public void ChangeWeapon(WeaponController newWeapon) { if (current_Weapon) { Destroy(current_Weapon.gameObject); } current_Weapon = newWeapon; currentTypeAttack = newWeapon.defaultConfig.typeAttack; current_Weapon = Instantiate(newWeapon, spawnPoint.position, spawnPoint.rotation, spawnPoint); shot = newWeapon.GetComponentInChildren <BaseShot>(); weapons_Unlocked.Insert(0, newWeapon); if (weapons_Unlocked.Count > maxSlotWeapon) { Instantiate(weapons_Unlocked[1].weaponPickup, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); weapons_Unlocked.RemoveAt(1); } UIController.Instance.currentGun.sprite = weapons_Unlocked[0].gunUI; UIController.Instance.gunText.text = weapons_Unlocked[0].gunName; }
private TypeStateCharacter AttackToState(TypeAttack typeAttack) { switch (typeAttack) { case TypeAttack.Attack: return(TypeStateCharacter.Attack); case TypeAttack.SpecialAttack1: return(TypeStateCharacter.SpecialAttack1Start); case TypeAttack.SpecialAttack2: return(TypeStateCharacter.SpecialAttack2); default: return(TypeStateCharacter.Attack); } }
private void CmdAttack(float damage, TypeAttack atk, bool spear) { SyncChunk actual_chunk = null; foreach (Collider col in Physics.OverlapBox(this.character.transform.position, new Vector3(5, 100, 5))) if ("Island")) { actual_chunk = col.transform.parent.GetComponent<SyncChunk>(); break; } if (actual_chunk != null && actual_chunk.IsCristal && actual_chunk.Cristal.Team == damage += actual_chunk.Cristal.LevelAtk; Collider[] cibles = null; if (atk == TypeAttack.Horizontal) cibles = Physics.OverlapBox(this.character.transform.position - this.character.transform.forward / 2 + new Vector3(0, 0.5f), (spear ? 2 : 1) * new Vector3(0.5f, 0.1f, 0.25f), this.character.transform.rotation); else if (atk == TypeAttack.Vertical) cibles = Physics.OverlapBox(this.character.transform.position - this.character.transform.forward / 2 + new Vector3(0, 0.5f), (spear ? 2 : 1) * new Vector3(0.2f, 0.5f, 0.25f), this.character.transform.rotation); else if (atk == TypeAttack.Aerial) { cibles = Physics.OverlapBox(this.character.transform.position - this.character.transform.forward / 2 + new Vector3(0, -2f), (spear ? 2 : 1) * new Vector3(0.2f, 2f, 0.25f), this.character.transform.rotation); this.syncCharacter.RpcApplyForce(0, -30000f, 0); } else if (atk == TypeAttack.Charge) { cibles = Physics.OverlapBox(this.character.transform.position - this.character.transform.forward / 2 + new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 1.5f), new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 1.75f), this.character.transform.rotation); this.syncCharacter.RpcApplyRelativeForce(0, 0, -25000f); } foreach (Collider cible in cibles) { bool notacible = false; if ( == "Character" && cible.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<Social_HUD>().Team != cible.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<SyncCharacter>().ReceiveDamage(damage, -(damage / 10f) * this.character.transform.forward, true); else if (cible.gameObject.tag == "Mob") cible.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<SyncMob>().ReceiveDamage(damage, -(damage / 10f) * this.character.transform.forward); else if ("Islandcore")) cible.gameObject.GetComponent<SyncCore>().AttackCristal((int)damage,; else if (cible.gameObject.tag == "Boss") cible.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<SyncBoss>().ReceiveDamage((int)damage); else notacible = true; if (!notacible && atk == TypeAttack.Horizontal) break; } }
public void SwitchWeapon() { if (weapons_Unlocked.Count > 1) { if (current_Weapon) { Destroy(current_Weapon.gameObject); } var wp = weapons_Unlocked[1]; weapons_Unlocked[1] = weapons_Unlocked[0]; weapons_Unlocked[0] = wp; current_Weapon = weapons_Unlocked[0]; currentTypeAttack = weapons_Unlocked[0].defaultConfig.typeAttack; current_Weapon = Instantiate(weapons_Unlocked[0], spawnPoint.position, spawnPoint.rotation, spawnPoint); shot = weapons_Unlocked[0].GetComponentInChildren <BaseShot>(); UIController.Instance.currentGun.sprite = weapons_Unlocked[0].gunUI; UIController.Instance.gunText.text = weapons_Unlocked[0].gunName; } }
