コード例 #1
        private bool CheckLoot(Mobile m, bool criminalAction)
            if (m_Owner == null || m == m_Owner)

            Party p = Party.Get(m_Owner);

            if (p != null && p.Contains(m))

            if (TreasureTheme.IsOverlandTheme(m_type) == true)

            Map map = this.Map;

            if (map != null && (map.Rules & MapRules.HarmfulRestrictions) == 0)
                if (criminalAction)
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1010630);                       // Taking someone else's treasure is a criminal offense!

            m.SendLocalizedMessage(1010631);               // You did not discover this chest!
コード例 #2
        public static void Fill(LockableContainer cont, int level, bool IsThemed, ChestThemeType type)
            cont.Movable = false;

            // the speial Overland Treasure Hunter NPC 'unlocks' the chest for you!
            if (TreasureTheme.IsOverlandTheme(type) == false)
                cont.TrapType  = Utility.RandomBool() ? TrapType.PoisonTrap : TrapType.ExplosionTrap;
                cont.TrapPower = level * 25;
                cont.Locked    = true;

            switch (level)
            case 1: cont.RequiredSkill = 36; break;

            case 2: cont.RequiredSkill = 76; break;

            case 3: cont.RequiredSkill = 84; break;

            case 4: cont.RequiredSkill = 92; break;

            case 5: cont.RequiredSkill = 100; break;

            cont.LockLevel    = cont.RequiredSkill - 10;
            cont.MaxLockLevel = cont.RequiredSkill + 40;

            // add theme loot
            AddThemeLoot(cont, level, type);

            // now for the gold
            cont.DropItem(new Gold(level * 1000));

            //if not a undead or pirate chest add scrolls
            if (type != ChestThemeType.Pirate || type != ChestThemeType.Undead)
                // adam: Changed to drop scrolls appropriatre for the level.
                for (int i = 0; i < level * 5; ++i)
                    int minCircle = level;
                    int maxCircle = (level + 3);
                    PackScroll(cont, minCircle, maxCircle);

            // magic armor and weapons
            int count = MagicArmsThrottle(level);                       // calc amount of magic armor and weapons to drop

            if (IsThemed == true)
                count /= 2;                                                     // adam: Less loot if a themed chest because they get other goodies.
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                Item item;
                item = Loot.RandomArmorOrShieldOrWeapon();
                item = Loot.ImbueWeaponOrArmor(item, level, 0.05, false);

                // erl: SDrop chance
                // ..
                if (Server.Engines.SDrop.SDropTest(item, CoreAI.EScrollChance))
                    // Drop a scroll instead
                    EnchantedScroll escroll = Loot.GenEScroll((object)item);

                    // Delete the original item

                    // Re-reference item to escroll and continue
                    item = (Item)escroll;
                // ..


            PackRegs(cont, level * 20);
            PackGems(cont, level * 10);