コード例 #1
        public static void ParseGenerateCompare(string path, List <Skeleton> skeletons, DocumentFormat format, bool autoRemarks = false)
            var document = Parser.Parse(Path.Combine(ROOT, INPUT, path), format, autoRemarks);
            var columns  = document.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.TextSourceInfo.ColumnsLayout;
            var writer   = new StringWriter();

            // write parsing errors
            WriteErrors(writer, document.Results.AllDiagnostics(), columns);
            // write generated code
            var codegen = new TypeCobol.Codegen.Generators.DefaultGenerator(document.Results, writer, skeletons);
            var program = document.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Program;

            codegen.Generate(program == null ? null : program.SyntaxTree.Root, program == null ? null : program.SymbolTable, columns);
            // flush

            // compare with expected result
            string expected = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(ROOT, OUTPUT, path), format.Encoding);

            TypeCobol.Test.TestUtils.compareLines(path, writer.ToString(), expected);
コード例 #2
        public static void CheckTests(string rootFolder, string resultFolder, string timedResultFile, string regex, string[] include, string[] exclude, string[] copiesFolder, string skelPath, int stopAfterAsManyErrors, bool autoRemarks, string expectedResultFile)
            string[] files      = Directory.GetFiles(rootFolder, regex, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            bool     codegen    = true;
            var      format     = TypeCobol.Compiler.DocumentFormat.RDZReferenceFormat;
            string   resultFile = "GeneratedResultFile.txt";

            //Initialize both files
            File.WriteAllText(timedResultFile, "");
            if (expectedResultFile != null)
                File.WriteAllText(resultFile, "");

            int      tested = 0, nbFilesInError = 0, ignores = 0;
            TimeSpan parsingSumDuration = new TimeSpan(0);
            TimeSpan codeGenSumDuration = new TimeSpan(0);
            int      parseErrors        = 0;
            int      codegenErrors      = 0;
            int      codegenDiff        = 0;

            foreach (var file in files)
                string filename = Path.GetFileName(file);
                AppendTextToFiles((filename + ':'), timedResultFile, resultFile);

                bool ignore = include.Length > 0 && !include.Contains(filename);
                if (!ignore)
                    ignore = exclude.Contains(filename);
                if (ignore)
                    File.AppendAllText(timedResultFile, " ignored.\n");
                string    path  = Path.Combine(rootFolder, filename);
                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                var document = new TypeCobol.Parser();
                var options  = new TypeCobolOptions
                    ExecToStep = ExecutionStep.CrossCheck,
                    AutoRemarksEnable = autoRemarks

                document.Init(path, options, format, copiesFolder);

                //TestJSONSerializer.DumpAsJSON(unit.CodeElementsDocumentSnapshot.CodeElements, filename);
                TimeSpan elapsed = watch.Elapsed;
                parsingSumDuration += elapsed;
                string formatted = String.Format("{0:00}m{1:00}s{2:000}ms", elapsed.Minutes, elapsed.Seconds, elapsed.Milliseconds);
                AppendTextToFiles(" parsed in " + formatted + "\n", timedResultFile);
                AppendTextToFiles("- " + document.Results.PerfStatsForText.FirstCompilationTime + " ms : text update\n", timedResultFile);
                AppendTextToFiles("- " + document.Results.PerfStatsForScanner.FirstCompilationTime + " ms : scanner\n", timedResultFile);
                AppendTextToFiles("- " + document.Results.PerfStatsForPreprocessor.FirstCompilationTime + " ms : preprocessor\n", timedResultFile);
                AppendTextToFiles("- " + document.Results.PerfStatsForCodeElementsParser.FirstCompilationTime + " ms : code elements parser\n", timedResultFile);
                AppendTextToFiles("- " + document.Results.PerfStatsForTemporarySemantic.FirstCompilationTime + " ms : temporary semantic class parser\n", timedResultFile);
                AppendTextToFiles("- " + document.Results.PerfStatsForProgramCrossCheck.FirstCompilationTime + " ms : cross check class parser\n", timedResultFile);

                bool okay = true;

