コード例 #1
    // ###########################################################

    IEnumerator playGame()
        string  temp = "";
        Vector3 pos;
        int     i;

        bool tutorial  = true;   // if true, show the tutorial text
        bool cheat     = false;  // if true, monster does not kill you, progress to next carriage
        bool calcDispx = true;   // if true, calculate values in trainStationDispX to give best view of characters


        // Loop over tracks
        for (itrack = 0; itrack < ntracks; itrack++)
            trackText.text = "Track: " + itrack.ToString();
            int nsequence = 0;

            mainCamera.transform.position = camStartPos;   // -4,0,10
            mainCamera.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, camStartRot, 0);


            yield return(StartCoroutine(trainArrives()));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.rotateTo(0, 180, 0, 20)));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.moveTo(camStartPos.x, 0, 0, 60)));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.rotateTo(0, -90, 0, 20)));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.moveTo(camStartPos.x + camTrainDisp.x, 0, 0, 60)));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.rotateTo(0, 180, 0, 20)));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.moveTo(camStartPos.x + camTrainDisp.x, 0, camTrainDisp.z, 60)));

            if (itrack > 1)

            trackText.text = "";

            mainCamera.transform.parent = train.transform;

            activateCarriages(0);   // 0 means we are in the rear carriage

            int   nacc;
            float x, astop, xst;

            xst = trainStationDispX[itrack][0];         // starting position of front of train
            float camDistFromFront = trainStationDispX[itrack][0] - (camStartPos.x + camTrainDisp.x);
            int   carriagesBehind  = 0;

            float ust = 0;

            // Process the track
            //            0   1   2   3   4
            //            000 .R3 IL3 IR3 IE.;
            int nstation = track[itrack].Length;   // 5 stations (incl beginning and end)

            for (int istation = 1; istation < nstation; istation++)
                print("station text" + track[itrack][istation]);

                float xtun0 = tunnel.transform.position.x; // starting position of tunnel back-end
                nacc = (int)((umax - ust) / astart);       // no time steps to get to max speed

                // Acceleration phase

                for (i = 0; i < nacc; i++)
                    x = xst + ust * i + 0.5f * astart * i * i;
                    train.transform.position = new Vector3(x, 0, 0);
                    cycleTunnel(x - camDistFromFront);
                    yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());
                xst = xst + ust * nacc + 0.5f * astart * nacc * nacc;   // distance covered in acc'n phase
                ust = umax;


                // Constant speed phase for n frames

                int n = Random.Range(100, 500);
                print(n + " frames at constant speed");

                for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    x = xst + i * umax;
                    train.transform.position = new Vector3(x, 0, 0);
                    cycleTunnel(x - camDistFromFront);
                    yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());
                xst = xst + n * umax;

                // ask for sequence in tunnel

                if (track[itrack][istation][0] == 'I')
                    print("wait for input");
                    textEntry.text = "---";

                    nentry = 0;                   // set by buttoms in inputMenu
                    for (i = 0; i < nsequence * nInputTime; i++)
                        if (nentry >= nsequence)
                        x = xst + i * umax;
                        train.transform.position = new Vector3(x, 0, 0);
                        cycleTunnel(x - camDistFromFront);
                        countDown.text = (nsequence * nInputTime - i).ToString();
                        yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());
                    xst = xst + i * umax;


                    temp = "";
                    for (i = 0; i < nentry; i++)
                        temp += typed_sequence[i];
                    print("typed sequence=" + temp);

                    bool correct;

                    if (nentry != nsequence)
                        correct = false;
                        correct = true;
                        for (i = 0; i < nsequence; i++)
                            if (sequence[i] != typed_sequence[i])
                                correct = false;
                    print("got it right? " + correct);

                    nsequence = 0;    // reset sequence

                    if (correct)
                        finishedMoving = false;

                        i = 0;
                        while (!finishedMoving)
                            x = xst + i * umax;
                            train.transform.position = new Vector3(x, 0, 0);
                            cycleTunnel(x - camDistFromFront);
                            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());
                        xst = xst + i * umax;
                        camDistFromFront -= tunnelLength / 2;

                        finishedMoving = false;

                        i = 0;
                        while (!finishedMoving)
                            x = xst + i * umax;
                            train.transform.position = new Vector3(x, 0, 0);
                            cycleTunnel(x - camDistFromFront);
                            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());
                        xst = xst + i * umax;
                        if (!cheat)
                            goto jumpout;         // exit to main game loop

