public void Analyze(TypeInfoProvider typeInfoProvider) { if (!Configuration.DeadCodeElimination.GetValueOrDefault(false)) return; deadCodeInfo.TypeInfoProvider = typeInfoProvider; stopwatchElapsed = new Stopwatch(); stopwatchElapsed.Start(); var foundEntrypoints = from assembly in assemblyDefinitions from modules in assembly.Modules where modules.EntryPoint != null select modules.EntryPoint; deadCodeInfo.AddAssemblies(assemblyDefinitions); foreach (MethodDefinition method in foundEntrypoints) { deadCodeInfo.WalkMethod(method); } deadCodeInfo.ResolveVirtualMethodsCycle(); stopwatchElapsed.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("// Dead code analysis took {0} ms", stopwatchElapsed.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
static AssemblyTranslator CreateTranslator( Configuration configuration, AssemblyManifest manifest, AssemblyCache assemblyCache ) { TypeInfoProvider typeInfoProvider = null; Console.Error.WriteLine( "// Using .NET framework {0} in {1} GC mode. Tuned GC {2}.", Environment.Version.ToString(), System.Runtime.GCSettings.IsServerGC ? "server" : "workstation", #if TARGETTING_FX_4_5 configuration.TuneGarbageCollection.GetValueOrDefault(true) ? "enabled" : "disabled" #else "disabled (must be built in .NET 4.5 mode)" #endif ); if ( configuration.ReuseTypeInfoAcrossAssemblies.GetValueOrDefault(true) && (CachedTypeInfoProvider != null) ) { if (CachedTypeInfoProviderConfiguration.Assemblies.Equals(configuration.Assemblies)) { typeInfoProvider = CachedTypeInfoProvider; } } var translator = new AssemblyTranslator( configuration, typeInfoProvider, manifest, assemblyCache, onProxyAssemblyLoaded: (name, classification) => Console.Error.WriteLine("// Loaded proxies from '{0}'", ShortenPath(name)) ); translator.Decompiling += MakeProgressHandler("Decompiling "); translator.RunningTransforms += MakeProgressHandler("Translating "); translator.Writing += MakeProgressHandler("Writing JS "); translator.AssemblyLoaded += (fn, classification) => Console.Error.WriteLine("// Loaded {0} ({1})", ShortenPath(fn), classification); translator.CouldNotLoadSymbols += (fn, ex) => { }; translator.CouldNotResolveAssembly += (fn, ex) => Console.Error.WriteLine("// Could not load module {0}: {1}", fn, ex.Message); translator.CouldNotDecompileMethod += (fn, ex) => Console.Error.WriteLine("// Could not decompile method {0}: {1}", fn, ex); if (typeInfoProvider == null) { if (CachedTypeInfoProvider != null) { CachedTypeInfoProvider.Dispose(); } CachedTypeInfoProvider = translator.GetTypeInfoProvider(); CachedTypeInfoProviderConfiguration = configuration; } return(translator); }
protected TypeInfoProvider MakeDefaultProvider () { if (DefaultTypeInfoProvider == null) // Construct a type info provider with default proxies loaded (kind of a hack) DefaultTypeInfoProvider = (new AssemblyTranslator(MakeConfiguration())).GetTypeInfoProvider(); return DefaultTypeInfoProvider.Clone(); }
protected IEnumerable <TestCaseData> FolderTestSource(string folderName, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, AssemblyCache asmCache = null) { var testPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(ComparisonTest.TestSourceFolder, folderName)); var testNames = Directory.GetFiles(testPath, "*.cs").Concat(Directory.GetFiles(testPath, "*.vb")).OrderBy((s) => s); string commonFile = null; foreach (var testName in testNames) { if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(testName) == "Common") { commonFile = testName; break; } } foreach (var testName in testNames) { if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(testName) == "Common") { continue; } yield return((new TestCaseData(new object[] { new object[] { testName, typeInfo, asmCache, commonFile } })) .SetName(Path.GetFileName(testName)) .SetDescription(String.Format("{0}\\{1}", folderName, Path.GetFileName(testName))) .SetCategory(folderName)); } }
public void Analyze(TypeInfoProvider typeInfoProvider) { if (!Configuration.DeadCodeElimination.GetValueOrDefault(false)) { return; } deadCodeInfo.TypeInfoProvider = typeInfoProvider; stopwatchElapsed = new Stopwatch(); stopwatchElapsed.Start(); var foundEntrypoints = from assembly in assemblyDefinitions from modules in assembly.Modules where modules.EntryPoint != null select modules.EntryPoint; deadCodeInfo.AddAssemblies(assemblyDefinitions); foreach (MethodDefinition method in foundEntrypoints) { deadCodeInfo.WalkMethod(method); } deadCodeInfo.ResolveVirtualMethodsCycle(); stopwatchElapsed.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("// Dead code analysis took {0} ms", stopwatchElapsed.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
