private void LoadSeries(int _seriesId) { TvdbSeries series = null; try { series = m_tvdbHandler.GetSeries(_seriesId, m_currentLanguage, cbLoadFull.Checked, cbLoadActors.Checked, cbLoadBanner.Checked, cbUseZipped.Checked); } catch (TvdbInvalidApiKeyException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } catch (TvdbNotAvailableException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } if (series != null) { CleanUpForm(); tabControlTvdb.SelectedTab = tabSeries; UpdateSeries(series); } }
private void cmdLoadSeries_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TvdbSeries s = m_tvdbHandler.GetSeries(Int32.Parse(txtSeriesIdForBanners.Text), TvdbLanguage.DefaultLanguage, true, true, true, true); foreach (TvdbBanner b in s.SeriesBanners) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(b.BannerPath); item.Tag = b; lvSeriesBanners.Items.Add(item); } }
public string getTitle(int seriesID, int season, int episode) { string newTitle = ""; try { if (season > 100) { TvdbEpisode e = m_tvdbHandler.GetEpisode(seriesID, new DateTime(episode, season / 100, season % 100), TvdbLanguage.DefaultLanguage); newTitle = e.EpisodeName; } else { int seasonScale = season; int episodeScale = episode; using (var client = new WebClient()) { var json = client.DownloadString(String.Format("{0}&origin=tvdb", seriesID)); RootObject m = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RootObject>(json); foreach (Datum showData in { if (showData.scene.episode == episode && showData.scene.season == season) { seasonScale = showData.tvdb.season; episodeScale = showData.tvdb.episode; break; } } } //if (seasonScale == 0 && episodeScale == 0) // return ""; TvdbSeries s = m_tvdbHandler.GetSeries(seriesID, TvdbLanguage.DefaultLanguage, true, false, false); foreach (TvdbEpisode esp in s.Episodes) { if (seasonScale == esp.SeasonNumber && episodeScale == esp.EpisodeNumber) { newTitle = esp.EpisodeName; break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message.ToString()); } newTitle = newTitle.Replace(":", "").Replace("?", "").Replace("/", "").Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace("\\", "").Replace("*", "").Replace("|", "").Replace("\"", ""); return(newTitle); }
private void cmdTest1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TvdbSeries s = m_tvdbHandler.GetSeries(73255, TvdbLanguage.DefaultLanguage, true, true, true); if (s.TvdbActorsLoaded) { List <TvdbBanner> bannerList = new List <TvdbBanner>(); foreach (TvdbActor a in s.TvdbActors) { bannerList.Add(a.ActorImage); } bcActors.BannerImages = bannerList; } }
public Serie(TvdbHandler TvdbHandler, int SerieID) { _Serie = TvdbHandler.GetSeries(SerieID, TvdbHandler.UserInfo.UserPreferredLanguage, true, true, true); _ListeSaisons = new List <Saison>(); _ListeSaisons.Add(new Saison("Spécial")); for (int i = 1; i <= _Serie.NumSeasons; i++) { _ListeSaisons.Add(new Saison("Saison " + i.ToString())); } foreach (TvdbEpisode item in _Serie.Episodes) { Console.WriteLine(item.SeasonNumber.ToString()); if (item.SeasonNumber < _ListeSaisons.Count) { _ListeSaisons[item.SeasonNumber].ListeEpisodes.Add(item); } else { Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); } } Console.WriteLine(_Serie.SeriesName + "Terminéé"); }
public string getTitle(int seriesID, int season, int episode) { string newTitle = null; //TvdbEpisode e; try { //if (season > 100) return""; if (season > 100) { TvdbEpisode e = m_tvdbHandler.GetEpisode(seriesID, new DateTime(episode, season / 100, season % 100), TvdbLanguage.DefaultLanguage); newTitle = e.EpisodeName; } else { TvdbSeries s = m_tvdbHandler.GetSeries(seriesID, TvdbLanguage.DefaultLanguage, true, false, false); foreach (TvdbEpisode esp in s.Episodes) { if (season == esp.SeasonNumber && episode == esp.EpisodeNumber) { newTitle = esp.EpisodeName; break; } } } //TvdbSeries s = m_tvdbHandler.GetSeries(seriesID, TvdbLanguage.DefaultLanguage, true, false, false); ////List<string> epList = new List<string>(); //foreach (TvdbEpisode esp in s.Episodes) //{ // if (season == esp.SeasonNumber && episode == esp.EpisodeNumber) // { // newTitle = esp.EpisodeName; // break; // } //} //newTitle = e.EpisodeName; } catch (Exception) { } if (newTitle == null) { return(""); } newTitle = newTitle.Replace(":", "").Replace("?", "").Replace("/", "").Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace("\\", "").Replace("*", "").Replace("|", "").Replace("\"", ""); return(newTitle); }
