コード例 #1
    IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> EnumerateProperties(Type type)
        foreach (var p in type.GetProperties (flags)) {
            // TextEditInfo has case-conflicting properties (e.g. position and Position). Do not generate member-collision.
            if (Char.IsUpper (p.Name [0]) && type.GetProperty (Char.ToLower (p.Name [0]) + p.Name.Substring (1)) != null)

            // It is not really doable or at least very easy to support
            // callbacks. So, ignore them so far.
            if (IsCallType (p.PropertyType))

            // FIXME: in this type, there are complicated variable between object and call (Action/Func), so I disabled all members at all.
            if (type.GetTypeReferenceName () == "AstWalkerDetailCallback")

            yield return p;
コード例 #2
    IEnumerable<MethodInfo> EnumerateMethods(Type type)
        foreach (var m in type.GetMethods (flags)) {
            // It is not really doable or at least very easy to support
            // callbacks. So, ignore them so far.
            if (IsCallType (m.ReturnType) || m.GetParameters ().Select (p => p.ParameterType).Any (t => IsCallType (t)))

            // FIXME: in this type, there are complicated variable between object and call (Action/Func), so I disabled all members at all.
            if (type.GetTypeReferenceName () == "AstWalkerDetailCallback")

            yield return m;
コード例 #3
    string GetImplementedType(Type type, bool addImpl = false)
        if (type == typeof (void))
            return "void";
        if (type == typeof (string))
            return "string";
        if (type == typeof (bool))
            return "bool";
        if (type == typeof (double))
            return "double";
        if (type.IsArray)
            return "TypeScriptArray<" + GetImplementedType (type.GetElementType ()) + ">";
        if (type.IsGenericParameter)
            return type.Name;
        switch (type.GetTypeReferenceName ()) {
        case "any":
            return "object";
        // FIXME: we cannot support callback yet. So, just return object
        if (IsCallType (type))
            return "object";

        string suffix = type.IsInterface && addImpl ? "_Impl" : string.Empty;

        bool isSystem = (type.Namespace ?? "").StartsWith ("System");
        if (type.IsGenericType)
            return (isSystem ? "" : "TypeScriptServiceBridge.") +
                type.Namespace + "." + type.GetTypeReferenceName (suffix);

        if (!isSystem)
            return "TypeScriptServiceBridge." + type.FullName + suffix;
        return type.FullName + suffix;
コード例 #4
    void GenerateInterface(Type type)
        output.WriteLine ("\tpublic interface {0} : ITypeScriptObject", type.GetTypeReferenceName ());
        GenerateImplements (type);

        output.WriteLine ("\t{");
        foreach (var p in EnumerateProperties (type)) {
            GenerateFieldSignature (type, p, null);
            output.WriteLine (" { get; set; }");
        foreach (var m in EnumerateMethods (type)) {
            GenerateMethodSignature (type, m, null);
            output.WriteLine (";");
        output.WriteLine ("\t}");

        output.WriteLine ("\tpublic class {0} : TypeScriptObject, {1}", type.GetTypeReferenceName ("_Impl"), type.GetTypeReferenceName ());
        output.WriteLine ("\t{");
        output.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic {0}_Impl (ObjectInstance instance) : base (instance) {{}}", type.GetPrimaryName ());

        ImplementProperties (type);
        ImplementMethods (type);

        output.WriteLine ("\t}");
コード例 #5
 void GenerateEnum(Type type)
     output.WriteLine ("\tpublic enum " + type.GetTypeReferenceName ());
     output.WriteLine ("\t{");
     foreach (var n in Enum.GetNames (type))
         output.WriteLine ("\t\t{0} = {1},", n, ((IConvertible) Enum.Parse (type, n)).ToInt32 (null));
     output.WriteLine ("\t}");
コード例 #6
    void GenerateClass(Type type)
        output.Write ("\tpublic class " + type.GetTypeReferenceName () + " : ");
        string baseType = GetBaseTypeFromAttribute (type);
        if (baseType == null)
            output.WriteLine ("TypeScriptObject");
            output.WriteLine (baseType);
        GenerateImplements (type);

        output.WriteLine ("\t{");

        output.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic {0} (ObjectInstance instance) : base (instance) {{}}", type.GetPrimaryName ());

        foreach (var c in type.GetConstructors (flags)) {
            if (!c.IsPublic)

            // FIXME: they are workarounds for conflict betweeen
            // ctor(Object regex) and ctor(object instance)...
            if (type.GetTypeReferenceName () == "RegexLiteral" || type.GetTypeReferenceName () == "RegularExpressionLiteralToken")

            output.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic {0} ({1})", type.GetPrimaryName (), GetArgumentsSignature (c));
            var args = GetMarshaledCallArguments (c);
            output.WriteLine ("\t\t\t : base (CallConstructor (\"{0}\", \"{1}\"{2}))", type.Namespace, type.GetTypeReferenceName (), args);
            output.WriteLine ("\t\t{");
            output.WriteLine ("\t\t}");

        ImplementProperties (type);
        ImplementMethods (type);

        ImplementInterfaces (type);

        output.WriteLine ("\t}");