public static void CreateAddAndDelete() { OAuthTokens tokens = Configuration.GetTokens(); string testListIgnore = "test-list-ignore"; TwitterUser myUser = TwitterAccount.VerifyCredentials(tokens).ResponseObject; var userIdToAdd = TwitterUser.Show(tokens, userName).ResponseObject.Id; var listResponse = TwitterList.Show(tokens, testListIgnore); if (listResponse.Result == RequestResult.FileNotFound) { // Create the new list listResponse = TwitterList.New(tokens, myUser.ScreenName, testListIgnore, false, "Testing Twitterizer"); Assert.That(listResponse.Result == RequestResult.Success); } // Add a user var addMemberResponse = TwitterList.AddMember(tokens, myUser.ScreenName, testListIgnore, userIdToAdd); Assert.That(addMemberResponse.Result == RequestResult.Success); // Remove the user var removeMemberResponse = TwitterList.RemoveMember(tokens, myUser.ScreenName, testListIgnore, userIdToAdd); Assert.That(removeMemberResponse.Result == RequestResult.Success); // Delete the list listResponse = TwitterList.Delete(tokens, myUser.ScreenName, testListIgnore, null); Assert.That(listResponse.Result == RequestResult.Success); }
internal static CommandResult ShowRateLimitDetails() { if (!IsInitiated) { return(CommandResult.NotInitiated); } var v = new VerifyCredentialsOptions(); v.UseSSL = true; var Response = TwitterAccount.VerifyCredentials(Tokens, v); if (Response.Result == RequestResult.Success) { TwitterUser acc = Response.ResponseObject; RateLimiting status = Response.RateLimiting; Form.AppendLineToOutput("Screenname : " + acc.ScreenName); Form.AppendLineToOutput("Hourly limit : " + status.Total); Form.AppendLineToOutput("Remaining hits : " + status.Remaining); Form.AppendLineToOutput("Reset time : " + status.ResetDate.ToLocalTime() + " (" + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().Subtract(status.ResetDate).Duration().TotalMinutes + " mins left)"); return(CommandResult.Success); } else { HandleTwitterizerError <TwitterUser>(Response); return(CommandResult.Failure); } }
protected void VerifyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ResultLabel.Visible = true; OAuthTokens tokens = new OAuthTokens() { AccessToken = AKTextBox.Text, AccessTokenSecret = ASTextBox.Text, ConsumerKey = CKTextBox.Text, ConsumerSecret = CSTextBox.Text }; TwitterResponse <TwitterUser> twitterResponse = TwitterAccount.VerifyCredentials(tokens); if (twitterResponse.Result == RequestResult.Success) { ResultLabel.Text = string.Format("Success! Verified as {0}", twitterResponse.ResponseObject.ScreenName); ResultLabel.CssClass = "ResultLabelSuccess"; } else { ResultLabel.Text = string.Format("Failed! \"{0}\"", twitterResponse.ErrorMessage ?? "Not Authorized."); ResultLabel.CssClass = "ResultLabelFailed"; } }
public LoginProfile ProcessAuthoriztion(HttpContext context, IDictionary <string, string> @params) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["denied"])) { return(LoginProfile.FromError(new Exception("Canceled at provider"))); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["oauth_token"])) { var reqToken = OAuthUtility.GetRequestToken(TwitterKey, TwitterSecret, context.Request.GetUrlRewriter().AbsoluteUri); var url = OAuthUtility.BuildAuthorizationUri(reqToken.Token).ToString(); context.Response.Redirect(url, true); return(null); } var requestToken = context.Request["oauth_token"]; var pin = context.Request["oauth_verifier"]; var tokens = OAuthUtility.GetAccessToken(TwitterKey, TwitterSecret, requestToken, pin); var accesstoken = new OAuthTokens { AccessToken = tokens.Token, AccessTokenSecret = tokens.TokenSecret, ConsumerKey = TwitterKey, ConsumerSecret = TwitterSecret }; var account = TwitterAccount.VerifyCredentials(accesstoken).ResponseObject; return(ProfileFromTwitter(account)); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string pin = textBox_PIN.Text; OAuthTokenResponse res = OAuthUtility.GetAccessToken( ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, oatr.Token, pin); string AccessToken = res.Token; string AccessTokenSecret = res.TokenSecret; textBox_Output.Text += "Accesss Token: " + AccessToken + " Have gotten\r\n"; textBox_Output.Text += "Accesss Token Secret: " + AccessTokenSecret + " Have gotten\r\n"; result = new ExtendedOAuthTokens().Create(AccessToken, AccessTokenSecret, ""); bool error = false; int trycount = 0; do { try { var a = TwitterAccount.VerifyCredentials(result.OAuthTokens).ResponseObject.ScreenName; result.UserName = a; error = false; } catch { error = true; } finally { trycount++; } }while(error && trycount < 5); if (error) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to get your account data.please try later."); this.Close(); } button3.Enabled = true; }
