public static void PublicTimeline() { TwitterStatusCollection timeline = TwitterTimeline.PublicTimeline().ResponseObject; Assert.IsNotNull(timeline); Assert.IsNotEmpty(timeline); Assert.That(timeline.Count > 0 && timeline.Count <= 20, "Timeline should contain between 0 and 20 items."); }
public void PublicTimeline() { var response = TwitterTimeline.PublicTimeline(); Assert.IsNotNull(response.ResponseObject, response.ErrorMessage); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, response.ResponseObject.Count, response.ErrorMessage); Assert.IsTrue(response.ResponseObject.Count > 0 && response.ResponseObject.Count <= 20, "Timeline should contain between 0 and 20 items."); }
public void DetectEntities() { // Get the public timeline var timelineResult = TwitterTimeline.PublicTimeline(); Assert.IsNotNull(timelineResult, "timelineResult is null"); Assert.IsNotNull(timelineResult.ResponseObject, timelineResult.ErrorMessage); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, timelineResult.ResponseObject.Count, timelineResult.ErrorMessage); // Get the first tweet with entities TwitterStatus tweet = timelineResult.ResponseObject.Where(x => x.Entities != null && x.Entities.OfType <TwitterMentionEntity>().Count() > 0).First(); // Make sure that we got the tweet successfully Assert.IsNotNull(tweet); // Get the hashtags //var hashTags = from entities in tweet.Entities.OfType<TwitterHashTagEntity>() // select entities; // Get the mentions (@screenname within the text) var mentions = from entities in tweet.Entities.OfType <TwitterMentionEntity>() select entities; // Get urls //var urls = from entities in tweet.Entities.OfType<TwitterUrlEntity>() // select entities; // Get the tweet text to be modified string modifiedTweetText = tweet.Text; // Loop through the mentions from the back of the text to the beginning (to retain the index) foreach (TwitterMentionEntity mention in mentions.OrderBy(m => m.StartIndex).Reverse()) { string linkText = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\">@{0}</a>", mention.ScreenName); modifiedTweetText = string.Concat( modifiedTweetText.Substring(0, mention.StartIndex), linkText, modifiedTweetText.Substring(mention.EndIndex)); } }
public ActionResult Index() { if (Session["LoggedASP"] != null && Session["DatabaseMode"] != null) { User myUser = (User)Session["LoggedUser"]; ViewData["Username"] = myUser.Username; TweetEntity entity = new TweetEntity(); List <Tweet> list = entity.GetTweetsForOwner(((User)Session["LoggedUser"]).ID); OAuthTokens token = new OAuthTokens(); token.ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"]; token.ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"]; token.AccessToken = ((User)Session["LoggedUser"]).TwitterToken; token.AccessTokenSecret = ((User)Session["LoggedUser"]).TwitterTokenSecret; //string loggedUserName = TwitterUser.Show(token, Decimal.Parse(((User)Session["LoggedUser"]).TwitterID)).ResponseObject.ScreenName.ToLower(); if (list.Count != 0) { foreach (var item in list) { ViewData["message"] += "<div class='message'><div class='editTweet'><a class='editTweetA' rel='" + item.ID.ToString() + "' href='/Tweet/EditGet/" + item.ID.ToString() + "'>Edit</a> <a class='deleteLink' href='/Tweet/Delete/" + item.IDTwitter.ToString() + "'>Delete</a></div><div class='tweetP'><img class='inTweetImg' src='" + item.Avatar + "' /><a href=\"/User/" + item.Username + "\">" + item.Username + "</a> ---- " + item.Text + "</div></div>"; } } else { ViewData["message"] = "<p style='text-align: center;'>Aucun rang dans la base de donnée. :(</p>"; } return(View()); } else { if (Session["LoggedASP"] != null) { User myUser = (User)Session["LoggedUser"]; ViewData["Username"] = myUser.Username; } if (Session["LoggedTwitter"] != null) { TimelineOptions options = new TimelineOptions(); options.Count = 200; options.IncludeRetweets = true; OAuthTokens token = new OAuthTokens(); token.ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"]; token.ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"]; token.AccessToken = ((User)Session["LoggedUser"]).TwitterToken; token.AccessTokenSecret = ((User)Session["LoggedUser"]).TwitterTokenSecret; try { TwitterResponse <TwitterStatusCollection> truc = TwitterTimeline.HomeTimeline(token, options); foreach (var item in truc.ResponseObject) { ViewData["message"] += "<p class='tweetP'><img class='inTweetImg' src='" + item.User.ProfileImageLocation + "' /><a href=\"/User/" + item.User.ScreenName + "\">" + item.User.ScreenName + "</a> ---- " + item.Text + "</p>"; } } catch (WebException exception) { ViewData["message"] = "<p style='text-align:center;'>Erreur : " + exception.Message + "</p>"; } catch (Exception exception) { ViewData["message"] = "<p style='text-align:center;'>Erreur : " + exception.Message + "</p>"; } } else { if (Session["LoggedASP"] != null) { ViewData["message"] = "<p style='text-align:center;'>Bonjour " + ((User)Session["LoggedUser"]).Username + ", ton compte existe mais il n'est pas associé a un compte Twitter pour le moment, si tu veux associer ton compte Twitter avec ton Compte Tweetasse, rends toi sur la page Manage via le menu en haut.</p><hr />"; } try { TwitterResponse <TwitterStatusCollection> publicTimeline = TwitterTimeline.PublicTimeline(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(publicTimeline.ErrorMessage)) { foreach (var item in publicTimeline.ResponseObject) { ViewData["message"] += "<p class='tweetP'><img class='inTweetImg' src='" + item.User.ProfileImageLocation + "' /><a href=\"/User/" + item.User.ScreenName + "\">" + item.User.ScreenName + "</a> ---- " + item.Text + "</p>"; } } else { ViewData["message"] = "<p style='text-align:center;'>Bonjour shagasse, l'application a excedé le nombre de demandes maximum sur l'API Twitter Publique sans Login oAuth pour cette heure. Démerdes-toi, merssi!</p>"; } } catch (WebException exception) { ViewData["message"] = "<p style='text-align:center;'>Erreur : " + exception.Message + "</p>"; return(View()); } catch (Exception exception) { ViewData["message"] = "<p style='text-align:center;'>Erreur : " + exception.Message + "</p>"; } } return(View()); } }
public TwitterStatusCollection GetPublicTimeline() { return(TwitterTimeline.PublicTimeline(privOAuth.GetOAuthToken()).ResponseObject); }