コード例 #1
 public HomeTheaterFacade(Amplifier amplifier, Tuner tuner, DvdPlayer dvdPlayer, CdPlayer cdPlayer, Projector projector, TheaterLights theaterLights, Screen screen, PopcornPopper popcornPopper)
     _amp       = amplifier;
     _tuner     = tuner;
     _dvd       = dvdPlayer;
     _cd        = cdPlayer;
     _projector = projector;
     _lights    = theaterLights;
     _screen    = screen;
     _popper    = popcornPopper;
コード例 #2
ファイル: QSearchTest.cs プロジェクト: respel/Chess22kDotNet
        public static void Main()
            var cb = ChessBoardInstances.Get(0);

            // read all fens, including score
            var fens = Tuner.LoadFens("d:\\backup\\chess\\epds\\violent.epd", false, true);

            Console.WriteLine("Fens found : " + fens.Count);

            // NegamaxUtil.isRunning = true;
            EngineConstants.Power2TtEntries = 1;

            double totalPositions = 0;
            double sameScore      = 0;
            long   totalError     = 0;
            var    watch          = new Stopwatch();

            foreach (var entry in fens)
                ChessBoardUtil.SetFen(entry.Key, cb);
                if (cb.CheckingPieces == 0)

                var searchScore = NegamaxUtil.CalculateBestMove(cb, ThreadData, 0, 1, Util.ShortMin, Util.ShortMax, 0);
                var qScore = QuiescenceUtil.CalculateBestMove(cb, ThreadData, Util.ShortMin, Util.ShortMax);

                if (searchScore == qScore)
                    var error = searchScore - qScore;
                    // if (error > 500) {
                    // System.out.println(searchScore + " " + qScore);
                    // QuiescenceUtil.calculateBestMove(cb, threadData, Util.SHORT_MIN, Util.SHORT_MAX);
                    // }

                    totalError += error;

            var averageError = (int)(totalError / (totalPositions - sameScore));

            Console.WriteLine($"{sameScore / totalPositions:f4} {averageError}");
            Console.WriteLine("msec: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
コード例 #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostTuner([FromBody] Tuner tuner)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetTuner", new { id = tuner.Id }, tuner));
コード例 #4
        public static async Task Main()
            //U de Mann Whitney utilizando configuración de ejemplo y configuración ajustada.
            var best_configuration = await U_Mann_Whitney.TestConfigurations(new NSGA_III_Configuration(new Vector(new float[] { 92, 100 }), "DTLZ1"), new NSGA_III_Configuration(new Vector(new float[] { 96, 100 }), "DTLZ1"), 50, 450);

            Console.WriteLine(best_configuration != null ? $"La configuración {best_configuration} demostró ser superior estadísticamente." : "No existe suficiente evidencia estadística para afirmar la superioridad de una configuración por sobre la otra.");

            Console.WriteLine($"Hora de inicio: {DateTime.Now:hh:mm:ss}\n");

            #region Black Hole
            //Punto sobre el cual se centrará la red de hipercubos
            var middle_hyperpoint = new Vector(new float[] { 50, 50 });
            //Longitud de cada dimension para cada hipercubo
            float hypercube_length = 33.3f;
            //Factor por el cual se puede amplificar la longitud de cada dimension de hipercubo
            var factor = 1;
            //Profundidad: Capas de envoltura alrededor del punto central
            var depth = 2;
            //Profundidad interior: Capas de puntos contenidos en el hipercubo
            var inner_depth = 1;
            //Cantidad de generaciones (iteraciones) que realiza la metaheurística de bajo nivel (NSGA-III) en cada evaluación
            var evaluation_duration = 200;
            //Cantidad de épocas (iteraciones) que realiza el algoritmo Black Hole
            var number_of_epochs = 10;

