コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cuda">Specifies the instance of CudaDnn to use.</param>
        /// <param name="log">Specifies the output log.</param>
        /// <param name="evtCancel">Specifies the cancel event used to abort processing.</param>
        /// <param name="strModelType">Specifies the model type: 'vgg19', 'vgg16'</param>
        /// <param name="strModel">Specifies the network model to use.</param>
        /// <param name="rgWeights">Optionally, specifies the weights to use (or <i>null</i> to ignore).</param>
        /// <param name="bCaffeModel">Specifies whether or not the weights are in the caffe (<i>true</i>) or mycaffe (<i>false</i>) format.</param>
        /// <param name="solverType">Optionally, specifies the solver type to use (default = LBFGS).</param>
        /// <param name="dfLearningRate">Optionally, specifies the solver learning rate (default = 1.0).</param>
        public NeuralStyleTransfer(CudaDnn <T> cuda, Log log, CancelEvent evtCancel, string strModelType, string strModel, byte[] rgWeights, bool bCaffeModel, SolverParameter.SolverType solverType = SolverParameter.SolverType.LBFGS, double dfLearningRate = 1.0)
            m_cuda           = cuda;
            m_log            = log;
            m_evtCancel      = evtCancel;
            m_rgWeights      = rgWeights;
            m_solverType     = solverType;
            m_dfLearningRate = dfLearningRate;

            if (m_evtCancel != null)

            RawProto proto = RawProto.Parse(strModel);

            m_param = NetParameter.FromProto(proto);

            m_rgstrUsedLayers = load_layers(strModelType);
            prune(m_param, m_rgstrUsedLayers);

            m_transformationParam             = new TransformationParameter();
            m_transformationParam.color_order = (bCaffeModel) ? TransformationParameter.COLOR_ORDER.BGR : TransformationParameter.COLOR_ORDER.RGB;
            m_transformationParam.scale       = 1.0;
            m_transformationParam.mean_value  = m_rgMeanValues;

            m_persist = new PersistCaffe <T>(m_log, false);
コード例 #2
ファイル: DataTransformer.cs プロジェクト: lulzzz/MyCaffe
        /// <summary>
        /// The DataTransformer constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="log">Specifies the Log used for output.</param>
        /// <param name="p">Specifies the TransformationParameter used to create the DataTransformer.</param>
        /// <param name="phase">Specifies the Phase under which the DataTransformer is run.</param>
        /// <param name="nC">Specifies the channels.</param>
        /// <param name="nH">Specifies the height.</param>
        /// <param name="nW">Specifies the width.</param>
        /// <param name="imgMean">Optionally, specifies the image mean to use.</param>
        public DataTransformer(Log log, TransformationParameter p, Phase phase, int nC, int nH, int nW, SimpleDatum imgMean = null)
            m_log = log;

            if (p.mean_file != null)
                m_protoMean = loadProtoMean(p.mean_file);

            int nDataSize = nC * nH * nW;

            if (imgMean != null)
                nDataSize = imgMean.Channels * imgMean.Height * imgMean.Width;

            m_rgTransformedData = new T[nDataSize];
            m_param             = p;
            m_phase             = phase;


            if (p.use_imagedb_mean)
                if (m_protoMean == null)
                    m_imgMean = imgMean;

                    if (m_imgMean != null)
                        m_rgMeanData = m_imgMean.GetData <double>();
                    if (m_protoMean.data.Count > 0)
                        m_rgMeanData = new double[m_protoMean.data.Count];
                        Array.Copy(m_protoMean.data.ToArray(), m_rgMeanData, m_rgMeanData.Length);
                        m_rgMeanData = m_protoMean.double_data.ToArray();

            if (p.mean_value.Count > 0)
                m_log.CHECK(p.use_imagedb_mean == false, "Cannot specify use_image_mean and mean_value at the same time.");

                for (int c = 0; c < p.mean_value.Count; c++)
コード例 #3
ファイル: DataTransformer.cs プロジェクト: Jason6583/MyCaffe
        /// <summary>
        /// Resync the transformer with changes in its parameter.
        /// </summary>
        public void Update(int nDataSize = 0, SimpleDatum imgMean = null)
            TransformationParameter p = m_param;

            if (imgMean != null)
                nDataSize = imgMean.Channels * imgMean.Height * imgMean.Width;

