public void TestTranslateBody1() { Assert.AreEqual(@"<phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ʃɪnˈrɑːrtə"">Shinrarta</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈdezɦrə"">Dezhra</phoneme> A 1", Translations.Body("Shinrarta Dezhra A 1")); Assert.AreEqual(@"<phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ʃɪnˈrɑːrtə"">Shinrarta</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈdezɦrə"">Dezhra</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈælfə"">alpha</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈwʌn"">one</phoneme>", Translations.Body("Shinrarta Dezhra A 1", true)); }
public void TestTranslateBody6() { Assert.AreEqual(@"Boewnst T Q dash K d 9 dash 7 4 0 A A Belt", Translations.Body("Boewnst TQ-K d9-740 A A Belt")); Assert.AreEqual(@"Boewnst <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈtænɡo"">tango</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""keˈbek"">quebec</phoneme> dash <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈkiːlo"">kilo</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈdɛltə"">delta</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈnaɪnər"">niner</phoneme> dash <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈsɛvɛn"">seven</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈfoʊ.ər"">fawer</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈzɪərəʊ"">zero</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈælfə"">alpha</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈælfə"">alpha</phoneme> Belt", Translations.Body("Boewnst TQ-K d9-740 A A Belt", true)); }
public void TestTranslateBody7() { Assert.AreEqual(@"Calea B A Belt Cluster 1", Translations.Body("Calea B A Belt Cluster 1")); Assert.AreEqual(@"Calea <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈbrɑːˈvo"">bravo</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈælfə"">alpha</phoneme> Belt Cluster <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈwʌn"">one</phoneme>", Translations.Body("Calea B A Belt Cluster 1", true)); }
public void TestTranslateBody4() { Assert.AreEqual(@"H R 7 7 5 6 A B C D E 6 b", Translations.Body("HR 7756 ABCDE 6 b")); Assert.AreEqual(@"<phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""hoːˈtel"">hotel</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈroːmiˑo"">romeo</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈsɛvɛn"">seven</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈsɛvɛn"">seven</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈfaɪf"">fife</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈsɪks"">six</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈælfə"">alpha</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈbrɑːˈvo"">bravo</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈtʃɑːli"">charlie</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈdɛltə"">delta</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈeko"">echo</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈsɪks"">six</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈbrɑːˈvo"">bravo</phoneme>", Translations.Body("HR 7756 ABCDE 6 b", true)); }
public void TestTranslateBody5() { Assert.AreEqual(@"Hip 6 3 8 3 5 A B C D 1 c a", Translations.Body("HIP 63835 ABCD 1 c a")); Assert.AreEqual(@"Hip <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈsɪks"">six</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈtriː"">tree</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈeɪt"">eight</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈtriː"">tree</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈfaɪf"">fife</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈælfə"">alpha</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈbrɑːˈvo"">bravo</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈtʃɑːli"">charlie</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈdɛltə"">delta</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈwʌn"">one</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈtʃɑːli"">charlie</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈælfə"">alpha</phoneme>", Translations.Body("HIP 63835 ABCD 1 c a", true)); }
public void TestTranslateBody3() { Assert.AreEqual(@"Coll 1 0 7 Sector A I dash H b 40 dash 6 A B 3", Translations.Body("Col 107 Sector AI-H b40-6 A B 3")); Assert.AreEqual(@"Coll <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈwʌn"">one</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈzɪərəʊ"">zero</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈsɛvɛn"">seven</phoneme> Sector <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈælfə"">alpha</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈindiˑɑ"">india</phoneme> dash <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""hoːˈtel"">hotel</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈbrɑːˈvo"">bravo</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈfoʊ.ər"">fawer</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈzɪərəʊ"">zero</phoneme> dash <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈsɪks"">six</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈælfə"">alpha</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈbrɑːˈvo"">bravo</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈtriː"">tree</phoneme>", Translations.Body("Col 107 Sector AI-H b40-6 AB 3", true)); }