            #region Q-Learning
            //Cantidad de iteraciones por ronda. Cada iteración consiste en seleccionar una acción/configuración (ε-Greedy), evaluarla y recompensarla/castigarla según su resultado.
            var iterations_by_round = 100;
            //Incremento por ronda de la cantidad de generaciones (iteraciones) con las que se evalúa cada acción.
            var duration_step_between_rounds = 250;
            //Cantidad de evaluaciones por semilla aleatoria en cada iteración, las que se promedian y evalúan según su desviación estandar
            var number_of_performances_to_average = 2;
            //Cantidad de generaciones (iteraciones) utilizadas para verificar los resultados obtenidos por el Q-Learning
            var verification_duration = 1000;

            var ProblemName = "DTLZ1";

            var best_configuration_NSGA_II = await Tuner.Run(new NSGA_II_Configuration(middle_hyperpoint, ProblemName), hypercube_length, factor, depth, inner_depth, evaluation_duration, number_of_epochs, iterations_by_round, duration_step_between_rounds, number_of_performances_to_average, verification_duration);

            Console.WriteLine($"\nLa mejor configuración encontrada para el problema {ProblemName} utilizando NSGA-II es: {best_configuration_NSGA_II}\n");

            var best_configuration_NSGA_III = await Tuner.Run(new NSGA_III_Configuration(middle_hyperpoint, ProblemName), hypercube_length, factor, depth, inner_depth, evaluation_duration, number_of_epochs, iterations_by_round, duration_step_between_rounds, number_of_performances_to_average, verification_duration);

            Console.WriteLine($"\nLa mejor configuración encontrada para el problema {ProblemName} utilizando NSGA-III es: {best_configuration_NSGA_III}\n");

            Console.WriteLine($"Hora de termino: {DateTime.Now:hh:mm:ss}");

コード例 #5
    public override void PrepareToSim()
        Source sourse = schemeObject.boardObject.GetComponent <Source>();

        sourse.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = false;
        Tuner t = sourse.GetComponentInChildren <Tuner>();

        t.min = sourse.min;
        t.max = sourse.max;
        t.enabled = true;
        t.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>().enabled = true;
コード例 #6
        static void Facade()
            Screen            screen    = new Screen();
            Tuner             tuner     = new Tuner();
            DVDPlayer         dvdplayer = new DVDPlayer();
            Popcorn           popcorn   = new Popcorn();
            Amplifier         amp       = new Amplifier();
            HomeTheaterFacade facade    = new HomeTheaterFacade(screen, tuner, dvdplayer, popcorn, amp);

コード例 #7
 public HomeTheaterFacade(Amplifier amp, Tuner tuner, DvdPlayer dvd,
                          CdPlayer cd, Projector projector, Screen screen,
                          TheaterLights lights, PopcornPopper popper)
     this.amp       = amp;
     this.tuner     = tuner;
     this.dvd       = dvd;
     this.cd        = cd;
     this.projector = projector;
     this.screen    = screen;
     this.lights    = lights;
     this.popper    = popper;
コード例 #8
        private LiveTvTunerInfo GetTunerInformation(Tuner i)
            LiveTvTunerInfo tunerinfo = new LiveTvTunerInfo();

            tunerinfo.Name = i.tunerName;
            tunerinfo.Status = GetStatus(i);

            if (i.recordings.Count > 0)
                tunerinfo.ChannelId = i.recordings.Single().Recording.channelOID.ToString();

            return tunerinfo;
コード例 #9
    private LiveTvTunerInfo GetTunerInformation(Tuner i)
        LiveTvTunerInfo tunerinfo = new LiveTvTunerInfo();

        tunerinfo.Name   = i.TunerName;
        tunerinfo.Status = GetStatus(i);

        if (i.Recordings.Count > 0)
            tunerinfo.ChannelId = i.Recordings.Single().Recording.ChannelOid.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

コード例 #10
    private LiveTvTunerStatus GetStatus(Tuner i)
        if (i.Recordings.Count > 0)

        if (i.LiveTv.Count > 0)

コード例 #11
        private LiveTvTunerInfo GetTunerInformation(Tuner i)
            LiveTvTunerInfo tunerinfo = new LiveTvTunerInfo();

            tunerinfo.Name   = i.tunerName;
            tunerinfo.Status = GetStatus(i);

            if (i.recordings.Count > 0)
                tunerinfo.ChannelId = i.recordings.Single().Recording.channelOID.ToString();