            if (nDataSize > 0 || (m_rgfTransformedData != null && nDataSize != m_rgfTransformedData.Length))
                m_rgTransformedData = new T[nDataSize];

            if (p.mean_file != null)
                m_protoMean = loadProtoMean(p.mean_file);

            if (p.use_imagedb_mean)
                if (m_protoMean == null)
                    m_imgMean = imgMean;

                    if (m_imgMean != null)
                        m_rgMeanData = m_imgMean.GetData <double>();
                    if (m_protoMean.data.Count > 0)
                        m_rgMeanData = new double[m_protoMean.data.Count];
                        Array.Copy(m_protoMean.data.ToArray(), m_rgMeanData, m_rgMeanData.Length);
                        m_rgMeanData = m_protoMean.double_data.ToArray();

            if (p.mean_value.Count > 0)
                m_log.CHECK(p.use_imagedb_mean == false, "Cannot specify use_image_mean and mean_value at the same time.");

                for (int c = 0; c < p.mean_value.Count; c++)
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strBaseDirectory">Specifies the base directory that contains the data and models.</param>
        /// <param name="strDataset">Specifies the dataset that the model will run on.</param>
        /// <param name="nChannels">Specifies the number of channels in the data set (e.g. color = 3, b/w = 1).</param>
        /// <param name="bSiamese">Specifies whether or not to create a Siamese network."</param>
        /// <param name="rgIpLayers">Specifies a list of inner product layers added to the end of the network where each entry specifies the number of output and whether or not Noise is enabled for the layer.</param>
        /// <param name="bUsePool5">Specifies whether or not to use the Pool layer as the last layer.</param>
        /// <param name="bUseDilationConv5">Specifies whether or not to use dilation on block 5 layers.</param>
        /// <param name="model">Specifies the type of ResNet model to create.</param>
        /// <param name="nBatchSize">Optionally, specifies the batch size (default = 32).</param>
        /// <param name="nAccumBatchSize">Optionally, specifies the accumulation batch size (default = 32).</param>
        /// <param name="rgGpuId">Optionally, specifies a set of GPU ID's to use (when null, GPU=0 is used).</param>
        /// <param name="net">Specifies the 'base' net parameter that is to be altered.</param>
        public ResNetModelBuilder(string strBaseDirectory, string strDataset, int nChannels, bool bSiamese, List <Tuple <int, bool> > rgIpLayers, bool bUsePool5, bool bUseDilationConv5, MODEL model, int nBatchSize = 32, int nAccumBatchSize = 32, List <int> rgGpuId = null, NetParameter net = null)
            : base(strBaseDirectory, net)
            if (rgGpuId == null)
                m_rgGpuID = new List <int>(rgGpuId);

            m_nChannels       = nChannels;
            m_bSiamese        = bSiamese;
            m_rgIpLayers      = rgIpLayers;
            m_model           = model;
            m_strModel        = model.ToString();
            m_nBatchSize      = nBatchSize;
            m_nAccumBatchSize = nAccumBatchSize;
            m_nIterSize       = m_nAccumBatchSize / m_nBatchSize;

            m_nBatchSizePerDevice = (m_rgGpuID.Count == 1) ? m_nBatchSize : m_nBatchSize / m_rgGpuID.Count;
            m_nIterSize           = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)m_nAccumBatchSize / (m_nBatchSizePerDevice * m_rgGpuID.Count));
            m_nGpuID   = m_rgGpuID[0];
            m_dfBaseLr = 0.001;

            m_bUseDilationConv5 = bUseDilationConv5;
            m_bUsePool5         = bUsePool5;
            m_strDataset        = strDataset;

            // Create the transformer for Training.
            m_transformTrain             = new TransformationParameter();
            m_transformTrain.mirror      = true;
            m_transformTrain.color_order = TransformationParameter.COLOR_ORDER.BGR; // to support caffe models.
            m_transformTrain.mean_value  = new List <double>();

