protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Trip trip = null; if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { int Id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); hid.Value = Id.ToString(); BindGrid(Id); trip = TripBLL.GetTripDetailByID(Id); if (trip.Status == (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_Supervisor_Approval) { LinkButton1.Visible = true; LinkButton2.Visible = true; } if (trip != null) { lbheader.Text = trip.ID.ToString(); lbInit.Text = trip.InitiatorName.ToUpper(); } } else { Response.Redirect("MyFleetRequest.aspx", false); } } }
private void BindGrid() { string RequestID = ""; string status = ""; usr = (User)Session["user"]; string init = ""; string fromDate = ""; string toDate = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtID.Text)) { RequestID = txtID.Text; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtInit.Text)) { init = txtInit.Text; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ddlStatus.SelectedValue)) { status = ddlStatus.SelectedValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtFromDate.Text)) { fromDate = txtFromDate.Text; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtToDate.Text)) { toDate = txtToDate.Text; } gvRequest.DataSource = TripBLL.GetTripListByAdmin(usr.LocationID.Value, RequestID, status, init, fromDate, toDate); gvRequest.DataBind(); //gvRequest.DataSource = TripBLL.GetTripListByAdmin(); //gvRequest.DataBind(); }
protected void BindLogGrid() { int id = int.Parse(hid.Value); gvLog.DataSource = TripBLL.GetTripListByID(id).Where(t => t.Status == (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Completed).ToList(); gvLog.DataBind(); }
private void BindTrip() { usr = (User)Session["user"]; int id = int.Parse(hid.Value); gvTrip.DataSource = TripBLL.GetTripListByAdmin(usr.LocationID.Value).Where(p => p.AssignedVehicle == id).ToList(); gvTrip.DataBind(); }
public JsonResult drawStops(string Data) { TripBLL tripbl = new TripBLL(); var res = new { lat = tripbl.getBusstopsLatByRouteID(int.Parse(Data)).ToArray(), lon = tripbl.getBusstopsLonByRouteID(int.Parse(Data)).ToArray() }; return(Json(res)); }
protected void lnkHold_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int requestId = Convert.ToInt32(hid.Value); Trip trip = TripBLL.GetTripDetailByID(requestId); if (trip != null) { trip.Status = (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.OnHold; if (TripBLL.UpdateTrip(trip)) { lnkCheckAvailabity.Visible = false; lnkHold.Enabled = false; BindGrid(requestId); //send email to requestor string body = ""; string from = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exUser"].ToString(); string appLogo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appLogoUrl"].ToString(); string siteUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["siteUrl"].ToString(); string subject = "Fleet Request Notification"; string FilePath = Server.MapPath("EmailTemplates/"); if (File.Exists(FilePath + "RequestOnHoldNotification.htm")) { FileStream f1 = new FileStream(FilePath + "RequestOnHoldNotification.htm", FileMode.Open); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(f1); body = sr.ReadToEnd(); body = body.Replace("@add_appLogo", appLogo); body = body.Replace("@add_siteUrl", siteUrl); body = body.Replace("@add_comment", txtComment.Text); body = body.Replace("@add_requestID", trip.ID.ToString()); // body = body.Replace("@add_approver", usr.StaffName); //Replace the values from DB or any other source to personalize each mail. f1.Close(); } try { string rst2 = Utility.SendMail(trip.InitiatorEmail, from, "", subject, body); } catch { } success.Visible = true; success.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> Request has been successfully Declined. Notifications has been sent to Initiator"; } else { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred while updating status.. kindly try again!!!"; return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Session["user"] != null) { usr = (User)Session["user"]; } else { Response.Redirect("../Login.aspx", false); return; } if (!IsPostBack) { if (User.IsInRole(GssAdminRole)) { btnBatchAppr.Visible = true; dvbatch.Visible = true; } if (User.IsInRole(headDriverRole)) { btnBatch.Visible = true; BindVehicleGrid(); } if (Request.QueryString["vid"] != null) { int vId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["vid"].ToString()); gvRequest.DataSource = TripBLL.GetTripListByAdmin(usr.LocationID.Value).Where(t => t.AssignedVehicle == vId).ToList(); gvRequest.DataBind(); } else if (Request.QueryString["stat"] != null) { int stId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["stat"].ToString()); gvRequest.DataSource = TripBLL.GetTripListByAdmin(usr.LocationID.Value).Where(t => t.Status == stId).ToList(); gvRequest.DataBind(); } else { BindGrid(); } BindList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred. kindly try again!!!"; Utility.WriteError("Error: " + ex.InnerException); } }
