private void LoadDataGridView() { using (var db = new WTCCeresEntities()) { listTruckDriver = TruckDriverService.GetDriverTruckDropBox(db); } var L = (from b in listTruckDriver where b.TruckDriverId.Equals(DriverId) select b).ToList(); TruckDriverListBindingSourceGridView.DataSource = L.ToList(); }
public bool VerifyPortPassId(string PortPass, int TruckDriverId) { bool isPort = false; string PortPassOld = ""; var L = TruckDriverService.GetByTruckId(TruckDriverId); foreach (var item in L) { PortPassOld = item.PortPassId; } if ((PortPass ?? "") == (PortPassOld ?? "")) { isPort = true; return(isPort); return(default);
/* TODO ERROR: Skipped EndRegionDirectiveTrivia */ /* TODO ERROR: Skipped RegionDirectiveTrivia */ public void LoadForm() { if (TruckDriverId == 0) { tblTruckDriver.Visible = true; // tblPassCard.Visible = True CompaniesNameBindingSource.DataSource = CompanyService.GetCompaniesDropBoxByType("Drayage Provider", true); txtPassID.Text = ""; txtFirstName.Text = ""; txtLastName.Text = ""; txtTruckNumber.Text = ""; ddlTruckCompanie.Text = ""; lblTitle.Text = "Add New Driver"; ClearForm(true); txtPassID.Select(); } else { tblTruckDriver.Visible = false; // tblPassCard.Visible = False var listDriver = TruckDriverService.GetByTruckId(TruckDriverId); foreach (TruckDriver item in listDriver) { txtFirstName.Text = item.FirstName.TrimEnd(); txtLastName.Text = item.LastName.TrimEnd(); if (Information.IsNothing(item.SuspendTruckDriver)) { ckbSuspend.Checked = false; } else { ckbSuspend.Checked = item.SuspendTruckDriver == true; } txtPassID.Text = item.PortPassId; txtTruckNumber.Text = item.TruckNumber; } lblTitle.Text = "Update Info Driver"; ClearForm(false); } }
public void LoadForm() { using (var db = new WTCCeresEntities()) { CompaniesNameBindingSource.DataSource = CompanyService.GetCompaniesDropBoxByTypeId(6, db); listTruckDriver = TruckDriverService.GetDriverTruckDropBox(db); } if (DriverId != 0) { var List = (from b in listTruckDriver where b.TruckDriverId.Equals(DriverId) select b).ToList(); foreach (var item in List) { lblNameDriver.Text = item.FirstName + " " + item.LastName; } TruckDriverListBindingSourceGridView.DataSource = List.ToList(); } }
public bool VerifyPortPassId(string PortPass, int TruckCompanyId) { bool isPort = false; string PortPassOld = ""; var L = TruckDriverCompanyService.GetById(TruckCompanyId); foreach (var item in L) { var Li = TruckDriverService.GetByTruckId((int)item.TruckDriverId); foreach (var itemd in Li) { PortPassOld = itemd.PortPassId; } } if ((PortPass ?? "") == (PortPassOld ?? "")) { isPort = true; return(isPort); } return(isPort); }
/* TODO ERROR: Skipped RegionDirectiveTrivia */ private void btnSuspend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Se activeToggleSwitch = True na base de dados tem que estar false if (activeToggleSwitch.Value == true) { if (My.MyProject.Forms.MessageBoxCeresYesNo.ShowDialog("Are you sure you want to suspend the selected truck driver?", "", My.Resources.Resources.warning, this) == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvTruckDrivers.Rows) { try { string value = Conversions.ToString(row.Cells[0].Value); short IdTruckDriver = Conversions.ToShort(row.Cells[1].Value); if (!Information.IsNothing(value) && value.Equals("✔")) { if (TruckDriverService.SuspendTruckDriver(IdTruckDriver, false) == false) { My.MyProject.Forms.MessageBoxCeresOK.ShowDialog("Error updating data. Contact the IT department. Code Error #1365.", "", this); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { string a = ex.ToString(); } } My.MyProject.Forms.MessageBoxCeresOK.ShowDialog("Information updated successfully.", "", this); // btnSuspend.Visible = False } } else if (My.MyProject.Forms.MessageBoxCeresYesNo.ShowDialog("Are you sure you want to revoke suspend the selected truck driver?", "", My.Resources.Resources.warning, this) == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvTruckDrivers.Rows) { try { string value = Conversions.ToString(row.Cells[0].Value); short IdTruckDriver = Conversions.ToShort(row.Cells[1].Value); if (!Information.IsNothing(value) && value.Equals("✔")) { if (TruckDriverService.SuspendTruckDriver(IdTruckDriver, false) == true) { My.MyProject.Forms.MessageBoxCeresOK.ShowDialog("Error updating data. Contact the IT department. Code Error #1365.", "", this); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { string a = ex.ToString(); } } My.MyProject.Forms.MessageBoxCeresOK.ShowDialog("Information updated successfully.", "", this); // btnSuspend.Visible = False } waitLoading.Show(); using (var db = new WTCCeresEntities()) { listTruckDriver = TruckDriverService.GetTruckDriverAllList(db); } SearchByColumn(); waitLoading.Close(); }