            // Create the transformer for Testing.
            m_transformTest             = new TransformationParameter();
            m_transformTest.color_order = TransformationParameter.COLOR_ORDER.BGR; // to support caffe models.
            m_transformTest.mean_value  = new List <double>();
コード例 #5
ファイル: NeuralStyleTransfer.cs プロジェクト: lulzzz/MyCaffe
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cuda">Specifies the instance of CudaDnn to use.</param>
        /// <param name="log">Specifies the output log.</param>
        /// <param name="evtCancel">Specifies the cancel event used to abort processing.</param>
        /// <param name="rgLayers">Specifies the layers along with their style and content weights.</param>
        /// <param name="strModelDesc">Specifies the network model descriptor to use.</param>
        /// <param name="rgWeights">Optionally, specifies the weights to use (or <i>null</i> to ignore).</param>
        /// <param name="bCaffeModel">Specifies whether or not the weights are in the caffe (<i>true</i>) or mycaffe (<i>false</i>) format.</param>
        /// <param name="solverType">Optionally, specifies the solver type to use (default = LBFGS).</param>
        /// <param name="dfLearningRate">Optionally, specifies the solver learning rate (default = 1.0).</param>
        /// <param name="nMaxImageSize">Optionally, specifies the default maximum image size (default = 840).</param>
        /// <param name="nLBFGSCorrections">Optionally, specifies the LBFGS Corrections (only used when using the LBFGS solver, default = 100).</param>
        /// <param name="netShare">Optionally, specifies a net to share.</param>
        public NeuralStyleTransfer(CudaDnn <T> cuda, Log log, CancelEvent evtCancel, Dictionary <string, Tuple <double, double> > rgLayers, string strModelDesc, byte[] rgWeights, bool bCaffeModel, SolverParameter.SolverType solverType = SolverParameter.SolverType.LBFGS, double dfLearningRate = 1.0, int nMaxImageSize = 840, int nLBFGSCorrections = 100, Net <T> netShare = null)
            m_log                  = log;
            m_evtCancel            = evtCancel;
            m_rgWeights            = rgWeights;
            m_solverType           = solverType;
            m_dfLearningRate       = dfLearningRate;
            m_nDefaultMaxImageSize = nMaxImageSize;
            m_nLBFGSCorrections    = nLBFGSCorrections;

            setupNetShare(netShare, cuda);

            if (m_evtCancel != null)

            RawProto proto = RawProto.Parse(strModelDesc);

            m_param = NetParameter.FromProto(proto);

            Dictionary <string, double> rgStyle   = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            Dictionary <string, double> rgContent = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Tuple <double, double> > kv in rgLayers)
                if (kv.Value.Item1 != 0)
                    rgStyle.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value.Item1);

                if (kv.Value.Item2 != 0)
                    rgContent.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value.Item2);

            m_rgstrUsedLayers = load_layers(rgStyle, rgContent);
            prune(m_param, m_rgstrUsedLayers);

            m_transformationParam             = new TransformationParameter();
            m_transformationParam.color_order = (bCaffeModel) ? TransformationParameter.COLOR_ORDER.BGR : TransformationParameter.COLOR_ORDER.RGB;
            m_transformationParam.scale       = 1.0;
            m_transformationParam.mean_value  = m_rgMeanValues;

            m_persist = new PersistCaffe <T>(m_log, false);
コード例 #6
ファイル: DataTransformer.cs プロジェクト: Jason6583/MyCaffe
        /// <summary>
        /// The DataTransformer constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cuda">Specifies the connection to the CudaDnn dll which is only needed when using the bbox or image transformation functionality.</param>
        /// <param name="log">Specifies the Log used for output.</param>
        /// <param name="p">Specifies the TransformationParameter used to create the DataTransformer.</param>
        /// <param name="phase">Specifies the Phase under which the DataTransformer is run.</param>
        /// <param name="nC">Specifies the channels.</param>
        /// <param name="nH">Specifies the height.</param>
        /// <param name="nW">Specifies the width.</param>
        /// <param name="imgMean">Optionally, specifies the image mean to use.</param>
        public DataTransformer(CudaDnn <T> cuda, Log log, TransformationParameter p, Phase phase, int nC, int nH, int nW, SimpleDatum imgMean = null)
            m_log = log;

            int nDataSize = nC * nH * nW;

            m_param = p;

            m_phase         = phase;
            m_bbox          = new BBoxUtility <T>(cuda, log);
            m_imgTransforms = new ImageTransforms <T>(cuda, log, m_random);