public IExcelMapper Build(IWorkbook workbook, MapperSettings settings) { if (workbook == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(workbook)); } if (settings == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings)); } IConverterProvider converterProvider = GetDefaultConvertersProvider(); IPropertyNameConvention propertyNameConvention = GetDefaultPropertyNamingConventions(); if (settings.Convention.AnyValue()) { propertyNameConvention = settings.Convention; } if (settings.ConverterProvider.AnyValue()) { converterProvider = settings.ConverterProvider; } var propertiesExtractor = new TypeInfoProvider(); var propertyInfoExtractor = new PropertyInfoExtractor(); var propertiesMapFactory = new ExcelPropertyMapFactory(propertiesExtractor, propertyInfoExtractor, propertyNameConvention, _loggerFactory.CreateLogger <ExcelPropertyMapFactory>()); var typeConverter = new CellValueConverter(converterProvider); var modelFactory = new ModelBuilder(propertyInfoExtractor); return(new ExcelMapper(workbook, propertiesMapFactory, typeConverter, modelFactory, _loggerFactory.CreateLogger <ExcelMapper>())); }
public IntroduceEnumCasts( TypeSystem typeSystem, JSSpecialIdentifiers js, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo, MethodTypeFactory methodTypes, IFunctionSource functionSource ) { TypeSystem = typeSystem; TypeInfo = typeInfo; MethodTypes = methodTypes; JS = js; FunctionSource = functionSource; LogicalOperators = new HashSet <JSOperator>() { JSOperator.LogicalAnd, JSOperator.LogicalOr, JSOperator.LogicalNot }; BitwiseOperators = new HashSet <JSOperator>() { JSOperator.BitwiseAnd, JSOperator.BitwiseOr, JSOperator.BitwiseXor }; }
public ComparisonTest(string filename, string[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null) { Filename = Path.Combine(TestSourceFolder, filename); var sourceCode = File.ReadAllText(Filename); switch (Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower()) { case ".cs": Assembly = CompilerUtil.CompileCS(sourceCode, out TemporaryFiles); break; case ".vb": Assembly = CompilerUtil.CompileVB(sourceCode, out TemporaryFiles); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported source file type for test"); } var program = Assembly.GetType("Program"); if (program == null) throw new Exception("Test missing 'Program' main class"); TestMethod = program.GetMethod("Main"); if (TestMethod == null) throw new Exception("Test missing 'Main' method of 'Program' main class"); StubbedAssemblies = stubbedAssemblies; TypeInfo = typeInfo; }
public void Analyze (AssemblyTranslator translator, AssemblyDefinition[] assemblies, TypeInfoProvider typeInfoProvider) { if (!Configuration.DeadCodeElimination) return; assemblyDefinitions.Clear(); assemblyDefinitions.AddRange(assemblies); deadCodeInfo.TypeInfoProvider = typeInfoProvider; stopwatchElapsed = new Stopwatch(); stopwatchElapsed.Start(); var foundEntrypoints = from assembly in assemblyDefinitions from modules in assembly.Modules where modules.EntryPoint != null select modules.EntryPoint; deadCodeInfo.AddAssemblies(assemblyDefinitions); foreach (MethodDefinition method in foundEntrypoints) { deadCodeInfo.WalkMethod(method); } deadCodeInfo.FinishProcessing(); stopwatchElapsed.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("// Dead code analysis took {0} ms", stopwatchElapsed.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
public static void Setup(TestContext context) { TypeInfoProvider.GetGlobal().AddFunction("print", (a) => { context.WriteLine((string)a[0]); return(null); }, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }); }
private void BuildConfigurableItemTreeView(IEnumerable <ConfigurableItem> items) { foreach (var item in items) { if (!File.Exists(item.Path)) { continue; } Type type = null; try { type = TypeInfoProvider.GetType(item.Type); if (type == null) { continue; } item.type = type; TreeNode node = new TreeNode(); node.Text = item.Name; node.ToolTipText = item.Path; node.Tag = item; this._tvConfigCatalog.Nodes.Add(node); } catch { } } }
protected IEnumerable <TestCaseData> FilenameTestSource(string[] filenames, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, AssemblyCache asmCache = null) { var testNames = filenames.OrderBy((s) => s).ToArray(); for (int i = 0, l = testNames.Length; i < l; i++) { var testName = testNames[i]; bool isIgnored = testName.StartsWith("ignored:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var actualTestName = testName; if (isIgnored) { actualTestName = actualTestName.Substring(actualTestName.IndexOf(":") + 1); } var item = (new TestCaseData(new object[] { new object[] { actualTestName, typeInfo, asmCache, null, i == (l - 1) } })) .SetName(PickTestNameForFilename(actualTestName)); if (isIgnored) { item.Ignore(); } yield return(item); } }
protected string GenericTest( string fileName, string csharpOutput, string javascriptOutput, string[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null ) { long elapsed, temp; string generatedJs = null; using (var test = new ComparisonTest(EvaluatorPool, Portability.NormalizeDirectorySeparators(fileName), stubbedAssemblies, typeInfo)) { var csOutput = test.RunCSharp(new string[0], out elapsed); try { var jsOutput = test.RunJavascript(new string[0], out generatedJs, out temp, out elapsed, MakeConfiguration); Assert.AreEqual(Portability.NormalizeNewLines(csharpOutput), csOutput.Trim(), "Did not get expected output from C# test"); Assert.AreEqual(Portability.NormalizeNewLines(javascriptOutput), jsOutput.Trim(), "Did not get expected output from JavaScript test"); } catch { Console.Error.WriteLine("// Generated JS: \r\n{0}", generatedJs); throw; } } return(generatedJs); }
