コード例 #1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Response.Write("<script>alert('Seats available !!!!!!')</script>");
        // Initialising to the variables, labels and textboxes from Query string
        lblPackageName.Text = (Request.QueryString["PackageName"]);
        lblTravelers.Text   = (Request.QueryString["Travelers"]);
        lblSeats.Text       = (Request.QueryString["Travelers"]);
        this.PackId         = (Request.QueryString["PackId"]);
        this.CustId         = (Request.QueryString["CustId"]);

        int NoofSeats = Convert.ToInt32(lblSeats.Text);

        //Creation of Object and Dataset
        Travel  ObjReview = new Travel();
        DataSet dsReview  = new DataSet();

        //Calling method to fetch review details
        dsReview = ObjReview.FetchReview(PackId);

        // Assigning to the variables from the Dataset
        DateTime StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime
        DateTime EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime
        Double Fare = Convert.ToDouble(dsReview.Tables[0].Rows[0][2].ToString());
        Double Tax  = Convert.ToDouble(dsReview.Tables[0].Rows[0][3].ToString());

        //Assigning the labels
        lblStartDate.Text = StartDate.ToLongDateString();
        lblEndDate.Text   = EndDate.ToLongDateString();
        lblFare.Text      = Fare.ToString();

        // Declaration of Variables for calculating the amount
        Double TotalFare;
        Double GrandTotFare;
        Double Taxable;

        //Calculation of Total amount and taxable amount
        TotalFare    = (Fare * NoofSeats);
        Taxable      = (TotalFare * (Tax / 100));
        GrandTotFare = (Taxable + TotalFare);

        //Assigning Calculated values to labels
        lblTotalFare.Text   = Convert.ToString(TotalFare);
        lblTotalAmount.Text = Convert.ToString(GrandTotFare);
        lblTaxes.Text       = Convert.ToString(Taxable);