コード例 #1
ファイル: Trooper.cs プロジェクト: Evander83/AICup-2013
 public Trooper(long id, int x, int y, long playerId,
     int teammateIndex, bool isTeammate, TrooperType type, TrooperStance stance,
     int hitpoints, int maximalHitpoints, int actionPoints, int initialActionPoints,
     double visionRange, double shootingRange, int shootCost,
     int standingDamage, int kneelingDamage, int proneDamage, int damage,
     bool isHoldingGrenade, bool isHoldingMedikit, bool isHoldingFieldRation)
     : base(id, x, y)
     this.playerId = playerId;
     this.teammateIndex = teammateIndex;
     this.isTeammate = isTeammate;
     this.type = type;
     this.stance = stance;
     this.hitpoints = hitpoints;
     this.maximalHitpoints = maximalHitpoints;
     this.actionPoints = actionPoints;
     this.initialActionPoints = initialActionPoints;
     this.visionRange = visionRange;
     this.shootingRange = shootingRange;
     this.shootCost = shootCost;
     this.standingDamage = standingDamage;
     this.kneelingDamage = kneelingDamage;
     this.proneDamage = proneDamage;
     this.damage = damage;
     this.isHoldingGrenade = isHoldingGrenade;
     this.isHoldingMedikit = isHoldingMedikit;
     this.isHoldingFieldRation = isHoldingFieldRation;
コード例 #2
ファイル: IfBonus.cs プロジェクト: znsoft/AiCup
 bool IsBetween(TrooperType a, TrooperType b, TrooperType c)
     if (a == b || b == c)
     if (!TypeQueue.Contains(a) || !TypeQueue.Contains(b) || !TypeQueue.Contains(c))
     for (var i = 0;; i = (i + 1) % TypeQueue.Count)
         if ((TrooperType)TypeQueue[i] == a)
             for (var j = (i + 1) % TypeQueue.Count;; j = (j + 1) % TypeQueue.Count)
                 if (b == (TrooperType)TypeQueue[j])
                 if (c == (TrooperType)TypeQueue[j])
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult <TrooperTypeResponse> AddTrooperType([FromBody] AddTrooperTypeRequest trooperTypeRequest)
            // Creates a new TrooperType and sets its properties to match the request
            var trooperType = new TrooperType
                Speciality = trooperTypeRequest.Speciality,
                TypeName   = trooperTypeRequest.TypeName,
                Weapon     = trooperTypeRequest.Weapon,
                CreatedAt  = DateTime.Now

            // Adds the trooperType to the database
            // COMMIT in sql
            // Creates a new object of type TrooperTypeResponse
            // and sets its properties to match the trooperType in the database
            var response = new TrooperTypeResponse
                Speciality = trooperType.Speciality,
                TypeName   = trooperType.TypeName,
                Weapon     = trooperType.Weapon

            //Returns HttpStatusCode 200 with the response in the Body
コード例 #4
ファイル: Trooper.cs プロジェクト: znsoft/AiCup
 public Trooper(long id, int x, int y, long playerId,
                int teammateIndex, bool isTeammate, TrooperType type, TrooperStance stance,
                int hitpoints, int maximalHitpoints, int actionPoints, int initialActionPoints,
                double visionRange, double shootingRange, int shootCost,
                int standingDamage, int kneelingDamage, int proneDamage, int damage,
                bool isHoldingGrenade, bool isHoldingMedikit, bool isHoldingFieldRation)
     : base(id, x, y)
     this.playerId             = playerId;
     this.teammateIndex        = teammateIndex;
     this.isTeammate           = isTeammate;
     this.type                 = type;
     this.stance               = stance;
     this.hitpoints            = hitpoints;
     this.maximalHitpoints     = maximalHitpoints;
     this.actionPoints         = actionPoints;
     this.initialActionPoints  = initialActionPoints;
     this.visionRange          = visionRange;
     this.shootingRange        = shootingRange;
     this.shootCost            = shootCost;
     this.standingDamage       = standingDamage;
     this.kneelingDamage       = kneelingDamage;
     this.proneDamage          = proneDamage;
     this.damage               = damage;
     this.isHoldingGrenade     = isHoldingGrenade;
     this.isHoldingMedikit     = isHoldingMedikit;
     this.isHoldingFieldRation = isHoldingFieldRation;
コード例 #5
ファイル: IfBonus.cs プロジェクト: znsoft/AiCup
 bool IsBetween(TrooperType a, TrooperType b, TrooperType c)
     if (a == b || b == c)
         return false;
     if (!TypeQueue.Contains(a) || !TypeQueue.Contains(b) || !TypeQueue.Contains(c))
         return false;
     for (var i = 0;; i = (i + 1)%TypeQueue.Count)
         if ((TrooperType)TypeQueue[i] == a)
             for (var j = (i + 1)%TypeQueue.Count;; j = (j + 1)%TypeQueue.Count)
                 if (b == (TrooperType)TypeQueue[j])
                     return true;
                 if (c == (TrooperType)TypeQueue[j])
                     return false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: MyStrategy.cs プロジェクト: Evander83/AICup-2013
 public MyTrooper(Trooper trooper)
     : base(trooper.Id, trooper.X, trooper.Y)
     this.playerId = trooper.PlayerId;
     this.teammateIndex = trooper.TeammateIndex;
     this.isTeammate = trooper.IsTeammate;
     this.type = trooper.Type;
     this.stance = trooper.Stance;
     this.hitpoints = trooper.Hitpoints;
     this.maximalHitpoints = trooper.MaximalHitpoints;
     this.actionPoints = trooper.ActionPoints;
     this.initialActionPoints = trooper.InitialActionPoints;
     this.visionRange = trooper.VisionRange;
     this.shootingRange = trooper.ShootingRange;
     this.shootCost = trooper.ShootCost;
     this.standingDamage = trooper.StandingDamage;
     this.kneelingDamage = trooper.KneelingDamage;
     this.proneDamage = trooper.ProneDamage;
     this.damage = trooper.Damage;
     this.isHoldingGrenade = trooper.IsHoldingGrenade;
     this.isHoldingMedikit = trooper.IsHoldingMedikit;
     this.isHoldingFieldRation = trooper.IsHoldingFieldRation;
コード例 #7
        void InitializeVariables()
            this.troopers = world.Troopers;
            this.Bonuses  = world.Bonuses;
            this.Cells    = world.Cells;
            this.Width    = world.Width;
            this.Height   = world.Height;
            if (AlivePlayers == null)
                AlivePlayers = new ArrayList();
                foreach (var pl in world.Players)
            if (map == null)
                map = new int[Width, Height];
            if (notFilledMap == null)
                notFilledMap = new int[Width, Height];
            for (var i = 0; i < Width; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < Height; j++)
                    map[i, j]          = Cells[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 1;
                    notFilledMap[i, j] = map[i, j];
            if (CellDanger == null)
                CellDanger     = new double[Width, Height, 3];
                CellDangerFrom = new double[Width, Height, 3];
                CellDangerTo   = new double[Width, Height, 3];
                for (var i = 0; i < Width; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < Height; j++)
                        if (notFilledMap[i, j] == 0)
                            for (var s = 0; s < 3; s++)
                                for (var x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                                    for (var y = 0; y < Height; y++)
                                        if (notFilledMap[x, y] == 0)
                                            for (var z = 0; z < 3; z++)
                                                if (world.IsVisible(7, i, j, GetStance(s), x, y, GetStance(z)))
                                                    CellDangerFrom[i, j, s] += 1;
                                                    CellDangerTo[x, y, z]   += 1;
                                CellDanger[i, j, s] = CellDangerTo[i, j, s] / CellDangerFrom[i, j, s];