protected void AddTypeInfoMapping(IMap <String, ITypeInfoItem> typeInfoMap, IValueObjectConfig config, String boMemberName, StringBuilder sb) { String voMemberName = config.GetValueObjectMemberName(boMemberName); ITypeInfoItem voMember = TypeInfoProvider.GetHierarchicMember(config.ValueType, voMemberName); if (voMember == null) { return; } typeInfoMap.Put(boMemberName, voMember); if (sb == null) { return; } sb.Length = 0; String voSpecifiedName = sb.Append(voMemberName).Append("Specified").ToString(); ITypeInfoItem voSpecifiedMember = TypeInfoProvider.GetHierarchicMember(config.ValueType, voSpecifiedName); if (voSpecifiedMember == null) { return; } sb.Length = 0; String boSpecifiedName = sb.Append(boMemberName).Append("Specified").ToString(); typeInfoMap.Put(boSpecifiedName, voSpecifiedMember); }
public void Parsing() { Enviroment enviroment = new Enviroment(TypeInfoProvider.GetGlobal()); var block = TokenParser.Parse("\"Comment\" .\nprint IN string 25 . .\nprint IN add \"Hello\" \"world\" . .\n mul 5 10 , string , add \" = 25\" , print .", enviroment, CodePosition.GetExternal()); var statements = block.GetSyntaxNodes(); Assert.AreEqual(statements.Count, 4); }
public EmulateStructAssignment(QualifiedMemberIdentifier member, IFunctionSource functionSource, TypeSystem typeSystem, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo, CLRSpecialIdentifiers clr, bool optimizeCopies) : base(member, functionSource) { TypeSystem = typeSystem; TypeInfo = typeInfo; CLR = clr; OptimizeCopies = optimizeCopies; }
public EmulateStructAssignment(TypeSystem typeSystem, IFunctionSource functionSource, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo, CLRSpecialIdentifiers clr, bool optimizeCopies) { TypeSystem = typeSystem; FunctionSource = functionSource; TypeInfo = typeInfo; CLR = clr; OptimizeCopies = optimizeCopies; }
public void AddFunctionTest() { TypeInfoProvider provider = new TypeInfoProvider(); provider.AddFunction("test", (v) => v, typeof(void), new Type[] { }); Assert.IsNotNull(provider.GetFunction("test")); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the ApplicationSettingsGenericStorage<T> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="settingsProperty">The member expression specifying application /// settings property to be used for storing settings object.</param> public ApplicationSettingsGenericStorage( Expression <Func <Properties.Settings, string> > settingsProperty) { Debug.Assert(settingsProperty != null); _storageProperty = TypeInfoProvider <Properties.Settings> .GetPropertyInfo( settingsProperty); }
public SignatureCacher(TypeInfoProvider typeInfo, bool localCachingEnabled) { LocalCachedSets = new Dictionary <MemberIdentifier, CacheSet>( new MemberIdentifier.Comparer(typeInfo) ); VisitNestedFunctions = true; LocalCachingEnabled = localCachingEnabled; }
public ComparisonTest( EvaluatorPool pool, IEnumerable <string> filenames, string outputPath, string[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, AssemblyCache assemblyCache = null, string compilerOptions = "" ) { var started = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; OutputPath = outputPath; EvaluatorPool = pool; var extensions = (from f in filenames select Path.GetExtension(f).ToLower()).Distinct().ToArray(); var absoluteFilenames = (from f in filenames select Path.Combine(TestSourceFolder, Portability.NormalizeDirectorySeparators(f))); if (extensions.Length != 1) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Mixture of different source languages provided."); } var assemblyNamePrefix = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath).Split(new char[] { '\\', '/' }).Last(); var assemblyName = Path.Combine( assemblyNamePrefix, Path.GetFileName(outputPath).Replace(".js", "") ); switch (extensions[0]) { case ".exe": case ".dll": var fns = absoluteFilenames.ToArray(); if (fns.Length > 1) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Multiple binary assemblies provided."); } Assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(fns[0]); break; default: CompileResult = CompilerUtil.Compile(absoluteFilenames, assemblyName, compilerOptions: compilerOptions); Assembly = CompileResult.Assembly; break; } if (typeInfo != null) { typeInfo.ClearCaches(); } StubbedAssemblies = stubbedAssemblies; TypeInfo = typeInfo; AssemblyCache = assemblyCache; var ended = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; CompilationElapsed = TimeSpan.FromTicks(ended - started); }
