this.Model = await CustomerEdit.GetCustomerEditAsync(1); InitializeBindings(this.Model); } catch (Exception ex) { var alert = new UIAlertView(); alert.Message = string.Format("the following error has occurred: {0}", ex.Message); alert.AddButton("Close"); alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, false); alert.Show(); } finally { waitingOverlay.Hide(); } }
public override void ViewDidAppear(bool animated) { base.ViewDidAppear (animated); _client = new RemoteDataRepository (_baseUrl); var loading = new UIAlertView ("Downloading Session", "Please wait...", null, null, null); loading.Show (); var indicator = new UIActivityIndicatorView (UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.WhiteLarge); indicator.Center = new System.Drawing.PointF (loading.Bounds.Width / 2, loading.Bounds.Size.Height - 40); indicator.StartAnimating (); loading.AddSubview (indicator); _client.GetSession ("CodeMash-2012", this.SessionSlug, session => { InvokeOnMainThread (() => { //new UIAlertView ("Session", session.title, null, "Ok", null).Show (); this.sessionTitleLabel.Text = session.title; this.sessionEndLabel.Text = session.end.ToString (); this.sessionStartLabel.Text = session.start.ToString(); this.sessionTwitterHashTagLabel.Text = session.twitterHashTag; loading.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex (0, true); } ); } ); // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. //this.TableView.Source = new DataSource (this); // if (!UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone) { // this.TableView.SelectRow ( // NSIndexPath.FromRowSection (0, 0), // false, // UITableViewScrollPosition.Middle // ); // } }
public Task<string> PromptTextBox(string title, string message, string defaultValue, string okTitle) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>(); var alert = new UIAlertView(); alert.Title = title; alert.Message = message; alert.AlertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyle.PlainTextInput; var cancelButton = alert.AddButton("Cancel".t()); var okButton = alert.AddButton(okTitle); alert.CancelButtonIndex = cancelButton; alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(cancelButton, true); alert.GetTextField(0).Text = defaultValue; alert.Clicked += (s, e) => { if (e.ButtonIndex == okButton) tcs.SetResult(alert.GetTextField(0).Text); else tcs.SetCanceled(); }; alert.Show(); return tcs.Task; }
public override void ViewWillAppear (bool animated) { base.ViewWillAppear (animated); Title = PlayerOption == PlayerOption.Stream ? "Stream " : "Stream & Save"; playPauseButton.TitleLabel.Text = "Pause"; timeLabel.Text = string.Empty; // Create a shared intance session & check var session = AVAudioSession.SharedInstance (); if (session == null) { var alert = new UIAlertView ("Playback error", "Unable to playback stream", null, "Cancel"); alert.Show (); alert.Clicked += (object sender, UIButtonEventArgs e) => alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex (0, true); } else { StartPlayback (); IsPlaying = true; // Set up the session for playback category NSError error; session.SetCategory (AVAudioSessionCategory.Playback, AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions.DefaultToSpeaker); session.OverrideOutputAudioPort (AVAudioSessionPortOverride.Speaker, out error); } }
public void PlayAudio(byte[] audioRecording, string fileExtension) { if (_player != null) { _player.Dispose(); _player = null; } var session = AVAudioSession.SharedInstance(); if (session == null || audioRecording == null) { var alert = new UIAlertView("Playback error", "Unable to playback stream", null, "Cancel"); alert.Show(); alert.Clicked += (object senderObj, UIButtonEventArgs arg) => alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); } else { NSError error; ObjCRuntime.Class.ThrowOnInitFailure = false; session.SetCategory(AVAudioSessionCategory.Playback); session.SetActive(true, out error); var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); var temp = Path.Combine(documents, "..", "tmp"); _tempAudioFile = Path.Combine(temp, Guid.NewGuid() + fileExtension); File.WriteAllBytes(_tempAudioFile, audioRecording); using (var url = new NSUrl(_tempAudioFile)) { _player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(url, out error); } _player.Volume = 1.0f; _player.NumberOfLoops = 0; _player.FinishedPlaying += player_FinishedPlaying; _player.PrepareToPlay(); _player.Play(); } }
public static void ShowAlert(string title, string message, Action dismissed = null) { var alert = new UIAlertView {Title = title, Message = message}; alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.AddButton("Ok".t()), true); if (dismissed != null) alert.Dismissed += (sender, e) => dismissed(); alert.Show(); }