private void cmdExample1_Click(object sender, EventArgs args) { int seriesId = Int32.Parse(txtSeriesId.Text); //retrieve series "e.g. 73255 (House M.D.)" with all available information (without using zipped downloading) TvdbSeries s = m_tvdbHandler.GetSeries(seriesId, TvdbLanguage.DefaultLanguage, true, true, true, false); if (s != null) { WriteToConsole("Series Description:"); WriteToConsole("================"); WriteToConsole("Series id: " + s.Id); WriteToConsole("Name: " + s.SeriesName); WriteToConsole("Overview: " + s.Overview); WriteToConsole("Day of Week: " + s.AirsDayOfWeek); WriteToConsole("Airs Time: " + s.AirsTime.ToShortTimeString()); WriteToConsole("Banner Path: " + s.BannerPath); WriteToConsole("Content Rating: " + s.ContentRating); WriteToConsole("Fanart Path: " + s.FanartPath); WriteToConsole("First Aired: " + s.FirstAired.ToShortDateString()); WriteToConsole("Genres: " + s.GenreString); WriteToConsole("Imdb: " + s.ImdbId); WriteToConsole("Rating: " + s.Rating); WriteToConsole("Runtime: " + s.Runtime); WriteToConsole("Status: " + s.Status); WriteToConsole(" id: " + s.TvDotComId); WriteToConsole("Zap2itId id: " + s.Zap2itId); WriteToConsole(""); WriteToConsole("Episodes for " + s.SeriesName + ":"); WriteToConsole("================="); foreach (TvdbEpisode e in s.Episodes) { WriteToConsole("Season " + e.SeasonNumber + " Episode " + e.EpisodeNumber + ": " + e.EpisodeName); } WriteToConsole(""); WriteToConsole("Actors:"); WriteToConsole("======"); foreach (TvdbActor a in s.TvdbActors) { WriteToConsole(a.Name + " as " + a.Role + " (" + a.ActorImage.BannerPath + ")"); } WriteToConsole("Banner:"); WriteToConsole("======"); foreach (TvdbBanner b in s.Banners) { WriteToConsole(b.Id + ": " + b.BannerPath); } } else { WriteToConsole("Couldn't find series"); } }
private void loadToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (ListViewItem i in lvFavorites.SelectedItems) { int seriesId = (int)i.Tag; TvdbSeries series = m_tvdbHandler.GetSeries(seriesId, TvdbLanguage.DefaultLanguage, true, true, true); if (series != null) { m_loadedSeries.Add(seriesId, series); i.BackColor = Color.DarkSeaGreen; } } }
private void cmdLoadBannerTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_selectedSeriesForBannerTesting = m_tvdbHandler.GetSeries(Int32.Parse(txtSeriesIdForBanners.Text), TvdbLanguage.DefaultLanguage, true, true, true, true); if (m_selectedSeriesForBannerTesting != null) { m_bannerTestingIndex = 0; pbBannerTesting.Visible = true; pbBannerTesting.BringToFront(); LoadBanner(m_bannerTestingIndex); } else { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't load series"); } }
public virtual TvdbSeries GetSeries(int id, bool loadEpisodes, bool loadActors = false) { lock (_handler) { Logger.Debug("Fetching SeriesId'{0}' from tvdb", id); var result = _handler.GetSeries(id, TvdbLanguage.DefaultLanguage, loadEpisodes, loadActors, true, true); //Remove duplicated episodes var episodes = result.Episodes.OrderByDescending(e => e.FirstAired).ThenByDescending(e => e.EpisodeName) .GroupBy(e => e.SeriesId.ToString("000000") + e.SeasonNumber.ToString("000") + e.EpisodeNumber.ToString("000")) .Select(e => e.First()); result.Episodes = episodes.ToList(); return(result); } }