/// <summary> /// Build a store from a list of variables /// </summary> private BuiltinStore buildStore(Dictionary <string, Cottle.Value> vars) { BuiltinStore store = new BuiltinStore(); // TODO fetch this from configuration bool useICAO = SpeechServiceConfiguration.FromFile().EnableIcao; // Function to call another script store["F"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolve(values[0].AsString, store, false)); }, 1); // Translation functions store["P"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string val = values[0].AsString; string translation = val; if (translation == val) { translation = Translations.Body(val, useICAO); } if (translation == val) { translation = Translations.StarSystem(val, useICAO); } if (translation == val) { translation = Translations.Faction(val); } if (translation == val) { translation = Translations.Power(val); } if (translation == val) { Ship ship = ShipDefinitions.FromModel(val); if (ship != null && ship.EDID > 0) { translation = ship.SpokenModel(); } } if (translation == val) { Ship ship = ShipDefinitions.FromEDModel(val); if (ship != null && ship.EDID > 0) { translation = ship.SpokenModel(); } } return(translation); }, 1); // Boolean constants store["true"] = true; store["false"] = false; // Helper functions store["OneOf"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolveScript(values[random.Next(values.Count)].AsString, store, false)); }); store["Occasionally"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { if (random.Next((int)values[0].AsNumber) == 0) { return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolveScript(values[1].AsString, store, false)); } else { return(""); } }, 2); store["Humanise"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { return(Translations.Humanize(values[0].AsNumber)); }, 1); store["List"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string output = String.Empty; const string localisedAnd = "and"; if (values.Count == 1) { foreach (KeyValuePair <Cottle.Value, Cottle.Value> value in values[0].Fields) { string valueString = value.Value.ToString(); if (value.Key == 0) { output = valueString; } else if (value.Key < (values[0].Fields.Count - 1)) { output = $"{output}, {valueString}"; } else { output = $"{output}, {localisedAnd} {valueString}"; } } } return(output); }, 1); store["Pause"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { return(@"<break time=""" + values[0].AsNumber + @"ms"" />"); }, 1); store["Play"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { return(@"<audio src=""" + values[0].AsString + @""" />"); }, 1); store["Spacialise"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string Entree = values[0].AsString; if (Entree == "") { return(""); } string Sortie = ""; string UpperSortie = ""; foreach (char c in Entree) { Sortie = Sortie + c + " "; } UpperSortie = Sortie.ToUpper(); return(UpperSortie); }, 1); store["Emphasize"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { if (values.Count == 1) { return(@"<emphasis level =""strong"">" + values[0].AsString + @"</emphasis>"); } else if (values.Count == 2) { return(@"<emphasis level =""" + values[1].AsString + @""">" + values[0].AsString + @"</emphasis>"); } else { return("The Emphasize function is used improperly. Please review the documentation for correct usage."); } }, 1, 2); store["SpeechPitch"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string text = values[0].AsString; string pitch = "default"; if (values.Count == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[1].AsString)) { return(text); } else if (values.Count == 2) { pitch = values[1].AsString; return(@"<prosody pitch=""" + pitch + @""">" + text + "</prosody>"); } else { return("The SpeechPitch function is used improperly. Please review the documentation for correct usage."); } }, 1, 2); store["SpeechRate"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string text = values[0].AsString; string rate = "default"; if (values.Count == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[1].AsString)) { return(text); } else if (values.Count == 2) { rate = values[1].AsString; return(@"<prosody rate=""" + rate + @""">" + text + "</prosody>"); } else { return("The SpeechRate function is used improperly. Please review the documentation for correct usage."); } }, 1, 2); store["SpeechVolume"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string text = values[0].AsString; string volume = "default"; if (values.Count == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[1].AsString)) { return(text); } else if (values.Count == 2) { volume = values[1].AsString; return(@"<prosody volume=""" + volume + @""">" + text + "</prosody>"); } else { return("The SpeechVolume function is used improperly. Please review the documentation for correct usage."); } }, 1, 2); store["Transmit"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string text = values[0].AsString; if (values.Count == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[1].AsString)) { return(@"<transmit>" + values[0].AsString + "</transmit>"); // This is a synthetic tag used to signal to the speech service that radio effects should be enabled. } else { return("The Transmit function is used improperly. Please review the documentation for correct usage."); } }, 1); store["StartsWithVowel"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string Entree = values[0].AsString; if (Entree == "") { return(""); } char[] vowels = { 'a', 'à', 'â', 'ä', 'e', 'ê', 'é', 'è', 'ë', 'i', 'î', 'ï', 'o', 'ô', 'ö', 'u', 'ù', 'û', 'ü', 'œ', 'y' }; char firstCharacter = Entree.ToLower().ToCharArray().ElementAt(0); Boolean result = vowels.Contains(firstCharacter); return(result); }, 1); store["Voice"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string text = values[0].AsString; string voice = values[1].AsString; if (values.Count == 2) { return(@"<voice name=""" + voice + @""">" + text + "</voice>"); } else { return("The Voice function is used improperly. Please review the documentation for correct usage."); } }, 1, 2); // // Commander-specific functions // store["ShipName"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { int?localId = (values.Count == 0 ? (int?)null : (int)values[0].AsNumber); string model = (values.Count == 2 ? values[1].AsString : null); Ship ship = findShip(localId, model); string result = (ship == null ? "your ship" : ship.SpokenName()); return(result); }, 0, 2); store["ShipCallsign"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { int?localId = (values.Count == 0 ? (int?)null : (int)values[0].AsNumber); Ship ship = findShip(localId, null); string result; if (ship != null) { if (EDDI.Instance.Cmdr != null && != null) { // Obtain the first three characters string chars = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9]").Replace(, "").ToUpperInvariant().Substring(0, 3); result = ship.SpokenManufacturer() + " " + Translations.ICAO(chars); } else { if (ship.SpokenManufacturer() == null) { result = "unidentified ship"; } else { result = "unidentified " + ship.SpokenManufacturer() + " " + ship.SpokenModel(); } } } else { result = "unidentified ship"; } return(result); }, 0, 1); // // Obtain definition objects for various items // store["SecondsSince"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { long?date = (long?)values[0].AsNumber; if (date == null) { return(null); } long?now = (long?)