                    // -------------------------------------------------------
                    // Fireball attack in tunnel
                    // -------------------------------------------------------
                else if (track[itrack][istation][0] == 'F')
                    StartCoroutine(fireballAttack(itrack == 3 && istation == 2));

                    i          = 0;
                    survivedFB = false;
                    while (mainCameraScript.getFireball())
                        x = xst + i * umax;
                        train.transform.position = new Vector3(x, 0, 0);
                        cycleTunnel(x - camDistFromFront);
                        yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());
                    xst = xst + i * umax;
                    if (!cheat && !survivedFB)
                        goto jumpout;

                // Slow down phase calculation

                int   sectionsDone;
                float totLength, distRemain;
                float dispx;

                if (calcDispx && istation != nstation - 1)
                    dispx = camDistFromFront - umin[itrack][istation] * nLowSpeed[itrack][istation] / 2;
                    dispx = trainStationDispX[itrack][istation];

                sectionsDone = (int)((xst - xtun0) / tunnelLength);
                totLength    = (sectionsDone + nmore) * tunnelLength;
                distRemain   = totLength - (xst - xtun0) + stationLength / 2 + dispx;
                astop        = (umin[itrack][istation] * umin[itrack][istation] - umax * umax) / (2 * distRemain);
                // v^2=u^2+2as (will be negative)

                // Move Station. Set numbers on outside characters' signs (if needed)

                station.transform.Translate(new Vector3(stationLength + totLength, 0, 0));

                //                "000 .R3 IL3 IR3 IE. ";
                if (track[itrack][istation][1] == 'E')
                else if (track[itrack][istation][1] == 'R' || track[itrack][istation][1] == 'L')
                    float z, rotY;
                    if (track[itrack][istation][1] == 'R')
                        z    = -8;
                        rotY = 0;
                        z    = 8;
                        rotY = 180;

                    int nOutChars = track[itrack][istation][2] - '0';

                    for (i = 0; i < maxOutChars; i++)

                    for (i = 0; i < nOutChars; i++)
                        outChars[i].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-(nOutChars - 1) * 2 + i * 4, 1, z);
                        outChars[i].transform.rotation      = Quaternion.Euler(0, rotY, 0);

                    outCharGroup.transform.position = new Vector3(station.transform.position.x,
                                                                  station.transform.position.y, 0);

                    for (i = 0; i < nOutChars; i++)
                        float r = Random.value;
                        if (r < 0.333)
                            temp = "1";
                        else if (r < 0.666)
                            temp = "2";
                            temp = "3";

                        sequence[nsequence] = temp;

                        Text number = outChars[i].GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
                        number.text = temp;

                    temp = "";
                    for (i = 0; i < nsequence; i++)
                        temp += sequence[i];
                    print("sequence=" + temp);
                else if (track[itrack][istation][1] == 'P')
                    // ----------------------------------------------------
                    // set preview characters
                    // ----------------------------------------------------

                    int nPreviewChars = track[itrack][istation][2] - '0';
                    print("nPreviewChars" + nPreviewChars);

                    char[] previewList;
                    previewList = new char[nPreviewChars];

                    int ind = 0;
                    i = 0;
                    while (ind < nPreviewChars)
                        if (track[itrack][istation + i + 1][1] == 'R')
                            previewList[ind] = 'R';
                        else if (track[itrack][istation + i + 1][1] == 'L')
                            previewList[ind] = 'L';

                    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        previewChars[0, i].SetActive(false);
                        previewChars[1, i].SetActive(false);

                    for (i = 0; i < nPreviewChars; i++)
                        previewChars[0, i].SetActive(true);
                        previewChars[1, i].SetActive(true);

                        string text;
                        if (previewList[i] == 'R')
                            text = "R";
                            text = "L";

                        Text number = (previewChars[0, i]).GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
                        number.text = text;

                        number      = previewChars[1, i].GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
                        number.text = text;

                    previewCharGroup.transform.position =
                        new Vector3(station.transform.position.x, station.transform.position.y, 0);

                // Slow down phase

                print("sectionsDone" + sectionsDone);
                print("slow down" + astop);
                for (i = 0; i <= (int)((umin[itrack][istation] - umax) / astop); i++)
                    x = xst + umax * i + 0.5f * astop * i * i;
                    train.transform.position = new Vector3(x, 0, 0);
                    cycleTunnel(x - camDistFromFront);
                    yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());
                xst = station.transform.position.x + dispx;
                ust = umin[itrack][istation];