public Volador(string nombre) : base(nombre) { this.Tipo = tipo; Attacks[0] = new TypeAttack("Bofeton lodo", 20); Attacks[1] = new TypeAttack("Picotazo", 35); }
public Electrico(string nombre) : base(nombre) { this.Tipo = tipo; Attacks[0] = new TypeAttack("Impactrueno", 38); Attacks[1] = new TypeAttack("Rayo", 50); }
public Tierra(string nombre) : base(nombre) { this.Tipo = tipo; Attacks[0] = new TypeAttack("Excavar", 65); Attacks[1] = new TypeAttack("Bofeton lodo", 20); }
public Agua(string nombre) : base(nombre) { this.Tipo = tipo; Attacks[0] = new TypeAttack("Chorro de agua", 38); Attacks[1] = new TypeAttack("Inundacion", 60); }
public Fuego(string nombre) : base(nombre) { this.Tipo = tipo; Attacks[0] = new TypeAttack("Ascuas", 40); Attacks[1] = new TypeAttack("Calcinacion", 60); }
public Damage(float _damageSize, TypeAttack _typeAttack) { this.damageSize = _damageSize; this.typeAttack = _typeAttack; }
public Damage() { this.damageSize = 0f; this.typeAttack = TypeAttack.NormalType; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!isLocalPlayer || this.syncCharacter.Life < 0) return; // Visibilite et blocage du cursor if (tutoriel.End && tutoriel.CD <= 0) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) = !; Cursor.visible = true; Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None; return; } Cursor.visible = this.controller.Pause; Cursor.lockState = this.controller.Pause ? CursorLockMode.None : CursorLockMode.Locked; if (!this.character.activeInHierarchy) return; #region Near Element // Recherche du plus proche float dist = float.PositiveInfinity; GameObject lastNearElement = this.nearElement; this.nearElement = null; Collider[] cols = Physics.OverlapSphere(, 0.45f); GameObject forbidden = null; if (cols.Length > 0) forbidden = cols[0].gameObject; foreach (Collider col in Physics.OverlapSphere(this.character.transform.position, 3.5f)) if (col.transform.parent != null && col.transform.parent.CompareTag("Elements") && col.gameObject != forbidden && Vector3.Distance(this.character.transform.position, col.transform.parent.transform.position) < dist) { this.nearElement = col.transform.parent.gameObject; dist = Vector3.Distance(this.character.transform.position, col.transform.parent.transform.position); } if (this.nearElement != lastNearElement) { gameObject.GetComponent<Sound>().PlaySound(AudioClips.Void, 0, 0.2f, 616); // Supprimer l'ancien outline if (lastNearElement != null) { foreach (MeshRenderer mr in lastNearElement.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>()) foreach (Material mat in mr.materials) mat.shader = Shader.Find("Standard"); this.inventaire.Chest = null; } // Mettre le nouveau outline if (this.nearElement != null) { foreach (MeshRenderer mr in this.nearElement.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>()) foreach (Material mat in mr.materials) mat.shader = Shader.Find("Outlined"); if ("Chest")) this.inventaire.Chest = nearElement; } } #endregion #region Previsu if (this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items is WorkTop) { WorkTop wt = this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items as WorkTop; wt.Previsu.transform.position = (this.character.transform.position - this.character.transform.forward); wt.Previsu.transform.LookAt(new Vector3(this.character.transform.position.x, wt.Previsu.transform.position.y, this.character.transform.position.z)); CmdupdateValid(wt.Previsu.transform.position); if (validplace != this.lastvalidplace) { string shadname = "Previsus/Previsu" + (validplace ? "" : "NOT") + "OK"; foreach (MeshRenderer mesh in wt.Previsu.