コード例 #1
ファイル: Treasure.cs プロジェクト: nadavshevy/Skillz2016

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new treasure with the parameters given.
        /// carryingPirate can be null.
        /// </summary>
        public Treasure(int id, ILocateable location, TreasureState state, Pirate carryingPirate, int value)
            this.Id = id;
            this.InitialLocation = location.GetLocation();
            this.location        = this.InitialLocation;
            this.state           = state;
            this.carryingPirate  = carryingPirate;
            this.Value           = value;

            this.nativeObject = null;
コード例 #2
ファイル: TreasureScene.cs プロジェクト: 741645596/batgame
 /// <summary>
 /// 退出金银岛场景.
 /// </summary>
 public static void OutTreasureScene()
     if (TreasureScene.m_SceneState == TreasureState.CanvasEdit)
         MainTownInit.s_currentState = MainTownState.None;
     SceneM.Load(MainTownScene.GetSceneName(), false, false);
     //		UniversalObj.s_instane.SetBackGroundByState(UniversalObjState.None);
     TreasureScene.m_SceneState = TreasureState.None;
コード例 #3
    public void ChangeState(TreasureState newState)      //this will be ran to change the state
        switch (newState)
        case TreasureState.pickedUp:         //picked up is ran by the player when they collect it
            myState = newState;

        case TreasureState.lost:         //lost is ran if the player takes damage after picking it up
            myState = newState;

        case TreasureState.notPickedUp:         //not picked up is the default treasure state if the player has not picked it up
            myState = newState;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Treasure.cs プロジェクト: RogerTangRT/Zelda
    public void TreasureAlreadyOpen()
        if (m_TreasureState == TreasureState.Opening)
            // Dialog windows off
            // Set the current item to empty
            m_PlayerInventory.m_currentItem = null;

            m_PlayerMovment.m_currentState = PlayerMovment.PlayerState.interact;
            // Raise the signal to the player to stop animating
            // RAISE
            // Item:            Signal_ReceiveItem
            // Local:           ScriptableObjects/Player
            // Capturado por:   Player->Receive Item
            // Método:          Scripts/Player Scripts/PlayerMovment.cs->RaiseItem()
            // Set the treasure opened
            m_TreasureState = TreasureState.Open;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Treasure.cs プロジェクト: RogerTangRT/Zelda
    private IEnumerator OpenTreasureAnimation()
        m_PlayerMovment.m_currentState = PlayerMovment.PlayerState.receiving;
        m_Animator.SetBool("open", true);
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f));

        if (m_DialogBox != null)
            // Dialog windows on
            // Dialog Text = contensts text
            m_DialogText.text = m_Contents.m_ItemDescription;

            // Add contents to inventory
            m_PlayerInventory.m_currentItem = m_Contents;
            // Raise the signal to the player to animate set the treasure to open

            // Raise the signal to the player to stop animating
            // RAISE
            // Item:            Signal_ReceiveItem
            // Local:           ScriptableObjects/Player
            // Capturado por:   Player->Receive Item
            // Método:          Scripts/Player Scripts/PlayerMovment.cs->RaiseItem()
            m_TreasureState = TreasureState.Open;
            m_PlayerMovment.m_currentState = PlayerMovment.PlayerState.interact;

        // RAISE
        // Signal:          Signal_ContextClueOff
        // Local Signal:    ScriptableObjects/Context Clue
        // Capturado por:   Player
        // Método:          Scripts/Player Scrips/ContextClue.cs->Disable()
        m_UseContext = false;
コード例 #6
    void SetTreasureState(TreasureState s)
        if (s != _curTreasureState)
            TreasureState prevState = _curTreasureState;

            _curTreasureState = s;

            Nights2Spot treasureSpot = GetTreasureSpot();

            if (_curTreasureState == TreasureState.TreasureReveal)
               //ping from treasure spot when its revealed
               if (Nights2SpotMgr.Instance != null)
                  Nights2SpotMgr.Instance.TriggerSpotFX(Nights2SpotMgr.LightAction.Ping, 1.5f, treasureSpot, .5f);

               if (TreasureRevealSound != null)

            if (_curTreasureState == TreasureState.TreasureCompleted)
               if (Nights2SpotMgr.Instance != null)
                  Nights2SpotMgr.Instance.TriggerSpotFX(Nights2SpotMgr.LightAction.TurnAllOn, 2.0f);

