コード例 #1
        // Import individual XML mod
        private static void ImportMod(string path)
            FileStream  fs     = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlNodeList xmlnode;
            XmlNode     mod;
            string      name, tyversion, version, authors, description;
            TyVersion   tyversionRange;

            xmlnode = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("tymod");

            for (int i = 0; i < xmlnode.Count; i++)
                name = null; tyversion = null; version = null; tyversionRange = null; authors = null; description = null;

                mod = xmlnode[i];

                try { name = mod.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name").Value; } catch (Exception e) { Program.Log(path, "Invalid name attribute for tymod \"" + mod.OuterXml + "\"", e); continue; }
                try { version = mod.Attributes.GetNamedItem("version").Value; } catch { }
                try { authors = mod.Attributes.GetNamedItem("authors").Value; } catch { }
                try { description = mod.Attributes.GetNamedItem("description").Value; } catch { }
                try { tyversion = mod.Attributes.GetNamedItem("tyversion").Value; tyversionRange = new TyVersion(tyversion, name + " (" + (version ?? String.Empty) + ";" + (authors ?? String.Empty) + ")"); } catch { }

                if (name != null && name != String.Empty)
                    TyMod tymod = new TyMod(name, tyversionRange, version, authors, description);

                    // Check if tymod already exists
                    if (Mods.Any(x => x.ToString() == tymod.ToString() && x.TyVersion.OverlapsVersion(tymod.TyVersion)))
                        Log(path, "TyMod with same name, version, authors, and dependency already exists (\"" + tymod.ToString() + "\")");

                    // Add Elements from node

                    // Add to list

コード例 #2
        private static void ApplyMods_Level(List <TyLevel> levels, ref Dictionary <string, TyTranslation> translations)
            List <string> customLevels = new List <string>();
            string        z1LV2, levelID;

            string[] englishTranslations = null;
            uint     levelStart          = 0;
            TyLevel  level;

            if (levels == null || levels.Count == 0)

            // Sort least to greatest by IndexOffset
            levels.Sort((a, b) => a.IndexOffset.CompareTo(b.IndexOffset));

            // Load the potentially altered z1.lv2
            z1LV2 = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Program.OutDirectory, "z1.lv2"), Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"));

            // Offset levelIndex by index of "TEXT_LEVEL_Z1" translation entry
            englishTranslations = translations["english"].Translations.Keys.ToArray();
            while (englishTranslations[levelStart] != "TEXT_LEVEL_Z1")

            levelStart = (uint)translations["english"].Translations.Count - levelStart;
            while (levelStart < CustomMapStartIndex)
                string key = "TEXT_LEVEL_NULL_" + levelStart.ToString();
                translations["english"].Translations.Add(key, String.Empty);
                translations["german"].Translations.Add(key, String.Empty);
                translations["spanish"].Translations.Add(key, String.Empty);
                translations["french"].Translations.Add(key, String.Empty);
                translations["italian"].Translations.Add(key, String.Empty);

            // Apply level
            for (int x = 0; x <= levels.Max(l => l.IndexOffset); x++)
                levelID = "f" + x.ToString();
                level   = levels.Where(l => l.IndexOffset == x).FirstOrDefault();

                // Try to add level names to translations
                try { translations["english"].Translations.Add("TEXT_LEVEL_" + levelID, level.LanguageNames["english"]); }
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (level != null)
                        Log(level.ToString(), "Unable to get english translation", e);
                    translations["english"].Translations.Add("TEXT_LEVEL_" + levelID, String.Empty);

                try { translations["german"].Translations.Add("TEXT_LEVEL_" + levelID, level.LanguageNames["german"]); }
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (level != null)
                        Log(level.ToString(), "Unable to get german translation", e);
                    translations["german"].Translations.Add("TEXT_LEVEL_" + levelID, String.Empty);

                try { translations["spanish"].Translations.Add("TEXT_LEVEL_" + levelID, level.LanguageNames["spanish"]); }
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (level != null)
                        Log(level.ToString(), "Unable to get spanish translation", e);
                    translations["spanish"].Translations.Add("TEXT_LEVEL_" + levelID, String.Empty);

                try { translations["french"].Translations.Add("TEXT_LEVEL_" + levelID, level.LanguageNames["french"]); }
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (level != null)
                        Log(level.ToString(), "Unable to get french translation", e);
                    translations["french"].Translations.Add("TEXT_LEVEL_" + levelID, String.Empty);

                try { translations["italian"].Translations.Add("TEXT_LEVEL_" + levelID, level.LanguageNames["italian"]); }
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (level != null)
                        Log(level.ToString(), "Unable to get italian translation", e);
                    translations["italian"].Translations.Add("TEXT_LEVEL_" + levelID, String.Empty);

                // Apply level
                if (level != null)
                    // Find portal entries in z1.lv2
                    Match portal = Regex.Match(z1LV2, @"^name\s*PORTAL\s*$", RegexOptions.Multiline);
                    if (!portal.Success)
                        Program.Log("z1.lv2", "Unable to find portal entries", null, true);