コード例 #12
        private LiveTvTunerStatus GetStatus(Tuner i)
            if (i.recordings.Count > 0)
                return LiveTvTunerStatus.RecordingTv;

            if (i.liveTV.Count > 0)
                return LiveTvTunerStatus.LiveTv;

            return LiveTvTunerStatus.Available;
コード例 #13
 public HomeTheatreFacade(
     Amplifier amp,
     Tuner tuner,
     DvdPlayer dvdPlayer,
     Screen screen,
     PopcornPopper popcornPopper
     Amp           = amp;
     Tuner         = tuner;
     DvdPlayer     = dvdPlayer;
     Screen        = screen;
     PopcornPopper = popcornPopper;
コード例 #14
ファイル: SeeTest.cs プロジェクト: respel/Chess22kDotNet
        public static void Main()
            var cb = ChessBoardInstances.Get(0);

            // read all fens, including score
            var fens = Tuner.LoadFens("d:\\backup\\chess\\epds\\violent.epd", false, true);

            Console.WriteLine("Fens found : " + fens.Count);

            double sameScore    = 0;
            double totalAttacks = 0;
            var    start        = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();

            foreach (var entry in fens)
                ChessBoardUtil.SetFen(entry.Key, cb);
                MoveGenerator.GenerateAttacks(_threadData, cb);
                while (_threadData.HasNext())
                    var move = _threadData.Next();
                    if (!cb.IsLegal(move))

                    var seeScore      = SeeUtil.GetSeeCaptureScore(cb, move);
                    var materialScore = EvalUtil.CalculateMaterialScore(cb);
                    var qScore        = ChessConstants.ColorFactor[cb.ColorToMoveInverse] * materialScore -
                                        CalculateQScore(cb, move, true);
                    if (seeScore == qScore)

                    // else {
                    // seeScore = SEEUtil.getSeeCaptureScore(cb, move);
                    // qScore = ChessConstants.COLOR_FACTOR[cb.colorToMoveInverse] * materialScore - calculateQScore(cb,
                    // move, true);
                    // }


            Console.WriteLine($"{sameScore:f0} {totalAttacks:f0} = {sameScore / totalAttacks:f4}");
            Console.WriteLine("msec: " + (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds() - start));
コード例 #15
        private void Facade_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var theaterLights = new TheaterLights();
            var screen        = new Screen();
            var popcornPopper = new PopcornPopper();
            var projector     = new Projector();
            var dvdPlayer     = new DvdPlayer(projector);
            var tuner         = new Tuner();
            var cdPlayer      = new CdPlayer();
            var amplifier     = new Amplifier(tuner, cdPlayer, dvdPlayer);

            var homeTheaterFacade = new HomeTheaterFacade(amplifier, tuner, cdPlayer, dvdPlayer, theaterLights, screen, popcornPopper);

コード例 #16
        public void FacadeHomeTheater_SimplifiesInterface()
            Amplifier         amp    = new Amplifier();
            Tuner             tuner  = new Tuner();
            DvdPlayer         dvd    = new DvdPlayer();
            CdPlayer          cd     = new CdPlayer();
            Projector         proj   = new Projector();
            Screen            screen = new Screen();
            TheaterLights     light  = new TheaterLights();
            PopcornPopper     pop    = new PopcornPopper();
            HomeTheaterFacade facade = new HomeTheaterFacade(amp, tuner, dvd, cd, proj, light, screen, pop);

コード例 #17
        private static DiseqcHandlerBase createConexantHandler(Tuner tuner, IBaseFilter tunerFilter, bool logMessage)
            ConexantDiseqcHandler conexantHandler = new ConexantDiseqcHandler(tunerFilter, tuner);

            if (conexantHandler.CardCapable)

            if (logMessage)
                Logger.Instance.Write("Conexant card is not DiSEqC capable");

コード例 #18
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var amplifier     = new Amplifier();
            var cdPlayer      = new CdPlayer(amplifier);
            var dvdPlayer     = new DvdPlayer(amplifier);
            var tuner         = new Tuner(amplifier);
            var theaterLights = new TheteaterLight();
            var popCornPopper = new PopcornPopper();
            var screen        = new Screen();
            var projector     = new Projector(dvdPlayer);