                var diagnostics = document.Results.AllDiagnostics();
                if (diagnostics.Count > 0)
                    okay         = false;
                    parseErrors += diagnostics.Count;
                displayAndWriteErrorsToGrammarResult(diagnostics, timedResultFile, resultFile);

                if (!okay)
                    if (nbFilesInError >= stopAfterAsManyErrors)

                if (codegen && okay)

                    var writer = new StringWriter();
                    //Retrieve skeletons
                    var skeletons = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(skelPath) ? Config.Parse(skelPath) : null;

                    var generator = new TypeCobol.Codegen.Generators.DefaultGenerator(document.Results, writer, skeletons, null);
                    var columns   = document.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.TextSourceInfo.ColumnsLayout;
                    generator.Generate(document.Results, columns);

                    //Write duration to GrammarResultFile
                    elapsed             = watch.Elapsed;
                    codeGenSumDuration += elapsed;
                    formatted           = String.Format("{0:00}m{1:00}s{2:000}ms", elapsed.Minutes, elapsed.Seconds, elapsed.Milliseconds);
                    AppendTextToFiles(" generated in " + formatted + "\n", timedResultFile);

                    //Error during generation, no need to check the content of generated Cobol
                    if (generator.Diagnostics != null && generator.Diagnostics.Count > 0)
                        codegenErrors += generator.Diagnostics.Count;
                        displayAndWriteErrorsToGrammarResult(generator.Diagnostics, timedResultFile, resultFile);
                        if (nbFilesInError >= stopAfterAsManyErrors)
                        //Compare generated Cobol with expected
                        var expected = AsLines(File.ReadAllText(path, format.Encoding));
                        var actual   = AsLines(writer.ToString());


                        var linesKO = new List <int>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(expected.Count, actual.Count); i++)
                            if (!expected[i].Equals(actual[i]))
                        var    errors = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                        string fmt    = Lines2FormatString(Math.Max(expected.Count, actual.Count));
                        if (linesKO.Count > 0 || expected.Count != actual.Count)
                            errors.AppendLine("--- Lines mismatch ---");
                                resultFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + "-Expected" +
                                Path.GetExtension(file), expected);
                                resultFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + "-Actual" +
                                Path.GetExtension(file), actual);
                        int start = -1;
                        for (int i = 0; i < linesKO.Count; i++)
                            int  currentline = linesKO[i];
                            bool follows     = i > 0 && linesKO[i - 1] == currentline - 1;
                            if (!follows)
                                start = currentline;
                                before(errors, expected, currentline, 3, fmt);
                            bool preceeds = i + 1 < linesKO.Count && linesKO[i + 1] == currentline + 1;
                            if (!preceeds)
                                diff(errors, expected, actual, start, currentline, fmt);
                                after(errors, expected, currentline, 3, fmt);
                                start = -1;
                        for (int i = actual.Count; i < expected.Count; i++)
                            errors.AppendLine(String.Format("-{0:" + fmt + "} {1}", i, expected[i]));
                        for (int i = expected.Count; i < actual.Count; i++)
                            errors.AppendLine(String.Format("+{0:" + fmt + "} {1}", i, actual[i]));
                        if (errors.Length > 0)
                            codegenDiff += linesKO.Count + Math.Abs(actual.Count - expected.Count);
                            AppendTextToFiles(errors.ToString(), timedResultFile, resultFile);
                            if (okay)
                    AppendTextToFiles("\n", timedResultFile, resultFile);
            TimeSpan totalTestDuration             = parsingSumDuration + codeGenSumDuration;
            string   parsingTotalDurationFormatted = String.Format("{0:00}m{1:00}s{2:000}ms", parsingSumDuration.Minutes, parsingSumDuration.Seconds, parsingSumDuration.Milliseconds);

            string message = "Files tested=" + tested + "/" + files.Length + ", files in error=" + nbFilesInError + ", ignored=" + ignores + "\n";

