protected void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { double BB, CB; BB = Convert.ToDouble(txtbookbal.Text); CB = Convert.ToDouble(txtclsgbal.Text); if (txtprdcode.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Product code..!!", this.Page); txtprdcode.Focus(); return; } if (txtaccno.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Account No..!!", this.Page); txtaccno.Focus(); return; } if (txtdesc.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Description..!!", this.Page); txtdesc.Focus(); return; } if (txtasstno.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Type Of Assest..!!", this.Page); txtasstno.Focus(); return; } if (txtstatusno.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Status No..!!", this.Page); txtstatusno.Focus(); return; } if (txtsanctnno.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Sanction No..!!", this.Page); txtsanctnno.Focus(); return; } if (txtvendorname.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Vendor's Name..!!", this.Page); txtvendorname.Focus(); return; } if (txtperiod.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Period..!!", this.Page); txtperiod.Focus(); return; } if (txtitemno.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Item No..!!", this.Page); txtitemno.Focus(); return; } if (txtitemtypeno.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Type Of Item..!!", this.Page); txtitemtypeno.Focus(); return; } if (TxtIdCode.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enterId code..!!", this.Page); TxtIdCode.Focus(); return; } if (ddlbranchname.SelectedValue == "0") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please Select Branch/Dept..!!", this.Page); ddlbranchname.Focus(); return; } if (txtname.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Name..!!", this.Page); txtname.Focus(); return; } if (ddlwaranty.SelectedValue == "0") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please Select Waranty/Guaranty..!!", this.Page); ddlwaranty.Focus(); return; } if (txtamcdetail.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter AMC Details..!!", this.Page); txtamcdetail.Focus(); return; } if (txtvalue.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Value..!!", this.Page); txtvalue.Focus(); return; } if (txtbillno.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Bill No..!!", this.Page); txtbillno.Focus(); return; } if (txtbilldate.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Bill Date..!!", this.Page); txtbilldate.Focus(); return; } if (ddlAstLoc.SelectedValue == "0") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please Select Assest Location Code..!!", this.Page); ddlAstLoc.Focus(); return; } if (txtasublocno.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Assest Sub Location Code..!!", this.Page); txtasublocno.Focus(); return; } if (txtassestdesc.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Assest Description..!!", this.Page); txtassestdesc.Focus(); return; } if (txtpurchasedate.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Purchase Date..!!", this.Page); txtpurchasedate.Focus(); return; } if (txtentrydate.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter EntryDate..!!", this.Page); txtentrydate.Focus(); return; } if (txtquantity.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Quality..!!", this.Page); txtquantity.Focus(); return; } if (TxtValueUnit.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Value unit..!!", this.Page); TxtValueUnit.Focus(); return; } if (Txtpurchase.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Purchase Value..!!", this.Page); Txtpurchase.Focus(); return; } if (txtvalason.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Value As On Date..!!", this.Page); txtvalason.Focus(); return; } if (txtperdep.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter PerDep..!!", this.Page); txtperdep.Focus(); return; } if (txtdepno.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Dep No..!!", this.Page); txtdepno.Focus(); return; } if (txtbookbal.Text == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Please enter Book Balance..!!", this.Page); txtbookbal.Focus(); return; } if (ViewState["Flag"].ToString() == "AD") { if (BB == CB) { if (CB != 0.0) { int Result = DS.Insertdata(Session["BRCD"].ToString(), txtprdcode.Text, txtaccno.Text, txtdesc.Text, txtasstno.Text, txtasstname.Text, txtdate.Text, txtstatusno.Text, DDLstatusname.SelectedItem.Text, txtsanctnno.Text, DDlSanction.SelectedItem.Text, txtvendorname.Text, txtperiod.Text, txtitemno.Text, DDlitemno.SelectedItem.Text, txtitemtypeno.Text, DDltypeofitm.SelectedItem.Text, TxtIdCode.Text, txtbrnchno.Text, txtname.Text, ddlwaranty.SelectedValue, txtamcdetail.Text, txtvalue.Text, txtbillno.Text, txtbilldate.Text, txtchequeno.Text, txtchequedate.Text, txtalocno.Text, DDlASL.SelectedItem.Text, txtasublocno.Text, txtassestdesc.Text, txtpurchasedate.Text, txtentrydate.Text, txtquantity.Text, TxtValueUnit.Text, Txtpurchase.Text, txtvalason.Text, txtperdep.Text, txtdepno.Text, DDlDep.SelectedItem.Text, txtbookbal.Text, txtclsgbal.Text, "1001", "Insert", Session["MID"].ToString()); if (Result > 0) { WebMsgBox.Show("Data Added successfully..!!", this.Page); BindGrid("PA"); FL = "Insert";//Dhanya Shetty string Result1 = CLM.LOGDETAILS(FL, Session["BRCD"].ToString(), Session["MID"].ToString(), "Deadstock_Add _" + txtprdcode.Text + "_" + txtaccno.Text + "_" + Session["LOGINCODE"].ToString() + "", "00", Session["MID"].ToString()); ClearData(); return; } } else { WebMsgBox.Show("There is no balance..!!", this.Page); return; } } else { WebMsgBox.Show("Book Balance does not match..!!", this.Page); txtbookbal.Text = ""; return; } } else if (ViewState["Flag"].ToString() == "MD") { if (BB == CB) { int Result = DS.ModifyData(Session["BRCD"].ToString(), txtprdcode.Text, txtaccno.Text, txtdesc.Text, txtasstno.Text, txtasstname.Text, txtdate.Text, txtstatusno.Text, DDLstatusname.SelectedItem.Text, txtsanctnno.Text, DDlSanction.SelectedItem.Text, txtvendorname.Text, txtperiod.Text, txtitemno.Text, DDlitemno.SelectedItem.Text, txtitemtypeno.Text, DDltypeofitm.SelectedItem.Text, TxtIdCode.Text, txtbrnchno.Text, txtname.Text, ddlwaranty.SelectedValue, txtamcdetail.Text, txtvalue.Text, txtbillno.Text, txtbilldate.Text, txtchequeno.Text, txtchequedate.Text, txtalocno.Text, DDlASL.SelectedItem.Text, txtasublocno.Text, txtassestdesc.Text, txtpurchasedate.Text, txtentrydate.Text, txtquantity.Text, TxtValueUnit.Text, Txtpurchase.Text, txtvalason.Text, txtperdep.Text, txtdepno.Text, DDlDep.SelectedItem.Text, txtbookbal.Text, txtclsgbal.Text, "1002", "Modify", Session["MID"].ToString(), ViewState["Id"].ToString()); if (Result > 0) { WebMsgBox.Show("Data Modified successfully..!!", this.Page); BindGrid("PA"); FL = "Insert";//Dhanya Shetty string Result1 = CLM.LOGDETAILS(FL, Session["BRCD"].ToString(), Session["MID"].ToString(), "Deadstock_Mod _" + txtprdcode.Text + "_" + txtaccno.Text + "_" + Session["LOGINCODE"].ToString() + "", "00", Session["MID"].ToString()); ClearData(); return; } } else { WebMsgBox.Show("Book Balance does not match..!!", this.Page); txtbookbal.Text = ""; return; } } else if (ViewState["Flag"].ToString() == "DL") { if (CB == 0) { string AT = DS.GetStage(Session["BRCD"].ToString(), txtprdcode.Text, txtaccno.Text); if (AT == "1003") { if (ViewState["Flag"].ToString() == "DL") { WebMsgBox.Show("Record Already Authorized, You cannot delete !", this.Page); return; } } int Result = DS.DeleteData(Session["BRCD"].ToString(), txtprdcode.Text, txtaccno.Text, "1004", "Delete", Session["MID"].ToString(), ViewState["Id"].ToString()); if (Result > 0) { WebMsgBox.Show("Data Deleted successfully..!!", this.Page); BindGrid("PA"); FL = "Insert";//Dhanya Shetty string Result1 = CLM.LOGDETAILS(FL, Session["BRCD"].ToString(), Session["MID"].ToString(), "Deadstock_Delete _" + txtprdcode.Text + "_" + txtaccno.Text + "_" + Session["LOGINCODE"].ToString() + "", "00", Session["MID"].ToString()); ClearData(); return; } } else { WebMsgBox.Show("There is closing balance ,You cannot delete !!", this.Page); ClearData(); return; } } else if (ViewState["Flag"].ToString() == "AT") { if (BB == CB) { string AT = DS.GetStage(Session["BRCD"].ToString(), txtprdcode.Text, txtaccno.Text); if (AT == "1003") { if (ViewState["Flag"].ToString() == "AT") { WebMsgBox.Show("Record Already Authorized!", this.Page); return; } } int Result = DS.AuthoriseData(Session["BRCD"].ToString(), txtprdcode.Text, txtaccno.Text, "1003", "Autho", Session["MID"].ToString(), ViewState["Id"].ToString()); if (Result > 0) { WebMsgBox.Show("Data Authorized successfully..!!", this.Page); BindGrid("PA"); FL = "Insert";//Dhanya Shetty string Result1 = CLM.LOGDETAILS(FL, Session["BRCD"].ToString(), Session["MID"].ToString(), "Deadstock_Auto _" + txtprdcode.Text + "_" + txtaccno.Text + "_" + Session["LOGINCODE"].ToString() + "", "00", Session["MID"].ToString()); ClearData(); return; } } else { WebMsgBox.Show("Book Balance does not match..!!", this.Page); txtbookbal.Text = ""; return; } } } catch (Exception Ex) { ExceptionLogging.SendErrorToText(Ex); } }
protected void txtquantity_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { TxtValueUnit.Focus(); }