コード例 #1
        private void Integrate()
            var OldTransform   = BuiltTransform;
            var OldAccumulated = Accumulated;

            BuiltTransform = Local;

            if (0 != Depth)
                BuiltTransform            *= Outer.BuiltTransform;
                Accumulated                = Outer.Accumulated;
                Accumulated.translation.X += Mult(Accumulated.scale, Local.translation.X);
                Accumulated.translation.Y += Mult(Accumulated.scale, Local.translation.Y);
                Accumulated.translation.Z += Mult(Accumulated.scale, Local.translation.Z);
                Accumulated.scale         *= Local.scale;
                Accumulated.rotation      += Local.rotation;
                //BuiltTransform = Accumulated;

            LocalCached = Local;

            ExplicitlyDirty = false;

            // when the transform actually changed all immediate children need to be marked explicitly.
            if (OldTransform != BuiltTransform || OldAccumulated != Accumulated)
                GeoNode Current;
                uint    Pos;
                for (Pos = NumImmediate, Current = LastChild; 0 != Pos; Current = Current.Sibling, --Pos)
                    Current.ExplicitlyDirty = true;
コード例 #2
        public GeoNode(GeoParent Parent) : base(EnsureParentGetRoot(Parent))
            this.BuiltTransform = Transform.Identity;
            this.Local          = TransformI.Identity;
            this.LocalCached    = TransformI.Identity;

            this.Outer = (Root == Parent) ? this : (GeoNode)Parent;
            this.Depth = this.Outer == this ? 0u : (this.Outer.Depth + 1u);

            if (0 == this.Root.Num++)
                this.Next = this;
                this.Next           = this.Root.Last.Next;
                this.Root.Last.Next = this;
            this.Root.Last = this;

            if (0 == (this.ChildIndex = Parent.NumImmediate++))
                this.Sibling = this;
                this.Sibling             = Parent.LastChild.Sibling;
                Parent.LastChild.Sibling = this;
            Parent.LastChild = this;

            this.ID = this.Root.IDCounter++;
            this.ExplicitlyDirty = 0 != Depth;
コード例 #3
 public void BuildTransform(out TransformI Transform, bool SkipCheck = false)
     if (!SkipCheck)
     Transform = Accumulated;