                    // Add level files to output directory
                    TyMod.ApplyLevel(levelID, level);

                    // Add portal for level
                    z1LV2 = z1LV2.Insert(z1LV2.IndexOf("\r\n", portal.Index) + 2, "\r\n" + Program.PortalEntry
                                         .Replace("%l", levelID)
                                         .Replace("%i", (x + levelStart).ToString())
                                         .Replace("%x", level.X.ToString("F"))
                                         .Replace("%y", level.Y.ToString("F"))
                                         .Replace("%z", level.Z.ToString("F"))
                                         .Replace("%a", level.Authors)

                    // Add to list of custom levels (to be used by the OpenAL32 proxy)
                    customLevels.Add((x + levelStart).ToString() + " " + levelID + " " + Path.Combine("Mods", level.InputPath));

            // Write potentially edited zl.lv2
            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Program.OutDirectory, "z1.lv2"), z1LV2, Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"));

            // Write list of custom maps to cmaps.ini for the proxy dll to parse
            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Program.OutDirectory, "cmaps.ini"), String.Join("\n", customLevels));
コード例 #3
        // Apply list of mods
        public static bool ApplyMods(List <TyMod> mods)
            Dictionary <string, TyGlobal>      globals      = new Dictionary <string, TyGlobal>();
            Dictionary <string, TyTranslation> translations = new Dictionary <string, TyTranslation>();
            List <TyLevel> levels = new List <TyLevel>();

            // Save level order

            // Delete existing directory
            if (Directory.Exists(Program.OutDirectory))
                Directory.Delete(Program.OutDirectory, true);

            // Wait until directory is deleted
            while (Directory.Exists(Program.OutDirectory))

            // Create new PC_External directory

            // Import all translation files
            translations.Add("english", new TyTranslation("Translations.English.txt", DataPC.ExtractText(DataPC.FileEntries.Where(f => f.FileName == "Translations.English.txt").FirstOrDefault())));
            translations.Add("german", new TyTranslation("Translations.German.txt", DataPC.ExtractText(DataPC.FileEntries.Where(f => f.FileName == "Translations.German.txt").FirstOrDefault())));
            translations.Add("spanish", new TyTranslation("Translations.Spanish.txt", DataPC.ExtractText(DataPC.FileEntries.Where(f => f.FileName == "Translations.Spanish.txt").FirstOrDefault())));
            translations.Add("french", new TyTranslation("Translations.French.txt", DataPC.ExtractText(DataPC.FileEntries.Where(f => f.FileName == "Translations.French.txt").FirstOrDefault())));
            translations.Add("italian", new TyTranslation("Translations.Italian.txt", DataPC.ExtractText(DataPC.FileEntries.Where(f => f.FileName == "Translations.Italian.txt").FirstOrDefault())));

            // Import z1.lv2
            // We do this to later add portals for any added custom maps
            // If we load this file from the OutDirectory instead from the RKV AND we load user imports before user levels...
            // We can support any direct user modification to the z1.lv2
            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Program.OutDirectory, "z1.lv2"), DataPC.ExtractText(DataPC.FileEntries.Where(f => f.FileName == "z1.lv2").FirstOrDefault()), Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"));

            // Apply all imports first
            foreach (TyMod mod in mods)
                if (mod.Enabled && mod.Valid && (mod.TyVersion == null || mod.TyVersion.ContainsVersion(Program.RVersion)))
                    foreach (TyModImport import in mod.Imports)
                        TyMod.ApplyImport(mod, import);

            // Apply everything else
            foreach (TyMod mod in mods)
                if (mod.Enabled && mod.Valid && (mod.TyVersion == null || mod.TyVersion.ContainsVersion(Program.RVersion)))
                    // Apply global edit
                    foreach (TyModEdit edit in mod.Edits)
                        if (!globals.ContainsKey(edit.Source))
                            TyRKV.FileEntry file = DataPC.FileEntries.Where(f => f.FileName == edit.Source || f.FullPath == edit.Source).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (file.FileName == null)
                                Program.Log(mod.ToString(), "Unable to find global source file \"" + edit.Source + "\"");

                            globals.Add(edit.Source, new TyGlobal(edit.Source, DataPC.ExtractText(file)));

                        TyMod.ApplyGlobal(globals[edit.Source], edit);

                    // Add level
                    foreach (TyLevel level in mod.Levels)

                    foreach (TyModTranslate translation in mod.Translations)
                        TyMod.ApplyTranslate(translations, translation);

            // Apply levels
            ApplyMods_Level(levels, ref translations);

            // Write all edited global files
            foreach (string key in globals.Keys)
                FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Program.OutDirectory, key));
                if (!file.Directory.Exists)
                File.WriteAllText(file.FullName, globals[key].ToString(), Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"));

            // Write all edited translation files
            foreach (string key in translations.Keys)
                FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Program.OutDirectory, "Translations." + (char.ToUpper(key[0]) + key.Substring(1)) + ".txt"));
                if (!file.Directory.Exists)
                File.WriteAllText(file.FullName, translations[key].ToString(), Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"));
