コード例 #1
            //create a TwiML response based on the twilio request received
            public static TwilioResponse GetResponse(TwilioRequestVoice request, Entity.Client client, Entity.Call call)
                TwilioResponse resp = new TwilioResponse();

                //TODO: check database to see if the client has blocked all calls from this caller
                //is caller blocked?
                if (request.From == "client:blocked")
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("GetResponse.Blocked.request." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }

                    resp = GetResponseBlock(request, client, call);
                //is client available?
                else if (client == null ||
                         client.ClientState != Entity.Client.ClientStateEnum.Available)
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("GetResponse.NotAvailable.request." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }

                    resp = GetResponseVoicemail(request, client, call);
                //ask client what to do
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("GetResponse.Ask.request." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }

                    //create a call object to be sent to the client for review
                    Entity.CallBase callBase = Entity.CallBase.CreateFromTwilioRequest(request);

                    //send request to client async
                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                        ClientRequest.SendEvent(client.ClientSessionNodeId, ClientRequest.RequestEventEnum.callincoming, callBase);

                    //for now, respond with the default ringing response
                    resp = GetResponseRing(request, client, call);

                return resp;
コード例 #2
            //parse the twilio request from the httpcontext
            public static TwilioRequestVoice GetFromHttpContext(HttpContext context)
                TwilioRequestVoice request = new TwilioRequestVoice();

                NameValueCollection form = null;
                if (context != null &&
                    context.Request != null)
                    //parse from the request form
                    if (context.Request.RequestType.ToLower() == "post" &&
                        context.Request.Form != null)
                        form = context.Request.Form;

                    //parse from the query string
                    if (context.Request.QueryString != null)
                        if (form == null)
                            form = context.Request.QueryString;

                        //custom parameters only present in query string
                        request.To = context.Request.QueryString["to"];
                        bool callRecord = false;
                        bool.TryParse(context.Request.QueryString["record"], out callRecord);
                        request.CallRecord = callRecord;

                if (form != null)
                    //set property values for the request object
                    request.Settings.TwilioAccountSid = request.Settings.TwilioAccountSid ?? form["AccountSid"];
                    request.Settings.TwilioApplicationSid = request.Settings.TwilioApplicationSid ?? form["ApplicationSid"];
                    request.Caller = request.Caller ?? form["Caller"];
                    request.CallStatus = GetCallStatus(form["CallStatus"]);
                    request.Called = request.Called ?? form["Called"];
                    request.To = request.To ?? form["To"];
                    request.To = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.To) ? form["tocall"] : request.To);
                    request.CallSid = request.CallSid ?? form["CallSid"];
                    request.From = request.From ?? form["From"];
                    request.Direction = request.Direction ?? form["Direction"];
                    request.Settings.TwilioApiVersion = request.Settings.TwilioApiVersion ?? form["ApiVersion"];

                if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("GetFromHttpContext." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }

                //ensure the request is valid before returning
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Settings.TwilioAccountSid) &&
                    return request;
                    return null;
コード例 #3
            //create a TwiML response to answer the call
            public static TwilioResponse GetResponseAnswer(TwilioRequestVoice request, Entity.Client client, Entity.Call call)
                TwilioResponse resp = new TwilioResponse();

                if (client == null ||
                    client.ClientState != Entity.Client.ClientStateEnum.Available)
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("GetResponseAnswer.Unavailable.request." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }

                    //transfer to unavailable voicemail
                    return GetResponseVoicemail(request, client, call);
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("GetResponseAnswer.request." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }


                    if (request.CallRecord)
                        GetResponseRecord(resp, request, client, call);

                    resp.Say("Your call is being answered now.");

                    //find the number to dial
                    string toNumber = request.To;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toNumber))
                        toNumber = call.ToNumber;

                    //TODO: pull caller id from database
                    //caller ID is required for outbound calls; it must be registered with your twilio account
                    string callerId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DemoCallerId"];;

                    if (toNumber.StartsWith("client:"))
                        //call is being routed to a twilio client
                        Twilio.TwiML.Client clientToCall = new Twilio.TwiML.Client(toNumber.Replace("client:",""));
                        resp.Dial(clientToCall, new { callerId = callerId });
                        //call is being routed to an external number
                        Twilio.TwiML.Number number = new Twilio.TwiML.Number(toNumber);
                        resp.Dial(number, new { callerId = callerId });

