コード例 #1
 protected override GraphData CreateGraphData(SrmDocument document, PeptideGroupDocNode selectedProtein, TransitionGroupDocNode selectedGroup, DisplayTypeChrom displayType)
     int? result = null;
     if (RTLinearRegressionGraphPane.ShowReplicate == ReplicateDisplay.single)
         result = GraphSummary.ResultsIndex;
     return new AreaGraphData(document, selectedGroup, selectedProtein, result, displayType, PaneKey);
コード例 #2
ファイル: PeakMatcher.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
        public static SrmDocument ApplyPeak(SrmDocument doc, PeptideTreeNode nodePepTree, TransitionGroupDocNode nodeTranGroup,
            int resultsIndex, int? resultsFile, bool subsequent, ILongWaitBroker longWaitBroker)
            nodeTranGroup = nodeTranGroup ?? PickTransitionGroup(doc, nodePepTree, resultsIndex);

            PeakMatchData referenceTarget;
            PeakMatchData[] referenceMatchData;
            DateTime? runTime;
            GetReferenceData(doc, nodePepTree.DocNode, nodeTranGroup, resultsIndex, resultsFile, out referenceTarget, out referenceMatchData, out runTime);

            var chromatograms = doc.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms;
            for (int i = 0; i < chromatograms.Count; i++)
                var chromSet = chromatograms[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < chromSet.MSDataFileInfos.Count; j++)
                    var fileInfo = chromSet.MSDataFileInfos[j];
                    if ((i == resultsIndex && (!resultsFile.HasValue || resultsFile.Value == j)) ||
                        (subsequent && runTime != null && fileInfo.RunStartTime < runTime))

                    var bestMatch = GetPeakMatch(doc, chromSet, fileInfo, nodeTranGroup, referenceTarget, referenceMatchData);
                    if (bestMatch != null)
                        doc = bestMatch.ChangePeak(doc, nodePepTree, nodeTranGroup, chromSet.Name, fileInfo.FilePath);
                longWaitBroker.SetProgressCheckCancel(i + 1, chromatograms.Count);
            return doc;
コード例 #3
 protected override bool IsMatch(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup, TransitionDocNode nodeTran)
     TransitionMatchInfo matchInfo;
     if (!_dictChargeToMatchInfo.TryGetValue(nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.PrecursorCharge, out matchInfo))
         return true;    // Unexpected missing charge state
     return !matchInfo.IsFullyMatched(nodeTran, nodeGroup);
コード例 #4
        protected override GraphData CreateGraphData(SrmDocument document, PeptideGroupDocNode selectedProtein, TransitionGroupDocNode selectedGroup, DisplayTypeChrom displayType)
            int? result = null;
            if (RTLinearRegressionGraphPane.ShowReplicate == ReplicateDisplay.single)
                result = GraphSummary.ResultsIndex;

            return new RTGraphData(document, selectedGroup, selectedProtein, result, displayType, GraphSummary.StateProvider.GetRetentionTimeTransformOperation());
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds drift times by examining loaded results in a document.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="document">The document to be inspected</param>
 /// <param name="documentFilePath">Aids in locating the raw files</param>
 /// <param name="existing">If non-null, will be examined for any existing drift time measurements (which may be overwritten) </param>
 /// <param name="progressMonitor">Optional progress monitor for this potentially long operation</param>
 public DriftTimeFinder(SrmDocument document, string documentFilePath, DriftTimePredictor existing, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
     _document = document;
     _documentFilePath = documentFilePath;
     _existing = existing;
     _currentDisplayedTransitionGroupDocNode = null;
     _progressMonitor = progressMonitor;
コード例 #6
 public AreaGraphData(SrmDocument document,
     TransitionGroupDocNode selectedGroup,
     PeptideGroupDocNode selectedProtein,
     int? result,
     DisplayTypeChrom displayType,
     PaneKey paneKey)
     : base(document, selectedGroup, selectedProtein, result, displayType, null, paneKey)
コード例 #7
ファイル: PeakMatcher.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
 private static ChromPeak GetLargestPeak(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeTranGroup,
     ChromatogramGroupInfo chromGroupInfo, int peakIndex, float mzMatchTolerance)
     var largestPeak = ChromPeak.EMPTY;
     foreach (var peak in
              from transitionDocNode in nodeTranGroup.Transitions
              select chromGroupInfo.GetTransitionInfo((float) transitionDocNode.Mz, mzMatchTolerance)
              into chromInfo where chromInfo != null
              select chromInfo.GetPeak(peakIndex))
         if (peak.Height > largestPeak.Height)
             largestPeak = peak;
     return largestPeak;
コード例 #8
 public PickTransitionGroupTip(PeptideDocNode nodePep,
     TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup, SrmSettings settings)
     _nodePep = nodePep;
     _nodeGroup = nodeGroup;
     _settings = settings;
コード例 #9
 protected override bool IsMatch(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup, TransitionDocNode nodeTran)
     return(nodeTran != null && nodeTran.HasResults && nodeTran.Results.All(chromInfo => chromInfo.IsEmpty));
コード例 #10
ファイル: DecoysTest.cs プロジェクト: zrolfs/pwiz
        private static void ValidateDecoys(SrmDocument document, SrmDocument decoysDoc, bool modifiesSequences)
            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(decoysDoc, 1, document.PeptideGroupCount + 1, document.PeptideCount * 2,
                                     document.PeptideTransitionGroupCount * 2, document.PeptideTransitionCount * 2);

            // Check for the existence of the Decoys peptide group and that everything under it is marked as a decoy.
            var nodePeptideGroupDecoy = decoysDoc.PeptideGroups.Single(nodePeptideGroup => nodePeptideGroup.IsDecoy);
            var dictModsToPep         = document.Peptides.ToDictionary(nodePep => nodePep.ModifiedTarget);

            foreach (var nodePep in nodePeptideGroupDecoy.Peptides)
                Assert.AreEqual(true, nodePep.IsDecoy);
                PeptideDocNode nodePepSource = null;
                if (!modifiesSequences)
                    Assert.IsNotNull(nodePep.SourceKey, string.Format("Source key for {0}{1} is null", nodePep.ModifiedSequence,
                                                                      nodePep.IsDecoy ? " - decoy" : string.Empty));
                    if (nodePep.HasExplicitMods)
                    Assert.IsTrue(dictModsToPep.TryGetValue(nodePep.SourceModifiedTarget, out nodePepSource));
                    var sourceKey = new ModifiedSequenceMods(nodePepSource.Peptide.Sequence, nodePepSource.ExplicitMods);
                    Assert.AreEqual(sourceKey.ExplicitMods, nodePep.SourceExplicitMods);
                for (int i = 0; i < nodePep.TransitionGroupCount; i++)
                    var nodeGroup = nodePep.TransitionGroups.ElementAt(i);
                    Assert.AreEqual(true, nodeGroup.IsDecoy);
                    TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroupSource = null;
                    double shift = SequenceMassCalc.GetPeptideInterval(nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.DecoyMassShift);
                    if (nodePepSource != null && nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.DecoyMassShift.HasValue)
                        nodeGroupSource = nodePepSource.TransitionGroups.ElementAt(i);
                        Assert.AreEqual(nodeGroupSource.PrecursorMz + shift, nodeGroup.PrecursorMz, SequenceMassCalc.MassTolerance);
                    for (int j = 0; j < nodeGroup.TransitionCount; j++)
                        var nodeTran = nodeGroup.Transitions.ElementAt(j);
                        if (nodeTran.Transition.IsPrecursor())
                            Assert.AreEqual(nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.DecoyMassShift, nodeTran.Transition.DecoyMassShift);
                            if (nodeGroupSource != null)
                                Assert.AreEqual(nodeGroupSource.Transitions.ElementAt(j).Mz + shift, nodeTran.Mz, SequenceMassCalc.MassTolerance);

            // Check that the resulting document persists correctly by passing the SrmDocument to AssertEx.IsSerializable().
コード例 #11
ファイル: SkylineGraphs.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
 public RemovePeakHandler(SkylineWindow skyline, IdentityPath groupPath,
     TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup, TransitionDocNode nodeTran)
     _skyline = skyline;
     _groupPath = groupPath;
     _nodeGroup = nodeGroup;
     _nodeTran = nodeTran;
コード例 #12
 protected override bool IsMatch(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup, TransitionDocNode nodeTran)
     return nodeTran != null && nodeTran.HasResults && nodeTran.Results.All(chromInfo => chromInfo == null);
コード例 #13
 private PeptideDocNode CreateDocNodeFromSettings(string seq, PeptideDocNode nodePep, SrmSettingsDiff diff,
     out TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroupMatched)
     PeptideDocNode nodePepMod = nodePep.ChangeSettings(Settings, diff ?? SrmSettingsDiff.ALL, false);
     TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroupMatchedFound;
     if (IsMatch(seq, nodePepMod, out nodeGroupMatchedFound))
         nodeGroupMatched = nodeGroupMatchedFound;
         return nodePepMod;
     nodeGroupMatched = null;
     return null;
コード例 #14
 public TransitionLossEquivalentKey EquivalentKey(TransitionGroupDocNode parent)
     return(new TransitionLossEquivalentKey(parent, this, Losses));
コード例 #15
        public IEnumerable <TransitionDocNode> GetTransitions(SrmSettings settings,
                                                              TransitionGroupDocNode groupDocNode,
                                                              ExplicitMods mods,
                                                              double precursorMz,
                                                              IsotopeDistInfo isotopeDist,
                                                              SpectrumHeaderInfo libInfo,
                                                              IDictionary <double, LibraryRankedSpectrumInfo.RankedMI> transitionRanks,
                                                              bool useFilter)
            Assume.IsTrue(ReferenceEquals(groupDocNode.TransitionGroup, this));
            // Get necessary mass calculators and masses
            var calcFilterPre = settings.GetPrecursorCalc(IsotopeLabelType.light, mods);
            var calcFilter    = settings.GetFragmentCalc(IsotopeLabelType.light, mods);
            var calcPredict   = settings.GetFragmentCalc(LabelType, mods);

            string sequence = Peptide.Sequence;

            // Save the true precursor m/z for TranstionSettings.Accept() now that all isotope types are
            // checked.  This is more correct than just using the light precursor m/z for precursor window
            // exclusion.
            double precursorMzAccept = precursorMz;

            if (!ReferenceEquals(calcFilter, calcPredict))
                // Get the normal precursor m/z for filtering, so that light and heavy ion picks will match.
                precursorMz = IsCustomIon ?
                              BioMassCalc.CalculateIonMz(calcFilterPre.GetPrecursorMass(groupDocNode.CustomIon), groupDocNode.TransitionGroup.PrecursorCharge) :
                              SequenceMassCalc.GetMZ(calcFilterPre.GetPrecursorMass(sequence), groupDocNode.TransitionGroup.PrecursorCharge);
            if (!IsAvoidMismatchedIsotopeTransitions)
                precursorMzAccept = precursorMz;

            var      tranSettings      = settings.TransitionSettings;
            var      filter            = tranSettings.Filter;
            var      charges           = filter.ProductCharges;
            var      startFinder       = filter.FragmentRangeFirst;
            var      endFinder         = filter.FragmentRangeLast;
            double   precursorMzWindow = filter.PrecursorMzWindow;
            var      types             = filter.IonTypes;
            MassType massType          = tranSettings.Prediction.FragmentMassType;
            int      minMz             = tranSettings.Instrument.GetMinMz(precursorMzAccept);
            int      maxMz             = tranSettings.Instrument.MaxMz;

            var pepMods         = settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications;
            var potentialLosses = CalcPotentialLosses(sequence, pepMods, mods, massType);

            // A start m/z will need to be calculated if the start fragment
            // finder uses m/z and their are losses to consider.  If the filter
            // is set to only consider fragments with m/z greater than the
            // precursor, the code below needs to also prevent loss fragments
            // from being under that m/z.
            double startMz = 0;

            // Get library settings
            var pick = tranSettings.Libraries.Pick;

            if (!useFilter)
                pick = TransitionLibraryPick.all;
                var listAll = Transition.ALL_CHARGES.ToList();
                listAll.AddRange(charges.Where(c => !Transition.ALL_CHARGES.Contains(c)));
                charges = listAll.ToArray();
                types   = Transition.ALL_TYPES;
            // If there are no libraries or no library information, then
            // picking cannot use library information
            else if (!settings.PeptideSettings.Libraries.HasLibraries || libInfo == null)
                pick = TransitionLibraryPick.none;

            // If filtering without library picking
            if (potentialLosses != null)
                if (pick == TransitionLibraryPick.none)
                    // Only include loss combinations where all losses are included always
                    potentialLosses = potentialLosses.Where(losses =>
                                                            losses.All(loss => loss.TransitionLoss.Loss.Inclusion == LossInclusion.Always)).ToArray();
                else if (useFilter)
                    // Exclude all losses which should never be included by default
                    potentialLosses = potentialLosses.Where(losses =>
                                                            losses.All(loss => loss.TransitionLoss.Loss.Inclusion != LossInclusion.Never)).ToArray();
                if (!potentialLosses.Any())
                    potentialLosses = null;