private void BindGridAppr() { User usr = null; if (Session["user"] != null) { usr = (User)Session["user"]; } else { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx", false); return; } gvRequestAppr.DataSource = TripBLL.GetFleetRequestApprovedByUser(usr.ID, (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_Supervisor_Approval); gvRequestAppr.DataBind(); }
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtSea.Value)) { int RequestID = Convert.ToInt32(txtSea.Value); gvRequestAppr.DataSource = TripBLL.GetTripListByID(RequestID).Where(p => p.Status > (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_Supervisor_Approval).ToList(); gvRequestAppr.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred. kindly try again!!!"; Utility.WriteError("Error: " + ex.InnerException); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx", false); return; } Trip trip = null; if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { int Id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); hid.Value = Id.ToString(); BindGrid(Id); trip = TripBLL.GetTripDetailByID(Id); if (trip != null) { lbheader.Text = trip.ID.ToString(); lbInit.Text = trip.InitiatorName.ToUpper(); if (trip.Status == (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Enroute || trip.Status == (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Completed || trip.Status == (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Declined || trip.Status == (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Cancelled) { LinkButton1.Visible = false; } } } else { Response.Redirect("MyFleetRequest.aspx", false); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred. kindly try again!!!"; Utility.WriteError("Error: " + ex.InnerException); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { User usr = null; if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["user"] != null) { usr = (User)Session["user"]; } else { Response.Redirect("../Login.aspx", false); return; } int totalPendAppr = 0; int totalPendAss = 0; int totalCmpRequest = 0; int totalVehPool = 0; int totalvehEnt = 0; totalPendAppr = TripBLL.GetTripListByAdmin(usr.LocationID.Value).Where(t => t.Status == (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_FleetManager_Approval).Count(); totalPendAss = TripBLL.GetTripListByAdmin(usr.LocationID.Value).Where(t => t.Status == (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_Vehicle_Assignment).Count(); totalCmpRequest = TripBLL.GetTripListByAdmin(usr.LocationID.Value).Where(t => t.Status == (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Completed).Count(); totalVehPool = VehicleBLL.GetVehicleList(usr.LocationID.Value).Where(t => t.Status == (int)Utility.VehicleStatus.Available).Count(); totalvehEnt = VehicleBLL.GetVehicleList(usr.LocationID.Value).Where(t => t.Status == (int)Utility.VehicleStatus.Enroute).Count(); //lnkPendAppr.Text = "Total Number of Requests pending Approval ("+totalPendAppr.ToString()+")"; //lnkPendAppr.NavigateUrl = "ManageFleetRequest.aspx?stat=" + ((int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_FleetManager_Approval).ToString(); lnkPendAppr1.InnerHtml = "Total Number of Requests pending Approval<b> (" + totalPendAppr.ToString() + ")</b>"; lnkPendAppr1.HRef = "ManageFleetRequest.aspx?stat=" + ((int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_FleetManager_Approval).ToString(); lnkpendAss.InnerHtml = "Total Number of Requests pending Vehicle Assignment <b>(" + totalPendAss.ToString() + ")</b>"; lnkpendAss.HRef = "ManageFleetRequest.aspx?stat=" + ((int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_Vehicle_Assignment).ToString(); lnkCmpReq.InnerHtml = "Total Number of Completed Request (<b>" + totalCmpRequest.ToString() + ")</b>"; lnkCmpReq.HRef = "ManageFleetRequest.aspx?stat=" + ((int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Completed).ToString(); lnkVehPool.InnerHtml = "Total Number of Vehicles Available in the Pool <b>(" + totalVehPool + ")</b>"; lnkVehPool.HRef = "ManageVehicle.aspx?stat=" + ((int)Utility.VehicleStatus.Available).ToString(); lnkvehEnt.InnerHtml = "Total Number of Vehicles Enroute <b>(" + totalvehEnt + ")</b>"; lnkvehEnt.HRef = "ManageVehicle.aspx?stat=" + ((int)Utility.VehicleStatus.Enroute).ToString(); } }