            Update(nDataSize, imgMean);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strBaseDirectory">Specifies the base directory that contains the data and models.</param>
        /// <param name="strDataset">Specifies the dataset that the model will run on.</param>
        /// <param name="rgIpLayers">Specifies a list of inner product layers added to the end of the network where each entry specifies the number of output and whether or not Noise is enabled for the layer.</param>
        /// <param name="model">Specifies the type of ResNet model to create.</param>
        /// <param name="nBatchSize">Optionally, specifies the batch size (default = 32).</param>
        /// <param name="rgGpuId">Optionally, specifies a set of GPU ID's to use (when null, GPU=0 is used).</param>
        /// <param name="net">Specifies the 'base' net parameter that is to be altered.</param>
        public ResNetOctConvModelBuilder(string strBaseDirectory, string strDataset, List <Tuple <int, bool> > rgIpLayers, MODEL model, int nBatchSize = 32, List <int> rgGpuId = null, NetParameter net = null)
            : base(strBaseDirectory, net)
            if (rgGpuId == null)
                m_rgGpuID = new List <int>(rgGpuId);

            m_rgIpLayers = rgIpLayers;
            m_model      = model;
            m_strModel   = model.ToString();
            m_nBatchSize = nBatchSize;

            m_nIterSize = 1;
            m_nGpuID    = m_rgGpuID[0];
            m_dfBaseLr  = 0.001;

            m_strDataset = strDataset;

            // Create the transformer for Training.
            m_transformTrain             = new TransformationParameter();
            m_transformTrain.mirror      = true;
            m_transformTrain.color_order = TransformationParameter.COLOR_ORDER.BGR; // to support caffe models.
            m_transformTrain.mean_value  = new List <double>();

            // Create the transformer for Testing.
            m_transformTest             = new TransformationParameter();
            m_transformTest.color_order = TransformationParameter.COLOR_ORDER.BGR; // to support caffe models.
            m_transformTest.mean_value  = new List <double>();
コード例 #8
 public void Apply(TransformationParameter param) => _query.Where($"transformation_id = ANY({_parameters.Add(param.Values)})");
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mycaffe">Specifies the instance of MyCaffe assoiated with the open project - when using more than one Brain, this is the master project.</param>
        /// <param name="properties">Specifies the properties passed into the trainer.</param>
        /// <param name="random">Specifies the random number generator used.</param>
        /// <param name="phase">Specifies the phase under which to run.</param>
        public Brain(MyCaffeControl <T> mycaffe, PropertySet properties, CryptoRandom random, Phase phase)
            m_mycaffe    = mycaffe;
            m_solver     = mycaffe.GetInternalSolver();
            m_netOutput  = mycaffe.GetInternalNet(phase);
            m_netTarget  = new Net <T>(m_mycaffe.Cuda, m_mycaffe.Log, m_netOutput.net_param, m_mycaffe.CancelEvent, null, phase);
            m_properties = properties;
            m_random     = random;

            Blob <T> data = m_netOutput.blob_by_name("data");

            if (data == null)
                m_mycaffe.Log.FAIL("Missing the expected input 'data' blob!");

            m_nFramesPerX = data.channels;
            m_nBatchSize  = data.num;

            Blob <T> logits = m_netOutput.blob_by_name("logits");

            if (logits == null)
                m_mycaffe.Log.FAIL("Missing the expected input 'logits' blob!");

            m_nActionCount = logits.channels;

            m_transformer = m_mycaffe.DataTransformer;
            if (m_transformer == null)
                TransformationParameter trans_param = new TransformationParameter();
                int nC = m_mycaffe.CurrentProject.Dataset.TrainingSource.ImageChannels;
                int nH = m_mycaffe.CurrentProject.Dataset.TrainingSource.ImageHeight;
                int nW = m_mycaffe.CurrentProject.Dataset.TrainingSource.ImageWidth;
                m_transformer = new DataTransformer <T>(m_mycaffe.Cuda, m_mycaffe.Log, trans_param, phase, nC, nH, nW);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_nFramesPerX; i++)
                m_transformer.param.mean_value.Add(255 / 2); // center each frame

