コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Publishes the tweets by forming the tweet message and publishing to twitter.
 /// </summary>
 private static void PublishTweetsFromFeedItems(TweetinviWrapper tweetinviWrapper, List <SyndicationItem> rssFeedItems, int startIndex)
     System.Console.WriteLine($"[PublishTweetsFromFeedItems]: Publishing '{rssFeedItems.Count - startIndex}' new tweets to the timeline.");
     for (int i = startIndex; i < rssFeedItems.Count; i++)
         string twitterMessage = GetTweetMessageFromFeedItem(rssFeedItems[i]);
コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Starting console application: 'RssFeedToTwitter'");

            // Initialize the Environment Variables
            string consumerKey      = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RssFeedToTwitter_consumerKey");
            string consumerSecret   = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RssFeedToTwitter_consumerSecret");
            string userAccessToken  = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RssFeedToTwitter_userAccessToken");
            string userAccessSecret = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RssFeedToTwitter_userAccessSecret");

            // Initialize the TweetinviWrapper with authentication details.
            TweetinviWrapper tweetinviWrapper = new TweetinviWrapper(consumerKey, consumerSecret, userAccessToken, userAccessSecret);

            // Initilize the program

            Console.WriteLine("Ending console application: 'RssFeedToTwitter'");
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The primary logic which retrieves the feed and accordingly publishes the tweets to the twitter account.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Run(TweetinviWrapper tweetinviWrapper)
            // Retrieve the feed items
            List <SyndicationItem> rssFeedItems = RssFeedHelpers.RetrieveRssFeedItemsInChronologicalOrder(RssFeedUrl);

            // Retrieve the last tweet on the timeline
            ITweet latestTweet        = tweetinviWrapper.GetLastestTweet();
            string latestTweetMessage = null;

            if (latestTweet != null)
                latestTweetMessage = GetFeedTextFromTweetMessage(latestTweet.Text);
                System.Console.WriteLine($"[Run]: The lastest tweet on the timeline is '{latestTweetMessage}'.");

            // Identify the position on the feed from where the tweets need to be published.
            // This is to ensure that the same feed item is not published as a tweet twice.
            int index = IdentifyFeedIndexPositionToStartPublishingTweets(rssFeedItems, latestTweetMessage);

            // Publish the rest of the tweets from the feed index position in chronological order.
            PublishTweetsFromFeedItems(tweetinviWrapper, rssFeedItems, index);