            HomeTheaterFacade homeTheater = new HomeTheaterFacade(amplifier, tuner, dvdPlayer, cdPlayer,
                                                                  theaterLights, popCornPopper, screen, projector);

            homeTheater.WatchMovie("Mr Bean");
コード例 #19
    static void Main()
        Amplifier     amp       = new Amplifier();
        Tuner         tuner     = new Tuner();
        DvdPlayer     dvd       = new DvdPlayer();
        CdPlayer      cd        = new CdPlayer();
        Projector     projector = new Projector();
        Screen        screen    = new Screen();
        TheaterLights lights    = new TheaterLights();
        PopcornPopper popper    = new PopcornPopper();

        HomeTheaterFacade homeTheater = new HomeTheaterFacade(amp, tuner, dvd, cd, projector, screen, lights, popper);

        homeTheater.WatchMovie("Raiders of the Lost Ark");
コード例 #20
        private static DiseqcHandlerBase createTeviiHandler(Tuner tuner, IBaseFilter tunerFilter, bool logMessage)
            TeviiDiseqcHandler teviiHandler = new TeviiDiseqcHandler(tunerFilter, tuner);

            if (teviiHandler.CardCapable)

            if (logMessage)
                Logger.Instance.Write("Tevii card is not DiSEqC capable");

コード例 #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Amplifier   amplifier   = new Amplifier();
            CD          cd          = new CD();
            DVD         dvd         = new DVD();
            Popper      popper      = new Popper();
            Projector   projector   = new Projector();
            Screen      screen      = new Screen();
            SoundSystem soundSystem = new SoundSystem();
            Tuner       tuner       = new Tuner();
            Control     control     = new Control(new HomeTheater1(popper, screen, projector, amplifier, soundSystem, dvd, cd, tuner));


        public HomeTheatherFacade()
            amp       = new Amplifier();
            tuner     = new Tuner();
            dvd       = new DvdPlayer();
            cd        = new CdPlayer();
            projector = new Projector();
            lights    = new TheaterLights();
            screen    = new Screen();
            popper    = new PopcornPopper();

            lights.Name    = "TheaterLights";
            projector.Name = "Projector";
            amp.Name       = "Amplifier";
            popper.Name    = "Popcorn";
コード例 #23
        private static DVBS2HandlerBase createTBSHandler(IBaseFilter tunerFilter, Tuner tuner, bool logMessage)
            TBSDVBS2Handler tbsHandler = new TBSDVBS2Handler(tunerFilter, tuner);

            if (tbsHandler.DVBS2Capable)

            if (logMessage)
                Logger.Instance.Write("TBS card is not DVB-S2 capable");

コード例 #24
        private static void FacadePattern()
            Amplifier     amp       = new Amplifier("amplifier");
            Tuner         tuner     = new Tuner("tuner", amp);
            DvdPlayer     dvd       = new DvdPlayer("Dvd Player", amp);
            CdPlayer      cd        = new CdPlayer("CD Player", amp);
            Projector     projector = new Projector("Projector", dvd);
            Screen        screen    = new Screen("Screen");
            TheaterLights lights    = new TheaterLights("Theater lights");
            PopcornPopper popper    = new PopcornPopper("Popcorn popper");

            HomeTheaterFacade homeTheater = new HomeTheaterFacade(amp, tuner, dvd, cd, projector, screen, lights, popper);

            homeTheater.watchMovie("Raiders of the Lost Ark");
コード例 #25
        private static void TestFacadePattern()
            string        brand = "Top-O-Line";
            Amplifier     a     = new Amplifier(brand);
            Tuner         t     = new Tuner();
            DvdPlayer     d     = new DvdPlayer(brand);
            CdPlayer      c     = new CdPlayer(brand);
            Projector     p     = new Projector(brand);
            Screen        s     = new Screen();
            TheaterLights l     = new TheaterLights();
            PopcornPopper pp    = new PopcornPopper();

            HomeTheaterFacade homeTheater = new HomeTheaterFacade(a, t, d, c, p, s, l, pp);