public virtual void AfterPropertiesSet() { ParamChecker.AssertNotNull(EntityType, "EntityType"); ParamChecker.AssertNotNull(FilterMember, "FilterMember"); // It is intentended to have no null check for ModelContainer, because the class can be used without it! typeInfoItem = TypeInfoProvider.GetHierarchicMember(EntityType, FilterMember); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="RouteAssociationTracker"/> class. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TProperty">The type of the Route property to track association /// with.</typeparam> /// <param name="expression">The member expression specifying Route property to /// track.</param> /// <returns>A new instance of the <see cref="RouteAssociationTracker"/> class for the /// specified Route property.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="expression"/> is /// a null reference.</exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="expression"/> node /// type is not <see cref="ExpressionType.MemberAccess"/>.</exception> public static RouteAssociationTracker Create <TProperty>( Expression <Func <Route, TProperty> > expression) { CodeContract.RequiresNotNull("expression", expression); var propertyInfo = TypeInfoProvider <Route> .GetPropertyInfo(expression); return(new RouteAssociationTracker(propertyInfo)); }
public void VariableRedefinitionFail() { Enviroment enviroment = new Enviroment(TypeInfoProvider.GetGlobal()); enviroment.StartBlock(CodePosition.GetExternal()); enviroment.DefineVariable("x", typeof(int), CodePosition.GetExternal()); enviroment.DefineVariable("x", typeof(int), CodePosition.GetExternal()); enviroment.EndBlock(); }
public void VariableTypeSafetyInCode() { Enviroment enviroment = new Enviroment(TypeInfoProvider.GetGlobal()); enviroment.StartBlock(CodePosition.GetExternal()); enviroment.DefineVariable("x", typeof(string), CodePosition.GetExternal()); TokenParser.Parse("x= 0 .", enviroment, CodePosition.GetExternal()); enviroment.EndBlock(); }
public DecomposeMutationOperators ( TypeSystem typeSystem, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo, IFunctionSource functionSource, bool decomposeAllMutations ) { TypeSystem = typeSystem; TypeInfo = typeInfo; FunctionSource = functionSource; DecomposeAllMutations = decomposeAllMutations; }
public void RunTheExampleFile() { var text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("../../../Examples/"); Enviroment enviroment = new Enviroment(TypeInfoProvider.GetGlobal()); var block = TokenParser.Parse(text, enviroment, CodePosition.GetExternal()); block.Validate(enviroment); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(string), block.ReturnType); Assert.AreEqual("aaaab", block.Evaluate()); }
protected TypeInfoProvider MakeDefaultProvider() { if (DefaultTypeInfoProvider == null) { // Construct a type info provider with default proxies loaded (kind of a hack) DefaultTypeInfoProvider = (new AssemblyTranslator(MakeConfiguration())).GetTypeInfoProvider(); } return(DefaultTypeInfoProvider.Clone()); }
public void VariableDefinition() { Enviroment enviroment = new Enviroment(TypeInfoProvider.GetGlobal()); enviroment.StartBlock(CodePosition.GetExternal()); Assert.IsNull(enviroment.GetVariable("y")); enviroment.DefineVariable("x", typeof(int), CodePosition.GetExternal()); Assert.IsNotNull(enviroment.GetVariable("x")); enviroment.EndBlock(); }
public DecomposeMutationOperators( TypeSystem typeSystem, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo, IFunctionSource functionSource, bool decomposeAllMutations ) { TypeSystem = typeSystem; TypeInfo = typeInfo; FunctionSource = functionSource; DecomposeAllMutations = decomposeAllMutations; }
public IntroduceEnumCasts(TypeSystem typeSystem, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo) { TypeSystem = typeSystem; TypeInfo = typeInfo; LogicalOperators = new HashSet<JSOperator>() { JSOperator.LogicalAnd, JSOperator.LogicalOr, JSOperator.LogicalNot }; }
protected ComparisonTest MakeTest ( string filename, string[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, AssemblyCache assemblyCache = null ) { return new ComparisonTest( EvaluatorPool, Portability.NormalizeDirectorySeparators(filename), stubbedAssemblies, typeInfo, assemblyCache ); }
public void Dispose () { if (EvaluatorPool != null) { EvaluatorPool.Dispose(); EvaluatorPool = null; } if (DefaultTypeInfoProvider != null) { DefaultTypeInfoProvider.Dispose(); DefaultTypeInfoProvider = null; } }
protected ComparisonTest MakeTest( string filename, string[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, AssemblyCache assemblyCache = null ) { return(new ComparisonTest( EvaluatorPool, filename, stubbedAssemblies, typeInfo, assemblyCache )); }
public AssemblyTranslator(TypeInfoProvider typeInfoProvider = null) { // Important to avoid preserving the proxy list from previous translations in this process MemberIdentifier.ResetProxies(); if (typeInfoProvider != null) { TypeInfoProvider = typeInfoProvider; } else { TypeInfoProvider = new JSIL.TypeInfoProvider(); AddProxyAssembly(typeof(JSIL.Proxies.ObjectProxy).Assembly, false); } }
public void VariablesInCode() { Enviroment enviroment = new Enviroment(TypeInfoProvider.GetGlobal()); enviroment.StartBlock(CodePosition.GetExternal()); enviroment.DefineVariable("x", typeof(int), CodePosition.GetExternal()); TokenParser.Parse("DEFINE:y:int . &y . y= 0 . &x . x= &y .", enviroment, CodePosition.GetExternal(), true); Assert.IsNotNull(enviroment.GetVariable("y")); Assert.AreEqual(enviroment.GetVariable("y").Type, typeof(int)); enviroment.EndBlock(); }
