private Token DeserializeNext( byte tokenCode = Byte.MaxValue ) { var tokenPosition = CodePosition; if( tokenCode == Byte.MaxValue ) { tokenCode = FixToken( Buffer.ReadByte() ); AlignSize( sizeof(byte) ); } Token tokenItem = null; if( tokenCode >= (byte)ExprToken.FirstNative ) { tokenItem = FindNativeTable( tokenCode ); } else if( tokenCode >= (byte)ExprToken.ExtendedNative ) { tokenItem = FindNativeTable( (tokenCode - (byte)ExprToken.ExtendedNative) << 8 | Buffer.ReadByte() ); AlignSize( sizeof(byte) ); } else switch( tokenCode ) { #region Cast case (byte)ExprToken.DynamicCast: tokenItem = new DynamicCastToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.MetaCast: tokenItem = new MetaCastToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.InterfaceCast: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) // UE1 { tokenItem = new IntToStringToken(); } else { tokenItem = new InterfaceCastToken(); } break; // Redefined, can be RotatorToVector!(UE1) case (byte)ExprToken.PrimitiveCast: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) // UE1 { tokenItem = new RotatorToVectorToken(); } else // UE2+ { // Next byte represents the CastToken! tokenCode = Buffer.ReadByte(); AlignSize( sizeof(byte) ); tokenItem = DeserializeCastToken( tokenCode ); //tokenitem = new PrimitiveCastToken(); } break; #endregion #region Context case (byte)ExprToken.ClassContext: tokenItem = new ClassContextToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.InterfaceContext: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new ByteToStringToken(); } else { tokenItem = new InterfaceContextToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.Context: tokenItem = new ContextToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.StructMember: tokenItem = new StructMemberToken(); break; #endregion #region Assigns case (byte)ExprToken.Let: tokenItem = new LetToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.LetBool: tokenItem = new LetBoolToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.EndParmValue: tokenItem = new EndParmValueToken(); break; // Redefined, can be FloatToBool!(UE1) case (byte)ExprToken.LetDelegate: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new FloatToBoolToken(); } else { tokenItem = new LetDelegateToken(); } break; // Redefined, can be NameToBool!(UE1) case (byte)ExprToken.Conditional: tokenItem = new ConditionalToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.Eval: // case (byte)ExprToken.DynArrayFindStruct: case (byte)ExprToken.Conditional: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new NameToBoolToken(); } else if( Buffer.Version >= 300 ) { tokenItem = new DynamicArrayFindStructToken(); } else { tokenItem = new ConditionalToken(); } break; #endregion #region Jumps case (byte)ExprToken.Return: tokenItem = new ReturnToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.ReturnNothing: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new ByteToIntToken(); } // Definitely existed since GoW(490) else if( Buffer.Version > 420 && (DeserializedTokens.Count > 0 && !(DeserializedTokens[DeserializedTokens.Count - 1] is ReturnToken)) ) // Should only be done if the last token wasn't Return { tokenItem = new DynamicArrayInsertToken(); } else { tokenItem = new ReturnNothingToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.GotoLabel: tokenItem = new GoToLabelToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.Jump: tokenItem = new JumpToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.JumpIfNot: tokenItem = new JumpIfNotToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.Switch: tokenItem = new SwitchToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.Case: tokenItem = new CaseToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.DynArrayIterator: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new RotatorToStringToken(); } else { tokenItem = new ArrayIteratorToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.Iterator: tokenItem = new IteratorToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.IteratorNext: tokenItem = new IteratorNextToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.IteratorPop: tokenItem = new IteratorPopToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.FilterEditorOnly: tokenItem = new FilterEditorOnlyToken(); break; #endregion #region Variables case (byte)ExprToken.NativeParm: tokenItem = new NativeParameterToken(); break; // Referenced variables that are from this function e.g. Local and params case (byte)ExprToken.InstanceVariable: tokenItem = new InstanceVariableToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.LocalVariable: tokenItem = new LocalVariableToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.StateVariable: tokenItem = new StateVariableToken(); break; // Referenced variables that are default case (byte)ExprToken.UndefinedVariable: #if BORDERLANDS2 if( _Container.Package.Build == UnrealPackage.GameBuild.BuildName.Borderlands2 ) { tokenItem = new DynamicVariableToken(); break; } #endif tokenItem = new UndefinedVariableToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.DefaultVariable: tokenItem = new DefaultVariableToken(); break; // UE3+ case (byte)ExprToken.OutVariable: tokenItem = new OutVariableToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.BoolVariable: tokenItem = new BoolVariableToken(); break; // Redefined, can be FloatToInt!(UE1) case (byte)ExprToken.DelegateProperty: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new FloatToIntToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DelegatePropertyToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.DefaultParmValue: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) // StringToInt { tokenItem = new StringToIntToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DefaultParameterToken(); } break; #endregion #region Misc // Redefined, can be BoolToFloat!(UE1) case (byte)ExprToken.DebugInfo: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new BoolToFloatToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DebugInfoToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.Nothing: tokenItem = new NothingToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.EndFunctionParms: tokenItem = new EndFunctionParmsToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.IntZero: tokenItem = new IntZeroToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.IntOne: tokenItem = new IntOneToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.True: tokenItem = new TrueToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.False: tokenItem = new FalseToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.NoDelegate: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new IntToFloatToken(); } else { tokenItem = new NoDelegateToken(); } break; // No value passed to an optional parameter. case (byte)ExprToken.NoParm: tokenItem = new NoParmToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.NoObject: tokenItem = new NoObjectToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.Self: tokenItem = new SelfToken(); break; // End of state code. case (byte)ExprToken.Stop: tokenItem = new StopToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.Assert: tokenItem = new AssertToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.LabelTable: tokenItem = new LabelTableToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.EndOfScript: //CastToken.BoolToString: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new BoolToStringToken(); } else { tokenItem = new EndOfScriptToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.Skip: tokenItem = new SkipToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.StructCmpEq: tokenItem = new StructCmpEqToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.StructCmpNE: tokenItem = new StructCmpNeToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.DelegateCmpEq: tokenItem = new DelegateCmpEqToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.DelegateFunctionCmpEq: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new IntToBoolToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DelegateFunctionCmpEqToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.DelegateCmpNE: tokenItem = new DelegateCmpNEToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.DelegateFunctionCmpNE: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new IntToBoolToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DelegateFunctionCmpNEToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.InstanceDelegate: tokenItem = new InstanceDelegateToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.EatString: tokenItem = new EatStringToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.New: tokenItem = new NewToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.FunctionEnd: // case (byte)ExprToken.DynArrayFind: if( Buffer.Version < 300 ) { tokenItem = new EndOfScriptToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DynamicArrayFindToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.VarInt: case (byte)ExprToken.VarFloat: case (byte)ExprToken.VarByte: case (byte)ExprToken.VarBool: //case (byte)ExprToken.VarObject: // See UndefinedVariable if (_Container.Package.Build == UnrealPackage.GameBuild.BuildName.Mass_Effect) { // Don't know what this op code is for.... just know it takes two bytes. tokenItem = new MassEffectUnknownToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DynamicVariableToken(); } break; #endregion #region Constants case (byte)ExprToken.IntConst: tokenItem = new IntConstToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.ByteConst: tokenItem = new ByteConstToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.IntConstByte: tokenItem = new IntConstByteToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.FloatConst: tokenItem = new FloatConstToken(); break; // ClassConst? case (byte)ExprToken.ObjectConst: tokenItem = new ObjectConstToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.NameConst: tokenItem = new NameConstToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.StringConst: tokenItem = new StringConstToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.UniStringConst: tokenItem = new UniStringConstToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.RotatorConst: tokenItem = new RotatorConstToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.VectorConst: tokenItem = new VectorConstToken(); break; #endregion #region Functions case (byte)ExprToken.FinalFunction: tokenItem = new FinalFunctionToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.VirtualFunction: tokenItem = new VirtualFunctionToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.GlobalFunction: tokenItem = new GlobalFunctionToken(); break; // Redefined, can be FloatToByte!(UE1) case (byte)ExprToken.DelegateFunction: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new FloatToByteToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DelegateFunctionToken(); } break; #endregion #region Arrays case (byte)ExprToken.ArrayElement: tokenItem = new ArrayElementToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.DynArrayElement: tokenItem = new DynamicArrayElementToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.DynArrayLength: tokenItem = new DynamicArrayLengthToken(); break; case (byte)ExprToken.DynArrayInsert: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new BoolToByteToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DynamicArrayInsertToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.DynArrayInsertItem: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new VectorToStringToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DynamicArrayInsertItemToken(); } break; // Redefined, can be BoolToInt!(UE1) case (byte)ExprToken.DynArrayRemove: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new BoolToIntToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DynamicArrayRemoveToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.DynArrayRemoveItem: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new NameToStringToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DynamicArrayRemoveItemToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.DynArrayAdd: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new FloatToStringToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DynamicArrayAddToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.DynArrayAddItem: if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { tokenItem = new ObjectToStringToken(); } else { tokenItem = new DynamicArrayAddItemToken(); } break; case (byte)ExprToken.DynArraySort: tokenItem = new DynamicArraySortToken(); break; // See FunctionEnd and Eval /*case (byte)ExprToken.DynArrayFind: break; case (byte)ExprToken.DynArrayFindStruct: break;*/ #endregion default: { #region Casts if( Buffer.Version < PrimitveCastVersion ) { // No other token was matched. Check if it matches any of the CastTokens // We don't just use PrimitiveCast detection due compatible with UE1 games tokenItem = DeserializeCastToken( tokenCode ); } break; #endregion } } if( tokenItem == null ) { tokenItem = new UnknownExprToken(); } Console.Out.WriteLine("Token is: "+ tokenCode.ToString("X") + " type: " + tokenItem.GetType().Name + " pos: " + Buffer.Position); tokenItem.Decompiler = this; tokenItem.RepresentToken = tokenCode; tokenItem.Position = tokenPosition;// + (uint)Owner._ScriptOffset; tokenItem.StoragePosition = (uint)Buffer.Position - (uint)_Container.ScriptOffset - 1; // IMPORTANT:Add before deserialize, due the possibility that the tokenitem might deserialize other tokens as well. DeserializedTokens.Add( tokenItem ); tokenItem.Deserialize( Buffer ); // Includes all sizes of followed tokens as well! e.g. i = i + 1; is summed here but not i = i +1; (not>>)i ++; tokenItem.Size = (ushort)(CodePosition - tokenPosition); tokenItem.StorageSize = (ushort)((uint)Buffer.Position - (uint)_Container.ScriptOffset - tokenItem.StoragePosition); tokenItem.PostDeserialized(); return tokenItem; }
public virtual T applyToTrueToken(TrueToken operand) { return(applyToParseTreeNode(operand)); }
public override AbstractSyntaxTreeNode applyToTrueToken(TrueToken operand) { return(Context.newReducedNode(trueConstant)); }
public Literal(TrueToken token) : base(token) { }