public void RefreshLists() { MeshListBox.Items.Clear(); foreach (int Idx in Objects) { MeshListBox.Items.Add(Idx + " : " + udk.GetName(udk.Exports[Idx].name)); } }
public static BoneStruct ImportFromUDK(UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.BoneStruct udkBone, UDKExplorer.UDK.UDKObject udkPackage, ME3Explorer.Packages.MEPackage mePackage) { BoneStruct result = new BoneStruct(0, udkBone.Flags, udkBone.Unk1, udkBone.Orientation, udkBone.Position, udkBone.NumChildren, udkBone.Parent, udkBone.BoneColor); string name = udkPackage.GetName(udkBone.Name); result.Name = mePackage.FindNameOrAdd(name); return(result); }
private void importLODToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int n = listBox1.SelectedIndex; if (n == -1) { return; } int m = listBox2.SelectedIndex; if (m == -1) { return; } TreeNode t1 = treeView1.SelectedNode; if (t1 == null || t1.Parent == null || t1.Name == "") { return; } PCCObject pcc = new PCCObject(); SkeletalMesh skm = new SkeletalMesh(); EntryStruct en; string loc = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + "\\exec\\"; if (DisplayStyle == 0) { int o = 0; if (!Int32.TryParse(t1.Name, out o)) { return; } en = Entries[o]; if (!en.isDLC) { pcc = new PCCObject(ME3Directory.cookedPath + en.Filename); if (en.isSkeletal) { skm = new SkeletalMesh(pcc, en.Index); } else { return; } } else { string dirDLC = ME3Directory.DLCPath; dirDLC += en.DLCName; dirDLC += "\\CookedPCConsole\\Default.sfar"; DLCBase dlc = new DLCBase(dirDLC); foreach (sfarFile file in dlc.fileList) { try { string filename = Path.GetFileName(file.fileName); if (Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower().EndsWith(".pcc") && filename == en.Filename) { if (File.Exists(loc + "dlc.pcc")) { File.Delete(loc + "dlc.pcc"); } using (Stream input = File.OpenRead(dirDLC), output = File.Create(loc + "dlc.pcc")) { AmaroK86.MassEffect3.DLCUnpack.DecompressEntry(file, input, output, dlc.CompressionScheme); } if (File.Exists(loc + "dlc.pcc")) { try { pcc = new PCCObject(loc + "dlc.pcc"); if (en.isSkeletal) { skm = new SkeletalMesh(pcc, en.Index); break; } else { return; } } catch (Exception) { return; } } } } catch (Exception) { return; } } } } else { return; } if (!skm.Loaded || !pcc.Loaded) { return; } SkeletalMesh.LODModelStruct lodpcc = skm.LODModels[0]; UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh skmudk = new UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh(udk, Objects[n]); UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.LODModelStruct lodudk = skmudk.LODModels[m]; lodpcc.Sections = new List <SkeletalMesh.SectionStruct>(); foreach (UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.SectionStruct secudk in lodudk.Sections) { SkeletalMesh.SectionStruct secpcc = new SkeletalMesh.SectionStruct(); secpcc.BaseIndex = secudk.BaseIndex; secpcc.ChunkIndex = secudk.ChunkIndex; secpcc.MaterialIndex = secudk.MaterialIndex; secpcc.NumTriangles = secudk.NumTriangles; lodpcc.Sections.Add(secpcc); } lodpcc.IndexBuffer = new SkeletalMesh.MultiSizeIndexContainerStruct(); lodpcc.IndexBuffer.IndexCount = lodudk.IndexBuffer.IndexCount; lodpcc.IndexBuffer.IndexSize = lodudk.IndexBuffer.IndexSize; lodpcc.IndexBuffer.Indexes = new List <ushort>(); foreach (ushort Idx in lodudk.IndexBuffer.Indexes) { lodpcc.IndexBuffer.Indexes.Add(Idx); } List <int> BoneMap = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < skmudk.Bones.Count; i++) { string udkb = udk.GetName(skmudk.Bones[i].Name); bool found = false; for (int j = 0; j < skm.Bones.Count; j++) { string pccb = pcc.getNameEntry(skm.Bones[j].Name); if (pccb == udkb) { found = true; BoneMap.Add(j); if (importBonesToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { SkeletalMesh.BoneStruct bpcc = skm.Bones[j]; UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.BoneStruct budk = skmudk.Bones[i]; bpcc.Orientation = budk.Orientation; bpcc.Position = budk.Position; skm.Bones[j] = bpcc; } } } if (!found) { DebugOutput.PrintLn("ERROR: Cant Match Bone \"" + udkb + "\""); BoneMap.Add(0); } } lodpcc.ActiveBones = new List <ushort>(); foreach (ushort Idx in lodudk.ActiveBones) { lodpcc.ActiveBones.Add((ushort)BoneMap[Idx]); } lodpcc.Chunks = new List <SkeletalMesh.SkelMeshChunkStruct>(); foreach (UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.SkelMeshChunkStruct chunkudk in lodudk.Chunks) { SkeletalMesh.SkelMeshChunkStruct chunkpcc = new SkeletalMesh.SkelMeshChunkStruct(); chunkpcc.BaseVertexIndex = chunkudk.BaseVertexIndex; chunkpcc.MaxBoneInfluences = chunkudk.MaxBoneInfluences; chunkpcc.NumRigidVertices = chunkudk.NumRigidVertices; chunkpcc.NumSoftVertices = chunkudk.NumSoftVertices; chunkpcc.BoneMap = new List <ushort>(); chunkpcc.RiginSkinVertices = new List <SkeletalMesh.RigidSkinVertexStruct>(); chunkpcc.SoftSkinVertices = new List <SkeletalMesh.SoftSkinVertexStruct>(); foreach (ushort Idx in chunkudk.BoneMap) { chunkpcc.BoneMap.Add((ushort)BoneMap[Idx]); } lodpcc.Chunks.Add(chunkpcc); } lodpcc.Size = lodudk.Size; lodpcc.NumVertices = lodudk.NumVertices; lodpcc.RequiredBones = new List <byte>(); foreach (byte b in lodudk.RequiredBones) { lodpcc.RequiredBones.Add(b); } lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin = new SkeletalMesh.VertexBufferGPUSkinStruct(); lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin.NumTexCoords = lodudk.VertexBufferGPUSkin.NumTexCoords; lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Extension = lodudk.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Extension; lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Origin = lodudk.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Origin; lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin.VertexSize = lodudk.VertexBufferGPUSkin.VertexSize; lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Vertices = new List <SkeletalMesh.GPUSkinVertexStruct>(); foreach (UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.GPUSkinVertexStruct vudk in lodudk.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Vertices) { SkeletalMesh.GPUSkinVertexStruct vpcc = new SkeletalMesh.GPUSkinVertexStruct(); vpcc.TangentX = vudk.TangentX; vpcc.TangentZ = vudk.TangentZ; vpcc.Position = vudk.Position; vpcc.InfluenceBones = vudk.InfluenceBones; vpcc.InfluenceWeights = vudk.InfluenceWeights; vpcc.U = vudk.U; vpcc.V = vudk.V; lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Vertices.Add(vpcc); } for (int i = 0; i < skm.LODModels.Count; i++) { skm.LODModels[i] = lodpcc; } SerializingContainer con = new SerializingContainer(); con.Memory = new MemoryStream(); con.isLoading = false; skm.Serialize(con); int end = skm.GetPropertyEnd(); MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); mem.Write(pcc.Exports[en.Index].Data, 0, end); mem.Write(con.Memory.ToArray(), 0, (int)con.Memory.Length); pcc.Exports[en.Index].Data = mem.ToArray(); pcc.altSaveToFile(pcc.pccFileName, true); if (!en.isDLC) { MessageBox.Show("Done"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Done. The file is now in following folder, please replace it back to DLC :\n" + loc + "dlc.pcc"); } globalTreeToolStripMenuItem.Visible = optionsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = transferToolStripMenuItem.Visible = splitContainer1.Visible = true; fileToolStripMenuItem.Visible = importLODToolStripMenuItem.Visible = splitContainer3.Visible = false; }