コード例 #1
        public void TypesControllerGetAllTest()
            var topic      = CreateContext();
            var Logic      = CreateLogic();
            var Controller = new TypesController(Logic);
            var FirstType  = new TypeEntity()
                Id      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name    = "First Type",
                Topic   = topic,
                TopicId = topic.Id

            var SecondType = new TypeEntity
                Id      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name    = "Second Type",
                Topic   = topic,
                TopicId = topic.Id


            List <TypeEntity> Types = new List <TypeEntity>()
                FirstType, SecondType

            var Result        = Controller.Get();
            var CreatedResult = Result as OkObjectResult;
            var TypeResults   = CreatedResult.Value as IEnumerable <TypeDTO>;

            Assert.AreEqual(Types.Count, TypeResults.ToList().Count);
コード例 #2
        public void TypesControllerUpdateTest()
            var topic      = CreateContext();
            var typeId     = Guid.NewGuid();
            var Logic      = CreateLogic();
            var Controller = new TypesController(Logic);

            TypeEntity type = new TypeEntity()
                Id      = typeId,
                Name    = "First Type",
                Topic   = topic,
                TopicId = topic.Id


            type.Name = "Updated Type";

            var result        = Controller.Put(typeId, TypeDTO.ToModel(type));
            var createdResult = result as CreatedAtRouteResult;
            var model         = createdResult.Value as TypeDTO;

            Assert.AreEqual("Updated Type", model.Name);
コード例 #3
        public TestsApiAccess()
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            var config = builder.Build();

            _repository       = new Repository(config, _fakeRepositoryLogger);
            _eventsController = new EventsController(_repository, _fakeLogger);
            _typesController  = new TypesController(_repository, _fakeLogger);
コード例 #4
        public void DeleteReturnsOk()
            // Arrange
            var mock       = new Mock <ITypesRepository>();
            var controller = new TypesController(mock.Object);

            // Act
            IHttpActionResult actionResult = (IHttpActionResult)controller.Delete(5);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOf((System.Type)actionResult, typeof(OkResult));
コード例 #5
        // Код для выполнения при запуске приложения (например, из меню "Пуск")
        // Этот код не будет выполняться при повторной активации приложения
        private void Application_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e)
            LanguageController = new LanguageController();
            //GoogleApiKeyTable = new GoogleApiKeyTable("AIzaSyCmlHiWshBC77iFO8lJp5VqLjZurbSDcXU", "AIzaSyCRuDl06RN51s-rzbICyjagZERWSKRpep4", "AIzaSyAhMx9QEuodwotkLM0MrH-j5_7aHFEgZDo", "AIzaSyD_SAiM0LqhMn0MzJ56KvrdKm1eROoqTM4", "AIzaSyAYQdeRFOz8Vin_pzdmg2ZAr0HjDUyiTO8", "AIzaSyBQF-Q8B0iIXeTwk-wp6H2TGXPeDORbR68", "AIzaSyB8amnrPgm0zuL2mOyLF19ZL8nGuWAA57o", "AIzaSyDHJjNda8MIhJiaFvAMbgEQxh3pbFzagrQ", "AIzaSyCwN04nDu7I6OsPnJMe99o94zEEYR4Ho08", "AIzaSyDS5k4-IHhynoWd02ZyPeowzGo-_1mi_y8", "AIzaSyC5RsOTNTWW73tfNM39gi02IIueIYQD_4Q", "AIzaSyAWP94Hnu3KAk08bOeWwm0qwrw29y4T4qw", "AIzaSyBBwSZVydnnjfVGj5qSEysU8mgA9whbCCQ", "AIzaSyDImAt3enFymi3YBwTJNvr1D_Y3Jdwm1HQ", "AIzaSyDbfC9ZThpnWq98TchyIXgtHY7_ZhpFUg8", "AIzaSyA9NROw6JfbQtLCrP62XJVKZMj0DwIIioQ", "AIzaSyAGdvWCn-CuwQKpqmJ_P7Rz-2U-ffHNo5U", "AIzaSyAXQVXvu6r-bXmVGhKVj4d4OJUJPzdoyds", "AIzaSyAQ9-5JBbZIkpnXHUkK9FNA-wG72GPB6eo", "AIzaSyCSLSwu74EReRwyHrg1gcpL4MvALlTAs0M");
            GoogleApiKeyTable = new GooglePlacesApi.GoogleApiKeyTable("AIzaSyCq8jBh1ieYwG6hioyXRsaiBAr2uAZlA_I");
            TypesContoller    = new TypesController(LanguageController.GetGooglePlacesLanguage());