static AssemblyTranslator CreateTranslator( Configuration configuration, AssemblyManifest manifest, AssemblyCache assemblyCache ) { TypeInfoProvider typeInfoProvider = null; if ( configuration.ReuseTypeInfoAcrossAssemblies.GetValueOrDefault(true) && (CachedTypeInfoProvider != null) ) { if (CachedTypeInfoProviderConfiguration.Assemblies.Equals(configuration.Assemblies)) { typeInfoProvider = CachedTypeInfoProvider; } } var translator = new AssemblyTranslator( configuration, typeInfoProvider, manifest, assemblyCache, onProxyAssemblyLoaded: (name, classification) => { Console.Error.WriteLine("// Loaded proxies from '{0}'", ShortenPath(name)); } ); translator.Decompiling += MakeProgressHandler("Decompiling "); translator.RunningTransforms += MakeProgressHandler("Translating "); translator.Writing += MakeProgressHandler("Writing JS "); translator.AssemblyLoaded += (fn, classification) => { Console.Error.WriteLine("// Loaded {0} ({1})", ShortenPath(fn), classification); }; translator.CouldNotLoadSymbols += (fn, ex) => { }; translator.CouldNotResolveAssembly += (fn, ex) => { Console.Error.WriteLine("// Could not load module {0}: {1}", fn, ex.Message); }; translator.CouldNotDecompileMethod += (fn, ex) => { Console.Error.WriteLine("// Could not decompile method {0}: {1}", fn, ex.Message); }; if (typeInfoProvider == null) { if (CachedTypeInfoProvider != null) { CachedTypeInfoProvider.Dispose(); } CachedTypeInfoProvider = translator.GetTypeInfoProvider(); CachedTypeInfoProviderConfiguration = configuration; } return(translator); }
public static async Task FastInsertAsync(this IDbConnection connection, IEnumerable <object> list, Type entityType, Action <FastInsertConfig>?conf = null) { EnsureMySqlConnection(connection); var config = GetConfig(conf, entityType); if (!ConnectionStringValidator.ConnectionStringValid(connection.ConnectionString, out var error)) { throw new ArgumentException(error); } var tableName = config.TableNameResolver.GetTableName(); var writer = CsvWriterConfigurator.GetWriter(entityType, config.BinaryFormat); var tableDef = TypeInfoProvider.GetClassFields(entityType, config.BinaryFormat).ToList(); foreach (var partition in EnumerableExtensions.GetPartitions(list, config.BatchSize)) { var fileName = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}.csv"; try { var csvSettings = new CsvFileSettings ( delimiter: ";;", lineEnding: Environment.NewLine, path: fileName, fieldEscapedByChar: "\\\\", fieldEnclosedByChar: "" ); var query = BuildLoadDataQuery.BuildQuery(tableName, tableDef, csvSettings); await writer.WriteAsync(partition, csvSettings); await connection.ExecuteAsync(query); } finally { if (config?.Writer != null) { await config.Writer.WriteLineAsync(fileName + ":"); await config.Writer.WriteLineAsync(File.ReadAllText(fileName)); } File.Delete(fileName); } } }
protected ComparisonTest MakeTest( string filename, string[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, AssemblyCache assemblyCache = null ) { return(new ComparisonTest( EvaluatorPool, Portability.NormalizeDirectorySeparators(filename), stubbedAssemblies, typeInfo, assemblyCache )); }
public ComparisonTest(string filename, Regex[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null) { Filename = Path.Combine(TestSourceFolder, filename); var sourceCode = File.ReadAllText(Filename); Assembly = CSharpUtil.Compile(sourceCode, out TemporaryFiles); TestMethod = Assembly.GetType("Program").GetMethod("Main"); StubbedAssemblies = stubbedAssemblies; TypeInfo = typeInfo; }
public ComparisonTest( EvaluatorPool pool, IEnumerable<string> filenames, string outputPath, string[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, AssemblyCache assemblyCache = null ) { var started = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; OutputPath = outputPath; EvaluatorPool = pool; var extensions = (from f in filenames select Path.GetExtension(f).ToLower()).Distinct().ToArray(); var absoluteFilenames = (from f in filenames select Path.Combine(TestSourceFolder, f)); if (extensions.Length != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("Mixture of different source languages provided."); var assemblyNamePrefix = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath).Split(new char[] { '\\', '/' }).Last(); var assemblyName = Path.Combine( assemblyNamePrefix, Path.GetFileName(outputPath).Replace(".js", "") ); switch (extensions[0]) { case ".cs": Assembly = CompilerUtil.CompileCS(absoluteFilenames, assemblyName); break; case ".vb": Assembly = CompilerUtil.CompileVB(absoluteFilenames, assemblyName); break; case ".exe": case ".dll": var fns = absoluteFilenames.ToArray(); if (fns.Length > 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("Multiple binary assemblies provided."); Assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(fns[0]); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported source file type for test"); } if (typeInfo != null) typeInfo.ClearCaches(); StubbedAssemblies = stubbedAssemblies; TypeInfo = typeInfo; AssemblyCache = assemblyCache; var ended = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; CompilationElapsed = TimeSpan.FromTicks(ended - started); }