            // Return precursor ions
            if (!useFilter || types.Contains(IonType.precursor))
                bool libraryFilter = (pick == TransitionLibraryPick.all || pick == TransitionLibraryPick.filter);
                foreach (var nodeTran in GetPrecursorTransitions(settings, mods, calcFilterPre, calcPredict,
                                                                 precursorMz, isotopeDist, potentialLosses, transitionRanks, libraryFilter, useFilter))
                    if (minMz <= nodeTran.Mz && nodeTran.Mz <= maxMz)
                        yield return(nodeTran);

            // Return special ions from settings, if this is a peptide
            if (!IsCustomIon)
                // This is a peptide, but it may have custom transitions (reporter ions), check those
                foreach (var measuredIon in tranSettings.Filter.MeasuredIons.Where(m => m.IsCustom))
                    if (useFilter && measuredIon.IsOptional)
                    var    tran     = new Transition(this, measuredIon.Charge, null, measuredIon.CustomIon);
                    double mass     = settings.GetFragmentMass(IsotopeLabelType.light, null, tran, null);
                    var    nodeTran = new TransitionDocNode(tran, null, mass, null, null);
                    if (minMz <= nodeTran.Mz && nodeTran.Mz <= maxMz)
                        yield return(nodeTran);

            // For small molecules we can't generate new nodes, so just mz filter those we have
            foreach (var nodeTran in groupDocNode.Transitions.Where(tran => tran.Transition.IsNonPrecursorNonReporterCustomIon()))
                if (minMz <= nodeTran.Mz && nodeTran.Mz <= maxMz)
                    yield return(nodeTran);

            if (sequence == null) // Completely custom
                yield break;

            // If picking relies on library information
            if (useFilter && pick != TransitionLibraryPick.none)
                // If it is not yet loaded, or nothing got ranked, return an empty enumeration
                if (!settings.PeptideSettings.Libraries.IsLoaded ||
                    (transitionRanks != null && transitionRanks.Count == 0))
                    yield break;

            double[,] massesPredict = calcPredict.GetFragmentIonMasses(sequence);
            int len = massesPredict.GetLength(1);

            if (len == 0)
                yield break;

            double[,] massesFilter = massesPredict;
            if (!ReferenceEquals(calcFilter, calcPredict))
                // Get the normal m/z values for filtering, so that light and heavy
                // ion picks will match.
                massesFilter = calcFilter.GetFragmentIonMasses(sequence);

            // Get types other than this to make sure matches are possible for all types
            var listOtherTypes = new List <Tuple <TransitionGroupDocNode, IFragmentMassCalc> >();

            foreach (var labelType in settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications.GetModificationTypes())
                if (Equals(labelType, LabelType))
                var calc = settings.GetFragmentCalc(labelType, mods);
                if (calc == null)
                var tranGroupOther = new TransitionGroup(Peptide, PrecursorCharge, labelType, false, DecoyMassShift);
                var nodeGroupOther = new TransitionGroupDocNode(tranGroupOther, Annotations.EMPTY, settings, mods,
                                                                libInfo, ExplicitTransitionGroupValues.EMPTY, null, new TransitionDocNode[0], false);

                listOtherTypes.Add(new Tuple <TransitionGroupDocNode, IFragmentMassCalc>(nodeGroupOther, calc));

            // Loop over potential product ions picking transitions
            foreach (IonType type in types)
                // Precursor type is handled above.
                if (type == IonType.precursor)

                foreach (int charge in charges)
                    // Precursor charge can never be lower than product ion charge.
                    if (Math.Abs(PrecursorCharge) < Math.Abs(charge))

                    int start = 0, end = 0;
                    if (pick != TransitionLibraryPick.all)
                        start = startFinder.FindStartFragment(massesFilter, type, charge,
                                                              precursorMz, precursorMzWindow, out startMz);
                        end = endFinder.FindEndFragment(type, start, len);
                        if (Transition.IsCTerminal(type))
                            Helpers.Swap(ref start, ref end);

                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                        // Get the predicted m/z that would be used in the transition
                        double massH = massesPredict[(int)type, i];
                        foreach (var losses in CalcTransitionLosses(type, i, massType, potentialLosses))
                            double ionMz = SequenceMassCalc.GetMZ(Transition.CalcMass(massH, losses), charge);

                            // Make sure the fragment m/z value falls within the valid instrument range.
                            // CONSIDER: This means that a heavy transition might excede the instrument
                            //           range where a light one is accepted, leading to a disparity
                            //           between heavy and light transtions picked.
                            if (minMz > ionMz || ionMz > maxMz)

                            TransitionDocNode nodeTranReturn = null;
                            bool accept = true;
                            if (pick == TransitionLibraryPick.all || pick == TransitionLibraryPick.all_plus)
                                if (!useFilter)
                                    nodeTranReturn = CreateTransitionNode(type, i, charge, massH, losses, transitionRanks);
                                    accept         = false;
                                    if (IsMatched(transitionRanks, ionMz, type, charge, losses))
                                        nodeTranReturn = CreateTransitionNode(type, i, charge, massH, losses, transitionRanks);
                                        accept         = false;
                                    // If allowing library or filter, check the filter to decide whether to accept
                                    else if (pick == TransitionLibraryPick.all_plus &&
                                             tranSettings.Accept(sequence, precursorMzAccept, type, i, ionMz, start, end, startMz))
                                        nodeTranReturn = CreateTransitionNode(type, i, charge, massH, losses, transitionRanks);
                            else if (tranSettings.Accept(sequence, precursorMzAccept, type, i, ionMz, start, end, startMz))
                                if (pick == TransitionLibraryPick.none)
                                    nodeTranReturn = CreateTransitionNode(type, i, charge, massH, losses, transitionRanks);
                                    if (IsMatched(transitionRanks, ionMz, type, charge, losses))
                                        nodeTranReturn = CreateTransitionNode(type, i, charge, massH, losses, transitionRanks);
                            if (nodeTranReturn != null)
                                if (IsAvoidMismatchedIsotopeTransitions &&
                                    !OtherLabelTypesAllowed(settings, minMz, maxMz, start, end, startMz, accept,
                                                            groupDocNode, nodeTranReturn, listOtherTypes))
                                Assume.IsTrue(minMz <= nodeTranReturn.Mz && nodeTranReturn.Mz <= maxMz);
                                yield return(nodeTranReturn);
コード例 #16
        public override void UpdateGraph(bool checkData)
            _dotpLabels = new GraphObjList();

            SrmDocument document = GraphSummary.DocumentUIContainer.DocumentUI;
            var results = document.Settings.MeasuredResults;
            bool resultsAvailable = results != null;

            if (!resultsAvailable)
                Title.Text = Resources.AreaReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_No_results_available;

            var selectedTreeNode = GraphSummary.StateProvider.SelectedNode as SrmTreeNode;
            if (selectedTreeNode == null || document.FindNode(selectedTreeNode.Path) == null)

            BarSettings.Type = BarType;
            Title.Text = null;

            DisplayTypeChrom displayType;
            if (Equals(PaneKey, PaneKey.PRECURSORS))
                displayType = DisplayTypeChrom.precursors;
            else if (Equals(PaneKey, PaneKey.PRODUCTS))
                displayType = DisplayTypeChrom.products;
                displayType = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayType(document, selectedTreeNode);

            DocNode selectedNode = selectedTreeNode.Model;
            DocNode parentNode = selectedNode;
            IdentityPath identityPath = selectedTreeNode.Path;
            bool optimizationPresent = results.Chromatograms.Contains(
                chrom => chrom.OptimizationFunction != null);

            // If the selected tree node is a transition, then its siblings are displayed.
            if (selectedTreeNode is TransitionTreeNode)
                if (displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single)
                    BarSettings.Type = BarType.Cluster;
                    SrmTreeNode parentTreeNode = selectedTreeNode.SrmParent;
                    parentNode = parentTreeNode.Model;
                    identityPath = parentTreeNode.Path;
            // If the selected node is a peptide with one child, then show the children,
            // unless chromatogram display type is total
            else if (selectedTreeNode is PeptideTreeNode)
                var children = ((PeptideDocNode) selectedNode).TransitionGroups
                if (children.Length == 1 && displayType != DisplayTypeChrom.total)
                    selectedNode = parentNode = children[0];
                    identityPath = new IdentityPath(identityPath, parentNode.Id);
                    BarSettings.Type = BarType.Cluster;
            else if (!(selectedTreeNode is TransitionGroupTreeNode))
                Title.Text = Resources.AreaReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Select_a_peptide_to_see_the_peak_area_graph;
                CanShowPeakAreaLegend = false;
                CanShowDotProduct = false;

            var parentGroupNode = parentNode as TransitionGroupDocNode;
            // If a precursor is going to be displayed with display type single
            if (parentGroupNode != null && displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single)
                // If no optimization data, then show all the transitions
                if (!optimizationPresent)
                    displayType = DisplayTypeChrom.all;
                // Otherwise, do not stack the bars
                    BarSettings.Type = BarType.Cluster;
            int ratioIndex = AreaGraphData.RATIO_INDEX_NONE;
            var standardType = IsotopeLabelType.light;

            var areaView = AreaGraphController.AreaView;
            if (areaView == AreaNormalizeToView.area_ratio_view)
                ratioIndex = GraphSummary.RatioIndex;
                standardType = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications.RatioInternalStandardTypes[ratioIndex];                
            else if (areaView == AreaNormalizeToView.area_global_standard_view)
                if (document.Settings.HasGlobalStandardArea)
                    ratioIndex = ChromInfo.RATIO_INDEX_GLOBAL_STANDARDS;
                    areaView = AreaNormalizeToView.none;

            // Sets normalizeData to optimization, maximum_stack, maximum, total, or none
            AreaNormalizeToData normalizeData;
            if (optimizationPresent && displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single &&
                areaView == AreaNormalizeToView.area_percent_view)
                normalizeData = AreaNormalizeToData.optimization;
            else if (areaView == AreaNormalizeToView.area_maximum_view)
                normalizeData = BarSettings.Type == BarType.Stack
                                    ? AreaNormalizeToData.maximum_stack
                                    : AreaNormalizeToData.maximum;
            else if (BarSettings.Type == BarType.PercentStack)
                normalizeData = AreaNormalizeToData.total;
                normalizeData = AreaNormalizeToData.none;

            // Calculate graph data points
            // IsExpectedVisible depends on ExpectedVisible
            ExpectedVisible = AreaExpectedValue.none;
            if (parentGroupNode != null &&
                    displayType != DisplayTypeChrom.total &&
                    areaView != AreaNormalizeToView.area_ratio_view &&
                    !(optimizationPresent && displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single))
                var displayTrans = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayTransitions(parentGroupNode, displayType).ToArray();
                bool isShowingMs = displayTrans.Any(nodeTran => nodeTran.IsMs1);
                bool isShowingMsMs = displayTrans.Any(nodeTran => !nodeTran.IsMs1);
                bool isFullScanMs = document.Settings.TransitionSettings.FullScan.IsEnabledMs && isShowingMs;
                if (isFullScanMs)
                    if (!isShowingMsMs && parentGroupNode.HasIsotopeDist)
                        ExpectedVisible = AreaExpectedValue.isotope_dist;
                    if (parentGroupNode.HasLibInfo)
                        ExpectedVisible = AreaExpectedValue.library;
            var expectedValue = IsExpectedVisible ? ExpectedVisible : AreaExpectedValue.none;
            var replicateGroupOp = GraphValues.ReplicateGroupOp.FromCurrentSettings(document.Settings);
            var graphData = new AreaGraphData(document,

            var aggregateOp = replicateGroupOp.AggregateOp;
            // Avoid stacking CVs
            if (aggregateOp.Cv || aggregateOp.CvDecimal)
                BarSettings.Type = BarType.Cluster;

            int countNodes = graphData.DocNodes.Count;
            if (countNodes == 0)
                ExpectedVisible = AreaExpectedValue.none;
            CanShowDotProduct = ExpectedVisible != AreaExpectedValue.none &&
                                areaView != AreaNormalizeToView.area_percent_view;
            CanShowPeakAreaLegend = countNodes != 0;


            // Add data to the graph
            int selectedReplicateIndex = SelectedIndex;
            if (IsExpectedVisible)
                if (GraphSummary.ActiveLibrary)
                    selectedReplicateIndex = 0;
            double maxArea = -double.MaxValue;
            double sumArea = 0;
            // An array to keep track of height of all bars to determine 
            // where each dot product annotation (if showing) should be placed
            var sumAreas = new double[graphData.ReplicateGroups.Count];