                    //log the current call state
                    if (call != null)
                        call.CallResult = "answered by " + request.To;

                return resp;
コード例 #4
 //create a TwiML response to send the call to voicemail
 public static TwilioResponse GetResponseVoicemail(TwilioRequestVoice request, Entity.Client client, Entity.Call call)
     return GetResponseVoicemail(new TwilioResponse(), request, client, call);
コード例 #5
            //create a TwiML response to send the call to voicemail; appends the response to an existing response
            public static TwilioResponse GetResponseVoicemail(TwilioResponse resp, TwilioRequestVoice request, Entity.Client client, Entity.Call call)
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("GetResponseVoicemail.request." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }

                //TODO: create valid voicemail box dial plan
                resp.Say("You are being transferred to voicemail, but it's not setup yet.  Goodbye.");

                //log the current call state
                if (call != null)
                    call.CallResult = "sent to voicemail";

                return resp;
コード例 #6
            //create a TwiML response for calls to an unknown client
            public static TwilioResponse GetResponseUnknownClient(TwilioRequestVoice request, Entity.Call call)
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("GetResponseUnknownClient.request." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }

                TwilioResponse resp = new TwilioResponse();

                resp.Say("We're sorry.  The person you are trying to reach could not be found.");

                //log the current call state
                if (call != null)
                    call.CallResult = "unknown client";

                return resp;
コード例 #7
            //create a TwiML response to transfer the call
            public static TwilioResponse GetResponseTransfer(TwilioRequestVoice request, Entity.Client client, Entity.Call call)
                TwilioResponse resp = new TwilioResponse();

                if (call != null &&
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("GetResponseTransfer.request." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }

                    if (request.CallRecord)
                        GetResponseRecord(resp, request, client, call);

                    resp.Say("You are being transferred now.");

                    //TODO: pull caller id from database
                    //caller ID is required for outbound calls; it must be registered with your twilio account
                    string callerId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DemoCallerId"];

                    Twilio.TwiML.Number number = new Twilio.TwiML.Number(call.TransferTo);
                    resp.Dial(number, new { callerId = callerId });

                    //update call result
                    if (call != null)
                        call.CallResult = "transfered to " + call.TransferTo;
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Error("GetResponseTransfer.NoTransferNumber.request." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }

                    //no transfer number, send to voicemail
                    resp = GetResponseVoicemail(request, client, call);

                return resp;
コード例 #8
            //create a default ringing TwiML response
            public static TwilioResponse GetResponseRing(TwilioRequestVoice request, Entity.Client client, Entity.Call call)
                TwilioResponse resp = new TwilioResponse();

                //is client available?
                if (client == null ||
                    client.ClientState != Entity.Client.ClientStateEnum.Available)
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("GetResponseRing.Unavailable.request." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }

                    //transfer to unavailable voicemail
                    return GetResponseVoicemail(request, client, call);
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("GetResponseRing.request." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }

                    //TODO: find a ring MP3 file to play instead of just pausing with silence
                    //definte the default ringing response
                    resp.Say("Asking the person you are calling what they want to do.");

                    //if the call isn't dealt with after the specified time, then transfer the person to voicemail
                    GetResponseVoicemail(resp, request, client, call);

                    //log the current call state
                    if (call != null)
                        call.CallResult = "ringing";

                return resp;
コード例 #9
            //create a TwiML response to notify the caller that the call is being recorded; appends the response to an existing response
            public static TwilioResponse GetResponseRecord(TwilioResponse resp, TwilioRequestVoice request, Entity.Client client, Entity.Call call)
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("GetResponseRecord.request." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }

                resp.Say("This call may be recorded for quality assurance.");

                //log the current call state
                if (call != null)
                    call.CallRecord = true;

                return resp;
コード例 #10
            //create a TwiML response to ignore the call
            public static TwilioResponse GetResponseIgnore(TwilioRequestVoice request, Entity.Client client, Entity.Call call)
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("GetResponseIgnore.request." + (request == null ? "null" : request.ToJsonString())); }

                TwilioResponse resp = new TwilioResponse();

                //TODO: create an ignored voicemail box to send the call to
                resp.Say("Your call was ignored.");

                //log the current call state
                if (call != null)
                    call.CallResult = "call was ignored";

                return resp;