protected void btnbtnAppr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { User usr = null; if (Session["user"] != null) { usr = (User)Session["user"]; } else { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx", false); return; } int requestId = Convert.ToInt32(hid.Value); Trip trip = TripBLL.GetTripDetailByID(requestId); if (trip != null) { trip.Status = (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_FleetManager_Approval; if (TripBLL.UpdateTrip(trip)) { LinkButton1.Enabled = false; LinkButton2.Visible = false; BindGrid(requestId); ///send mail to fleet manager... { string body = ""; string from = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exUser"].ToString(); string rolname = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GssAdminRole"].ToString(); string to = Utility.GetUsersEmailAdd(rolname, trip.LocationID.Value); string appLogo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appLogoUrl"].ToString(); string siteUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["siteUrl"].ToString(); string subject = "Fleet Request Approval Notification"; string FilePath = Server.MapPath("EmailTemplates/"); if (File.Exists(FilePath + "FleetManagerNotification.htm")) { FileStream f1 = new FileStream(FilePath + "FleetManagerNotification.htm", FileMode.Open); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(f1); body = sr.ReadToEnd(); body = body.Replace("@add_appLogo", appLogo); body = body.Replace("@add_siteUrl", siteUrl + "?RequestId=" + trip.ID.ToString()); body = body.Replace("@add_requestor", trip.InitiatorName); body = body.Replace("@priority", Utility.GetPriority(trip.priority)); body = body.Replace("@add_Destination", trip.Destination); //Replace the values from DB or any other source to personalize each mail. body = body.Replace("@add_purpose", trip.Purpose); body = body.Replace("@add_tripDate", trip.TripDate.Value.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")); body = body.Replace("@add_DeptTime", trip.ExpectedDepartureTime); body = body.Replace("@add_approver", usr.StaffName); body = body.Replace("@add_comment", txtCommentAppr.Text); f1.Close(); } try { User hod = null; if (usr.isHoD == false) { hod = UserBLL.GetDeptHOD(usr.DepartmentID.Value); } if (hod != null) { string rst = Utility.SendMail(to, from, hod.Email.Trim(), subject, body); } else { string rst = Utility.SendMail(to, from, "", subject, body); } } catch { } /////send mail to Requestor... { string body1 = ""; string from1 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exUser"].ToString(); string subject1 = "Fleet Request Notification"; string FilePath1 = Server.MapPath("EmailTemplates/"); if (File.Exists(FilePath1 + "RequestorStatusNotification.htm")) { FileStream f1 = new FileStream(FilePath1 + "RequestorStatusNotification.htm", FileMode.Open); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(f1); body1 = sr.ReadToEnd(); body1 = body1.Replace("@add_appLogo", appLogo); body1 = body1.Replace("@add_siteUrl", siteUrl); //body1 = body1.Replace("@add_requestor", trip.InitiatorName); body1 = body1.Replace("@add_requestID", trip.ID.ToString()); body1 = body1.Replace("@add_msg", "and it is currently <b>pending FleetManager approver</b>"); body1 = body1.Replace("@add_approver", usr.StaffName); //Replace the values from DB or any other source to personalize each mail. body1 = body1.Replace("@add_comment", txtCommentAppr.Text); f1.Close(); } try { string rst2 = Utility.SendMail(trip.InitiatorEmail, from1, "", subject1, body1); } catch { } } success.Visible = true; success.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> Request has been successfully approved. Notifications has been sent to Fleet Manager for further action on the request"; } } else { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred while updating request.. kindly try again!!!"; return; } } else { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred while retrieving request.. kindly try again!!!"; return; } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred. kindly try again!!!"; Utility.WriteError("Error: " + ex.InnerException); return; } }