            // If only one bar to show, then use cluster instead of stack bar type, since nothing to stack
            // Important for mean error bar checking below
            if (BarSettings.Type == BarType.Stack && countNodes == 1 && graphData.PointPairLists[0].Count == 1)
                BarSettings.Type = BarType.Cluster;

            int colorOffset = 0;
            if(parentGroupNode != null)
                // We want the product ion colors to stay the same whether they are displayed:
                // 1. In a single pane with the precursor ions (Transitions -> All)
                // 2. In a separate pane of the split graph (Transitions -> All AND Transitions -> Split Graph)
                // 3. In a single pane by themselves (Transition -> Products)
                // We will use an offset in the colors array for cases 2 and 3 so that we do not reuse the precursor ion colors.
                var nodeDisplayType = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayType(document, selectedTreeNode);
                if (displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.products && 
                    (nodeDisplayType != DisplayTypeChrom.single || 
                    (nodeDisplayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single && !optimizationPresent)))
                    colorOffset =
                        GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayTransitions(parentGroupNode, DisplayTypeChrom.precursors).Count();
            int iColor = 0, iCharge = -1;
            int? charge = null;
            int countLabelTypes = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications.CountLabelTypes;
            for (int i = 0; i < countNodes; i++)
                var docNode = graphData.DocNodes[i];
                var pointPairLists = graphData.PointPairLists[i];
                int numSteps = pointPairLists.Count/2;
                for (int iStep = 0; iStep < pointPairLists.Count; iStep++)
                    int step = iStep - numSteps;
                    var pointPairList = pointPairLists[iStep];
                    Color color;
                    var nodeGroup = docNode as TransitionGroupDocNode;
                    if (parentNode is PeptideDocNode)
                        int iColorGroup = GetColorIndex(nodeGroup, countLabelTypes, ref charge, ref iCharge);
                        color = COLORS_GROUPS[iColorGroup % COLORS_GROUPS.Length];
                    else if (displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.total)
                        color = COLORS_GROUPS[iColor%COLORS_GROUPS.Length];
                    else if (docNode.Equals(selectedNode) && step == 0)
                        color = ChromGraphItem.ColorSelected;
                        color = COLORS_TRANSITION[(iColor + colorOffset) % COLORS_TRANSITION.Length];
                    // If showing ratios, do not add the standard type to the graph,
                    // since it will always be empty, but make sure the colors still
                    // correspond with the other graphs.
                    if (nodeGroup != null && ratioIndex >= 0)
                        var labelType = nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.LabelType;
                        if (ReferenceEquals(labelType, standardType))

                    string label = graphData.DocNodeLabels[i];
                    if (step != 0)
                        label = string.Format(Resources.AreaReplicateGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Step__0_, step);
                    BarItem curveItem;
                    // Only use a MeanErrorBarItem if bars are not going to be stacked.
                    // TODO(nicksh): AreaGraphData.NormalizeTo does not know about MeanErrorBarItem 
                    if (BarSettings.Type != BarType.Stack && BarSettings.Type != BarType.PercentStack && normalizeData == AreaNormalizeToData.none)
                        curveItem = new MeanErrorBarItem(label, pointPairList, color, Color.Black);
                        curveItem = new BarItem(label, pointPairList, color);

                    if (0 <= selectedReplicateIndex && selectedReplicateIndex < pointPairList.Count)
                        PointPair pointPair = pointPairList[selectedReplicateIndex];
                        if (!pointPair.IsInvalid)
                            sumArea += pointPair.Y;
                            maxArea = Math.Max(maxArea, pointPair.Y);

                    // Add area for this transition to each area entry
                    AddAreasToSums(pointPairList, sumAreas);

                    curveItem.Bar.Border.IsVisible = false;
                    curveItem.Bar.Fill.Brush = new SolidBrush(color);
                    curveItem.Tag = new IdentityPath(identityPath, docNode.Id);

            ParentGroupNode = parentGroupNode;
            SumAreas = sumAreas;

            // Draw a box around the currently selected replicate
            if (ShowSelection && maxArea >  -double.MaxValue)
                double yValue;
                switch (BarSettings.Type)
                    case BarType.Stack:
                        // The Math.Min(sumArea, .999) makes sure that if graph is in normalized view
                        // height of the selection rectangle does not exceed 1, so that top of the rectangle
                        // can be viewed when y-axis scale maximum is at 1
                        yValue = (areaView == AreaNormalizeToView.area_maximum_view ? Math.Min(sumArea, .999) : sumArea);
                    case BarType.PercentStack:
                        yValue = 99.99;
                        // Scale the selection box to fit exactly the bar height
                        yValue = (areaView == AreaNormalizeToView.area_maximum_view ? Math.Min(maxArea, .999) : maxArea);
                GraphObjList.Add(new BoxObj(selectedReplicateIndex + .5, yValue, 0.99,
                                            yValue, Color.Black, Color.Empty)
                                         IsClippedToChartRect = true,
            // Reset the scale when the parent node changes
            bool resetAxes = (_parentNode == null || !ReferenceEquals(_parentNode.Id, parentNode.Id));
            _parentNode = parentNode;

            UpdateAxes(resetAxes, aggregateOp, normalizeData, areaView, standardType);
コード例 #17
        private void ExportGroupNode(PeptideDocNode peptideNode,
                                     TransitionGroupDocNode groupNode,
                                     ChromatogramSet chromatograms,
                                     ICollection <string> filesToExport,
                                     ICollection <ChromSource> chromSources,
                                     TextWriter writer,
                                     CultureInfo cultureInfo)
            string peptideModifiedSequence = _settings.GetDisplayName(peptideNode);
            var    precursorCharge         = groupNode.TransitionGroup.PrecursorAdduct;
            string labelType    = groupNode.TransitionGroup.LabelType.Name;
            var    filesInChrom = chromatograms.MSDataFilePaths.Select(path => path.GetFileName()).ToList();

            // Don't load the chromatogram group if none of its files are being exported
            if (!filesInChrom.Where(filesToExport.Contains).Any())
            ChromatogramGroupInfo[] arrayChromInfo;
            if (!_measuredResults.TryLoadChromatogram(chromatograms, peptideNode, groupNode,
                                                      _matchTolerance, true, out arrayChromInfo))
                // TODO: Determine if this is a real error or just a missing node for this file
                // If the former throw an exception, if the latter continue
            if (arrayChromInfo.Length != chromatograms.FileCount)
                throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format(Resources.ChromatogramExporter_ExportGroupNode_One_or_more_missing_chromatograms_at_charge_state__0__of__1_,
                                                             precursorCharge, peptideModifiedSequence));
            foreach (var chromGroupInfo in arrayChromInfo)
                string fileName = chromGroupInfo.FilePath.GetFileName();
                // Skip the files that have not been selected for export
                if (!filesToExport.Contains(fileName))
                foreach (var nodeTran in groupNode.Transitions)
                    // TODO: Check a source attribute on the transition chrom info
                    bool isMs1 = nodeTran.Transition.IsPrecursor() && !nodeTran.HasLoss;
                    if (isMs1 && !chromSources.Contains(ChromSource.ms1))
                    if (!isMs1 && !chromSources.Contains(ChromSource.fragment))
                    int   productCharge = nodeTran.Transition.Charge;
                    float productMz     = (float)nodeTran.Mz;
                    var   chromInfo     = chromGroupInfo.GetTransitionInfo(nodeTran.Mz, _matchTolerance);
                    // Sometimes a transition in the transition group does not have results for a particular file
                    // If this happens just skip it for that file
                    if (chromInfo == null)
                    IList <float> times       = chromInfo.Times;
                    IList <float> intensities = chromInfo.Intensities;
                    if (times.Count != intensities.Count || intensities.Count == 0)
                        throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format(Resources.ChromatogramExporter_Export_Bad_chromatogram_data_for_charge__0__state_of_peptide__1_,
                                                                     precursorCharge, peptideModifiedSequence));
                    float    tic        = CalculateTic(times, intensities);
                    string[] fieldArray =
                        System.Convert.ToString(precursorCharge,                  cultureInfo),
                        System.Convert.ToString(productMz,                        cultureInfo),
                        System.Convert.ToString(productCharge,                    cultureInfo),
                        System.Convert.ToString(tic,                              cultureInfo)
                    FormatChromLine(writer, fieldArray, times, intensities, cultureInfo);
コード例 #18
        private readonly string _customIonEquivalenceTestText; // For use with small molecules

        public TransitionEquivalentKey(TransitionGroupDocNode parent, TransitionDocNode nodeTran)
            _nodeTran = nodeTran.Transition;
            _customIonEquivalenceTestText = new TransitionLossKey(parent, nodeTran, null).CustomIonEquivalenceTestValue;
コード例 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// In the case of small molecule transitions specified by mass only, position within
 /// the parent's list of transitions is the only meaningful key.  So we need to know our parent.
 /// </summary>
 public TransitionLossEquivalentKey(TransitionGroupDocNode parent, TransitionDocNode transition, TransitionLosses losses)
     Key    = new TransitionEquivalentKey(parent, transition);
     Losses = losses;
コード例 #20
ファイル: GraphSpectrum.cs プロジェクト: tomas-pluskal/pwiz
        private IList <SpectrumDisplayInfo> GetSpectra(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup, string lookupSequence, ExplicitMods lookupMods)
            var settings = DocumentUI.Settings;
            var charge   = nodeGroup.PrecursorCharge;
            var spectra  = settings.GetBestSpectra(lookupSequence, charge, lookupMods).Select(s => new SpectrumDisplayInfo(s)).ToList();

            // Showing redundant spectra is only supported for full-scan filtering when
            // the document has results files imported.
            if (!settings.TransitionSettings.FullScan.IsEnabled || !settings.HasResults)

                var spectraRedundant       = new List <SpectrumDisplayInfo>();
                var dictReplicateNameFiles = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> >();
                foreach (var spectrumInfo in settings.GetRedundantSpectra(lookupSequence, charge, nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.LabelType, lookupMods).Concat(
                    var matchingFile = settings.MeasuredResults.FindMatchingMSDataFile(MsDataFileUri.Parse(spectrumInfo.FilePath));
                    if (matchingFile == null)

                    string replicateName = matchingFile.Chromatograms.Name;
                    spectraRedundant.Add(new SpectrumDisplayInfo(spectrumInfo,

                    // Include the best spectrum twice, once displayed in the normal
                    // way and once displayed with its replicate and retetion time.
                    if (spectrumInfo.IsBest)
                        string libName   = spectrumInfo.LibName;
                        var    labelType = spectrumInfo.LabelType;
                        int    iBest     = spectra.IndexOf(s => Equals(s.LibName, libName) &&
                                                           Equals(s.LabelType, labelType));
                        if (iBest != -1)
                            spectra[iBest] = new SpectrumDisplayInfo(spectra[iBest].SpectrumInfo,

                    HashSet <string> setFiles;
                    if (!dictReplicateNameFiles.TryGetValue(replicateName, out setFiles))
                        setFiles = new HashSet <string>();
                        dictReplicateNameFiles.Add(replicateName, setFiles);

                // Determine if replicate name is sufficient to uniquely identify the file
                foreach (var spectrumInfo in spectraRedundant)
                    string replicateName = spectrumInfo.ReplicateName;
                    if (replicateName != null && dictReplicateNameFiles[replicateName].Count < 2)
                        spectrumInfo.IsReplicateUnique = true;

            catch (Exception)
コード例 #21
ファイル: ChromGraphItem.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
 public NotFoundChromGraphItem(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup)
     : base(string.Format(Resources.NotFoundChromGraphItem_NotFoundChromGraphItem__0__not_found, ChromGraphItem.GetTitle(nodeGroup)))
コード例 #22
ファイル: GraphSummary.cs プロジェクト: joey10086/pwiz
 public PaneKey[] CalcPaneKeys(GraphTypeSummary graphType)
     PaneKey[] paneKeys = null;
     if (Settings.Default.SplitChromatogramGraph)
         if (graphType == GraphTypeSummary.replicate)
             var selectedTreeNode = StateProvider.SelectedNode as SrmTreeNode;
             if (null != selectedTreeNode)
                 TransitionGroupDocNode[] transitionGroups;
                 bool transitionSelected = false;
                 // ReSharper disable once CanBeReplacedWithTryCastAndCheckForNull
                 if (selectedTreeNode.Model is PeptideDocNode)
                     transitionGroups = ((PeptideDocNode)selectedTreeNode.Model).TransitionGroups.ToArray();
                 // ReSharper disable once CanBeReplacedWithTryCastAndCheckForNull
                 else if (selectedTreeNode.Model is TransitionGroupDocNode)
                     transitionGroups = new[] { (TransitionGroupDocNode)selectedTreeNode.Model };
                 else if (selectedTreeNode.Model is TransitionDocNode)
                     transitionGroups   = new[] { (TransitionGroupDocNode)((SrmTreeNode)selectedTreeNode.Parent).Model };
                     transitionSelected = true;
                     transitionGroups = new TransitionGroupDocNode[0];
                 if (transitionGroups.Length == 1)
                     if (GraphChromatogram.DisplayType == DisplayTypeChrom.all ||
                         (GraphChromatogram.DisplayType == DisplayTypeChrom.single && !transitionSelected))
                         var  transitionGroup = transitionGroups[0];
                         bool hasPrecursors   = transitionGroup.Transitions.Any(transition => transition.IsMs1);
                         bool hasProducts     = transitionGroup.Transitions.Any(transition => !transition.IsMs1);
                         if (hasPrecursors && hasProducts)
                             paneKeys = new[] { PaneKey.PRECURSORS, PaneKey.PRODUCTS };
                 else if (transitionGroups.Length > 1)
                     paneKeys = transitionGroups.Select(group => new PaneKey(@group))
             paneKeys = StateProvider.SelectionDocument.MoleculeTransitionGroups.Select(
                 group => new PaneKey(@group.TransitionGroup.LabelType)).Distinct().ToArray();
     paneKeys = paneKeys ?? new[] { PaneKey.DEFAULT };
コード例 #23
ファイル: ChromGraphItem.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
 public static string GetTitle(TransitionGroupDocNode transitionGroup, TransitionDocNode transition)
     if (null == transition)
         return GetTitle(transitionGroup);
     return string.Format("{0}{1} - {2:F04}{3}{4}", transition.FragmentIonName, // Not L10N
コード例 #24
ファイル: ToolOptionsUI.cs プロジェクト: laeubisoft/pwiz
        public ToolOptionsUI(SrmSettings settings)
            checkBoxShowWizard.Checked = Settings.Default.ShowStartupForm;
            powerOfTenCheckBox.Checked = Settings.Default.UsePowerOfTen;
            Icon = Resources.Skyline;

