public async Task AfterCallingCreateAndUpload_UploadedFileShouldBeTheSameAsTheOriginalFile(FileInfo file, bool passAsFileInfo) { var sut = new TusClient(); string url; if (passAsFileInfo) { url = await sut.CreateAsync(TusEndpoint, file); } else { url = await sut.CreateAsync(TusEndpoint, file.Length); } await sut.UploadAsync(url, file); var upload = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_dataDirectoryPath, $"{url.Split('/').Last()}.bin")); upload.Exists.ShouldBe(true); upload.Length.ShouldBe(file.Length); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (var uploadStream = new FileStream(upload.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { var fileBytes = new byte[fileStream.Length]; fileStream.Read(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length); var uploadBytes = new byte[uploadStream.Length]; uploadStream.Read(uploadBytes, 0, uploadBytes.Length); SHA1(uploadBytes).ShouldBe(SHA1(fileBytes)); } }
/// <summary> /// Upload a file to the Tus server. /// </summary> /// <param name="url">URL to a previously created file.</param> /// <param name="fileStream">A file stream of the file to upload. The stream will be closed automatically.</param> /// <param name="chunkSize">The size, in megabytes, of each file chunk when uploading.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token to cancel the operation with.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="UploadStatus"/> which represents the upload operation.</returns> public static async Task <UploadStatus> UploadAsync( string url, Stream fileStream, double chunkSize = 5.0, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var result = new UploadStatus(); try { var tusClient = new TusClient(); var fileUrl = await tusClient.CreateAsync(url, fileStream.Length); var uploadOperation = tusClient.UploadAsync(fileUrl, fileStream, chunkSize, cancellationToken); await uploadOperation; result.status = "Upload success"; result.url = StringParser.ConvertSourceToTus(fileUrl); return(result); } catch (Exception e) { result.errors.Add(e.ToString()); result.status = "Upload error"; return(result); } }
public async Task Upload(IFormFile file) { var filePath = SaveAndGetFilePath(file); var _file = new FileInfo(@filePath); var client = new TusClient(); var fileUrl = await client.CreateAsync("http://localhost:3000/upload", _file.Length); var uploadOperation = client.UploadAsync(fileUrl, _file, 5D); uploadOperation.Progressed += (transferred, total) => Console.WriteLine($"{((float)transferred / (float)total) * 100.00}%"); await uploadOperation; }
public async Task CallingHead_ShouldReturnProgressOfUploadedFile(FileInfo file) { var sut = new TusClient(); var url = await sut.CreateAsync(TusEndpoint, file.Length); var headBeforeUpload = await sut.HeadAsync(url); await sut.UploadAsync(url, file); var headAfterUpload = await sut.HeadAsync(url); headBeforeUpload.Headers.Keys.ShouldContain("Upload-Offset"); headBeforeUpload.Headers["Upload-Offset"].ShouldBe("0"); headAfterUpload.Headers.Keys.ShouldContain("Upload-Offset"); headAfterUpload.Headers["Upload-Offset"].ShouldBe(file.Length.ToString()); }
public async Task AfterCallingDownload_DownloadedFileShouldBeTheSameAsTheOriginalFile(FileInfo file) { var sut = new TusClient(); var url = await sut.CreateAsync(TusEndpoint, file.Length); await sut.UploadAsync(url, file); var response = await sut.DownloadAsync(url); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { var fileBytes = new byte[fileStream.Length]; fileStream.Read(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length); SHA1(response.ResponseBytes).ShouldBe(SHA1(fileBytes)); } }
public async Task CallingDelete_ShouldRemoveUploadedFile(FileInfo file) { var sut = new TusClient(); var url = await sut.CreateAsync(TusEndpoint, file.Length); await sut.UploadAsync(url, file); var uploadHeadResponse = await sut.HeadAsync(url); var deleteResult = await sut.Delete(url); deleteResult.ShouldBe(true); uploadHeadResponse.Headers.Keys.ShouldContain("Upload-Offset"); uploadHeadResponse.Headers["Upload-Offset"].ShouldBe(file.Length.ToString()); File.Exists(Path.Combine(_dataDirectoryPath, $"url.Split('/').Last()")).ShouldBe(false); }
public async void StartUpload(Queue <FileUpload> filesToUpload) { Assert.IsNull(status, "status should be null"); status = new UploadStatus(); status.filesUploaded = new List <FileUpload>(); status.filesToUpload = filesToUpload; status.projectId = filesToUpload.Peek().projectGuid; UpdateStatusBySavedProgress(status); status.totalSizeBytes = ProjectSizeFromStatus(status); status.uploadedBytes = BytesUploadedFromStatus(status); var client = new TusClient(); while (status.filesToUpload.Count != 0) { if (status.failed) { return; } bool shouldResume = false; if (status.fileInProgress == null) { status.fileInProgress = status.filesToUpload.Dequeue(); } else { shouldResume = true; } var headers = client.AdditionalHeaders; headers.Clear(); headers.Add("guid", status.fileInProgress.projectGuid.ToString()); headers.Add("type", status.fileInProgress.type.ToString()); headers.Add("Cookie", Web.formattedCookieHeader); headers.Add("filename", status.fileInProgress.filename); var filesize = FileHelpers.FileSize(status.fileInProgress.path); //NOTE(Simon): If we're not resuming, get a new fileId from the server if (!shouldResume) { (int code, string message)createResult; try { createResult = await client.CreateAsync(Web.fileUrl, filesize); } catch (Exception e) { FailUpload("Something went wrong while trying to upload this project. Please try again later", e); return; } if (createResult.code != 200) { status.filesToUpload.Enqueue(status.fileInProgress); status.fileInProgress = null; FailUpload($"HTTP error {createResult.code}: {createResult.message}"); return; } status.fileInProgressId = createResult.message; } try { var uploadOp = client.UploadAsync(status.fileInProgressId, File.OpenRead(status.fileInProgress.path), 20); uploadOp.Progressed += OnUploadProgress; var _ = await uploadOp; } catch (Exception e) { FailUpload("Something went wrong while trying to upload this project. Please try again later", e); return; } status.filesUploaded.Add(status.fileInProgress); status.fileInProgress = null; status.uploadedBytes += (ulong)filesize; status.currentFileProgressBytes = 0; //NOTE(Simon): After finishing a file, write progress to disk WriteUploadProgress(status); } ClearUploadProgress(); if (FinishUpload()) { SucceedUpload(); } else { FailUpload("Something went wrong while finishing the upload. Please try again later"); } }
/* * This example upload a local file, * transcode it and then, * download the transcoded file */ static void Main(string[] args) { // You can find your API key under Project settings in your Dashboard on Qencode portal const string apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"; const string relative_output_dir = "TranscodedOutput"; // relative output dir // This is the full file name of the source video string sourceVideoFullFileName = "E:\\dev\\My\\Sample720.flv"; // if an argument is specified, the source video file will be readed from the first argument if (args.Length >= 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[0])) { sourceVideoFullFileName = args[0]; } try { // get access token Console.WriteLine("Requesting access token..."); var q = new QencodeApiClient(apiKey); Console.WriteLine("\taccess token: '" + q.AccessToken + "'"); // create a new task Console.WriteLine("Creating a new task..."); var task = q.CreateTask(); Console.WriteLine("\tcreated new task with token: '" + task.TaskToken + "' and url for direct video upload (TUS) '" + task.UploadUrl + "'"); // direct video upload - initiate upload (get endpoint for task) Console.WriteLine("Initiate upload..."); var srcFI = new FileInfo(sourceVideoFullFileName); var client = new TusClient(); var tusUploadLocationUrl = client.CreateAsync(task.UploadUrl + "/" + task.TaskToken, srcFI.Length).Result; Console.WriteLine("\tobtained TUS upload location: '" + tusUploadLocationUrl + "'"); // direct video upload - send data var uploadOperation = client.UploadAsync(tusUploadLocationUrl, srcFI); Console.WriteLine("\ttransfer started"); uploadOperation.Progressed += (transferred, total) => { Console.CursorLeft = 0; Console.Write($"Progress: {transferred}/{total}"); }; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); uploadOperation.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Console.WriteLine("\tupload done"); // define a custom task by reading query.json and filling the ##TUS_FILE_UUID## placeholder var tusFileUUID = tusUploadLocationUrl.Substring(tusUploadLocationUrl.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); var customTrascodingJSON = File.ReadAllText("query.json").Replace("##TUS_FILE_UUID##", tusFileUUID); var customTranscodingParams = CustomTranscodingParams.FromJSON(customTrascodingJSON); // start a custom task Console.WriteLine("Custom task starting.."); Console.WriteLine(customTrascodingJSON); // start a custom task - set event handler bool taskCompletedOrError = false; task.TaskCompleted = new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler( delegate(object o, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { if (e.Error != null) { taskCompletedOrError = true; Console.WriteLine("Error: ", e.Error.Message); } var response = e.Result as TranscodingTaskStatus; if (response.error == 1) { taskCompletedOrError = true; Console.WriteLine("Error: " + response.error_description); } else if (response.status == "completed") { taskCompletedOrError = true; Console.WriteLine("Video urls: "); foreach (var video in response.videos) { Console.WriteLine(video.url); } } else { Console.WriteLine(response.status); } }); // start a custom task - start Console.WriteLine("\tstarting..."); var started = task.StartCustom(customTranscodingParams); // starts and poll // waiting Console.WriteLine("Waiting.."); while (!taskCompletedOrError) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } // get download url if (task.LastStatus == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to obtain download url"); } var outputDownloadUrl = new Uri(task.LastStatus.videos.First().url); Console.WriteLine("Output download url: '" + outputDownloadUrl.ToString() + "'"); string output_file_name = GetOutputFileName(sourceVideoFullFileName, outputDownloadUrl.Segments.Last()); Console.WriteLine("Output file name: '" + output_file_name + "'"); // download Console.WriteLine("Downloading.."); HttpFileDownload(outputDownloadUrl, relative_output_dir, output_file_name); Console.WriteLine("\tdownload done"); Environment.Exit(0); } catch (QencodeApiException e) { Console.WriteLine("Qencode API exception: " + e.Message); Environment.Exit(-1); } catch (QencodeException e) { Console.WriteLine("API call failed: " + e.Message); Environment.Exit(-1); } }