private void BindGrid(int id) { gvheader.DataSource = TripBLL.GetTripListByID(id); gvheader.DataBind(); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string dTime = Request.Form["timepicker1"].ToString(); string aTime = Request.Form["timepicker2"].ToString(); string[] dTimeArg = dTime.Split(new char[] { ':', ' ' }); string[] aTimeArg = aTime.Split(new char[] { ':', ' ' }); int aHr = int.Parse(aTimeArg[0]); int aMin = int.Parse(aTimeArg[1]); int dHr = int.Parse(dTimeArg[0]); int dMin = int.Parse(dTimeArg[1]); string afrmt = aTimeArg[2]; string dfrmt = dTimeArg[2]; if (dfrmt == afrmt) { if (dHr > aHr && dHr != 12) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button>Sorry Departure Time could not be greater than Arrival time"; return; } if (dHr == aHr && dMin >= aMin) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button>Sorry Departure Time could not be greater than Arrival time"; UpdatePanel1.Update(); return; } } if (dfrmt == "PM" && dHr != 12) { dHr += 12; } if (afrmt == "PM" && aHr != 12) { aHr += 12; } if (dfrmt == "AM" && dHr == 12) { //dHr -= 12; } if (afrmt == "AM" && aHr == 12) { // aHr -= 12; } string dMinPad = dMin.ToString().PadRight(2, '0'); string aMinPad = aMin.ToString().PadRight(2, '0'); decimal dpartTime = decimal.Parse(dHr.ToString() + "." + dMinPad); decimal arrTime = decimal.Parse(aHr.ToString() + "." + aMin); decimal duration = 0; duration = Utility.GetTripDuration(dHr, dMin, aHr, aMin); //if (dfrmt == afrmt && dHr == 12) //{ // duration = arrTime - dpartTime; // duration += 12; //} //else //{ // duration = arrTime - dpartTime; //} Trip trip = new Trip(); trip.Location = ddlLocation.SelectedItem.Text.Trim(); trip.LocationID = int.Parse(ddlLocation.SelectedValue); trip.PickupLocation = txtLoc.Text; trip.Destination = txtDesn.Text; trip.Purpose = txtPur.Text; trip.TripDate = DateTime.Parse(txtDate.Text, culture); trip.DateAdded = DateTime.Now; trip.InitiatorID = User.Identity.Name; User usr = new User(); if (Session["user"] != null) { usr = (User)Session["user"]; trip.InitiatorName = usr.StaffName; trip.InitiatorEmail = usr.Email; } else { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx", false); return; } int userId = int.Parse(ddlDeptApproval.SelectedValue); trip.ApproverIDLeve1 = userId; User appr = UserBLL.GetByID(userId); if (appr != null) { trip.DepartmentID = appr.DepartmentID; } else { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred in retrieving approver's detail. kindly try again"; return; } trip.ExpectedDepartureTime = dTime; trip.ExpectedReturnTime = aTime; trip.ExpectedDuration = duration; trip.priority = int.Parse(ddlPriority.SelectedValue); trip.Status = (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_Supervisor_Approval; if (TripBLL.AddTrip(trip)) { //send email to supervisor string body = ""; string from = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exUser"].ToString(); string appLogo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appLogoUrl"].ToString(); string siteUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["siteUrl"].ToString(); string subject = "Fleet Request Approval Notification"; string FilePath = Server.MapPath("EmailTemplates/"); if (File.Exists(FilePath + "ApprovalNotification.htm")) { FileStream f1 = new FileStream(FilePath + "ApprovalNotification.htm", FileMode.Open); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(f1); body = sr.ReadToEnd(); body = body.Replace("@add_appLogo", appLogo); body = body.Replace("@add_siteUrl", siteUrl + "?id=" + trip.ID.ToString()); //body = body.Replace("@add_fname",appr.StaffName); body = body.Replace("@add_username", usr.StaffName); body = body.Replace("@add_Destination", txtDesn.Text); //Replace the values from DB or any other source to personalize each mail. body = body.Replace("@add_purpose", txtPur.Text); body = body.Replace("@add_tripDate", txtDate.Text); body = body.Replace("@add_DepartTime", dTime); body = body.Replace("@add_DepartTime", dTime); body = body.Replace("@add_Return", aTime); f1.Close(); } string rst = Utility.SendMail(appr.Email, from, "", subject, body); if (rst.Contains("Successful")) { Reset(); Response.Redirect("SuccessRequest.aspx", false); return; } else { Reset(); Response.Redirect("SuccessRequest.aspx", false); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred. kindly try again!!!"; Utility.WriteError("Error: " + ex.InnerException); return; } }
