private void ExportShippingCheckExecute() { List <StoreSearchData <StoreSearchColorDetail> > excelDailyShippedList = ExcelModule.GetExcelDailyShippedList(ShippingCheckDate); IEnumerable <TrashShipped> trashShipped = TrashModule.GetTrashShippedQuantitySum(ShippingCheckDate, ShippingCheckDate); ExternalDataHelper externalDataHelper = new ExternalDataHelper(); IEnumerable <TextileNameMapping> textileNameMappings = externalDataHelper.GetTextileNameMappings(); List <OriginalSource> trashItems = new List <OriginalSource>(); foreach (TrashShipped shipped in trashShipped) { trashItems.Add(new OriginalSource { DateTime = shipped.IN_DATE, TextileNo = shipped.I_01, TextileColorName = shipped.I_03, Weight = shipped.Quantity }); } List <Container> trashPrimary = new List <Container>(); foreach (OriginalSource trashItem in trashItems) { int priviousDistance = 10; string textileName = string.Empty; string textileColor = string.Empty; int shippedCount = 0; foreach (StoreSearchData <StoreSearchColorDetail> excelDailyShippedItem in excelDailyShippedList) { TextileNameMapping textileNameMapping = textileNameMappings.ToList().Find(f => f.Inventory.Contains(excelDailyShippedItem.TextileName)) ?? new TextileNameMapping(); foreach (StoreSearchColorDetail colorDetail in excelDailyShippedItem.StoreSearchColorDetails) { string accountMapping = textileNameMapping.Account == null ? string.Empty : textileNameMapping.Account.FirstOrDefault(); if (trashItem.TextileColorName == string.Concat(accountMapping.Split('*')[0], colorDetail.ColorName.Split('-')[0])) { textileColor = colorDetail.ColorName; textileName = excelDailyShippedItem.TextileName; priviousDistance = 0; shippedCount = colorDetail.ShippedCount; break; } } } trashPrimary.Add(new Container() { OriginalSource = trashItem, TextileName = textileName, ColorName = textileColor, ShippedCount = shippedCount, Distance = priviousDistance }); } List <Container> excelPrimary = new List <Container>(); foreach (StoreSearchData <StoreSearchColorDetail> excelDailyShippedItem in excelDailyShippedList) { var priviousDistance = 10; var textileName = string.Empty; var textileColor = string.Empty; foreach (var colorDetail in excelDailyShippedItem.StoreSearchColorDetails) { TextileNameMapping textileNameMapping = textileNameMappings.ToList().Find(f => f.Inventory.Contains(excelDailyShippedItem.TextileName)) ?? new TextileNameMapping(); OriginalSource originalSource = new OriginalSource(); foreach (var trashItem in trashItems) { string accountMapping = textileNameMapping.Account == null ? string.Empty : textileNameMapping.Account.FirstOrDefault(); if (trashItem.TextileColorName == string.Concat(accountMapping.Split('*')[0], colorDetail.ColorName.Split('-')[0])) { originalSource.DateTime = trashItem.DateTime; originalSource.TextileColorName = trashItem.TextileColorName; originalSource.Weight = trashItem.Weight; originalSource.TextileNo = trashItem.TextileNo; break; } } excelPrimary.Add(new Container() { OriginalSource = originalSource, TextileName = excelDailyShippedItem.TextileName, ColorName = colorDetail.ColorName, ShippedCount = colorDetail.ShippedCount, Distance = priviousDistance }); } } ExcelHelper excelHelper = new ExcelHelper(); IWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); ICellStyle positionStyle = wb.CreateCellStyle(); positionStyle.WrapText = true; positionStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; positionStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; ICellStyle estyle = wb.CreateCellStyle(); estyle.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.Yellow.Index; estyle.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground; ICellStyle a2style = wb.CreateCellStyle(); a2style.