                // Move slowly through the station
                // (divided into 2 parts with tutorial text between)

                if (istation != nstation)
                    for (i = 0; i < nLowSpeed[itrack][istation] / 2; i++)
                        x = xst + umin[itrack][istation] * i;
                        train.transform.position = new Vector3(x, 0, 0);
                        cycleTunnel(x - camDistFromFront);
                        yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

                    // -----------------------------------------------
                    // Put tutorial dialogs here
                    // -----------------------------------------------

                    if (tutorial && itrack == 0 && istation == 1)
                        float lookCharsOffsetZ  = -2.65f;
                        float lookCharsRotateTo = 160;

                        yield return(StartCoroutine(moveCameraTo(0, 0, lookCharsOffsetZ, 60, true)));

                        yield return(StartCoroutine(rotateCameraTo(0, lookCharsRotateTo, 0, 30)));

                        mbText.text = "What were those strange figures? " +
                                      "They didn't look human... The sequence seemed important: '" + temp + "'";

                        pressedOK = false;
                        while (!pressedOK)
                            yield return(null);

                        yield return(StartCoroutine(rotateCameraTo(0, -180, 0, 30)));

                        yield return(StartCoroutine(moveCameraTo(0, 0, -lookCharsOffsetZ, 40, true)));
                    else if (tutorial && itrack == 0 && istation == 4)
                        mbText.text = "I wasn't asked for the sequence in that tunnel " +
                                      "So I need to combine the two sequences to give: '" + temp + "'";

                        pressedOK = false;
                        while (!pressedOK)
                            yield return(null);
                    else if (tutorial && ((itrack == 1 && (istation == 2 || istation == 4 || istation == 6)) || (itrack == 2 && istation == 2)))
                        if (itrack == 1)
                            if (istation == 2)
                                mbText.text = "The little guy was telling me the next sequence would be shown on the LEFT platform. " +
                                              "Press 'SWITCH' to look out the other window";
                            else if (istation == 4)
                                mbText.text = "So I should look RIGHT in the next station, then LEFT in the station after that";
                                mbText.text = "Remember the sequence builds up (if not input) so it is now: " + temp;
                            mbText.text = "Some stations were empty...";


                        pressedOK = false;
                        while (!pressedOK)
                            yield return(null);

                    for (i = nLowSpeed[itrack][istation] / 2; i < nLowSpeed[itrack][istation]; i++)
                        x = xst + umin[itrack][istation] * i;
                        train.transform.position = new Vector3(x, 0, 0);
                        cycleTunnel(x - camDistFromFront);
                        yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());
                    xst = xst + umin[itrack][istation] * nLowSpeed[itrack][istation];

                tunnel.transform.Translate(new Vector3(3 * tunnelLength + stationLength, 0, 0));
            }  // istation loop

            print("Level complete");

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Leave train.
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


            for (i = 0; i < nCarriages; i++)

            if (mainCamera.transform.position.z > 0)
                yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.rotateTo(0, 180, 0, 30)));
                yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.rotateTo(0, 0, 0, 30)));

            pos = mainCamera.transform.localPosition;
            yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y, 0, 60)));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.rotateTo(0, 90, 0, 20)));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.moveTo(-camTrainDisp.x, 0, 0, 60, true)));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.rotateTo(0, 0, 0, 20)));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.moveTo(0, 0, camStartPos.z, 60, true)));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.rotateTo(0, camStartRot, 0, 20)));

            mainCamera.transform.parent = null;     // camera gets off train

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Move station, camera, train back to x=0
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

            Vector3 disp = mainCamera.transform.position - station.transform.position;  // how far down the train we got
            disp.y = 0;

            pos   = station.transform.position;
            pos.x = 0;
            station.transform.position = pos;

            mainCamera.transform.position = disp;

            tunnel.transform.position = new Vector3(stationLength / 2, 0, 0);

            train.transform.position = new Vector3(trainStationDispX[itrack][nstation - 1], 0, 0);

            yield return(StartCoroutine(trainLeaves()));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(mainCameraScript.moveTo(camStartPos.x, camStartPos.y, camStartPos.z, 60)));
        }  // loop over tracks

        jumpout : print("jumped out");