public static void ShowAlert(string title, string message) { var alert = new UIAlertView {Title = title, Message = message}; alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.AddButton("Ok"), true); alert.Show(); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad (); var backgroundImage = UIImage.FromBundle(@"images/appview/bg"); //this.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromPatternImage(backgroundImage); _client = new RemoteDataRepository (_baseUrl); var loading = new UIAlertView (" Downloading Sessions", "Please wait...", null, null, null); loading.Show (); var indicator = new UIActivityIndicatorView (UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.WhiteLarge); indicator.Center = new System.Drawing.PointF (loading.Bounds.Width / 2, loading.Bounds.Size.Height - 40); indicator.StartAnimating (); loading.AddSubview (indicator); // _client.GetFullConference("CodeMash-2012", conference => { // var connectionString = Path.Combine (Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "conferences.db"); // var localDatabase = new LocalDatabase(connectionString); // localDatabase.CreateDatabase(); // // var conferenceMapper = new ConferenceDtoToConferenceEntityMapper(); // var conferenceEntity = conferenceMapper.Map(conference); // // var sessionMapper = new SessionDtoToSessionEntityMapper(); // var sessions = sessionMapper.MapAll(conferenceEntity.Id, conference.sessions.AsEnumerable()); // //localDatabase.SaveSessions(sessions); // // var speakersMapper = new SessionDtoToSessionEntityMapper(); // var speakerEntities = speakersMapper.MapAll(conferenceEntity.Id, conference.speakers.AsEnumerable()); // localDatabase.SaveConference(conferenceEntity, sessions, speakers); // // }); _client.GetSessions ("CodeMash-2012", sessions => { InvokeOnMainThread (() => { TableView.Source = new SessionsTableViewSource (this, sessions); TableView.ReloadData (); loading.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex (0, true); }); } ); // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. //this.TableView.Source = new DataSource (this); if (!UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone) this.TableView.SelectRow ( NSIndexPath.FromRowSection (0, 0), false, UITableViewScrollPosition.Middle ); }
private void AttachSocketEvents (UIAlertView alert) { // Whenever the server emits "login", log the login message socket.On ("login", data => { if (alert != null) { InvokeOnMainThread (() => alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex (0, true)); alert = null; } var d = Data.FromData (data); connected = true; // Display the welcome message AddMessage ("Welcome to Socket.IO Chat – ", true); AddParticipantsMessage (d.numUsers); }); // Whenever the server emits "new message", update the chat body socket.On ("new message", data => { var d = Data.FromData (data); AddMessage (d.message, username: d.username); }); // Whenever the server emits "user joined", log it in the chat body socket.On ("user joined", data => { var d = Data.FromData (data); AddMessage (d.username + " joined"); AddParticipantsMessage (d.numUsers); }); // Whenever the server emits "user left", log it in the chat body socket.On ("user left", data => { var d = Data.FromData (data); AddMessage (d.username + " left"); AddParticipantsMessage (d.numUsers); UpdateChatTyping (d.username, true); }); // Whenever the server emits "typing", show the typing message socket.On ("typing", data => { var d = Data.FromData (data); UpdateChatTyping (d.username, false); }); // Whenever the server emits "stop typing", kill the typing message socket.On ("stop typing", data => { var d = Data.FromData (data); UpdateChatTyping (d.username, true); }); }
private void PromptForWikiPage() { var alert = new UIAlertView { Title = "Goto Wiki Page", Message = "What is the title of the Wiki page you'd like to goto?", AlertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyle.PlainTextInput }; alert.CancelButtonIndex = alert.AddButton("Cancel"); alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(alert.CancelButtonIndex, true); var gotoButton = alert.AddButton("Go"); alert.Dismissed += (sender, e) => { if (e.ButtonIndex == gotoButton) { GoToPage(alert.GetTextField(0).Text); //ViewModel.GoToPageCommand.Execute(alert.GetTextField(0).Text); } }; alert.Show(); }
public override void LoadView () { base.LoadView (); var versionElement = new StringElement ("Version", FlurryAgent.GetFlurryAgentVersion ()); var errorElement = new StringElement ("Throw & Log Exception", () => { try { throw new Exception ("Thar be dragons!"); } catch (Exception ex) { FlurryAgent.LogError (ex.GetType ().Name, ex.Message, new NSError (NSError.CocoaErrorDomain, 3584)); Debug.WriteLine ("Logged exception."); } }); var shortEventElement = new StringElement ("Single Event", () => { FlurryAgent.LogEvent ("SingleEvent"); Debug.WriteLine ("Logged event."); }); var shortParameterEventElement = new StringElement ("Single Event with Parameters", () => { FlurryAgent.LogEvent ("SingleEventWithParameter", GetParameter ()); Debug.WriteLine ("Logged event with parameter."); }); var timedEventElement = new StringElement ("Timed Event", () => { FlurryAgent.LogEvent ("TimedEvent", true); var alert = new UIAlertView ("Please Wait", "Doing a longer running operation...", null, null); alert.Show (); Thread.Sleep (1000); FlurryAgent.EndTimedEvent ("TimedEvent"); alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex (-1, true); Debug.WriteLine ("Logged timed event."); }); var timedParameterEventElement = new StringElement ("Timed Event with Parameters", () => { FlurryAgent.LogEvent ("TimedEventWithParameter", GetParameter (), true); var alert = new UIAlertView ("Please Wait", "Doing a longer running operation...", null, null); alert.Show (); Thread.Sleep (1000); FlurryAgent.EndTimedEvent ("TimedEventWithParameter"); alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex (-1, true); Debug.WriteLine ("Logged timed event with parameter."); }); var idElement = new EntryElement ("User ID: ", "enter user id", ""); idElement.Changed += (sender, e) => { FlurryAgent.SetUserId (((EntryElement)sender).Value); Debug.WriteLine ("Logged user id."); }; var ageElement = new EntryElement ("Age: ", "enter age", ""); ageElement.Changed += (sender, e) => { int age; var element = (EntryElement)sender; if (int.TryParse (element.Value, out age)) { FlurryAgent.SetAge (age); Debug.WriteLine ("Logged age."); } }; var genderElement = new RootElement ("Gender: ", new RadioGroup (0)) { new Section () { new SelectableRadioElement ("Unknown", (sender, e) => { FlurryAgent.SetGender (Gender.Unknown); Debug.WriteLine ("Logged gender."); }), new SelectableRadioElement ("Male", (sender, e) => { FlurryAgent.SetGender (Gender.Male); Debug.WriteLine ("Logged gender."); }), new SelectableRadioElement ("Female", (sender, e) => { FlurryAgent.SetGender (Gender.Female); Debug.WriteLine ("Logged gender."); }) } }; this.Root.Add (new Section[] { new Section ("About Flurry Analytics") { versionElement }, new Section ("Track Errors") { errorElement }, new Section ("Track Events") { shortEventElement, shortParameterEventElement, timedEventElement, timedParameterEventElement }, new Section ("Track Demographics") { idElement, ageElement, genderElement, } }); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad (); var backgroundImage = UIImage.FromBundle(@"images/appview/bg"); //this.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromPatternImage(backgroundImage); _client = new RemoteDataRepository (_baseUrl); var loading = new UIAlertView (" Downloading Speakers", "Please wait...", null, null, null); loading.Show (); var indicator = new UIActivityIndicatorView (UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.WhiteLarge); indicator.Center = new System.Drawing.PointF (loading.Bounds.Width / 2, loading.Bounds.Size.Height - 40); indicator.StartAnimating (); loading.AddSubview (indicator); _client.GetSpeakers ("CodeMash-2012", speakers => { InvokeOnMainThread (() => { TableView.Source = new SpeakersTableViewSource (this, speakers); TableView.ReloadData (); loading.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex (0, true); } ); } ); // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. //this.TableView.Source = new DataSource (this); if (!UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone) this.TableView.SelectRow ( NSIndexPath.FromRowSection (0, 0), false, UITableViewScrollPosition.Middle ); }
private void DownloadCompleted (object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) { UIApplication.SharedApplication.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (() => { UIApplication.SharedApplication.NetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = false; mAlert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex (0, true); if (e.Error != null) { DisplayError ("Warning", "The rss feed could not be downloaded: " + e.Error.Message); } else { try { //clear the selected items this.GridView.ClearSelectedItems(); //Clear the rows mDatasource.ClearRows(); mDatasource.Apps.Clear (); foreach (var v in RssParser.Parse (e.Result)) mDatasource.Apps.Add (v); mAlert = new UIAlertView ("Fetching Icons...", "", null, null, null); mAlert.Show (); UIApplication.SharedApplication.NetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = true; Task.Run (() => { foreach (var anApp in mDatasource.Apps) { byte[] data = null; using (var c = new GzipWebClient ()) { data = c.DownloadData (anApp.ImageUrl); } anApp.Image = UIImage.LoadFromData (NSData.FromArray (data)); } }).ContinueWith (prevTask => { mAlert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex (0, true); UIApplication.SharedApplication.NetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = false; GridView.ReloadData (); }, CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext ()); } catch { DisplayError ("Warning", "Malformed Xml was found in the Rss Feed."); } } }); }