コード例 #1
ファイル: Player.cs プロジェクト: teamstor/aod
        private PlayerUI(WorldState world, Player entity, bool noOffset)
            _world  = world;
            _entity = entity;

            _offsetY = new TweenedDouble(world.Game, noOffset ? 0.0 : 1.0);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Camera.cs プロジェクト: teamstor/aod
 public Camera(MapEditorState state)
     _state         = state;
     Zoom           = new TweenedDouble(state.Game, 2);
     _prevTotalSize = TotalSizeOnScreen;
     _prevMapSize   = new Vector2(state.Map.Width, state.Map.Height);
コード例 #3
ファイル: MenuUI.cs プロジェクト: teamstor/aod
        private IEnumerator <ICoroutineOperation> ToggleCoroutine(bool closing)
            if (!UseTransitions)
                State  = closing ? MenuUIState.Closed : MenuUIState.Open;
                _alpha = new TweenedDouble(Parent.Game, closing ? 0 : 1);
                Area   = new TweenedVector2(Parent.Game, closing ? new Vector2(RecalculateArea(SelectedPageID).X, 7 * 2) : RecalculateArea(SelectedPageID));

                yield break;

            if (closing)
                Area.TweenTo(new Vector2(RecalculateArea(SelectedPageID).X, 7 * 2), TweenEaseType.EaseInOutSine, 0.14f);
                yield return(Wait.Seconds(Parent.Game, 0.14f - 0.06f));

                _alpha.TweenTo(closing ? 0 : 1, TweenEaseType.EaseInOutSine, 0.06f);
                yield return(Wait.Seconds(Parent.Game, 0.06f));
                Area.TweenTo(RecalculateArea(SelectedPageID), TweenEaseType.EaseInOutSine, 0.14f);
                _alpha.TweenTo(closing ? 0 : 1, TweenEaseType.EaseInOutSine, 0.06f);
                yield return(Wait.Seconds(Parent.Game, 0.14f));

            State = closing ? MenuUIState.Closed : MenuUIState.Open;
コード例 #4
ファイル: TileMenu.cs プロジェクト: teamstor/aod
        public TileMenu(Map.Environment environment, Engine.Game game)
            _environment = environment;
            Game         = game;

            Rectangle   = new TweenedRectangle(game, new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)TotalArea.X, 28));
            _screenFade = new TweenedDouble(game, 0);

コード例 #5
ファイル: MenuUI.cs プロジェクト: teamstor/aod
        public MenuUI(GameState state, string initialPageId, MenuPage initialPage, bool startClosed)
            Parent = state;
            _pages.Add(initialPageId, initialPage);
            SelectedPageID     = initialPageId;
            initialPage.Parent = this;

            State           = startClosed ? MenuUIState.Closed : MenuUIState.Open;
            _alpha          = new TweenedDouble(state.Game, startClosed ? 0 : 1);
            Area            = new TweenedVector2(state.Game, startClosed ? new Vector2(RecalculateArea(SelectedPageID).X, 7 * 2) : RecalculateArea(SelectedPageID));
            _pageTransition = new TweenedDouble(state.Game, 0);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Inventory.cs プロジェクト: teamstor/aod
        private InventoryUI(WorldState world, LivingEntity entity, bool noOffset = false)
            _state  = world;
            _entity = entity;


            _offsetY = new TweenedDouble(world.Game, noOffset ? 0.0 : 1.0);
            if (_entity.Inventory.OccupiedSlots == 0)
                _selectedSlot = -1;
コード例 #7
        public override void OnEnter(GameState previousState)
            Menu = new CombatMenu(this);

            if (_transitionRenderTarget == null)
                _transitionRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, 480, 270, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);

            _offset     = new TweenedDouble(Game, 0);
            _transition = new TweenedDouble(Game, 1);

コード例 #8
ファイル: Inventory.cs プロジェクト: teamstor/aod
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a standalone inventory UI that needs to be updated manually.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity to use the inventory with.</param>
        public InventoryUI(LivingEntity entity, GameState state, bool noOffset = false)
            _entity  = entity;
            _offsetY = new TweenedDouble(state.Game, noOffset ? 0.0 : 1.0);
            _state   = state;


            if (_entity.Inventory.OccupiedSlots == 0)
                _selectedSlot = -1;
コード例 #9
        public override void OnEnter(GameState previousState)
            _exitTransition = new TweenedDouble(Game, 0);

            MenuPage startGamePage = new MenuPage(150);

            startGamePage.Add(new MenuLabel(startGamePage, "Choose a name to begin"));
            startGamePage.Add(new MenuSpacer(4));
            startGamePage.Add(new MenuTextInput(startGamePage, "Player", "Name: "));
            startGamePage.Add(new MenuButton(startGamePage, "Start Game")).RegisterEvent(MenuElement.EventType.Clicked, (e, h) => { if (!h)
                                                                                                                                        _doneWithName = true;