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc))).TotalSeconds; return(now - date); }, 1); store["ICAO"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { // Turn a string in to an ICAO definition string value = values[0].AsString; if (value == null || value == "") { return(""); } // Remove anything that isn't alphanumeric Logging.Warn("value is " + value); value = value.ToUpperInvariant().Replace("[^A-Z0-9]", ""); Logging.Warn("value is " + value); // Translate to ICAO return(Translations.ICAO(value)); }, 1); store["ShipDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { Ship result = ShipDefinitions.FromModel(values[0].AsString); return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["CombatRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { CombatRating result = CombatRating.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = CombatRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["TradeRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { TradeRating result = TradeRating.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = TradeRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["ExplorationRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { ExplorationRating result = ExplorationRating.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = ExplorationRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["EmpireRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { EmpireRating result = EmpireRating.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = EmpireRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["FederationRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { FederationRating result = FederationRating.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = FederationRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["SystemDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { StarSystem result = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[0].AsString, true); setSystemDistanceFromHome(result); return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["BodyDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { StarSystem system; if (values.Count == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[1].AsString)) { // Current system system = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem; } else { // Named system system = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[1].AsString, true); } Body result = system != null && system.bodies != null ? system.bodies.FirstOrDefault(v => == values[0].AsString) : null; if (result != null && result.type == "Star" && result.chromaticity == null) { // Need to set our internal extras for the star result.setStellarExtras(); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1, 2); store["StationDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { if (values.Count == 0) { return(null); } StarSystem system; if (values.Count == 1) { // Current system system = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem; } else { // Named system system = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[1].AsString, true); } Station result = system != null && system.stations != null ? system.stations.FirstOrDefault(v => == values[0].AsString) : null; return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1, 2); store["SuperpowerDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { Superpower result = Superpower.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = Superpower.From(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["StateDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { SystemState result = SystemState.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = SystemState.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["EconomyDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { Economy result = Economy.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = Economy.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["GovernmentDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { Government result = Government.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = Government.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["SecurityLevelDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { SecurityLevel result = SecurityLevel.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = SecurityLevel.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["MaterialDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[0].AsString)) { return(new ReflectionValue(new object())); } Material result = Material.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = Material.