コード例 #1
 internal static void AdvanceOneRoad(TraversalParameters traversalParam, TraversalState traversalState)
     if (!TryAdvanceOneRoad(traversalParam, traversalState))
         throw new InvalidOperationException(
                   "Failed to advance along road network - you may want TryAdvanceOneRoad instead.");
コード例 #2
        // NOTE: Because this method advances by ROAD, any LANE information will be lost on traversal (reset to 0)
        //       Use TryAdvanceOneLaneSection to move along a selected lane
        internal static bool TryAdvanceOneRoad(TraversalParameters traversalParam, TraversalState traversalState)
            var roadCurrent = traversalParam.roadNetwork.GetRoadById(traversalState.RoadId);
            var link        = GetLinkToNextRoad(roadCurrent, traversalState.Direction);

            if (link.linkType == RoadLinkType.None || traversalParam.shouldStopAtJunctions &&
                !IsLinkOnGraphEdge(traversalParam.roadNetwork, link))

            var directionNext = DetermineNewDirection(link.contactPoint);

            traversalState.SetNewLocation(new NativeString64(link.nodeId), 0, 0, directionNext);
コード例 #3
        // Each non-junction road is effectively a segment of a graph edge - this function identifies which roads
        // belong on the same edge as the input graph edge and return the information necessary to query this edge
        internal static RoadGroup IdentifyGraphEdgeGroup(RoadNetworkDescription roadNetwork,
                                                         TraversalState state, NativeString64 roadId)
            if (roadNetwork.GetRoadById(roadId).junction != "-1")
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Cannot collect graph edge group for a road inside a junction - roads inside junctions" +
                          "are part of a graph node.");

            // Because we want to limit traversal to this graph edge, we will always stop at junctions (nodes)
            const bool stopAtJunctions = true;
            var        param           = new TraversalParameters(roadNetwork, stopAtJunctions);
            // Count how many Road elements are in this group, including the starting road
            var numRoads = 1;

            state.SetNewLocation(roadId, 0, 0, TraversalDirection.Backward);
            while (TryAdvanceOneRoad(param, state))
            // We've moved all the way to the "front" of this collection of roads - store it as the starting location
            var startingRoadId = state.RoadId;
            // To get from the first Road to the second, we need to travel in the opposite direction we traversed to
            // reach the first Road
            var startDirection = (TraversalDirection)(-(int)state.Direction);

            // Traverse forward to ensure we mark all the roads in this group as traversed
            state.SetNewLocation(roadId, 0, 0, TraversalDirection.Forward);
            while (TryAdvanceOneRoad(param, state))

            return(new RoadGroup(startDirection, startingRoadId, numRoads));