protected void lnkAppr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { User usr = null; if (Session["user"] != null) { usr = (User)Session["user"]; } else { Response.Redirect("../Login.aspx", false); return; } try { int requestId = Convert.ToInt32(hid.Value); Trip trip = TripBLL.GetTripDetailByID(requestId); if (trip != null) { trip.Status = (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_Vehicle_Assignment; trip.ApproverIDlevel2 = usr.ID; trip.DateApproved = DateTime.Now; if (TripBLL.UpdateTrip(trip)) { BindGrid(requestId); lnkAppr.Enabled = false; lnkReject.Visible = false; lnkHold.Visible = false; //Send mail and sms to HeadDriver string body = ""; string from = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exUser"].ToString(); string rolname = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HeadDriverRole"].ToString(); string to = Utility.GetUsersEmailAdd(rolname, trip.LocationID.Value); string appLogo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appLogoUrl"].ToString(); string siteUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["siteUrl"].ToString(); string subject = "Fleet Request Approval Notification"; string FilePath = Server.MapPath("EmailTemplates/"); if (File.Exists(FilePath + "HeadDriverNotification.htm")) { FileStream f1 = new FileStream(FilePath + "HeadDriverNotification.htm", FileMode.Open); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(f1); body = sr.ReadToEnd(); body = body.Replace("@add_appLogo", appLogo); body = body.Replace("@add_siteUrl", siteUrl); body = body.Replace("@add_requestor", trip.InitiatorName); body = body.Replace("@priority", Utility.GetPriority(trip.priority)); body = body.Replace("@add_Destination", trip.Destination); //Replace the values from DB or any other source to personalize each mail. body = body.Replace("@add_purpose", trip.Purpose); body = body.Replace("@add_tripDate", trip.TripDate.Value.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")); body = body.Replace("@add_DeptTime", trip.ExpectedDepartureTime); body = body.Replace("@add_approver", usr.StaffName); body = body.Replace("@add_batch", "N/A"); f1.Close(); try { string rst = Utility.SendMail(to, from, "", subject, body); } catch { } } //send a mail to requestor string body1 = ""; string from1 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exUser"].ToString(); string subject1 = "Fleet Request Notification"; string FilePath1 = Server.MapPath("EmailTemplates/"); if (File.Exists(FilePath1 + "RequestorStatusNotification.htm")) { FileStream f1 = new FileStream(FilePath1 + "RequestorStatusNotification.htm", FileMode.Open); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(f1); body1 = sr.ReadToEnd(); body1 = body1.Replace("@add_appLogo", appLogo); body1 = body1.Replace("@add_siteUrl", siteUrl); //body1 = body1.Replace("@add_requestor", trip.InitiatorName); body1 = body1.Replace("@add_requestID", trip.ID.ToString()); body1 = body1.Replace("@add_msg", "A vehicle and driver will be assign to you shortly"); body1 = body1.Replace("@add_approver", usr.StaffName); //Replace the values from DB or any other source to personalize each mail. f1.Close(); } try { string rst2 = Utility.SendMail(trip.InitiatorEmail, from1, "", subject1, body1); } catch { } success.Visible = true; success.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> Request has been successfully approved. Notifications has been sent to HeadDriver for further action on the request"; } else { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred while updating request.. kindly try again!!!"; return; } } else { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred while retrieving request.. kindly try again!!!"; return; } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred. kindly try again!!!"; Utility.WriteError("Error: " + ex.InnerException); return; } }
protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Trip trip = null; int id = int.Parse(hid.Value); trip = TripBLL.GetTripDetailByID(id); if (trip != null) { trip.Status = (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Cancelled; if (TripBLL.UpdateTrip(trip)) { LinkButton1.Visible = false; BindGrid(id); //send email to GssAdmin and Copy HeadDriver string body = ""; string from = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exUser"].ToString(); string to = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GssMailGrp"].ToString(); string cc = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["headDriverMail"].ToString(); string appLogo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appLogoUrl"].ToString(); string siteUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["siteUrl"].ToString(); string subject = "Fleet Request Notification"; string FilePath = Server.MapPath("EmailTemplates/"); if (File.Exists(FilePath + "RequestCancelledNotification.htm")) { FileStream f1 = new FileStream(FilePath + "RequestCancelledNotification.htm", FileMode.Open); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(f1); body = sr.ReadToEnd(); body = body.Replace("@add_appLogo", appLogo); body = body.Replace("@add_siteUrl", siteUrl); body = body.Replace("@add_initiator", trip.InitiatorName); body = body.Replace("@add_requestID", trip.ID.ToString()); //body = body.Replace("@add_comment", txtComment.Text); // body = body.Replace("@add_approver", usr.StaffName); //Replace the values from DB or any other source to personalize each mail. f1.Close(); } try { string rst2 = Utility.SendMail(to, from, cc, subject, body); } catch { } success.Visible = true; success.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> Request has been successfully Cancelled. Notifications has been sent to Fleet Admin"; } } else { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred while retrieving request.. kindly try again!!!"; return; } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred. kindly try again!!!"; Utility.WriteError("Error: " + ex.InnerException); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { Response.Redirect("../Login.aspx", false); } if (Session["user"] != null) { usr = (User)Session["user"]; } else { Response.Redirect("../Login.aspx", false); return; } if (!IsPostBack) { Trip trip = null; int Id = 0; string stat = ""; if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { Id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); hid.Value = Id.ToString(); BindGrid(Id); BindLogGrid(); trip = TripBLL.GetTripDetailByID(Id); if (trip != null) { stat = trip.Status.Value.ToString(); lbheader.Text = trip.ID.ToString(); lbInit.Text = trip.InitiatorName.ToUpper(); lbDateAdded.Text = trip.DateAdded.Value.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"); } else { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred. kindly try again!!!"; return; } int status = int.Parse(stat); if (status == (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Completed || status == (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Declined || status == (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Cancelled) { dvTripCanCel.Visible = false; //lnkCancel.Visible = false; } if (User.IsInRole(GssAdminRole) && stat == ((int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_FleetManager_Approval).ToString()) { dvFleetmgr.Visible = true; dvAct.Visible = false; } if (User.IsInRole(GssAdminRole) && stat == ((int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.OnHold).ToString()) { //dvTripCmpl.Visible = true; //dvHeadDriver.Visible = true; // BindVehicleGrid(); dvFleetmgr.Visible = true; dvAct.Visible = false; lnkHold.Visible = false; } if (User.IsInRole(DeptApprverRole) && stat == ((int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_FleetManager_Approval).ToString()) //enable FleetManager Role for GSS Departmt approval { if (dualRole.Length > 0) //granting users in dual list backoffice access { foreach (string uID in dualRole) { if (uID == User.Identity.Name) { dvFleetmgr.Visible = true; dvAct.Visible = false; if (stat == ((int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.OnHold).ToString()) { //dvTripCmpl.Visible = true; //dvHeadDriver.Visible = true; // BindVehicleGrid(); lnkHold.Visible = false; dvAct.Visible = false; } } } } } if (User.IsInRole(headDriverRole)) { if (stat == ((int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_Vehicle_Assignment).ToString()) { dvHeadDriver.Visible = true; BindVehicleGrid(); dvAct.Visible = false; } } if (User.IsInRole(headDriverRole) && stat == ((int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Enroute).ToString()) { dvTripCmpl.Visible = true; BindVehicleGrid(); dvAct.Visible = false; } } else { Response.Redirect("ManageFleetRequest.aspx", false); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred. kindly try again!!!"; Utility.WriteError("Error: " + ex.InnerException); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx", false); return; } User usr = null; if (Session["user"] != null) { usr = (User)Session["user"]; } else { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx", false); return; } Label lblfnm = (Label)LoginView1.FindControl("lbFName"); if (dualRole.Length > 0)//granting users in dual list backoffice access { foreach (string uID in dualRole) { if (uID == usr.StaffID) { HyperLink lnkboffice = (HyperLink)LoginView1.FindControl("lnkBackOffice"); lnkboffice.Visible = true; lblfnm.Text = usr.StaffName; } } } if (HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole(GssAdminRole) || HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole(AdminRole) || HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole(HeadDriverRole)) { HyperLink lnkboffice = (HyperLink)LoginView1.FindControl("lnkBackOffice"); lnkboffice.Visible = true; lblfnm.Text = usr.StaffName; } else if (HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole(DeptApprverRole)) { lblfnm.Text = usr.StaffName; HyperLink lnkbtn = (HyperLink)LoginView1.FindControl("lnkAlert"); IEnumerable <Trip> tripLst = TripBLL.GetFleetRequestByApproval(usr.ID, (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Pending_Supervisor_Approval); lnkbtn.Text = tripLst.Count().ToString() + " Pending Request(s)"; lnkbtn.NavigateUrl = "RequestApprovalList.aspx"; lnkbtn.Visible = true; mgtReq.Visible = true; mgtReqMobile.Visible = true; } else { lblfnm.Text = usr.StaffName; } // if (HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole(MemberRole)) // { // HyperLink lnkboffice = (HyperLink)LoginView1.FindControl("lnkBackOffice"); // lnkboffice.Visible = false; // Label lblfnm = (Label)LoginView1.FindControl("lbFName"); // Label lbbid = (Label)LoginView1.FindControl("lbBidder"); // lbbid.Visible = true; // if (Session["user"] != null) // { // lblfnm.Text = Session["user"].ToString(); // } // if (Session["bidder"] != null) // { // lbbid.Text = "BidderID: "+Session["bidder"].ToString(); // } // } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.WriteError("Error: " + ex.InnerException); return; } }
protected void gvVehicle_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { User usr = null; if (Session["user"] != null) { usr = (User)Session["user"]; } else { Response.Redirect("../Login.aspx", false); return; } String DriverName = ((Label)gvVehicle.SelectedRow.FindControl("lbDrv")).Text; String DriverMobile = ((Label)gvVehicle.SelectedRow.FindControl("lbDrvFone")).Text; String VehicleMake = ((Label)gvVehicle.SelectedRow.FindControl("lbMaker")).Text; int VehicleID = Convert.ToInt32(gvVehicle.SelectedDataKey["ID"].ToString()); int requestId = Convert.ToInt32(hid.Value); SmsNotification sms = new SmsNotification(); Trip trip = TripBLL.GetTripDetailByID(requestId); Vehicle veh = VehicleBLL.GetVehicle(VehicleID); if (trip != null) { trip.Status = (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Enroute; trip.DateAssigned = DateTime.Now; trip.AssignedBy = usr.ID; trip.AssignedVehicle = VehicleID; trip.MileageAtDeparture = veh.Mileage.HasValue ? veh.Mileage.Value : 0; Department dept = DepartmentBLL.GetDepartment(trip.DepartmentID.Value); sms.PHONE = DriverMobile; sms.SENDER = smsSender; sms.MESSAGE = "easyFLEET:Trip Assigned:: #Location:" + trip.Location.ToUpper() + " #Destination:" + trip.Destination.ToUpper() + " #Date:" + trip.TripDate.Value.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy").ToUpper() + " #DepartureTime:" + trip.ExpectedDepartureTime + " #Requestor:" + trip.InitiatorName.ToUpper() + " #Dept:" + dept.Name + " Thanks."; sms.STATUS = "U"; if (TripBLL.UpdateTrip(trip)) { BindGrid(requestId); if (veh != null) { veh.Status = (int)Utility.VehicleStatus.Enroute; VehicleBLL.UpdateVehicle(veh); } //Send Sms to drive---to do Utility.AddSmsNotification(sms); lnkCheckAvailabity.Enabled = false; lnkHold.Visible = false; //send Email to Requestor and sms to Driver string body = ""; string from = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exUser"].ToString(); string appLogo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appLogoUrl"].ToString(); string siteUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["siteUrl"].ToString(); string subject = "Vehicle Assignment Notification"; string FilePath = Server.MapPath("EmailTemplates/"); if (File.Exists(FilePath + "VehicleAssignedNotification.htm")) { FileStream f1 = new FileStream(FilePath + "VehicleAssignedNotification.htm", FileMode.Open); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(f1); body = sr.ReadToEnd(); body = body.Replace("@add_appLogo", appLogo); body = body.Replace("@add_siteUrl", siteUrl); //body = body.Replace("@add_Initiator", trip.InitiatorName); body = body.Replace("@dd_RequestID", trip.ID.ToString()); body = body.Replace("@add_Plate", veh.PlateNo); body = body.Replace("@add_driver", DriverName); body = body.Replace("@add_Mobile", DriverMobile); body = body.Replace("add_vehicleName", veh.Name + "[" + veh.PlateNo + "]"); // body = body.Replace("@add_approver", usr.StaffName); //Replace the values from DB or any other source to personalize each mail. f1.Close(); } try { string rst2 = Utility.SendMail(trip.InitiatorEmail, from, "", subject, body); } catch { } success.Visible = true; success.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> Request has been successfully Treated. Notifications has been sent to Initiator, SMS has been sent to the Assigned Driver"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred. kindly try again!!!"; Utility.WriteError("Error: " + ex.InnerException); return; } }
protected void btnLog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { lbmsg.Visible = false; string dTime = Request.Form["timepicker1"].ToString(); string aTime = Request.Form["timepicker2"].ToString(); string[] dTimeArg = dTime.Split(new char[] { ':', ' ' }); string[] aTimeArg = aTime.Split(new char[] { ':', ' ' }); int aHr = int.Parse(aTimeArg[0]); int aMin = int.Parse(aTimeArg[1]); int dHr = int.Parse(dTimeArg[0]); int dMin = int.Parse(dTimeArg[1]); string afrmt = aTimeArg[2]; string dfrmt = dTimeArg[2]; if (dfrmt == afrmt) { if (dHr == aHr && dMin >= aMin) { lbmsg.Visible = true; lbmsg.Text = "Sorry Departure Time could not be greater than or equal to Arrival time"; mpeLog.Show(); return; } if (dHr > aHr && dHr != 12) { lbmsg.Visible = true; lbmsg.Text = "Sorry Departure Time could not be greater than Arrival time"; mpeLog.Show(); return; } } if (dfrmt == "PM" && dHr != 12) { dHr += 12; } if (afrmt == "PM" && aHr != 12) { aHr += 12; } if (dfrmt == "AM" && dHr == 12) { //dHr -= 12; } if (afrmt == "AM" && aHr == 12) { //aHr -= 12; } string dMinPad = dMin.ToString().PadRight(2, '0'); string aMinPad = aMin.ToString().PadRight(2, '0'); decimal dpartTime = decimal.Parse(dHr.ToString() + "." + dMinPad); decimal arrTime = decimal.Parse(aHr.ToString() + "." + aMin); decimal duration = 0; duration = Utility.GetTripDuration(dHr, dMin, aHr, aMin); //if (dfrmt == afrmt && dHr == 12) //{ // duration = arrTime - dpartTime; // duration += 12; //} //else //{ // duration = arrTime - dpartTime; //} int requestId = Convert.ToInt32(hid.Value); Trip trip = TripBLL.GetTripDetailByID(requestId); if (trip == null) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred. kindly try again!!!"; return; } trip.ActualDepartureTime = dTime; trip.ActualRetunTime = aTime; trip.ActualDuration = duration; trip.Note = txtNote.Text; trip.Status = (int)Utility.FleetRequestStatus.Completed; decimal mileage = 0; if (!decimal.TryParse(txtMileage.Text, out mileage)) { lbmsg.Visible = true; lbmsg.Text = "Mileage must be numeric"; mpeLog.Show(); } trip.MileageOnArrival = mileage; int VehicleID = Convert.ToInt32(((Label)gvheader.Rows[0].FindControl("lbVeh")).Text); Vehicle veh = VehicleBLL.GetVehicle(VehicleID); if (veh != null)//updating vehicle information on arrival; { if (veh.Mileage > mileage) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button>Current vehicle mileage cannot be greater than logged mileage. Please review your input!!!"; return; } veh.Status = (int)Utility.VehicleStatus.Available; veh.Mileage = mileage; VehicleBLL.UpdateVehicle(veh); } if (TripBLL.UpdateTrip(trip)) { BindLogGrid(); lnkLog.Enabled = false; BindGrid(requestId); txtNote.Text = ""; success.Visible = true; success.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> Trip Completion details has been logged successfully"; } else { lbmsg.Visible = true; lbmsg.Text = "An error occurred while updating.. kindly try again!!!"; mpeLog.Show(); } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred. kindly try again!!!"; Utility.WriteError("Error: " + ex.InnerException); return; } }
private void BindGrid(string usrname) { gvRequest.DataSource = TripBLL.GetFleetRequestByUser(usrname).OrderByDescending(p => p.DateAdded).ToList(); gvRequest.DataBind(); }