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["CommodityMarketDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { CommodityMarketQuote result = null; CommodityMarketQuote CommodityDetails(string commodityLocalizedName, Station station) { return(station?.commodities?.FirstOrDefault(c => c.localizedName == commodityLocalizedName)); } if (values.Count == 1) { // Named commodity, current station Station station = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStation; result = CommodityDetails(values[0].AsString, station); } else if (values.Count == 2) { // Named commodity, named station, current system StarSystem system = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem; string stationName = values[1].AsString; Station station = system?.stations?.FirstOrDefault(v => == stationName); result = CommodityDetails(values[0].AsString, station); } else if (values.Count == 3) { // Named commodity, named station, named system StarSystem system = DataProviderService.GetSystemData(values[2].AsString, null, null, null); string stationName = values[1].AsString; Station station = system?.stations?.FirstOrDefault(v => == stationName); result = CommodityDetails(values[0].AsString, station); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 0, 3); store["CargoDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { Cottle.Value value = values[0]; Cargo result = null; string edname = string.Empty; if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.String) { edname = CommodityDefinition.FromName(value.AsString).edname; result = ((CargoMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Cargo monitor")).GetCargoWithEDName(edname); } else if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.Number) { result = ((CargoMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Cargo monitor")).GetCargoWithMissionId((long)value.AsNumber); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["HaulageDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { HaulageAmount result = null; result = ((CargoMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Cargo monitor")).GetHaulageWithMissionId((long)values[0].AsNumber); return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["BlueprintDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { BlueprintMaterials result = BlueprintMaterials.FromName(values[0].AsString); return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["GalnetNewsArticle"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { News result = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticle(values[0].AsString); return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["GalnetNewsArticles"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { List <News> results = null; if (values.Count == 0) { // Obtain all unread articles results = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticles(); } else if (values.Count == 1) { // Obtain all unread news of a given category results = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticles(values[0].AsString); } else if (values.Count == 2) { // Obtain all news of a given category results = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticles(values[0].AsString, values[1].AsBoolean); } return(results == null ? new ReflectionValue(new List <News>()) : new ReflectionValue(results)); }, 0, 2); store["GalnetNewsMarkRead"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { News result = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticle(values[0].AsString); if (result != null) { GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.MarkRead(result); } return(""); }, 1); store["GalnetNewsMarkUnread"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { News result = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticle(values[0].AsString); if (result != null) { GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.MarkUnread(result); } return(""); }, 1); store["GalnetNewsDelete"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { News result = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticle(values[0].AsString); if (result != null) { GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.DeleteNews(result); } return(""); }, 1); store["Distance"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { return((decimal)Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((double)(values[0].AsNumber - values[3].AsNumber), 2) + Math.Pow((double)(values[1].AsNumber - values[4].AsNumber), 2) + Math.Pow((double)(values[2].AsNumber - values[5].AsNumber), 2)), 2)); }, 6); store["Log"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { Logging.Info(values[0].AsString); return(""); }, 1); store["SetState"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string name = values[0].AsString.ToLowerInvariant().Replace(" ", "_"); Cottle.Value value = values[1]; if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.Boolean) { EDDI.Instance.State[name] = value.AsBoolean; store["state"] = buildState(); } else if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.Number) { EDDI.Instance.State[name] = value.AsNumber; store["state"] = buildState(); } else if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.String) { EDDI.Instance.State[name] = value.AsString; store["state"] = buildState(); } // Ignore other possibilities return(""); }, 2); // Variables foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Cottle.Value> entry in vars) { store[entry.Key] = entry.Value; } return(store); }
public void TestTranslateBelt() { Assert.AreEqual(@"Wolf 2 0 2 <say-as interpret-as=""characters"">A</say-as> Belt Cluster 1", Translations.Body("Wolf 202 A Belt Cluster 1", false)); Assert.AreEqual(@"Wolf <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈtuː"">two</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈzɪərəʊ"">zero</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈtuː"">two</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈælfə"">alpha</phoneme> Belt Cluster <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈwʌn"">one</phoneme>", Translations.Body("Wolf 202 A Belt Cluster 1", true)); }
public void TestTranslateRing() { Assert.AreEqual(@"Oponner 6 <say-as interpret-as=""characters"">A</say-as> Ring", Translations.Body("Oponner 6 A Ring", false)); Assert.AreEqual(@"Oponner <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈsɪks"">six</phoneme> <phoneme alphabet=""ipa"" ph=""ˈælfə"">alpha</phoneme> Ring", Translations.Body("Oponner 6 A Ring", true)); }
