public void TypeExtractOnLocal_ReturnsValue() { var x = 1; var visitor = TypeExtractor <int> .Extract(() => x); visitor.ExtractedItems.Should().Contain(1); }
public void TypeExtractOnBinaryOp_ReturnsTwoConsts2() { var visitor = TypeExtractor <int> .Extract(() => 1 + 2); visitor.ExtractedItems.Should().Contain(1); visitor.ExtractedItems.Should().Contain(2); }
public void TypeExtractOnUnaryOp_ReturnsConst() { var visitor = TypeExtractor <int> .Extract(() => - (1)); visitor.ExtractedItems.Should().Contain(-1); }
public void TypeExtractOnConst_ReturnsConst() { var visitor = TypeExtractor <int> .Extract(() => 1); visitor.ExtractedItems.Should().Contain(1); }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool help = false, abort = false; string specPath = null; string tssRootPath = null; var actions = Action.None; Func <Lang, string> langName = l => Enum.GetName(typeof(Lang), l); var allLangs = ((Lang[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Lang))).ToList(); var langs = new List <Lang>(); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { string opt = args[i]; if (opt[0] != '-' && opt[0] != '/') { help = abort = true; PrintError($"Invalid format for option {i}: {opt}"); break; } opt = opt.Substring(1); var res = ProcessPathOption(opt, "spec", args, ref i, ref specPath); if (res == Option.ParsingError) { return; } if (res == Option.Matched) { continue; } res = ProcessPathOption(opt, "dest", args, ref i, ref tssRootPath); if (res == Option.ParsingError) { return; } if (res == Option.Matched) { continue; } if (opt == "h" || opt == "help" || opt == "?") { help = true; } else if (0 == string.Compare(opt, "extract", true)) { actions |= Action.ExtractFromDoc; } else if (0 == string.Compare(opt, "noextract", true)) { actions &= ~Action.ExtractFromDoc; } else { Lang lang = allLangs.FirstOrDefault(l => 0 == string.Compare(opt, langName(l), true)); if (lang != Lang.None) { if (!langs.Contains(lang)) { langs.Add(lang); } } else { lang = allLangs.FirstOrDefault(l => 0 == string.Compare(opt, "no" + langName(l), true)); if (lang != Lang.None) { langs = allLangs.Where(l => l != lang).ToList(); } else { help = abort = true; PrintError($"Unrecognized option '{opt}'"); } } } } if (help) { Console.WriteLine("\nAll command line parameters are case-insensitive and optional.\n" + "Option names are prepended with either dash ('-') or slash ('/') marks.\n" + " They include:\n" + " spec <path> - a path to the root folder that contains the TPM 2.0 spec Word\n" + " documents and/or intermediate XML representation\n" + " dest <path> - a path to the root folder that contains the TPM 2.0 spec Word\n" + " documents and/or intermediate XML representation\n" + " noExtract, dotNet, cpp, java, noDotnet, noCpp, noJava, h|help|?" + "Options are case-insensitive, and must be prepended by characters '-' or '/'\n"); if (abort) { return; } } // The TPM 2.0 spec Word docs Part 2 and 3 are parsed to produce an XML representation. // This operation is slow. By default (i.e. if no '-extract' option is specified) // CodeGen bypasses the spec parsing stage and proceeds directly off the existing XML. if (specPath == null) { string pwd = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); specPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(pwd, @"..\..\..\TpmSpec")); } string rawTables = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(specPath, "RawTables.xml")); if (actions.HasFlag(Action.ExtractFromDoc) || !File.Exists(rawTables)) { // Kill Word processes Process[] wordProcesses = Process.GetProcessesByName("WINWORD"); if (wordProcesses.Length != 0) { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("There are word processes running. Kill them?", "Kill Word Processes?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (Process p in wordProcesses) { try { p.Kill(); } catch (Exception) {} } Thread.Sleep(2000); } } TableExtractor extractor = new TableExtractor(specPath); XmlSerializeToFile(rawTables, RawTables.Tables); } // Load the XML description of the tables, and extract into in-memory data structures List <RawTable> tables = XmlDeserializeFromFile <List <RawTable> >(rawTables); TypeExtractor tpe = new TypeExtractor(tables); tpe.Extract(); TpmTypeTranslations.DoFixups(); if (tssRootPath == null) { tssRootPath = @"..\..\..\..\"; } if (langs.Count == 0) { langs = allLangs.Skip(1).ToList(); } foreach (var lang in langs) { if (lang == Lang.DotNet) { continue; } var tssName = "TSS." + langName(lang).Replace("DotNet", "Net"); Console.WriteLine($"\nGenerating {tssName}..."); var cg = TargetLang.NewCodeGen(lang, tssRootPath + tssName + '\\'); TargetLang.SetTargetLang(lang); cg.Generate(); } if (langs.Contains(Lang.DotNet)) { Console.WriteLine("\nGenerating TSS.Net..."); CGenDotNet dotNetGen = new CGenDotNet(tssRootPath + @"TSS.NET\"); TargetLang.SetTargetLang(Lang.DotNet); dotNetGen.Generate(); } Console.WriteLine("All done!"