            //light up spot
            if ((treasureSpot != null) &&
                (_curTreasureState != TreasureState.NoProgress) && (_curTreasureState != TreasureState.TreasureCompleted))

            if (_curTreasureState == TreasureState.WaitingForTreasureReveal)
                //TODO: light up spot!
            else if (_curTreasureState == TreasureState.TreasureReveal)
                //spawn treasure at spot
                Debug.Assert(TreasurePrefab != null);
                GameObject spawnedTreasure = Instantiate(TreasurePrefab) as GameObject;
                Debug.Assert(spawnedTreasure != null);
                _treasure = spawnedTreasure.GetComponent<Nights2Treasure>();
                Debug.Assert(_treasure != null);

                Vector3 treasurePos = GetTreasureSpotOnGround();
                _treasure.gameObject.transform.position = treasurePos;
                //face the torch carrier
            else if (_curTreasureState == TreasureState.TreasureCompleted)
                _treasure = null; //don't track it anymore, it will delete itself

コード例 #7
 public void CheateTreasureState(TreasureState s)
     if (s == TreasureState.TreasureWaitForCollection)
        else if (s == TreasureState.TreasureCompleted)
コード例 #8
ファイル: Treasure.cs プロジェクト: RogerTangRT/Zelda
 public override void Start()
     m_TreasureState = TreasureState.Close;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Treasure.cs プロジェクト: RogerTangRT/Zelda
 public void OpenTreasure()
     m_TreasureState = TreasureState.Opening;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Treasure.cs プロジェクト: nadavshevy/Skillz2016
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the treasure. All of the pirates' objects + some of the map object need to be updated BEFORE calling this method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">Both map.GetFreeToTakeTreasures() and map.GetPirateAt() need to be updated BEFORE calling this method</param>
        public void Update(Map map)
            // if the pirate doesn't know in advance what he's carrying
            if (map.GetTreasures(TreasureState.FreeToTake).Contains(this))
                // the FreeToTake list is updated, thus this treasure is free to take
                this.state          = TreasureState.FreeToTake;
                this.carryingPirate = null;
                this.location       = this.InitialLocation;
                // the treasure is NOT FreeToTake
                // lets divide the cases, based on the last state of the treasure
                switch (this.State)
                case TreasureState.FreeToTake:
                    // if the treasure was free to take last turn and now is not, then it must be carried right now by the pirate
                    // who is at its initial location
                    this.state          = TreasureState.BeingCarried;
                    this.carryingPirate = map.GetPirateOn(this.InitialLocation);     // the map's pirate matrix is updated
                    this.location       = this.InitialLocation;

                case TreasureState.BeingCarried:
                    // if the treasure was being carried last turn, the treasure will be taken if and only if the carrying pirate is now
                    //      at its initial location and is free. Otherwise, it will be carried by the same pirate (if it is still carrying something)
                    //      or by the pirate at the treasure's initial location (not sure if it is even possible)
                    if (this.CarryingPirate.Location.Equals(this.CarryingPirate.InitialLocation) && this.CarryingPirate.State == PirateState.Free)
                        this.state          = TreasureState.Taken;
                        this.carryingPirate = null;
                        this.location       = null;
                        if (this.CarryingPirate.State == PirateState.CarryingTreasure)
                            // only need to update the location of the treasure
                            this.location = this.CarryingPirate.Location;
                            // only need to update the location and the carrying pirate
                            this.carryingPirate = map.GetPirateOn(this.InitialLocation);
                            this.location       = this.InitialLocation;

                case TreasureState.Taken:
                    // if the treasure was taken last turn, then it must also be taken now; there is nothing to update

            // if the pirate DOES know in advance what he's carrying
            //// if the treasure is free
            //if (map.GetTreasures(TreasureState.FreeToTake).Contains(this))
            //    // the FreeToTake list is updated, thus this treasure is free to take
            //    this.state = TreasureState.FreeToTake;
            //    this.carryingPirate = null;
            //    this.location = this.InitialLocation;
            //    // else, assume the treasure is taken, and change it if the treasure is being carried
            //    this.state = TreasureState.Taken;
            //    this.carryingPirate = null;
            //    this.location = null;

            //    foreach (Pirate p in map.MyPirateManager.GetAllPirates().Union(map.EnemyPirateManager.GetAllPirates()))
            //    {
            //        if ("p carries this.Id") // <-- change the check here, to see if p actually carries this treasure
            //        {
            //            this.state = TreasureState.BeingCarried;
            //            this.carryingPirate = p;
            //            this.location = p.Location;
            //        }
            //    }
コード例 #11
ファイル: TreasureScene.cs プロジェクト: 741645596/batgame
 public static void SetTreasureState(TreasureState state = TreasureState.None)
     m_SceneState = state;