            _driverServers = new SettingsListBoxDriver <Server>(listboxServers, Settings.Default.ServerList);
            _driverRemoteAccounts = new SettingsListBoxDriver <RemoteAccount>(listBoxRemoteAccounts, Settings.Default.RemoteAccountList);
            _driverColorSchemes = new SettingsListComboDriver <ColorScheme>(comboColorScheme, Settings.Default.ColorSchemes, true);

            var pingPep   = new Peptide(@"PING");
            var peptide   = new PeptideDocNode(pingPep);
            var precursor = new TransitionGroupDocNode(new TransitionGroup(pingPep, Adduct.SINGLY_PROTONATED, IsotopeLabelType.light),
                                                       new TransitionDocNode[0]);

            _pingInput     = new PrositIntensityModel.PeptidePrecursorNCE(peptide, precursor, IsotopeLabelType.light, 32);
            _settingsNoMod = settings.ChangePeptideModifications(
                pm => new PeptideModifications(new StaticMod[0], new TypedModifications[0]));

            // Hide ability to turn off live reports

            // Populate the languages list with the languages that Skyline has been localized to
            string defaultDisplayName = string.Format(Resources.ToolOptionsUI_ToolOptionsUI_Default___0__,

            listBoxLanguages.Items.Add(new DisplayLanguageItem(string.Empty, defaultDisplayName));
            foreach (var culture in CultureUtil.AvailableDisplayLanguages())
                listBoxLanguages.Items.Add(new DisplayLanguageItem(culture.Name, culture.DisplayName));
            for (int i = 0; i < listBoxLanguages.Items.Count; i++)
                var displayLanguageItem = (DisplayLanguageItem)listBoxLanguages.Items[i];
                if (Equals(displayLanguageItem.Key, Settings.Default.DisplayLanguage))
                    listBoxLanguages.SelectedIndex = i;
            comboCompactFormatOption.SelectedItem = CompactFormatOption.FromSettings();

            var iModels = PrositIntensityModel.Models.ToList();

            iModels.Insert(0, string.Empty);
            var rtModels = PrositRetentionTimeModel.Models.ToList();

            rtModels.Insert(0, string.Empty);

            tbxPrositServer.Text = PrositConfig.GetPrositConfig().Server;

            prositServerStatusLabel.Text = string.Empty;
            if (iModels.Contains(Settings.Default.PrositIntensityModel))
                intensityModelCombo.SelectedItem = Settings.Default.PrositIntensityModel;
            if (rtModels.Contains(Settings.Default.PrositRetentionTimeModel))
                iRTModelCombo.SelectedItem = Settings.Default.PrositRetentionTimeModel;

                Enumerable.Range(PrositConstants.MIN_NCE, PrositConstants.MAX_NCE - PrositConstants.MIN_NCE + 1).Select(c => (object)c)
            ceCombo.SelectedItem = Settings.Default.PrositNCE;
コード例 #25
        public PeptideDocNode CreateDocNodeFromSettings(string seq, Peptide peptide, SrmSettingsDiff diff,
            out TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroupMatched)
            seq = Transition.StripChargeIndicators(seq, TransitionGroup.MIN_PRECURSOR_CHARGE, TransitionGroup.MAX_PRECURSOR_CHARGE);
            if (peptide == null)
                string seqUnmod = FastaSequence.StripModifications(seq);
                    peptide = new Peptide(null, seqUnmod, null, null,
                catch (InvalidDataException)
                    nodeGroupMatched = null;
                    return null;

            // Use the number of modifications as the maximum, if it is less than the current
            // settings to keep from over enumerating, which can be slow.
            var filter = new MaxModFilter(Math.Min(seq.Count(c => c == '[' || c == '('),
            foreach (var nodePep in peptide.CreateDocNodes(Settings, filter))
                var nodePepMod = CreateDocNodeFromSettings(seq, nodePep, diff, out nodeGroupMatched);
                if (nodePepMod != null)
                    return nodePepMod;
            nodeGroupMatched = null;
            return null;
コード例 #26
        protected override void DoTest()
            RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.OpenFile(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("CE_Vantage_15mTorr_scheduled_mini_withMod.sky")));

            RunUI(() =>
                SequenceTree sequenceTree = SkylineWindow.SequenceTree;

                // Test single node copy.
                sequenceTree.KeysOverride = Keys.None;
                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[0];
                CheckCopiedNodes(0, 1);

                // Test multiple selection copy.
                sequenceTree.KeysOverride = Keys.Shift;
                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[1];

                // Test multiple selection disjoint, reverse order copy.
                CheckCopiedNodes(0, 1);
                Assert.AreSame(sequenceTree, SkylineWindow.SequenceTree);
                sequenceTree.KeysOverride = Keys.None;
                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[1].Nodes[0];
                sequenceTree.KeysOverride = Keys.Control;
                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[0].Nodes[0];
                // After copying in reverse order, reselect the nodes in sorted order so we don't have to
                // sort them in the test code.
                sequenceTree.KeysOverride = Keys.None;
                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[0];
                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[0].Nodes[0];
                sequenceTree.KeysOverride = Keys.Control;
                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[1].Nodes[0];
                Assert.AreSame(sequenceTree, SkylineWindow.SequenceTree);
                CheckCopiedNodes(1, 2);

                // Test no space between parent and descendents if immediate child is not selected.
                sequenceTree.KeysOverride = Keys.None;
                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[0];
                sequenceTree.KeysOverride = Keys.Control;
                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[0].Nodes[0].Nodes[0].Nodes[0];
                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[0].Nodes[0].Nodes[0].Nodes[2];
                CheckCopiedNodes(0, 1);

                // Test paste menu item enabled, copy menu item disabled when dummy node is selected.
                sequenceTree.KeysOverride = Keys.None;
                sequenceTree.SelectedNode =
                    sequenceTree.Nodes[SkylineWindow.SequenceTree.Nodes.Count - 1];
                Assert.IsFalse(SkylineWindow.CopyMenuItemEnabled(), "Copy menu should not be enabled");

                // Test FASTA sequence copy HTML formatting
                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[0];
                string clipboardHtml = GetClipboardHtml();
                Assert.AreEqual(4, Regex.Matches(clipboardHtml, "<font style=\"font-weight: bold").Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(4, Regex.Matches(clipboardHtml, "</font>").Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, Regex.Matches(clipboardHtml, "color: blue").Count);

                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[1];
                clipboardHtml = GetClipboardHtml();
                Assert.AreEqual(19, Regex.Matches(clipboardHtml, "<font style=\"font-weight: bold").Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(19, Regex.Matches(clipboardHtml, "</font>").Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, Regex.Matches(clipboardHtml, "color: blue").Count);

                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[2];
                clipboardHtml = GetClipboardHtml();
                Assert.AreEqual(18, Regex.Matches(clipboardHtml, "<font style=\"font-weight: bold").Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(18, Regex.Matches(clipboardHtml, "</font>").Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, Regex.Matches(clipboardHtml, "color: blue").Count);

                // Test clipboard HTML contains formatting for modified peptides.
                sequenceTree.SelectedNode = sequenceTree.Nodes[3].Nodes[0];
                clipboardHtml = GetClipboardHtml();
                Assert.IsTrue(clipboardHtml.Contains("font") && clipboardHtml.Contains("color"));

            // Paste a protein list
            var document = WaitForDocumentLoaded();

            RunUI(() =>
            var docPaste = WaitForDocumentChange(document);

            Assert.AreEqual(document.PeptideGroupCount + 3, docPaste.PeptideGroupCount);
            Assert.AreEqual("P23978", docPaste.PeptideGroups.Last().ProteinMetadata.Accession);  // Did builtin IPI conversion work?

            // Paste an invalid protein list
            RunDlg <MessageDlg>(() =>
                SetClipboardText(PROTEINLIST_CLIPBOARD_TEXT.Replace("MDAL", "***"));
                                msgDlg => msgDlg.OkDialog());
            Assert.AreSame(docPaste, WaitForProteinMetadataBackgroundLoaderCompletedUI());

            // Test border case where protein/peptide/transition list contains a blank line
            // Should give generic error, not crash
            RunDlg <MessageDlg>(() =>
                                msgDlg =>
                Assert.AreEqual(msgDlg.Message, Resources.CopyPasteTest_DoTest_Could_not_read_the_pasted_transition_list___Transition_list_must_be_in_separated_columns_and_cannot_contain_blank_lines_);

            // Paste peptides
            var precursorAdduct = Adduct.DOUBLY_PROTONATED;
            List <Tuple <string, int> > peptidePaste = new List <Tuple <string, int> >
                new Tuple <string, int>("FVEGLPINDFSR", 3),
                new Tuple <string, int>("FVEGLPINDFSR", 2),
                new Tuple <string, int>("FVEGLPINDFSR", 0),
                new Tuple <string, int>("DLNELQALIEAHFENR", 0),
                new Tuple <string, int>(string.Format("C[+{0:F01}]QPLELAGLGFAELQDLC[+{1:F01}]R", 57.0, 57.0), 3),
                new Tuple <string, int>("PEPTIDER", 5),
                new Tuple <string, int>("PEPTIDER", 15)
            var peptidePasteSb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var pep in peptidePaste)
                peptidePasteSb.AppendLine(pep.Item1 + Transition.GetChargeIndicator(Adduct.FromChargeProtonated(pep.Item2)));

            RunUI(() =>
                document = SkylineWindow.Document;
                document = document.ChangeSettings(document.Settings.ChangeTransitionFilter(f => f.ChangePeptidePrecursorCharges(new[] { precursorAdduct })));
            document = WaitForDocumentChange(document);
            Assert.AreEqual(peptidePaste.Count, document.PeptideTransitionGroupCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < document.PeptideTransitionGroupCount; i++)
                TransitionGroupDocNode transition = document.PeptideTransitionGroups.ElementAt(i);
                string seq    = transition.TransitionGroup.Peptide.Sequence;
                var    charge = transition.PrecursorAdduct.AdductCharge;
                Assert.AreEqual(FastaSequence.StripModifications(peptidePaste[i].Item1), seq);
                var pastedCharge = peptidePaste[i].Item2;
                Assert.AreEqual(pastedCharge != 0 ? pastedCharge : precursorAdduct.AdductCharge, charge);

            // Undo paste
            RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.Undo());
            document = WaitForDocumentChange(document);
            // Change precursor charges
            Adduct[] precursorCharges = { Adduct.DOUBLY_PROTONATED, Adduct.TRIPLY_PROTONATED, Adduct.QUADRUPLY_PROTONATED };
            RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.ModifyDocument("Change precursor charges", doc => doc.ChangeSettings((document.Settings.ChangeTransitionFilter(f => f.ChangePeptidePrecursorCharges(precursorCharges))))));
            document = WaitForDocumentChange(document);
            // Re-paste in peptides
            RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.Paste());
            document = WaitForDocumentChange(document);
            int curTransitionGroup = 0;

            foreach (var peptide in peptidePaste)
                if (peptide.Item2 > 0)
                    // Pasted peptides with a charge indicator should have a single precursor with the specified charge state
                    TransitionGroupDocNode group = document.PeptideTransitionGroups.ElementAt(curTransitionGroup++);
                    string seq    = group.TransitionGroup.Peptide.Sequence;
                    var    charge = group.PrecursorAdduct.AdductCharge;
                    Assert.AreEqual(FastaSequence.StripModifications(peptide.Item1), seq);
                    var pastedCharge = peptide.Item2;
                    Assert.AreEqual(pastedCharge, charge);
                    // Pasted peptides with no charge indicator should have a precursor for every charge state in transition filter settings
                    for (int j = 0; j < precursorCharges.Count(); j++)
                        TransitionGroupDocNode group = document.PeptideTransitionGroups.ElementAt(curTransitionGroup++);
                        string seq    = group.TransitionGroup.Peptide.Sequence;
                        var    charge = group.PrecursorAdduct;
                        Assert.AreEqual(FastaSequence.StripModifications(peptide.Item1), seq);
                        Assert.AreEqual(precursorCharges[j], charge);
            Assert.AreEqual(curTransitionGroup, document.PeptideTransitionGroupCount);
コード例 #27
ファイル: GraphSpectrum.cs プロジェクト: tomas-pluskal/pwiz
        public void UpdateUI(bool selectionChanged = true)
            // Only worry about updates, if the graph is visible
            // And make sure it is not disposed, since rendering happens on a timer
            if (!Visible || IsDisposed)

            // Clear existing data from the graph pane
            var graphPane = (MSGraphPane)graphControl.MasterPane[0];

            GraphItem = null;