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.Coral.Index; a2style.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground; List <ExcelRowContent> trashPrimaryExcelRowContent = new List <ExcelRowContent>(); foreach (var item in trashPrimary.OrderByDescending(t => t.OriginalSource.TextileColorName == null).ThenBy(t => t.TextileName).ThenBy(o => o.ColorName)) { var approximateNumber = item.OriginalSource.Weight / 20; var round = Math.Round(approximateNumber, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); var isEqual = round == item.ShippedCount; ExcelRowContent excelCellContents = new ExcelRowContent { ExcelCellContents = new List <ExcelCellContent> { new ExcelCellContent { CellValue = item.OriginalSource.TextileColorName, CellStyle = positionStyle }, new ExcelCellContent { CellValue = item.OriginalSource.Weight.ToString(), CellStyle = positionStyle }, new ExcelCellContent { CellValue = (approximateNumber).ToString(), CellStyle = positionStyle }, new ExcelCellContent { CellValue = item.TextileName, CellStyle = positionStyle }, new ExcelCellContent { CellValue = item.ColorName, CellStyle = positionStyle }, new ExcelCellContent { CellValue = item.ShippedCount.ToString(), CellStyle = isEqual ? positionStyle : estyle }, } }; trashPrimaryExcelRowContent.Add(excelCellContents); } ; List <ExcelRowContent> excelPrimaryExcelRowContent = new List <ExcelRowContent>(); foreach (var item in excelPrimary.OrderByDescending(t => t.OriginalSource.TextileColorName == null).ThenBy(t => t.TextileName).ThenBy(o => o.ColorName)) { var approximateNumber = item.OriginalSource.Weight / 20; var round = Math.Round(approximateNumber, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); var isEqual = round == item.ShippedCount; ExcelRowContent excelCellContents = new ExcelRowContent { ExcelCellContents = new List <ExcelCellContent> { new ExcelCellContent { CellValue = item.OriginalSource.TextileColorName, CellStyle = positionStyle }, new ExcelCellContent { CellValue = item.OriginalSource.Weight.ToString(), CellStyle = positionStyle }, new ExcelCellContent { CellValue = (approximateNumber).ToString(), CellStyle = positionStyle }, new ExcelCellContent { CellValue = item.TextileName, CellStyle = positionStyle }, new ExcelCellContent { CellValue = item.ColorName, CellStyle = positionStyle }, new ExcelCellContent { CellValue = item.ShippedCount.ToString(), CellStyle = isEqual ? positionStyle : estyle } } }; excelPrimaryExcelRowContent.Add(excelCellContents); } ; ExcelContent excelContent = new ExcelContent { FileName = string.Concat("庫存對照清單", ShippingCheckDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")), ExcelSheetContents = new List <ExcelSheetContent> { new ExcelSheetContent { SheetName = "Super為主", ExcelColumnContents = new List <ExcelColumnContent> { new ExcelColumnContent { CellValue = "Super布種名稱顏色", Width = 6450 }, new ExcelColumnContent { CellValue = "出貨重量", Width = 2800 }, new ExcelColumnContent { CellValue = "約略出貨數", Width = 2000 }, new ExcelColumnContent { CellValue = "布種名稱", Width = 4550 }, new ExcelColumnContent { CellValue = "顏色", Width = 5550 }, new ExcelColumnContent { CellValue = "出貨數量", Width = 1850 } }, ExcelRowContents = trashPrimaryExcelRowContent }, new ExcelSheetContent { SheetName = "Excel為主", ExcelColumnContents = new List <ExcelColumnContent> { new ExcelColumnContent { CellValue = "Super布種名稱顏色", Width = 6450 }, new ExcelColumnContent { CellValue = "出貨重量", Width = 2800 }, new ExcelColumnContent { CellValue = "約略出貨數", Width = 2000 }, new ExcelColumnContent { CellValue = "布種名稱", Width = 4550 }, new ExcelColumnContent { CellValue = "顏色", Width = 5550 }, new ExcelColumnContent { CellValue = "出貨數量", Width = 1850 } }, ExcelRowContents = excelPrimaryExcelRowContent } } }; excelHelper.CreateExcelFile(wb, excelContent); }