public ComparisonTest( EvaluatorPool pool, string filename, string[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, AssemblyCache assemblyCache = null ) : this(pool, new[] { filename }, Path.Combine( TestSourceFolder, MapSourceFileToTestFile(filename) ), stubbedAssemblies, typeInfo, assemblyCache) { }
public IntroduceEnumCasts(TypeSystem typeSystem, JSSpecialIdentifiers js, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo, MethodTypeFactory methodTypes) { TypeSystem = typeSystem; TypeInfo = typeInfo; MethodTypes = methodTypes; JS = js; LogicalOperators = new HashSet <JSOperator>() { JSOperator.LogicalAnd, JSOperator.LogicalOr, JSOperator.LogicalNot }; }
public void Dispose() { if (EvaluatorPool != null) { EvaluatorPool.Dispose(); EvaluatorPool = null; } if (DefaultTypeInfoProvider != null) { DefaultTypeInfoProvider.Dispose(); DefaultTypeInfoProvider = null; } }
public IntroduceEnumCasts (TypeSystem typeSystem, JSSpecialIdentifiers js, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo, MethodTypeFactory methodTypes) { TypeSystem = typeSystem; TypeInfo = typeInfo; MethodTypes = methodTypes; JS = js; LogicalOperators = new HashSet<JSOperator>() { JSOperator.LogicalAnd, JSOperator.LogicalOr, JSOperator.LogicalNot }; BitwiseOperators = new HashSet<JSOperator>() { JSOperator.BitwiseAnd, JSOperator.BitwiseOr, JSOperator.BitwiseXor }; }
static AssemblyTranslator CreateTranslator( Configuration configuration, AssemblyManifest manifest, AssemblyCache assemblyCache ) { TypeInfoProvider typeInfoProvider = null; if ( configuration.ReuseTypeInfoAcrossAssemblies.GetValueOrDefault(true) && (CachedTypeInfoProvider != null) ) { if (CachedTypeInfoProviderConfiguration.Assemblies.Equals(configuration.Assemblies)) typeInfoProvider = CachedTypeInfoProvider; } var translator = new AssemblyTranslator(configuration, typeInfoProvider, manifest, assemblyCache); translator.Decompiling += MakeProgressHandler("Decompiling "); translator.Optimizing += MakeProgressHandler ("Optimizing "); translator.Writing += MakeProgressHandler ("Generating JS "); translator.AssemblyLoaded += (fn) => { Console.Error.WriteLine("// Loaded {0}", ShortenPath(fn)); }; translator.CouldNotLoadSymbols += (fn, ex) => { }; translator.CouldNotResolveAssembly += (fn, ex) => { Console.Error.WriteLine("// Could not load module {0}: {1}", fn, ex.Message); }; translator.CouldNotDecompileMethod += (fn, ex) => { Console.Error.WriteLine("// Could not decompile method {0}: {1}", fn, ex.Message); }; if (typeInfoProvider == null) { if (CachedTypeInfoProvider != null) CachedTypeInfoProvider.Dispose(); CachedTypeInfoProvider = translator.GetTypeInfoProvider(); CachedTypeInfoProviderConfiguration = configuration; } return translator; }
protected IEnumerable<TestCaseData> FilenameTestSource(string[] filenames, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, AssemblyCache asmCache = null) { var testNames = filenames.OrderBy((s) => s).ToArray(); for (int i = 0, l = testNames.Length; i < l; i++) { var testName = testNames[i]; bool isIgnored = testName.StartsWith("ignored:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var actualTestName = testName; if (isIgnored) actualTestName = actualTestName.Substring(actualTestName.IndexOf(":") + 1); var item = (new TestCaseData(new object[] { new object[] { actualTestName, typeInfo, asmCache, null, i == (l - 1) } })) .SetName(Path.GetFileName(actualTestName)); if (isIgnored) item.Ignore(); yield return item; } }
protected IEnumerable<TestCaseData> FilenameTestSource (string[] filenames, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, AssemblyCache asmCache = null, bool markLastTest = true) { var testNames = filenames.OrderBy((s) => s).ToArray(); for (int i = 0, l = testNames.Length; i < l; i++) { var testName = testNames[i]; bool isIgnored = testName.StartsWith("ignored:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var actualTestName = testName; if (isIgnored) actualTestName = actualTestName.Substring(actualTestName.IndexOf(":") + 1); var item = (new TestCaseData(new object[] { new object[] { actualTestName, typeInfo, asmCache, null, markLastTest && i == (l - 1) } })) .SetName(PickTestNameForFilename(actualTestName) + NameSuffix); var normalTestPathName = Portability.NormalizeDirectorySeparators(actualTestName); var testFileName = Path.GetFileName(normalTestPathName); foreach (var part in normalTestPathName.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) { if (part != testFileName) { item.SetCategory(part); } } if (isIgnored) item.Ignore(); yield return item; } }
protected ComparisonTest MakeTest( string filename, string[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, AssemblyCache assemblyCache = null ) { return new ComparisonTest( EvaluatorPool, filename, stubbedAssemblies, typeInfo, assemblyCache ); }
public DecomposeMutationOperators(TypeSystem typeSystem, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo) { TypeSystem = typeSystem; TypeInfo = typeInfo; }
public IAstEmitter MakeAstEmitter ( JSILIdentifier jsil, TypeSystem typeSystem, TypeInfoProvider typeInfoProvider, Configuration configuration ) { return new JavascriptAstEmitter( Formatter, jsil, typeSystem, typeInfoProvider, configuration ); }