            GraphHelper.FormatFontSize(graphControl.GraphPane, Settings.Default.SpectrumFontSize);
            // Try to find a tree node with spectral library info associated
            // with the current selection.
            var nodeTree      = _stateProvider.SelectedNode as SrmTreeNode;
            var nodeGroupTree = nodeTree as TransitionGroupTreeNode;
            var nodeTranTree  = nodeTree as TransitionTreeNode;

            if (nodeTranTree != null)
                nodeGroupTree = nodeTranTree.Parent as TransitionGroupTreeNode;

            var             nodeGroup = (nodeGroupTree != null ? nodeGroupTree.DocNode : null);
            PeptideTreeNode nodePepTree;

            if (nodeGroup == null)
                nodePepTree = nodeTree as PeptideTreeNode;
                if (nodePepTree != null)
                    var listInfoGroups = GetLibraryInfoChargeGroups(nodePepTree);
                    if (listInfoGroups.Length == 1)
                        nodeGroup = listInfoGroups[0];
                    else if (listInfoGroups.Length > 1)
                        _nodeGroup      = null;
                        toolBar.Visible = false;
                        _graphHelper.SetErrorGraphItem(new NoDataMSGraphItem(
                nodePepTree = nodeGroupTree.Parent as PeptideTreeNode;

            // Check for appropriate spectrum to load
            SrmSettings      settings  = DocumentUI.Settings;
            PeptideLibraries libraries = settings.PeptideSettings.Libraries;
            bool             available = false;

            if (nodeGroup == null || (!nodeGroup.HasLibInfo && !libraries.HasMidasLibrary))
                _spectra = null;
                TransitionGroup   group          = nodeGroup.TransitionGroup;
                TransitionDocNode transition     = (nodeTranTree == null ? null : nodeTranTree.DocNode);
                string            lookupSequence = group.Peptide.TextId; // Sequence or custom ion id
                ExplicitMods      lookupMods     = null;
                if (nodePepTree != null)
                    lookupSequence = nodePepTree.DocNode.SourceUnmodifiedTextId;
                    lookupMods     = nodePepTree.DocNode.SourceExplicitMods;
                    // Try to load a list of spectra matching the criteria for
                    // the current node group.
                    if (libraries.HasLibraries && libraries.IsLoaded)
                        if (NodeGroupChanged(nodeGroup))
                                UpdateSpectra(nodeGroup, lookupSequence, lookupMods);
                            catch (Exception)
                                _spectra = null;

                            _nodeGroup = nodeGroup;
                            if (settings.TransitionSettings.Instrument.IsDynamicMin)

                        var spectrum = SelectedSpectrum;
                        if (spectrum != null)
                            IsotopeLabelType typeInfo = spectrum.LabelType;
                            var types       = _stateProvider.ShowIonTypes;
                            var charges     = _stateProvider.ShowIonCharges;
                            var rankTypes   = settings.TransitionSettings.Filter.IonTypes;
                            var rankCharges = settings.TransitionSettings.Filter.ProductCharges;
                            // Make sure the types and charges in the settings are at the head
                            // of these lists to give them top priority, and get rankings correct.
                            int i = 0;
                            foreach (IonType type in rankTypes)
                                if (types.Remove(type))
                                    types.Insert(i++, type);
                            i = 0;
                            foreach (int charge in rankCharges)
                                if (charges.Remove(charge))
                                    charges.Insert(i++, charge);
                            SpectrumPeaksInfo spectrumInfo = spectrum.SpectrumPeaksInfo;
                            var spectrumInfoR = new LibraryRankedSpectrumInfo(spectrumInfo,
                            GraphItem = new SpectrumGraphItem(nodeGroup, transition, spectrumInfoR, spectrum.LibName)
                                ShowTypes      = types,
                                ShowCharges    = charges,
                                ShowRanks      = Settings.Default.ShowRanks,
                                ShowMz         = Settings.Default.ShowIonMz,
                                ShowObservedMz = Settings.Default.ShowObservedMz,
                                ShowDuplicates = Settings.Default.ShowDuplicateIons,
                                FontSize       = Settings.Default.SpectrumFontSize,
                                LineWidth      = Settings.Default.SpectrumLineWidth
                            LibraryChromGroup chromatogramData = null;
                            if (Settings.Default.ShowLibraryChromatograms)
                                chromatogramData = spectrum.LoadChromatogramData();
                            if (null == chromatogramData)
                                _graphHelper.ResetForSpectrum(new[] { nodeGroup.TransitionGroup });
                                _graphHelper.ZoomSpectrumToSettings(DocumentUI, nodeGroup);
                                _graphHelper.ResetForChromatograms(new[] { nodeGroup.TransitionGroup });

                                var displayType = GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayType(DocumentUI, nodeGroup);
                                IList <TransitionDocNode> displayTransitions =
                                    GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayTransitions(nodeGroup, displayType).ToArray();
                                int numTrans      = displayTransitions.Count;
                                var allChromDatas =
                                        chromData => DisplayTypeMatches(chromData, displayType)).ToList();
                                var chromDatas = new List <LibraryChromGroup.ChromData>();
                                for (int iTran = 0; iTran < numTrans; iTran++)
                                    var displayTransition = displayTransitions[iTran];
                                    var indexMatch        =
                                        allChromDatas.IndexOf(chromData => IonMatches(displayTransition.Transition, chromData));
                                    if (indexMatch >= 0)
                                allChromDatas.Sort((chromData1, chromData2) => chromData1.Mz.CompareTo(chromData2.Mz));
                                double maxHeight         = chromDatas.Max(chromData => null == chromData ? double.MinValue : chromData.Height);
                                int    iChromDataPrimary = chromDatas.IndexOf(chromData => null != chromData && maxHeight == chromData.Height);
                                int    colorOffset       = displayType == DisplayTypeChrom.products
                                                      ? GraphChromatogram.GetDisplayTransitions(nodeGroup,
                                                      : 0;
                                for (int iChromData = 0; iChromData < chromDatas.Count; iChromData++)
                                    var chromData = chromDatas[iChromData];
                                    if (chromData == null)
                                    string label;
                                    var    pointAnnotation = GraphItem.AnnotatePoint(new PointPair(chromData.Mz, 1.0));
                                    if (null != pointAnnotation)
                                        label = pointAnnotation.Label;
                                        label = chromData.Mz.ToString("0.####"); // Not L10N
                                    TransitionDocNode matchingTransition;
                                    Color             color;
                                    if (iChromData < numTrans)
                                        matchingTransition = displayTransitions[iChromData];
                                        color =
                                                (iChromData + colorOffset) % GraphChromatogram.COLORS_LIBRARY.Length];
                                        matchingTransition = null;
                                        color =
                                                iChromData % GraphChromatogram.COLORS_GROUPS.Length];

                                    TransitionChromInfo tranPeakInfo;
                                    ChromatogramInfo    chromatogramInfo;
                                    MakeChromatogramInfo(nodeGroup.PrecursorMz, chromatogramData, chromData, out chromatogramInfo, out tranPeakInfo);
                                    var graphItem = new ChromGraphItem(nodeGroup, matchingTransition, chromatogramInfo, iChromData == iChromDataPrimary ? tranPeakInfo : null, null,
                                                                       new[] { iChromData == iChromDataPrimary }, null, 0, false, false, 0,
                                                                       color, Settings.Default.ChromatogramFontSize, 1);
                                    LineItem curve = (LineItem)_graphHelper.AddChromatogram(PaneKey.DEFAULT, graphItem);
                                    if (matchingTransition == null)
                                        curve.Label.Text = label;
                                    curve.Line.Width = Settings.Default.ChromatogramLineWidth;
                                    if (null != transition)
                                        if (IonMatches(transition.Transition, chromData))
                                            color = ChromGraphItem.ColorSelected;
                                    curve.Color = color;
                                graphPane.Title.IsVisible  = false;
                                graphPane.Legend.IsVisible = true;
                                _graphHelper.FinishedAddingChromatograms(chromatogramData.StartTime, chromatogramData.EndTime, false);
                            graphControl.IsEnableVPan = graphControl.IsEnableVZoom =
                            available = true;
                catch (Exception)
                    _graphHelper.SetErrorGraphItem(new NoDataMSGraphItem(
            // Show unavailable message, if no spectrum loaded
            if (!available)
                _nodeGroup = null;
                _graphHelper.SetErrorGraphItem(new UnavailableMSGraphItem());
コード例 #28
        public void AddRemoveExplicitModTest()
            SrmDocument docStudy7      = CreateStudy7Doc();
            string      transitionList = ExportCsv(docStudy7);

            Assert.AreEqual(69 + (TestSmallMolecules ? 2 : 0), transitionList.Split('\n').Length); // Special test mode may add an extra doc node

            var modifications  = docStudy7.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications;
            var listStaticMods = modifications.StaticModifications;
            var listHeavyMods  = modifications.HeavyModifications;

            docStudy7 = docStudy7.ChangeSettings(docStudy7.Settings.ChangeTransitionFilter(filter => filter.ChangeAutoSelect(false)));

            // Remove all modifications
            int i = 0;
            // But save them for later
            var removedMods = new Dictionary <int, ExplicitMods>();

            foreach (var peptide in docStudy7.Peptides)
                if (peptide.HasExplicitMods)
                    removedMods.Add(i, peptide.ExplicitMods);

                    IdentityPath path = docStudy7.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, i);
                    docStudy7 = docStudy7.ChangePeptideMods(path, null, listStaticMods, listHeavyMods);

            // Removes heavy from peptide with c-terminal P
            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docStudy7, 6, 7, 11, 21, 63);
            modifications = docStudy7.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, modifications.HeavyModifications.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, modifications.HeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.IsExplicit));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods));

            listHeavyMods = ATOMIC_HEAVY_MODS;

            foreach (var pair in removedMods)
                IdentityPath path = docStudy7.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, pair.Key);
                docStudy7 = docStudy7.ChangePeptideMods(path, pair.Value, listStaticMods, listHeavyMods);

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docStudy7, 11, 7, 11, 21, 63);

            // Replace the heavy precursor that was removed
            // TODO: Yuck.  Would be nice to have a way to do this without duplicating
            //       so much of the logic in PeptideDocNode and PeptideTreeNode
            var pepPath        = docStudy7.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 10);
            var nodePep        = (PeptideDocNode)docStudy7.FindNode(pepPath);
            var mods           = nodePep.ExplicitMods;
            var nodeGroupLight = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePep.Children[0];
            var settings       = docStudy7.Settings;

            foreach (var tranGroup in nodePep.GetTransitionGroups(settings, mods, false))
                if (tranGroup.PrecursorCharge == nodeGroupLight.TransitionGroup.PrecursorCharge &&
                    TransitionDocNode[] transitions = nodePep.GetMatchingTransitions(tranGroup, settings, mods);
                    var nodeGroup = new TransitionGroupDocNode(tranGroup, transitions);
                    nodeGroup = nodeGroup.ChangeSettings(settings, nodePep, mods, SrmSettingsDiff.ALL);
                    docStudy7 = (SrmDocument)docStudy7.Add(pepPath, nodeGroup);

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docStudy7, 12, 7, 11, 22, 66);

            modifications = docStudy7.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, modifications.HeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.IsExplicit && mod.Label13C));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, modifications.HeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.Formula != null));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods &&
                                                        peptide.ExplicitMods.StaticModifications.Count > 0 &&
                                                        peptide.ExplicitMods.StaticModifications[0].Modification.AAs[0] == 'C'));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods &&
                                                        peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.AAs[0] == 'V' &&
            Assert.AreEqual(1, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods &&
                                                        peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.AAs[0] == 'L' &&

            AssertEx.NoDiff(transitionList, ExportCsv(docStudy7));
コード例 #29
 protected override bool IsMatch(string seqMod, PeptideDocNode nodePepMod, out TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup)
     foreach(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroupChild in nodePepMod.Children)
         nodeGroup = nodeGroupChild;
         var calc = Settings.TryGetPrecursorCalc(nodeGroupChild.TransitionGroup.LabelType, nodePepMod.ExplicitMods);
         if (calc == null)
             return false;
         string modSequence = calc.GetModifiedSequence(nodePepMod.Peptide.Sequence, false);
         // If this sequence matches the sequence of the library peptide, a match has been found.
         if (Equals(seqMod, modSequence))
             return true;
     nodeGroup = null;
     return false;
コード例 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a high scoring peak precursor peak group, find other lower scoring precursor peak
        /// groups from different precursors for the same peptide, which overlap in time with the
        /// high scoring peak.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSets">Chromatogram data sets from which to create peptide peaks</param>
        /// <param name="dataPeakMax">High scoring precursor peak group</param>
        /// <param name="allPeakGroups">List of all lower scoring precursor peak groups for the same peptide</param>
        /// <returns>A list of coeluting precursor peak groups for this peptide</returns>
        private PeptideChromDataPeakList FindCoelutingPeptidePeaks(IEnumerable <ChromDataSet> dataSets,
                                                                   PeptideChromDataPeak dataPeakMax,
                                                                   IList <PeptideChromDataPeak> allPeakGroups)
            TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroupMax = dataPeakMax.Data.NodeGroup;
            int startMax = dataPeakMax.StartIndex;
            int endMax   = dataPeakMax.EndIndex;
            int timeMax  = dataPeakMax.TimeIndex;

            // Initialize the collection of peaks with this peak
            var listPeaks = new PeptideChromDataPeakList(NodePep, FileInfo, dataPeakMax);

            // Enumerate the precursors for this peptide
            foreach (var chromData in dataSets)
                // Skip the precursor for the max peak itself
                if (ReferenceEquals(chromData, dataPeakMax.Data))

                int    iPeakBest   = -1;
                double bestProduct = 0;