            Opponents = new Trooper[0];
            Team      = new Trooper[0];
            Friends   = new Trooper[0];
            OpponentsMemoryAppearTime = new int[0];
            OpponentsMemoryType       = new TrooperType[0];

            foreach (var tr in troopers)
                map[tr.X, tr.Y] = 1;
                if (tr.IsTeammate)
                    Team = Append(Team, tr);
                    if (tr.Id != self.Id)
                        Friends = Append(Friends, tr);
                    Opponents = Append(Opponents, tr);
                    OpponentsMemoryAppearTime = Append(OpponentsMemoryAppearTime, world.MoveIndex);
                    OpponentsMemoryType       = Append(OpponentsMemoryType, self.Type);

            if (MapHash == -1)
                MapHash = GetMapHash();

            // Менять радиус в зависимости от количества оставшихся ходов:
            // Тогда будет возможность отбежать обратно
            MaxTeamRadius = 2;
            if (Team.Count() > 3 /* && self.ActionPoints >= 2*GetMoveCost(self)*/)
                MaxTeamRadius += 1;
            if (Team.Count() > 4)
                MaxTeamRadius += 0.5;
            if (MapHash == CheeserMap)
                MaxTeamRadius += 4;

            // Загружаем труперов с прошлого хода, и сохраняем с текущего
            // past - трупер
            // when - время, в которое был последний раз виден трупер
            // who - кто его видел последний раз
            for (var i = 0; i < PastTroopersInfo.Count; i += 3)
                var past = PastTroopersInfo[i] as Trooper;
                var when = (int)PastTroopersInfo[i + 1];
                var who  = (TrooperType)PastTroopersInfo[i + 2];
                if (world.MoveIndex - when > 2)

                if (!Opponents.Any(trooper => trooper.Id == past.Id) && !IsVisible(past.X, past.Y))
                    Opponents = Append(Opponents, past);
                    OpponentsMemoryAppearTime = Append(OpponentsMemoryAppearTime, when);
                    OpponentsMemoryType       = Append(OpponentsMemoryType, who);
                    troopers = Append(troopers, past);
            for (var i = 0; i < Opponents.Count(); i++)
                PastTroopersInfo.Add(GetClone(Opponents[i], 0));

            if (changedCommander != -1 && world.MoveIndex - changedCommander >= 3)
            commander = GetCommander();

            danger = new int[Width, Height];
            foreach (var tr in Opponents)
                for (var i = 0; i < Width; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < Height; j++)
                        if (world.IsVisible(GetShootingRange(tr, tr.Stance), tr.X, tr.Y, tr.Stance, i, j, self.Stance))
                            danger[i, j]++;
                        if (world.IsVisible(GetVisionRange(tr, self, self.Stance), tr.X, tr.Y, tr.Stance, i, j, self.Stance))
                            danger[i, j]++;

            if (queue.Count == 0 || (long)queue[queue.Count - 1] != self.Id)