            Console.WriteLine(homeTheater.WatchMovie("Black Panther"));
コード例 #26
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Amplifier        amp           = new Amplifier();
            DvdPlayer        dvdPlayer     = new DvdPlayer();
            CdPlayer         cdPlayer      = new CdPlayer();
            TheaterLights    lights        = new TheaterLights();
            Projector        projector     = new Projector();
            Screen           screen        = new Screen();
            TheaterLights    theaterLights = new TheaterLights();
            Tuner            tuner         = new Tuner();
            PopcornPopper    popper        = new PopcornPopper();
            HomeSystemFacade homeSystem    = new HomeSystemFacade(amp, tuner, dvdPlayer, cdPlayer, projector,
                                                                  lights, screen, popper);

            homeSystem.watchMovie("Inside out");
コード例 #27
        void lstMarkers_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
                FrequencyMarker marker = GetSelected();

                Tuner tuner = GetTuner();

                if (marker != null && tuner != null)
            catch (Exception)
コード例 #28
 public void Dispose()
     amp       = null;
     tuner     = null;
     dvd       = null;
     cd        = null;
     projector = null;
     lights    = null;
     screen    = null;
     popper    = null;
     expectedWatchMovieOutput    = null;
     expectedEndMovieOutput      = null;
     expectedListenToCDOutput    = null;
     expectedEndCDOutput         = null;
     expectedListenToRadioOutput = null;
     expectedEndRadioOutput      = null;
     homeTheater = null;
コード例 #29
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Amplifier     _amp       = new Amplifier();
            Tuner         _tuner     = new Tuner();
            DvdPlayer     _dvd       = new DvdPlayer();
            CdPlayer      _cd        = new CdPlayer();
            Progector     _progector = new Progector();
            TheaterLights _lights    = new TheaterLights();
            Screen        _screen    = new Screen();
            PopcornPopper _popper    = new PopcornPopper();

            HomeTheaterFacade homeTheater = new HomeTheaterFacade(_amp, _tuner, _dvd, _cd, _progector, _lights, _screen, _popper);

            homeTheater.WatchMovie("Люди в черном");
コード例 #30
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var amp       = new Amplifier();
            var tuner     = new Tuner();
            var dvd       = new DvdPlayer();
            var cd        = new CdPlayer();
            var projector = new Projector();
            var screen    = new Screen();
            var lights    = new TheaterLights();
            var popper    = new PopcornPopper();

            HomeTheaterFacade homeTheater = new HomeTheaterFacade(amp, tuner, dvd, cd, projector, screen, lights, popper);

            homeTheater.WatchMovie("Raiders of the Lost Ark");

コード例 #31
        public void FacadeTest()
            Amplifier     amp       = new Amplifier("Top-O-Line Amplifier");
            Tuner         tuner     = new Tuner("Top-O-Line AM/FM Tuner", amp);
            DvdPlayer     dvd       = new DvdPlayer("Top-O-Line DVD Player", amp);
            CdPlayer      cd        = new CdPlayer("Top-O-Line CD Player", amp);
            Projector     projector = new Projector("Top-O-Line Projector", dvd);
            TheaterLights lights    = new TheaterLights("Theater Ceiling Lights");
            Screen        screen    = new Screen("Theater Screen");
            PopcornPopper popper    = new PopcornPopper("Popcorn Popper");

            HomeTheaterFacade homeTheater =
                new HomeTheaterFacade(amp, tuner, dvd, cd,
                                      projector, screen, lights, popper);

            homeTheater.WatchMovie("Raiders of the Lost Ark");
コード例 #32
        public static void Test()
            var amp       = new Amplifier();
            var tuner     = new Tuner();
            var dvd       = new DvdPlayer();
            var cd        = new CdPlayer();
            var projector = new Projector();
            var screen    = new Screen();
            var lights    = new TheaterLights();
            var popper    = new PopcornPopper();

            var homeTheaterFacade = new HomeTheaterFacade(
                amp, tuner, dvd, cd, projector, screen, lights, popper

