private void TestGetTreasures(Treasure.Query targetStatus) { try { var treasures = TestEnvironment.Session.Profile.GetTreasures(TestEnvironment.Session, targetStatus, 1, 1); if (treasures.Count == 0) { Assert.Fail("No treasures were retrieved"); } if (treasures.Count > 15) { Assert.Fail("Too much treasures were retrieved"); } foreach (var treasure in treasures) { Assert.AreNotEqual(0, treasure.ID, "The ID of a treasure was not set"); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, treasure.Title.Length, "The title of a treasure was not set"); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, treasure.Cost, "The cost of a treasure was not set"); // The bought request needs to have the seller property set while the selled/listed query does not if (targetStatus == Treasure.Query.Bought) { Assert.AreNotEqual(0, treasure.Seller.ID); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, treasure.Seller.Name.Length); } } } catch (RequestFailedException exc) { AssertExtender.Exception("A HTTP request failed", exc); } catch (InvalidSessionException exc) { AssertExtender.Exception("Session is invalid", exc); } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves all <c>Treasure</c>s that have been bought and/or sold using the logged-in user account /// </summary> /// <param name="session">Session used for sending the request</param> /// <param name="queryStatus"> /// Type of <c>Treasure</c> to query. Either <c>Treasure.Query.SoldListed</c> /// for querying treasures that have been sold/listed or <c>Treasure.Query.Bought</c> /// for treasures that were bought </param> /// <param name="pageCount"> Amount of pages to retrieve, one page may contain up to 15 treasures </param> /// <param name="startIndex"> Index of the first page to request (1 for the first page, 2 for the second, ...) </param> /// <returns> List of all <c>Treasure</c>s that could be retrieved </returns> public List <Treasure> GetTreasures(AuthenticatedSession <TUser> session, Treasure.Query queryStatus = Treasure.Query.SoldListed, uint pageCount = 1, uint startIndex = 1) { session.ThrowIfInvalid(); var listedTreasures = new List <Treasure>(); for (var i = startIndex; i < (startIndex + pageCount); ++i) { var res = session.Get("" + ((queryStatus == Treasure.Query.Bought) ? "bought" : "soldunsold") + "/" + i); var htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDocument.LoadHtml(res); var rootFormNode = htmlDocument.GetElementbyId("contentbg"); if (rootFormNode == null) { continue; } var tableNode = rootFormNode.SelectSingleNode("table[1]/tr[1]/td[1]/table[1]/tr[2]/td[1]/div[1]/div[3]/table[1]"); if (tableNode == null) { continue; } // skip the first <tr> element since that is the table header foreach (var treasureListingNode in tableNode.ChildNodes.GetElementsByTagName("tr").Skip(1)) { var idNode = treasureListingNode.SelectSingleNode("td[1]"); var titleNode = treasureListingNode.SelectSingleNode("td[2]"); var costNode = treasureListingNode.SelectSingleNode("td[3]"); var opponentNode = treasureListingNode.SelectSingleNode("td[4]"); var listedTreasure = new Treasure { // first column is the id with a trailing # ID = (idNode != null) ? idNode.InnerText.TrimStart('#').To <int>() : 0, // second column is the treasure title Title = (titleNode != null) ? titleNode.InnerText : "", }; // since this function is only available for logged-in users, the seller (or buyer, depends on the request) is automatically the logged-in user if (queryStatus == Treasure.Query.Bought) { listedTreasure.Buyer = User; } else { listedTreasure.Seller = User; } // third column is the cost var match = new Regex(@"([0-9]+) eg").Match(costNode.InnerText); if (match.Groups.Count > 1) { listedTreasure.Cost = Convert.ToUInt32(match.Groups[1].Value); } // the last column is the treasure buyer or seller if (opponentNode != null) { opponentNode = opponentNode.SelectSingleNode("a[1]"); if (opponentNode != null) { var opponent = opponentNode.Attributes.Contains("href") ? new User(opponentNode.InnerText, epvpapi.User.FromUrl(opponentNode.Attributes["href"].Value)) : new User(); if (queryStatus == Treasure.Query.Bought) { listedTreasure.Seller = opponent; listedTreasure.Available = false; } else { listedTreasure.Buyer = opponent; listedTreasure.Available = false; } } } listedTreasures.Add(listedTreasure); } } return(listedTreasures); }