/// <summary> /// Build a store from a list of variables /// </summary> private BuiltinStore buildStore(Dictionary <string, Cottle.Value> vars) { BuiltinStore store = new BuiltinStore(); // TODO fetch this from configuration bool useICAO = SpeechServiceConfiguration.FromFile().EnableIcao; // Function to call another script store["F"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolve(values[0].AsString, store, false)); }, 1); // Translation functions store["P"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string val = values[0].AsString; string translation = val; if (translation == val) { translation = Translations.Body(val, useICAO); } if (translation == val) { translation = Translations.StarSystem(val, useICAO); } if (translation == val) { translation = Translations.Faction(val); } if (translation == val) { translation = Translations.Power(val); } if (translation == val) { Ship ship = ShipDefinitions.FromModel(val); if (ship != null && ship.EDID > 0) { translation = ship.SpokenModel(); } } if (translation == val) { Ship ship = ShipDefinitions.FromEDModel(val); if (ship != null && ship.EDID > 0) { translation = ship.SpokenModel(); } } return(translation); }, 1); // Boolean constants store["true"] = true; store["false"] = false; // Helper functions store["OneOf"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolveScript(values[random.Next(values.Count)].AsString, store, false)); }); store["Occasionally"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { if (random.Next((int)values[0].AsNumber) == 0) { return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolveScript(values[1].AsString, store, false)); } else { return(""); } }, 2); store["Humanise"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { return(Translations.Humanize(values[0].AsNumber)); }, 1); store["Pause"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { return(@"<break time=""" + values[0].AsNumber + @"ms"" />"); }, 1); store["Play"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { return(@"<audio src=""" + values[0].AsString + @""" />"); }, 1); store["Spacialise"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string Entree = values[0].AsString; if (Entree == "") { return(""); } string Sortie = ""; string UpperSortie = ""; foreach (char c in Entree) { Sortie = Sortie + c + " "; } UpperSortie = Sortie.ToUpper(); return(UpperSortie); }, 1); store["StartsWithVowel"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string Entree = values[0].AsString; if (Entree == "") { return(""); } char[] vowels = { 'a', 'à', 'â', 'ä', 'e', 'ê', 'é', 'è', 'ë', 'i', 'î', 'ï', 'o', 'ô', 'ö', 'u', 'ù', 'û', 'ü', 'œ', 'y' }; char firstCharacter = Entree.ToLower().ToCharArray().ElementAt(0); Boolean result = vowels.Contains(firstCharacter); return(result); }, 1); // // Commander-specific functions // store["ShipName"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { int?localId = (values.Count == 0 ? (int?)null : (int)values[0].AsNumber); string model = (values.Count == 2 ? values[1].AsString : null); Ship ship = findShip(localId, model); string result = (ship == null ? "your ship" : ship.SpokenName()); return(result); }, 0, 2); store["ShipCallsign"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { int?localId = (values.Count == 0 ? (int?)null : (int)values[0].AsNumber); Ship ship = findShip(localId, null); string result; if (ship != null) { if (EDDI.Instance.Cmdr != null && != null) { // Obtain the first three characters string chars = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9]").Replace(, "").ToUpperInvariant().Substring(0, 3); result = ship.SpokenManufacturer() + " " + Translations.ICAO(chars); } else { if (ship.SpokenManufacturer() == null) { result = "unidentified ship"; } else { result = "unidentified " + ship.SpokenManufacturer() + " " + ship.SpokenModel(); } } } else { result = "unidentified ship"; } return(result); }, 0, 1); // // Obtain definition objects for various items // store["SecondsSince"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { long?date = (long?)values[0].AsNumber; if (date == null) { return(null); } long now = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds; return(now - date); }, 1); store["ICAO"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { // Turn a string in to an ICAO definition string value = values[0].AsString; if (value == null || value == "") { return(""); } // Remove anything that isn't alphanumeric Logging.Warn("value is " + value); value = value.ToUpperInvariant().Replace("[^A-Z0-9]", ""); Logging.Warn("value is " + value); // Translate to ICAO return(Translations.ICAO(value)); }, 1); store["ShipDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { Ship result = ShipDefinitions.FromModel(values[0].AsString); return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["CombatRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { CombatRating result = CombatRating.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = CombatRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["TradeRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { TradeRating result = TradeRating.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = TradeRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["ExplorationRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { ExplorationRating result = ExplorationRating.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = ExplorationRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["EmpireRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { EmpireRating result = EmpireRating.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = EmpireRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["FederationRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { FederationRating result = FederationRating.