            AppendTextToFiles(message, resultFile);
            if (parseErrors > 0)
                message += "Parsing errors: " + parseErrors + '\n';
            if (codegenErrors > 0)
                message += "Codegen errors: " + codegenErrors + '\n';
            if (codegenDiff > 0)
                message += "Codegen Diff: " + codegenDiff + '\n';
            message += "Parsing time: " + parsingTotalDurationFormatted;
            if (codegen)
                string codeGenTotalDurationFormatted = string.Format("{0:00}m{1:00}s{2:000}ms", codeGenSumDuration.Minutes, codeGenSumDuration.Seconds, codeGenSumDuration.Milliseconds);
                string totalDurationFormatted        = String.Format("{0:00}m{1:00}s{2:000}ms", totalTestDuration.Minutes, totalTestDuration.Seconds, totalTestDuration.Milliseconds);
                message += " + Codegen time: " + codeGenTotalDurationFormatted + "  => Total time: " + totalDurationFormatted;
            AppendTextToFiles(message, timedResultFile);
            if (nbFilesInError > 0 && expectedResultFile == null)
                Assert.Fail('\n' + message);     //If no expectedFile to compare throw assert if error
            else if (expectedResultFile != null) //If expectedFileResult exists compare the DefaultGeneratedFile with expectedFile
                StreamReader expectedResultReader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(expectedResultFile, FileMode.Open));
                StreamReader actualResultReader   = new StreamReader(new FileStream(resultFile, FileMode.Open));
                TestUtils.compareLines("GrammarTestCompareFiles", expectedResultReader.ReadToEnd(), actualResultReader.ReadToEnd()); //The test will fail if result files are different

コード例 #3
ファイル: GrammarTest.cs プロジェクト: jdrew1303/TypeCobol
        public static void CheckTests(string rootFolder, string resultFolder, string resultFile, string regex, string[] include, string[] exclude, string[] copiesFolder, int stopAfterAsManyErrors = 10000)
            string[] files   = Directory.GetFiles(rootFolder, regex, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            bool     codegen = true;
            var      format  = TypeCobol.Compiler.DocumentFormat.RDZReferenceFormat;

            File.WriteAllText(resultFile, "");
            int      tested = 0, nbFilesInError = 0, ignores = 0;
            TimeSpan parsingSumDuration = new TimeSpan(0);
            TimeSpan codeGenSumDuration = new TimeSpan(0);
            int      parseErrors        = 0;
            int      codegenErrors      = 0;

            foreach (var file in files)
                string filename = Path.GetFileName(file);

                File.AppendAllText(resultFile, (filename + ':'));
                bool ignore = include.Length > 0 && !include.Contains(filename);
                if (!ignore)
                    ignore = exclude.Contains(filename);
                if (ignore)
                    File.AppendAllText(resultFile, " ignored.\n");
                string    path  = Path.Combine(rootFolder, filename);
                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                var document = new Parser();
                document.Init(path, new TypeCobolOptions {
                    ExecToStep = ExecutionStep.SemanticCheck
                }, format, copiesFolder);

                //TestJSONSerializer.DumpAsJSON(unit.CodeElementsDocumentSnapshot.CodeElements, filename);
                TimeSpan elapsed = watch.Elapsed;
                parsingSumDuration += elapsed;
                string formatted = String.Format("{0:00}m{1:00}s{2:000}ms", elapsed.Minutes, elapsed.Seconds, elapsed.Milliseconds);
                File.AppendAllText(resultFile, " parsed in " + formatted + "\n");
                File.AppendAllText(resultFile, "- " + document.Results.PerfStatsForText.FirstCompilationTime + " ms : text update\n");
                File.AppendAllText(resultFile, "- " + document.Results.PerfStatsForScanner.FirstCompilationTime + " ms : scanner\n");
                File.AppendAllText(resultFile, "- " + document.Results.PerfStatsForPreprocessor.FirstCompilationTime + " ms : preprocessor\n");
                File.AppendAllText(resultFile, "- " + document.Results.PerfStatsForCodeElementsParser.FirstCompilationTime + " ms : code elements parser\n");
                File.AppendAllText(resultFile, "- " + document.Results.PerfStatsForProgramClassParser.FirstCompilationTime + " ms : program class parser\n");

                bool okay = true;

                var diagnostics = document.Results.AllDiagnostics();
                if (diagnostics.Count > 0)
                    okay         = false;
                    parseErrors += diagnostics.Count;
                displayAndWriteErrorsToGrammarResult(resultFile, diagnostics);

                if (!okay)
                    if (nbFilesInError >= stopAfterAsManyErrors)

                if (codegen && okay)
                    var writer = new StringWriter();
                    var generator = new TypeCobol.Codegen.Generators.DefaultGenerator(document.Results, writer, null);
                    var columns   = document.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.TextSourceInfo.ColumnsLayout;
                    generator.Generate(document.Results, columns);