            homeTheaterFacade.WatchMovie("Raiders of the Lost Ark");
コード例 #33
ファイル: TvAudio.cs プロジェクト: arangas/MediaPortal-1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the filter by trying to detect it
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="crossbar">The crossbar componen</param>
 /// <param name="tuner">The tuner component</param>
 /// <param name="graph">The stored graph</param>
 /// <param name="graphBuilder">The graphBuilder</param>
 /// <returns>true, if the graph building was successful</returns>
 private bool CreateAutomaticFilterInstance(Graph graph, Tuner tuner, Crossbar crossbar, IFilterGraph2 graphBuilder)
   //get all tv audio tuner devices on this system
   DsDevice[] devices = null;
     devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AMKSTVAudio);
     devices = DeviceSorter.Sort(devices, tuner.TunerName, crossbar.CrossBarName);
   catch (Exception)
     Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvAudioFilter no tv audio devices found - Trying TvTuner filter");
   if (devices != null && devices.Length > 0)
     // try each tv audio tuner
     for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)
       IBaseFilter tmp;
       Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvAudioFilter try:{0} {1}", devices[i].Name, i);
       //if tv audio tuner is currently in use we can skip it
       if (DevicesInUse.Instance.IsUsed(devices[i]))
       int hr;
         //add tv audio tuner to graph
         hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp);
       catch (Exception)
         Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: cannot add filter to graph");
       if (hr != 0)
         //failed to add tv audio tuner to graph, continue with the next one
         if (tmp != null)
           Release.ComObject("tvAudioFilter filter", tmp);
       // try connecting the tv tuner-> tv audio tuner
       if (FilterGraphTools.ConnectPin(graphBuilder, tuner.AudioPin, tmp, 0))
         // Got it !
         // Connect tv audio tuner to the crossbar
         IPin pin = DsFindPin.ByDirection(tmp, PinDirection.Output, 0);
         hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pin, crossbar.AudioTunerIn);
         if (hr < 0)
           Release.ComObject("audiotuner pinin", pin);
           Release.ComObject("audiotuner filter", tmp);
           //succeeded. we're done
           Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvAudioFilter succeeded:{0}", devices[i].Name);
           Release.ComObject("audiotuner pinin", pin);
           _filterTvAudioTuner = tmp;
           _audioDevice = devices[i];
           _tvAudioTunerInterface = tuner.Filter as IAMTVAudio;
         // cannot connect tv tuner-> tv audio tuner, try next one...
         Release.ComObject("audiotuner filter", tmp);
   if (_filterTvAudioTuner == null)
     Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvAudioFilter no tv audio devices found - Trying TvTuner filter");
     int hr = graphBuilder.Connect(tuner.AudioPin, crossbar.AudioTunerIn);
     if (hr != 0)
       Log.Log.Error("analog: unable to add TvAudioTuner to graph - even TvTuner as TvAudio fails");
       mode = TvAudioVariant.Unavailable;
       Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvAudioFilter connected TvTuner with Crossbar directly succeeded!");
       mode = TvAudioVariant.TvTunerConnection;
       _tvAudioTunerInterface = tuner.Filter as IAMTVAudio;
       if (_tvAudioTunerInterface != null)
         Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvAudioFilter succeeded - TvTuner is also TvAudio");
         _filterTvAudioTuner = tuner.Filter;
         mode = TvAudioVariant.TvTuner;
     graph.TvAudio.Mode = mode;
     mode = TvAudioVariant.Normal;
     graph.TvAudio.Name = _audioDevice.Name;
   if (mode != TvAudioVariant.Unavailable && mode != TvAudioVariant.TvTunerConnection &&
       _tvAudioTunerInterface != null)
   return true;
コード例 #34
ファイル: TvAudio.cs プロジェクト: arangas/MediaPortal-1
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the tv audio tuner to the graph and connects it to the crossbar.
    /// At the end of this method the graph looks like:
    /// [          ] ------------------------->[           ]
    /// [ tvtuner  ]                           [ crossbar  ]
    /// [          ]----[            ]-------->[           ]
    ///                 [ tvaudio    ]
    ///                 [   tuner    ]
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="crossbar">The crossbar componen</param>
    /// <param name="tuner">The tuner component</param>
    /// <param name="graph">The stored graph</param>
    /// <param name="graphBuilder">The graphBuilder</param>
    /// <returns>true, if the graph building was successful</returns>
    public bool CreateFilterInstance(Graph graph, IFilterGraph2 graphBuilder, Tuner tuner, Crossbar crossbar)
      streams = new List<IAudioStream>();
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(graph.TvAudio.Name) && graph.TvAudio.Mode != TvAudioVariant.Unavailable)
        Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: Using TvAudio configuration from stored graph");