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = FederationRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["SystemDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { StarSystem result = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[0].AsString, true); setSystemDistanceFromHome(result); return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["BodyDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { StarSystem system; if (values.Count == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[1].AsString)) { // Current system system = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem; } else { // Named system system = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[1].AsString, true); } Body result = system != null && system.bodies != null ? system.bodies.FirstOrDefault(v => == values[0].AsString) : null; if (result != null && result.type == "Star" && result.chromaticity == null) { // Need to set our internal extras for the star result.setStellarExtras(); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1, 2); store["StationDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { if (values.Count == 0) { return(null); } StarSystem system; if (values.Count == 1) { // Current system system = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem; } else { // Named system system = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[1].AsString, true); } Station result = system != null && system.stations != null ? system.stations.FirstOrDefault(v => == values[0].AsString) : null; return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1, 2); store["SuperpowerDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { Superpower result = Superpower.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = Superpower.From(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["StateDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { State result = State.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = State.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["EconomyDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { Economy result = Economy.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = Economy.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["GovernmentDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { Government result = Government.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = Government.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["SecurityLevelDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { SecurityLevel result = SecurityLevel.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = SecurityLevel.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["MaterialDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[0].AsString)) { return(new ReflectionValue(new object())); } Material result = Material.FromName(values[0].AsString); if (result == null) { result = Material.FromEDName(values[0].AsString); } return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["BlueprintDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { BlueprintMaterials result = BlueprintMaterials.FromName(values[0].AsString); return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["GalnetNewsArticle"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { News result = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticle(values[0].AsString); return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result)); }, 1); store["GalnetNewsArticles"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { List <News> results = null; if (values.Count == 0) { // Obtain all unread articles results = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticles(); } else if (values.Count == 1) { // Obtain all unread news of a given category results = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticles(values[0].AsString); } else if (values.Count == 2) { // Obtain all news of a given category results = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticles(values[0].AsString, false); } return(results == null ? new ReflectionValue(new List <News>()) : new ReflectionValue(results)); }, 0, 2); store["GalnetNewsMarkRead"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { News result = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticle(values[0].AsString); if (result != null) { GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.MarkRead(result); } return(""); }, 1); store["GalnetNewsMarkUnread"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { News result = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticle(values[0].AsString); if (result != null) { GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.MarkUnread(result); } return(""); }, 1); store["Distance"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { return((decimal)Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((double)(values[0].AsNumber - values[3].AsNumber), 2) + Math.Pow((double)(values[1].AsNumber - values[4].AsNumber), 2) + Math.Pow((double)(values[2].AsNumber - values[5].AsNumber), 2)), 2)); }, 6); store["Log"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { Logging.Info(values[0].AsString); return(""); }, 1); store["SetState"] = new NativeFunction((values) => { string name = values[0].AsString.ToLowerInvariant().Replace(" ", "_"); Cottle.Value value = values[1]; if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.Boolean) { EDDI.Instance.State[name] = value.AsBoolean; store["state"] = buildState(); } else if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.Number) { EDDI.Instance.State[name] = value.AsNumber; store["state"] = buildState(); } else if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.String) { EDDI.Instance.State[name] = value.AsString; store["state"] = buildState(); } // Ignore other possibilities return(""); }, 2); // Variables foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Cottle.Value> entry in vars) { store[entry.Key] = entry.Value; } return(store); }