public SimpleTestCasesForStubbedBcl() { TypeInfoProvider = MakeDefaultProvider(); }
protected void RunComparisonTests(string[] filenames, Regex[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null) { foreach (var filename in filenames) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("// {0}", filename)); using (var test = new ComparisonTest(filename, stubbedAssemblies, typeInfo)) test.Run(); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs one or more comparison tests by compiling the source C# or file, /// running the compiled test method, translating the compiled test method to JS, /// then running the translated JS and comparing the outputs. /// </summary> /// <param name="filenames">The path to one or more test files. If a test file is named 'Common.cs' it will be linked into all tests.</param> /// <param name="stubbedAssemblies">The paths of assemblies to stub during translation, if any.</param> /// <param name="typeInfo">A TypeInfoProvider to use for type info. Using this parameter is not advised if you use proxies or JSIL.Meta attributes in your tests.</param> /// <param name="testPredicate">A predicate to invoke before running each test. If the predicate returns false, the JS version of the test will not be run (though it will be translated).</param> protected void RunComparisonTests( string[] filenames, string[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, Func<string, bool> testPredicate = null, Action<string, string> errorCheckPredicate = null, Func<Configuration> getConfiguration = null ) { var started = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; string commonFile = null; for (var i = 0; i < filenames.Length; i++) { if (filenames[i].Contains(Path.Combine ("", "Common."))) { commonFile = filenames[i]; break; } } const string keyName = @"Software\Squared\JSIL\Tests\PreviousFailures"; StackFrame callingTest = null; for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { callingTest = new StackFrame(i); var method = callingTest.GetMethod(); if ((method != null) && method.GetCustomAttributes(true).Any( (ca) => ca.GetType().FullName == "NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute" )) { break; } else { callingTest = null; } } var previousFailures = new HashSet<string>(); MethodBase callingMethod = null; if ((callingTest != null) && ((callingMethod = callingTest.GetMethod()) != null)) { try { using (var rk = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(keyName)) { var names = rk.GetValue(callingMethod.Name) as string; if (names != null) { foreach (var name in names.Split(',')) { previousFailures.Add(name); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Could not open registry key: {0}", ex); } } var failureList = new List<string>(); var sortedFilenames = new List<string>(filenames); sortedFilenames.Sort( (lhs, rhs) => { var lhsShort = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(lhs); var rhsShort = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(rhs); int result = (previousFailures.Contains(lhsShort) ? 0 : 1).CompareTo( previousFailures.Contains(rhsShort) ? 0 : 1 ); if (result == 0) result = lhsShort.CompareTo(rhsShort); return result; } ); var asmCache = new AssemblyCache(); foreach (var filename in sortedFilenames) { if (filename == commonFile) continue; bool shouldRunJs = true; if (testPredicate != null) shouldRunJs = testPredicate(filename); RunComparisonTest( filename, stubbedAssemblies, typeInfo, errorCheckPredicate, failureList, commonFile, shouldRunJs, asmCache, getConfiguration ?? MakeConfiguration ); } if (callingMethod != null) { try { using (var rk = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(keyName)) rk.SetValue(callingMethod.Name, String.Join(",", failureList.ToArray())); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Could not open registry key: {0}", ex); } } var ended = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; var elapsedTotalSeconds = TimeSpan.FromTicks(ended - started).TotalSeconds; Console.WriteLine("// Ran {0} test(s) in {1:000.00}s.", sortedFilenames.Count, elapsedTotalSeconds); Assert.AreEqual(0, failureList.Count, String.Format("{0} test(s) failed:\r\n{1}", failureList.Count, String.Join("\r\n", failureList.ToArray())) ); }
protected IEnumerable<TestCaseData> FolderTestSource(string folderName, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, AssemblyCache asmCache = null) { var testPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(ComparisonTest.TestSourceFolder, folderName)); var testNames = Directory.GetFiles(testPath, "*.cs") .Concat(Directory.GetFiles(testPath, "*.vb")) .Concat(Directory.GetFiles(testPath, "*.fs")) .OrderBy((s) => s).ToArray(); string commonFile = null; foreach (var testName in testNames) { if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(testName) == "Common") { commonFile = testName; break; } } for (int i = 0, l = testNames.Length; i < l; i++) { var testName = testNames[i]; if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(testName) == "Common") continue; yield return (new TestCaseData(new object[] { new object[] { testName, typeInfo, asmCache, commonFile, i == (l - 1) } })) .SetName(PickTestNameForFilename(testName)) .SetDescription(String.Format("{0}\\{1}", folderName, Path.GetFileName(testName))) .SetCategory(folderName); } }
