public void LoginStepTwo(SpotifyAccount account, ClientCall invoker) { //get Email string information = ""; information += "Now your Spotify-E-Mail."; Ts3Client.SendMessage(information, invoker.ClientId.Value); void handler(object sender, TextMessage textMessage) { if (textMessage.InvokerId == invoker.ClientId) { string mail = textMessage.Message.ToString(); Match m = Regex.Match(mail, @"\[URL=.*\](.*)\[\/URL\]"); if (m.Success) { = m.Groups[m.Groups.Count - 1].Value; } else { = mail; } Ts3Client.OnMessageReceived -= handler; LoginStepThree(account, invoker); } }; Ts3Client.OnMessageReceived += handler; }
public void LoginStepOne(SpotifyAccount account, ClientCall invoker) { //get Auth-Key = invoker.ClientUid.Value; var newControl = new SpotifyControl(spotifyPluginConfig, rootConf); newControl.firstTimeLogin((link) => { string information = ""; information += "Grant rights and place the code from GET-Param into this chat."; Ts3Client.SendMessage(information, invoker.ClientId.Value); Ts3Client.SendMessage(link, invoker.ClientId.Value); void handler(object sender, TextMessage textMessage) { if (textMessage.InvokerId == invoker.ClientId) { account.code = textMessage.Message.ToString(); Ts3Client.OnMessageReceived -= handler; LoginStepTwo(account, invoker); } }; Ts3Client.OnMessageReceived += handler; }); }
public static void SendMessage(Ts3Client client, ClientCall cc, string message) { if (cc?.ClientId == null) { return; } client.SendMessage(message, cc.ClientId.Value); }
public void LoginStepFour(SpotifyAccount account, ClientCall invoker, string password) { //Start Librespot and check Password string information = ""; information += "Lets check it quickly."; Ts3Client.SendMessage(information, invoker.ClientId.Value); SpotifyInstance newInstance = new SpotifyInstance(spotifyPluginConfig, account); newInstance.useLogin(, password); newInstance.startProcess(); int tries = 0; while (!newInstance.connected && tries++ < 4) { Thread.Sleep(500); } if (!newInstance.connected || newInstance.hasExited()) { Ts3Client.SendMessage("Credentials not right.", invoker.ClientId.Value); return; } SpotifyControl newControl = new SpotifyControl(spotifyPluginConfig, rootConf); newControl.logintoken(account.code, (bool success, bool tell, string accessToken, string refreshToken) => { if (success) { account.refreshToken = refreshToken; account.accessToken = accessToken; spotifyPluginConfig.accountList.Add(account); saveConfig(); Ts3Client.SendMessage("You can use Spotify now.", invoker.ClientId.Value); } else { Ts3Client.SendMessage("Something went wrong check your Auth-Token.", invoker.ClientId.Value); } }); }
public void CommandSpotifyAccount(ClientCall invoker) { SpotifyAccount account = spotifyPluginConfig.getAccount(invoker.ClientUid.Value); string accountInformation = ""; if (account.Exists()) { accountInformation += "Your Accountinformation:\n\n"; accountInformation += "Your E-Mail: " + + "\n"; accountInformation += "Your Code: " + account.code + "\n"; } else { accountInformation += "Yout dont have an Spotify-Account stored. Type !spotify account add"; } Ts3Client.SendMessage(accountInformation, invoker.ClientId.Value); }
public void LoginStepThree(SpotifyAccount account, ClientCall invoker) { //get password string information = ""; information += "Now your Spotify-Password."; Ts3Client.SendMessage(information, invoker.ClientId.Value); void handler(object sender, TextMessage textMessage) { if (textMessage.InvokerId == invoker.ClientId) { Ts3Client.OnMessageReceived -= handler; LoginStepFour(account, invoker, textMessage.Message.ToString()); } }; Ts3Client.OnMessageReceived += handler; }
public void CommandSpotifyAccountAdd(ClientCall invoker) { SpotifyAccount account = spotifyPluginConfig.getAccount(invoker.ClientUid.Value); bool cancel = false; if (spotifyPluginConfig.returnUrl.Length < 10) { Ts3Client.SendMessage("Return-URL is not set", invoker.ClientId.Value); cancel = true; } if (spotifyPluginConfig.clientSecret.Length < 10) { Ts3Client.SendMessage("clientSecret is not set", invoker.ClientId.Value); cancel = true; } if (spotifyPluginConfig.clientId.Length < 10) { Ts3Client.SendMessage("clientId is not set", invoker.ClientId.Value); cancel = true; } if (cancel == true) { Ts3Client.SendMessage("aborting", invoker.ClientId.Value); return; } if (account.Exists()) { CommandSpotifyAccount(invoker); } else { string information = "Follow instructions"; Ts3Client.SendMessage(information, invoker.ClientId.Value); LoginStepOne(account, invoker); } }