            App.MainPanoramaViewModel     = new MainPanoramaViewModel(TypesContoller.Require, TypesContoller.Types);
            App.NetworkErrorViewModel     = new NetworkErrorViewModel();
            App.GeoLocationErrorViewModel = new GeoLocationErrorViewModel();
            App.ApiErrorViewModel         = new ApiErrorViewModel();
コード例 #6
        public void Intitialize()
            _pokedexAPILogicMock = new Mock <IPokedexAPILogic>();
            _pokedexAPILogicMock.Setup(plm => plm.GetAllTypes()).ReturnsAsync(It.IsAny <List <GenericLookupResult> >());
            _pokedexAPILogicMock.Setup(plm => plm.GetTypeById(1)).ReturnsAsync(new GenericLookupResult {
                Id = 1

            _loggerMock = new Mock <ILoggerAdapter <TypesController> >();

            _paginationHelperMock = new Mock <IPaginationHelper>();
            _paginationHelperMock.Setup(phm => phm.GetPagedResults(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <GenericLookupResult> >(),
                                                                   It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(new PagedResult <GenericLookupResult>());

            _typesController = new TypesController(_pokedexAPILogicMock.Object,
                                                   _paginationHelperMock.Object, _loggerMock.Object);
コード例 #7
        public void AddTypeReturnsARedirectAndAddsType()
            // Arrange
            var mock       = new Mock <ITypesRepository>();
            var controller = new TypesController(mock.Object);
            var newType    = new Models.Type()
                Name = "Example"

            // Act
            var result = controller.Create(newType);

            // Assert
            var redirectToActionResult = Assert.IsType <RedirectToActionResult>(result);

            Assert.AreEqual("Index", redirectToActionResult.ActionName);
            mock.Verify(r => r.Save(newType));
コード例 #8
        public void TypeControllerPostTest()
            var topic      = CreateContext();
            var Logic      = CreateLogic();
            var Controller = new TypesController(Logic);
            var Type       = new TypeEntity
                Id      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name    = "First Type",
                Topic   = topic,
                TopicId = topic.Id

            var result        = Controller.Post(TypeDTO.ToModel(Type));
            var createdResult = result as CreatedAtRouteResult;
            var model         = createdResult.Value as TypeDTO;

            Assert.AreEqual(Type.Name, model.Name);
コード例 #9
        public void TypesControllerDeleteTest()
            var topic      = CreateContext();
            var typeId     = Guid.NewGuid();
            var Logic      = CreateLogic();
            var Controller = new TypesController(Logic);

            TypeEntity type = new TypeEntity()
                Id      = typeId,
                Name    = "First Type",
                Topic   = topic,
                TopicId = topic.Id


            Assert.ThrowsException <ExceptionController>(() => Logic.Get(type.Id));
 public void Initialize()
     typeServiceMock = new Mock <ITypeService>();
     controllerWEB   = new TypeController(typeServiceMock.Object);
     controllerAPI   = new TypesController(typeServiceMock.Object);
     items           = new List <Type>()
         new Type {
             Description = "Пропускает через ворота",
             Status      = "Пропускной"
         new Type {
             Description = "Отмечает посещаемость",
             Status      = "Лекционный"
         new Type {
             Description = "Собирает статистику",
             Status      = "Статистический"
コード例 #11
        public void TypesControllerGetTest()
            var topic      = CreateContext();
            var Logic      = CreateLogic();
            var Controller = new TypesController(Logic);
            var Type       = new TypeEntity
                Id      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name    = "First Type",
                Topic   = topic,
                TopicId = topic.Id


            var Result        = Controller.Get(Type.Id);
            var CreatedResult = Result as OkObjectResult;
            var Model         = CreatedResult.Value as TypeDTO;