            m_transformer.param.scale = 1.0 / 255; // normalize

            m_blobActions        = new Blob <T>(m_mycaffe.Cuda, m_mycaffe.Log, false);
            m_blobQValue         = new Blob <T>(m_mycaffe.Cuda, m_mycaffe.Log);
            m_blobNextQValue     = new Blob <T>(m_mycaffe.Cuda, m_mycaffe.Log);
            m_blobExpectedQValue = new Blob <T>(m_mycaffe.Cuda, m_mycaffe.Log);
            m_blobDone           = new Blob <T>(m_mycaffe.Cuda, m_mycaffe.Log, false);
            m_blobLoss           = new Blob <T>(m_mycaffe.Cuda, m_mycaffe.Log);
            m_blobWeights        = new Blob <T>(m_mycaffe.Cuda, m_mycaffe.Log, false);

            m_fGamma = (float)properties.GetPropertyAsDouble("Gamma", m_fGamma);

            m_memLoss = m_netOutput.FindLastLayer(LayerParameter.LayerType.MEMORY_LOSS) as MemoryLossLayer <T>;
            if (m_memLoss == null)
                m_mycaffe.Log.FAIL("Missing the expected MEMORY_LOSS layer!");

            double?dfRate = mycaffe.CurrentProject.GetSolverSettingAsNumeric("base_lr");

            if (dfRate.HasValue)
                m_dfLearningRate = dfRate.Value;

            m_nMiniBatch = m_properties.GetPropertyAsInt("MiniBatch", m_nMiniBatch);
            m_bUseAcceleratedTraining = properties.GetPropertyAsBool("UseAcceleratedTraining", false);

            if (m_nMiniBatch > 1)
                m_colAccumulatedGradients = m_netOutput.learnable_parameters.Clone();
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strBaseDirectory">Specifies the base directory that contains the data and models.</param>
        /// <param name="nBatchSize">Optionally, specifies the batch size (default = 32).</param>
        /// <param name="nAccumBatchSize">Optionally, specifies the accumulation batch size (default = 32).</param>
        /// <param name="rgGpuId">Optionally, specifies a set of GPU ID's to use (when null, GPU=0 is used).</param>
        /// <param name="bUseBatchNorm">Optionally, specifies to use batch normalization (default = false).</param>
        /// <param name="normMode">Optionally, specifies the normalization mode (default = VALID).</param>
        /// <param name="net">Specifies the 'base' net parameter that is to be altered.</param>
        public SsdPascalModelBuilder(string strBaseDirectory, int nBatchSize = 32, int nAccumBatchSize = 32, List <int> rgGpuId = null, bool bUseBatchNorm = false, LossParameter.NormalizationMode normMode = LossParameter.NormalizationMode.VALID, NetParameter net = null)
            : base(strBaseDirectory, net)
            if (rgGpuId == null)
                m_rgGpuID = new List <int>(rgGpuId);

            m_strJob = "SSD_" + m_nResizeWidth.ToString() + "x" + m_nResizeHeight.ToString();
            // The model name is used when initially creating the NetParameter.
            m_strModel = "VGG_VOC0712_" + m_strJob;

            m_bUseBatchNorm     = bUseBatchNorm;
            m_normalizationMode = normMode;

            m_nBatchSize      = nBatchSize;
            m_nAccumBatchSize = nAccumBatchSize;
            m_nIterSize       = m_nAccumBatchSize / m_nBatchSize;

            m_nBatchSizePerDevice = (m_rgGpuID.Count == 1) ? m_nBatchSize : m_nBatchSize / m_rgGpuID.Count;
            m_nIterSize           = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)m_nAccumBatchSize / (m_nBatchSizePerDevice * m_rgGpuID.Count));
            m_nGpuID = m_rgGpuID[0];

            // Set the base learning rate.
            m_dfLocWeight = (m_dfNegPosRatio + 1.0) / 4.0;
            m_dfBaseLr    = (m_bUseBatchNorm) ? 0.0004 : 0.00004;

            switch (m_normalizationMode)
            case LossParameter.NormalizationMode.NONE:
                m_dfBaseLr /= m_nBatchSizePerDevice;

            case LossParameter.NormalizationMode.VALID:
                m_dfBaseLr *= 25.0 / m_dfLocWeight;

            case LossParameter.NormalizationMode.FULL:
                // Roughly there are 2000 prior bboxes per images (TODO: calculate and use exact number).
                m_dfBaseLr *= 2000;

            // Ideally the test_batch_size should be divisible by the num_test_image,
            // otherwise mAP will be slightly off the true value.
            m_nTestIter = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)m_nNumTestImage / (float)m_nTestBatchSize);