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>()) foreach (Material mat in mesh.materials) mat.shader = Shader.Find(shadname); this.lastvalidplace = validplace; } } #endregion #region Show/Hide GUI // show and hide the GUI if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.B) && gameObject.GetComponent<SpecMode>().isSpec && !gameObject.GetComponent<Social_HUD> ().ChatShown) { seeGUI = !seeGUI; } if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return) || Input.GetButtonDown("Cancel")) && !seeGUI){ seeGUI = true; } #endregion #region Gestion Menu if (Input.GetButtonDown("Inventory") && ! && ! && ! && !this.cristalHUD.Cristal_shown && !this.sucHUD.Activate && !this.tutoriel.EndTutoShown && !this.tutoriel.Tutoshown && ! { this.inventaire.InventoryShown = !this.inventaire.InventoryShown; this.controller.Pause = this.inventaire.InventoryShown; this.soundAudio.PlaySound(AudioClips.Bag, 1f); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return) && ! && ! && !this.inventaire.InventoryShown && !this.cristalHUD.Cristal_shown && !this.sucHUD.Activate && !this.tutoriel.EndTutoShown && !this.tutoriel.Tutoshown && ! { = true; this.controller.Pause = true; } if (cdAttack <= 0 && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.C))) { cdAttack = 1.5f; this.character.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddRelativeForce(new Vector3(0, 5000, 20000)); this.controller.CdDisable = .5f; } #endregion #region Fire2 bool useConsumable = false; if (Input.GetButton("Fire2") && !this.inventaire.InventoryShown && ! && ! && ! && !this.cristalHUD.Cristal_shown && !this.sucHUD.Activate && !this.tutoriel.EndTutoShown && !this.tutoriel.Tutoshown && ! { if (this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items is WorkTop) { WorkTop wt = this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items as WorkTop; if (validplace && this.soundAudio.IsReady(615)) { CmdSpawnElm(wt.ElementID, wt.Previsu.transform.position, wt.Previsu.transform.rotation); this.CmdPut(wt.ID); this.inventaire.UsedItem.Quantity -= 1; if (this.inventaire.UsedItem.Quantity <= 0) this.inventaire.UsedItem = new ItemStack(); this.soundAudio.PlaySound(AudioClips.Void, 0, 1, 615); } } else if (this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items is Consumable) { this.anim.SetInteger("Action", 7); this.cdConsume -= Time.deltaTime; useConsumable = true; if (this.cdConsume < 0) { this.cdConsume = 1f; this.anim.SetInteger("Action", 0); Consumable consum = this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items as Consumable; gameObject.GetComponent<SyncCharacter>().Affect(consum.E); this.CmdConsumme(consum.ID); this.inventaire.UsedItem.Quantity--; if (this.inventaire.UsedItem.Quantity == 0) this.inventaire.UsedItem = new ItemStack(); } } else if (this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items is Sword || this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items is BattleAxe || this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items is Spear) { if (cdAttack <= 0 && !this.controller.Pause) { this.anim.SetInteger("Action", 11); this.attack = TypeAttack.Horizontal; this.cdAttack = 5f; } } else if (this.nearElement != null && this.nearElement.GetComponent<SyncCore>() != null) { this.cristalHUD.Cristal = this.nearElement.GetComponent<SyncCore>(); if (this.cristalHUD.Cristal.Team == || this.cristalHUD.Cristal.Team == Team.Neutre) { this.cristalHUD.Cristal_shown = true; this.controller.Pause = true; } } else if (this.nearElement != null && this.nearElement.GetComponent<SyncElement>() != null) { this.CmdInteractElement(this.nearElement.gameObject, this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items.ID); } } if (!useConsumable) this.cdConsume = 1; #endregion #region Fire1 // Gestion de l'attaque if (cdAttack > 0) cdAttack -= Time.deltaTime; if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") && cdAttack <= 0 && !this.controller.Pause) { this.cdAttack = 5f; if (this.controller.IsJumping && !(this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items is Spear) && this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items is Tool) this.attack = TypeAttack.Aerial; else if (this.controller.IsSprinting && !