            MenuPage mainPage = new MenuPage(150);

            mainPage.Add(new MenuButton(mainPage, "Start New Game", "icons/start_game.png")).
            RegisterEvent(MenuElement.EventType.Clicked, (e, h) =>
                if (!h && Coroutine.Active.Count == 0)

            mainPage.Add(new MenuButton(mainPage, "Load Game", "icons/load_game.png"));
            mainPage.Add(new MenuSpacer(4));
            mainPage.Add(new MenuButton(mainPage, "Options", "icons/settings.png", "", "")).
            RegisterEvent(MenuElement.EventType.Clicked, (e, h) => { if (!h)
            mainPage.Add(new MenuButton(mainPage, "Credits", "icons/credits.png", "", "")).
            RegisterEvent(MenuElement.EventType.Clicked, (e, h) => { if (!h)
                                                                         UI.SwitchPage("credits", false);
            mainPage.Add(new MenuSpacer(4));
            mainPage.Add(new MenuButton(mainPage, "Exit Game", "icons/arrow_left.png")).
            RegisterEvent(MenuElement.EventType.Clicked, (e, h) => { if (!h)

            MenuPage creditsPage = new MenuPage(250);

            creditsPage.Add(new MenuLabel(creditsPage, "Age of Darkness " + Program.VERSION));
            creditsPage.Add(new MenuLabel(creditsPage, "Made with MonoGame and Team STOR Engine"));
            creditsPage.Add(new MenuLabel(creditsPage, ""));
            creditsPage.Add(new MenuLabel(creditsPage, "Programming"));
            creditsPage.Add(new MenuLabel(creditsPage, "Hannes Mann", "", "", 0.8f));
            creditsPage.Add(new MenuLabel(creditsPage, ""));
            creditsPage.Add(new MenuLabel(creditsPage, "Game Design and Art"));
            creditsPage.Add(new MenuLabel(creditsPage, "Kasper Kjällström", "", "", 0.8f));
            creditsPage.Add(new MenuLabel(creditsPage, "Henrik Eriksson", "", "", 0.8f));
            creditsPage.Add(new MenuSpacer(4));
            creditsPage.Add(new MenuButton(creditsPage, "Back", "icons/arrow_left.png")).
            RegisterEvent(MenuElement.EventType.Clicked, (e, h) => { if (!h)
                                                                         UI.SwitchPage("main", true);

            UI = new MenuUI(this, "main", mainPage, true);
            UI.AddPage("credits", creditsPage);
            UI.AddPage("start-game", startGamePage);

            OptionsUI = new MenuOptions(UI, "main");


            Game.IsMouseVisible = false;
コード例 #10
ファイル: MapEditorState.cs プロジェクト: teamstor/aod
        public override void OnEnter(GameState previousState)
            if (!Directory.Exists(Settings.SettingsDirectory + "/maps"))
                // creates directories recursively
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Settings.SettingsDirectory + "/maps");

            Game.IsMouseVisible = true;
            if (previousState is WorldState)
                Map = (previousState as WorldState).Map;
                Map = new Map(50, 50, new Map.Information("Untitled", Map.Environment.Forest, Map.Weather.Sunny));

            if (Map.TransitionCache != null)
            if (Map.Atlas != null)

            Camera = new Camera(this);

            Buttons.Add("edit-tiles-mode", new Button
                Text     = "",
                Icon     = Assets.Get <Texture2D>("editor/tiles.png"),
                Position = new TweenedVector2(Game, new Vector2(-200, 114)),
                Font     = Game.DefaultFonts.Normal,
                Clicked  = (btn) =>
                    MapEditorTileEditState state = new MapEditorTileEditState();
                    if (CurrentState is MapEditorEditAttributesState)
                        state.Layer = (CurrentState as MapEditorEditAttributesState).Layer;

                    CurrentState = state;

                Active = false

            Buttons.Add("edit-attributes-mode", new Button
                Text     = "",
                Icon     = Assets.Get <Texture2D>("editor/attributes.png"),
                Position = new TweenedVector2(Game, new Vector2(-200, 114 + 32)),
                Font     = Game.DefaultFonts.Normal,
                Clicked  = (btn) =>
                    MapEditorEditAttributesState state = new MapEditorEditAttributesState();
                    if (CurrentState is MapEditorTileEditState)
                        state.Layer = (CurrentState as MapEditorTileEditState).Layer;

                    CurrentState = state;

                Active = false

            Buttons.Add("edit-info-mode", new Button
                Text     = "",
                Icon     = Assets.Get <Texture2D>("editor/info.png"),
                Position = new TweenedVector2(Game, new Vector2(-200, 114 + 32 * 2)),
                Font     = Game.DefaultFonts.Normal,
                Clicked  = (btn) =>
                    CurrentState = new MapEditorEditInfoState();