            // Create the transformer for Training.
            m_transformTrain             = new TransformationParameter();
            m_transformTrain.mirror      = true;
            m_transformTrain.color_order = TransformationParameter.COLOR_ORDER.BGR; // to support caffe models.
            m_transformTrain.resize_param             = new ResizeParameter(true);
            m_transformTrain.resize_param.prob        = 1;
            m_transformTrain.resize_param.resize_mode = ResizeParameter.ResizeMode.WARP;
            m_transformTrain.resize_param.height      = (uint)m_nResizeHeight;
            m_transformTrain.resize_param.width       = (uint)m_nResizeWidth;
            m_transformTrain.distortion_param = new DistortionParameter(true);
            m_transformTrain.distortion_param.brightness_prob   = 0.5f;
            m_transformTrain.distortion_param.brightness_delta  = 32;
            m_transformTrain.distortion_param.contrast_prob     = 0.5f;
            m_transformTrain.distortion_param.contrast_lower    = 0.5f;
            m_transformTrain.distortion_param.contrast_upper    = 1.5f;
            m_transformTrain.distortion_param.saturation_prob   = 0.5f;
            m_transformTrain.distortion_param.saturation_lower  = 0.5f;
            m_transformTrain.distortion_param.saturation_upper  = 1.5f;
            m_transformTrain.distortion_param.random_order_prob = 0.0f;
            m_transformTrain.expansion_param                  = new ExpansionParameter(true);
            m_transformTrain.expansion_param.prob             = 0.5f;
            m_transformTrain.expansion_param.max_expand_ratio = 4.0f;
            m_transformTrain.emit_constraint                  = new EmitConstraint(true);
            m_transformTrain.emit_constraint.emit_type        = EmitConstraint.EmitType.CENTER;

            // Create the transformer for Testing.
            m_transformTest             = new TransformationParameter();
            m_transformTest.color_order = TransformationParameter.COLOR_ORDER.BGR; // to support caffe models.
            m_transformTest.resize_param             = new ResizeParameter(true);
            m_transformTest.resize_param.prob        = 1;
            m_transformTest.resize_param.resize_mode = ResizeParameter.ResizeMode.WARP;
            m_transformTest.resize_param.height      = (uint)m_nResizeHeight;
            m_transformTest.resize_param.width       = (uint)m_nResizeWidth;

            // Create the batch samplers.
            BatchSampler sampler = createSampler(1, 1);


            sampler = createSampler(50, 1, 0.3f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f, 0.1f);

            sampler = createSampler(50, 1, 0.3f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f, 0.3f);

            sampler = createSampler(50, 1, 0.3f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f, 0.5f);

            sampler = createSampler(50, 1, 0.3f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f, 0.7f);

            sampler = createSampler(50, 1, 0.3f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f, 0.9f);

            sampler = createSampler(50, 1, 0.3f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f, null, 1.0f);

            // Create the Multi-box parameters.
            m_multiBoxLossLayer = new LayerParameter(LayerParameter.LayerType.MULTIBOX_LOSS);
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.loc_loss_type          = MultiBoxLossParameter.LocLossType.SMOOTH_L1;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.conf_loss_type         = MultiBoxLossParameter.ConfLossType.SOFTMAX;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.neg_pos_ratio          = (float)m_dfNegPosRatio;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.num_classes            = (uint)m_nNumClasses;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.loc_weight             = (float)m_dfLocWeight;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.share_location         = m_bShareLocation;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.match_type             = MultiBoxLossParameter.MatchType.PER_PREDICTION;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.overlap_threshold      = 0.5f;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.use_prior_for_matching = true;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.background_label_id    = (uint)m_nBackgroundLabelId;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.use_difficult_gt       = true;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.mining_type            = MultiBoxLossParameter.MiningType.MAX_NEGATIVE;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.neg_overlap            = 0.5f;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.code_type = PriorBoxParameter.CodeType.CENTER_SIZE;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.ignore_cross_boundary_bbox = false;
            m_multiBoxLossLayer.loss_param.normalization = m_normalizationMode;

            if (m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.code_type == PriorBoxParameter.CodeType.CENTER_SIZE)
                m_rgPriorVariance = new List <float>()
                    0.1f, 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.2f
                m_rgPriorVariance = new List <float>()