                    //Write duration to GrammarResultFile
                    elapsed             = watch.Elapsed;
                    codeGenSumDuration += elapsed;
                    formatted           = String.Format("{0:00}m{1:00}s{2:000}ms", elapsed.Minutes, elapsed.Seconds, elapsed.Milliseconds);
                    File.AppendAllText(resultFile, " generated in " + formatted + "\n");


                    var expected = AsLines(File.ReadAllText(path, format.Encoding));
                    var actual   = AsLines(writer.ToString());


                    var linesKO = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(expected.Count, actual.Count); i++)
                        if (!expected[i].Equals(actual[i]))
                    var    errors = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    string fmt    = Lines2FormatString(Math.Max(expected.Count, actual.Count));
                    if (linesKO.Count > 0 || expected.Count != actual.Count)
                        errors.AppendLine("--- Lines mismatch ---");
                            resultFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + "-Expected" +
                            Path.GetExtension(file), expected);
                            resultFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + "-Actual" +
                            Path.GetExtension(file), actual);
                    int start = -1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < linesKO.Count; i++)
                        int  currentline = linesKO[i];
                        bool follows     = i > 0 && linesKO[i - 1] == currentline - 1;
                        if (!follows)
                            start = currentline;
                            before(errors, expected, currentline, 3, fmt);
                        bool preceeds = i + 1 < linesKO.Count && linesKO[i + 1] == currentline + 1;
                        if (!preceeds)
                            diff(errors, expected, actual, start, currentline, fmt);
                            after(errors, expected, currentline, 3, fmt);
                            start = -1;
                    for (int i = actual.Count; i < expected.Count; i++)
                        errors.AppendLine(String.Format("-{0:" + fmt + "} {1}", i, expected[i]));
                    for (int i = expected.Count; i < actual.Count; i++)
                        errors.AppendLine(String.Format("+{0:" + fmt + "} {1}", i, actual[i]));
                    if (errors.Length > 0)
                        codegenErrors += linesKO.Count + Math.Abs(actual.Count - expected.Count);
                        File.AppendAllText(resultFile, errors.ToString());
                        if (okay)
                    File.AppendAllText(resultFile, "\n");
            TimeSpan totalTestDuration             = parsingSumDuration + codeGenSumDuration;
            string   parsingTotalDurationFormatted = String.Format("{0:00}m{1:00}s{2:000}ms", parsingSumDuration.Minutes, parsingSumDuration.Seconds, parsingSumDuration.Milliseconds);

            string message = "Files tested=" + tested + "/" + files.Length + ", files in error=" + nbFilesInError + ", ignored=" + ignores + "\n";

            if (parseErrors > 0)
                message += "Parsing errors: " + parseErrors + '\n';
            if (codegenErrors > 0)
                message += "Codegen errors: " + codegenErrors + '\n';
            message += "Parsing time: " + parsingTotalDurationFormatted;
            if (codegen)
                string codeGenTotalDurationFormatted = string.Format("{0:00}m{1:00}s{2:000}ms", codeGenSumDuration.Minutes, codeGenSumDuration.Seconds, codeGenSumDuration.Milliseconds);
                string totalDurationFormatted        = String.Format("{0:00}m{1:00}s{2:000}ms", totalTestDuration.Minutes, totalTestDuration.Seconds, totalTestDuration.Milliseconds);
                message += " + Codegen time: " + codeGenTotalDurationFormatted + "  => Total time: " + totalDurationFormatted;
            File.AppendAllText(resultFile, message);
            if (nbFilesInError > 0)
                Assert.Fail('\n' + message);
コード例 #4
ファイル: CLI.cs プロジェクト: jdrew1303/TypeCobol
        private static ReturnCode runOnce2(TypeCobolConfiguration config, AbstractErrorWriter errorWriter)
            var  parser       = new Parser();
            bool diagDetected = false;
            EventHandler <Tools.APIHelpers.DiagnosticsErrorEvent> DiagnosticsErrorEvent = null;

