コード例 #1
        private async Task FetchInitialTwitchData()
            Console.WriteLine("Fetching public IP address ...");

            PersistantRuntimeData.Ip = await IpifyRepository.Get();

            var username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TwitchUsername"];

            Console.WriteLine($"Fetching twitch user id for {username} ... ");

            // we need to fetch our user details so that we can request web
            // hook event data from twitch
            PersistantRuntimeData.Me = (await TwitchUserRepository.GetByName(username)).Users.Single();

            Console.WriteLine($"Populating follower queue ...");

            // now that we know our user id, we can fetch our the most recent
            // follower so that it shows up on initial load
            var followers = await TwitchFollowerRepository.Get(PersistantRuntimeData.Me.Id);

            if (followers.Followers.Count > 0)
                var follower = followers

                // lets put them on the queue
                PersistantRuntimeData.Followers.Enqueue(new FollowerQueueData
                    To   = follower.To,
                    From = follower.From

            Console.WriteLine($"Requesting twitch follower notifications ... ");

            // now that we have our own user data, we can request the web hook
            // event data
            var response = await TwitchWebhookRepository.Get(
コード例 #2
        async public Task <IHttpActionResult> Get()
                // all we want to do is pop the next follower off the queue so that
                // the browser source can be unloaded and we won't lose track of
                // any followers in the process
                var follower = PersistantRuntimeData.Followers.Dequeue();

                // now we need to out to twitch again and fetch the display name of
                // the person who followed
                var details = await TwitchUserRepository.GetById(follower.From);

                // we only want to respond with the user details