            // Create the Detection Output parameters.
            m_detectionOut                                      = new DetectionOutputParameter();
            m_detectionOut.num_classes                          = (uint)m_nNumClasses;
            m_detectionOut.share_location                       = m_bShareLocation;
            m_detectionOut.background_label_id                  = m_nBackgroundLabelId;
            m_detectionOut.nms_param                            = new NonMaximumSuppressionParameter(true);
            m_detectionOut.nms_param.nms_threshold              = 0.45f;
            m_detectionOut.nms_param.top_k                      = 400;
            m_detectionOut.save_output_param                    = new SaveOutputParameter(true);
            m_detectionOut.save_output_param.output_directory   = m_strBaseDir + "\\results";
            m_detectionOut.save_output_param.output_name_prefix = "comp4_det_test_";
            m_detectionOut.save_output_param.label_map_file     = getFileName(m_strLabelMapFile, null);
            m_detectionOut.save_output_param.name_size_file     = getFileName(m_strNameSizeFile, null);
            m_detectionOut.save_output_param.num_test_image     = (uint)m_nNumTestImage;
            m_detectionOut.keep_top_k                           = 200;
            m_detectionOut.confidence_threshold                 = 0.01f;
            m_detectionOut.code_type                            = m_multiBoxLossLayer.multiboxloss_param.code_type;

            // Create the Detection Evaluation parameters.
            m_detectionEval                      = new DetectionEvaluateParameter();
            m_detectionEval.num_classes          = (uint)m_nNumClasses;
            m_detectionEval.background_label_id  = (uint)m_nBackgroundLabelId;
            m_detectionEval.overlap_threshold    = 0.5f;
            m_detectionEval.evaulte_difficult_gt = false;
            m_detectionEval.name_size_file       = getFileName(m_strNameSizeFile, null);

            // Setup the MultiBox head layer info.
            // conv4_3 ==> 38 x 38
            // fc7     ==> 19 x 19
            // conv6_2 ==> 10 x 10
            // conv7_2 ==>  5 x 5
            // conv8_2 ==>  3 x 3
            // conv9_2 ==>  1 x 1
            List <string> rgstrMboxSourceLayers = new List <string>()
                "conv4_3", "fc7", "conv6_2", "conv7_2", "conv8_2", "conv9_2"
            List <double> rgAspectWid = new List <double>()
                2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
            List <double> rgAspectHt = new List <double>()
                2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2
            // L2 normalize conv4_3
            List <double> rgNormalization = new List <double>()
                20, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
            List <double> rgStepsW = new List <double>()
                8, 16, 32, 64, 100, 300
            List <double> rgStepsH = new List <double>()
                8, 16, 32, 64, 100, 300
            int nMinDim = 300;
            // in percent %
            double        dfMinRatio  = 20;
            double        dfMaxRatio  = 90;
            double        dfRatioStep = (int)Math.Floor((dfMaxRatio - dfMinRatio) / (rgstrMboxSourceLayers.Count - 2));
            List <double> rgMinSizes  = new List <double>();
            List <double> rgMaxSizes  = new List <double>();

            for (double dfRatio = dfMinRatio; dfRatio < dfMaxRatio + 1; dfRatio += dfRatioStep)
                rgMinSizes.Add(nMinDim * dfRatio / 100.0);
                rgMaxSizes.Add(nMinDim * (dfRatio + dfRatioStep) / 100.0);

            rgMinSizes.Insert(0, nMinDim * 10 / 100.0);
            rgMaxSizes.Insert(0, nMinDim * 20 / 100.0);

            m_rgMultiBoxInfo = new List <MultiBoxHeadInfo>();

            for (int i = 0; i < rgstrMboxSourceLayers.Count; i++)
                string strSrc    = rgstrMboxSourceLayers[i];
                double dfMinSize = rgMinSizes[i];
                double dfMaxSize = rgMaxSizes[i];
                double dfStepW   = rgStepsW[i];
                double dfStepH   = rgStepsH[i];
                double dfAspectW = rgAspectWid[i];
                double dfAspectH = rgAspectHt[i];
                double dfNorm    = rgNormalization[i];

                m_rgMultiBoxInfo.Add(new MultiBoxHeadInfo(strSrc, dfMinSize, dfMaxSize, dfStepW, dfStepH, dfAspectW, dfAspectH, dfNorm, null));