private void GetTvDBInfo(string searchMedia, string selectedLang, string fallbackLang) { const string tvDBFanartPath = ""; InitLists(); string regexSearch = AppSettings.TvDBParseString; regexSearch = regexSearch.Replace("%show%", @"(?<show>[\w\s]*)") .Replace("%season%", @"(?<season>[\d]*)") .Replace("%episode%", @"(?<episode>[\d]*)") .Replace("%episode_name%", @"(?<episodename>[\w\s]*)"); Regex searchObj = new Regex(regexSearch, RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture); Match matchResult = searchObj.Match(searchMedia); // check first if we can use the search string if (!matchResult.Success) { regexSearch = regexSearch.Replace(@"(?<episodename>[\w\s]*)", "").Trim().TrimEnd(new [] { '-' }).Trim(); searchObj = new Regex(regexSearch, RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture); matchResult = searchObj.Match(searchMedia); if (!matchResult.Success) { return; } } TvdbLanguage dbLang = _tvDbclient.Languages.Single(language => language.Abbriviation == selectedLang) ?? _tvDbclient.Languages.Single(language => language.Abbriviation == fallbackLang); List <TvdbSearchResult> searchResults = _tvDbclient.SearchSeries(matchResult.Groups["show"].Value, dbLang); if (searchResults == null) { return; } TvdbSearchResult resultShow = new TvdbSearchResult(); if (searchResults.Count > 1) { DBMultipleSelection selectWindow = new DBMultipleSelection { Owner = this, TvdbSearchResults = searchResults }; if (selectWindow.ShowDialog() == true) { resultShow = selectWindow.TvdbSelectionResult; } } else { resultShow = searchResults.Count > 0 ? searchResults.First() : null; } if (resultShow == null || resultShow.Id == 0) { return; } TvdbSeries series = _tvDbclient.GetSeries(resultShow.Id, dbLang, true, true, true, true); TvShowTitle.Text = series.SeriesName; TvShowGenre.Text = string.Join(" / ", series.Genre); TvShowRating.Text = series.Rating.ToString("g", AppSettings.CInfo); TvShowRuntime.Text = series.Runtime.ToString("g", AppSettings.CInfo); TvShowFirstAired.Text = series.FirstAired.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); TvShowPlot.Text = series.Overview; TvShowMpaaRating.Text = series.ContentRating; TvShowImdbId.Text = series.ImdbId; TvShowNetwork.Text = series.Network; foreach (TvdbEpisode episode in series.Episodes) { DBTvShowSeason season; try { season = _seasonList.First(showSeason => showSeason.SeasonNumber == episode.SeasonNumber); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { season = new DBTvShowSeason { SeasonNumber = episode.SeasonNumber, Title = episode.IsSpecial ? "Special" : "Season " + episode.SeasonNumber }; _seasonList.Add(season); } season.Episodes.Add(new DBTvShowEpisode { Directors = episode.Directors, Writers = episode.Writer, SeasonNumber = episode.SeasonNumber, Runtime = (int)series.Runtime, Rating = episode.Rating, Plot = episode.Overview, IsSpecial = episode.IsSpecial, ImdbId = episode.ImdbId, GuestStars = episode.GuestStars, FirstAired = episode.FirstAired, EpisodeTitle = episode.EpisodeName, EpisodeNumber = episode.EpisodeNumber, DvdEpisodeNumber = episode.DvdEpisodeNumber, CombinedEpisodeNumber = episode.CombinedEpisodeNumber, AbsoluteEpisodeNumber = episode.AbsoluteNumber, EpisodeImageUrl = tvDBFanartPath + episode.BannerPath, }); } TvShowSeason.ItemsSource = _seasonList; int tempInt; int.TryParse(matchResult.Groups["season"].Value, NumberStyles.Integer, AppSettings.CInfo, out tempInt); TvShowSeason.SelectedIndex = _seasonList.ToList().FindIndex(season => season.SeasonNumber == tempInt); int.TryParse(matchResult.Groups["episode"].Value, NumberStyles.Integer, AppSettings.CInfo, out tempInt); TvShowEpisodeNumber.SelectedIndex = ((List <DBTvShowEpisode>)TvShowEpisodeNumber.Items.SourceCollection).FindIndex( episode => episode.EpisodeNumber == tempInt); int imageCounter = 1; foreach (TvdbSeriesBanner banner in series.SeriesBanners) { _bannerList.Add(new MovieDBBannerImage { UrlOriginal = tvDBFanartPath + banner.BannerPath, UrlPreview = tvDBFanartPath + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(banner.ThumbPath) ? banner.ThumbPath : "_cache/" + banner.BannerPath), Title = "Online image " + imageCounter }); imageCounter++; } foreach (TvdbSeasonBanner banner in series.SeasonBanners) { _seasonBannerList.Add(new MovieDBSeasonBannerImage { UrlOriginal = tvDBFanartPath + banner.BannerPath, UrlPreview = tvDBFanartPath + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(banner.ThumbPath) ? banner.ThumbPath : "_cache/" + banner.BannerPath), Title = "Online image " + imageCounter, Season = banner.Season }); imageCounter++; } _bannerList.ToList().ForEach(image => _previewBannerList.Add(image)); _seasonBannerList.ToList().ForEach(image => _previewBannerList.Add(image)); imageCounter = 1; foreach (TvdbFanartBanner banner in series.FanartBanners) { _backdropsList.Add(new MovieDBImageInfo { Title = "Online image " + imageCounter, UrlOriginal = tvDBFanartPath + banner.BannerPath, UrlPreview = tvDBFanartPath + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(banner.ThumbPath) ? banner.ThumbPath : "_cache/" + banner.BannerPath) }); imageCounter++; } imageCounter = 1; foreach (TvdbPosterBanner banner in series.PosterBanners) { _postersList.Add(new MovieDBPosterImage { Title = "Online image " + imageCounter, UrlOriginal = tvDBFanartPath + banner.BannerPath, UrlPreview = tvDBFanartPath + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(banner.ThumbPath) ? banner.ThumbPath : "_cache/" + banner.BannerPath) }); imageCounter++; } TvShowBannerList.ItemsSource = _previewBannerList; TvShowBannerList.SelectedValue = tvDBFanartPath + "_cache/" + series.BannerPath; TvShowFanartList.ItemsSource = _backdropsList; TvShowFanartList.SelectedValue = tvDBFanartPath + "_cache/" + series.FanartPath; TvShowPosterList.ItemsSource = _postersList; TvShowPosterList.SelectedValue = tvDBFanartPath + "_cache/" + series.PosterPath; foreach (TvdbActor actor in series.TvdbActors) { _castList.Casts.Add(new MovieDBCast { Name = actor.Name, Role = actor.Role, Thumbnail = actor.ActorImage != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(actor.ActorImage.BannerPath) ? tvDBFanartPath + actor.ActorImage.BannerPath : string.Empty }); } TvShowCastList.ItemsSource = _castList.Casts; ResultTabControl.SelectedIndex = 2; }
/// <summary> /// Gets Series information from TvDB. Results will be added automatically to cache. /// </summary> /// <param name="seriesId">TvDB ID of series</param> /// <param name="loadEpisodes"><c>true</c> to load episodes</param> /// <param name="series">Returns the Series information</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if successful</returns> public bool GetSeries(int seriesId, bool loadEpisodes, out TvdbSeries series) { series = _tvdbHandler.GetSeries(seriesId, PreferredLanguage, loadEpisodes, false, false); return(series != null); }
public override bool SearchSeriesEpisode(EpisodeInfo episodeSearch, TvdbLanguage language, out List <EpisodeInfo> episodes) { language = language ?? PreferredLanguage; episodes = null; SeriesInfo seriesSearch = episodeSearch.CloneBasicInstance <SeriesInfo>(); if (episodeSearch.SeriesTvdbId <= 0) { if (!SearchSeriesUniqueAndUpdate(seriesSearch, language)) { return(false); } episodeSearch.CopyIdsFrom(seriesSearch); } if (episodeSearch.SeriesTvdbId > 0 && episodeSearch.SeasonNumber.HasValue) { TvdbSeries seriesDetail = _tvdbHandler.GetSeries(episodeSearch.SeriesTvdbId, language, true, false, false); foreach (TvdbEpisode episode in seriesDetail.Episodes.OrderByDescending(e => e.Id)) { if ((episodeSearch.EpisodeNumbers.Contains(episode.EpisodeNumber) || episodeSearch.EpisodeNumbers.Count == 0) && (episodeSearch.SeasonNumber == episode.SeasonNumber || episodeSearch.SeasonNumber.HasValue == false)) { if (episodes == null) { episodes = new List <EpisodeInfo>(); } EpisodeInfo info = new EpisodeInfo { TvdbId = episode.Id, SeriesName = new SimpleTitle(seriesDetail.SeriesName, false), SeasonNumber = episode.SeasonNumber, EpisodeName = new SimpleTitle(episode.EpisodeName, false), }; info.EpisodeNumbers.Add(episode.EpisodeNumber); info.CopyIdsFrom(seriesSearch); info.Languages.Add(episode.Language.Abbriviation); if (!episodes.Contains(info)) { episodes.Add(info); } } } if (episodes != null) { episodes.Sort(); } } if (episodes == null) { episodes = new List <EpisodeInfo>(); EpisodeInfo info = new EpisodeInfo { SeriesName = seriesSearch.SeriesName, SeasonNumber = episodeSearch.SeasonNumber, EpisodeName = episodeSearch.EpisodeName, }; info.CopyIdsFrom(seriesSearch); CollectionUtils.AddAll(info.EpisodeNumbers, episodeSearch.EpisodeNumbers); info.Languages = seriesSearch.Languages; episodes.Add(info); return(true); } return(episodes != null); }