                // Find nearest peak in remaining set that is less than 1/4 length
                // from the primary peak's center
                for (int i = 0, len = allPeakGroups.Count; i < len; i++)
                    var peakGroup = allPeakGroups[i];
                    // Consider only peaks for the current precursor
                    if (!ReferenceEquals(peakGroup.Data, chromData))

                    // Exclude peaks that do not overlap with the maximum peak
                    TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup = peakGroup.Data.NodeGroup;
                    int startPeak = peakGroup.StartIndex;
                    int endPeak   = peakGroup.EndIndex;
                    if (Math.Min(endPeak, endMax) - Math.Max(startPeak, startMax) <= 0)

                    int timeIndex = peakGroup.TimeIndex;
                    if ((nodeGroup.RelativeRT == RelativeRT.Matching && nodeGroupMax.RelativeRT == RelativeRT.Matching) ||
                        // Matching label types (i.e. different charge states of same label type should always match)
                        ReferenceEquals(nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.LabelType, nodeGroupMax.TransitionGroup.LabelType))
                        // If the peaks are supposed to have the same elution time,
                        // then be more strict about how they overlap
                        if (startMax >= timeIndex || timeIndex >= endMax)
                    else if (nodeGroup.RelativeRT == RelativeRT.Matching && nodeGroupMax.RelativeRT == RelativeRT.Preceding)
                        // If the maximum is supposed to precede this, look for any
                        // indication that this relationship holds, by testing the peak apex
                        // and the peak center.
                        if (timeIndex < timeMax && (startPeak + endPeak) / 2 < (startMax + endMax) / 2)
                    else if (nodeGroup.RelativeRT == RelativeRT.Preceding && nodeGroupMax.RelativeRT == RelativeRT.Matching)
                        // If this peak is supposed to precede the maximum, look for any
                        // indication that this relationship holds, by testing the peak apex
                        // and the peak center.
                        if (timeIndex > timeMax && (startPeak + endPeak) / 2 > (startMax + endMax) / 2)

                    // Choose the next best peak that overlaps
                    if (peakGroup.PeakGroup.CombinedScore > bestProduct)
                        iPeakBest   = i;
                        bestProduct = peakGroup.PeakGroup.CombinedScore;

                // If no coeluting peaks found, add an empty peak group
                if (iPeakBest == -1)
                    listPeaks.Add(new PeptideChromDataPeak(chromData, null));
                // Otherwise, add the found coeluting peak group, and remove it from the full list
                    listPeaks.Add(new PeptideChromDataPeak(chromData, allPeakGroups[iPeakBest].PeakGroup));
コード例 #31
ファイル: AreaCVGraphData.cs プロジェクト: zrolfs/pwiz
 public PeptideAnnotationPair(PeptideGroupDocNode peptideGroup, PeptideDocNode peptide, TransitionGroupDocNode tranGroup, string annotation, double cvRaw)
     PeptideGroup    = peptideGroup;
     Peptide         = peptide;
     TransitionGroup = tranGroup;
     Annotation      = annotation;
     CVRaw           = cvRaw;
コード例 #32
 private bool HasEquivalentGroupNode(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup)
     return(DataSets.Any(d => AreEquivalentGroupNodes(d.NodeGroup, nodeGroup)));
コード例 #33
 protected void VerifyStartEndTime(SrmDocument document, PeptideDocNode peptideDocNode, TransitionGroupDocNode transitionGroupDocNode,
                                   int fileIndex, double startTime, double endTime)
     ChromatogramGroupInfo[] infoSet;
     document.Settings.MeasuredResults.TryLoadChromatogram(fileIndex, peptideDocNode, transitionGroupDocNode,
                                                           (float)TransitionInstrument.DEFAULT_MZ_MATCH_TOLERANCE, true,
                                                           out infoSet);
     Assert.AreNotEqual(0, infoSet.Length);
     foreach (var chromatogramGroupInfo in infoSet)
         Assert.AreEqual(startTime, chromatogramGroupInfo.Times.First(), .1);
         Assert.AreEqual(endTime, chromatogramGroupInfo.Times.Last(), .1);
コード例 #34
 private static bool AreEquivalentGroupNodes(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup1, TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup2)
     return(AreEquivalentGroups(nodeGroup1, nodeGroup2) && nodeGroup1.EquivalentChildren(nodeGroup2));
コード例 #35
        private DocNode CreateChoice(Identity childId, ExplicitMods mods)
            TransitionGroup tranGroup = (TransitionGroup)childId;
            TransitionDocNode[] transitions = DocNode.GetMatchingTransitions(
                tranGroup, DocSettings, mods);

            var nodeGroup = new TransitionGroupDocNode(tranGroup, transitions);
            return nodeGroup.ChangeSettings(DocSettings, DocNode, mods, SrmSettingsDiff.ALL);
コード例 #36
 public PaneKey(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup)
     : this(nodeGroup != null ? nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.PrecursorAdduct : Adduct.EMPTY,
            nodeGroup != null ? nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.LabelType : null,
コード例 #37
ファイル: ChromGraphItem.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
 public FailedChromGraphItem(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup, Exception x)
     : base(string.Format(Resources.FailedChromGraphItem_FailedChromGraphItem__0__load_failed__1__, ChromGraphItem.GetTitle(nodeGroup), x.Message))
コード例 #38
        public ChromGraphItem(TransitionGroupDocNode transitionGroupNode,
                              TransitionDocNode transition,
                              ChromatogramInfo chromatogram,
                              TransitionChromInfo tranPeakInfo,
                              IRegressionFunction timeRegressionFunction,
                              bool[] annotatePeaks,
                              double[] dotProducts,
                              double bestProduct,
                              bool isFullScanMs,
                              bool isSummary,
                              int step,
                              Color color,
                              float fontSize,
                              int width,
                              FullScanInfo fullScanInfo = null)
            TransitionGroupNode    = transitionGroupNode;
            TransitionNode         = transition;
            Chromatogram           = chromatogram;
            TransitionChromInfo    = tranPeakInfo;
            TimeRegressionFunction = timeRegressionFunction;
            Color        = color;
            FullScanInfo = fullScanInfo;

            _step     = step;
            _fontSpec = CreateFontSpec(color, fontSize);
            _width    = width;

            _dotProducts  = dotProducts;
            _bestProduct  = bestProduct;
            _isFullScanMs = isFullScanMs;
            _isSummary    = isSummary;

            _arrayLabelIndexes = new int[annotatePeaks.Length];

            if (chromatogram == null)
                _measuredTimes = new double[0];
                _displayTimes  = _measuredTimes;
                _intensities   = new double[0];
                // Cache values early to avoid accessing slow enumerators
                // which show up under profiling.
                Chromatogram.AsArrays(out _measuredTimes, out _intensities);
                if (TimeRegressionFunction == null)
                    _displayTimes = _measuredTimes;
                    _displayTimes = _measuredTimes.Select(TimeRegressionFunction.GetY).ToArray();
                // Add peak times to hash set for labeling
                int iLastStart = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < chromatogram.NumPeaks; i++)
                    int maxIndex = -1;
                    if (annotatePeaks[i])
                        ChromPeak peak = chromatogram.GetPeak(i);
                        maxIndex = GetMaxIndex(peak.StartTime, peak.EndTime, ref iLastStart);
                    _arrayLabelIndexes[i] = maxIndex;
                    if (maxIndex != -1 && !_annotatedTimes.ContainsKey(maxIndex))
                        _annotatedTimes.Add(maxIndex, i);

                // Calculate best peak index
                if (tranPeakInfo != null)
                    iLastStart         = 0;
                    _bestPeakTimeIndex = GetMaxIndex(tranPeakInfo.StartRetentionTime, tranPeakInfo.EndRetentionTime, ref iLastStart);
コード例 #39
ファイル: ChromGraphItem.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
        public ChromGraphItem(TransitionGroupDocNode transitionGroupNode,
            TransitionDocNode transition,
            ChromatogramInfo chromatogram,
            TransitionChromInfo tranPeakInfo,
            IRegressionFunction timeRegressionFunction,
            bool[] annotatePeaks,
            double[] dotProducts,
            double bestProduct,
            bool isFullScanMs,
            bool isSummary,
            int step,
            Color color,
            float fontSize,
            int width,
            FullScanInfo fullScanInfo = null)
            TransitionGroupNode = transitionGroupNode;
            TransitionNode = transition;
            Chromatogram = chromatogram;
            TransitionChromInfo = tranPeakInfo;
            TimeRegressionFunction = timeRegressionFunction;
            Color = color;
            FullScanInfo = fullScanInfo;

            _step = step;
            _fontSpec = CreateFontSpec(color, fontSize);
            _width = width;

            _dotProducts = dotProducts;
            _bestProduct = bestProduct;
            _isFullScanMs = isFullScanMs;
            _isSummary = isSummary;

            _arrayLabelIndexes = new int[annotatePeaks.Length];

            if (chromatogram == null)
                _measuredTimes = new double[0];
                _displayTimes = _measuredTimes;
                _intensities = new double[0];
                // Cache values early to avoid accessing slow enumerators
                // which show up under profiling.
                Chromatogram.AsArrays(out _measuredTimes, out _intensities);
                if (TimeRegressionFunction == null)
                    _displayTimes = _measuredTimes;
                    _displayTimes = _measuredTimes.Select(TimeRegressionFunction.GetY).ToArray();
                // Add peak times to hash set for labeling
                int iLastStart = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < chromatogram.NumPeaks; i++)
                    int maxIndex = -1;
                    if (annotatePeaks[i])
                        ChromPeak peak = chromatogram.GetPeak(i);
                        maxIndex = GetMaxIndex(peak.StartTime, peak.EndTime, ref iLastStart);
                    _arrayLabelIndexes[i] = maxIndex;
                    if (maxIndex != -1 && !_annotatedTimes.ContainsKey(maxIndex))
                        _annotatedTimes.Add(maxIndex, i);

                // Calculate best peak index
                if (tranPeakInfo != null)
                    iLastStart = 0;
                    _bestPeakTimeIndex = GetMaxIndex(tranPeakInfo.StartRetentionTime, tranPeakInfo.EndRetentionTime, ref iLastStart);
コード例 #40
 public FailedChromGraphItem(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup, Exception x)
     : base(string.Format(Resources.FailedChromGraphItem_FailedChromGraphItem__0__load_failed__1__, ChromGraphItem.GetTitle(nodeGroup), x.Message))
コード例 #41
ファイル: ChromGraphItem.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
        public static string GetTitle(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup)
            if (nodeGroup == null)
                return string.Empty;

            var seq = nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.Peptide.Sequence; // Not using Peptide.RawTextId, see comment below
            if (nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.IsCustomIon)
                // Showing precursor m/z, so avoid showing ion masses as in DisplayName
                var customIon = nodeGroup.CustomIon;
                seq = customIon.Name ?? customIon.Formula;
            string prefix = string.Empty;
            if (seq != null)
                prefix = seq + " - ";   // Not L10N

            return string.Format("{0}{1:F04}{2}{3}", prefix, nodeGroup.PrecursorMz, // Not L10N
コード例 #42
ファイル: SrmSettings.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
 public double GetRegressionMz(PeptideDocNode nodePep, TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup)
     double mz = nodeGroup.PrecursorMz;
     // Always use the light m/z value to ensure regression values are consistent between light and heavy
     if (!nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.LabelType.IsLight)
         if (nodePep.Peptide.IsCustomIon)
             double mass = nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.CustomIon.GetMass(TransitionSettings.Prediction.PrecursorMassType);
             mz = BioMassCalc.CalculateIonMz(mass, nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.PrecursorCharge);
             double massH = GetPrecursorMass(IsotopeLabelType.light,
                 nodePep.Peptide.Sequence, nodePep.ExplicitMods);
             mz = SequenceMassCalc.GetMZ(massH, nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.PrecursorCharge);
     return mz;
コード例 #43
        private void RemovePeak(string chromName, IdentityPath pathGroupRemove, TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroupRemove)
            RunUI(() =>
                int resultsIndex = GetChromIndex(chromName);
                Assert.AreEqual(resultsIndex, SkylineWindow.SelectedResultsIndex);
                SkylineWindow.RemovePeak(pathGroupRemove, nodeGroupRemove, null);

                // Confirm that peak has been removed from the right replicate
                var nodeGroupAfter = SkylineWindow.DocumentUI.FindNode(pathGroupRemove) as TransitionGroupDocNode;
                Assert.AreSame(nodeGroupRemove.Id, nodeGroupAfter.Id);

コード例 #44
ファイル: OptimizationStep.cs プロジェクト: rfellers/pwiz
        public static double?FindOptimizedValueFromResults(SrmSettings settings,
                                                           PeptideDocNode nodePep,
                                                           TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup,
                                                           TransitionDocNode nodeTran,
                                                           OptimizedMethodType methodType,
                                                           GetRegressionValue getRegressionValue)
            // Collect peak area for
            var dictOptTotals = new Dictionary <TReg, Dictionary <int, OptimizationStep <TReg> > >();

            if (settings.HasResults)
                var chromatograms = settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms;
                for (int i = 0; i < chromatograms.Count; i++)
                    var chromSet   = chromatograms[i];
                    var regression = chromSet.OptimizationFunction as TReg;
                    if (regression == null)