            DiagnosticsErrorEvent += delegate(object sender, Tools.APIHelpers.DiagnosticsErrorEvent diagEvent)
                //Delegate Event to handle diagnostics generated while loading dependencies/intrinsics
                diagDetected = true;
                var diagnostic = diagEvent.Diagnostic;
                Server.AddError(errorWriter, MessageCode.IntrinsicLoading,
                                diagnostic.ColumnStart, diagnostic.ColumnEnd, diagnostic.Line,
                                "Error while parsing : " + diagnostic, diagEvent.Path);

            parser.CustomSymbols = Tools.APIHelpers.Helpers.LoadIntrinsic(config.Copies, config.Format, DiagnosticsErrorEvent);                                                   //Load of the intrinsics
            parser.CustomSymbols = Tools.APIHelpers.Helpers.LoadDependencies(config.Dependencies, config.Format, parser.CustomSymbols, config.InputFiles, DiagnosticsErrorEvent); //Load of the dependency files

            if (diagDetected)
                throw new CopyLoadingException("Diagnostics detected while parsing Intrinsic file", null, null, logged: false, needMail: false);

            ReturnCode returnCode = ReturnCode.Success;

            for (int c = 0; c < config.InputFiles.Count; c++)
                string path = config.InputFiles[c];
                    var typeCobolOptions = new TypeCobolOptions
                        HaltOnMissingCopy = config.HaltOnMissingCopyFilePath != null,
                        ExecToStep        = config.ExecToStep,

                    typeCobolOptions.AutoRemarksEnable = config.AutoRemarks;

                    parser.Init(path, typeCobolOptions, config.Format, config.CopyFolders); //Init parser create CompilationProject & Compiler before parsing the given file
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ParsingException(MessageCode.ParserInit, ex.Message, path, ex); //Make ParsingException trace back to RunOnce()


                bool copyAreMissing = false;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.HaltOnMissingCopyFilePath))
                    if (parser.MissingCopys.Count > 0)
                        //Write in the specified file all the absent copys detected
                        File.WriteAllLines(config.HaltOnMissingCopyFilePath, parser.MissingCopys);
                        copyAreMissing = true;
                        //Delete the file

                var allDiags = parser.Results.AllDiagnostics();
                errorWriter.AddErrors(path, allDiags.Take(config.MaximumDiagnostics == 0 ? allDiags.Count : config.MaximumDiagnostics)); //Write diags into error file

                if (allDiags.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var diag in allDiags)
                        if (diag.CatchedException != null)
                            AnalyticsWrapper.Telemetry.SendMail(diag.CatchedException, config.InputFiles, config.CopyFolders, config.CommandLine);

                    AnalyticsWrapper.Telemetry.TrackEvent("[Diagnostics] Detected");
                    //Exception is thrown just below

                //Copy missing is more important than diagnostics
                if (copyAreMissing)
                    throw new MissingCopyException("Some copy are missing", path, null, logged: false, needMail: false);
                else if (parser.Results.AllDiagnostics().Any(d => d.Info.Severity == Compiler.Diagnostics.Severity.Error))
                    throw new PresenceOfDiagnostics("Diagnostics Detected"); //Make ParsingException trace back to RunOnce()

                if (parser.Results.CodeElementsDocumentSnapshot == null && config.ExecToStep > ExecutionStep.Preprocessor)
                    throw new ParsingException(MessageCode.SyntaxErrorInParser, "File \"" + path + "\" has syntactic error(s) preventing codegen (CodeElements).", path); //Make ParsingException trace back to RunOnce()
                else if (parser.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot == null && config.ExecToStep > ExecutionStep.SyntaxCheck)
                    throw new ParsingException(MessageCode.SyntaxErrorInParser, "File \"" + path + "\" has semantic error(s) preventing codegen (ProgramClass).", path); //Make ParsingException trace back to RunOnce()

