public override void Run() { Logger.LogDebug("************ RUNNING TRAVEL STATE ************"); Broadcaster.autoBroadcast = false; ContinentId destinationContinent = Bot.Continent; // HORDE if (ToolBox.IsHorde()) { // From EK if ((ContinentId)Usefuls.ContinentId == ContinentId.Azeroth) { // To Kalimdor if (destinationContinent == ContinentId.Kalimdor) { Logger.Log("Traveling to Kalimdor"); TravelHelper.HordeEKToKalimdor(); } // To Outlands if (destinationContinent == ContinentId.Expansion01) { Logger.Log("Traveling to Outland"); TravelHelper.HordeEKToOutland(); } // To Northrend if (destinationContinent == ContinentId.Northrend) { Logger.Log("Traveling to Northrend"); TravelHelper.HordeEKToKalimdor(); } } // From Kalimdor if ((ContinentId)Usefuls.ContinentId == ContinentId.Kalimdor) { // To EK if (destinationContinent == ContinentId.Azeroth) { Logger.Log("Traveling to Eastern Kingdoms"); TravelHelper.HordeKalimdorToEK(); } // To Outlands if (destinationContinent == ContinentId.Expansion01) { Logger.Log("Traveling to Outland"); TravelHelper.HordeKalimdorToEK(); } // To Northrend if (destinationContinent == ContinentId.Northrend) { Logger.Log("Traveling to Northrend"); TravelHelper.HordeKalimdorToNorthrend(); } } // From Outlands if ((ContinentId)Usefuls.ContinentId == ContinentId.Expansion01) { // To Kalimdor if (destinationContinent == ContinentId.Kalimdor) { Logger.Log("Traveling to Kalimdor"); TravelHelper.HordeOutlandToKalimdor(); } // To EK if (destinationContinent == ContinentId.Azeroth) { Logger.Log("Traveling to Eastern Kingdoms"); TravelHelper.HordeOutlandToKalimdor(); } // To Northrend if (destinationContinent == ContinentId.Northrend) { Logger.Log("Traveling to Northrend"); TravelHelper.HordeOutlandToKalimdor(); } } // From Northrend if ((ContinentId)Usefuls.ContinentId == ContinentId.Northrend) { // To Kalimdor if (destinationContinent == ContinentId.Kalimdor) { Logger.Log("Traveling to Kalimdor"); TravelHelper.HordeNorthrendToKalimdor(); } // To EK if (destinationContinent == ContinentId.Azeroth) { Logger.Log("Traveling to Eastern Kingdoms"); TravelHelper.HordeNorthrendToEK(); } // To Outland if (destinationContinent == ContinentId.Expansion01) { Logger.Log("Traveling to Outland"); TravelHelper.HordeNorthrendToOutland(); } } } Broadcaster.autoBroadcast = true; }