public ColumnData ToColumnData() { var _Track = String.Join(",", ts.StreamOptions.Track); var _Follow = String.Join(",", ts.StreamOptions.Follow); if (back == null) { return(new ColumnData() { AccountName = TwitterAccount.VerifyCredentials(ts.Tokens).ResponseObject.ScreenName, Tille = this.Text, Track = _Track, Follow = _Follow, ColumnType = st, Image = "null" }); } else { var save = Application.StartupPath + "/Settings/" + this.Text[0] + ".bmp"; //try { using (var str = new FileStream(save, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)) { back.Save(str, ImageFormat.Png); } } //catch { } // 握りつぶす return(new ColumnData() { AccountName = TwitterAccount.VerifyCredentials(ts.Tokens).ResponseObject.ScreenName, Tille = this.Text, Track = _Track, Follow = _Follow, ColumnType = st, Image = "Settings/" + this.Text[0] + ".bmp" }); } }
public void VerifyCredentials() { OAuthTokens tokens = Configuration.GetTokens(); var response = TwitterAccount.VerifyCredentials(tokens, new VerifyCredentialsOptions { IncludeEntities = true }); Assert.IsNotNull(response, "response is null"); Assert.IsTrue(response.Result == RequestResult.Success, response.ErrorMessage); Assert.IsNotNull(response.ResponseObject, response.ErrorMessage); }
public static void VerifyCredentials() { OAuthTokens tokens = Configuration.GetTokens(); var response = TwitterAccount.VerifyCredentials(tokens, new VerifyCredentialsOptions { IncludeEntities = true }); Assert.IsNotNull(response); Assert.That(response.Result == RequestResult.Success); Assert.IsNotNull(response.ResponseObject); }
public static void TwitteStatus(String message) { OAuthTokens tokens = Configuration.GetTokens(); StatusUpdateOptions options = new StatusUpdateOptions(); var response = TwitterAccount.VerifyCredentials(tokens, new VerifyCredentialsOptions { IncludeEntities = true, UseSSL = true }); TwitterStatus newStatus = TwitterStatus.Update(tokens, message, options).ResponseObject; }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether [is token valid] [the specified consumer app ident]. /// </summary> /// <param name="token">The token.</param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if [is token valid] [the specified consumer app ident]; otherwise, <c>false</c>. /// </returns> public bool IsTokenValid(OAuthToken token) { try { var verify = TwitterAccount.VerifyCredentials( new OAuthTokens { ConsumerKey = token.ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret = token.ConsumerSecret, AccessToken = token.Token, AccessTokenSecret = token.TokenSecret }); return(verify.ResponseObject != null); } catch (TwitterizerException) { return(false); } catch (ArgumentException) { return(false); } }
}//end of InitializePagingVars() protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //code will load and initialize the JavaScript SDK with all standard options if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("facebook_api")) Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("facebook_api", String.Format("{0}/all.js", "en_US")); if (!Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("facebook_api_init")) Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "facebook_api_init", String.Format("FB.init({{appId: '{0}', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true, oauth: true }});", "574005609290762"), true); if (!Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("facebook_login")) { string facebookLogin = String.Format("function fblogin() {{ FB.login(function(response) {{ if (response.authResponse) {{ {0} }} else {{ {1} }}}}, {{ scope: '{2}' }});}}", this.Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this.Page, "FacebookLogin", false), this.Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this.Page, "FacebookLogout", false), "publish_stream,email"); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "facebook_login", facebookLogin, true); }//end of if if (!Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("facebook_logout")) { string facebookLogout = String.Format("function fblogout() {{ FB.logout(function(response) {{ {0} }}); }}", this.Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this.Page, "FacebookLogout", false)); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "facebook_logout", facebookLogout, true); }//end of if FacebookApp facebookApp = new FacebookApp();//holds an object of the FB //checks if the user is connected to the session if (facebookApp.Session != null && facebookApp.AccessToken != null) { var facebookUser = facebookApp.Api("me") as JsonObject;//holds the object of the user //checks if the the user has submited a condolence if(panCondoloncesThankYou.Visible == false) //displays the Condolace section panLeaveCondolence.Style.Add("display", "block"); else //closes the Leave Condolence section panLeaveCondolence.Style.Add("display", "none"); //removes the socail and user text boxes as the user is now already sign in //and turns on the label of the user and displays the logout button panCondolenceSocialOption.Visible = false; panConEnterNameEmail.Visible = false; panConNameEmail.Visible = true; panLogOutFB.Visible = true; //checks if there is a user name if (facebookUser.ContainsKey("username") && facebookUser["username"] != null) lblConnectedUser.Text = facebookUser["username"].ToString(); //checks if there is a name from FB if (facebookUser.ContainsKey("name") && facebookUser["name"] != null) //displays the name from FB lblConnectedName.Text = facebookUser["name"].ToString(); //checks if there is a email from FB if (facebookUser.ContainsKey("email") && facebookUser["email"] != null) //displays the email from FB lblConnectedEmail.Text = facebookUser["email"].ToString(); //sets the which social network the user is usiing hfObituaryCondolenceSocialNetwork.Value = "1"; }//end of if else { //adds the Social Options and allow the user to enter their own email //and removes the FB Logout and email panCondolenceSocialOption.Visible = true; panConEnterNameEmail.Visible = true; panConNameEmail.Visible = false; panLogOutFB.Visible = false; //resets all of the social fields lblConnectedUser.Text = ""; lblConnectedName.Text = ""; lblConnectedEmail.Text = ""; hfObituaryCondolenceSocialNetwork.Value = "0"; }//end of else //checks if the user is logged into twitter if (Request["oauth_token"] != null) { Session["TwitterRequestToken"] = Request["oauth_token"].ToString(); Session["TwitterPin"] = Request["oauth_verifier"].ToString(); var tokens = OAuthUtility.GetAccessToken( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"], Session["TwitterRequestToken"].ToString(), Session["TwitterPin"].ToString()); OAuthTokens oatAccess = new OAuthTokens() { AccessToken = tokens.Token, AccessTokenSecret = tokens.TokenSecret, ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"], ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"] }; TwitterResponse<TwitterUser> twitterResponse = TwitterAccount.VerifyCredentials(oatAccess);//holds the response that has come from twitter with if this is a good token if (twitterResponse.Result == RequestResult.Success) { //We now have the credentials, so make a call to the Twitter API. HtmlMeta hmTwitter = new HtmlMeta();//holds the meta takes that will go into the header HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;//holds the reference of the Header //removes the socail and user text boxes as the user is now already sign in //and turns on the label of the user panCondolenceSocialOption.Visible = false; panConEnterNameEmail.Visible = false; panConNameEmail.Visible = true; //sets the which social network the user is usiing hfObituaryCondolenceSocialNetwork.Value = "2"; //sets the username and actully name lblConnectedUser.Text = twitterResponse.ResponseObject.ScreenName; lblConnectedName.Text = twitterResponse.ResponseObject.Name; //define an HTML meta twitter:creator in the header hmTwitter.Name = "twitter:creator"; hmTwitter.Content = lblConnectedUser.Text; hmTwitter.Controls.Add(hmTwitter); //because twitter does not allow access to the email address this should not be display panConnectedEmail.Visible = false; }//end of if }//end of if DataTable dtObituaryDetails = null; if (panSidebarLinks.Visible) dtObituaryDetails = DAL.getRow("", "WHERE = '" + General.ObituaryStatus.Published.ToString() + "' AND = " + hfObituaryID.Value);//holds the Obituary details else dtObituaryDetails = DAL.getRow("", "WHERE = " + hfObituaryID.Value);//holds the Obituary details //checks if