(this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items is BattleAxe) && this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items is Tool) this.attack = TypeAttack.Charge; else this.attack = TypeAttack.Vertical; } if (this.cdAttack > 4.8f) switch (this.attack) { case TypeAttack.Charge: this.anim.SetInteger("Action", 9); break; case TypeAttack.Aerial: this.anim.SetInteger("Action", 10); break; case TypeAttack.Vertical: this.anim.SetInteger("Action", 6); break; default: break; } if (this.cdAttack < 4.8f && this.cdAttack > 4.7f) { if (this.attack == TypeAttack.Charge || this.attack == TypeAttack.Aerial || this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items is BattleAxe) this.cdAttack = 1.5f; else this.cdAttack = .6f; if (this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items is Tool) { this.soundAudio.PlaySound(AudioClips.playerAttack, 1); this.soundAudio.CmdPlaySound(AudioClips.playerAttack, 1); } // Calcul le damage float damage = 0f; Item item = this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items; if (item is Tool) damage = 5f * ((item as Tool).Damage) / 100f; else damage = 5f; CmdAttack(damage, attack, item is Spear); } #endregion #region Cancel if (Input.GetButtonDown("Cancel")) { this.soundAudio.PlaySound(AudioClips.Button, 1f); if (this.cristalHUD.Cristal_shown) { this.cristalHUD.Cristal_shown = false; this.controller.Pause = false; } else if (this.inventaire.InventoryShown) { this.inventaire.InventoryShown = false; this.controller.Pause = false; } else if ( { = false; this.controller.Pause = false; } else if ( { = false; = true; } else if ( { = false; = true; } else if ( { = false; = true; } else if (this.sucHUD.Activate) { this.sucHUD.Activate = false; = true; } else if ( { = false; = true; } else if (this.tutoriel.EndTutoShown) { this.tutoriel.EndTutoShown = false; this.controller.Pause = false; } else if (this.tutoriel.Tutoshown) { this.tutoriel.Tutoshown = false; this.controller.Pause = false; } else if ( { if ( != -1) = -1; else { = false; = true; } } else { = !; this.controller.Pause =; } } #endregion #region ToolBar // Gere la barre d'outil. if (!Input.GetKey("left ctrl") && !this.controller.Pause && !this.inventaire.InventoryShown) { if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0) this.inventaire.Cursors++; if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0) this.inventaire.Cursors--; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) this.inventaire.Cursors = 0; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2)) this.inventaire.Cursors = 1; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3)) this.inventaire.Cursors = 2; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha4)) this.inventaire.Cursors = 3; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha5)) this.inventaire.Cursors = 4; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha6)) this.inventaire.Cursors = 5; if (Input.GetButtonDown("Drop")) { if (this.inventaire.UsedItem.Quantity != 0) { this.inventaire.Drop(new ItemStack(this.inventaire.UsedItem.Items, 1)); this.inventaire.UsedItem.Quantity--; if (inventaire.UsedItem.Quantity == 0) this.inventaire.UsedItem = new ItemStack(); } } #endregion }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { this.nearElement = null; this.character = GetComponentInChildren<CharacterCollision>().gameObject; = GetComponent<Social_HUD>(); this.attack = TypeAttack.None; this.syncCharacter = gameObject.GetComponent<SyncCharacter>(); if (!isLocalPlayer) return; = GetComponentInChildren<Camera>().gameObject; this.inventaire = GetComponent<Inventory>(); = GetComponent<Menu>(); this.controller = GetComponent<Controller>(); this.sucHUD = GetComponent<Success_HUD>(); this.cristalHUD = GetComponent<Cristal_HUD>(); this.tutoriel = GetComponent<Tutoriel>(); this.anim = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>(); this.validplace = true; this.lastvalidplace = true; this.soundAudio = gameObject.GetComponent<Sound>(); Cursor.visible = false; seeGUI = true; }
public Roca(string nombre) : base(nombre) { this.Tipo = tipo; Attacks[0] = new TypeAttack("Avalancha", 65); Attacks[1] = new TypeAttack("Lanzarrocas", 50); }