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool help = false; string specPath = null; string tssRootPath = null; Action actions = Action.None; Func <Lang, string> langName = l => Enum.GetName(typeof(Lang), l); var allLangs = ((Lang[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Lang))).ToList(); var langs = new List <Lang>(); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { string opt = args[i]; if (opt[0] != '-' && opt[0] != '/') { help = true; PrintError($"Invalid format for option {i}: {opt}"); break; } opt = opt.Substring(1); var res = ProcessPathOption(opt, "spec", args, ref i, ref specPath); if (res == Option.ParsingError) { return; } if (res == Option.Matched) { continue; } res = ProcessPathOption(opt, "dest", args, ref i, ref tssRootPath); if (res == Option.ParsingError) { return; } if (res == Option.Matched) { continue; } if (opt == "h" || opt == "help" || opt == "?") { help = true; } else if (0 == string.Compare(opt, "extract", true)) { actions |= Action.ExtractFromDoc; } else if (0 == string.Compare(opt, "noextract", true)) { actions &= ~Action.ExtractFromDoc; } else { Lang lang = allLangs.FirstOrDefault(l => 0 == string.Compare(opt, langName(l), true)); if (lang != Lang.None) { if (!langs.Contains(lang)) { langs.Add(lang); } } else { lang = allLangs.FirstOrDefault(l => 0 == string.Compare(opt, "no" + langName(l), true)); if (lang != Lang.None) { langs = allLangs.Where(l => l != lang).ToList(); } else { help = true; PrintError($"Unrecognized option '{opt}'"); } } } } if (help) { Console.WriteLine("TSS Code Generator tool.\n" + "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n" + "\n" + "This tool (re)generates the interface part of the TPM Software Stack (TSS)\n" + "implementations for all supported programming languages/frameworks (TSS.Net,\n" + "TSS.CPP, TSS.Java, TSS.JS, TSS.Py)\n" + "\n" + "All command line parameters are case-insensitive and optional.\n" + "Option names are prepended with either dash ('-') or slash ('/') marks.\n" + "\n" + "The following options are supported:\n" + " h|help|? - Display this message\n" + " spec <path> - Path to the folder containing the TPM 2.0 specification Word\n" + " documents and/or intermediate XML representation (RawTables.xml).\n" + " By default the TssCodeGen/TpmSpec folder is used.\n" + " dest <path> - Path to the root folder containing individual TSSes to be updated.\n" + " By default the TSS implementations in this repo clone (in the\n" + " folders adjasent to the TssCodeGen folder) are updated.\n" + " extract - Force parsing the TPM 2.0 spec documents even if the intermediate\n" + " XML representation file (RawTables.xml) is available. By default\n" + " the tool will always use RawTables.xml if it is present.\n" + " dotNet, cpp, java, node, py - Any combination of these options can be used\n" + " to select TSS implementations to be updated. By default (when\n" + " none of them is present) all supported languages are updated.\n" + "\n" + "Note that the default path values used by the tool are selected in expectation\n" + "that it is run from the Visual Studio after being built from its github repo clone.\n" + "If however the binary location or folder structure is different, options 'spec'\n" + "and 'dest' will be required." + "\n" ); return; } // The TPM 2.0 spec Word docs Part 2 and 3 are parsed to produce an XML representation. // This operation is slow. By default (i.e. if no '-extract' option is specified) // CodeGen bypasses the spec parsing stage and proceeds directly off the existing XML. if (specPath == null) { string pwd = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); specPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(pwd, @"..\..\..\TpmSpec")); } string rawTables = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(specPath, "RawTables.xml")); if (actions.HasFlag(Action.ExtractFromDoc) || !File.Exists(rawTables)) { // Kill Word processes Process[] wordProcesses = Process.GetProcessesByName("WINWORD"); if (wordProcesses.Length != 0) { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("There are word processes running. Kill them?", "Kill Word Processes?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (Process p in wordProcesses) { try { p.Kill(); } catch (Exception) {} } Thread.Sleep(2000); } } TableExtractor extractor = new TableExtractor(specPath); XmlSerializeToFile(rawTables, RawTables.Tables); } // Load the XML description of the tables, and extract into in-memory data structures List <RawTable> tables = XmlDeserializeFromFile <List <RawTable> >(rawTables); TypeExtractor tpe = new TypeExtractor(tables); tpe.Extract(); if (tssRootPath == null) { tssRootPath = @"..\..\..\..\"; } if (langs.Count == 0) { langs = allLangs.Skip(1).ToList(); } foreach (var lang in langs) { if (lang == Lang.DotNet) { continue; } var tssName = "TSS." + langName(lang).Replace("DotNet", "Net"); Console.WriteLine($"\nGenerating {tssName}..."); var cg = TargetLang.NewCodeGen(lang, tssRootPath + tssName + '\\'); TargetLang.SetTargetLang(lang); cg.Generate(); } if (langs.Contains(Lang.DotNet)) { Console.WriteLine("\nGenerating TSS.Net..."); CGenDotNet dotNetGen = new CGenDotNet(tssRootPath + @"TSS.NET\"); TargetLang.SetTargetLang(Lang.DotNet); dotNetGen.Generate(); } Console.WriteLine("\nAll done!"); }