private void ButtonExportExecute() { _trashShippeds.AddRange(TrashModule.GetTrashShippedQuantitySum(DatePickerBegin, DatePickerEnd)); #region OleDB //string databaseDirectory = AppSettingConfig.DbfFilePath(); //string sql4 = "SELECT invosub.IN_DATE,invosub.I_01,item.I_03,SUM(invosub.QUANTITY) FROM INVOSUB.dbf invosub " + // "INNER JOIN ITEM.dbf item ON invosub.I_01 = item.I_01 AND invosub.F_01 = item.F_01 " + // "WHERE invosub.IN_DATE Between cDate('" + DatePickerBegin.ToString() + "') and cDate('" + DatePickerEnd.ToString() + "') " + // "GROUP BY invosub.IN_DATE,invosub.I_01,item.I_03 " + // "ORDER BY invosub.IN_DATE,invosub.I_01"; //DataTable dt4 = GetOleDbDbfDataTable(databaseDirectory, sql4); //DataGridInCash_Copy3.ItemsSource = dt4.DefaultView; #endregion var originalSources = new List <OriginalSource>(); foreach (var shipped in _trashShippeds) { originalSources.Add(new OriginalSource { DateTime = shipped.IN_DATE, TextileNo = shipped.I_01, TextileColorName = shipped.I_03, Weight = shipped.Quantity }); } var filterText = FilterText; var filterOriginalSources = string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterText) == true?originalSources.Select(s => s.TextileNo).Distinct() : originalSources.Where(w => w.TextileColorName.Contains(filterText)).Select(s => s.TextileNo).Distinct();; var everyDate = originalSources.Select(s => s.DateTime).Distinct(); var everyTextileNo = filterOriginalSources; var textileDatas = new List <TextileData>(); foreach (var date in everyDate) { textileDatas.Add(new TextileData { DateTime = date, TextileColors = originalSources.Where(w => w.DateTime == date).Select(s => new TextileColor { TextileNo = s.TextileNo, Weight = s.Weight, TextileColorName = s.TextileColorName }).ToList() }); } IWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); ISheet ws = wb.CreateSheet("Report"); XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)ws.CreateRow(0); var textileNameNumber = 1; ExcelHelper.CreateCell(row, 0, "時間", null); var priviousWeightList = new Dictionary <string, double>(); foreach (var item in everyTextileNo) { ExcelHelper.CreateCell(row, textileNameNumber, originalSources.Where(w => w.TextileNo == item).First().TextileColorName, null); priviousWeightList.Add(item, 0); textileNameNumber++; } var rowNumber = 1; var priviousYear = textileDatas.First().DateTime.ToString("yyyy"); foreach (var textiles in textileDatas) { var columnNumber = 1; XSSFRow rowTextile = (XSSFRow)ws.CreateRow(rowNumber); ExcelHelper.CreateCell(rowTextile, 0, textiles.DateTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), null); if (textiles.DateTime.ToString("yyyy") != priviousYear) { priviousYear = textiles.DateTime.ToString("yyyy"); foreach (var item in everyTextileNo) { priviousWeightList[item] = 0; } } foreach (var textileNo in everyTextileNo) { var textileData = textiles.TextileColors.Where(w => w.TextileNo == textileNo); var weight = textileData.Count() == 0 ? priviousWeightList[textileNo] : textileData.First().Weight + priviousWeightList[textileNo]; ExcelHelper.CreateCell(rowTextile, columnNumber, weight.ToString(), null); priviousWeightList[textileNo] = weight; columnNumber++; } rowNumber++; } FileStream file = new FileStream(string.Concat(AppSettingConfig.ReportsFilePath(), @"\", filterText, "報表", DatePickerBegin.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), "-", DatePickerEnd.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), ".xlsx"), FileMode.Create);//產生檔案 wb.Write(file); file.Close(); }