            Assert.AreEqual(Type.Name, Model.Name);
コード例 #12
        public void Type_Index_View_Contains_ListOfType_Model()
            Mock <ITypesRepository> mock = new Mock <ITypesRepository>();

            mock.Setup(m => m.Type).Returns(new Models.Type[]
                new Models.Type {
                    TypeId = 1, Name = "Air", Description = "Air transport is an important enabler to achieving economic growth and development. Air transport facilitates integration into the global economy and provides vital connectivity on a national, regional, and international scale. It helps generate trade, promote tourism, and create employment opportunities. The World Bank has financed aviation-related projects for over sixty years. Today, the WBG remains actively engaged in every region on projects related to air transport policy and regulation, safety, infrastructure rehabilitation, institutional strengthening, and capacity building."
                new Models.Type {
                    TypeId = 2, Name = "Land", Description = "Land transport – transport or movement of people, animals, and goods from one location to another on land, usually by railway or road."
                new Models.Type {
                    TypeId = 3, Name = "Water", Description = "Water transport is the process of moving people, goods, etc. by barge, boat, ship or sailboat over a sea, ocean, lake, canal, river, etc. This category does not include articles on the transport of water for the purpose of consuming the water."

            TypesController controller = new TypesController(mock.Object);

            var actual = (List <Models.Type>)controller.Index().Model;

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <List <Models.Type> >(actual);
コード例 #13
 public TypesControllerTests(SharedDatabaseFixture fixture)
     _fixture  = fixture;
     _typeRepo = new GenericRepository <ProductType>(fixture.CreateContext());
     _sut      = new TypesController(_typeRepo);
コード例 #14
 public void SetUp()
     unitOfWork = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
     controller = new TypesController(unitOfWork.Object);
     Mapper.Initialize(c => c.AddProfile <MappingProfile>());
コード例 #15
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: KuksinOS/StrategyMVC
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TypesController typesController = new TypesController();

            typesController.Add(new Types {
                TypesId = 1, TypesName = "Товар"
            typesController.Add(new Types {
                TypesId = 2, TypesName = "Услуга"
            typesController.Add(new Types {
                TypesId = 3, TypesName = "Набор"
            typesController.Add(new Types {
                TypesId = 4, TypesName = "Комплект"

            SpeciesController speciesController = new SpeciesController();

            speciesController.Add(new Species {
                SpeciesId = 1, SpeciesName = "Продукты", Types = typesController.Get(1)
            speciesController.Add(new Species {
                SpeciesId = 2, SpeciesName = "МБП", Types = typesController.Get(1)
            speciesController.Add(new Species {
                SpeciesId = 3, SpeciesName = "МНМА", Types = typesController.Get(1)
            speciesController.Add(new Species {
                SpeciesId = 4, SpeciesName = "Набор", Types = typesController.Get(1)
            speciesController.Add(new Species {
                SpeciesId = 5, SpeciesName = "Оборудование", Types = typesController.Get(1)
            speciesController.Add(new Species {
                SpeciesId = 6, SpeciesName = "Полуфабрикат", Types = typesController.Get(1)
            speciesController.Add(new Species {
                SpeciesId = 7, SpeciesName = "Продукция", Types = typesController.Get(1)
            speciesController.Add(new Species {
                SpeciesId = 8, SpeciesName = "Комплект", Types = typesController.Get(4)
            speciesController.Add(new Species {
                SpeciesId = 9, SpeciesName = "Услуга", Types = typesController.Get(2)

            ProductsController productsController = new ProductsController();

            Product product = new Product {
                ProductId = 1, ProductName = "Картошка", ProductUnit = decimal.Parse("100,6"), Species = speciesController.Get(1)

            Product product1 = new Product {
                ProductId = 2, ProductName = "Запчасть до авто", ProductUnit = decimal.Parse("100,69"), Species = speciesController.Get(2)

            Product product2 = new Product {
                ProductId = 3, ProductName = "Золотое кольцо", ProductUnit = decimal.Parse("100,69896"), Species = speciesController.Get(3)


            foreach (var prod in productsController.GetAll())

コード例 #16
        public void SetUp()
            _mediator = Substitute.For <IMediator>();

            _sut = new TypesController(_mediator);