        if (CreateConfigurationBasedFilterInstance(graph, tuner, crossbar, graphBuilder))
          Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: Using TvAudio configuration from stored graph succeeded");
          return true;
      if (tuner.AudioPin == null)
        Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvAudioFilter no tv audio device needed!");
        mode = TvAudioVariant.Unavailable;
        return true;
      Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: No stored graph for TvAudio component - Trying to detect");
      return CreateAutomaticFilterInstance(graph, tuner, crossbar, graphBuilder);
コード例 #35
ファイル: Crossbar.cs プロジェクト: arangas/MediaPortal-1
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the cross bar filter to the graph and connects the tv tuner to the crossbar.
 /// at the end of this method the graph looks like:
 /// [tv tuner]----->[crossbar]
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tuner">The tuner component</param>
 /// <param name="graph">The stored graph</param>
 /// <param name="graphBuilder">The graphBuilder</param>
 /// <returns>true, if the graph building was successful</returns>
 public bool CreateFilterInstance(Graph graph, IFilterGraph2 graphBuilder, Tuner tuner)
   if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(graph.Crossbar.Name))
     Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: Using Crossbar configuration from stored graph");
     if (CreateConfigurationBasedFilterInstance(graph, graphBuilder, tuner))
       Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: Using Crossbar configuration from stored graph succeeded");
       return true;
   Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: No stored or invalid graph for Crossbar component - Trying to detect");
   return CreateAutomaticFilterInstance(graph, graphBuilder, tuner);
コード例 #36
ファイル: Crossbar.cs プロジェクト: arangas/MediaPortal-1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the filter based on the configuration file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tuner">The tuner component</param>
 /// <param name="graph">The stored graph</param>
 /// <param name="graphBuilder">The graphBuilder</param>
 /// <returns>true, if the graph building was successful</returns>
 private bool CreateConfigurationBasedFilterInstance(Graph graph, IFilterGraph2 graphBuilder, Tuner tuner)
   string deviceName = graph.Crossbar.Name;
   _audioTunerIn = null;
   DsDevice[] devices;
   //get list of all crossbar devices installed on this system
     devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AMKSCrossbar);
     devices = DeviceSorter.Sort(devices, graph.Tuner.Name);
   catch (Exception)
     Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter no crossbar devices found");
     return false;
   if (devices == null || devices.Length == 0)
     Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter no crossbar devices found");
     return false;
   //try each crossbar
   for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)
     IBaseFilter tmp;
     //if crossbar is already in use then we can skip it
     if (DevicesInUse.Instance.IsUsed(devices[i]))
     if (!deviceName.Equals(devices[i].Name))
     Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter use:{0} {1}", devices[i].Name, i);
     int hr;
       //add the crossbar to the graph
       hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp);
     catch (Exception)
       Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: cannot add filter to graph");
     if (hr != 0)
       //failed. try next crossbar
       if (tmp != null)
         Release.ComObject("CrossBarFilter", tmp);
     _crossBarFilter = (IAMCrossbar)tmp;
     _videoPinMap = graph.Crossbar.VideoPinMap;
     _audioPinMap = graph.Crossbar.AudioPinMap;
     _videoPinRelatedAudioMap = graph.Crossbar.VideoPinRelatedAudioMap;
     _videoOutPinIndex = graph.Crossbar.VideoOut;
     _audioOutPinIndex = graph.Crossbar.AudioOut;
     if (_videoOutPinIndex == -1)
       Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossbarFilter no video output found");
       _crossBarFilter = null;
       Release.ComObject("CrossBarFilter", tmp);
     //connect tv tuner->crossbar
     IPin tunerOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(tuner.Filter, PinDirection.Output,
     if (tunerOut != null && _videoPinMap.ContainsKey(AnalogChannel.VideoInputType.Tuner) &&
         FilterGraphTools.ConnectPin(graphBuilder, tunerOut, tmp, _videoPinMap[AnalogChannel.VideoInputType.Tuner]))
       // Got it, we're done
       _filterCrossBar = tmp;
       _crossBarDevice = devices[i];
       if (_audioTunerIn == null)
         _audioTunerIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_filterCrossBar, PinDirection.Input,
       Release.ComObject("tuner video out", tunerOut);
       _videoOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_filterCrossBar, PinDirection.Output, _videoOutPinIndex);
       if (_audioOutPinIndex != -1)
         _audioOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_filterCrossBar, PinDirection.Output, _audioOutPinIndex);
       Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter succeeded");
     // cannot connect tv tuner to crossbar, try next crossbar device
     if (tmp != null)
       Release.ComObject("crossbarFilter filter", tmp);
     if (tunerOut != null)
       Release.ComObject("tuner video out", tunerOut);
   return _filterCrossBar != null;
コード例 #37
ファイル: Crossbar.cs プロジェクト: arangas/MediaPortal-1
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the filter by trying to detect it
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="tuner">The tuner component</param>
    /// <param name="graph">The stored graph</param>
    /// <param name="graphBuilder">The graphBuilder</param>
    /// <returns>true, if the graph building was successful</returns>
    private bool CreateAutomaticFilterInstance(Graph graph, IFilterGraph2 graphBuilder, Tuner tuner)
      _audioTunerIn = null;
      DsDevice[] devices;
      //get list of all crossbar devices installed on this system
        devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AMKSCrossbar);
        devices = DeviceSorter.Sort(devices, graph.Tuner.Name);
      catch (Exception)
        Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter no crossbar devices found");
        return false;
      if (devices == null || devices.Length == 0)
        Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter no crossbar devices found");
        return false;
      //try each crossbar
      for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)
        IBaseFilter tmp;
        Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter try:{0} {1}", devices[i].Name, i);
        //if crossbar is already in use then we can skip it
        if (DevicesInUse.Instance.IsUsed(devices[i]))
        int hr;
          //add the crossbar to the graph
          hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp);
        catch (Exception)
          Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: cannot add filter to graph");
        if (hr != 0)
          //failed. try next crossbar
          if (tmp != null)
            Release.ComObject("CrossBarFilter", tmp);
        _crossBarFilter = (IAMCrossbar)tmp;
        if (_videoOutPinIndex == -1)
          Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossbarFilter no video output found");
          _crossBarFilter = null;
          Release.ComObject("CrossBarFilter", tmp);