public SimpleTestCasesForTranslatedBcl() { TypeInfoProvider = MakeDefaultProvider(); AssemblyCache = new AssemblyCache(); }
protected string GenericTest( string fileName, string csharpOutput, string javascriptOutput, string[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null ) { long elapsed, temp; string generatedJs = null; using (var test = new ComparisonTest(EvaluatorPool, Portability.NormalizeDirectorySeparators(fileName), stubbedAssemblies, typeInfo)) { var csOutput = test.RunCSharp(new string[0], out elapsed); try { var jsOutput = test.RunJavascript(new string[0], out generatedJs, out temp, out elapsed, MakeConfiguration); Assert.AreEqual(Portability.NormalizeNewLines(csharpOutput), csOutput.Trim(), "Did not get expected output from C# test"); Assert.AreEqual(Portability.NormalizeNewLines(javascriptOutput), jsOutput.Trim(), "Did not get expected output from JavaScript test"); } catch { Console.Error.WriteLine("// Generated JS: \r\n{0}", generatedJs); throw; } } return generatedJs; }
private IEnumerable<TestCaseData> FolderTestSource(string folderName, string subfolders, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo, AssemblyCache asmCache) { if (folderName.StartsWith("exclude_", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { yield break; } var testPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(ComparisonTest.TestSourceFolder, subfolders, folderName)); if (!Directory.Exists(testPath)) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Folder {0} doesn't exist.", testPath); yield break; } subfolders = Path.Combine(subfolders, folderName); var testNames = Directory.GetFiles(testPath, "*.cs") .Concat(Directory.GetFiles(testPath, "*.vb")) .Concat(Directory.GetFiles(testPath, "*.fs")) .Concat(Directory.GetFiles(testPath, "*.js")) .Concat(Directory.GetFiles(testPath, "*.il")) .Concat(Directory.GetFiles(testPath, "*.cpp")) .OrderBy((s) => s).ToArray(); string commonFile = null; foreach (var testName in testNames) { if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(testName) == "Common") { commonFile = testName; break; } } for (int i = 0, l = testNames.Length; i < l; i++) { var testName = testNames[i]; if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(testName) == "Common") continue; var item = (new TestCaseData(new object[] {new object[] {testName, typeInfo, asmCache, commonFile, false}})) .SetName(PickTestNameForFilename(testName) + NameSuffix) .SetDescription(String.Format("{0}\\{1}", subfolders, Path.GetFileName(testName))); foreach (var category in subfolders.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) { item.SetCategory(category); } yield return item; } string[] subdirectoryEntries = Directory.GetDirectories(testPath); foreach (string subdirectory in subdirectoryEntries) foreach (var item in FolderTestSource(subdirectory.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Last(), subfolders, typeInfo, asmCache)) yield return item; }
private CompileResult RunComparisonTest( string filename, string[] stubbedAssemblies = null, TypeInfoProvider typeInfo = null, Action<string, string> errorCheckPredicate = null, List<string> failureList = null, string commonFile = null, bool shouldRunJs = true, AssemblyCache asmCache = null, Func<Configuration> makeConfiguration = null, Action<Exception> onTranslationFailure = null, string compilerOptions = "" ) { CompileResult result = null; Console.WriteLine("// {0} ... ", Path.GetFileName(filename)); filename = Portability.NormalizeDirectorySeparators(filename); try { var testFilenames = new List<string>() { filename }; if (commonFile != null) testFilenames.Add(commonFile); using (var test = new ComparisonTest( EvaluatorPool, testFilenames, Path.Combine( ComparisonTest.TestSourceFolder, ComparisonTest.MapSourceFileToTestFile(filename) ), stubbedAssemblies, typeInfo, asmCache, compilerOptions: compilerOptions )) { result = test.CompileResult; if (shouldRunJs) { test.Run(makeConfiguration: makeConfiguration, onTranslationFailure: onTranslationFailure); } else { string js; long elapsed; try { var csOutput = test.RunCSharp(new string[0], out elapsed); test.GenerateJavascript(new string[0], out js, out elapsed, makeConfiguration, onTranslationFailure); Console.WriteLine("generated"); if (errorCheckPredicate != null) { errorCheckPredicate(csOutput, js); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("error"); throw; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message == "JS test failed") Debug.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); else Debug.WriteLine(ex); if (failureList != null) { failureList.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)); } else throw; } return result; }
public SimpleTestCasesForTranslatedBcl() { TypeInfoProvider = MakeDefaultProvider(); }