there is any details for this obituary if (dtObituaryDetails != null && dtObituaryDetails.Rows.Count > 0) { int intIndexServiceID = 0;//holds the unquie id of the row string strLastFHID = "";//holds what is the last FHID string strShareDescription = "";//holds the description that will share to the world DataTable dtImage = DAL.getRow("","Where = " + hfObituaryID.Value + " Order by ");//holds the Images for this Obituary DataTable dtObitService = DAL.getRow("", "WHERE = " + hfObituaryID.Value + " Order by , , ");//gets all services for this obituary DataTable dtObitFlowers = DAL.getRow("", "WHERE = " + hfObituaryID.Value + " AND = 1 Order by , ");//holds the Flower Recipient DataTable dtObitCards = DAL.queryDbTable("SELECT , , + ' ' + FROM WHERE = " + hfObituaryID.Value + " AND = 1"); //checks if there is any images to display if(dtImage.Rows.Count > 0) //sets an iframe to display the image slider as the image slider uses a advance jquery //the DNN does not run litImageSlider.Text = "<iframe id='iframeImageSlider' src='/ImageSlider.aspx?=" + hfObituaryID.Value + "' scrolling='no'></iframe>"; //checks if this is PrePla or Memorial n if so then change the text for Leave Condolence if (dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() == ((int)General.ObituaryType.PrePlan).ToString() || dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() == ((int)General.ObituaryType.Memorial).ToString()) { hlLeaveCondolence.Text = "Leave a Condolence or Message"; lblNoOfCondolences.Text = " Condolences or Messages"; panLeaveCondolenceTitleLeft.CssClass += " divLeaveCondolenceMmemoralTitleLeft"; }//end of if //checks if this user is logged in and they have not logged into a soical network //get there there details instead of typing it in if(Session[""] != null && panConNameEmail.Visible == false) { DataTable dtUserDetails = DAL.getRow("", "WHERE = " + Session[""].ToString());//holds the this user detail that is logged in //sets the users name and email to tell the user that this is what is going to be displayed lblConnectedName.Text = dtUserDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + " " + dtUserDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString(); lblConnectedEmail.Text = dtUserDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString(); lblReminderEmail.Text = dtUserDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString(); //displays the user name and email to tell the user who the are login in as panConNameEmail.Visible = true; //lblReminderEmail.Visible = true; panConEnterNameEmail.Visible = false; panCondolenceSocialOption.Visible = false; }//end of if //sets the condolences, the number of them for this Obituary and paging BindDesignsPanel(); //sets the on Click for the link Leave Condolence to turn it off and on hlLeaveCondolence.Attributes.Add("onClick", "javascript:toggleLayer('" + panLeaveCondolence.ClientID + "', '', '');"); hlSectionCondolence.Attributes.Add("onClick", "javascript:toggleLayer('" + panLeaveCondolence.ClientID + "', '', '');" + panLeaveCondolence.ClientID + ".scrollIntoView(true);"); //sets the basis settings lblName.Text = dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + ", " + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + " " + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString(); lblPrintName.Text = dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + ", " + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + " " + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString(); //sets the sidebar name of the user lblShareForName.Text = dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + " " + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString(); lblReminderForName.Text = dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + " " + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString(); lblReminderForName2.Text = dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + " " + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString(); //sets the title of the page Page.Title = "The Obituaries - Details for " + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + " " + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString(); //sets the flower FH sidebar panFlowersFH.Visible = Convert.ToBoolean(dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString()); //checks if there is a FHID if (Convert.ToInt32(dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString()) > 0) { //sets the FHID for this flower request hlFlowerFH.NavigateUrl += dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + "&oid=" + hfObituaryID.Value; chkFuneralHome.Text = " All announcements from <strong>" + DAL.queryDbScalar("SELECT FROM WHERE = '" + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + "'") + "</strong>"; }//end of if else //removes the Flowers FH is there is no FHID to use panFlowersFH.Visible = chkFuneralHome.Visible = false; //sets the Anotehr Address URL for flowers and cards hlSendCardsAnotherAddress.NavigateUrl = "/Obituaries/sympathycards.aspx?ObituariesID=" + hfObituaryID.Value; hlSendFlowersAnotherAddress.NavigateUrl = "/Obituaries/flower.aspx?person=2&FHPID=0&oid=" + hfObituaryID.Value; //checks if there is any flowsers if(dtObitFlowers.Rows.Count > 0) { //sets the flowers recipient in the sidebar dlFlowerRecipient.DataSource = dtObitFlowers; dlFlowerRecipient.DataBind(); }//end of if else //removes the 'or' flowers from view panFlowersOr.Visible = false; //checks if there is any cards if (dtObitCards != null && dtObitCards.Rows.Count > 0) { //sets the card recipient in the sidebar rpCardReceiver.DataSource = dtObitCards; rpCardReceiver.DataBind(); }//end of if else //removes the 'or' card from view panCardOr.Visible = false; //resets lblBirthDateAndPassingDate lblBirthDateAndPassingDate.Text = ""; //checks if there is a birth date if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString())) lblBirthDateAndPassingDate.Text += Convert.ToDateTime(dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString()).ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"); //checks that there must be both a birth\death date for - to display if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString())) lblBirthDateAndPassingDate.Text += " - "; //checks if there is a death date or a is this a pre-plan obituarie if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString())) //sets the death year lblBirthDateAndPassingDate.Text += Convert.ToDateTime(dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString()).ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"); //checks if there is any text in the lblBirthDateAndPassingDate //in order to add it to the print version if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblBirthDateAndPassingDate.Text)) lblPrintBirthDateAndPassingDate.Text = lblBirthDateAndPassingDate.Text; //sets the twitter sharing for this obituery hlShareTwiiter.NavigateUrl = "" + Server.UrlEncode("" + hfObituaryID.Value) + "&text=Obituary for " + lblName.Text; //sets the linkin sharing for this obituery ltlLinkin.Text = "<script type='IN/Share' data-url='" + Server.UrlEncode("" + hfObituaryID.Value) + "'></script>"; //checks if strShareDescription has any content if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strShareDescription)) //uses a default text as to not have DNN text display on the user's condolences strShareDescription = "A condolence for " + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + " " + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString(); //sets the Facebook sharing for this obituery litFB.Text = "<iframe src='" + Request.Url.Host + "%2FObituaries.aspx%3FObituariesID%3D" + hfObituaryID.Value + "&send=false&layout=button_count&width=60&show_faces=false&font&colorscheme=light&action=like&height=21&appId=574005609290762' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' style='overflow:hidden;height:21px;' allowTransparency='true'></iframe>"; HtmlMeta hmFB = new HtmlMeta();//holds the meta takes that will go into the header HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;//holds the reference of the Header lnkSendCardToFuneralHome.Visible = false; if (dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() == "True" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString()) && dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() != "0") { lnkSendCardToFuneralHome.NavigateUrl = "/Obituaries/sympathycards.aspx?ObituariesID=" + hfObituaryID.Value + "&FuneralHomeID=" + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString(); lnkSendCardToFuneralHome.Visible = true; }//end of if if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString())) hfObituaryCreatorEmail.Value = DAL.queryDbScalar("SELECT FROM WHERE = '" + dtObituaryDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + "'"); //resets litObituaryServices litObituaryServices.Text = ""; //checks if there is any sevices if(dtObitService.Rows.Count > 0) { //goes around adding the services of the Obituary foreach (DataRow drObitService in dtObitService.Rows) { //checks if there is a FHID or or is the different //this is different from the next one as this will skip the whole row if(Convert.ToInt32(drObitService[""].ToString()) != 0 || Convert.ToInt32(drObitService[""].ToString()) == 0 && strLastFHID != drObitService[""].ToString()) { //checks if the last FHID or is the different if(strLastFHID != drObitService[""].ToString() || Convert.ToInt32(drObitService[""].ToString()) == 0 && strLastFHID != drObitService[""].ToString()) { DataTable dtFHDetails = DAL.getRow("", "WHERE = " + Convert.ToInt32(drObitService[""].ToString()));//holds the Funeral Home details //checks if this is a the first service //as there is not last service yet if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLastFHID)) //create a ends the last serivce litObituaryServices.Text += "</div>"; //starts a new one litObituaryServices.Text += "<div class='customContainer divObiturayDetailsServiceContainer'>" + "<div class='customLeft divObiturayDetailsServiceLeft'>"; //checks if this FH is in the database and if it is a partner if (dtFHDetails != null && dtFHDetails.Rows.Count > 0) { string strSearchItemMap = "";//holds the map of the search itme //checks if there is a address to search for the google map if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString())) { //checks if there is a already a location that the user wants to use if(dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""] == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString().Trim())) //adds the funcation that will activate the google map hidden strSearchItemMap = "getLocationHiddenGeo("" + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString().Replace("'", "‘").Replace("\"", """) + "," + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString().Replace("'", "‘").Replace("\"", """) + "," + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""] + "","" + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString().Replace("'", "‘").Replace("\"", """) + "",43.64100156269233,-79.38599562435303);"; else //adds funcation that will activate the google map hidden what the user want to display strSearchItemMap = "getLocationHiddenGeo("" + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString().Replace("'", "‘").Replace("\"", """) + "," + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString().Replace("'", "‘").Replace("\"", """) + "," + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""] + "","" + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString().Replace("'", "‘").Replace("\"", """) + ""," + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""] + ");"; }//end of if //loads the ability to display the map if (panSidebarLinks.Visible) litObituaryServices.Text += "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick='" + strSearchItemMap + "toggleLayer("divHiddenHeaderMap","divGrayBG","");getDocID("lblHiddenMapName").innerHTML="Location for " + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString().Replace("'", "‘").Replace("\"", """) + " - " + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString().Replace("'", "‘").Replace("\"", """) + ", " + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + "";'><img alt='Map' src='/Portals/_default/skins/Obit/Images/obits-map.jpg' /></a>"; else litObituaryServices.Text += "<img alt='Map' src='/Portals/_default/skins/Obit/Images/obits-map.jpg' />"; }//end of if //displays a custom FH that the user has create else litObituaryServices.Text += "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick='getLocationHiddenGeo("" + drObitService[""].ToString().Replace("'", "‘").Replace("\"", """) + "," + drObitService[""].ToString().Replace("'", "‘").Replace("\"", """) + "," + drObitService[""] + "","" + drObitService[""].ToString().Replace("'","‘").Replace("\"",""") + "",43.64100156269233,-79.38599562435303);toggleLayer("divHiddenHeaderMap","divGrayBG","");getDocID("lblHiddenMapName").innerHTML="Location for " + drObitService[""].ToString().Replace("'","‘").Replace("\"",""") + " - " + drObitService[""].ToString().Replace("'","‘").Replace("\"",""") + ", " + drObitService[""].ToString() + "";'><img