                Active = false

            Buttons.Add("keybinds-help-mode", new Button
                Text     = "",
                Icon     = Assets.Get <Texture2D>("editor/keybinds.png"),
                Position = new TweenedVector2(Game, new Vector2(-200, 114 + 32 * 3)),
                Font     = Game.DefaultFonts.Normal,
                Clicked  = (btn) =>
                    CurrentState = new MapEditorShowKeybindsState();

                Active = false

            Buttons.Add("player-view-mode", new Button
                Text     = "",
                Icon     = Assets.Get <Texture2D>("editor/player.png"),
                Position = new TweenedVector2(Game, new Vector2(-200, 114 + 32 * 4)),
                Font     = Game.DefaultFonts.Normal,
                Clicked  = (btn) =>
                    CurrentState = new MapEditorPlayerViewState();

                Active = false

            Buttons.Add("playtest", new Button
                Text     = "",
                Icon     = Assets.Get <Texture2D>("editor/arrow.png"),
                Position = new TweenedVector2(Game, new Vector2(-200, 118 + 32 * 5)),
                Font     = Game.DefaultFonts.Normal,
                Clicked  = (btn) =>
                    _doPlaytest = true;

                Active = false

            Buttons.Add("load", new Button
                Text     = "",
                Icon     = Assets.Get <Texture2D>("editor/load.png"),
                Position = new TweenedVector2(Game, new Vector2(-200, 118 + 32 * 6)),
                Font     = Game.DefaultFonts.Normal,
                Clicked  = (btn) =>
                    OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();

                    dialog.Filter           = "Map files (*.json)|*.json|All files (*.*)|*.*";
                    dialog.RestoreDirectory = true;
                    dialog.InitialDirectory = Settings.SettingsDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "maps";
                    if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        _dataOperation = DataOperation.Loading;
                        Task.Run(() =>
                            Map            = Map.Load(dialog.FileName);
                            _dataOperation = DataOperation.None;


                Active = false

            Buttons.Add("save", new Button
                Text     = "",
                Icon     = Assets.Get <Texture2D>("editor/save.png"),
                Position = new TweenedVector2(Game, new Vector2(-200, 118 + 32 * 7)),
                Font     = Game.DefaultFonts.Normal,
                Clicked  = (btn) =>
                    SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog();

                    dialog.Filter           = "Map files (*.json)|*.json|All files (*.*)|*.*";
                    dialog.RestoreDirectory = true;
                    dialog.InitialDirectory = Settings.SettingsDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "maps";
                    if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        _dataOperation = DataOperation.Saving;
                        Task.Run(() => {
                            Map.Save(new FileStream(dialog.FileName, FileMode.Create));
                            _dataOperation = DataOperation.None;


                Active = false

            Buttons.Add("exit", new Button
                Text     = "",
                Icon     = Assets.Get <Texture2D>("editor/exit.png"),
                Position = new TweenedVector2(Game, new Vector2(-200, 118 + 32 * 8)),
                Font     = Game.DefaultFonts.Normal,
                Clicked  = (btn) => { _exiting = true; },

                Active = false

            Buttons["edit-tiles-mode"].Position.TweenTo(new Vector2(10, 114), TweenEaseType.EaseOutQuad, 0.65f);
            Buttons["edit-attributes-mode"].Position.TweenTo(new Vector2(10, 114 + 32), TweenEaseType.EaseOutQuad, 0.65f);
            Buttons["edit-info-mode"].Position.TweenTo(new Vector2(10, 114 + 32 * 2), TweenEaseType.EaseOutQuad, 0.65f);
            Buttons["keybinds-help-mode"].Position.TweenTo(new Vector2(10, 114 + 32 * 3), TweenEaseType.EaseOutQuad, 0.65f);
            Buttons["player-view-mode"].Position.TweenTo(new Vector2(10, 114 + 32 * 4), TweenEaseType.EaseOutQuad, 0.65f);

            Buttons["playtest"].Position.TweenTo(new Vector2(10, 118 + 32 * 5), TweenEaseType.EaseOutQuad, 0.65f);
            Buttons["load"].Position.TweenTo(new Vector2(10, 118 + 32 * 6), TweenEaseType.EaseOutQuad, 0.65f);
            Buttons["save"].Position.TweenTo(new Vector2(10, 118 + 32 * 7), TweenEaseType.EaseOutQuad, 0.65f);
            Buttons["exit"].Position.TweenTo(new Vector2(10, 118 + 32 * 8), TweenEaseType.EaseOutQuad, 0.65f);

            _topTextY = new TweenedDouble(Game, -300);
            _topTextY.TweenTo(10, TweenEaseType.EaseOutQuad, 0.65f);

            _fade = new TweenedDouble(Game, 1.0);
            _fade.TweenTo(0, TweenEaseType.Linear, 0.5f);