                if (config.ExecToStep >= ExecutionStep.Generate)
                    var skeletons = TypeCobol.Codegen.Config.Config.Parse(config.skeletonPath);
                    var codegen   = new TypeCobol.Codegen.Generators.DefaultGenerator(parser.Results, new StreamWriter(config.OutputFiles[c]), skeletons);
                        codegen.Generate(parser.Results, ColumnsLayout.CobolReferenceFormat);
                        if (codegen.Diagnostics != null)
                            errorWriter.AddErrors(path, codegen.Diagnostics);        //Write diags into error file
                            throw new PresenceOfDiagnostics("Diagnostics Detected"); //Make ParsingException trace back to RunOnce()
                    } catch (PresenceOfDiagnostics) {                                //rethrow exception
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (e is GenerationException)
                            throw e;                                       //Throw the same exception to let runOnce() knows there is a problem
                        throw new GenerationException(e.Message, path, e); //Otherwise create a new GenerationException

                if (parser.Results.AllDiagnostics().Any(d => d.Info.Severity == Compiler.Diagnostics.Severity.Warning))
                    returnCode = ReturnCode.Warning;

コード例 #5
        private static void runOnce2(Config config)
            TextWriter w;

            if (config.ErrorFile == null)
                w = Console.Error;
                w = File.CreateText(config.ErrorFile);
            AbstractErrorWriter errorWriter;

            if (config.IsErrorXML)
                errorWriter = new XMLWriter(w);
                errorWriter = new ConsoleWriter(w);
            errorWriter.Outputs = config.OutputFiles;

            var parser = new Parser();

            parser.CustomSymbols = LoadCopies(errorWriter, config.Copies, config.Format);                                   //Load of the intrinsics
            parser.CustomSymbols = LoadDependencies(errorWriter, config.Dependencies, config.Format, parser.CustomSymbols); //Load of the dependency files

            for (int c = 0; c < config.InputFiles.Count; c++)
                string path = config.InputFiles[c];
                    var typeCobolOptions = new TypeCobolOptions
                        HaltOnMissingCopy = config.HaltOnMissingCopyFilePath != null,
                        ExecToStep        = config.ExecToStep,
                    typeCobolOptions.AutoRemarksEnable = config.AutoRemarks;
                    parser.Init(path, typeCobolOptions, config.Format, config.CopyFolders);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    Server.AddError(errorWriter, MessageCode.ParserInit, ex.Message, path);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.HaltOnMissingCopyFilePath))
                    if (parser.MissingCopys.Count > 0)
                        //Write in the specified file all the absent copys detected
                        File.WriteAllLines(config.HaltOnMissingCopyFilePath, parser.MissingCopys);
                        //Delete the file

                if (parser.Results.CodeElementsDocumentSnapshot == null && config.ExecToStep > ExecutionStep.Preprocessor)
                    Server.AddError(errorWriter, MessageCode.SyntaxErrorInParser, "File \"" + path + "\" has syntactic error(s) preventing codegen (CodeElements).", path);
                else if (parser.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot == null && config.ExecToStep > ExecutionStep.SyntaxCheck)
                    Server.AddError(errorWriter, MessageCode.SyntaxErrorInParser, "File \"" + path + "\" has semantic error(s) preventing codegen (ProgramClass).", path);

                var allDiags = parser.Results.AllDiagnostics();
                int errors   = allDiags.Count;
                errorWriter.AddErrors(path, allDiags);

                if (config.ExecToStep >= ExecutionStep.Generate && errors == 0)
                    var skeletons = TypeCobol.Codegen.Config.Config.Parse(config.skeletonPath);
                    var codegen   = new TypeCobol.Codegen.Generators.DefaultGenerator(parser.Results, new StreamWriter(config.OutputFiles[c]), skeletons);
                    var program   = parser.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Program;
                    codegen.Generate(program.SyntaxTree.Root, program.SymbolTable, ColumnsLayout.CobolReferenceFormat);
            errorWriter = null;
            //as w can be a Text file created, we need to close it