                    Dictionary <int, OptimizationStep <TReg> > stepAreas;
                    if (!dictOptTotals.TryGetValue(regression, out stepAreas))
                        dictOptTotals.Add(regression, stepAreas = new Dictionary <int, OptimizationStep <TReg> >());

                    if (methodType == OptimizedMethodType.Precursor)
                        TransitionGroupDocNode[] listGroups = FindCandidateGroups(nodePep, nodeGroup);
                        foreach (var nodeGroupCandidate in listGroups)
                            AddOptimizationStepAreas(nodeGroupCandidate, i, regression, stepAreas);
                    else if (methodType == OptimizedMethodType.Transition)
                        IEnumerable <TransitionDocNode> listTransitions = FindCandidateTransitions(nodePep, nodeGroup, nodeTran);
                        foreach (var nodeTranCandidate in listTransitions)
                            AddOptimizationStepAreas(nodeTranCandidate, i, regression, stepAreas);
            // If no candidate values were found, use the document regressor.
            if (dictOptTotals.Count == 0)

            // Get the CE value with the maximum total peak area
            double maxArea   = 0;
            double bestValue = 0;

            foreach (var optTotals in dictOptTotals.Values)
                foreach (var optStep in optTotals.Values)
                    if (maxArea < optStep.TotalArea)
                        maxArea   = optStep.TotalArea;
                        bestValue = getRegressionValue(settings, nodePep, nodeGroup, nodeTran, optStep.Regression, optStep.Step);
            // Use value for candidate with the largest area
コード例 #45
 protected abstract bool IsMatch(string seq, PeptideDocNode nodePep, out TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup);
コード例 #46
ファイル: SkylineGraphs.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the TransitionGroupChromInfo that matches the specified ChromatogramSet name and file path.
 /// </summary>
 public static TransitionGroupChromInfo FindChromInfo(SrmDocument document,
     TransitionGroupDocNode transitionGroupDocNode, string nameChromatogramSet, MsDataFileUri filePath)
     ChromatogramSet chromatogramSet;
     int indexSet;
     if (!document.Settings.MeasuredResults.TryGetChromatogramSet(nameChromatogramSet, out chromatogramSet, out indexSet))
         return null;
     var chromFileInfoId = chromatogramSet.FindFile(filePath);
     if (null == chromFileInfoId)
         return null;
     var results = transitionGroupDocNode.Results[indexSet];
     if (null == results)
         return null;
     return results.FirstOrDefault(chromInfo => ReferenceEquals(chromFileInfoId, chromInfo.FileId));
コード例 #47
        public void AddRemoveExplicitModTest()
            SrmDocument docStudy7 = CreateStudy7Doc();
            string transitionList = ExportCsv(docStudy7);
            Assert.AreEqual(69 + (TestSmallMolecules ? 2 : 0), transitionList.Split('\n').Length); // Special test mode may add an extra doc node

            var modifications = docStudy7.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications;
            var listStaticMods = modifications.StaticModifications;
            var listHeavyMods = modifications.HeavyModifications;

            docStudy7 = docStudy7.ChangeSettings(docStudy7.Settings.ChangeTransitionFilter(filter => filter.ChangeAutoSelect(false)));

            // Remove all modifications
            int i = 0;
            // But save them for later
            var removedMods = new Dictionary<int, ExplicitMods>();
            foreach (var peptide in docStudy7.Peptides)
                if (peptide.HasExplicitMods)
                    removedMods.Add(i, peptide.ExplicitMods);

                    IdentityPath path = docStudy7.GetPathTo((int) SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, i);
                    docStudy7 = docStudy7.ChangePeptideMods(path, null, listStaticMods, listHeavyMods);

            // Removes heavy from peptide with c-terminal P
            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docStudy7, 6, 7, 11, 21, 63);
            modifications = docStudy7.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, modifications.HeavyModifications.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, modifications.HeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.IsExplicit));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods));

            listHeavyMods = ATOMIC_HEAVY_MODS;

            foreach (var pair in removedMods)
                IdentityPath path = docStudy7.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, pair.Key);
                docStudy7 = docStudy7.ChangePeptideMods(path, pair.Value, listStaticMods, listHeavyMods);

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docStudy7, 11, 7, 11, 21, 63);

            // Replace the heavy precursor that was removed
            // TODO: Yuck.  Would be nice to have a way to do this without duplicating
            //       so much of the logic in PeptideDocNode and PeptideTreeNode
            var pepPath = docStudy7.GetPathTo((int) SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 10);
            var nodePep = (PeptideDocNode) docStudy7.FindNode(pepPath);
            var mods = nodePep.ExplicitMods;
            var nodeGroupLight = (TransitionGroupDocNode) nodePep.Children[0];
            var settings = docStudy7.Settings;
            foreach (var tranGroup in nodePep.GetTransitionGroups(settings, mods, false))
                if (tranGroup.PrecursorCharge == nodeGroupLight.TransitionGroup.PrecursorCharge &&
                    TransitionDocNode[] transitions = nodePep.GetMatchingTransitions(tranGroup, settings, mods);
                    var nodeGroup = new TransitionGroupDocNode(tranGroup, transitions);
                    nodeGroup = nodeGroup.ChangeSettings(settings, nodePep, mods, SrmSettingsDiff.ALL);
                    docStudy7 = (SrmDocument) docStudy7.Add(pepPath, nodeGroup);

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docStudy7, 12, 7, 11, 22, 66);

            modifications = docStudy7.Settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, modifications.HeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.IsExplicit && mod.Label13C));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, modifications.HeavyModifications.Count(mod => mod.Formula != null));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods &&
                peptide.ExplicitMods.StaticModifications.Count > 0 &&
                peptide.ExplicitMods.StaticModifications[0].Modification.AAs[0] == 'C'));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods &&
                peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.AAs[0] == 'V' &&
            Assert.AreEqual(1, docStudy7.Peptides.Count(peptide => peptide.HasExplicitMods &&
                peptide.ExplicitMods.HeavyModifications[0].Modification.AAs[0] == 'L' &&

            AssertEx.NoDiff(transitionList, ExportCsv(docStudy7));
コード例 #48
ファイル: GraphSpectrum.cs プロジェクト: tomas-pluskal/pwiz
 private bool NodeGroupChanged(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup)
     return((_nodeGroup == null) ||
            (!ReferenceEquals(_nodeGroup.Id, nodeGroup.Id)));
コード例 #49
 public NotFoundChromGraphItem(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup)
     : base(string.Format(Resources.NotFoundChromGraphItem_NotFoundChromGraphItem__0__not_found, ChromGraphItem.GetTitle(nodeGroup)))
コード例 #50
ファイル: SkylineGraphs.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
 private static TransitionGroupChromInfo GetTransitionGroupChromInfo(TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup, int iResults)
     if (iResults == -1 || !nodeGroup.HasResults || iResults >= nodeGroup.Results.Count)
         return null;
     var listChromInfo = nodeGroup.Results[iResults];
     if (listChromInfo == null)
         return null;
     return listChromInfo[0];
コード例 #51
 private void ExportGroupNode(PeptideDocNode peptideNode,
     TransitionGroupDocNode groupNode,
     ChromatogramSet chromatograms,
     ICollection<string> filesToExport,
     ICollection<ChromSource> chromSources,
     TextWriter writer,
     CultureInfo cultureInfo)
     string peptideModifiedSequence = _settings.GetDisplayName(peptideNode);
     int precursorCharge = groupNode.TransitionGroup.PrecursorCharge;
     string labelType = groupNode.TransitionGroup.LabelType.Name;
     var filesInChrom = chromatograms.MSDataFilePaths.Select(path=>path.GetFileName()).ToList();
     // Don't load the chromatogram group if none of its files are being exported
     if (!filesInChrom.Where(filesToExport.Contains).Any())
     ChromatogramGroupInfo[] arrayChromInfo;
     if (!_measuredResults.TryLoadChromatogram(chromatograms, peptideNode, groupNode,
                                              _matchTolerance, true, out arrayChromInfo))
         // TODO: Determine if this is a real error or just a missing node for this file
         // If the former throw an exception, if the latter continue
     if (arrayChromInfo.Length != chromatograms.FileCount)
         throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format(Resources.ChromatogramExporter_ExportGroupNode_One_or_more_missing_chromatograms_at_charge_state__0__of__1_,
                                        precursorCharge, peptideModifiedSequence));
     foreach (var chromGroupInfo in arrayChromInfo)
         string fileName = chromGroupInfo.FilePath.GetFileName();
         // Skip the files that have not been selected for export
         if (!filesToExport.Contains(fileName))
         foreach (var nodeTran in groupNode.Transitions)
             // TODO: Check a source attribute on the transition chrom info
             bool isMs1 = nodeTran.Transition.IsPrecursor() && !nodeTran.HasLoss;
             if (isMs1 && !chromSources.Contains(ChromSource.ms1))
             if (!isMs1 && !chromSources.Contains(ChromSource.fragment))
             int productCharge = nodeTran.Transition.Charge;
             float productMz = (float)nodeTran.Mz;
             var chromInfo = chromGroupInfo.GetTransitionInfo(productMz, _matchTolerance);
             // Sometimes a transition in the transition group does not have results for a particular file
             // If this happens just skip it for that file
             if (chromInfo == null)
             IList<float> times = chromInfo.Times;
             IList<float> intensities = chromInfo.Intensities;
             if (times.Count != intensities.Count || intensities.Count == 0)
                 throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format(Resources.ChromatogramExporter_Export_Bad_chromatogram_data_for_charge__0__state_of_peptide__1_,
                                                precursorCharge, peptideModifiedSequence));
             float tic = CalculateTic(times, intensities);
             string[] fieldArray =
                 System.Convert.ToString(precursorCharge, cultureInfo),
                 System.Convert.ToString(productMz, cultureInfo),
                 System.Convert.ToString(productCharge, cultureInfo),
                 System.Convert.ToString(tic, cultureInfo)
             FormatChromLine(writer, fieldArray, times, intensities, cultureInfo);
コード例 #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes the contents of a single <see cref="TransitionGroupDocNode"/>
        /// to XML.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">The XML writer</param>
        /// <param name="nodePep">The parent peptide document node</param>
        /// <param name="node">The transition group document node</param>
        private void WriteTransitionGroupXml(XmlWriter writer, PeptideDocNode nodePep, TransitionGroupDocNode node)
            TransitionGroup group       = node.TransitionGroup;
            var             isCustomIon = nodePep.Peptide.IsCustomMolecule;

            writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.charge, group.PrecursorAdduct.AdductCharge);
            if (!group.LabelType.IsLight)
                writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.isotope_label, group.LabelType);
            if (!isCustomIon)
                writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.calc_neutral_mass, node.GetPrecursorIonPersistentNeutralMass());
            writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.precursor_mz, SequenceMassCalc.PersistentMZ(node.PrecursorMz));
            WriteExplicitTransitionGroupValuesAttributes(writer, node.ExplicitValues);

            writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.auto_manage_children, node.AutoManageChildren, true);
            writer.WriteAttributeNullable(ATTR.decoy_mass_shift, group.DecoyMassShift);
            writer.WriteAttributeNullable(ATTR.precursor_concentration, node.PrecursorConcentration);

            TransitionPrediction predict = Settings.TransitionSettings.Prediction;
            double regressionMz          = Settings.GetRegressionMz(nodePep, node);
            var    ce = predict.CollisionEnergy.GetCollisionEnergy(node.TransitionGroup.PrecursorAdduct, regressionMz);

            writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.collision_energy, ce);

            var dpRegression = predict.DeclusteringPotential;

            if (dpRegression != null)
                var dp = dpRegression.GetDeclustringPotential(regressionMz);
                writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.declustering_potential, dp);

            if (!isCustomIon)
                // modified sequence
                if (nodePep.ExplicitMods != null && nodePep.ExplicitMods.HasCrosslinks)
                                          Settings.GetCrosslinkModifiedSequence(nodePep.Target, node.TransitionGroup.LabelType, nodePep.ExplicitMods, false));
                    var calcPre = Settings.GetPrecursorCalc(node.TransitionGroup.LabelType, nodePep.ExplicitMods);
                    var seq     = node.TransitionGroup.Peptide.Target;
                    writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.modified_sequence, calcPre.GetModifiedSequence(seq,
                                                                                              false)); // formatNarrow = false; We want InvariantCulture, not the local format
                // Custom ion
                node.CustomMolecule.WriteXml(writer, group.PrecursorAdduct);
            // Write child elements
            WriteAnnotations(writer, node.Annotations);
            if (node.HasLibInfo)
                var helpers = PeptideLibraries.SpectrumHeaderXmlHelpers;
                writer.WriteElements(new[] { node.LibInfo }, helpers);

            if (node.HasResults)
                WriteResults(writer, Settings, node.Results,
                             EL.precursor_results, EL.precursor_peak, WriteTransitionGroupChromInfo);