        // Check that the crossbar has a tuner video input pin.
        IPin pinIn = null;
        if (_videoPinMap.ContainsKey(AnalogChannel.VideoInputType.Tuner))
          pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(tmp, PinDirection.Input, _videoPinMap[AnalogChannel.VideoInputType.Tuner]);
        if (pinIn == null)
          // no pin found, continue with next crossbar
          Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter no video tuner input pin detected");
          if (tmp != null)
            _crossBarFilter = null;
            Release.ComObject("CrossBarFilter", tmp);
        //connect tv tuner->crossbar
        int tempVideoPinIndex;
        if (FilterGraphTools.ConnectFilter(graphBuilder, tuner.Filter, pinIn, out tempVideoPinIndex))
          // Got it, we're done
          _filterCrossBar = tmp;
          _crossBarDevice = devices[i];
          if (_audioTunerIn == null)
            _audioTunerIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_filterCrossBar, PinDirection.Input,
          Release.ComObject("crossbar videotuner pin", pinIn);
          _videoOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_filterCrossBar, PinDirection.Output, _videoOutPinIndex);
          if (_audioOutPinIndex != -1)
            _audioOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_filterCrossBar, PinDirection.Output, _audioOutPinIndex);
          Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter succeeded");
          graph.Crossbar.AudioOut = _audioOutPinIndex;
          graph.Crossbar.AudioPinMap = _audioPinMap;
          graph.Crossbar.Name = _crossBarDevice.Name;
          graph.Crossbar.VideoOut = _videoOutPinIndex;
          graph.Crossbar.VideoPinMap = _videoPinMap;
          graph.Crossbar.VideoPinRelatedAudioMap = _videoPinRelatedAudioMap;
          graph.Tuner.VideoPin = tempVideoPinIndex;
        // cannot connect tv tuner to crossbar, try next crossbar device
        Release.ComObject("crossbar videotuner pin", pinIn);
        Release.ComObject("crossbar filter", tmp);
      return _filterCrossBar != null;