            _topTextFade = new TweenedDouble(Game, 2.0);

            CurrentState = new MapEditorTileEditState();
コード例 #11
ファイル: CombatMenu.cs プロジェクト: teamstor/aod
 public CombatMenu(CombatState combat)
     AttackSlotAnimation = new TweenedDouble(combat.Game, 0);
コード例 #12
 private TextBox(WorldState world, TextBoxContent content)
     _world   = world;
     _content = content;
     _offsetY = new TweenedDouble(world.Game, 1.0);
コード例 #13
ファイル: WorldState.cs プロジェクト: teamstor/aod
        public override void OnEnter(GameState previousState)
            if (_transitionRenderTarget == null)
                _transitionRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, 480, 270, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);

            if (_spawnArgs.OldPlayer != null)
                Player = new Player(this, _spawnArgs.OldPlayer);
                Player = new Player(this, _playerName);

            if (_spawnArgs.Position != new Point(-1, -1))

            _lastPlayerPos = Player.Position;

            Player.Heading = _spawnArgs.Direction;

            for (int x = 0; x < Map.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Map.Height; y++)
                    if (Map[Tile.MapLayer.NPC, x, y] != DefaultTiles.EmptyNPC)
                        SpawnNPC(NPCTemplate.FromTile(Map[Tile.MapLayer.NPC, x, y]), new Point(x, y));

            if (_useTransiton)
                _transition = new TweenedDouble(Game, 1);
                _transition.TweenTo(0, TweenEaseType.Linear, 0.4);
                Paused = true;
                _transition = new TweenedDouble(Game, 0);

            Camera = new Camera(this);

            Game.IsMouseVisible = false;

            if (Map.TransitionCache != null)
            if (Map.Atlas != null)
コード例 #14
ファイル: PauseMenu.cs プロジェクト: teamstor/aod
        private IEnumerator <ICoroutineOperation> ShowCoroutine()
            MenuPage mainPage = new MenuPage(150);

            mainPage.Add(new MenuLabel(mainPage, "Level " + _world.Player.Level + " " + _world.Player.Name + ", " + _world.Map.Info.Name));
            mainPage.Add(new MenuSpacer(8));
            mainPage.Add(new MenuButton(mainPage, "Resume Game", "icons/start_game.png")).
            RegisterEvent(MenuElement.EventType.Clicked, (e, h) => { if (!h)
                                                                         _closed = true;
            mainPage.Add(new MenuButton(mainPage, "Options", "icons/settings.png", "", "")).
            RegisterEvent(MenuElement.EventType.Clicked, (e, h) => { if (!h)
            mainPage.Add(new MenuButton(mainPage, "Return To Main Menu", "icons/arrow_left.png")).
            RegisterEvent(MenuElement.EventType.Clicked, (e, h) => { if (!h)

            MenuPage confirmPage = new MenuPage(180);

            confirmPage.Add(new MenuLabel(confirmPage, "Are you sure you want to quit?"));
            confirmPage.Add(new MenuLabel(confirmPage, "Unsaved progress will be lost", "", "", 0.8f));
            confirmPage.Add(new MenuSpacer(4));
            confirmPage.Add(new MenuButton(confirmPage, "Go Back", "icons/arrow_right.png")).
            RegisterEvent(MenuElement.EventType.Clicked, (e, h) => { if (!h)
                                                                         _menu.SwitchPage("main", true);
            confirmPage.Add(new MenuButton(confirmPage, "Return To Main Menu", "icons/arrow_left.png")).
            RegisterEvent(MenuElement.EventType.Clicked, (e, h) => { if (!h)
                                                                         _world.Game.CurrentState = new MainMenuState();

            _menu    = new MenuUI(_world, "main", mainPage, true);
            _options = new MenuOptions(_menu, "main");
            _menu.AddPage("confirm", confirmPage);

            _alpha = new TweenedDouble(_world.Game, 0);

            _world.Paused      = true;
            _world.UpdateHook += UpdateHook;
            _world.DrawHook   += DrawHook;

            IEnumerator <ICoroutineOperation> uiEnumerator = _menu.Toggle();

            _alpha.TweenTo(1, TweenEaseType.Linear, 0.08f);
            yield return(Wait.Seconds(_world.Game, 0.18f));

            while (!_closed)
                yield return(null);

            uiEnumerator = _menu.Toggle();
            yield return(Wait.Seconds(_world.Game, 0.18f - 0.08f));

            _alpha.TweenTo(0, TweenEaseType.Linear, 0.08f);
            yield return(Wait.Seconds(_world.Game, 0.08f));

            _world.UpdateHook -= UpdateHook;
            _world.DrawHook   -= DrawHook;
            _world.Paused      = false;

            if (_completedEvent != null)

            IsShowingCompleted = true;