            if (UseCompactFormat())
                var transitionData = new SkylineDocumentProto.Types.TransitionData();
                transitionData.Transitions.AddRange(node.Transitions.Select(transition => transition.ToTransitionProto(Settings)));
                byte[] bytes = transitionData.ToByteArray();
                writer.WriteBase64(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                if (WroteTransitions != null)
                foreach (TransitionDocNode nodeTransition in node.Children)
                    WriteTransitionXml(writer, nodePep, node, nodeTransition);
コード例 #53
ファイル: SkylineGraphs.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
 // ReSharper restore SuggestBaseTypeForParameter
 // ReSharper disable SuggestBaseTypeForParameter
 private static bool HasPeak(int iResult, TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup)
     foreach (TransitionDocNode nodeTran in nodeGroup.Children)
         if (HasPeak(iResult, nodeTran))
             return true;
     return false;
コード例 #54
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes the contents of a single <see cref="TransitionDocNode"/>
        /// to XML.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">The XML writer</param>
        /// <param name="nodePep">The transition group's parent peptide node</param>
        /// <param name="nodeGroup">The transition node's parent group node</param>
        /// <param name="nodeTransition">The transition document node</param>
        private void WriteTransitionXml(XmlWriter writer, PeptideDocNode nodePep, TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup,
                                        TransitionDocNode nodeTransition)
            Transition transition = nodeTransition.Transition;

            writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.fragment_type, transition.IonType);
            writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.quantitative, nodeTransition.ExplicitQuantitative, true);
            WriteExplicitTransitionValuesAttributes(writer, nodeTransition.ExplicitValues);
            if (transition.IsCustom())
                if (!(transition.CustomIon is SettingsCustomIon))
                    transition.CustomIon.WriteXml(writer, transition.Adduct);
                    writer.WriteAttributeString(ATTR.measured_ion_name, transition.CustomIon.Name);
            writer.WriteAttributeNullable(ATTR.decoy_mass_shift, transition.DecoyMassShift);
            // NOTE: MassIndex is the peak index in the isotopic distribution of the precursor.
            //       0 for monoisotopic peaks and for non "precursor" ion types.
            if (transition.MassIndex != 0)
                writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.mass_index, transition.MassIndex);
            if (nodeTransition.HasDistInfo)
                writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.isotope_dist_rank, nodeTransition.IsotopeDistInfo.Rank);
                writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.isotope_dist_proportion, nodeTransition.IsotopeDistInfo.Proportion);

            if (transition.IsPrecursor())
                writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.product_charge, transition.Charge, nodeGroup.PrecursorCharge);
                if (!transition.IsCustom())
                    writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.fragment_ordinal, transition.Ordinal);
                    writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.calc_neutral_mass, nodeTransition.GetMoleculePersistentNeutralMass());
                writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.product_charge, transition.Charge);
                if (!transition.IsCustom())
                    writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.cleavage_aa, transition.AA.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.loss_neutral_mass, nodeTransition.LostMass); //po

            if (nodeTransition.ComplexFragmentIon.IsOrphan)
                writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.orphaned_crosslink_ion, true);

            // Order of elements matters for XSD validation
            WriteAnnotations(writer, nodeTransition.Annotations);
            writer.WriteElementString(EL.precursor_mz, SequenceMassCalc.PersistentMZ(nodeGroup.PrecursorMz));
            writer.WriteElementString(EL.product_mz, SequenceMassCalc.PersistentMZ(nodeTransition.Mz));

            TransitionPrediction predict = Settings.TransitionSettings.Prediction;
            var    optimizationMethod    = predict.OptimizedMethodType;
            double?ce  = null;
            double?dp  = null;
            var    lib = predict.OptimizedLibrary;

            if (lib != null && !lib.IsNone)
                var optimization = lib.GetOptimization(OptimizationType.collision_energy,
                                                       Settings.GetSourceTarget(nodePep), nodeGroup.PrecursorAdduct,
                                                       nodeTransition.FragmentIonName, nodeTransition.Transition.Adduct);
                if (optimization != null)
                    ce = optimization.Value;

            double regressionMz = Settings.GetRegressionMz(nodePep, nodeGroup);
            var    ceRegression = predict.CollisionEnergy;
            var    dpRegression = predict.DeclusteringPotential;

            if (optimizationMethod == OptimizedMethodType.None)
                if (ceRegression != null && !ce.HasValue)
                    ce = ceRegression.GetCollisionEnergy(nodeGroup.PrecursorAdduct, regressionMz);
                if (dpRegression != null)
                    dp = dpRegression.GetDeclustringPotential(regressionMz);
                if (!ce.HasValue)
                    ce = OptimizationStep <CollisionEnergyRegression> .FindOptimizedValue(Settings,
                                                                                          nodePep, nodeGroup, nodeTransition, optimizationMethod, ceRegression,

                dp = OptimizationStep <DeclusteringPotentialRegression> .FindOptimizedValue(Settings,
                                                                                            nodePep, nodeGroup, nodeTransition, optimizationMethod, dpRegression,

            if (nodeTransition.ExplicitValues.CollisionEnergy.HasValue)
                ce = nodeTransition.ExplicitValues.CollisionEnergy; // Explicitly imported, overrides any calculation
            if (ce.HasValue)
                writer.WriteElementString(EL.collision_energy, ce.Value);

            if (dp.HasValue)
                writer.WriteElementString(EL.declustering_potential, dp.Value);
            WriteTransitionLosses(writer, nodeTransition.Losses);
            foreach (var linkedIon in nodeTransition.ComplexFragmentIon.Children)
                WriteLinkedIon(writer, linkedIon.Key, linkedIon.Value);

            if (nodeTransition.HasLibInfo)
                writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.rank, nodeTransition.LibInfo.Rank);
                writer.WriteAttribute(ATTR.intensity, nodeTransition.LibInfo.Intensity);

            if (nodeTransition.HasResults)
                if (nodeTransition.HasResults)
                    if (UseCompactFormat())
                        var protoResults = new SkylineDocumentProto.Types.TransitionResults();
                        byte[] bytes = protoResults.ToByteArray();
                        writer.WriteBase64(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                        WriteResults(writer, Settings, nodeTransition.Results,
                                     EL.transition_results, EL.transition_peak, WriteTransitionChromInfo);

            if (WroteTransitions != null)
コード例 #55
ファイル: SkylineGraphs.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
        private SrmDocument RemovePeakInternal(SrmDocument document, int resultsIndex, IdentityPath groupPath,
            TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup, TransitionDocNode nodeTran)
            ChromInfo chromInfo;
            Transition transition;

            if (nodeTran == null)
                chromInfo = GetTransitionGroupChromInfo(nodeGroup, resultsIndex);
                transition = null;
                chromInfo = GetTransitionChromInfo(nodeTran, resultsIndex);
                transition = nodeTran.Transition;
            if (chromInfo == null)
                return document;

            MsDataFileUri filePath;
            string name = GetGraphChromStrings(resultsIndex, chromInfo.FileId, out filePath);
            return name == null
                ? document
                : document.ChangePeak(groupPath, name, filePath, transition, 0, 0, UserSet.TRUE, PeakIdentification.FALSE, false);
コード例 #56
ファイル: AreaPeptideGraphPane.cs プロジェクト: zrolfs/pwiz
        protected override GraphData CreateGraphData(SrmDocument document, PeptideGroupDocNode selectedProtein, TransitionGroupDocNode selectedGroup, DisplayTypeChrom displayType)
            int?result = null;

            if (RTLinearRegressionGraphPane.ShowReplicate == ReplicateDisplay.single)
                result = GraphSummary.ResultsIndex;
            return(new AreaGraphData(document, selectedGroup, selectedProtein, result, displayType, PaneKey));
コード例 #57
ファイル: SkylineGraphs.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
        public void RemovePeak(IdentityPath groupPath, TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup, TransitionDocNode nodeTran)
            string message = nodeTran == null
                ? string.Format(Resources.SkylineWindow_RemovePeak_Remove_all_peaks_from__0__, ChromGraphItem.GetTitle(nodeGroup))
                : string.Format(Resources.SkylineWindow_RemovePeak_Remove_peak_from__0__, ChromGraphItem.GetTitle(nodeTran));

            ModifyDocument(message, doc => RemovePeakInternal(doc, SelectedResultsIndex, groupPath, nodeGroup, nodeTran));
コード例 #58
        public virtual void AddToInternalData(ICollection <InternalData> data, List <AreaInfo> areas,
                                              PeptideGroupDocNode peptideGroup, PeptideDocNode peptide, TransitionGroupDocNode tranGroup, string annotation)
            var normalizedStatistics = new Statistics(areas.Select(a => a.NormalizedArea));
            var normalizedMean       = normalizedStatistics.Mean();
            var normalizedStdDev     = normalizedStatistics.StdDev();

            // If the mean is 0 or NaN or the standard deviaiton is NaN the cv would also be NaN
            if (normalizedMean == 0.0 || double.IsNaN(normalizedMean) || double.IsNaN(normalizedStdDev))

            // Round cvs so that the smallest difference between two cv's is BinWidth
            var cv = normalizedStdDev / normalizedMean;

            data.Add(new InternalData
                Peptide         = peptide,
                PeptideGroup    = peptideGroup,
                TransitionGroup = tranGroup,
                Annotation      = annotation,
                CV         = cv,
                CVBucketed = cv,
                Area       = 0.0
コード例 #59
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects statistics on how much space savings minimizing will achieve, and (if outStream
        /// is not null) writes out the minimized cache file.
        /// </summary>
        public void Minimize(Settings settings, ProgressCallback progressCallback, Stream outStream,
            FileStream outStreamScans = null, FileStream outStreamPeaks = null, FileStream outStreamScores = null)
            var writer = outStream == null ? null : new Writer(ChromatogramCache, outStream, outStreamScans, outStreamPeaks, outStreamScores);
            var statisticsCollector = new MinStatisticsCollector(this);
            bool readChromatograms = settings.NoiseTimeRange.HasValue || writer != null;

            var chromGroupHeaderToIndex =
                    .Select((cghi, index) => new KeyValuePair<ChromGroupHeaderInfo5, int>(cghi, index))
                    .ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp=>kvp.Value);
            var chromGroups = new ChromatogramGroupInfo[ChromGroupHeaderInfos.Count];
            var transitionGroups = new List<TransitionGroupDocNode>[ChromGroupHeaderInfos.Count];
            foreach (var nodePep in Document.Molecules)
                foreach (var nodeGroup in nodePep.TransitionGroups)
                    ChromatogramGroupInfo[] groupInfos;
                    ChromatogramCache.TryLoadChromatogramInfo(nodePep, nodeGroup, _tolerance, out groupInfos);
                    foreach (var chromGroupInfo in groupInfos)
                        int headerIndex = chromGroupHeaderToIndex[chromGroupInfo.Header];
                        if (chromGroups[headerIndex] == null)
                            chromGroups[headerIndex] = chromGroupInfo;
                            transitionGroups[headerIndex] = new List<TransitionGroupDocNode>();

            for (int iHeader = 0; iHeader < ChromGroupHeaderInfos.Count; iHeader++)
                var chromGroupInfo = chromGroups[iHeader];
                IList<TransitionGroupDocNode> transitionGroupDocNodes;
                if (chromGroupInfo == null)
                    chromGroupInfo = ChromatogramCache.LoadChromatogramInfo(ChromGroupHeaderInfos[iHeader]);
                    transitionGroupDocNodes = new TransitionGroupDocNode[0];
                    transitionGroupDocNodes = transitionGroups[iHeader];
                if (readChromatograms)
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        Trace.TraceWarning("Unable to read chromatogram {0}", exception); // Not L10N
                MinimizedChromGroup minimizedChromGroup = MinimizeChromGroup(settings,
                    chromGroupInfo, transitionGroupDocNodes);
                if (progressCallback != null)
                if (writer != null)
                    writer.WriteChromGroup(chromGroupInfo, minimizedChromGroup);
                // Null out the ChromGroup in our array so it can be garbage collected.
                chromGroups[iHeader] = null;
            if (progressCallback != null)
            if (writer != null)
コード例 #60
ファイル: AreaCVGraphData.cs プロジェクト: zrolfs/pwiz
        private void AddToInternalData(ICollection <InternalData> data, List <AreaInfo> areas,
                                       PeptideGroupDocNode peptideGroup, PeptideDocNode peptide, TransitionGroupDocNode tranGroup,
                                       string annotation)
            var normalizedStatistics = new Statistics(areas.Select(a => a.NormalizedArea));
            var normalizedMean       = normalizedStatistics.Mean();
            var normalizedStdDev     = normalizedStatistics.StdDev();

            var unnormalizedStatistics = new Statistics(areas.Select(a => a.Area));
            var unnomarlizedMean       = unnormalizedStatistics.Mean();

            // If the mean is 0 or NaN or the standard deviaiton is NaN the cv would also be NaN
            if (normalizedMean == 0.0 || double.IsNaN(normalizedMean) || double.IsNaN(normalizedStdDev))

            // Round cvs so that the smallest difference between two cv's is BinWidth
            var cv         = normalizedStdDev / normalizedMean;
            var cvBucketed = Math.Floor(cv / _graphSettings.BinWidth) * _graphSettings.BinWidth;
            var log10Mean  = _graphSettings.GraphType == GraphTypeSummary.histogram2d
                ? Math.Floor(Math.Log10(unnomarlizedMean) / 0.05) * 0.05
                : 0.0;

            data.Add(new InternalData
                Peptide         = peptide,
                PeptideGroup    = peptideGroup,
                TransitionGroup = tranGroup,
                Annotation      = annotation,
                CV         = cv,
                CVBucketed = cvBucketed,
                Area       = log10Mean