alt='Map' src='/Portals/_default/skins/Obit/Images/obits-map.jpg' /></a>"; litObituaryServices.Text += "</div>" + "<div class='customRight divObiturayDetailsServiceRight'>"; //checks if this FH is in the database and if it is a partner if (dtFHDetails != null && dtFHDetails.Rows.Count > 0) { //checks if this is a Publish FH or non if (dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() == "1" && panSidebarLinks.Visible) litObituaryServices.Text += "<a href='/FuneralHome.aspx?FuneralHomeId=" + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + "'>" + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + "</a>"; else litObituaryServices.Text += "<label class='lblObituaryFHServiceName'>" + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + "</label>"; litObituaryServices.Text += "<div class='divObiturayServiceLocation'>" + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + ", " + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + ", " + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + ", " + dtFHDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString() + "</div>"; }//end of if //displays a custom FH that the user has create else { //checks if there is a custom name for this custom FH if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(drObitService[""].ToString())) litObituaryServices.Text += "<label class='lblObituaryFHServiceName'>" + drObitService[""].ToString() + "</label>" + "<div class='divObiturayServiceLocation'>"; else //beacuse divObiturayServiceLocation has a padding this will move //make the address not appeaeal with the map icon this wll fix it litObituaryServices.Text += "<div class='divObiturayServiceNoCustomLocationName'>"; litObituaryServices.Text += drObitService[""].ToString() + ", " + drObitService[""].ToString() + ", " + drObitService[""].ToString() + ", " + drObitService[""].ToString() + "</div>"; }//end of else //sets the link to open the location and start the service detail div litObituaryServices.Text += "<a href='#service-location-" + intIndexServiceID + "' class='toggle-location scroll-show'>Open Location</a>" + "</div>" + "<div class='customFooter divObiturayDetailsServiceFooter'></div>"; //checks if this row is a FH or a custom address //and then updates the strLastFHID if(Convert.ToInt32(drObitService[""].ToString()) == 0) strLastFHID = drObitService[""].ToString(); else strLastFHID = drObitService[""].ToString(); }//end of if //displays the details of the service litObituaryServices.Text += "<div class='divObiturayServiceDateTime'>" + "<div class='divObiturayServiceDate'>" + "<label>" + Convert.ToDateTime(drObitService[""].ToString()).ToString("dddd, MMMM d, yyyy") + "</label>" + "</div>" + "<div class='divObiturayServiceTime'>" + "<label><strong>"; //checks which Obituary Service Type is this and displays it switch(Convert.ToInt32(drObitService[""].ToString())) { case 0: litObituaryServices.Text += "Visitation"; break; case 1: litObituaryServices.Text += "Funeral Service"; break; case 2: litObituaryServices.Text += "Graveside Service"; break; case 3: litObituaryServices.Text += "Memorial Service"; break; case 4: litObituaryServices.Text += "Non Commemorative Funeral"; break; case 6: litObituaryServices.Text += "Celebration of Life"; break; default: litObituaryServices.Text += drObitService[""].ToString(); break; }//end of switch //displays the service start time litObituaryServices.Text += " - " + Convert.ToDateTime(drObitService[""].ToString()).ToString("h:mm tt"); //checks if there is a service end time if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(drObitService[""].ToString()) && drObitService[""].ToString() != "00:00:00") //displays the service end time litObituaryServices.Text += " - " + Convert.ToDateTime(drObitService[""].ToString()).ToString("h:mm tt"); //end the details of the service litObituaryServices.Text += "</strong></label>" + "</div>" + "</div>"; intIndexServiceID++; }//end of if }//end of foreach //closes the last service litObituaryServices.Text += "</div>"; }//end of if else //remvoes the service section from display panObituaryServices.Visible = false; }//end of if //}//end of if }//end of try catch (Exception ex) { lblMainError.Text = ex.Message;// + " " + ex.StackTrace; lblMainError.Visible = true; }//end of catch }//end of Page_PreRender()